HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 66
'in EURO! SIO111Le. FRIDAY. MAY 10,
la w CT>pu VWTIWelt QUALM _ r.n.ervn,`.
DI A._ase , I -IUQ1n yr Wi1,us.,;,'p
.d, 7
Th. seeaatr et *eves emits lee•sptsea-
Mr Aerosolise Reek, are hle trig Wale
stain., from the fares, with Ili
trws.t, Aegean embtella, k.r• teethe►
Vibe wears•. 1111•411••m ko uses m ie1•a
shoulder -bog mad sewer l traysNsg oat'
t s omples.s, was tramhtad sub a gads.
as. eeMsen r letwentine. .1 e....waesee of whack tiara, the farm
Flwrttaew, M.y d -Tred5 the ssmm • hated, driving the old hams slowly along
"dello" the lets l .d blas• to the eeerlastseg dream of "Way Duwn
!last taaaar7 •si airvwW t•st.vYsses epos the Semmes Riess," wee quite en-
leentesm d with w die•pp•eeotrof tress Lek noose. Nr £.A. Rue►
'-••sed that t►e i.r.rer'. wore, Mie
Candies' Aurid. Wok, W looked sad
wawa she ab•+ok Made with kite He
lead aertatoly limed violently with the
L 8. Gurney, New Yerk.be4y Msetf$.4. 0, who had iumr over to her breams
Jots IL k.U.y. Cbieye, Mph Liana & awe the •tease se help her sister -iii -law,
Peelle Railway, Chicago, body i4mt11ed. !who wee troubled iit1 boarders, amid
L 'sedan %Lew ..odea'. P..kskW, they had W • merry time :..d now he
N.Y., relics (eaad 1, she wreck •.d Ideate- awes off, and she was left behind t., break
fed as his. !her heart, if she ohne 1u do we. She
Capt. L L Butler, County hams a.s was pretty rid; • bricht girl, a lady
Imar mai
owner missing.a like girl Not a feehiosable girl of
iaheteltswisg ere do.Ltism Ifs Ileums el aha
Madan of Ike l.oH•-
eot•ble ...eat 1 Bn
v, Apr* 28, at the Jas.N.s Cut :
ISA ph J. Iid.rer, Cbhye, body Hwa
K. A. Yekaru 318 lireadw• )New !course, or owe that Nn Hash would
Teel, relies found the wreak idmtb Ji•k asitable for "her woe .* it uMua'
bed as his. ,A girl who oould keep home, .,.d du
C. G. Freese, ase.ogrspk r, Tomato, many things with her capable Lauds,
watch fogad in Ms wreak its% east ted as but not stylish like girls ut hue set.
kis j "I couldn't marry kir," he had mid to
Fled Duthie rod *ifs, Kent•e Clty, ,kimaelf. But he had also said : "She le
Ita°swi.o on . to bate basthe frau .ad noMeier w ,a great deal r thamatey girls I
Myr. Chimp. baggage .acl.itn.4- eoa'd marry."
Mrs. Beath and two young daughters me N' w he was wbiaainR away armed
adres.t, .uyLim.x1 long curves and through lung tunnels ;
M,. R lea, 7e1 lt'aat Lke-.Uwt, past stretches of water and the skirts of
Magri), body identified. idark woods ; past towns that stood lake
J. 8. Bali, mum,'mercbaot, Kaskakm,'little toy villages jest out of their chip
N., body identified_ ib.,zes, in alms clusters, upon hill -tops
Dan Ferguson, joiner, Boston, Mama, and in low rale,., thinking of the curly
baMage unclaimed. her and black eyes, and conning little
Harry Prowl*. ('hic..go, kn..wn to ave chin, with a dimple in it ; sod of the
him oe the train and atrmiog. I*roe,tri.n, pink muslin dress bolted in
Barry Everts, "little giant orator" Fares 6, uiedy et the .w*ut ; and of then
pwgh's show, knows to have been n the inks she were use own 10 het
train, cards found in the wreck, and Ile AFr pHs had ons now in his pusses
new miming.
B. 1. Oviatt, medical studest,New Yak Item*. She had pinned it in his Luttou
body and relics identified. M�
Jim Was be, after making sue!, lure too her,
Ontaliet L iMfd- reatty going away t Perhaps her heart
Aa will be seem from the above Int rivet' would break ,and he should hear nezt year
d the victims have been identified spd that she had gone into • decline cud fad -
thirteen sernaio unidentified leis thought ed away. He found the tears in hs
that the Mn- Rmitb wh,re name appears eyes. Or she might live, and change
00 some onclsimed L.ggags had two y•ung into • sour, disappointed old maid,
da*ghgn with bar. ant nu one bas arrived which would be wrens. And his fault --
yet to look fur the bodies, nor hastherebss.hia !
, He was
my inquiry for missing children.going home with the de
Vne of the bodies, the .saw of which tb•bento purpose of "Griot: himself to
doctors could not determine, haw boletuses* Celestine Aubrey, the great heir -
found to I.e that of a emu from the remains Ossa Jid he admire her ' Nu. Did he
of the Lowe' and 0.. pad of the mat, under love her ! Nu, no, no !
the sleeve. ! She was stylish -she would be a very
The relatives of J. L ('urnkk of Chicago handsome matron at the head of his
object to the removal of any bodies unless mble ; but his posution was what she
idntificatkw is eertam. eywish to valued. The match would suit both
hey. there interred here and • moue erected families.
in memory .f the u,,u,h, abed. "Fifteen minutes for lunch !" cried
A. yet there have Leen se arrangements the brakemsu, as the car legs, to slow
nude for a public burial. The remains will
keep for a long time, owing to their burned 'Ip near • suuou-I'or6 hamio=pan.
oosdition, and „don u there w any point. Fifteen mioutei for lunch ; sod glad to
biity of identification they will h. kept. u.oee from the seat beside +. , old lady
The coitus and all expanses in connection •hose beloved grandchild, s. ming on her
with the bodies are at the cost of the Grand knee, had gone through all tn. oranges.
Trunk. The company is also fitting op the bananas, mined candy, caramels, and
wounded "regardles.," including silk hats. zinger -shape that had been carried
lar. remenieoos Is stn •Nie. !for sale through the oar, and shrieked
Nsw yoga, may S.-1 out. f nitbrement, and kicked in the interval', as only a
who, it was alleged, was killed in the dews bald with an indulgent grandmother
ter was found by • reporter sitting at hie dares to shriek and kick,Auguatus seized
desk to kis office, No, L' John -street pester- hue umbrella and tourist's bag from the
day afternoon, and he seemed considerably rest overhead, and darted oat of the car.
annoyed by the notoriety the rumor had oc• However, the "refreshments" did not
cesioned- Mr. Conde -nowt is the agent of refresh him. His conscience was too
the iI*bois Watch ('awe ''ump.D,, and Ile sore. He thought of poor Caroline
said that he had learned that ti,. rumor had Rock weeping alone at Chestnut Chump.
originated through a.weber of the [trot of He thought of her lonely future and a(
Y. W. Ellis & Co. of Toronto, who had hu own lingering agony n( remorse, and
found •sample use in the ruin, by the sudden) an heroic edoccurred to him.
aide of the charred and unrecognizable re -
mates of one of the vi...lima of the diwster,1 • •sold go back and sacribce himself,
and u he IMr. ('umbrem..ntl, had writtenlbrave his mother's auger, the shock to
to P. \t. Ellis 4 Co. his intention of visit -this friends, lose the heiress, and settle
ing'h ionto about tint time, it was cos -'down on his own tolerably comfortable
eluded tffat he was one of the victims, awed income, in some cottage ornee, with his
that it was his body that 6.d been die- simple Caroline. fie was quite oun-
coterr1, se sus of the great •acri6ce he made of
■empht: Agates limb igre Celebrates. himself, of the tremendous nobility of
Mtttrrat., May 4. -Receipt. of cotton at hu conduct, but he made up his mind to
Memphis noes reptasgraume 700,201''° i "
bales Tina exose..l. by 36,923 was the! Going to the ticket office, he bought a
estate receipts for 1*y anusear. The ticket for Chestnut Chump. and leaving
crumble of the ;1)0,0(11) line was the oocasion'his trunk to go its way toward Now
of a big jollification by members of the Ex- Y irk, he turned hack upon his steps to
change this fon noon. 'The blackboards oa.r himself to Caroline, who would, he
were elaborately decks. 1 with blue ribbons felt quite sure, be lifted to the seventh
.ad champagne flowed as ire -ly as water -'heaven of happiness by his condewcon-
Memphu is not ou'y the largest interior „inn,
cots„:t receiving city in the world. but is the It did not take Long to reach the st.-
second largest ret.eiver of spot cottons, being tion, and after •dusty walk, he found
only AU Tared by New Orleans. the re -
eeipL for the year eudi:a -lug- 31 will ap himself sues men at the (arm. There
eeipL.proxi',lit ye. a d •:... sere the babies, crying. There were
she chickens going solemnly up the
sen fanged by rrau's emelt notched sticks that led to the hen most.
Anoka, Minn.. May O --A run on the There were the cows waiting at the gate
Anoka National liana. occurred yesterday- to be milked. There was the farmer,
,1.4 s. thin $90,IRNt t, , drawn out, and and there was the farmer's man, but
tLe 1 ..nk had over $100,tuif to meet when was Caroline Not dead of grief
it. '11. money was drawn out by already ' that would be foxy sudden.
Tb -farm.u. utusuplosmin en oepleondue�wtith Perhaps only a little ill.
valent sine. the Pratt ou beck cried ite!r R..ck.
ensloo .!e,uent and rumors of the closing out
Iruicky feeling pre `µ hy, what's happened 1 I arse you
of the .'.noki Inrnlw bnaness. r*ught the train. Was there a eolhsion ?
-- i remember • cohision on the road four
sw.lama es the Me.s years air o last July ; fourteen wounded
Ln.°n•t, May :,,- lhtring the leu week and the engineer killed. i was • com-
sat the Mock Exchange I.usiness wsa restrict•;lig over the hill is my waggle and met
ed but the tone was Lem The English rail• 4m+th. says smith, says he :-'l hear
way boom was do, ke.: by reali,ations. The
arivan.-e in Ameri.an railroad securities then'. a twh-ul-
stea.iily continncs, dsaliogs being largely Here Le looked over his shoolder-he
tbrsee of int estors. ,was talking to empty air. Mr Auqus-
ltu.u.esa at the continental toune• der• 4t4 1{ush eau linnet He heti asked
iog the past week Mae yu.oet ''the help" where Miss Caroline w&B,.nd
had been told that she was "In the
The 0Iwsk Strike- moulds beyent." Thither be proceeded,
Doi urn, %lay 4. at noon to -day the and after several whistles awed cries,
striking coal handlers endeavored to maim which had been •greed upon as nut ba-
the strn stop work on 11.e steamers at the
hear signals during the flirutum, he ob
coal doxks in the harbor. A .,luwij nl ained •• roe nse. Caroline Hoek •
twenty police were in ambush and dashes't Vo p
link°at against the strikers, driving them off ;'eat"d with very red eyes, and an ea -
s sheep. Thu men on the vessels con- priomon of great astonishment upon her
ti.ued w work. countenance
"You bs.en'tcome back, Mr Rosh I"
rA a meas ist looms. elle ejaculated.
Paine, May 3. - iu the ;eoond hallnq for
And he answered
ON members of the St. lin Municipal And ('ar..lise, myheart would nM
g .t eminent t -day %i 11. i'r. were
el r, l.aguerre, let me o. I am come trek again -back
Ysquct sent i)s Roulade were elected. R g
to tell you how 1 Inc. you. How --
gen Overto ere Hen words failed him, and he lidded:
dervoty ('rte, May 4 -1 harks Knepp, "You know, all that sort of thine. No,
aged 12, while ramping tum hie father's 1 couldn't leave you. Will you marry
ear.■l l,.,:at to a tug at the foot of Warhing• at., Caroline! 1 cha'n't Dare what sea
ton -street this evening 1.11 overboard and says. or if my eonsins dent like it Loire
was drowned. ie everything, my Caroline, isn't it I"
"I.assneat of • ae.b a lesetbtr. Ne was no post, but he was tory much
.iAea•aoN, Mies_ Slay t- Nana Thorny,-
in earnest •t the moment, end toughed,
Son, daughter of Bishop Haab Miller Gat• by the thought that ha should dry
Thompson, eloped lest evisg HMI,
Y YI - those Inn which gull wet her
Hews of l hian% _limywelu�llloi .t "peeks at the tha»ghf of kis de.ertiu.,
t'aire to -day. , "Did you think I would leave yoe,
*Caroline r
a.nMvedt.M•Moreau 1 At this Caroli,* Amends Rook bogie
Owitr S..ros, May It--'t.sterday were" 10 sob afresh. Aho sal down oo • meek
leg the tray of a mew born 1•1"..,„*" and pet her ►and!
nw the gait hill of Use www.,. ,.you hose 1 Ind to her *yea
app.ar,anss *Witt
ls • ei..r els. af twmdsc. 'mid �. you
An inquest . Yl be held. asrctli.m r' he malted.
Re i ac,+d the• eh* would reply
' Oh, se ; I newer dream. 11.''
Her .ewer .ss a diflele.l oat. 1t
"t•; I ka.w 1t"
yaw tkrwshi-" began Aires -
1 tsuught yee'4 Uel over it,"
tlM4 �eeiaa 'I meet sawn help Inut-
ile • ales. fila Beastly ,oe ..a hese
M Wadley boarders, ami tea harm. flet
Po. Mgrs esdki•a it. I toil yea Sister -
Meshy NMI ought to be ashamed of my-
lelf. Aad 4►ij•► has heard of st, sed 'mia-
sma. Be manta imp.es.d different of mo
Aad now, if I've hurt yam teas..
Iso--" She hope to sty .Rein. "I
might W have told yea, oho gobbed,
"1 M I we. •gaged to /Allah Becket
H.'s pea..bits� ever at Bridgetown. lies
going to he .all.d these, and as meg as
he's settled well he marrisd, I thouy(bt
some one w..ald telt yea It'. potty
g.s.rell, known."
"No ; ee oats t..14 mo," said Augustus.
"Aad so yo, are bound to this formai
1itssshee whom yule massa .lure r
"Why, what a poste r .tied Gerota•
etem.d•. in great and sudden wrath.
"Nut sedate Abljeh ! Why, 1 est all
the world by him. His jest as good -
and he's worth t• ut yoe-sed head -
soma I'm n:.1 the ody!irl he could
have had, I mean you Not .Ware
a bi ! What do yoe meta r
•I tbmaght that was what you meant,"
said Aegestse, s.lkily ; "het, under the
the eirsatestatoes, I bad batter go, t sup -
"Tee, perhaps you hue," .ail Caroline.
"I'. mare I'm sorry you ever same to
make molt • fool of myself, and almost
lose the chance of being • minister's
wife, wide from the matter of feeling.
It's • position everybody can't have.
However, I'm sorry if I've hurt your
"Oh, no," replied Augusta., "Dot at
•11. "
H• longed to let Caroline Amanda
know the tact that be had turned back,
after much self communion, out of the
noblest sentiment and in pity for her
grief, butIbe saw no way to du IL
All he could do was to trudge along
the dusty road again, and follow his
trunk to the city, aware at last of the
fact that he had had • good deal of .are
kr himself in that turning back, sod
that Caroline Amanda was prettier than
be tboogbt her.
A few months afterward., when she
was the Rev A. Becket a wife, Caroline
Arnaud. reed the notices of Mr Augustus
Rush's fashionable wedding. The bride,
Miss Celestine Aubrey, was described as
"lovely," and Ler satin, pearls goal lacer
as magnificent
''I'm very glad that poor young man
has married," she said to herself, with a
little contented sigh. "I really thought
that I had broken his heart, be was so
very fond of me."
Meanwhile Augustus was rejoicing
that the qualm of conscience which had
so effectually mastered him had bad no
more serious result..
• awesm Iteefea •
Te' Ilk•' islet ,whet el/111,11er'e
▪ 6aeo ..tsseernieg the matters I
sheat to be m. M'- ued; bet whether 1
they he so re sat they maw flaw • .Ming
of "40.'i." jest for the Neuf it:
Dust weer as .vesi.g dries to • east
attareoua reoepties; dos't go wishe.t •
hat or a beanie.
Dual offer to shake heads when a
emeqs M iatredeeed to yea, sod duet
ttfittk it •emos,sry to do so whoa b. says
good -by salon he brat sates&. his.
Don't tool it •-rias• y to hew to a
man moa have suet at a ball ur party
afterwards mime yea treat to matinee
the emlesist••ee.
Dee write, emegt whim it *moot be
avoided, te steam Make all yowr notes
a.ksewl.deiag oonrtewes, eta, shot•
.•4 to the point
Don't home that you do nM read the
n owp•pers, as nutty girls do nowadays
Dunt thank it nessesaty to read all
that the daily or meekly immoral* mutate.
.Ueaj aeet.ante.
A healthy human body has strong
powers of resistance agaiust disease, but
where weakness or lack of tone exists
disease quickly assails it Keep the sys-
tem clean, the blood pun and the vital
powers vigorous and active by the •se
of Burdock Blood Bitten, the true vital-
izer and restorative .'
prem NMI M lane.
!fishermen sad miners i. Neva S.otia,
meebs.tes and farmers are Asario .ed
Qaebes,►ue tors and trsppsn to the Tey
ramie*. sad gold mints is Beulah
Culletebis, ase and praise Nagysrd's
Yellow Oil, the great letterset and n-
ternsl remedy for all pato. It tares
rke,twtste, se)trslgia, ours throat sed
croup, and to the minium ut Unm-
ated*. it
A Idiw•aa-Ot sae tarme '.name
ler" to mtuy fee seeding the bast tem bis
eawe ''TIAiattar, ' ih. tem•skabie
fur the Teeth wad Rau.- Ask
..r drawees or wit a.
A 1.e .oaths age Mr Hseekie,,
Mteker, meowed to Metes from Dake.ts,
este" to kis wife's beim' is delicate
health, but Ike .image, •uforte.ately,
did no good, as •he w.• in onesemptl.•w,
awed aot'tiused tatlbmr, f!Cusd ha.&
ministered to keg wants, bet the A.et of
sate meld not sere; het, .a4 oe Thursday
moteisg she passed pseosfelly away
She was (,mmerl, • Moe Houma, of
Byfield, and leaves one child
The herniae of Robt Doggies.' tan-
nery at Teeswater last weal will be
a serious I. es to hits. The total
lova OO budding, stock and ma-
chinery is estimated .t $6 000, mid
the assurance on the place had D..t
long sines res out, Mr Douglass think-
ing it advisable to watt the completion
of the new waterworks and thereby se
core a better rate. Fortunately 51.800
worth of leather bad bees shipped about
• weak ago, so that then was very lett.
etimpleted stook ow hoed. The awes is
the vats. it to expiated, will borne out •II
tight Then was moms leather and oil
e ased, probetoty about *400 worth. Al
though the citizens labored had with the
appliances at hand (pails), their efforts
were of no avail to stop the ravage. of
the Games- Then is no doubt. i.ow-
ever, that with proper fire protection the
greater part of the buddies could have
been saved. Mr A. F. Turnhull war
knocked down with a ladder and severe
ly hurt •boot the breast, and several
other of the citizen. were slightly hurt
by falling timbers, brick, etc. Mr
Douglas, nothing daunted, is off to
Wingham In we about getting the tan
nary then to finish his Temwater stock
at present to the vat.,
Skokie" carpets.
It is • much better plan, when it can
he afforded, to have the Carpets taken
sway and cleansed by • carpet cleanser,
who has the room and all the facilities
for the" kind of work, than to attempt it
at beme,where the proper tools are want-
ing. To be sure, where there are many'
carpets to be reaused it would be ex-
pensive having then: all dune out, there-
fore it might be beat to send the beau lest
O gee to the clsattrt' , lad the net might
be dune at humeh
When takirq 'lip the carpets, be sore
that all the tack* have been removed
from them, for it isn't pleasaut to have
the point of a rusty tack run into the
hands, sod aside tram the pain of .aueh
a wound tt Las also its danwerous side.
Very often, as in the mseof thick, heavy
carpets, the tacks will not came out until
the carpet is taken bp, and then remain •
embedded in it, and it is this kind that
ought to Le carefully removed, as they
are generally rusty. Take out the carpet
in a as large • space outside as you Ceti ;
n hold is the b
I an pe eat. F taco the
wnoleu and cotton carpets across two
strong lints, the'wrong side out. Have
two switches or rattans about as thick u
I as thus* formerly used in schools, and
with theseeLeat the carpet free of all
dust. it is always best to have two peo-
ple beating at 'inc., each one having a
switch : but it only ouw person is enyag
ed in toe work,, when he cannot as a
switch in each hand one will have to do
it. Never use a staight stick, broom-`
handle, or anythiog that will not bend
to beat a carpet, for if the carpet is old,
it will soon wear le hole through it.
When it has been thoroughly beaten,
remove from the line and shake well ;
then, if convenient, lay it right side up
on the grans and wive at • gocd sweeping
t%'here gram is not to be found, it may
be taken in after shaking, and when ,
down be given • wood sweeping.
Brussel,, tapestries and any of the
heavy grades of carpeting cann,.t be
dons properly on • line, but ou,bt to be
spread nut on the grass nght side op
and thoroughly switched, then with a
stiff bream swept, until •11 the dust is
removed. Renting these carpets no the
wrong side will have very little efect,and
to cleanse the thor+n•thly they must
always be switched on the right.
When putting down the carpets.
Change them about so the wear does not
all come in a few places. Stair carpet
may be made to haat fors longer time
than ordinarily if it is changed *boat
each sprung, alert if the edges of the stain
• e heavily padded each time, ae it is
in them places it wean oat gaieker than
anywhere' else. Put plenty of salt
around the edges of the carpets before
puffin/ down, to prevent the ravages of
moths When the catmint are lined to
the reetne mid smelted in pleat, tattle 011
*11 the grease spots by rubbing with •
Mansel wet is ammonia water, after-
ward when ,ateoved robbing the spot
with a *Ian sloth matt nearly dry.
Some spots, being obstinate, will re-
quire more ••tmoeia that' others, aloe
mane rebid*.
mere imam* May be taperer&
if you do not heed the warnings of net-
ters and at Inca pay attention to the
maintainance of your health. How often
we see • person put off from day to day
the purchase of • medicine which if pro-
cured at the redstart of a disease would
have remedied It almost iumediately
Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had
been taken when Ibe first onessine s
made its appearance the illness would
have been "nipped 1.1 the bud." John-
son's Tonic Bitters and Liter Pills are
decidedly the best medicine on the mar-
ket for general tonic and invigorating
properties. Pills 25c. nor bottle. Bitten
50 cents and 11 per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
ageoL -tat
It is estimated that three-fourths of
the women of leisure in New York and
Brooklyn are interested in mind curo,
Christian sctence or faith healing. The
number of teachers in both cities is phe-
nomenally large.and all have full claims.
The pupils ars invariably women, while
the teachers are boti. sten and women.
The popularity of the mind cure 1. amaz
ing to those who ere outsiders and not
aequ.nted with the subject.
The Empire style of dress -round
waists. full sleeves and slightly draped
skirt-l:u not lost its popularity,
F I1I4M AI :1.1L' .- n'11:1.1 TORT Lab
IN„dl --r.1 M r•a.l en tete
r-nt,n.O .�gn+r•. to each .hidrs
t,, .:a.wh.•r •,r cr..k-.wee le
. tunily - who will try the
gsusllaals's guise hw:a
t et the rad ere:, troy:, the
laces en.l reed it in a latter
atnt;ng honest opinion O'er
fair trial. Either • 6, IO or 26
Deet ore will serum the ;rift
Any Emcee or storekeeper
know. where togrt it :tasked
for by you.-Attest►--
$441.1pi yl
.A., MK etHaraP Yd Aa lleism diol. The
isle U.S. latematimel Medal ever award.
e a
; ales Medal
and Maasssa se 5. C ealal sad bedlamhehibttio.. I.ossubiaea•IJP . 1011. with the
foliated by Ste Aram? lte
Mee QUINNwIh $ 1F
supreme imelt
dlo.t+wtedd Catalogue, prima and tone .
tt hen I r:, 'Ate i do not area merely M
stop them for ., feet', And torn h&c.. tI' 'is return
agitn. 1 or.v A 1: UPI' AI. CURE
I hire made the Amite. of
A Ilfe long .Meal) 1 WARRANT my remedy to
( t• R R 1I,e whet rave.. Ile.as«• onion/save W led
lo reaves for not now meriting • cure. need
stone, few a treat Ise and a rare arm., et_ my
INVALtini.r new PDT (:Iva Pxpreesand at
Other 11 meta yew nothing for l Irt*1. It
will cure rat Address S aQ.� i00?y_---
Hranch ice. 104 wrest od.laldo w..wy
L►GB8 (Battled)
Idabs Wads -aa.,
. wesreeembee•
ret give Tones
Fut soar 8'. ,Mrs we have seed Has-
yerd'e Ye'1..w (AI in oar fossil tool
meek, sad suMa, hares esti sten
sad see ez oreimtes. is A as
t e4 M
Ise would evegiesM4
bey p.,w„u•' Mn P Sa.dersos;Bsu
womb, Oat.
H46..aaII.'rO g,.1..
HMI BROS., Proprietor:
Meats of all kinds, fresh and
curd, kept constantly on hand -
Orders delivered to all parts of the
Telephonic ; comn►unication t
fill pointer.
Customers ma depend on good
satisfaction in every particular.
wasmsoam. 11.11111 ONUOION er . t'o00wne
IKON" m to sr rw.t00005 aVF
V70L1v.: O 7DIClf;.
Are -'rsema'to t -ba Contain their awe
Pool .•: a I t • sea, r: o, rel sate cr.a)
bemwy.e of weer la C•-. aY-.a or adonis.
has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Pluahee, Flow
ere, Ribbons, and every other line for the embeliahment of
Bate, Bonnets, and every other article in her• Milli-
nery Department, which she is selling low.
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dreeeing Case will be give
to every purchaser of a hat valved at $2 or over, and
the Oat will be awarded on July let.
Has .ow received her Spring Stock of the
Lt7xsr ixx WAS 7S7 YLE
And is prepared tog. VP her many lady ••uwomers the Asan city Kyles at town rata
Owing to the fart +hat hrr business has kept on increasing. there bee not been an opo
fealty to prepare for a formal .print; openin,r.
AMI are invited to examine to/stay...! y:e, and i'rices.
Idly Cosine& ECCe1TEd Duirl the Buy 3easo
81 W5O00iB, -corner of Ratndte.mill 1New'ate-u. of the d,wre.
Has opened out a large and well assorted stock of the latest Styles i
Where you will final the Newest Styles of Bonnett, Hats and Trii
ruing`. Ladies please call awl inspect.
Nor, h•At. second door off 'q ua rut
Has returned from Toronto where she has leen making ner Sel
tions in
The Brightest and Best and the Latest
Novelty and Style Can be seen
at her Shou' Rooms.
A thorough inspection of goods and prices in cordially invited
all caller. at
97 -
West Stree
CEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the butt of
valve in all linen of Furniture -from the smallest chlor
to the largest and b tet bed -room set, or parlor suite.
Call and see his stock and get atNrgain-
ERT- - 'TT r
la all its branches,? k
EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand.
PICTURE FRAMING a specialty.
010. BASET, Hamilton -9t. ,
siempseapoiern Wool
• aet•mis of Newsy 1
lemeeed sssieas�
tia.kop ()Caesar was ea
o. W.dee.day.
I'keraday wee arbor d.
'wince of Manitoba
••mmh�ou carps.
no defence fwd for
ammo to over Slt,0
It beetled that Sir Jolt
tit Ihsgl•ed this tnasth-
Halifax is .:cited ever
Um el the Sheers IJe. 1
Roam 0t5 )M.kop
et Haat a .r e
lir- A. W. Rest Ill,
Europe frets New Yee* so
Ipeves bodies el 4 p4 i
u Montreal wilhir
Johan. McLeod, ors el
died W eda..4ay
PWVIpa and Msh away d
beat at Mustrest
Governor ihkelts mann
British Columbia last
timbres' Ihuseem wee
dress by esmpatrime
The N. P. it Meaitob•
!i W. railway synth. ma
1;tllotte, the IP/Maiprg
we for trial Will being rs
1 t is reporeed is W iniops
I 'sourer Juin' resign•ti.
N. W. T eeholug, Q. C.
we the h•te•oiet of the
edge Degas has takes
damages, agbisst
Gougiia, Y. P., who
down with diphtheria,
eir John while in Eng
with the eleliabary Goverea
1,0 Cataldi• says it looks
��! tic outlaw, . was e
u aagsrw Kiel.
T1. Manager of the Mont
W hew favored with as .
rim Gabriel Dumont.
John A. Murray, • tailor
is ..w to be .mon
the Hamilton disaster.
The vote at Plantagenet
granola( • beam of 118,000
railway was favorable.
eunk•tehewae half.bre.d:
for ps toast of claims ariain!
stirred during the rebellion.
(;read Heater It. T. W
Kinglike, was bon twitted
nativity az London Thread
The charge of emberaleme
Bey, the l:.dph murderer, I
netely adioorned-
('eL McMillan is again a
probable mac for the provi
skip of Manitoba.
it appears that B.gnoll
haemo found deed eal'
r ,
Wetly shot himself.
I:eneral Sir John Rosa, 1
seamier in -chief of the In.
• mead•, is visiting the Gov,.
• a IL
The verliet of the Hauilt
$4,1 NO to Miss Harrell for bol
.111 be •prettied against by
\Ir. George B. Pelham, ap
t-, of NYork, wbu sup
rection of the GovernmentGovernment• •ttawst, diewed sadden!, oo Tl
The Chinaman afflicted wit
In O
was recently put off tin ('a
rutlway at Brandon has ban
the hogenee11
11110131 epo
I )(mild ll ore ies'friends rr
..ttempt to rescue him, the
-herbruobe gad banshees d
The President of the Mont
Company les hewed a cereals
folders ie relss•a to the
theLeat gwrterly divided
The inquest on the dispute
tion cut is being 00014 awed
The Oatsrio Gamesmen offs
,procuring expert evidence.
A Cempwberr Atavism
A resident of this city wit!
ledge of the weaknese of hum
stevi.ed and put on the marks
savings bank which holds its
• hey reach • stipulated � &�,moot
14 shaped like a Saratoga
.tyle. are made, olio for cents, e
sone., and • third for dimea
the tirst coin 1. deposited, is lc
hundredth coin is pushed thro
and &Beach coin enters it regista
A roan who terve a dime bank
dimes into it if he wants too
r.ickle hank can he opened onl
tains $5. The banks are ati
suckle plated caatiron. and th
vice is unpickable, beianse aft
the keyhole u taken indoors.
the right amount of coins wil
when the hundredth coin et
spew automatically -New Y.
What • Wens..'a war
A woman's whim Cnacerninl
the primary mused the Wan
which devastated France in t
I'Luitageneta Leu VIi-, at
his lii.hnp, shaved off his bear
id. consort quos Eleanor, o
ridiculous and repugnant that I
nee affection* to some other M
er in his court, defied him ops
ducted herself In en r,ttestiott.l
that the poor beardlese King sr
ed • divorce from her. Elea
married Henry II. of England a
the Falgliah f rown as her do
provino-e,t of Poitnn and 1iuient
the origin of those long and
which for more tb*a. Xe) years
hind sod olumatefy mat F'ra
soldiers. It regnirol another
into fetor &Rain the heard &fa
ttea, nod this was rite ether
of the Reforrrntioa
feedifton and nee
Husband What's ow the bit
dinner •
Wife inmate( been a list I
form:paper) Ya.allop.d oyster
frier) hem,l trimmed ehicken,
biscuit, • old losges, Primo, pie
doughnuts, sponge oaks, wasted
"Well what's tie the table'"
me . thread, fried blame, co