HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 4r tit furan fignal s ecsawao $VZRY FRIDAY MORNING, eig 1 miamaos wmimerra. error.: 110111111- 1111W ti ST. sosoattucH. Ina ip12=1= i as. tel M,SOmisi l:devoted el w MATS, SW SIMISOIMPTIell I a riPIM; e if tIlesel wbaselpttssOf paid ..site at WAS •b r. win he ciarsei at abal•InTm•Si RATES s csad ether novel sdveetfseeseatu. Me.for Ira laserUus...d a seats per Use ••sed •s. asst werttea Measured b ' fell ats•lS1s ha empanel type is par Ilan i al mOtlaaa la erdiaary readiest/ type lc M Mee gas eaei of stz Iles and under $6 per fav 41Averibitsatists or Loot. Found. Strayed,et a Wanted ..d aeopanaltt pmeeth. t lenses en Sale sad Farms on Sale, set to amiw•el O Moes. $1 lex drat swath. Dec per mils Igasst stets. Larger advt, to properties. day special notice the object of whirls le to the pecu.l•ry bowls of may Men- wetlsmtrat sad cbszsed►n o rdbudysidered as ad ascsr'dl•als• .err terms w W 1. all cases be dried, 04- rates ter laeanme fer tended perl od. mads .t the °dos of publication. JII11les DEPARTMENT. A tabs equipped Jobbing 011.. Is carried es - - _Us. with the erdliary sewapeper >a.lsess where hue -ossa work is tweed est rmea- '- mare. nverytkt.S Is the print - else cos Os dose es the tram as aamfssted poster to • vie' card. 61 eammwstastlose mast be addressed to . MoBILfJI'rMt. Rd1Nrof To. 8mx*I. ?4hase Con Ns a . Oodsricb Oat HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 10, IND. THE FALL WHEAT. Splendid Condition of the Crop After Wintering. tleNsege Alarms. up u May +at..rreae Lead - tag Fanners is an Parts or the ninety -ler? EMU Ian warm Mowed N Sr Lately 1. be. We are plead to be able to present *void readers this week a report by tows - ships from leading agriculturists of this county as to the present &epees of the fall wheat is Huron. The reports have beet specially arranged for Te. 810'•L, and can be depended upon as being the opinions of practical farmers who have examined their own wheat Gelds closely ss well as making general observations. This lends a value to the reports which is not possessed Ly the statements tele- graphed to the daily press and the rail- ways by men who may not have seen a blade of wheat sin.e the previous year. The crop has come through the winter in splendid shape. In odd places, specially near fences, deep snow has smothered the plant, and op ing frost. Lave also heaved out portion g of the crop in low lying Inads, but very little will be plowed up, and the majority of the fields are in fire -claw condition. No ialory ,by insect pets is reported. In fact, it is several yeah since fall wheat presented w promiaiow an appearance at the beginning of May. From the following township reports it wall be seen that each municipality has something favorable to say of the prospect' of the crop : AcansLD. Fall wheat is looking very well. It has come up splendidly, not being in- jured to any great extent except in spots where the snow wu deep. The crop is very promising. yOLaORNE. Fall wheat has cone through the win- ter nicely. It looks bee on well - drained land. It was very little effect - el by snow, and no injury from insects has been observed. r:riDl0le'N. The fields have not appeared better after the winter for meaty years. The bntrd '115 very far advanced. Then were no spring frosts to hurt, and noon has been plowed up hereabouts, al- though in low and poorly drained places some bad "patches" are seen. ugly. Fall wheat looks better than at the same pseud for the past two years. Al- though some has been injured by .moth- ering Irom sa.'w, very little, if any, will be plowed op. NC WICK. The wheat wt/, injured slightly by now along the fences, hut otbrrwiae it i_ N in splendid condition, especially on ws I man nred ground. nu LLmTT. The crop looks pretty well, esperially on nth clay loam, well drained. V little injury has been done from . y other cause except snow and span$ frosts. No insects have appeared. YOM Mix. Fall abed is very growl except where the snow was deep 'Very little, however, will be plowed ep. ''11it Ltt. The +`p st.es to he eh ,re the sverolleiaRstr.Rh it has been slightly inland by "prime insets, eepewt•lty on low, ondr•ined soil, where them has Deals s good deal of "heaven •" `7017 mfrs, hiet.,er, will be plowed gip. -41vc,;.t.letpa Freels ead odd .rode i. April here dna nen (.,jury WWI when, bet the seep penally proasien well- touaost. F.11 wheat rani= to be a ler seeps as it has .et lelsbad se seer tit Ws awls for and yeses Oa low leads It doss sot sway to sash advasisgs as ~ ths higher sale The primep.l aslantSo werep was has deep snow, ary little will be plowed up. .swamis Fall wheat is in a fir emeditio., es- pecially that aline was sow. 0t/ dry, well -deemed goosed. carr WiWAatotu. Fall when gives promise of • good erup. Sprtsg (hues have been very light, sad no injaq has been notio.d from is - meets. The wly damage has bees from deep scow bet ser Lida will he plowed sp. VIM WawAaosa. Except os low sad undr.i„ed land* fell wheat has come thru.gh the winter is epsodid eusditeem. A full u..p is looked fur. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. • Weed car ewe AWNS Sew PuWeatterfa mat Neve cess I. Need rag KIMIOD1.T 0A/ia7.tag 700 NAY. The firm illustrated article in this n umber is a very wall .ntttn one by the Rev 8. P. Rose, on "Holland and its People," a subject always full of interest The Editor ewtributes smother copious- ly t lu.truted article oo "Rntt.d About Englund,' devoted chiefly to Bose of the old cathedral cities, of which Canterbury sad Norwich are types. An article o0 Stades is Art, with charming reprodee- ti°.e of some of Raphael's great master - pines, .ill he rad with 'Boob lutenist. Dr Carman coetinues kle impurtant pa- pers os "Methodism It'd the Itineaa- ey,' which an e=assdisgly timely and are attracting mask attenti... Senator Maedoo•W'e azalea ea I.rfy Methodism sad Presbyterianism is Toronto passe an autobiographic said hisloric charades. which gives thea a permanent value. The Rev A. W. Nicholson's sketches of Mining Life in Nov Soots revel the perils and heroism of the life of those • ndergro.od toilers in a very instructive manner. The Rev 8. B. Dion con- tinues hie admirable studies of Shake - spare, and Rev W. 8. Blackstock pur- sues the important discussion of the "liift of Tongues' at Pentecost. "S.i• Holm's' charming story, "Dram Mil- ler's Dowry," is brought to a elose-ooe of the mot beautiful character studies ever published to this stagasin., which *sakes a specialty of such studies. Anoth- er Orkn.y story of absorbing interest by Amelia E. Barr, a writer who is justly attracting a great del of attention, i. begun. Price $2 a year; 11 for els smooths; 20c per umber. Wm Briggs, Torcoto. THE TOWN COUNCIL Report of the Msw..es of Mesetar Mess. sag et ear Yews rather. The council met last Friday evening, the 3rd inst. All members present ex- empt councillors Centelon, Morton and Smith. A communication from the Board of Trade was read, asking the council for assistance in regard to holding regular monthly cattle fairs Moved by Colborne, seconded Thompson, that that part .,f the co municatiutt referring to the town mark be received and adopted, and termed to the market committee to port at next meeting cf council -Carr. Moved by Proudfoot, seconded Nicholson, that the remainder of commuoiatioaba read and filed-Csr- reed. by s- ee re- re - THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1889 they eo.eier the sdv1.sbiltty of silts` lis►istg •neibera.d -Carried. Moved by Hui►, ts.tmdsd by Owl - home, ►het the of Wen far the e1.ttis sad waterwurke be left with Ibis waterwurba wwMtes ter ambsuawn to W I. roma to penises fay w astasias .f the wear m.ise, it teas Moved bar Bolt, wended y Niekwl- ass, that the matter be left with the waterworks ..smittee with power se sat--Oarried- Mov.d by Humber, e.00nded by Thump es, that the lue.tioe of is es - weskits be lett with the aoaodl epos retrt from the waaersorks eummittee. A eo.msai•aties from the Re- iman Eiectn. Light 00., was read, ad- vising eased of the updating of thes Ouse mouths for trial of the system, sad ..kion fax anion is reward to the matter. Moved by Pridhe'a,sseuoded by Nich- olson, that the anent of the company, &sweeties to $2,6110, be paid and draft fur name a.eept.d-Carried. Moved by N,choleuo, .sanded by Colburn, that the street inspector be introobd to have the road to the dock when the regal is being built kept apes sad cleared of all escembrasrs- Carried. The oak was instructed to prepare a bylaw fur submission to the rstep+ven rranttng $5,000 to the (k•dench Ort&. Company, Limited, ease to be repaid in ?Opiate with 5 , interest A vote of thanks was presented t0 Hue A. M. Roes for the gift of bad made by Lis to the tows The waterworks so.mitte was gives power to purchase four (outdates for the square at ea open.e not to exceed $60 each. Os motion of councillor Proudfoot it was resolved t000ntinee the Nall -month - le medlar for two eoliths more. The °pencil then adjourned. LEEBURN. Frees Dar can C017e*poadeat. The loather -ash asholan of No. 5 kept Arbor day by tinning up the yard and laying out two Dios flower beds and the school stop petting a nice polished at of blaeklead, and the school room • thorough scrubbing oat and cleaning. Mr and Mn J. G. Clutton and daughter enjoyed a visit to relatives near Brantford this week. Mn Jas. Bottom has returned frost the Sault Ste. Mari., having come by boat os Saturday Wt to Gudertch. TuMpooases. -Tbe past quarter of the L O. 0 T. No., 215, has seen addi- tions to its membership and well-attend- e d.meetiogs, two of which were poblie entertairments which saw wood audi- estea. Also the members were up at the Nile lodge assisting with au enter- tainment then, the Nile ledge also helping us with one. Steps are now to be taken to hold the annul lodge pieniz on the 24th inst., un the lake bank io this 'action, and have • sail boat char tared for the day The Nile lodge is to be with u. ; sad also the South Star lodge from Porter's Hill has been invit- ed to be present. A delegation feces the former lodge was present last Fri- day night, and expressed their willing- n ess to take part in the plane and the night meeting. A delegation from the latter lodge ie expected W 1(h• tieit lodges views 011 the proposed picnic Games of foot ball, base ball, croquet, etc., wall also be held, and we understand • special sick committee .i11 be among the list of committees appointed, as their services sissy be required fur any of those that the sailing on the lake may Hasse to have queer sensations The onions for the lodge this quarter are Bro. 8 B Wilkes,., W.0 T.; ester E Lin- field, W.V.T. ; bet John Lawson, W.8. - by bro W Oordoo, W F.S. ; bro C Stewart, the WT; bro W Caner, LG.; bro O Ful- l. ul - ford, W.I►f.: bro W Cooh. O.O.; bra John McAllister, P.W.C. ; bro J Hos Pits, ton, W. C. The lodge .i11 hold meet - this nicht of .ash week at 8 p. m, this quarter. An offer forth. supply of 4 inch from A. Gartshore, of Hamilton, was read. A statement frost the Public Wor Department of the expense of the repot to the barber docks snowed same amount to $2,456. The repairs we entirely on the north and south piers. The mayor informed the coencil the Mr D. K. Strachan has a roller wbic he offered on taxa and water rates - Referred to the public work. oommittee- A communication from N, m Byers, bre-warden, was read. regarding the 6r at 81sriff Gibbose- and asking ciunci to supply 100 feet additional hose and one branch -Referred to 6n committee A petition was retired frost Jonatha Miller, proprietor of the Albion hotel asking council to lay a plank sidewalk along the west aide of his premises Granted and left to the street anspecto to carry out. The following accounts were received Steven & Burns, London, *138 82; Oarlock Packing Co., Haosilton, $13 35; John Bata, $20; Mar, for °cmpiling and pontos( sheets for the Biggar pub - !dation, $25; Jams Saenden & tion, $136.79; Steven t Burns, London, $25 -all paid; Wm Holland, Ashfield, for street tree, $27 -referred to pablie works c remittee; Thus Nrordy, H9 N- IL P. Wilkinson & Co„ $24.08; Wm Kirkbride, $21.155- - referred to finesse summates The treasurer's statement showed a blanc. of $2,426.69. IIPO.T OF rt•mur- wegle . etM1aITT.L ke DUNLOP. rs Fres our own *errs to pomdent. re The farm of William Hayden near here, who went with the tidal wave of emigration of llfarch last to Manitoba, h ham been purchased by John Clark, Artane DAY. --The day here was duly kept and a number of trees were planted under the direction of John Horwn,one e of the trustees, end the teacher, Willie 1 I McAllister with Louie Tobin going to 1 the lake for several of the trees, and Iothers heisting some. Cedar trees ▪ from the adjoining forest near the school house were also got. The school girls in the afternoon gave the school stove , 1 a graceful polish of •bieeklead, and dress ✓ ed the school room neatly Lad tastefully inside with cedar. The day passed off plesasotly and teacher and scholars heartily enjoyed it The publig works committee coneid- ti ed the petition of K R. Wat.os, salt- ing permission for the erection of a wooden building within the Bre limits, and would recommend that nn aotioa be taken, owing to the existing by-law. Respecting e..mmunic.tion of !lard of Trade we would recommitted the council to hays a by-law paned prohibttrne the further erection .1 wooden verandahs around the Square. We bare rented the agricultural grounds for the restor- ing of horses for the eons of $47 The renting of mine was pot up as uctiva and riven to the highest bidder. T. C. NArrtL, theirm•s, Me ved by Natty', anomie! by Ni.sh Olson, that the report be adopted- Car- ried. Moved hy Prrudfnot, seconded by Adidas, that the common of s•fureirq cow and horse bylaw he referred to Public works committee to report at the next meeting of As enwsoil, mtOPmitw.-..-.-.. h. Very little fall wheat ham been plumed the • elds M a rale ere looking Upon 1p is the township Th A cab king well, although hank Dad gad discs vernal pieces are to be ecce. the that notion be pet in the papers that bylaw will be emforoed, amid that Tithe e RATS MET. - For several years pad it has been the hearty desire of !t tiimmnndi, o% Saltford, and our local champion, D Cumming, to have • friendly game of quoits, and on Satarda! sight of deet week they met unawares in the aline village and a game was played between them. For a time Robert led, bet luck brightened cap for Dunlop, and when the closing points were nearing the speetetnrs saw keen pitobima. Th. last notch was out oo the tally stick kept by J Bora], sad rave Dunlop the game by ens point. Both men played fairly and shortly a return'match will be played. DUNG ANNON, boos our own correspondent. Weather is exceptionally fine and spring with de pleasure, and beauty is at bend. Tres and shrubs ate putting co their foliage. Now is the time for gar- dening and giving dos attention to flow- er beds. Diphtheritic, commonly known M diphtheria, has been making inroads in the family of Mr Ju Smith, of this ,illage, and eaoseid the death of one of hie dauphtera Ske dt.d no Thursday St lest week. Be remains were donned M Dungannon cemetery on May 4th. The other ehildres ..f the family who ware stored with it aro getting better. The remains of Miss Angie ROwipg eon dyed of that fatal disease - tion, were boned in Donsensos Ow. tory, on the Dth inst. W. regret to have to ehrrnicie the death ref another of ear 'mesh rempee(e4 resident., Mn McKey, wife of Dr 311e - Ray, le whose rheas we released t. ear Yet Aber a pcwr•sed illness of sp- wards ,4 s year she departed ties I+y es Fndgy, tel Sed. Hog reesshs were tad - lowed Is Dewi.s., abase they w. n Wirral ea alter sass. the fits, by •.e of the M*ggst sea - seeress al yogis Asa has boss is this I5.dit . She was s..awsplry wile. a Arad. Iliad, loving motor, agreet fawr- Me witb all teas wit\ vibe. she ease 111 .ostaat, sad as sasoile.t metalline - pose scare ea list .bee. •ad speed all, she was a pins, good, Miens, ire- lima, re- s a , .he sasts.tly trained ia bra fierier, of whisk .he gave indobi/.1. .vide..s previo.. to her deportees frees as .taee of nine Dr 1eKav .ad faintly end relatives have the deep .empathy of the mem co. sseeity 1. their aid bereavement. M N sal lio.dee that Dr Pierce's Uulde• Medical Dis- covery outsells all other blood sad hear undiwues, eon it possesses sash superior coral*.. properties as to warrant its manufacturers to supplying it to the people (ss they are doing thrussh d. -se - get.) eider oosdltio.s sash se so other malaise is sold uoder,vis : that it must either besets or cure tote pittim,t, or the axsy paid fur It will be promptly re- lented. It cores all demean arising from damaged liver, or from impure blood, as bisiuusoees, ' liver cumplsist," all skin and scalp diseases, salt -rheum, teeter, scrofulous sures and swelli.g, fever sures, hip -joint drone and ktsd- t.d Lilmente. 3590 Reward for an incurable ea.. of °broom Nasal Catarrh offered by the 'manufacturers of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy. 50 ants, hy druggist.. THE MARKETS BREADSTUFFS MW PROVISIONS godesielk kim aL Wheat :......0...A..0.h.. c G•pIonYbuakiobi.::.... ........... Pees i bas\ ................. .. Weak WitititW Shorts, 1 tab- .........•..... aerelidgekel"PeallWi Shedes ^.» ... •...v.v.. !hearted Hoes 1 ;Sr Apples. *Moe Bras 1 Masai IlissIMISses. M" 1M 3M• OM • i• 0i • M1 04• 0N•• 04• !00.1!0 O 2101 0i • 141 • 0 11 O 121 • It 1•M•NM ISM• 13 OS 1 i" I as • M" eel 400" ON 4M" 4M 0 M " 0 75 • 71" •7• 100" 1M May 1. Floor ..i..... $6 W to 550 Fall Wheat.** M .M 0 /6 to 0 M Spring wheat ....... ....... 0 116 to t fel Harley 0 N to 0 Q Orta • I0 to 0 i peas."0 14 to 0 M t'M Apples. 000p►g .1161' 1 M to 150 025 to '30 Bauer.... _ e,. 0 17 to 0 1) Edge ........ 0 10 to 0 10 Hay Cordite,*........i. la Mto t 4 00 O to t 00 Beef...._.."truirso e M woos ▪ • is to 0 i Pork •DO to 070 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice -Benjamin Tarr. Furniture -A. B. Cornell. Yid 01ove0 Jna Acheuln. Time to THe-Jame, Wilson. Carded' Thanks -James C. Hyslop. Who can Blame You -Acheron t Co. Specialties for the Season-6Na. Macro. Domestic Wanted- Mrs D. McGillicuddy. Grand Open House -Mrs Scott-Sidaoni.. Cotborne Court d Reviaios-J. H. Rickards. Water Service aid Repairs -Winos 81ke11. She People's Column. t IRL WANTZD IMMEDIATELT. - kir Apply is Mrs D. McGulludds. Plete- COURT OF REVISION. COURT COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. The Court of !revision for the township of Colborne will leu held 1. the Tows Hall. Car low. on May rtb. at NIa.m. 2113 -J. H. RICHARD'S. Clerk. -v OTICE. - - Tile Orin of Treble & Tarr. soap manufac- turers. dissolved partnership on the and day of Marsh" last. hy mutual cetw.t. All debts due the late firm must to paid to the under- signed. BENJAMIN TARR. Oedertcb. (loderich. May 7th, 1550. $'JOSat CARD OF THANKS. 1 beg to te-...der my heart -felt thanks to the ladles and gentlemen who took upon them- selves the task of owning up • benefit concert to me on Friday eventn May 3rd. and who so ably carried tbro . the entire in ment d the awhin o the general apibtte who patronised the concert s lintel.. my thanks are aloe dee. 1 as at present make no return except by simply expressing my deep obligation to all coocerne.d. tiOl-tt JAMKS C. IHY SLOP. TEACHER WANTED Applications will he received by the ender .igned for the position of tearber ideate) in H. S. No. 7. Colborne, second-class certifi- cate preferred. Address, stating malar r.- pawed and tu(• enclsing ylilcatioes, W. C. 21• BST. Se.'y. Henmlller P.O. Mit YASTURLr A 'timber of animals can he pestered on Mrs Fooey's fern, lot 17. Ipytleld read 1111 I)tROF. AARINKSEN TF,A/'Hp.ROFMt-Rif'. Pians toned and repaired at tnodenr. charges Sat Shinto's kerne ra n teed ( linden men left at Thos', music'tom or at his mom above Nater. Lenran a office. mit]tn. MR. Fair HAM VACANCIES PUR A FEW HI SIC PUPILS. ORGAN. PIANO. SINGiNG THEORY. feta., NEW BARBER SHOP. The nnelerolgne.l. having had large expert saes. 111 Arab tnn n and city. guarantee. ere- ction work at reamonable rats. and respect - fel r 'nilcile • .hare of pithily patronage Stied, over J. W. Smith's Bakery gaol St.. Goderie1. 11ga11. H. L. W EINTON. THE IititON BoriL, This well-known east popular hotel ha torsi rented and enlaeawl daring the poet moose. sad 1. now second to none In Quality of ac. eaasmodatts for the trwvnttty Owhllo. Geed wnroe•mea.t ion for trayle t guests. 1 e Mmes. 4ledevteh, Ott.t PrP,RAIGfetor. iTMAN'8 BHORTH D HOOKS. Teta MIIMt tial allow. a0 ''M a be at rates et • NEW SPRING GOODS GREAT BARGAIN$ -SIR OUR - Dress Good', Prints, Gingham', Seersucker', White and Grey Cottons, Shirting', &c. -BRE OUR - Now Tweeds, and Coatings for Spring Snits. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Inspection and Comparison of Prices invited. J. A. REID & BRO. Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, LD.8I. DENTAL ROOMS, Eighth dour below the lePe Ones, , DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, IVROSON DENTIST. Has .d Venal Air .454. tared he estalesserwato tlis .s taetk. the Nett rt/ 011c• -Up stain, Owed Opera Hams SLek. iatas.as a Wess.eb. Uaderiek. Mallet Legal Notices. wOiios TO OR/EDITORS.♦cur JOYIK w♦LLIS Illiria. Di Notts* is barony stege !lent MI rslaloseogatath st e estate M Jars WaM1e kk.. late .f the Tows of Mamma i. the Comity or Jammu i. the Sate et Wisest.. baker, deeesssd h. diel at Mawr..Mere- epaidn the fMtb of Jame IMI, an, os er fuse the 10th day of May ink repaired to good fall particulars of their Malas to Masers Tensa , &didoon ckens ood terdramas t118..din ltie latratterr r the Aad takee ioet oticeedthatafter the aid ells day of alar. the• mid adai•tstrat.r will distribute Ws estate, having regard tidy to claims .f wblch be shall have received memos, a.d . W met be liable to 0s7 perees.1 whose clads be shall not bare received notice es aforesaid. THOMAS JONES BLACK. Administrator. by KINGBTONE, WOOD* Ids MtlWi it/ Tarmacs rite Mail. 1100. MM Auctioneering. JOHN KNOB GENERAL AUC- TIONEER sad d Vateator. Ooderith out. Having had considerable expo/Imes 1' the auct tome trade. be l la a position discharge with thorough satisfaction all coos mWo.s entrusted to 111m. Order's let at Martis'' Hotel, or seat by mall to my •d Ooderich P. 0.. carefully attended to J KNOX Comity A•ctioseer. ISIS Loans anb insurance. F. WOODCOCK. • REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ADEN Loans Neeeeiated with the Bees Com les and Private Capitalists u Lowest Rate. Interest. 3fleaiwl. DRS, SHANNON & SHANNON, ccost:1go. osog at 118'. $ba oo.' rodd see seers Use gt of Ged.rWb es C. tiralgua..1. R. Itnsa- 17*1 Legal. L'DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR slater, Solicitor la High Court. Caare7 sower. Oodericli a.d baygeld. 14J10014 °t - gee ores Thereto's tram M te L Mow, to u par t lana Si poast. R 0. BAYS, SOLICITOR. to .J.li. t lso *noes ser .t Sps sod West Otsderk. ever telegraph - vs lands whose at rot emssines.. ac ARROW t PROUDFOOT, BA R =MMus T .r wave. illarkheeit st. etc 17 CAMRRON, HAT LAMER JN, &ashen la 3wdertiblierr C, duce .C.. P. ' tr. . Gsseres. C C.Rosa I711- 3=or Sale or to Det. TO House Rroce street. next to Pr Me- Lsaw's residence. coataiaisg• roow,s, had wed set water. good n Mex. commodious modera th UMW been recently emanated. Rent 551* AIIt te 9. POLLOCK. TO LET. sWd k seamCMtaial.g les teems. Prevent ttocwpls.dhi and soft water. at aegoioa gives la I. Strang. Pot. SMELTH. Apply to alb F. rjORSALL - Let4ttioderlch ApyIllo, PHILIP HOLT. FORpSALL Ta dens rowed y as premed ec7upled bythe ama }toad. to the Team Ood iobea tcashet of 0.w balr .tea acre ofl.ad,good frame bees► -- dory sad • half -.eves rooms 10cldlmg kitchen, bard and sot water. steed mase esi !u, .tabid woos ape carrhp uses There 1 ..1.O5fully t stns, Tunis ere saleable foar t/7 person wishing apply te liver IFti1. For fur pan- flea 00*11.lthte.sspll CA34PION !<>ti 8a*rteter, ijed.rick. e} -VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The uraace 'ted on corner d coiossouious and convenient ient house atte- 1so•tal .lee pastry, Victoriaet., Aka The boom is ween fitted p' noostler. m: Wady situated to the bastions part of the town. There loftier," modes well mocked with trait tem sad shrubs 1a eaneeljoa. Terms JAMES ROS '$N Act or 'ss MR.to sal Agent for the ROYAL INSURANCE (' of England, having the wriest surplus of sets over Liabilities d a.y Fin les Co.. in the World. Once on East side Hamute-St. Dederick, next door to fir. Ross. gamma C. IMAGER, CLERK FiRST DIVISION COURT. Coinelancer. insursece. Estate a.d Gene Agent Money to Lend at Low hates and Cost. stirmere' Notes Discounted. Orrrr•a-Next to Ctmcmdts 7lusiren Ooderich. 2110 -ter c, J. T. NAFTIL, Li'E, FIRS AND AOV1DE\ T I. W RA h CE AGENT, Representing North British & lereeaatite North Liverpool. Life ; Globe; inal Norwich Inca .nee of North America. Lowest Rates. lasts settled prompt Money to Loan on Fern sad Town Pro Conveyancing done. Property valued. etc. COM.. -Cor. North -m. ane Square. U.dertca, l - FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES 1 FOR titso--a er li Ma(tlapd Ca ct Celsacrte. 1111 sores- a very Attire ' •as* Lot Les s is Im cos. L ifai *51111 4, S[•l•loes• mice s %s0, Lots 1u •id 44 I n 1st Cos. t very cheap.l.me lruce 3j{ud acres. N fu be eeld em. Wa i d 17. in the Mad la case block. PriceWe .teen d excelleat 1004 is Survey. Town of Ge Lot Trice ee glr. Lot ow. town of Uodericb. Price sol) street, with brick t os Light Hooce w : mill W. boar and stable. Price r- Lot. si7, rip 1015 and pt. 1911 Town of (:oderich, nearly tib o+ an acre is one 17 block wile/{. the bwsiaae. part of the Property town. Price .sly :IIS. The above preper- ties will be old _on 057 terata d waned. Apply to $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lestss farm and town property, at 1.. est Interest. Monitagea purchased. `o ems pancharged agents for the Trust and Loan Credit Company,rr (ands, the Canada Land. dednada. t London Loan ('omy. N. B. -Borrowers can •obta n1 mcent.r money la day, It title aatisfacwn af7 DAVISON t JOHNSTON, Busmen. Iro.. 0sd.Hes $ &00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOt, r t CAMERON, gad rlcb. 1715 MONEY TO LEND.- A LA R G I amount of Private Funds for teve.te,em at lowest rates oa arm-eys.Mortgagee Appf) toDAltROW t PROUDFOOT R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCd, REAL ESTATR •en MONEY LOANING AGENT Cell iSrddaes Companies Reprearited Pr Money to Lend on straight Nana, at tit lowest r.te of Interest goi.,g, la say way suit ttit oerrower. We•tOstr.et, awerleh.Weald door from Square fe(stt Executors' Noties. 1' X LCI;TOR'a MOTION 7O MIDI - C. -Mose. to C. MEAGER. Ooderias. lead at very hew rate., i -VALUABLE FARM FUR SALE That valuable property k.ows ss bat 113 Maltlaod coo.. Uoderish township, within tine mile of Oodench. On the farm are a lade 1 orchard, mood dame hove and kitchens. wit/ , Nom cellar. and frame tare awl stable': ass- '' prises 73 serew, well watered Foe farther isesParticalars *094710 Oto Mr[ss a the prem. $100!7 in the hatter/ taw refute of Henry Mar demote' late elf the Town of (ioderich in the County of Huron der.aaed Ombra N hereby gives. pedant to the provisions of the Re - Section iXL hhit atutes .1 Ontario. 18r chapter raw ors and other per - nose having say *15*e.s.5.10.1 the estate of the said Henry Macdermott. wbo died on or steer rite ttbdapby m March. A.D. Ilam, are re - faired N d by post prepaid to Oeeewe p, Rae - cuter of the s.0te d the and d ;ie„n or before the •t/ day of Nay. IOW statements .f 1full heir names. addresses end demerit thins: ►red paHMnlars and proofs of their claims and &lased* upon the mid estate. and of the sr- car/tNa til asps bees by thew : asd after the I said nth day of May. IOM. the midItsec eow will perseed tee t .. 01 RrI,t* j4 sane! dis- tribute ., senemt+tte parties emitted thereto, ped regarrdddaveo A 1. 111eaAshes of witch male, ' iilv :he a. •4 Retaam rerr will abe liable as above tam ; ave . r .seri d wnr part thereof to any penult tato bees sass claims antics stall not s am di tributleys bay him a+ Ws nem sit a 10. r. aREP1.XT. O .411 111 Termite I..,orwste, Gael at Toros* fete day of Moret►. NW VICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.- 0 acres of land with a select .mwaapd choice apples A comfortable hown a stables ad Joining Goderfch. ♦poly to R. L, DOTLIC Oaderich gb /i mo. FOR SALOTAND 328 Uoderieh. *54, to M. C. CAMERON. •1- t. L OR SA LI CHEAP - 40 LOTS IN 1 liferent from; to access le area awe! 3 dwelllin i.tAp- to THOR. ILATIIICRALD heY *17417 HOUSE AND Tau 4A LE. -The holm LOTS FOR se bath h00., cellar. room.. wood- shed. hard .and soft water. ser11atvital, ma- t.les all grinds of fruit- Also fe0 acres of land In Manitoba for sale or 1a exchange ter tars p+opert7.b WM. KNIGHT. Ooderleh. 2170,1 FOR SALE. 1. Wll att hkl, d lot est. Arthur Street. with Bt Ismael mirage 94. 193. 7 Street, St. Andrews Word N' K11108 431. coiner of Huroa and Britannia house It story ho.e on Konya SIR t mid half land. Several Iota In Reed's 'turves.opposite Re* oboe, o • oola!rrn,ds A I t the ri' M' l M. 54. M, N, i •1 V Dply to abs at LOW ItATEg DA TYSON t JOHNSTON. _ Amusements. ltODERiOH MECHANI . ' IMSA MTTUTR LiBRARY AND REAitIN aim oar. of Syr street and egress. ter Ops hem 1 to • p.m.. sod Mees 7 to N woe ABOUT 1000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY --resserete 1>tri/ WeeMy mod Il/wsfrwfeid Perry' Afeeneses, 4'e., no Pile,. lesaunt tree ire Hes rick* T. ONLY 1c..6, I. brary awe Rotate • 1Abruriall Avondale"' buaa ♦b resolved k: ft MAI.enMAON, Gra,. ISTIVEMP, 4l.derieb. 111PrZebldillit. est. Ineremege ft 4 4 4 4 1 If 3 Che in I call and Fur thn eltio Pric 11! the Are time awn plesa rely will