The Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 3• THE POET'S CORNER Thu Tee Tromme .. Ten wary. t store tr.v.tlere, A/ ki a wets' reset. lutist tWnNsr at • woggles lea tthe Mort sad Money Wale -Mdse wens. semms.'tbe beedterd std. -agave t se ease yea ; 'ha each et eight •e lord. Bus the meth eager mike tar per.' A din thew. Theambled has 0a•ld ern seethe\ by het& leer et drew Wed eise se tare Weald swept ser bsaL !ti pmdd bee amasses at eaw-- 1 . wee • lever qac. *Mao e" plume his guests devised Inds asset Immalese plea I�IHIOIDI SM17'143!1$' In mem marked A ewe ares were placed. The Mkt was lodged is a The Werth 1 C was tbm thiguse The WM retired es u Ile I the sixth he tucked away. Is It the seventh era. Tbe sloth sad "tack In 0 sed K. Aad thea to A be rti wheelie the hest, se I have said Had tend two ttsv.il.e. W ; Two "mow the, the teeth sad last. his lodged bias ear V L &Me slain" raware. • reels tee .sob. Wee asadetaserve ter tea : Aad this 1t it that pua•aw was Ase maty wiser mea. -Frear the Ptttaburg huuette. "e was _ . L .- Bays B. S. Sbewfalt, of Kingsley, Man-, "from 'oakum. and loss of appstiw, with • einem headache, and mould meanie 1 walk. My Antbottle cf Burdock BBlood Bitters enabled use to walk about tie haw, and when I had takes the seised bottle I fogad myself ..tirely eared. ! smoothing Ar acres. (lois, learn to cook, or to superintend snook, if you expect to be happy. To a `itt wko is quite willing to subsist os bread and better, sponge mike, chocolate cream cud candied cherries, with a few pickles thrown is., this ma tem ell miasmas ; but, oath marri.d, the awful troth will be impressed upoo you all too late. To have a kind husband, a cheer fel husband, a generous and a000esfal luabsnd, yon must feed bum is each a way that he cannot bosoms dyspeptic. And ons besvy 1ampling may make him dyspeptic for lits. Toegk steak sod underdone veal p.ddiega, hard as briekbats,.re tbm cages of many a man's failure. Cold soup, or muse" trialing in fat, potatoes with hard besets or water -soaked have caused di vans* ore sow. I don't think you ever know a woman who was sure of her meals, whether she kept a servant or sot (end felt sympathy with *angry man so that be never had to wait for his dinner) who "lived uoplsaeeotly with her hue head. And you never knew • forlorn woman woo was helpless, without cook, aerobia -mail, sod waitress,who had what you might sell a happy life.. I em tar from believing that the kit- chen u the women's sphere. But, ex- cept in the ease of very wealthy people, at meet be a part of a wife's daily task to as. that all goes well there. It ought to be puss•ble in thew practical and en- lightened days for any girl of .dscetioe, who is old eooggh to be married, to oust • meal better than any servant in the long row, sitting on the benches of ea lotelliteee. Office, and to tell her her vast certain things that a woman who caunut read can only learn by years of exo.rience. To be able to say to a ser- vant, when a sudden 6t of temper cameo her to threaten to leave : "Very well, g3. The dinner today will be oe itch\ the better, for I shall cook it," Is the ..rt cf thing that makes • lady mistress in her own hcuse. In tact, if you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise --if you war t to remain pretty and *retinue to be happy -learn to cook before you marry anybody but • millionaire. slave Tke.t a trance. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won- derful machinery it is. Not only the larger sir passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are slogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be then your lungs cannot half do there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, onnth, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nos and head Rod long obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. that is take Rossbei s German Syrup, whish any druggist will sell yon at ; v oasts a bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. you may depend upon this for mortals. seely An exciting race case off here on Tuesday afternoon between Mr Thos. Downey, of Seaforth, in his baggy,and a runaway team belonging to Mr A. Oo- venlock, of Winthrop. The team got frightened and ran away from the mill. Mr I) laid on the whip to peso them which he found difficult to do as the runaway kept the centre of the mad. Mr Downey called to Paul, below Fel- • ton s, who succeeded in oaptnring, the runaway sod the Squire lust the jsee. There was no coney bet on the rtes however. Deal a .eat... Run no rtst in baying medicine, hot try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chest's reships. Try Chas's Liver Cure for all di.es*.s of the Liver, Kid Nweaoh and Bowels. Bold by all distressing paleness se often ob- served In yogng gni& and wemw. is des in s that measure to a Is of the red corpuscles in the bleed. To remedy Out requires • seedieiae ethic► peodeees therm necessary little bleed samicait..sta, and the beat yet duets.d b lobnaee's Touts Bitter, Price 60 emees, and 81 ppeervish, at Geode's drug Moe, Albion bomb, Anderieb. lois is Ib) Tee Ogees roue. As • Nippiese*. to a bath two memos tel slyest -tee us tee remote et water will reader the skis frets► sed delicate Few the foe., oatmeal suede tato paste * ilk two ppm. ul elyeunae sod see of waist Neap b tot at tight, trader a meek, as aM Ikea /reproves. A decided novelty toe the toilet table is • salver casket .eolosiee airbag rouge sad Grtlspes la salver, wick a silver lamp sad sinew alsubol look. Alatcwat Yuck Rees. -Ratroot rose (tnpts), three seethe ; •lust toss (from pomade), leer ogees* ; "street rase gerealem, oath mese; *street meek (u.oeetrated). on, Deem ; eatrest siert. see -lair Demes; entree* atria, Doe half otiose. digit For chapped bands. rake m epher- ico of Ore tad one-half wises" .l sper- maceti tallow, foot tablecpene'u( tae oil d sweet almonds acid three-foertka of ea mines of gum asmpbo.r pulverised hew Put of back of neve until dissolved, stirring .uoataatly, ueiag jest •. agh teat to melt tb• ingredients together. At bedtime esthetes yogr hair and Weals it Brush it half as hoer every *teeing for • month. After that break fifties minutes uimbtly-len mingles if you have no more time. Loose it completely, rub it with your flamers, rubbing loud brushing alternately, using, as before, Inc a soft, soothing Week, then • rigorous, still one. Brush it t tie tips of the Icug.et *treads. Gather it very loosely for the night, allowing full ventilation, and is the monolog brush it fifteen minutes at first, after- wards tea minutes. devotedly every day. If your bear te thin sod Moistens to tail or tate parting is growing ammo - veniality wide, let it down at ui.ht sed sas.age the scalp. Rub it, Rather the loose skin between the lingers, pinsh it • little, invent exercise for it with the tips of the gegen. Hire it some work to do every day and brash it. Part it ea the side at sight and give the day. parting • rest. No treatment of tie. tort oleos• sudden ur spestaeelar resells, bet if there is so disease of the hair follicles end the general health is Rood it will often work wonder is a twelve- aoeth Osco in a couple of slouch', more oftee or res* or as you End eerie rued, go to a t nod hair dresser, who will rue your leeks, trees by tress, through a comb, snipping the broken or split hairs, and leaving the heeithy growing ends. No iadiocriainste chopping at the end of • braid with rash amateur scissors will produce regalia of mach vales. tgtek Tames Steers. "1 always use Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam for colds and it cannot be beats. It has always cored me within 48 boars, which no other medicine will do, and I always keep a bottle by me." The words from Chaster Miller, Lieury, Oat„ prove the efficacy of a popular prepa- ration. 2 lest TYwp. The bed law -The golden rule. The best philosophy -A contented mind. The bast statesmanship govern - meat. The best theology -A pure and bone - boost life. The beet war -To war against one's we•koees. The bast medicine --Cheerfulness and temperance. The beet music -The laughter of an innocent child. The bed science -Extracting sunshine from • cloudy day. The best art -Painting • smile upon the brow of childhood. The best biography -The life which writes charity in the largest letters. The hest telegraphing -Flashing a ray of sunlight into a gloomy heart. The best engineering -Building • bridge cf faith seer the river of death. The beat diplomacy - Effecting a treaty of peace with ones owu con- science. The beet journalism -Printing the true and be•etiful only, on memory's tablet The hest nsoration-Steerirg clearer the lacerating rucks of personal conten- tion. The beat mathematics -That which doubles the most joys and disides the moat sorrows. mate you 'Menthe Alum( It Why surfer • single moment when you can get immediate relief from all inter- nal or external pains by the use of Po1- son's Nervilise, tI:e great pain cure. Norville' has never been known to fail -in a single case ; it cannot fail, for it is a combination of the most powerful pain subduing remedies known. Try a 10 cent "ample Mottle of Nerviline. Yoe will find Nerriline • sure cure for neur- algia, toothache. headache. Bey and try. L,rge bottles 25 cent', by all druagiats. Max tViten hays that American wo- men are the only ons that resemble the French in enjoying their second youth. At 40 they bloom out into a sure aa- taet,e beauty. The eyes retain their fire and luatre,the skin does not wrinkle, the hands, neck, end arms remain white e nd now The hair turns grey early,hat it only adds to women's sharing by give int them an air of distinction and so additional attraction. The healthy American matron is • loving and h.'s- ble creature. ., k aeehd again No "hardly ever" about it. He had an attack of what people call "bilious- nes,"end O. senile was impossible Yet • man may •'sterile and smile. and Ota a villain still, still he was no villain, bat a plain, blunt, honest man, that needed d remedy such as Dr Pierces ' Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which never fail to .urs bilione.em and dressed or torpid over, dyspepsia mod chromic eoratips Ilion. At Druggists At Ike Easter seting of fit. Jnta'a ekureb, s, held last Moe - day, H. Demois wee re-elected Minister's wardts sad Thee Maxwell re -elated people's carries. Thee Pieces sad des. • Cardiff were elected edemas. Thee. Lolly delegate to Ike Synod. Teed**, The Emilie aI Beth Aeries base • bud repttt•Uue of beteg Itg►t-reseed, sad a earefel womb mesa he beet ea these when they are seas • fur they are very admit is tb.ir thelia Wilde salang down.app•reetly sublet oe idlea.s, they wail pie► eves the ,emellees amine. l• t►• Idbwio! anee- dose the Karr wet tit light -fissured bett light -toed --to bu ererrow:- A gentleman trev.11i g near the *od- der River, says Me Seer of "My Ormmeed in Seth Atria." oras slop- ped t• bath eentethieg repaired is his snit, amid denetg the work the black- smith threw • bolt on rte grossed t. soot A tsar, sot tricking it was .early led bet, d.atereously seised is between his Were is peesasg,iesesdiag to make off with it. It may be imegised how he sa.ased with pain where h. di.00vered his mistake. The iron had become wedged so twilit Writhe his toes that he could sot release it with the sid o/ his Gagen, and awful was the plight in which the thief robed bellowing non • neighburing pool of water. kat se Wok%n buying ..diel.», bet Sew try the great Kidney and lather regula- ble, merle by Dr Chase, thane of Chase's receipea Try Chase's Liver Core for all diseases rel the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Bold by James Wilson, druggist. taepestor Manuel& says the Minister of tdrtoatios has consented to Brewls as a point at whish Entrance Examinations will be held, cossog.eatly .andidates will be allowed to write there os. the 4tb, 6th and 6th days of July next. Paresis and teachers should make a tote of We- The rue. The beet regulators tor the .t mush and bowels, the best cure for biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, and all age buns arising from a disordered liver. the without e:oeption Johnson'. Tonic r ver Piste Small in .its, sugar coated, mild, yet effective. 26 oto, per bottle sole by Goode, druggist, Albion block, Godo; rich, sole agent. (.1 Jack Harvey, alias Hammond. alas (tartly, and known to the Montreal force ea the prime of confidence Ines, has been arrested by the Grand Trunk detective tome. Hetrick' bale been fre- goeit and numerous, and embraced segos frown 812 to 81,000 Sometime siege Harvey fleeced a Lowell man out of $150, and the same gentleman will a pear agaipt him when brought to trial. As usual the accused pleaded not Runty, and was remanded. Harvey i well known in Toronto. Ma■teees. t'armsraeata, Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so that they always closely tea• TATE TES ORIGINAL Is. £PraakAal i AID •AUK The remarkable sewers achieved by Nasal Balm as • positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Heed bas re- dacted unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are c.utiowed not to he de evolved by nostrums imitating Nasal Belie in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, etc. Aat for Nasal Balm and do sot take imitation deakre may urge upon you. For sale by all druggista or este poet -paid on receipt of price (50eand $1' by addressing Fulford .• Co , Brockville Out. tf The police department of Boston coats the city $1.250,090 per year, and yet Boston milk is adulterated. Severely B.rwN- "I tarot soy hand severely, and did not sew what to do till a friend ran in with some of Hagyard's Yellow nil and applied it, and it drew out the pain and healed it in a few days. I would not he without it." Mary Lepard, 59 Chet! St., Toronto. 2 • 4ty lathe lea type el eMgsult bevies pavanes eyeaptisess. It is attended by as ttl`taed eeediti.e of the limier memo harm of the sutsiie, tssw-dsste had Went. sEllet ut$ the. leo" As .arid mgeons Iss.mttd,tbs diselis tessee.ere emrriad with a lograing - e-atiue. There sew seven spasms 4 ene'si.g, east Misoks ef bddahhe, watery sed Islam - ed eyes Illly's Omani Balm te • reser dy abet met be depended spew. lOota. at drie , by mail, rrgi.l.r,d, IOots Ely . Drw no's, Owego. New York. lv No man ought to complete if the world meeseew bum se be measures others. To as*oore owe with his own yard .tisk may be head, bet it is this. A Wendeerd dews.. The largest organ, and Doe that plays a ocutruUmg port on the health of the body is the lives. If torpid or iawtive the whole system becomes disused. Dr. Chace. Liver Cure is made .p.oially for Liver and Kidney diseases, sad is guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine 11. Bold by all druggists. Au invention for atteshing a reg to • wattage, so that it say sit b Moles obs the oocepent is not within, has poet been patented. new • Naomi Camila Cold. A slim young teas in the height o/ fashion was violently sneering im • street car, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Cheeks, dash boy, how d'ye stab that dwesdfal *ski." "A w. denh f"Ilab, left my cane in the lower hall tether day, and in sucking the Ivory handle, so dwetdful cold, it chilled a almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey'. Red Pine Gum his cold would not trouble him very mochas, or sale at J N ilaou's prescription drugstore, tl it. and gold brocaded sack parasols will be much used for hotel pittas and carriages Smoked gintbama will make some .f the favorite morning dresses for the Nater. A COOK BOOKI y yFyR E EDW 1.1 E g.11.7.1i Co rr tr.. &Mamba d.P.i .Booms TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. 6100 AND UPWARL8 I have a large number of Houses and Iota and meati Lands in the most desirable parte at the Town --pet It ILK (Alai P. Now is the tune to Impure property before the Big (tush. Th. C. 1'. It, is coming sure, and in • *hurt time prises will have ad% aaced beyond the reach et many. Call and see l4at and fetent before parchese lag etaewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real Rotate and General Insurance Agent (lees Wert -tits. taint door from Square. C. P. 11.1 Ticket and hoovers" Once. 14-tt. NEW FIRM R. P.WtLKINSON&C0 Having)tut comppleted the loathe of the well-known hard- ware stocf It W. lhlcK10171E, anti thoroughly renovated the pie - mines are now prepared to fill all orders and requirement, of the pub- lic in their line. Special atactation given to Marine Outfits. We solicit public patronage, and will aim to give perfect Mg, - faction. R. P.WILKINSON & Co. PIIBLIG N TICS,. Another targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the Public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. ResPdc&Gon Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. . 64 • The law of the harvest is to reap more than you tow. Clow in act. and you reap s habit; mw • habit and you reap a character. sow a character, and you reap a destiny Mr William Campbell. of Winthrop, left on Thursday for the Sault. He hest rented a farm. and we wish him prosper- sty iu has new home. Te lite lNlral rreaesaa.s. u• all wham /t tory eenee•. Phos hatine, or Nerve Foo*, a Phos- phate Element booed upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Maas., euros Pulmon try Consumption. Mick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia apd all wasting diseases of the: human system. Pbosphatine is not • Medecine. but • Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but gimp' ly the Phosphatic: and Gsrtric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is anflctont to convince. All Druginsta sell it. 81.00 per bottle. Iowan S I Co., sole agents for the D,,eninion, 66 Front three. East Toronto. Has any ane wrongled:you g Bro terve ly revenged ; slight it and the work has begun ; forgive it. 'tie finished. He is below himself who is not above an in- jur7. se were tassel. Miss Bei1a Elliot. of Pontypool, Ont., writes -"My brother and I were both taken ill with • seven attack of char - Hues, having tried ether remedies, we tried Dr Fowler's Kitimat of Wild Strw- brry, which gave immediate relief." 2 "'Choy have a larger eels in my die trite," lays a well knows druggist, "than any ether pill on the market, sod give the best lati•hetiou for sick headaebe, bileinuwees, indigetisn, eta, and when combined with Johnston's Tonle Bittern, Johw•tna'a Tonic lever Pills will per- form what so other modules has dune before for suffering henanitg." Pilta 16 cents per bottle. Mows Ifo mote stud 11 per bottle. Said by Goode, Devalue, slicer block, Goderieb, •ale meant (.•1 !L___S L-.__--- z. ._-__ . • COOD 101 IS SONE AT SIGNAL • WiLL CUR 1�1/D/CEST1OIIt JA8'NO/OL ERYSIPELAS, SALT RNEUC(, HEARTBURN, MEADACHE. And every operips of dilemma avt.i. dtaordered LIVER, ►.tapes, ST BOWELS OR 01000, OR REUEVE D!ZZ1NEE,4, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF !'HE STOMACH, DR' MESS OF THE SK/N, from tYrAe$ (CVA a..a \:.ek Letter., as w J rib. T. ■1LB(H N & COB. ""Ulimiss ENVELOPES HUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, [te.. tic.. at -THE SIGNAL 0 0 0 2 HAVING JILL my okapis life bliss style. pat Is Those Ns. B rete arsar a two of them these le- tteokeese minisSalm se hired a )o.rneyrar a Barber. wr aro W e. position to dolsetsw W • r k ties ksq► Lady's a Children' Haircutting serfs s *Zceblt as all days e Razors ground. 1•TI' -I-1T 7 tot West "beet. two doors alma MAIk, Oslisfek '1 _ Merchant* ran wet Arlt nu' fleas. Letter flead& kr.. /tr. priat.d at this Milne err very little more than they genendly pay K tis Wand It bels* to advertise their eed see ameba earl NW tt WI& PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE SAUISy*US ISI PYR14RT Wined. add all .1110.1ODICRA TL MRPates C attended to In 1rr)n Our °Mee M opposite rho 1'. 5. Palest fN- lis", aid we use Armin Patents Id IAMB UMW tams these renege teem WASHINGTON. Med NomRL OR DR*Yr asAWING, We ad. we maaim CNARO (1J1/LRlB 1Plr Oe MAIN PATENT. t. • neat. re to ab. Peetinester.tbe oder. Ardor Div.. and to el.Iale el tld Atlee. per ee.n sier..melee. tease and refereeing re Waal oilers@ as yew ewe Stew or (Mimi y. writ. to t A. oswsbeVMVMgMWaahine . Ot0 w 0 O 0 Y cc Pi O O F t cc 0 z za S