The Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 2-too-. a
NEWS OF 111 s01DtI
�lt MANIT S* tAL* U
Mae _
OE. 'r"011TO TOS' THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Mora neatens*� i■ his ldgm..a.& tsar tntew -.M (its aslr.M-I mph es this eum►laiot end it. Meat-
Dre dt. WKAT IR GOING ON IN OTH[R LANDS Mt' alir sbMy maw" "wags' Ile Sat
Mab .d A.sfl s : atsI *.m•b I
AND PLACES. upper and eaWe.hd i •d • • es7A,
he maim* are •gwai.Y► '_i$..en
tla*et'Mtemememing Mower leas er �•msi b y t.'w. I s. I L e..1 is tt i.
asia eel IV e+ew•••s Orr ire s&1.e.m.e et emv la""'1ts
°"'C. ' wif1.' she kb, b, l 1•0••••1•0••••••e.e,
al elm Gran$ reellis4Moosl, Iwo kiarriet'-f*. Stews ie mon alder.
1sd preeediege airiest onset Inns Bevy baen me rapert.d from meq sae -
fee wreagl.l dtetr.m mid evict/15n Sas slaw 4 Illinois aid Iadi.m.
aisbaa WOAD damage& I Li (Laog, toe Premier d Caiws, be
very large
tt, atri dA y trains
le Nes ere* whin Mak
se Lal . end wee mvvery
roirstdIJo. . erne Irma s lass dm
amid wittiest mishap. The
Y the flaw" Masi seespier ea the
et She Is 706 fest he kaagib, sew
d plated Morel, aid h.. • denying
atiyrtdy d 73,000 benek tier peaasager
S1adatioo is 400. The add mad
nosed the vessel w et the Ssam.wh
werkm•nahip 1. wpmeada.Md o st+ip-
l. arohltectare. Tbe liadbba will
j�.d •ad ready to take ler plum o.
(Lwadlaa Peale hallway between hen
Rat Arthur i. •heat mix auks.
alta alleged ce bandit drama shat..& era..
Wttrxtr.u, May & --A cruipset boa re-
Ittwith a eo..igatneat of goods from
o bad • badly written semw4 to the
&act that it came from the Central Prison,
..hare the did not get eeesgb to
Wilk nod asked the receiver to wen mad ask
lbs Usversor-(iea.ral If the Owerement
nesNo't said • little more provisions.
A ream ah boy treed Ao.rd has
lines brengt in train sear Cartwright aul.r-
trem hydrophobia.
Millar of the Mercbuts' Saab
will be presented with a gold watch mad
dleer service before kis departure kr To.
A land agent meed W. J. Robinson has
Seen arrested is Dakota for embezzlement
d bait -breed strip, end • warrant is alae
ems for laIse hire for eootempt of court
�/mst�fMmslehereittlmaaentsee to,hems
Mr. Metres Te.eeer.w.
W,tneent, May 6 -The deputation •p•
"Mated by the South Epees Liberal Amooi•-
Mao to wait on the Ontario Uoveramsest is
•ufpr'd to the resignation of Mr. W. D. Bal -
deur, ALA., will meet the menden of the
Government in Toronto on Tuesday neat.
Jos siert is to be made to obtain a bonus
/roe the Government to aid in constructing
II railroad from An.herstburg along tam
river border to Windsor.
The Jeseta v. The Matt
Mowritaat, My 4. -Trude', ("towhee's!'
t Lm&iothe, attorneys for the pt•iatiffs,
lave produced • motion u the Jesuit -Mail
emit matting that certain portions d The
Mail's preliminary plea be ecru,* out ss
tieing irregular, illegal end incomplete, and
that further information be given in other
allegations. Argument will be heard me
Moody in the Practice Court Speaking
of the n,otioa lir. I.amotbe says : "We
shall first male • general defence en droit to
allow that the method employed to
tet the coeatitotiooality of the law is.
illegal end not Gee resented by the ooje .1
a procedurt we dual make some',
special objectless, whi.b can only be given
when drafted. The statute of E1th
waver applied to the colonies, and is • deed
letter even L England, where Catholics eo-
joy the ereassat free4om. It 'Doke now es
if the cries was to go to the Privy Council t*
preliminary ohjectioae as b the consti-
tutionality of the law, and not on the merit'
of our original deekrutiou bead on The
Mail's article headed, The Jesuit oath."
Wtme■ as Ottawa.
Orraws. May 4. -Mr. Erasure Wimaa
arrived ben today is relation to litigation
before the Supreme Court H. addre ted s
meeting under the simples@ of the Board
of Trade oa the trade relations of Canada
with the United States. Mr. Winos said
that as • colony the program of ('anad:•
has been far behind that of the United
States. The reason wan that the unre
articled intercourse between the state, had
ban the cause of their development ano
growth, .ad nothing would w much coon
but* to the continual growth of the Unite.
Stator and the program of Canada as t.
obliterate the customs Zine between. them
The best asset that ('ands could po.sihl)
have was the market for the national pro
ducts which the United Stator w old •gory.
and then was no asset within the coeiro
of the United States which would so gruath
atr_ment her present wealth as the develop -
anent, marketing and manufacturing of the
enormous stores d raw material which
Canada possessed.
bag did 8Pi, 01111011111,
le frentemet. WWI ip AMP*
SO VW sit* d ISS
me .1 AO U5 01 ohm, 040
Ita"yl la►a� tM are meet sa-
to the •awn of W se.ahis, are
Sts. neva, • little 4y*arehl girt. nerto.d' Ill Ie. subject Io its .uagkw Lsetly.
fell deem stairs .t bar hewer Denser d Ty. $b,b es penis will he is P•rjw,.hoat male eel re more Iuble to 11 thea
nomas\ .ad Cant m -streets and hmmiared &ha �k, 4 Jam.fid`
I 'female. is the ratio of three to ON
bee right arm ib. Oahe et d ! I teems. loves is ashes-• the entreat* tato the
At • d the Executive Commit asabmtg i{•IOw 7
ore el ta/ (�� 14.i.ssiss Anemias r hi. t4ar eye. .sal air -channels of tame. 'media.
the Cil,' i risen w►mttted the moi l Z•�b. dm pep k ow. ch -pp.y- [t"e"al to the ..dame.", .1 misers p•rN-
lar the }asc !1+•s es as wtims• . '. i• M riMMa Glee or vegetable mel ter from ersssse
Isis sir so tl� , mo fmcrwal Ones ass nhmd le grunt w ittuaia a'and plants to Sower" - and its euro,
d S6 per mot ewer b»t rear's Aoosrdiais .hairs wish.. at Deereeland- chaffy cocaine is one form or &auth r,
1e these Qsarw the mit d "wee will bi Is anions men rwpoetod that Ne ('v bas nor r.eldenas ie eertsto stoastats M
ever le mile "pen Constantinople.
bore 1omlitwr .hie► ere (nos "rias
bySsNA Lhbmd k/.tlas hell,. is owe ; Tari Y a d Roamed will reywas the dtstltlas.
d 5)00 e.c . HaIMo wNh ampere .e his Metra to The Hague.
arse and lu seewd d hihvisg eel 6n to hie threw are fewer *magmata from dritaie M
Canada this leasee thea last
• IllMOmeat Senn a-.i----
ni. i.Ibe tierviM
a be lbie Ilii
sin d Clad Liner 0111,1 """Mian "assess&
who bath takes it. It aur Daly grv.e
len sad ".menta by Mine d its eery
. ""Vitase preparlimi, hot erasion so sp-
pout* tun Iola tree M. sad t7 7•1•1
weight Sautes 14stliene is partially
psWsble. Sold by .0 dainties, .t 60u.
Ind $1.
keel nig. ben a finny side if one
P ill take the IMAM* so Zook foe it ; sod
it (erne looks, nae will be erre te sad.
Oaltnate SO* habil of leokiag at a tang
en every bile mold jus acme to the lua-
u n aide, .d them **joy • good Imigh
hie ea nosh better to high than to
try ; ewe feels far happier afterward, aged
the lama\ hes a sheering effect on those
pho bar it, And, If wrinkles must
mime, as tory sorely will a• the years Gly
by, let tam soma from Ian1Lt•r and out
from worry. Se not uI laertbtng
wrinkles ; fear ealy the writable, of .or
ry ; they sn, indeed. to he deplored mod
loggia utmost No rubbing wall mew
these 10
disappear ' pas • will ualy deep -
ea them. They ens be •wooded, but
they will not be d-iver away. And who
enjoy looking at a fretful, worried,
wraakled facet What charm has •
Penman toilet, be it ever so exquisite, if
the face .above it is covered with a net
work of fretful wrinkle. 1 Siam hewn
beings look more at Boas than at at.y-
tbing else in the whole Doone of thu►
lite., they should do all they eon to
make their owe fame cheerful, sod as
the re5.ctwa ut • cheerful face- the
"light of the countenance ;" what sore
sxpr..ive way than that we be denoted
for speaking of a cheerful face I -will
shine upon all who seas it.
ewe house fee the pompom of getting the
Iasaresw ea it. . Mr. Chataberluiw sad be wine ere passim
Menkes Ossd•sse Cbarlm Kenner es •t tbeQee.n .t Wrrdser lead* tut weak.
Meow Mai.rMble NW.
Found at last, what the true pablie
• been looking for thine many years
d that is n medicine which although
Saturd y.tter000s left Se Lawrence tsarist A Marge &anther d pirates have rerun•" lately introduced, bas Mede for
sheet 1 e elack to drive to kit home•t Jou- dated to the !leach sathuritim et Hayti ibe
Maw f • reputatiuo mooed to twee, tb.
broom*d B
•rm* sod re
-etet He was crwiy seal l dock laboesre d Dolanars as asedieise is Johnson's Towle Bitten
the G.T. R. treat about two hears later at strum, far oars pay. which is 0oojeactln• with Jobnsos's
the former when as c
er •inhe wee h•' Uta *aU, 13 -year-old sen d 1
Jahn Neal. 'which
Liver Pills hail performed •owe
Owe.. tbreigLI.
h`R. to from east and a d erg W. V►, has heat •bd•otad mut woodertsl cure. Capon or IN -
Mule struck the w~ yea, kaockhyteon mi.y r h v~� Ipeemished blood soon become. purified
for"ese"e W ..s4 tb v.bIck y Tb� tdadrial parade u New and (Penciled. Ba)Iioe•oe., indigestion,
this freight, wbfd � bio taretNj be. raft ss.ry Mx hoer* io tag • sick headache, liver complaint, tantrum,
math the wheels. a was killed iast•etle p�imia 'weakness, eta, coon disappear wb.a
the a mashed to Meow heO
t to J. - MaskIr,, while et work et bio treated hy them excellent tonic .edi-
ay, the haw a•a•p,d without
'cisme *silk *sr 4 • emcitraist, bort bias .root For [Sale by (food, druggist, Al-
scrotch. The body um* taken to the dead Self merely mad l Isfd op. `hiss pluck, Goderich, sole agent. (d
m•a's late residence lo Hegar -•see•" A Chicago Aamrehiat, gamed Daly, Wog
Then will bene *mot net • red Sag as Tuesday .ad narrowly
mowed lysobiag. Ribbons kr Das on spring hats are all
A FATAL RIOT. The rune old oak blows Sewn • weok ago bordered -
pee Masora& lime Ormae•d "a • NUM eve. frost of the White Hose was planted by Short apes have taken the pleas of
• new Jersey MaYreog. W.�•gtss• ■ inter cloaks.
New B*CNmwtes, N.J.. A.. FW~ ••m!•vm• berm frees erpafasd is Yellow u the colt., d ow d ratlnw
alight and this morales • T'v last three Irene te bald ammo min is nun. mer gowns.
at the Ssyer ills brio\ yards, Eve mils the hen p Shea Nome bat A merino ladies pet o0
below this city. Agent L P.IHendeicksoe ~leu Cap have demolished the same their glossa in the street.
with 100 ..ea started last eight tonetis • of John Mese.oae, .t Rawson, 0., for the l Opals rte now counterfeited, it to said,
spar from the vain Use d Ii
the •ritao wo°°d ii°se- too se to defy detection.
River Railroad screw the kiwi d ea. The great thermal blast furnace u1 the I Blooms of wtw,b .arab silk will be a
Freeholder Edward Furman dews through Mout (14.1 C'o�aar et (hamtrorabag, lemur. of wormer toilets.
the brick yard. to William F. Fishers nma , Fancywaistcoats are very geo.rallr
ynagrd. Furman was opposed to their .•nos•. Ilmmp0°b.m too. I nor ori: dopted by men of fashion.
his lend end °taw out kis mea bate assn e:meatld at ad H•Il• for out -
r•ilrosd anso win reinforced by brick I-Wi•g woem.d oklWes Mfr Thce Fortune, of Toraben who
ard meta favorable tone
were railroad. until
phi The M•rgW d Orm rtie will enccsed Iy'
midnighte��aged Lord Losduderry as Vie.roy d Ireland. 'was ►a his usual health on Sstor�.y
tight Fnrmagi s arra sttmcked the -rail- Lord wilierthird son or the r• 6
crniog, was laid bow by in aa.atioa,
readers and burnt tie tisk arterial and • puhad Argyll amid boo d the marquis nod, we are tarry to state,wccumbed last
car- Putoh, clab. sod atosra were !reel'. of Lorne, i did ha South Airier, d fever. Toeada The deceased eotleoaa■ was
sad (;.ors• Kbeenger, one et Farman', y' R
laborers, was killed outright. He was Mise Nettw A. Guyon, of 12 Commerce sixty -hoot years of age mod of robust
knocked down with • club "tad • sharp •Vt°t+ Naw York, • Pr•P°m•m••i•E yonmg conetatutjun , therefore his death was
pnted croab.r was jammed through be women, .lied front mal -practise last west. potte unexpteted and bis bus Lard to
hosd. John Kennedy, a railroad sum from 1.erreaa cotton .s•nniactaren have -'"seer. His ixrwvid friends bare otvr
South Amooy, was so badly injured that be tablhhed a setioa.l society for mutual pro- sioetrest sy.p.tby,
died Mau hour. tection.
At 4 o'clock this morning Sheriff Fick of The Genius skip Steinhart, from New ' It is a delightful pastime for window
Middlemen County called out a posse of fifty York !larch 29th, has been wink in the river wardens," ti, torgo a tree of Mignonette.
men and went to the scene. When they Iib, It is a pr• cess that regrirw attention,
ria bed the place all was quiet and the Herr Woblgemuth, arrested at Iihainlel-,het it well repays it Tree Mignonette
theirear fors. The Raritan River Railroad the work to recruit coua Switzerland, ---1"'"'1"''''-----e enpeUed from baa been thought by some persons to be
is a new saterrpprriimse running from South Am- lit_ p.�r.eU, es crows-a:antLatiow, denied '. distinct variety trim the ordinary
boy to Boundbrook. General E. T. Ripley that the Irish World aver collected money. kind. This is not so -they .re the re-
el New fork u Preiieet Furman Dom- for his salt of Fretting and dose are. Sow the
that the company is cromieg his sir W rid Lnwsca's hill proposing so seed in rich, friable, but out heavy moil.
without his ooafretst,wlicb the company give urban leaseholders w trthaae When ibe plants a me up thin out Doti
claims he l
' lock
evening ell had
o Sister but thegrailro•.l man their leaar was defeated. e to a strong growing plane u left directly i
who are encamped in t' a woode near the The member for soot► Tyrone hay col- the centre of the pot. Felt stiff
d'•put•d .poi are being bevfly ruin botced lotted 1,10.0110 as a fond foe ea Oran gen.en's of wire down by the wide of the plot
from MI along the line and trouble is ex.
pected tonight as loth parties are deter-
Autumns Aire Ratattwss..-The .tock
of stationery, is.udiag note, letter and
account papers, envelopes, tad in tact,
all classes of priotoog papers has past
been replenished at T.s Shia•", An-
other large lot to arrive in a day u two
and more to follow.
�i_Iff you emit some-
thing neat sad wwmrreea like is od(;e
stationery, cal[ ilpills want a card or
circular petaled in the latest .tyle, call
at Tug FIoTAL steam printing b, os.,
North tit.
It M sot dMigewedsl M trap 14111:911.
poor to maw hie pulp I bet.111115
alienate one's .hill to OPPp •
• Prolliebte UIN.
Few men bare •ceomplia`od tats sats•
suint ut work .tad good in this wend
as Om .elrbratei Dr Chas.. Ove.
600,000 a his works bate beim sold In
Caaad• aloe.. We waist every person
trembled with Lives Complsiss,
p.pafa, Htra•d obs, Krdn.y .r Uriwy
Tnwbles, to buy a bottle tat Dr Chines
Liver Cele, it will cure you. Medicine
sod Recaps Seek $1. Sold by all
Lange etude or eompie00m* jewelry d
any klod are Dot worn by gentlemen d
we es new Year.
Du.e't allow a cola it the head to slow-
ly wad away run into C•t•+'eb, wham
lea cam be mired for 26c. by .slug De.
Chaos Catarrh Care. A low to= Nuns ours incipient catarrh ; 1 to R \exert
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 6 boxes is
gShrnntesd to oars chronic catarrh
it. Ouly 56u stud sure cure• Sadby
all tlrvsigam. ly
Three dollars • work are the wages 4,1
• wurklag mil.loer its Lohdt,n.
White, green and new are the most
fa.hioonsble colors for the evening toilet•.
The slur to which open in the back mad
feast are attaining popularity.
Riding *nu driving gloves for ladies
are short, and have only one button.
The fashionahle visiting card u almost
• misers piece of pe•tebo•rd.
Gray, fawn and drab are the colon is
favor fur apron,( walking dreams.
Embroidered bollen sod cuffs should
be made separate Isom summer dresses.
Those ladies to whew the style is he-
oomint. aN latah M their hair low
Permute with long handles will be
man generally worn than they were
last yeti..
Pe emery and Toilet .Articles,
Membered she Mayer.
• Plan d Campaign."
and bttie and tie loosely when it is ter
The liberutioa of Melieto•, the deposed 'nehe. high Use wonted for "yin
King el Sanwa, has been voluntarily an- Pitsea . flowery side brsneb that appears
sstaced in the Conference. on the mans stem, hut do not reams'
Cvt..:m., con., May 6. -A warrant The meeting of Queen Victoria with the a.7 )f the leaves. Their functions are - -_ _
having been hottedr7 for the arrest of HenQo QO Regent mf Speirs recently u clothed rryoired fur the strength and health of
Donaldson, • negro charged with totem 'Ir
with much importance lately. ;the plant. In four months turn out the
to earn •white ern
demeanour and • posse of nine me, went het lase the demeanx of Sir Richard Webster Aret uira larger sits ; bit do Dot al shill
eight to the negro', house to arrest Iowan'. Mr' P•rnel i. much rnma,'nted tt onleme ea the moo ter "Dried arousibm
him. They found his cabin closed and 1P00 ,bell. When the plant is .bout twely
age man, Mayor W. The acerbity of manner which chuaceer- bill of wrtb from the pot or seeertetn if
called upon him to epee the door. Recdiving The Pope says bei. greatly consoled by Inches btgh, side shoots may be permit -
iso answer they earned hien that umbrae the protegee of the Congress against the ted to grow, but their heads should be
the door was opened they would break it Mutation of the V aticaa occasionally pinched off to force them to
town, and indorsed him they bad • A train tau recently wiwcb•r! on China's fern a bushy top of a foot In diameter,
warrant for hill arrest At this point • may railroad and nineteen seen were either it requires about rime months to 00111 -
fun was thrust through the door and crumbed or burned to death. plot, this promos. bat • plant u nes
li.chergsd. The oso;ente 'truck Dough. It is denied that • secret treat, existed groan that will richly perfume a large
tilling him instantly. The pow retreated between England and 4;ermany to partition') om. By repotting every year it will
sad Donaldson escaped. Mayor Douglas the Tonga and Samoa Islands. ti
was very popular. He was •bit 27 yanl ear an abundance of fragrant S duru-
.iW I( Ibaa.ldson u ►t be will ret, It is elated iso Londr.n that the aegotia- ft r a number of seasons. B.... -da odor,
ably be lynched F thins for the international yacht race for the to is the beat r•riety to form into • tree
, America's ('up have fallen through.
Murder will efts. - it is stated that when Mr. Smith resigns - -
PAI.nTtvr, Tex., May 5. -line night Jt the leadership of the English doomed Con. The Hortt.7tfturaf Tons. says : Ordin
is Meer/as Mae T a
MotTwrat., May 4. --Detective Arcaod, Gly
who arrived home from Sherbrooke last
evening, paid s visit to the therbrooke jail as,
n ago Yolk A14e. was abut and killed muga, he will he saccee .d by Mr. Oroecben. ,any are nems too dry to grow let nm in. A
commie 1 amesmins while on his war to. Count Carlo di Corti, brother of Count substitute for • conservatiry is • War-
ann.. Melee+. Omar and Henry bieldaLadovica di Corti, the Italian statesman dean one. If one bas a bay window a
d John Parker were arrested on who died a few months ago, has sent an pretty fernery may be made by partition-
prciaon. It was rumored that agent to the Stites to sell his title. ion" tiff the window by •hdiug glass
61,bad detected the prisoners in reining int crew-esunination Mr. Parnell mid 000,11, In the fernery place a smmU
a number of stolen horse& For fromn that be hats' frequently reproved Mr. Wil. •lure. Always keep • thermometer in
n they were mot tried. During the past limn O'itrien for the violent articles which the room, and bare means for ventih-
yean :1) persona connected in one way or appeared in United Ireland. iUun from the top If the windows elide
other with the murder have died including Suit will be brought by his cr> partners to .•ally. the! can be lowered for ventila-
.ad saw °niece, the Mega tie outlaw, in Al,
his cell. He says that be is pro- oB
greeting favorably, and when asked, '• Iki _
you think he is sane or imam. `" replied 20
•'Well, 1 must tell you, that I thought hr as
eyes denoted • certain vagueness which bad I'ar
the appearance of inanity, and I shall be him
very much mistaken if that is not the ult.'. he
"gate verdict ijrroiaour..ed upon him. He t
speaks rationally, but when his wrongs are
toot lied upon his whole nature undergoes • Q,._
peat change and he as not the same nun.
The people nit that way seem 1.0 be very
glad that he has been arrested."
kir, O car Fields and Melain. /detain on o,m 1 Exhort Walter to bear the ex tion, Ferns are bent re t
eed deathbed some time ago conferred that rd the Times in its case avast the�Pi ♦r•'pvieg. )est as they begin itt the
end Parker did the shooting while nehita y 4 grow. In
he two Fields notified them of Aides' ep repotting ferns the most important
roach by •blast on •koro The grand! Trade hetweon England And Germany pints are good drainage, firm potting,
he now bdfeted Field. for minder,dtong the put two months was double the•'levatiug the pleat a little shove tie
be was bailed in $6000 yesterday. Iaeiouot for the corresponding period last nm of the pot or pan, so that the water
you. doer not lodge about the crown of the
A gems.• *'rose. ! During the Whitsuntide rices Mr. (.led. plant, and last, but hot least, to avoid
Boerne, Mayb.-Prominent
form int .worn chimes
pany ed •tone experts to enjoy • yachting cruise in coo„ frequent potting, so that when trans -
tan pro factory poorest friendstrelthe . d ":rat Britain' with a party d (.nerd tofu s •ever larger put they retain
".Pani, • lse t. one of for
trictn in Ireland to furnish employment A •meeting of the prnmotere of Me. Ref, a goo's wood ball For some time after
eviot«t trtsmots. The PI.. will 1a.se11'. rcheme for mot ling Stettisb and
repotting the plant should he watered
molted to Meier.. Pantell, Devitt Ulster ("men,. Irish umiyp•ig♦ mates was snerir..i7' Devine this period the
I lrIlrien for approvaL 11 ie proposed' held in Dublin. atmosphere should be kept moist by
nanufadure Lour.,, shoe•, clothing sad; - -_-- dampening the floor ; give little vsotih-
lerwear. There is already • flourishing,tion and keep the temperature fire or
looter factory in Multinger run qp�n I p' Ai •mom ten deer*** higher than usual. A. the
friends $ome d the I theish starer
4. meld! 1t-igrin•-- Then gage • self made mala note become f roily cetahhshed in the
He began hawking neckties, and now belt new roll, add more water and give mon
A l ______s M.r•'er. wou-ih \elle million._ sir. Cine water freely all the sum ner
est Ri.&Kitt W1
T. 1f pi _I1, �tli,(gina Alt, it's d� k, who c• seskill' red fall. Lower the temperature vome-
r. V . ours fellow some air.
Der wen fo.i l N•dsy h•ngucgto'he e,sa me and Lormwrd a dnllsr. Ile got • tray, what in winter. The fernery should he
$ .mail be" diking •I..wt le the (..ought some small wares. end wet *bens exposed to the .on, but it should have
In the middle ..f the fnre'.ee•l tau the streets selling them. mein@ of being sheltered.
Ilei lode. Tie deceased was well dram- Ni 'gains And he grew rick! -
na seemed , have pieol, .d sunny. Ne Itliagin. No: he was stocked y for ped- Word McAllister a referent* to the
e :o I'nr• iI•akeiy • few lave ago dim:, without a Neeame.
hiring A smell ".tsar went mut into t "women and neon ' who were to dance
. Nothing more was aeon of him until in tt-e centrontal quadrille, instead of
body was. i.cov.rd suspend..! fro. the • mmag'vmee Jerry speaking of them •e "14,.. and gentle -
mast The murder is snppo.ed t• her. The late Count s houvslnff did mall in men, ' ie evoking • warm response from
rnmmr.tot by *minim ors or pirates. 1N;M b preserve peace ►..teem Fn,Tland and many newspapers. There has been •
awrem a et' • •eea•rea,a ••. ROOM*. bat mope o.eetsioe one ..1 hi* l�oobke* haply t.t.deney of late years toward an
Jrw+rr l rev, flay b. Ik. N, dory J. /*early proip.rad war. ile was at lad
� honcrt plusaese of Mpeeek whisk u en
(:renville's et a time when rumors were thio
rem' meg. surgeon of IA* City that the Rnseiau were advancing hy r"uraglne. The Gabon of • number n1
Rerltn, .omm,tt.d eni.iM 1" day 47 Silk' mar.cheennI'onstantiw.pie. son..mi.
aaked the Hodson River ferryboats are 'nuked
tnnrph,ne H. wan 47 ye.. • od•i Lim plumply if i• wen ems. ••Whv," he re- 'Men," '•Womoo, which as • nommen-
the sono of ea Epun.psl Vie, cringe i l..,l a lough, "we w already there r" •.nm' way. The "sslslady . end .'week
Longhairs, Ing. Time c.•m n mattered. Two ad
Y hours atter , ere forcing m* M.° atmphrity u
M•ssM. P�t.,i.-- _. want "user". wen Sing to A{/.reh,, aeU-3deaes.
D... s. -1y &-Mayese on strike m I''rtem.a•b, Reaika Bk). anal aarwhsrm. .a
rlmabrnboa, wimp, •i.e •.:•ted ,, w Thur days tater one tsyeire4 d I s Asrhs. Young wits. "Hofon. we were s.ttrrstd,
tort to ...v., anti, r, s iiia .unpoor w,rh f 'hope PA.l•. • by I .A pm[ nearff s had an hest (7 Dore., yen never emnkrd In m7
p Mkt. H, Tied that no•
d. end rued., w.. .. .1 with Use Dasa '" 1tte.tlno Mm iso"• eo1 y ` • fN e ' vmint keab•ed 1 know tt
somiaton.• ,d. iea•ehm►o. w u. �a dww:.g-remw . my dear, awl nue never wore mewl-popen
....,.,„. ,. _....... tin eiwe. " 1
The reseal f'hmages.
Ore %ws. May 4. - The charges .runt.. cr
plated ..oder the amended pato(6ce act of die
lest session will take effect n. R edn.edey ko
next On end after that day the charge for sui
drop letters in the cities which lave the an
benefit of s free delivery system by letter to
carrier. will '.e two cents. The registrs. un,
tiro. f.e tor .11 letters will from that date un,
be Eve cents, and the weight of letters iha
which will be carried for three or two mute noir
r intweased to an ounce,
They Are nottedstlea p.
Orrtw+, May 4.- -A row ham lar, n railed till
by the ('ons.rvetive Workm;m•., s As- - of
.oci•tio• nn account of the alleged undue Ivy
amount of patronage dietrileite f among a ba
�yench ('bandana The rumination has ed a
appointed a committee to wait upon Sir, can
JMacdonald to demand Justice for the, end
Engli.h-.periling element. hay
A Dat Libel arra
HORros, May 6. S. W. Mr{sul, chid -
man of the Judiciary Committee d the
Mees•c•hmette lwgialature, u monad for
Samuel Feetsdmn, Treasurer .4 the (`.�••ppasM
('od Ship Camel Cmnpu,y, hes anod The A
lioeto• Traveler for libel, laying damages of
IA $1()0,(100, m areount of tie publieatks tell
of the dr.pstch from Sandwich, May 2. was
alleging that Fe•eend.n hart mysteriously, nut
disappeared and hinting at ivanefal irreg.-
The M•marh's rwe.gen banded l+
Ni. i.oaa, May A This stea,teahip'
Wieland by at garrisons for tae night ibe
Inday. i
"the leaded toe pamsy.n d the Da.aaark swnr
without O sOTTpHER"►DRILL made can he instantly regulated o run Si any desired depth
ingP40 OTHER DRILL will sew all Madam' grain thoroughly. evenly and properly cover-
ed a, • uniforrm d-pth in all kinds of,oil.
NO OTHER MILL commntooeto sow the instant the hones cwm,D-e to move. and
Wows so ground when starting la. after turning.
P40 01 HER 'RILL arab the Ifoo.d.r when timed as a cultivator and no eagle culti-
vatoe it. thus combining two implements In one.
?re the greatest Ins entiona of the age, in our new cotter which cuts but one r
waste ends and, ,n btndiaar. ord. makes
In returning thanks to our numerous friends, both in town and
country, for their liberal patronage since our commencement in busi-
ness here, we would respectfully announce that our Seel] (}rain
Department will be found complete in every detail. We are Import-
er. and (IrowerM of this Department ourselves, everything is experi-
mentally grown, and after a three years test the bent for the Farmer
to grow is brought forward. Everyone who values a reliable change
of Seed will do well to (live us a ('all.
And all kinds of Agricultural (:ratsea will be the best the Market
Our selections have been made with the greatest carp, nnil only
Ruch Seexlsinen who Lave a reputation to sustain have been dealt
with. Our stock in this Department will he found Complete.
A Fall Skaek will he kept constantly on han.l. We sell the best
Flour the Market can produce and guarantee 'satisfaction every time
A Full Stock of this line of goods will be kept on 1Ftbibitioel,
and For Hair. Hinders, Mower., Seed Dnll*, Rakes, Hay Forks, Culti-
vators, Sulky Ploughs, eke., for this Department will he repreaentetl
by MR W N. VAROv,E of I)»-
gnnnon, an the Townships of Ashfield
and Wawsnosh, and by Mit. Arnot;; MCKINNox, in the Townships of
Colborne Hullett and (loderich. W. BITRR('WS