HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 1e 1 °Oau Diremi ii
_ win.mei ! M,tlr Dyrnea
.pderlik. es Wett. ed �''e> arn
Oederich, ea Th rah.
a IIII years. et Yr. W. J Hob
The Ammar will take Mees hem the reel -
dome of her haus.d, `tMetea west. au
Friday. Mei MM. at 4 .'deet P.M.
• L Miere.iprsy re, tikes
As !elft hitt peed rt." IMF
Outside views. Mstea, eryens sr oil pslat-
bye at iMart said beet styli at Geo.
you can a w to give rt
a Wirt Pea. sow metala
PIT os D. McGillicuddy. weal. Ooderieb.
Linen dewire, •ssr.onkers, every tied of
eehseaastremal light pamlismee's wear , new W
t of F. t A. Prfead bdb at.ta8`has
Thelma penises., the purest dome. the
aszlesaIths elegem attrIsm,ot
Tim Wormers Caamrtae T *pw.„ca
171Mest will meat for the transamien
afternoon at the
Every ween& la-
• erdWjy Imbed
want for Mat
and low Vr m ppapers a.4 th are preler rre la
paint. kalsamlee aid reeve polish are
the thing. Give them • can at the che.p-
�-- eider theme.
Wive will ere waterworks .mese tab
Meat barn been asked by moa ; aged what
Matter with the street wabr4* 1 le asked by
Thine iosis
bearbw u�gMetba are
I. oriarhe ear towsbet if tunnies r nab where
mai the
and bent devivw la iseders pasts
y be=oound. • mead Merin hem
-AS L l
sathMed lira tallow's Delete e.tabirebeeet, Mee.
r ef Mese
trealeto and ware."
Mr Geo Swanson is jest recovering
from a movers indisposition.
Mayor Butler is off on holidays, and
municipal mitten ars drooping.
Inspector Cavan, of the Inland Rev-
enue Depertment,was in town on Friday
Mr Jonathan C'Ibere*, Smith's Fills,
is visiting his brothers, John H. and W.
• Ambrose.
Miss Julia Haley, of St. Marys, is the
guest of her ester, Mrs T. H. Mahooey,
East -street.
. Dr MoDo.aph will be in Goderich for
eonsultatn•m on the brat Saturday of
every month.
John Acheson a kid glare annocnee-
meot i,n 5th page is worth the attentiuo
of every reader.
Mr D K Strachan is beady engaged
psifecting the new machinery for lauucb-
Id.''be lifeboat.
?lies Ellie Mahoney, cf Stratford,
formerly of Giderich, it visiting the
home of her childhood.
The Bret sitting of the Court of Re-
vision fur Hallett will be held •t
Loodeeburo, on the 27th inst.
Me Geo A Thorpe, of Tomato. ss re-
segion.tiag in tows after • three weeks'
Mme Haseiltes, of Drsyto., Dakota,
She intends her
amt, lin 8. Pollock.
Nasiiag the sam.►ee here.
The Teems Woman's Christian Tam-
peraaes Union win bold its mink, ttse►et-
lag ea Monday. 13411, at
at the hoe ofMn R. Hendersond�
fall •ttssdasce is particularly requested.
A Porvtas Tpsestrauttr.-A sew
scale Upright Piamofotte recently eOm-
pleted by Messrs Newcombe & Co. , Tu-
roato, em affording great satisfaction.
tills the regaireesests for a reliable ilk
strsme.t by a Brat Disse .taker at . tissue
within the reseal of all. Write them for
particulars if
A Novaiyr. -A B Cornell has a
novelty i. the New Raptness" maim
ea•biu., which is • handsome piece of
furniture for a parlor or sitting room,
sombining • beaatilui ladiss' writt'ag
desk with the most durable and praotieal
.swang machine made.
Judge Tome, who is one of the
stataves to the Greed Coai.ii d the
Royal Amami, left on T y.�.
Peterborough to be present at the osseina
of that order. Mr Radcliffe, who was
to have accompanied him, was detained
hen owing to the illness of hi. dauzbt•r.
The prettiest thing on wheels in this
town is the delivery wagon which Mr
Woe Pridham, of the Parisian Laundry,
ha. had made in response to the increas-
ing demands of his bosinese. Mr Prid-
tiam's business has steadily grnwn .men,
he opened up in Str,I'ord, and besides
his lards city custom he receives work
weekly from Berlin, Seaforth, St,
Marys, rte. The Parisian Laundry
doss [food work and deserves success. -
Stratford Herald.
On Friday afternoon last then w
good taro -oat at the Agricultural P
to see the base ball game betwee
picked nine of the lawyers and bank
and soother from the merchants of
town. P. Maloolmsoo sod G. Pa
comprised the buttefor the law en
and beaker., and S. Maleumwn and Ed.
Camp.ignefitled the points for the mercan-
tile teem. In the early part -of the game
law and 6nwoe led the procession by •
tall more, but in the ninth innings of
the merchants, Pitcher Malcolmaon a arm
gave out, and • " razzle-dazzle " was the
result, allowing a score of 11 runs, which
added to the 5 already made brought the
total up to 16. As the other team had
trade 18 runs in their eight innings they
decided to not take the beat inning.
The Pame was a highly interesting one,
the features being the battery work, the
ban work of Messrs A Pridham and
Pioodtoot, and the base running
Meagre Sutherland Malcolmson, D. M
Donald and P. Hult. A return match
looked for at an early date.
GODERIre Toper. -The Isst issue
Monetary Tst.es has the fuliowi
bout our town :-We do net require
remark the attractions offered by God
tilt as a summer resort, since we ger
told that an illustrated pamphlet is
preparation which will set forth these
Bat we gather some ether interests
Seta and figures about this breezy u
town from the Annual Report of i
Beard of Trade, just sent us. Th
population exceeds 4,000, and there a
over 100 shops and basinees pl-,•
these ten are dry goods, 10 gruo.ry
provision, and 7 merchant tail
pa There are 6 dressmakers,
Ilan dealers, 5 bakers, 1 confection
The trades occupying 4 shops each
those of druggists, shoe., butcher'
t, grain, millinery, store and tins
r and feed, house -furnishings, an
•paper. There are three hardware
pe, 3 lumber yards, 3 men's furnish
places, and three livery stables,
knitters, 2 densts, 2 Berets,
Iles, 2 plumbers. In default o
assessment figures for the tureen
, the Report gives the total for las
at $1,109,795, of which 2989 000 is
estate, Municipal indebtedneee
unto to $96,174, two-thirds of which
been incurred for water -works, elmlighting, and the Agricultural Park.
town is well lighted, efforts are
ark From the ilimarated [Signal -Star.
en A review of the industries of find*
the rich would indeed be incomplete if i
rks failed to contain a reference to Ta
Hosoa StoxiL. which, for the
forty years and mors, has been • pioneer
of progress in Guder,oh. Establish
in 1848 by the late Thomas 1‘11r44 tem.
at once took rank with the foremost Pro-
vincial papers, and although in its loog•.e
career it bas undergone chania and
vicissitudes, it has ems through them
with curage unabated, energy undimin-
ished, and vigor unimpaired. Today it
stands in the trout rank of Canadian
country journalism from a literary stand-
point, and has at its command the mint
perfect mechanical facilities of all the
w otlioes in Huron, Perth and Bruce. In
of its earlier years Tux Stnttgi had, like
c- cost other country newspapers of that
is period, many changes of proprietorship.
m Q•
Mr Mcseen'. retiring in 1852, he
was succeeded by George and John Cox,
of Nich••lls & Coz, J. K. Keys, and then
ng McQueen again resumed control. H.
to afterwards disposed of the nape to
.- W. T. dt G. Cox, who were succeeded
• by Coz & Smith, and they in turn geld
in out to J. J B.11, now editor an.i pro-
• prietor of the Brookville Reeler. He
ug was succeeded by Allan 1 Dickson.
id After the lamented death of Mr Dickson
to I by drowning, Mr Allan secured a part!
• I art}
in Mr limine, formerly of the
re ; Woodatnck !i.••le.e, and the business
" I were conducted by them uitrl Sept.
Tse New Climax Co. -A meeting of
the shareholders cot the Joint Stock
Organ Co. of Goderioh was held on
a Thursday evening of hue week, Mayor
• Kotler in the chair. There was a tante
d attendance, and the proceedings were
most enthunns
estic and hs-inenn..
After addresses had been ,node by the
2 Mayor and Mr. Baacketone, the fol.
2 Inwieg provisional directors were ap-
f , pointed • Joe. Williams, John Aehseon,
t ! Horace Horton. C. A. Humber, Joke
t - Butler, Wm Proo'ifurt, Chu. Black-
stone and F. Jordan. Mr D. Mctiilli-
caddy acted as secretary. At the close
of the meeting the signing of the stock
. book took place, and arrangements were
made for plat ng the company on •
thorough worktt,g basis.
1, 1880, when McGillicuddy Bros..,
formerly df the+ Brained. Past, as-
sumed ccwtr.d of Ta SIGNAL With
advert,/the advert,/ of the new proprietor. • radi-
a eel change was made in the "get-up" of
t the j .uru.l. The old "bisi.ket sheet"
wee abandoned, and the more modern
p 8 -page form was adopted ; • complete
new oath' of type was purchased ; addi
Lionel and improved machinery was
placed in the pressroom ; a toll onrpe of
t meaty correspondents was secured ; as
Tem SIot,L became, from • typographi
ml and literary standpoint, • model
keel newspaper. In 1886 Mr Thomas
McGillicuddy, the junior member of the
firm, retired from the business, to ac
met the position of camel stenographer
in the Ontario Barest" of Industrie•, and
resigned from the staff of Tits Sti..rat.
Since that time the entire control of the
joures•l has been iii the hands of the
present proprietor, Mr D. McGillicud-
dy, and the pneperous career of THE
SIGN A1. has continued. During the past
year a new engin? has Leen added to the
pressroom equipment, and the other ap-
pli*aci•s fur turning out brie -class job
murk have also been improved. The
Pressroom is one of the most complete
outside of the cities, and containa four
presses -three of which are driven by
steam power. The present handsome
edition of THE iii. reTRarro tiniov.-
STAR is fair testimony to the excellence
of TettS1.4I&L printing facilities, es the
entire Militia to th ► work of its press
room. Pnlittcally the paper is au inde-
pendent Reform journal, ss. fearless and
outspoken, end is subservient to n. par-
i ty nr clique.
Sunday last throe young men, who tb.
were paddling in a nae in the river, •
were overturned and gut soused is the
If you are in want of a good first -clans
top buggy call and see Alex. Morton's
stock -it is large and all fat -class work.
Prices right.
The tracts for general distribution
have arnvea, and persons desirous of
getting them can obtain them from Mr
David Stoddard. Of
We regret to horn that Mfr. Arm- and
strong, mother of Mr Harry Armstrong, oho
of the N. W. Telegraph office, is snit in torn
• low state of health. .r.
Mr A Waddell, an old miner, left for ma
Sudburyon Monday on a prospecting Bo
tour. is friends here w ,old rejoice to °8
hear of his striking a good lead. wall
Mrs and Miss Drummond have return- IYq
ed from • six months' trip east. They two.,
had an enjoyable time, but like all others ; trot,
are glad to get book to Goderieh. ! the
Dr M Nicholson, the Rest st dentist, year
makes the preservation of the natural ; year
teeth a specialty. Gas administered from real
9 a. m. for the painless extraction of &mu
teeth. has
Conductor Aasebrook left for Denver, I tris
Col., Wednesday last, to attend the . Th•
annual Conductors convention. He is nein
weompanied by Mn and Miss Anse- I Park
brooks, and expects to be absent two net
weeks. l Refs
Boys ' Loop Hass. --New bicycles st sestates t
the price of oaad hand ones : Comet exceed
Safety, 085 00 ; Comet No. 2, 066 00. ! with
Boy's bicycle up to 48 inches, 030 00, at 11.°11i
Olio. W. Thomeoa's usesie d•pot,,Squs,,,
Goderich. 2 2t
it was Dr John D Wilson (not Frame
who purchased J W J.nei residence o0ee
Q.n's avenue. Dr Wilson has just
returned from Riverside, C.I., and
seams quite restored in health. -Loa-
den Fre. Pres
Fersetence rm. Assnewrwy Rocs
AatniLD Toweewtr. Population, 3514;
births, 86 ; deaths, 36 ; number horses,
)298; cattle, 4261; sheep, 3297, pine,
983; dogs, 391; nares.( woodland, M711;
.me. orchard, 492; acres fall wheat,
g made to enclose and improve the
and &Imre, and the water -works
em, we believe, is • very gond one,
rring to mansfactures, the report
that the product of Boor in 1888
ed that of 1887 ; likewise that
the expected additional railway
ties, new factories might with ad-
vantage consider the sitestion and other
Majors of God.rich "The production
of salt hes been much larger than in pre-
vious years. the pricos somewhat better
than poet three year., and the article
nuuufacturd of • superior grade and
quality to anything hitherto prodssled
in Goderieh, indicating greater are in
the numufa,ture and more skill fs the
prones One new salt refinery is ender
souatretion, where eommon salt will be
enwverted into dairy at • enema] moat,
and • superior article plated epos the
markets at s slight advance in prima'
The saw and planing mills., the revelry,
boiler factory and maehim shop this
'overages principally oneepied nn
malt mid apple barrels- -the outset
stretehgr `Mer►, the shipyard, all these,
it apptir, hies been homy and prosper.
noun. 'Ae tiesi.tpel heads of God•rieh
are : his B.tl.r, mayor ; W. Pread •
feet, reeve ; Abraham Smith, deputy.
reeve. The Mime of the Board 4
Trade ars : R 8. William.•, president ;
Joseph Kidd, jr., vies -pr James
Mitchell, ; R, wet,
Rar'etymD A OOvaawwslrT Atmxwy
✓ ttsT. -.Dr Rees, who for the pesteoopie
of yen has practised medicine in -►.r
town, has reeeived tie appointment 11
e mend assistant medical officer in the
Rae0toe Asylum. The doctor is a
gooses) favorite with the people of this
town, ass his any friends tejnise at kis
promotion to a good position. The ap-
pnhteseet is an Ontario Gerstein..
one. The doctor is a eon of Hoe. A.
Y. Rom, Provtseisl Treasurer.
Tee Br:tgnT CoN'-gtT. ---The benefit
concert to Mr J C Hyslop on friday
evening last was largely attended, and a
good pegram was presented. The fo.l-
owing ladies and gentlemen kindly took
part in endeavoring to make the program
• auoceag Mrs Thor Detlnr, the Mimes a
Itidchffe, Annie and linphie Fisher, T c
Graham, A Chilton and Trueman, and t
Prof Aannksen, E C Belcher, R S i
1Villiams R ()Reynolds and B Richard-
son. Miss Cooke was the acaompsnist, I
and performed her duties with her usual
ease and grace. Miss Ridclife dseervee e
the thanks of all for taking part in the n
o►ncert, eotwitbdaading the fact that '
she had to leave • hod of illness to be ' d
present 44*. had the sympathy of the
entire bedtime, who fully appreciated o
her self•eserifee nn the oseaornn. The p
reciteti,ns by Mn Dielor and Miss e
The junior Huron Lacrosse Club is
open to receive challenges from other
e obs is Western t ►Mario. R. Ralph is
Sr'DDpN DEATH. - Wednesday •iter- ,
noon, Wm C Dyeout, st one time
teenager of the large lumber firni of
Dyment & Co., at this point, was sudden i
ly stricken down with apoplexy while
sitting in • chair nn the sideman( in front;
of the hotel at which he herded. He
had resided off and os in t:•sderich for
some years, and was of a friendly and
■ ereeabis disposition. He was in the,
30th year of his age, of a stout and
healthy build, and his sodden taking of
was • shock to all who knew him. The
body was taken tc the railway ■'atlon
nn Thursday afternoon, in transit t..
1 $1 D. LVR/N AD Aw MCI
Mr Alf Merril, Monett, who has beaus County Atka In the meantisae the
employed at Spread's mull for somewho minimally borrowed the Atlr
tin►. bacbe
k, hes es compelled to give 1:7 :12.114 s•dwe and evidently forgot that
work,ep owtag to a large getheei.g on he had ever borrows'_ anything In the
shape of the book hum Tin Pwratr
The haters by Rev Dr Ura, on "A Th. Wel 4 sow over ..d .. rsjosss
Trip to rho Muth., Load," which was i• the recovery of the work. The little
to have been delivered 00 May Yard, has item about the lecture by the preacher
been postponed sutil May 30th. All from Clinton did it.
are invited.
Mr John SpruniMullett,ressintly sold MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.
to hie moo -in-law, Mr Samuel Coz, !MUT. -- --
6ve sons in the ltsitlead Block, for aeasalaswty -movw.vs'saanat Ilium"
the wm of 02600, and Mr Coz i. °rent- ss.eroat ad emeses,
lag a hoses thereon for the 000u ties T1s woos! oa..ting of t►. IaGtitm.s
of his parents. was held ma Monday *Teeing, Thom
Weethereld in the .Mir. The attsed_
Knoz church Band of Hope will hold .see was somewhat small at the upenist-
its regular emoting os Saterdasy,- May After the minutes of last annual meets•
Ilth, at 3 p.m. All are requested to be iag bad bees teed by the secretary, the
present, as prises will be gives for good reports of the direstore and makers were
attendance, sod those who have oct reud ea follows
already given their names for the lower DlPULTOti ttrnaT
show 'ars asked to do so on Saturday, as Te the membere of the Meohaalc.' Institute.
the meeting closes for the summer sea- Lamer and GaxTLsxsr. - Is. submat-
son. ting this the ¬al report as required
by law, fee the year ..ding 30th April,
hist 1889, your diemei ham tate.*memo
Tele! In seats tmmpm.t a presperoes aero
mem of affairs ; the halcyon days of the 4.a4 -
on tuts are not waning.
err.. It is. plea•ieg tots of the *Noises;
t.d, of the library and readiogroom that the
ave membership again shows an increase ;
iEee. last year's report indicating that the
be somber of members had advanced from
pies 102 to 137, whilst at the present time
pies the figure is 150.
Our thanks ars due to Mr Win. Kyle
{ for his headsmen present of 9 volumes.
055 I Your directors would point out that
Pear_ snob donations are very acceptable and
ay would remind members and the public
&M- - g neatly that,aa the institute is oompo.-
ed of people of all classes and creeds,
all kinds of useful and entertain;ng books
may find • fitting place upon the Maass.
k. The treasurer's report shows the r. -
ed estpt* and expenditures for the poet
.re twelve months and the amber of
eseenboes in good standing. The report
r. of the teacher of the buok-kee,xng Diass
s la presented herewith.
► This handw.ma and interatomic pomp
will be c,rnptsted and ready fir deli
on Tuesday morning. Persona deei
of /routing copies from the edition
sale should leave their orders at o
The supply of seleoble *vies is limi
and to accommodate the public we h
opened an order -book at this o
Fent come, first served, will have to
our motto. If you want to secure o0
leave your orders at once. Single co
10 mote.
Mew S. orr-8totlor.. - The tam
reader, Mn Scott-8iddooe, will ap
in the Grand Opera Howe on Tumid
ensuing, May 14th. There is every
son to believe that this will be the f
well appearaeoe of this talented art
and those who would hear the
living reader should not fail to to
advantage of the opport.oity afford
on the evening of the 14th inst. Th
will he an entire change of program
from any previously given hers by M
Sonet-Siddoes. The plan of the hall
now on view at Fraser & Porter
Tickets 25c and 35c ; reserved
Oteroiay. -On Friday, April 26t
Jennie, seeond daughter of the la
Archibald Dickson, passed away after
long Illness, which she bon with Ch
tian fortitude and calm resignation. Th
funeral, which took place from the fain
ly residence to Maitland cemetery n
Monday, April 29, was largely attended
Revs Robert Cr*, D.D.,and J. A. Ander
son, M.A., conducted the funeral cere-
mony at the house and grave. The
pallbearers were Mesons R. Fraser,
Dickson, ti. A. Nairn, P. Malcomson
of G'iderich, R. Dickson, Brussels,and A
Brnadfoot, S.aforth. A number o
floral tributes lay on,. the casket fro
friends and relatives. Jennie will
sadly missed by all who knew her and
bved her. Her end was pease.
Prnu,• ScH:►oL Bo.tei. ---The regular
meeting of the poblic school bard we
bald on Monday evening. Present, the
ehairman,Mr S. Malcolm on, and Mears
C. Crabb, W. Acheson, A. 8. Chrystal
H. W. Ball and 0. Swanson. Minute
of previous nesting having been coo
firmed, the principal's report,showing an
average attendance for April of 317 boys
and 291 girl., was read and filed. A new
black board for the principal's room, re
psis needed for the several schools, and
sundry supplies needed were referred to
contingent c.,nmitese with power to act.
Trees required fur the several schools
were ordered and their selection left to
the chairman. The tomboy of division
6, Central schcol, tendered her resigna-
tion, the same Ming accepted ny the
board. Accounts of Buchanan A Co.,
06 93, and Cameron & Holt, fab, were
referred to finance committee with power
to pay. A motion to put water in the
several schools was carried and the mat-
ter left in the hands of die chairman
and Messrs Cribb and Sw, noun. Tb.
board then ad-ourned
a The Iabrarise'• report shows the awn -
their description and circulation and aamountb, amount of the various newapapees sad
te megadeals oo the tables. The Dumber
a of newspaperson file a •bout the mme
ries as lest ye, namely, 3 dailies, 20 week-
. lies, 18 magazines.
i- Miss Skimmings also kindly places
o two papers week by week on fie. the
. Kingston British 44'At j and the
Strathroy .4w-.
Your directors won!d again remind
members that any soggestioes a. is
A- hooks now upon the shelves or as to the
• advisability of adding any specific work.,
• will always be gladly received and will
f obtain due constderstiou.
len The electric light has been plical in
be the reading room and is reported to give
general sat deetio
Attentive ise•Bed to the alien 4the
plaster upon the walls ani militias of
both the reading and clam om• !come
repairs ars muck seeded.
FIKAlicIAI. sTArmxL` T.
• Rscsvrrst.
Balanus forward $ 52 06
Members' Fees..... 143 00
Lagielative grant for membership 50 00
" " " Library..... 150 00
" „ " heading room 50 00
1.4 '' Chose.
Fees from evening class 38 00
Municipal grant 100 00
Other worms.. .. 17.30
Balance..... „ .. 25 90
'is"o •v bee f d at present in
the lih..ry,
A ITER MANY YRAR.4 -Some seven or
eight years age a copy of Belden's Co00-
17 Atlas was borrowed frau TSs Ktur►t
office, and the name of the perms who
borrowed it was forgotten. No trace of
he missing book could he toned, and all
ffons at remembering the name of the
person who borrowed it pn.vd unarmi-
ng, and so the matter rested 1. r over
seven years. Litt week the following
tem appeared in Ter Si,NAi. • " A
acture will be delivered in Victoria
street ehureh nn Thnred ay, 111
Rsv Joseph Edge. Clinton -- Mahject,
Take back what you borrow." Suita-
ble sel•etions will be even by the .4r' r.
liver collection at door. Doan open et
.30 ; to commence at eight. Tei
IoNAr hopes there will be • wend at.
.ndanee. and that the man who bot'rew-
ed oar Belden's County Atlas some years
go will be in the audience, and eaperi-
eam a change of heart " On Monday
hat one of our prominent moo -heats
met THY Msoesi. and told us that be
seals' pot es nn the track ..f the Atlas,
h he had head shout is the item.
set, it was down .t his hems, aid he
come into pousessioa of it in this
The man who borrowed the Acen
omission to take it to Clinton in the
vas of his boldness. aid some years
st oar met•ohar,t friend at the
sod asked him as a tante to take
the book to Ood.risb, where he world
call for it in dee mune. The mereAeut
hmught the book up and deposited it is
his ebe-
wrwows, to •east the teeming of
the versos from whom he had received momit, end these* amomof the matter
until he sag the item in hat week's
paper iso a.tentios to a missing
Barrie for interment.
Frox F
r and lire McLean
arrived home from Florida, where they --
had been sojourning for the pre:iow
month, nn Tuesday •,f last weak. They i
wore booth much pleased with the trip 1
nit the doctor is sedim.,ttal over the
beasts and oppotrtnnitrss of that pot.
ion of the Sunny Month. So satisfied
s he of the bnght business futonof
hs district that he hr. purchased • 5
llge fruit farm near Conant, and es- 7
tehlwhed his eldest son Harry aa mamas- S
r. He has become gaits an authority t
n tropical fonts and fruit culture, and
Mimes. there is • great chance for the •
evdnpment of the export trade of the
section. TN! SIGNAL had the privilege
f snjoyisg • toothsome orange and
.mel., which the dnetor was kited
'sough to bring in to th
Trueman were of a high order, and the (
masisal numbers elicited rounds of t
epplssse and moons Mr Belcher and h
'ranges we had partaken of before, bei
h. pelo was s novelty, and we might
ave had qualms shoot f.asti
ss sere ei•ie• are deserving of credit for hplaitedthe manner in which they plaited their m
time and talent in seeking the eoneert •sa
eussa And elide we ars
t k on this •ab-
jeawaold wet b. set of Rim
meto Ri
a steed of praise to Mn W
J McCelloStvaeoa,
Iia1 .and A and W Pi'idhaw,
who, by their efforts in ticket . Iing,
ewwteibated not • little to the Targe at-
tendee.s We understand some 061
were seated by the .Decent, and pl toed
M the moat d Mr link".
in f
.---^, ..elan and of a sine. m
lighter color The pulp tastes pee:mbar elation
M first, but alter the Bre/ pem.lo is die -
ref, the ester's Georgina Ntirel
fmppears, and the Whammy in *om
for more, it is not a enamels fruit
nay latitude for dogmas prprsse, but
we import W us s den' •uet 01 the
trade. Like the tenet% I . panto ler
sons to may.
t Mos
ad it not been a' w
rosommended y emend
wheal authority. This trust is of tint
Ex 1 -Et DITI' ler.
Rent,ligbt and heetft,4
Books (nut bction
Magazines, newapsp.ra, &e....
xm, R ate Aw.cr,.
Sundry accounts outstanding .. $ 50 00
Vale of furniture 180 00
" books in library. 2150.00
Number of member,, May lot, 150.
The report of W. R. Robertson show-
ed the number of pupils to be 1:1, age.
from 15 to 43. Subjects, hook keeping,
arithmetic and writing. The sdvaocemeut
made was satisfactory.
voL. els LIBRARY. lot„ 14780.
Banpraphy 370 116
Fiction . '196 1913
Hisry . .. 240 149
Miseellaa.ow 365 171
Omani Literature . 90 16
l'tl.try & the Dream 54 0108
keligw.us Lltbrat.r. 122. 86
&li.ace and Ana . . gill 113
Voyages and Travels 197... , y
Mori, of reference 50. 49
• 2114 21428
An loonies* of circelatinn over that
of last year, 936 ; the average daily at-
tendante during the rest wss til.
Th• election of dhows resulted as
follow I'resideut, Thor. Weathenid ;
Ise vee-preeid..t, T. C. N.hel : 4tsd
vise, W. F. PUN; 1 eaer.iary, 0.e.
*time ; treasurer. A. J. Moore ; dime
tore W. H. Money, Ed. Shannon,
Fred Blair, J. H. Williams, Tho..
Os motion of Mr Colborne, .eeosd.d
by Mr Homb.r, • hearty vete of th..te
was sewdeted the *Mears oaf dinNoes.
The meeting then aljoeried,