HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 87.1 TETE HURONCSIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1889. • . .00El Ivry ry cuititieNtu r&os s2000 '9‘ the IT if I • 1'4 I Cfsztien es • 1111001•M MI% BsygivIA wad 4•10th'd bY • ik•J''rnY ug 19 141111 Amcricall Efewelettere 1Youn Correepou- ,:' den ti, and Other I tem*. A Weekly laiteees .f the Vests y news ilsevis ed ap sores Seeders of 'tribe almsaL" MY non roluil. tipped .ad cam- dvased from livery ',revue. 1 Mr J. R. Holmes, Holmourdle,reaurn. ded fr.iu his trip to oa Hun. day laid The M. diatrict oseittiug for Godde rich introit, Methodist church, will be held at H user I. Morrish, Colborne, sold bia hum ter Henry Young. and inteuda et,ing to Dakota shortly. We uotiee with pleasure that Mr. J. T Ireleud, Sadiforth,lias had countered upon him the degree ot of 1)eutal Surgery. We are glad to learn that Mr B Fisher, Kipper', who was so unfortunate as to (It his leg broker), is progress:tog favorabl Mr Vets,' Verotte, eldest eon of the late Dr Voccoe, formerly of Seaforth a student at the !Loyal Military Coll K 'Desna). Mr Usurers Mackenset, Witigheide. lea sisoseesfully passol h. sociond year medi- cal examinattoti at the Tot out° &Mad cf Medicine. There was • very 'ergs docket at the Fourth 1.)1i won Court, Weasel*, on Thursday, pn.bably lamer than at any pl.vi.us Court. Judge Doyle presided. J H. Simnel t• now in a position to not oely annex L 1). 8. 111 his name hat skid D. I). 8., which signifies Doctor Dental Surgery. H. is the youngest son of Rev It Swarm, of Brussels. Of she liallerare trees reamempuem. Scrofula and General Debility will try Soott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, they will find imme- diate relief and a perinenent benefit. Dr H. V. Mutt, Heartwood, Cal., writes: "1 hare used bootee Kuielsion with great advantage in cases of Phthisig, Scrofula mid Wasting Dicessim. It it very palatable." Sold by drugrisie at and ffl.e 4 THE MAtiKETS. , _ dim BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS At the annual races ..n Fairview P Seaforth. the Queen's Birthday, sum ot $560 wsil be offered au puree three rec.es. Mrs W. M. Siaclair, Brume's, gone to Chicago on a visit for • m‘i W. M. and little Master Sinclair liesplui hone*. We learn that Miss Jeannie Si Brussels who went to Colorado e tame ago, was Married receotly to a yo geritletuat. iti Denver. Au utter Wei caught in Gee. Tagaart a asp, Brussels, doer, the ro lost Saturday night. It measured 3 f SIMS uprises nous tip to tip. Mr Freak Ewing, son of Mr leo tierforth, pamed his mstricu IIOII txdimitration at Trinity Modi College, Toroisto, kit week. The E pit Basun Farmers' lustieu -will be held at Currie on May 'lid) ii.ederich Prises. ark, Gotranicat. May 2. lea. fur Flour. bM.. ..... ............... 5 00 et 00 Oat,. et bush ................... d 30 Peas. el bash . 0 Su ,se 0 ss hwi Barley. .............. 0 10 0 45 OIu. Potatoes. ill beak . 0 te 0 30 •.. bias. 111 ton II et 12 Oa Niro "e'er's; ung screenings. Wood Hides Mo. Sheeoekins.. _ ver Dressed Hotta • ii.wt At ppes.. bulk COONS 411•40411flogilb Mai L ot er .11 a .. .... ,... ........... 0 31 11 0 ti Kfts. fresh unpacked sins .. 0 10 10 0 11 Cheese 0 Ige 0 15 Shorts. et toais oo la 46 ki Bran 1,1 iOn _t IS 00 I.5 00 ('hopped eitielle *gigs 1 35 " 1 30 0 tto " 11 1.4 „ 4 00 " 1111 .„ 1 00 " 450 0(0'0 672 " 67!. 1 00 " 600 rge cal i ay an of ; • ti. he' flour . ...... .... 00 to * Call When- t.nesi &ad old ...... 0 M to el Spring A% heat 0 91 to SIN Harley 0 et to 16 ()ILI 0 1/4 to 214 prim ..... 0 to S4 I 00 to 1 30 0 2.5 io '30 Butter 0 17 to 1.1 1'44tri 10 lo 0 10 Bay l'ordisood It on to it so 3 to 4 00 Beef •••1. 0 Ai to 0 011 W041 0 20 to 090 Pork 6 SO to 70 Ilestreal (kW* Markets. Businem Monday was lairtt active. retsopip of bogs being very large and meeting with a good demand. Calves, sheep and tube were scarce. AluentaaL Valittna. 21.7. cattle i to tlie for butchers; tn Sc export: 4.7.5 hogs 5/ to fic ; 23 calves 1111 to 04 te ADDS*. twister, pea MS .1 Potatoes which the am. Char. Drury will be present diecuss farm toot,. Dr Bethune, formerly of Wing:ham, haa purchased the praetice of 1):. Mac in Sidist.rth, ..ud will take up hie resi- dence 4111.141 about the first of May Mr R. Corny's, Witighani,of whom spuk . week or to.. ago, passed aw on Friday net. He was by no means old man, out haviug attained the age Mty. Mr E. Brickentlen, jr.,of Hullett, 1e on Monday for Michigan in search work. The 'West son of Mr T. Fent had te sick with atrfiammation of t Juggle !Lev J. A.Ivison,formierly of Strathroy, died recently at the St Clair mission of the Mieh..di.it church, near Sarnia. Deceased eat a reiatioai of Pie lvoems of Bengali. Lest Monday Drs. Stanbury and Nichol performed • critical opera. ion on • maiden lady of Bs) held. !meet ac courier nedicated th..t the patient doing 1110617. The district inspector of weights an wagered' seized at Picton. on Thursday 70 barrels of salt *old by the Blyth Se Works to the Rathbun Co The barre weighed short from 20 to 50 pounds no der the &seeder& Mr. H. Diehl, Hayfield, who taught school • year ago, and who is at present studying for the ministry of the Episco- pal church, preached in Trinity church last Thursday evening. The place of Mr A.M. Allen, relieving operator at the G. T. IL, Winghine, has been taken by Mr W. B. Suttou, of the Junction; and his place by R dbert Laurier, of Harriston. The Baptista in Clinton have decided is build their new church without a basement, and also expect to have the n ew edifice entirely tree from debt at the outaet, • very wise prosssdtng. A petition was presented to the G. T. R. authorities this week asking that J. A. Creighton, the present station agent, be notarised at Brussels. It was signed by almost all the business men in the town. John /bodes, Brussels, has gone to Seek Ste. Marie this week. He spent last •111111110r there working at has trade as painter. He may 00 on to British Columbia, where his brother Frank has resided for several years. At the last meeting of the Public School Board, Seakrth, • resolution wasasking the town council to imwLdid:Thddi sum ot $3,000 to have the -Dowd system of heating and ventilation put in the public school building. Mr Samuel Snyder, Stanley, has rented his farm to Mr Henry McClinehy, his son-in-law, and he intends to take shines • little easier than he bag dose. Report says he may go to Barmy. and start la hominess. liEr D. D. Wilson, Seaforth, mitertain. e d the Presbyterian Sabbath School at his madame on Wednesday evening, that being the occasion of the annual elestIon of officers. A very pleases( e vening wag spenL is d It Is The many Maeda of his Remised Thomson, of Heasall, will be sorry to Isms that he essayed a severe est Mom to the base sap from his adse while pre wring the frame of Mr W. Welsh's new /Maine milt a week 01 10 ago, but we ate pleedritd to state that the eut, thosgh a severe 051(4*5 lianas up fast, and we hops *0ems Mr Thomson able to rename Ids week. Mr Dmvid 11:Isest, formerly of Clistos, (mos el ths late A. I:host, ef Tusher - sum.) who has hoes living st Oman*, 061,. /or several_ yeses, rissrasd me she* visit last Friday, brisgbow his wife mod family with hha, Mrs Least set haviss hems Is the hod of health. Whims Amy left the West pais was ors In head, awl the yrbOXIM Of It pod imp was he hems that had s digit vssallier gimp sip ham worked up is South.,. Chleseals had sollepssd sad dpw• . ter ko Km natural hoveL641 wes 'mai Ekes Oslifernim end his dose well theme. 11* los is,. a posses sea snap awl bran Odds than Good& Assordoce Compol IINOLKPORATED BY IffIggliAL ACT Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT .* HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive (Udall Cppany PRESIDINT RON. A. MACHU:NEI& M. P. Na-Prtass Minister TICK -PRESIDENTS I 11("41' altIRRIIS• • JOHN L. RI. tIKIE. t' -. MANAGING IHRICTOlt WILLIAM Ir. I. A.. ••• TIto AoRpoly luau oil Approval Fors of Plioloo obi Agooltios, RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. This Policy GUARANTEES • HE rt it N ALL PREMIUMS PAID La addlttas to the full face of the Policy la the event of death darner the labestusent period. at • lower rate than any other Comparty. 2111c-ly F. J. T. bwii MCLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR ' is a speci5c and antidote for impure, weak and impoverished Blood, Dys- pepsia, Rheumatism, Loss of Mowory, Bronchitis, Cousumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Disease*, St. Vitus' Deno*, Female Irregularities and tiec.oral Debility. Price $1 and $2 a bottle. Call or write for McLeud's System Renovator, New/gate-et., rich, Out. Mr Thus. Fortune, of Turnburry, who wee in hie usual health ou Saturday incrning, was laid low by iinnstuntion, and, we are sorry to state,sticcuinbed last Tuesday. The deceased geotleinan was sixty-four years of age and ot robust oonstitutimi, therefore his death waa ousts unexpected and his lees Lard to imar. Hu bereaved friends have our siocerest sympathy. JOHN ROBERTSON Begs 1e annouace that he to now *gent for The Litillor-Tea Colloany's Celebrated Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volumes, by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. O* it & trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the ex peruse. A RI GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. 2!02 JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' OLO STAND, COR. SQUARE 00 MONTREAL STS. SPRINC MILLINERY !---SPRINC MRS sA_TAKT,r) has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Plushes, Flow- ers, Ribbons, and every other line for the embeliehment of Hats, Bonnete, and every other article in her ABM- nery Department, which she is selling low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before. A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given to every purchaser of a bat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on July 1st. 2202 ALSO AGENT FOR PARKER'S STEAM DYE WORKS. 111IIMILAWIMEN. The only medicine' sold by druggists. under a positive guarantee from their tnanufaet- urors. that they will do just what is claimed for them that is, beeeet or cure in all caws of diseases for which they are recommended, Or tbe money paid for them will he promptly ' refunded -are Dr. Pierce's world -famed spe- cifics. manufactured by World s Dispensary Medical Association, of %Irak). N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures 1 I tloiiedarIatiormrrltr"ridorder'ngOd vrirrromnure ttraDyfficpms.e n. Pimples, Mote/sea 19ruptkno. , Bait -rheum 'Fetter. Wilkens. and Scrofti- ' loos Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or Lusg-iscrofula, is akin cured by this won- ; derful remedy, If taken In time. Dr. Pleurae's Favorite Preacripthan le the world -famed remedy for all those chronic weaknesses and dietreeeing derangements so ' nominal to American worneo. It la • most potent. Invigorating, restorative tonic, or strenntb giver. imparting Vine and vigor to the whole seetem. .4* a 'toothier" merino it te enervated. Bee guarantee prMted oo the bottle - wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. C•kright. Mk by WOalifl DI& Km Agra. .WIMNIMMIWIMemeimmalW=II $500 °ERRED for as Issevable ease of Ca. Garr\ Is the Mead by the riarrresoothing and b=r:"ZliaN a Dr. NallteCaterrb erIS the want au ae. so a boas Mendling. Sy demoralise.. ants. TM. TZAR', MYRTLE CUT end PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO riwi* THAN Nittilt. (55 le Bream is ma& Plug and Peeked'''. 1171(y GIVING UP BUSINESS The business in limits' Furnish- ings and General Fancy Goods Prints, &o., carried on by HORACE J. HORTON, is the lbseers. la Nirsep'e stead. le ear- ed ter tate at • Liberal Diseesat. Frees seer wall the berauteee to Allepeeal et • Illesaral Owe well be head Se redoes Ma nom. 00 6*. aelleartlar baseade es re. taro treat heatasee. All Goods will be Marked Down to Oost Price. 1111,1 It Ill TINE TS MET WSW& Illearmish. Mee IA MIN tao have just plumed throegh the Custom Hoene, Direst frees ths Masslastssims, the Beet Assorted Stock of DRESS GOODS ETTER BROUGHT INTO GODERICB, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP IIENRIETTAS NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT 121111 THAN KITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAKE CLASS 01 GOOD& Itamlystads ,11111*'e flails of Best Idsterlal, Fashionably Made st Fabulously Low Prima 30 Paks of Cloth Pants at $1.25. IN HARDWARE DEPT GLARE, PAINTS, OILS, VAIRT11111241 DITILDING MAMMAL. A NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. 0. ONL.A. A. WA". OS= ''fffrEfEmssis Fine Tailoring 1 NNW SPRING GOODS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN CANADIAN TWEEDS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH SUITINOS. New Shades in ?pinch Worsteed. New Irish and English Serge& New and Nobby Spring Overcoatings. BEST CUT and WOREMANSIIIP. - B. MacCORMAC. Mr Caruthers, formerly of the Sea- ford' Collegiate Inatitute, is now Pripet- * of the holden" High School. Mr Jamas Wilson, St. Augustine, hooves for Toronto this week; he In- tends writing oe the second year's course in the Unigaratty. 10T 11111 111T But wive, she is mettle( better at •ellieg good groceries sad Mark at the Cheap Cash Store. 1 au] not blowing or trying to delude you when 1 teil you that 1 sus selling wbet is cheap and Farmers, Take My Advice for once end do not b'e deluded by those Yea Pedlars, that go through the notate, pres- sing you to tray their trashy stuff. They are here today end away tomorrow, but buy Dem =that will stand by vou and will ds what is right and honest and will take your produce la ..xchaage. We import our teas from heed quartersaad sire not wider heavy exeriases keeping agents carting tea thrum* he oeuntry. for this reason I CAN CIVE YOU • good 40c. Japan Tea at 25 et... A gced 40.. Young HY•ell 111 35 au. A geed 40. Black Tea alt!. era. A good Ole. Japan Tea e1 60 eta. A geodg0c. Young Yysoo *1 50.1... A geed a/c. Black Tea at 50 eta 1 have Akio ,post recerive1 * final* of Can- ned Fruits of all kitsch. also (kneed Mails thellare very line and will he *old cheap. Illy Yobaocos sad Mien are or the very best [trend; deal forget my Pure Deedelion Cof- fee:self Slimes ..n4 Flavences are pure and good. My reasoner. can always rely... get- ting good Butter, and goods dehrered pun.. Dos. Eggs Wanted at once - Highest Price Paid. First door South of K Downing's Boot and Shoe store. crabbs Block. Gloderieh. ISAAC N. CASSIDY, THE GROCER. CHINA HALL 1 THINE OF IT 3 tons, 10 cwt, 3 qrs, 161bs CROCKERY OPENED THIS WEEK. DIRECT IMPORTATION. 40 TOILET SETS DINNER SETS IN ANY SIZE. Prices Away Down CALL AND INSPECT AT CHASA.NAIRN'S Water Service! I have sew ea bead. sad It ie say latentita 5. 6..., • hill 110. 01 PIPE AND FITTINGS Regalia' tar Water StapalY free our Tees Wimple to Dwellings, Lawns, Shops, Factories and othenrise, lintimatee tarantella. work does aad Saha taetion Queraamea. Ali ease et Oalvaabied and Mara Ire. PIP• NM Mises abblialleL 311ECONTSICI -NT TUR- BOT WATER SYSTEM, A APOCIALTY. Delleite Celebrated Net t Ater Nellere. 0. A. HIIIIIIIR; Olierish Nun Boiler Werke stil k Black, aftra.t=t7.4:* r.kte Pi" MI".050. Amd kw 111441 Maw I IS V. Ss Nana 1101110n. 106116110•06. lieNaMesljrnestet=g4 111011 umbra will maws suns' stnallsra Wefts r app. 04.5. ssessesa IL EMPINOININIIMM ablabliall P.O. BOX INN ORA rsr UL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREA IIC FAST. "By • thorough knowledge of the natured laws which torero the operatialse of Armagh and nutrition. and by a careful applicaUos ad the Elle ProPertlee of wellkeleeted Cocoa, lir Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delkately flavored beverage whisk may gave us tnaay heavy declarebilk.. It is bv the judicious use of melt articles of diet that • constitution may bezastually built up until strong enoligh to r teadeeey to disease. Hundred* of :u74,2 naelladiee are floating around us ready to *1- 10.6. wherever there Sr a week point. We may amp* many a fatal *hat by keeping onreetven well tertidad wok pure blood arsd • properly arturialted frasses."--"Ciiril &erase Unzette.- Nadia ahliply with bother water or f801i1only tn_packets by grocers, labelled JA 111 ICS EPPS u t7o.., iloinreoptithic lee Luedon. Esuland. SPRING AAS COE ! AND WITII IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT .4,1 A -4)1- Gees SIRIUS for the Folic AT H. DUNLOP'S. Good townie!, doe styles sad faIr prices all the nuotito. rite- Neirt door te Moarreal Beak - - Chug of Premises. Os or before the bit of Mav the grocery Weiner of J. H. Edward wUl be removed from the present premises oa the Square to the new store in the intermatiewal Bieck. Kineatans-et., where busbies, will be hereafter conducted on • case hasu only. allowing the usual discount. NOTICE TO DEBTORS, All outleatolantraceoUntt oust he paid be fore Ilse lst of Juba, wrier that dot, all an- Paidi scums will be put in suit far cell,. Gee. J. H. EDWARD. 2201-tw. THEZALTH ITE M(DjCA 1. REMoIEc Cl'PGV4A) tik .1,1'%1111:40 *NO.. 11. l*nt . v.ot' a TRY NATURES REMEDY PURE PEERLESS -POTENT SOLO BY ALL DRUGGIST.; MVO, HMI Thi CO 1n4o94, ONT MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. near Neat: Sal"Fe Le="111.. Owens hileemeete6. w.17 MERRY WALL PAPER DECORI-TIONS SAIRDEOS & SO! Competitors envious of our SRO' efts, Sole Agents for W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N. 7. ARTISTIC I NEWEST I CHEAPEST 1 4999 IfoLLs Just entered through the (.,aseoteis le Trouble to Ithoir Bolls grerything required for leause. cleaning. Tie ChestIlimilia tisk