HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 7iV -BT-
Prapr Mori
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s. Welsh nooks,
t es cook --one to
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i t tea las herein
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.• ' .t ,n a Fee.",
e st . •71.7i ., t•ee
Isle , L, IUor96
1. sr• vett.
.T .r •t.••, e.. per
I.' :lashed
--AJJ. ru-
▪ s (0, crib. 'I'o
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bees an on.
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'-t Styles in
and Trim -
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her Seise.
'fest in.
invited by
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4 of
,Dods lei.
trim. tee tee •-Neva- selves i the d
w every day duties of li
Boiled e(arub wakes an excellent wumeo who mama. single fur wh•tarvee
are au forlorn, or lonely, or
u lose as old bachelors who are in the
sere and pillow leaf -especially thus,
vibe hew, burned the candle at butb
I ends iulhetr youth.
Crsut►erry Jelly. -Pen. quarter at d pas muse
pre teeter) Isrge tart apples, ierewtoa
Gar ant juicy sppiea preferred) put 1u s
purmllam kettle with lire quarts of
cranberree, New mild soft. then strain
through a jelly bag, put the loon" oa the
neve to saute kettle ',after et le wanted)
with tutu pounds of cello' A sugar, bull
the saw as for sty Jelly or mutt! it john
tmm the skimmer when you dip it w and
falls elf to two or three place. Skins o
the froth J any rises while kentnug. Pott
it jelly mildew tumblers. The apples
give it • aloe devote
Can tua Cei raau Ptr - hake, In epee
shell, ten. cupful ..1 peeemaid sugar, uu•
tablespomdul of butter, cue tahlespt,un-
(al of swuoth cunt .larch, .,I10 teacupful
of bedew water, yolks .4 three ears
jrtw and grated r.ud.4 dine Ire¢n uraagv
all mixed together, When •• set,' 'over
with meringue of whiter and br,wu.
Hot sardines on Tu... -Take s half
dozes sardines, otp thew In baling water
to free then trent ill. Put the.. ,.0 •
plate to the oven till very hot. Have
ready Mese thick tome aell buttered,
and spread with anchovy paste. L,y the
sardines uu this and .erre very but.
This dish can be varied by u.uij in-
stead 1,1 Sardines the famous'N•.rwegian
lag, • preparation ufanoked saline* that
Is riveted L. ties like sardines.
Prince Albert Sand etches. --Take
three nets, a piece of butter the sire of
a walnut,• !integrated Panotitis cheese,
a dash of salt and of cayeuue pepper
Put all into a saucepan and stir over the
ore till it thickens. Cut some round
pieces of bread. fry them in butter till
of • nice brown. Spread the paste over
them. Hare some ham, or tougu.,
grated or chopped title, t., bestrewn over
them bolero serving.
Fish Chowder. --Fuer pnuud• of hub,
half • duan slices of malt pork, pet into
the put. When deme very brown, take
perk out, put in a layer of fish cut
lengthwise, then a layer of crackers,
small onium and pwat„es deed thio,
mixed with bits of feted pork : then •
layer ot fish, and au cn. Strew a little
salt and pepper ever each layer ; over
the whole pour a bowl P1 Auur and
water, putouts. to Dime even with the
surface. Al: a .hoed legion aced a cup-
ful of Weselu catsup. A few clams are
an addition. Curer so that m, steam
Holy Poly PoJJine. --Fake a crust
with two heaping tettenpfuls of sifted
A,.nr,two tesspeeetule ..1 baking p.wder.
ionized well a pinch ed malt, two table-
spoonfuls of tetter rubbed through the
11.ur, and sweet milk eneugb to mix
soft like biscuit dough. Then roll out
fiat and add crsnherry Mm ; wet the
edges of the dough. roil up and fasten
securely, wet • piece of ewes cloth and
wrap around tee whole and put in a het
steamer over a kettle of I..nhng water.
Allow &Lout ten minutes for it O. heat
through, they street one hour, Cut to
slices alio terse with sauce.
*s r•we>e.wse Sse.t-
Ih.eaee in ally of its myriad ferins is
Deve1 wetc •me. and the end of its visit
is always teemed at. Burdock Mee!
Batters cures all diseases of the sieuo.ab
aver, bowels and biome, giving life sad
lupi with every dose.
felt sop ter neer.
The following extract, taken from a
letter that recently appeared in the New
Yusk i (.4 •, has • wed deal is it. We
commend it to the attention of tem m-
anes workers who are not thereuehly
eetn i .cad Li the rigttnese of pr A,iti-
tion : --
1 t..nk my little b, y en my k.ee sr.'
told him the story .' the hest 'mob.
Now it found a hole in the hedge and
crawled through, bow glad it war to get
away, hew it played and skij.ped to the
sunshine, until it bad wandered so far if
.-ouk1 net find its way back. And then
1 told him how the wolf chased it. and
how finally the flood Shepherd resoled
:t and carried it back to the fold. The
little fellow did not say • word until F got
to that part of the story where the tihep
hero had carried the lamball wouudedand
! levdiu2, beck 1. the fold, when he •z.
claimed, "tiny, paps, did he tail up the
.'.ale where it god out r'
Now those of us wno here been en-
eslteddn the temperance work for years
Levis leen trying te mare the last toe,
but we hare fouled that, while we were
sitting one that had mine aetny, a hon-,
dyed, * 1 perl.ape a thu.tsaud ..there
w-'ei eying astray New we pre/yoke to
nail a , the hole by wiping the saloon out
el etenee.
Before (sod and man, bet ,re the
Church and the world, I impeach ,ntem•
potence. 1 charge it with the murder
hof innumerable Marls. In this c.•nntry,
blemsed with freedom mid plenty. the
Word of tied and the liberties e( true
religion, 1 charge it as the cause, what
ever be their source elsewhere, of a1.
most all the ptevert,y, and •Imret all the
crime, and almost all the misery, and
almost all the ignerat,ce, and alm..et all
the irreligion that disgrace and afflict the
land. I am not mad, moat tiro!, Fescue
1 •peat the words of truth and * ober-
nese. 1 do, in my conscience, believe
these intoxicating stimulant• hare sunk
rote, perdition more mea and woman
then found a grave in that deluge which
swept over the highest hilltop., enzalph
iug • world of which eight were saved. -
f lysine Cowes* and aids
And ell diseases of the threat and lungs
can be cured by the use of ttentt's Rmnl- .
Ginn, as it contains the healing virtues of
Cod Live, Oil and HeeophrwpL-iro.s in
their felle,et fnrm. gem what R'. R.
Muer, M D., L It. C. P., eta, Treece
N. 14 says - ''After three yearriper-'
lyse• I consider genet's Repulsion else of
the very hest in the market. Vert ex-
cellent in threat affections." Sold by
all drugvist•, 50o and 81 00
The hie prnpeller Myles,whichwoe to
here left Ramilt.n nn Thursday for
Tntrdo to Iced (men for K'nw.t-n, had
her huller burnt oot Wednesday •fiernonn
throrieh the cerotenone.' of the fir.w.en In '
neglecting to feed water .Mo it The
name series' loss is mewl by her toeing
"Mittel to canoe) her enntreet for the e'sr-
en, whieh will be a dead few of nearly
When fist Ir,ne heoome rorty blacken
these •illi store pineal mud rub wail web
• dry brash.
Use ch.rc,al to bruit with Thu
dawte oldest the per• s quickly and make
the meat very tender.
Silver q0 be kept bright fur mouths
by tenet eta.wl to .n sir -tight eats with
a good .teed p.o.0 of camphor gum_
For tea spots oil deers rub with Gaud
wet with eater e.11 oil 1 vitro!, and
afterward sown with pearhue water.
&range peel, when thoroughly dried
or b.Led, te a c.peal Ihnug fur Ilghtede
the firms. It mires fiercely end gives
out an u.tens* heat.
Wied••ws .au be .:oanaed in water teed
the frust . nitre'y ru...-.'.0 by ere,, a
etll et ale• 1 ..i t.. • poet of het water.
Clews quickly and ripe dry wit it s *sew
cbauwu "kite
Liege gaatet:ties ..f vegetables should
net be stores in a yeller under the
Mese They rill vitiate the air of the
whole l -'us. mud eaua. sickness. 11 Iter
barn • r•.ot 1:41I:ar t1 store thew in a pit.
A !deice hiaterihu save that in elders
times the hue ladies of E.asport, than a
g•y, flourishing town, used to acquire
iwamt.tut c,mpleau.us by a'.rpi;,,l with
their heads uut of the w:uduwa in foggy
Cut 0g the top of an old leg hood or
top teed, cut out a ewes. '1 the right
size, hue It wish w..oieu and you will
her, the hese kind of a holder for flat-
iron sud stove were --better mei safer
then old cloth huldtre
A story is told of a young lady who
kissed a belly held Mite (ether's arms ;
then, i:, • ino,uent of temporary mammy
or abstraction. des steed on tiptoe and
kissed the papa, Realizing il,s:ently
what • dreadful thine she had done, she
sheeted around and kissed the baby's
mamut•, who was 'Wilding near, and re-
tired lar geed enter. Her satirical
sister cgrsetehed the pone young woman
as they is -f' the house by asking her if
she daUe t *ant to ,;o back and tiuislt by
ki•siutr the hired girl.
Here yen any idea how *natty miles a
Jaeener girl gets over to ssin;(leeveninzf
1 d'o't nee ti $ more or leu wa !Bower,
crone •hu alta out I.er dances -alone or
•aherwire-but a real lover of w•kxing,
alio dames everything (run beginning
end, mid leeks almost as fresh at the
end 'f the evening as site did at the be
ginning. •Buser man bas been attending
several dances with a pedometer in bis
packet, and he tioda that the average
distatece tr.vcrseJ during an evening u(
twenty two datcer a 134 tulles ! If any
girl . 1 ..sera arquatiosece wee asked -to
.e, *u ry . 1y 1. lie walk, she would just
soy it w ., ..pnaerble, at least I know 1
should, hut a'wrn:h'ew when COP has •
p!ens.ret partner. 'toed suusio and .3 geared
their in a well -lighted r•e+w, one scarcely
stops to °en.idre 1.w meth ground oD•
hie re; over. The s e erage letrlrth of one
walla is halt • nide, whilst • bulks is
three wieners, and even the lancers are
• querter .-f a male lana I art going to
try and r nieteher these figures -the ugh
1 ■m a tearful baud at anything of
they .r,ri.--ro an 4o enrrrtain my future
pelt:,. re. when I tied they are talk•
.b.,ut-tbe weather men, with (Ply the
mimic, the Auer and the dresses for
I:soewko a:ti Beet:lc-leu.-The stock
••f stati•.orry, Including note, letter arn1
•coeursi papers, envel..pes, and in tact,
ail dame* .f printing papers hes just
been replenished at Tor SIGNAL. An-
other large lei to srr.ve in a day or two
and more t.. (ether. If you want snwe-
thing neat and Resines* like in office
*tali .nery, call If yon wart a card or
circular printed in lbs latent style, ,tall
atiia t•InNAI. steam priotiug plush,
Iles* &.
There is a Womar.'s Silk Culture As
w eenier, and from its reports it won't]
O hm toot American women are destined
to bee me rxtrttsive silk ttrowers.
Monsen a■d nsrrtagr
What•- -r may he aged in the way of
exceptimis, It becomes clearer to women
that mare as it stands, brings tot hem
heavier ; .,, o .s drearier Lves, more of
sutfenn--. el . ? weer v, mere of seinen!
than cc.li..ei'), •'n•• t: sets Bramble in
the 1',ttahurg IArs.. tel, As a way W
secure • Pare and make a Ii.ins regard
less of the love that slnns makes it
sacred, anythu z were letter. No state
of aervnuJe could be users g.lhuv 'r
more destructive to the l s freed,m.
In the n41 days when en "old maid "
yes u,.da•r tee ban, whew a woman who
Ma not marr.rd wee looked •pon se one
she, through !ick of hearty er wa,.t of
attreetiveeess or grid qualities, had fail-
ed to please a nun, wuonen entered upon
ItlwelMa marriages thn.aeh fear of the
wetlti'a dread I.uith, or the at tq,n• of the
rill•, or the fear -1 poverty. Bet no
arch hugaheos frights.' women tete bonds
now -Belays. Th.y hare tasted of the
delights . 1 freedom, the joys of indcpen
den.,. The woman new who has means
of her own to he cumf•erta►.le Leeks with
l pity on the maters sob•• .trugele aloe/ in
marriage'. -id are worn not by its narking
ares and hardens. " Would I not be s
id., inning iduet, ' rid n Iwight young
woman, with her salary of 8i,600 a year,
and mere in prospect -" a, reagn my
place and get married to struggle slew
in houeerkeepieg for nothing • week, to
lie myself down to a nursery, to wrestle
with the us question, to war niywif
oat in a steaming kitchen, and all for
what -Far a man t Bah ! De.n't menthes
it. 1 hale my hegira of work, which 1
enjoy i have my own money to spend
as i please ; i have my •.••tions, my
trips of pleasure with mewgenisl friends ;
1 Joel*, and go, or stay. with nn Whin
naming at we 0r beming me ; 1 have
my ..an hill. horn, where no' Q.ieen cf
Sheet eoul.l he happier. Wnnlnnt I be
■ •uMime tool to Art asserted t Surrend-
er, will F. when the nein man mines
slew; 1 At all events, if i Jo, the meal
merry will have to be gp es thee'.
week of a man, mark Town
Theta the way the girls ere llegiseiwe
to talk tf marriage And to wonder,
with tint mefol ex,twrelew of the fillers
to ,.serine all ae..ond And no wonder,
with the awful esamplesof the fatlores
in marlines all amend With their
talent for home reactor/ and homsekeep-
isg, and their ability to lateral OMB -
Vee Ftsa Tran
1 F..r over five years we have need Han -
Tarsi a Yellow Oil in our fatuity for
'neighs mei colds, burins sud sorethrust,
laud our experience ,s ao satisfactory that
ws would recommend the medicine to
soy ponos.''n
Mrs F Saodeon, Bea-
t worth, Out, 2
smother New tae far tarwre:rw
The wudern society girl no longer car-
ries her pocketbook no her hand to tempt
leery repentant sneak thief to return to
his besettuw 011,1,. She has taken 1.
the newest thing in cash-huldera, which
is a *.oft ooze !ember bracelet, rather de
costive than other wee, which has a ie
cuptacle for change net where the watcb
1 rested s worth er tutu ago un the back
of the emit. Tire bracelet it w..rn uu
the left era. It has a ample c:rsp,e•at-
ly manipulated, del when car fare or
hout,t•n money a wantau there It is dam,.
by, p.rieetly safe, and luarie.g the bands
fret. fur other small burdens,
Mrs J..sPph Chamberlain is said 4..
itt, 1.1. -tied her introduction to her
hwl,aud 1 het step, n, Austin, wbu
visited Waehingten, and met Miss Endi-
cott before his father.
The American Educational All Aasc-
cult ion helps women to s0Cureschelantopa
and special favus in institutions of
learning eh', hare no one on whom to
depend to get a self supporting educa-
Bliss Charlene Robinson, the sit de-
a,rator to the Queen, has a itudio in
-Mazda Vale and a shop is Krook street,
Londe', and is, altegett.er, doing a
thriving bo•ine•a. $he travelled t6
America with Mies Emily Faithful •
few year* aria
davit'• Ennoble. .r Iasi {Ater MI Mia
la "(Id all over the world. It is far
impeller to plain Cod Liver the fillatable
• and easily divested. Dr. Martin Miles.
Stauteu, Bury Bucks, London, Engtemd,
says : " I have presented Scott's
Emulsion, and taken it myself. It is
palatable, .-tboient, and can be tolentei
!by Amon anyone, especially where end
Iver oil itself eaLuot be hurtle Sold by
i all irag;i e., 50c. and $1. 4
I At the request of the clerey.the Bishop
of Huron has app Meted Rev C. R.
Matthew. M A , formerly of Clintcu,
Ito be Rural Dau of Essex.
Grilles Kik. by ascan tsveotlana.
The New Jersey man who hit up.,r
the idea of atted,ing a ruheer eras ne
tip to the cad of lead pencils is worth
The miner who invented a metal rivet
or eyelet at each end of the tn..uth of
omit mud trousers pocket., to resist the
strain caused by the carriage c f pieces of
ore and heavy taste, tied made more
money from his letters patent than h,
would have made had he 'deuce • go el t
vein of gold -bearing quertx.
Item Oases M
F4herrnea and n.tarrs is Nova Beene
mechanics su•I formers to Outset. u,
Queta,r,beloer• rod trappers n, the Ter
Mortes, sud ,;.. d u„urra In Iiia,.
Culunrbie, use and prase Hasy.r.1'
Yellow (hl, the great internal and .i
fennel remedy 1..r all pests. It cure
rheumatism. 1•uur.lgts. sere threat an
creep, and I'. the retinues of til.,
est: d..
1 eiterwear
Cotton is injurt•.us when were next tl,
skin, The West of a 1:Icb it is co a pose
dues met *beet, the le rap.rstiun
body, which is !.reed lack meant in
chilly state open it. T. wear linen '
COMM i. hk,• IA1/.011•( to coil v t'4 r si-.
putting une'r c'thes aro •;Moot diy11
It is crrtatu le• product. e..'d., at d "sere
fre.luettly.i1 pe•rs•.ted h.. 1,,,I,, a p_r-
soml n. diateeru to ceespu ;,i i.: �\'te.l
alone is the m•tterivl ..Gar ,.! wfn• h..u•',
mer and ■inter, our meter-eattweets \be
Inc -h I swan those wore ur.t to the
skin) should le m.de. Wee! i. est kat•
p•rviuns like 0. tint; It absorb, net mots•
one of the body, and l:,el.. the ski., et a
anpfortable, even temperature. i' per'
wits reetllal'e'I /lee., An ('1-' llenl thine
teethe Feelthy ekiu. 1n for f• rm ..f
vests. combinnie ., and ntockioge wex,l•
I "
s church a.rvtreyu.,u. 1N.K.ilel'.
T flE J.
k. C Y j, [ISI US Ci
has .sleeted • eon to Rev 1) Ferretti, Iib J bjl
;lel 1i.yhe,d The Prrabytsry .1 11attlaee
1 wet at the Smiled, to nese... list ..-k al h
A t;r•I.tf..rd,t.. take the ua..al steps toward i
. I •rrangtee the preliminaries for bllttg
the chores. Should lir Forret be
• 1 trauaferred, the ettopleof O,Idench town- y e
j ship o d Hayfield will loos an mx'.yttue- 4 I '
�_ I illy good mai.
llnaekia d ail• .
1'iIUI'Itl►(T.tllr wines/gide
tins rue rae(ar ./Tea',. GL•i:a'ED
d tl.eref re Le w-rn si-
.e Ile sitter as ukd *sass r
Nu "hardly ever" ahem it. He Asa
en*hac"k of what people cell "billow -
noes, 'and td settle was amp.saible. Yet
a luau way ••anile and smile, and be •
silent still. still he was *lo villain. but a
bonenplai,, blunt, buneman, that needed i
reedy such as Dr Pierce a "Pleasant
reignite Pellets," which *lever fail
sun b I.utuneas and diava.ed or torpid
Iver, .;yspepaie and ebrenic ct tattle -
Item. .At D,uggi.ts.
CltAXD Oy idt.:-nLt
�h11FIF.LI) Pronounce -1, by l z- ctuceu con-.
Burners, e,t:porior to anything
!resign car ow -e i'e.rn•.yondrn:.
iiM (all when leeks we'I after the In the Canadian Market:
knrsntiful sh•.wer ,•f last week.
The fanners
Tbsrr will lee
M.weJ this year
Mellen (lens
alerted f•.r !flee
Charles went t
are very busy steeliest.
a large ratri.t . 1 grain
•• end W,11., Webster
It. ha a few days alio, and
T• r.t.tn to •nv* .r o,
tltt111. Ft .11 INF'IIRMATION.
)fanafaetwere a'so of
('AL('INliir sn.d LAND 1'LAs4L:lt.
T•,mntneM'.e•• end w-arehuuse : 10 FRONT
RTUtti1a' k..1 -ht.
rn worse own, ICN mf the wholesale huurss of th.t WsNNt:LL. Manager._ menet.
w ays But y ,u will psi silly objw:t: H .e tlea-6m
e ri
ueuxewlnrt•b•e it Would be its sars:ner In
w ear l.ut sr.tr, and ebo•e all her stetk-
tu2a! Su it wou,l, 1 admit. Bet it must
b* remembered that there are vari rut de-
crees of thickness in w.•..lae fabric*. end
that it is thnr, fere possible to adept uue'a
woolen cletlune to the .tats.drite weath-
er. Fur example, there i. thick hernia -
wont fur winter wear, and a'Iwe.,I mer-
ino for as*luner of each gossamer light-
ness that you •nuts not 141.1r it to ht
w ool at O. (tree er-at p•,ir,t t•, I P r•h
served, be your else+long thick .-r thin, is
that it he made ..f pure, uesnu::erated
weed Yee will here to rely mere f, r it,
tensible, then f .r n n,ixtnre '-f rotten
and wool, tent, cies the urea drmsn.-
there has hrcri of hoe for pure wool
goods, the supply has c..ine 1,11 , and
all wt.ol ch.thane duet net cute h: f what
it used to du Houses ire
Ron nit esti in but ine eu••lielie hot
Ir] t!te trre.it Kelsey and Livtjy rr_ala r- '74.
tor, made by Ile. Clew... *eller of
Chs.e'a 1.0.' :.',. Try Char's I.it er
Cure fe.r 311 ,:.eau's of the Liver. Kid
net's, S:. mach a*ld Bowels. . d I y all
The distrt•.•e.;n:; paleness yo 'hen oh-
aersev'. in young girls and women. is doe
in •t erc,r tte•a.ure to a lack of the red
erretwelee to the blend. To Pettit ly
this req"ire* a' edicioe which pr»duces
tom"wevitrilit4la iios tlret•titmeyts,
aro the hest yet discovered isJ..he,wn'.
Tonic flitter'. Price 3t) ccnts,•.ond $i
trot' hett!tl at (ieude'a tiller at Ore, Albion
Week, (I...alert:h. Bole a„ ebt• (oj
A f, :ether dearer u • 0elua..'n and a
a1 are --it iasitesply "a flirter".
The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of
imported and Canadian Yarns from the best known
makers ; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Cerese,
and Grey Flannels, together with a full range of
Men's, wvin. r'S, YouVzs' and Children's English,
Scotch and Canadian Underwear ; also White and
Colored Blankets, Confer ars, and all -wool Austrian
Carriage Rigs.
('O1t1;F.."I' T:1:N-; is
t, l -t .(i..
Napery Department will be found Complete.
Every one has teen the metal Date. STRICTLY01:is PRICE. A•= -d=am). MUN O,
that are usc.1 t.. pr•.teet the heels and that
.1.of remelt shoes, but every one D: tinge and Haberdasher.
doesn't know that within ten years the
cots soh•, hit epee the Ilea has made I
As large •t sum as was ever obtained.,
ter any invention was enjoyed by the
Yankee who invented the inverted glass
bell to hone 05111 gas jets to protect
ceilings from beiig blackened by sin.•ke.
The inventor ..1 the roller skate has
made 81,000,000, notwithstanding the.
fest thet hie patent had nearly expired
before hoe value of it was ascertained in
the craze fee roller skating that spread
over the country a few years ago
The giatlet-ptointed screw has pro-
duced more wealth than meat sneer
'ni,.es, and the Connecticut roan who
fest theuvht sit putting tips on the toes
of children's sheers issue well elf as if he
had inherited 81,000,000, fee that'• the
amount him idea has reeitzed fur him in
geld, clammy coin
The common needle threader, which
every one iso seen for sale, and which
every woman 0w11111, will a boson to needle
users. The elan who invented it has an
,.ocomu of $10,000 a year from his inven-
The man who invented the P .return hall,
an ordinary wooden ba'l, with a niterxr
sitter attached to pull it beck, made
81.000.000 from it.
The pIra.,n who ins -enact the meet re-
cent popular tete ''Pis in Clover,- will
he rich brfere the leavee turn this au-
tumn. fle was poor last Neveintee.
NO OT!IER DRiLL trade can be Instantly reaniatel o ran at any O. -rind depth
without 1111.79(RRlr 1be ram.
N0 OHER DRILL, win ane alt kind• of grain thorouebly, rveply and properly toyer-
ed at a uiOrm dept n 1 k;,,.t. ref *nil.
NO OTHER DDRILL toattoen.-e, to ....She Instant the hors•..otuutcncc to'move, site
mha•'s no green is- •n manatee to. ttt••r tumour.
NO 0 rHER DRILL t+Mata Ilse Hoosier when nerd a. a cue iv.tot and no tingle eultt-
rate - surpseere it. t ,w, cuurb'ning t w,, in, ,e,arnt 4 mune.
Ree r);.. ,- •ret i ,e•a,. .r the mite in .mr0117'n,.er ..i,•
ttr A. i.it 1 c,::a but one cord, makes
•5,I,-rn•'J .. e . •ri . In b,:,'inl.
A minister in Eitelend made $�,tl OnO GODERIfm4 H SEED EMPORIUM
by inventing an odd they that danced by
winding it with s string. •
A. i'••7
Ire= *be gew,ets Pslst of View.
Ask the Jewish housewife, the Jewish
mother, whether marriage is a failure '
She will not underatu d you. Ste inn
e ia..,l hewt'der,d or. the f tee .1 such a
inestiole and if you exp:atn tit. her what
you mean she will tell y. u teat • Jewish
mother sees in narriaee the acme of
happtnnea, leerante • ( woman:► duty ;
that all thee.• nes-fangl.d noti.ena are
& irnply the outcome of the Meta of noire
man ., woman who missed the true
mark of 11e, and whose 1d" is a failure.
She will pant to her children, at tree•
atelia of old did. She will extol her
heehand as the ideal . f her 1ofe, She
may not have read as much •le the girl of
the period, may not be as acc„mplished,
nor figure as a apeekrr in assemhlagee
fee the advancement of woman suffra..P,
best she will exemplify t., yon hew a
true eurelan I,••., hew a trite mother, a
devoted wife, arranges her life, and yon
will bud that true hs epinee is fond in
sash' family, and that u
at marnsge Is the
meet sacred Mond nn existent* which to
goratom is to lay a aaerilereua Viand
upset** tole desert wbteh society rests.
- Hebeb /Reedited.
Atned •:trees ..f all kind•. wheels r
work, plrasore, P.I,og, eln••4e1e'-r a., anal Wawntie.,11 anti by /Ift AVM'S k11'f;INN,o', in the Townships of
ether• Ise proper •mplol emelt If need •,r4 'ol)lorM', f ill M end 'Fiederieh.
In ruturni:y; tie:;t,1.-; it. our numerous friends, both in town and
country, for th•'ir liberal patronage since our cOtuu►elrcement in busi-
ness liege, we svonl.l r. ,j••ectfully announce that our Seel 1 /rain
Department will he flutter' complete in eccr.y detail. We aro Iluprort-
er. and (rowers of this Department ourselves, everything is experi-
mentally' grown, and after a three year( teat the best for the.. Filmer
tt, grow i-. brought forward. Everyone who values a reliable Change
of seed will (1(o ' . 11 t.i l iive sit, a Call.
Anil all kinds of Agricultural (;:aasu•m will be the beat the Market
A ffun tole
t ►Gar selection -4 have been tuail,• with the greatest cart', and only
such Seeelnn••n who I:avt' a re•pntati.t to sustain have been draft
with. Our st'(1. in tlr-. Dern -twilit will he found, Complete.
A Full Stew -k will 1;.• kr•l,t constantly on linnet We sell thei lest
Floor the Market can prnriuc.• and 1,ruarant.t' 'ati,faction every tiine
A Full Sttr'k 0111113 line of goods will be kept on Exhibition.
anal For Mole. Nolen. ?N.,wer't, geed ))rills, Rakes, Hay Forks, ('niti
caters, Sulks rttn01e, &c.. for this Departulant will be represented
I:y Mit. W 11. Vaw'UL of ihingannon. in the Townships of Ashfield
body. 92
a t CUR[
Felt al LIOUSP, C,►a, C 01461 PAT$O11,
i nit Ant' ,e1.:,,704:..O9GA ARO PAONPT
I11 AC1.01., -an F0TM . VALVA/.1 1100
To 044' ), ,. 6.0^4.1 PITT_.' 1e '1151
T5C.411..1r A'.o Cvle Or CHROMIC
Aso C et ATE D•S.A'ES.
S'J'a Mwtw•••iv•see. j1
, •ri,1..I 1'
1row n. ,.
w -,-eases. r eel er,.. • . 1. '..
l,.. ti...a :..
air Y.Nee.e..w. ..... ice.,
1, wee sees ' new.
e .. r •..,.N M
,.. , IA,n....,. tau r..
-sew *1 lI w. w.•rt N .tut. •a•
eve .>b Jt� ar it•. -a.4 .a.v w
.'0'- 1A• p. .., ..a elle0.
.11.. un tt . r meet\
'..•►'•,.nY... e•,
au -.. 411 es.
yMrM1. earw• ..I Rr
,tile•. r e. (0. ,.e, ural ee.
C u. tar�r.ai-. r ..sir a•
1-r.., 1•V Rrt ■ �R•'f.ps•n' eases r gA..Y •.sono.err•- -e,- 4... mg. sown.. N lM ..,:A. .6.11 ale
�M • l • e., O(km a se e.atrrarva e..*re.e N, ay•
l[ U It do t•as.. )♦sea tl ewer. aawal�
PRICES 70 RUN lid_
Tf mktekw all vigor'•'4..-1 art -nese of fes
Bowels, F.L'•nt yes tun! Liver. oa!!f�
ingest! sira.lLilly without weakenin
systetre ..0 Ilse imeetritine and tali
humors(.( the eecrOtione; r.: the •a09
Limo Correcting Aridity of the
Stomach, ruren,l Hiltons -mem Drag
penste, Ee,adseheu' Dtatrinc
11....'roe:rm. Cc uet.ipselon, Dryness
of the bkinr Dropsy Mamas a[
Vision, JauuncSMamas
Bryw�ip(tlata, Nr rathrltt, hnFtutter(ngg ori
the Heart, I4e vouar�ene, and (len-
aryl Debility'; ell thor.s and many'
other aimiLer Complaints se Al to the
berry in•Inenre of BURDOCK
!•Lal .E4 * Me l rso btew. ]haat&
! TIgLlsh 1 Mae.
1' alb rr • a ell k t •,. a ,r
Anil ba I.;r, • matt rl.' of .. Pry ris.eript:O$.
School Punitive a Specialty