HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 5• or 41 WE HAVE JUST OPENEDI ANOTHER LOT OF COLORED HENRIETTA DRESS GOODS IN THE NEW SHADES. Jno. Acheson, Spring Greeting The String, the Merry Spring has come, We're busy bees and make things huts i New Goode epos car Mashee ale laid, _ And here's the plaasj you to Trade. The Sprint, the Merry :;print; has cane, Well make enure poem than soy Drum ; Few !litter Goods than ours are bade, And heres the place fur you to Trade. The Spring, the Merry Spring has come, The birds and bees are on the hum ; No Stock puts ours is kiss .bade. And here's the plans for you to Trade. The Spring, the Marry Mpris; hu come, (nu store's the place yyu'11 feel "to bum." Join in the General grenade, And sing 'Here's the place tor yuo to Trade.' The Spring, the Merry Spring has cline. Our minds awlatade up to rut be duo ; Fell :TA and join the Grand Parade, That • marching to our store to Trade. Who's storeWhy, ACHESON Sr CO's. That's the place fur you to get' Bargains. If you don't believe it, go acd see for yourself. If you are in neerk of Dress Geode, they can suit you gladly, and wont charge you very much, either ; and you won't have to run around wen t•1 get trimmings to match, for they have, them a11. Or, if you want a Snit of Clothes, they an deck you out in a suit fit to yo and see the (lovernor General in, for very htt,e money, and they guarantee a tit or no sale. If you have any Fartu Produce, bring it along ; they can buy alt y"o have, and will pay t)e highest price at • • THE IllT0N SIGN.1%, FRIDAY, MAY 18 I)• 1889 1889 THE PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1854. Having removed to my new store !!! : lcheson's Block, fitted up specially for my use, i desire to 1/iemk my Customers for the liberal patronage extended to my predecessor and myself in the past, and !rust to have a continuance of the same. Al the same lime to permit rue to inform you that I will keep a full line rf Standard Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods, aad everythi'ig found in a first-class driig store. Having had an experience of howl). years, / will give personal attention to the prepardliou of prescriptions, using only'llre purest drugs. Telephone co,Jneclion on tall at any /re` ur at store or residence on East -ss.. • ?'O1 -lis ACHESON & COS. Late .trchea,o at Cuz. A POEM. Of a MM %betas \assts. Far boas of kid or cordovan. Of any prior or ►.tee. Vain fled that loan mall is the an Thal you should pot runs. In kid or calf for Bummer wear, Or for the coning spnpg. His immen.e stock aaheary let With just the oorrect thins.," • In Ltd) 's wear he does a:cell. Yor 8s. and ,wetness two ; The graceful intern Le knows well, To give to an) shoe. In prices hes not wosdrraol,I Hy any in Ito tlntiae.t ; For all agree. both young and cid. That he's the sow/ of .heapueas, In tact, you should just understood. Whoa* y on vhoutd be wasting) That M rntuts 1x W (iNO is the roan That roles yew uw.4rafaadtag. His country fr;enda, down 11. • Or 'we.y op the concession. Will find hint then at any time. busy .t Ma protrusion. At custom work. where taste and skill Are all se much now treasured! Just try him once you never will Hy none else e'er loo measured. Igo don't forget t be corner store. Tho forenoon to the town The 'scute light is o'er the door, And plate -Mase all around. Spring Arrivals ! CROMPTON, APPELBE & COS. BRA.NTFORD- I We have pleasure in Rppri.ing the r•'adertt of this Journal that 1 ilk lee greater part of our Spring In►,art't have arrived, and are opened' lip, These (:not!s are the per.onsl selection of our Mr.Appcl}n'. during two month's visit to the European Markets. At no time has our as- sortment been more Elegant. Chaste and Various The Prices, Quality t'on'<iili'rtwl, are lower than those usually charged. We have the a.lvltnta;.;r of direct purchases from the manu- facturers. staving local Wholesalt. Merchant's profits. !D Special attention giv tr+ to Mail Ortiwra, which will he til }))y' Competent Persons. and Sitti.factlunos(itlaranteed. Samples y 11ail on Application. (!riled Solid-te•l. --- GEO. RHYNAS. SFRING OFENINJ THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Gents' Furnishings I HATS AND CAPS WIdST OF TORONTO, DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS LARGE STOCK AND G E r PRICE13_ -Popular Goods ana Popular Prices - This year we intend to g?t uncer all previous quota- tions in the Omts' Furnishing lino, and will not be un- dersold. E. 6 A. Ph !DRAM. 3rOela-33..t.41.133= cis +atn.Allac+=a ! V-1 Go to A. B. Cornell's Hamilton -St., Goderich. FURNITURE It yon wast to see the larlh•st stock of Fwrnit urs in town, g) to 1f you want to see the t heaped WIN]JQ 7 t LIms and '!c Newest stymie. all and we thane lmely tints and .had••.. PIOTURE F'RAhIING neatly done. JOEEI O- done cheaply. Ido not keep OTAILDRFN'8 OARRIAQR S in •to•e for want of room, Adt hat. all the ca'a!o;tnes on hand. and any prrw.n wanti•.g one 1 will order on a small commission. UNDERTA.KIN0-. In the nrdertaking 1 hate aterv,hing required In a flrst•dees ec.nhllehment. 1 am the oldest and most etpertenced Funeral Dire..tor in the t'uonty. 1 .1 tltUES M' 1)F:HAI E. ?lsfi.:Ito Godcrich, April 14h. IMY0. A SPLENDID ARRAY or Perfumary and Toilet Articles, 1 Crompton, Apvelbe & Co. ' LARGEr:ST'OCK OF TOILET SOAPS, ar.d PURE CAS [TILE SOAP TO CHOOSE FROM, • _ (Sneeeeeors to H. 11'.' I3rcthour ds. Co..) AT . e+ BRA NTFORD. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. errotR The Moat B•rreaful Remedy ever Moots tool, es It 1• certain In In effects and dues o1 btl.k•r. load proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Om s orn.(7Aats. :temente, swum. a •,r CtnraJD tot Asn Thoreau tiara Roams Da. e. J. [tcmaLL Itt.owouo ILL, K.... 2.1.1s . I Dom' Mrs: t bao always ouvelo od wow too Ian's Speen' Cre by the half i.•aenteethes. 1 would IVYo prt•c. Is Naar nos atty. 1 I Link 1l is sae .,t the beet ns. datewt. oI earth. I have used IS as say etddee for three years. lours truly, Cote A Syr np, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Rs.nttrt y. Y.,: weather a, p1. De. a J. HtewnatL r . Dear stew : 1 desire to tto. 7M testimonial of wit MOM opinion .1 ) our [sofa!!' aap�.,,,vin Cure Ilea•? wase It 1. •r 1. enewa. labii J.1.ts a.4 ss.p�avtae. and I ease fount It a sore cur. I sorts say r,umaeoo It to all hwsattra Saws tray. A. H. amen,. Itatrger Troy L talr) Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 8a1rr, Wooed, COMM', Ottlo, Dec. 11, MIL Ds. D. J. grossest. enn Dent.: I feel It m11 dirty mow what i have gene wnh your Rendall', .a.avbn (00.. I have mole 'went )-ttre bore. that had KRavl ten n[ Meg gene, nine &dosed with 11( Meed sal ...rad Ifs. aw J. SIM,. I ha... had oat of your boob sod llol u. 111.s dlt.vtInea. 1 has terse last a woof any kind. Tours truly. Astor,. Tenon. I I..rae Unclog'. g'. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL ielee SI per tool., sr dr bottles Pier All Drug- gists bare it or cosset it for you. or n will be sent H to say adet dr.on rerrtpt 0151:0. � W. .oarf.. ora Da. i J taws.. • Ib a lty�t SOLD BY ALL OtilSTB. Imm3 T" irr1l !poll, 84c :.11.F. IS': PARSONS ;j1.JIUK iiL'mt'K. G ntiailCH' SEASONABLE ARTICLES 0-00 DE'S DRUG STORE. SLACK CHERRY COUCH BALSAM. Thi•. 1,.• a rule stunt prepared from a tlu;d ectraoi of 4,', cry Itark. een'.in: d ,,,11;, a nam tier of the beat expectorants known. All .wbo use it prairie 11. Ttlere's nothing like It fog Cough*. My Own Contrition Powders! This i; n n«n-wcrrt powders( Greet Value. U tun. - ur. the r)elem. .ncrwtrins Appal/11P Meth at.el Mpi':t rat Hones. ('uUe, Sheep and Pik. A:1 1 a.•& 1. a trim. to coo' Ince say Stot k ow per or l:. M.•rita I'A('K kit B+ 1S R 2.4 1'pJs. _ Mme' C)WN CATI3:ARTIC PILLS -AXI) LITTLE LIVER PILLS. At OA. .raa,n of the veer almost a:I present need -ami. ,t4•'.••.1,'•le Ilel4ev,• and clean" the Stomach. 1.tternod Khasi. 'chew• will be Wont to M; 'ire r••qulrnnl.nt* perfectly. 1s order to suit thtme who prefer a *mall 1•i11. 1 an: pruvi.lini( 1a11, a small nab large Pill• edea Pa.•kare :3 Cents. BRING ME YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS And I Guarantee Thorough Wcrk and Lowest Charges. it N'ia .-r ATTENDA1•7C'71_ 97 - I's.. 1wt WALTER C. GOODE, DRUGGIST. ALBION *i+ xHIL RUCE S uclalic 111RDE N FIELD 3E1 Jnr MI 1 , I*n-rep Owe all I'ri.-e.l ('a'alagtta ter llprin trade .a now ready. en a.11 be malted free to ai epi• ira.t.. and Irt emanate* ns. Inst our without soli, ..a t ion. UARIET 2E10111IRS w '' An 1 1t to their advaatag.• 1. .,,w nor teed. .1NO. A. t4Rlll'r A Co Mems/.ow. ww.. SravelliM Ikea, S, kA AY Y1.eIMgfsitl tf1u at tludcrteh as fay 7 aeons .............. ... ... 1.... ' len p,ss. ttcritlrt.. .. •••..•.�.T. ...,.. .......,......sof.. t. t.M..... Les rent. ...............Lain.m t