HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 1FORTYAICCOND TEAR, !
. M HULK N u MBKR. loot
$Yt°liDt:7 LAlLA&
Notice of changes must be left'
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
To nem Mrs 8. Pollock.
Proal. Taylor J. Powell.
fllwlsg M(►►miry- Mn Itaikrld.
1Iaafisr Waited -W. C. Dont.
Liisratir Tea Agency --John Robertson.
481Vill• up Business Horace J. Horton.
essrteus trees Geode John Acheson.
Midden Medical Discovery - 1h. Pierces.
", BORN.
Rahe --Io Ooderich, on Wedaead&T• May let,
the wife of W. J. Hats, of a ttaatkter.
Lwctttc.-At 3v Earl drroe, Turemo. the wife
of J. Leckie. Inspector Freehold Loan sad
Savings Company, .f aeon. stillborn.
lvcaste•r ltn.uow. - In Uoderlck. ea
Tuesday. Apnl 30th. by Rev A. Potter.
Mr Daniel huchaaan to Miss Micas -Jane
Million. daughter of Mr Jas. Mtadon.
W sreow LOW Z. - At tiro residence of the
bride's parents, tae Kldool street. London.
April 30•h. by the Rev. .1. V. Smith, Mr.
E. R. Watson. of Ooderich, to Annie,
daughter of Mr. T. O. Lowe.
Coors• Heocu. At Carlton -et.. Methodist
Church. Termite, en Thursday evening.
Mb April. br the Rey Dr Hunter. T.
H. Cooper. Toronto. to (rinds sixth
hector of Harvey Hiacke ice., 0.4..
Roaumtow-TOT* --0. Thenda . April M.
at the redeemer of the brie's parents.
2M Caritas' street, Toronto. by tb• Rey
U. M. Brows nark of the beide..esit2ed
by the Rev R. H. Dewart. D. D.. J. C.
Reherts.s. R. A.. to P.leaasr ♦.. mooed
daughter of Mr B. B. Toye.
Meldevit- Dodo -At the residence of Jobe S.
MrMalb.Ooderich, oro April Mich. Jacor.
J. McMatb, of Dsngae.en. and %Hen
Jane Dodd. of Godcricb, by Rey Jam, .1..
Anderson. B.A.
Moamow - 1n Tomato, Alexander 8. Morrow,
is leu 60th year.
MCFAOLAri.--In Winnipeg. ea April Mb.
Ives, Violet Helen, daughter of Rev A.
McFarlane. sited 1 year, 2 msoatbs sad
t3 days.
' L eaters a.s.+ y9 pe. takes' aerie•
/s' faith Ae'U areal if."
Petr photos ni m.e ankh, •e views that sw-
am he beaten. leave your then with George
S tewart. the Hamilteam. phoregrapber.
G000 PatmtwT.-Tho most went gift
yes cam make 1s us sire a Wirt Pea. Ap-
ply to D. McGillicuddy. agent. Oudericb.
Orwrrs Sane- -Did you oath on to Gist's
Pahl 1a Rh ass the erainners show window.
It Ys Ilse %hoe to be broughtopes • bottle;
but tae goods Rhymes sen e•• always be re-
lied on.
Tact Worsios Cetmrr*r Tsrrsaawcs
Vitae will meet few the traasecttea
of tesla.•e every atteseso. at 220
o'la Caen church. ever, woman te-
te the work is cordially invited
'fear NurwTta Wrwnow.-The necktie
whitlow at P. & A. Pr•dbam's is attrectias
peat attentlou them jpya. sad the demand
ooe.asss unabated. Tis Ilem will sot be
undersold is ties, esWes, mutt er gs.tle-
seeati wear.
Tis Hannon Toua.-Tbs re act el
whither Uoderieb islriitreder h..eftt.d by
MN harbor teff. 1. now the Imp.rt•.t topic of
eUbe and the pros sad meson sew being
It i. a tvissUos tom whit* the
are divided to genie =test. Bet
the tolls an pes or ksook•d .g,
wW be me.idlti.asl is putperaesse
wasting ermelses "hetes at IL ea R. saws.
it I. still early b he amen and those who
+.at oat pop. borders, dmo should Donse
m este MJ. !>)!}adns f t les. sad ares.. hr
1b.mtNvs. • bon atd•sht ly the best
setssY.ai t d taws sad slia miler's
1 N Wee-
asaWdfisrr mltosd p. IMsti ar a•folg It kpsi sp►
= esOus varM>Z .f t1eM. ttr •ts
se+est o m
nu• •.• OOHS an and
Mr mad Ws Reid, of Ifesdo., are ia
tows. •
Mr .1 Addison in reee erbis from his
nem* Weems.
The eaoosor Tolman mils 1 north,
iglu, ea Tuesday.
Mr A A Smith, of Chicago. IIL, wee
i• town tits week.
Mrs George Lowe left for her boom,
lidgetow., us hostility.
The High School Literary So.i•ty will
hold its regular unsling this eves*.
The .skooser Mary 8. Goriest, with
}.b.r tar Kincardine, sailed Ise Koo-
ky mnnsieg.
Dr McDoesgh will be in Oodri•h for
s.sssltatioe on the first Saturday of
°very moth.
Mies EUh hes boor visiting her
brother, Mr J. Ellis, of Hamaall, during
the post weak.
n. T. W. 0. T. U..11 hold as es-
t rt•is.•et is the Te.peranse Hall, im
Tesdsy, May 28th.
Mr 1. Serest, of TeokamIM, wee
Islam 1..m 0od•rii gaol M Leaden
.+i... bet Friday.
Rev Dr ore .ill lesion in Kam
Aura es to 1i• ,r Thursday, 1 ." May M• iiea .
▪ i1.r'om will he hikes.
Dr M Wilhelm. the Wa Set dIlMlstr
slakes the ps ef the n t•eel
Mesh •rile Gadministered irem
• 88. -• . Idle the pebble air.1 M
A Persson Inensit urr.-A is,
min Opelas F' -u$.. 'pi.OM-
tad `j .. xowseshes i c s, ?s-
wab. r - - --M-s. It
As the vegairemenin ler • ramble i. -
e rem•M b • Grail dem ElaharM a Msec
within times* el etL Wails thiole fit
lIle+r.W. tt .
Yrs Rubt. Do.ogh is visiting ie tows.
F. E Vanatt•r left lot Stratford on
Wed.d.d•y last, atter • thew weeks'
visit in town.
The W. 0. T. U. and IL T. of T. are
preparing for so eutertaiument on the
evening of 24tli May.
Miss Alice Spence has returned from
her visit to Brussels, ocoompaitied by her
cuusiu, Mrs. Freak Kelly.
The schooser J. G. Koller*, with a
cargo of lumoer from Stokes Bay, arriv-
ed in port last W.doe.day.
Abe Miller, who bis been on Tut
STINAL staff fur the past three years, left
last Wednesday for Buffalo.
Mrs Edward Sbautioo left on 11.inee
day for s lengthy visit to her sous sod
daughters in Memphis, Toon.
The Beatty line steamer Campion
called hen last Saturday, hod after a
short stay left for Duluth. The Campine
carried passeuters and an assorted cargo.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce has
upeued an agency of their batik at Sault
St.. Marie, which will be • convenience
for parties hereabouts doing business in
that proaperaw and booming town.
Mn McLeod, of Kinardiee, aoeomp-
anied by her son, Hugh, spent a few
days at the residence of her dslighter,
Mrs Jno McLean. last week, and after
paying • vial to her son in Sarnia left
w ith her husband by the steamer On-
tario on Wednesday for Dakota.
Wingham Tresses :-Mr J W Vanatter
foreman In the Ooderich Streator. -thee
for some eight years, with his wife were
visiting at Mr Peter and Thomas Deny
-his brothers-in-law - residences this
week. Mr Vemitt•r is • wide-awake
member of the typographieal craft,
tektng an active interest in public
matters, and, of course, loyally supports(
the hub.
Forma Starless. -Owing to press of
work, we were unable t3 go into minute
detail of the Easter services last week,
bet we understand that St George's was
prettily &tweeted with flowers, and that
the early and noonday services show
the largest number of communicants that
the parish has ever recorded. The
choir displayed unusual efforts, which
w ere crowned with success. Miss Ball's
alto in the quartette, "Rock of Ages,''
was specially admired as much fur its
pathos as for its artistic rrerit. Mw
Bedell -timing soprano and Messrs Foote
sod Dowding teuor and basso.
Ht to Sou. A PROM/MIL RiooTa
MAN. - We observe this& our former
townsman, Mr M. G. Cameron, has
"bobbed up serenely" as one of the star
debaters in the Toronto Young Liberal
Club. We copy the follow ing'report of
the discussion at • moot meeting of the
club from the Tomah World: -The
Young Liberals last nigbt resumed the
debate on the resolution "That this club
.adores the artion of the Reform mem-
bers who voted with Col O'Brien on the
Jeasit %states Bill." J. & Willison,
president, oocupied the chair. Lengthy
'piscine were made by Manors Haan -
ban, M. 0. Cameron and A. T. Hereon
is opposition to the resolution. Some
Moe pouts cera made by Messrs Came-
ron and Hereon, the former eadeavor-
ieg to show that the Je.aits hada strong
moral claim to tb.00aiderhtioe of the
Goveroment,while the letter appealed is
the toleration of But Protestant element
of the Dominion. Mr Watts moved the
adjotrnmeat of the debate till next
'seating, which woe carried.
fir Gtosnt'n "AT Hort,"-It will be
a matter of regret to the general public
that the "At Home" given at St Georges
school how epos teal Friday events;
will ekes the Wide for this season.
They have bees • moat enjoyable
torsi of eat•rtaiamant to may, .ad a
e atinfasiery were, et revenue to the
Ohara o....0.ild, an together with
their maple and other extraneous
efforts they hare been ,weld to reduce
the debt apes their cherish to a very
. ossid.nbl• utast The school -room
having undergoes recast oilman reno-
vations, presented an .direly different
almost tis hitherto, in its tinted walls,
medal hangings, flowering planta, Ph•
tures, comfortable chairs ad divans.
The ladies who mon it a seem by
their ftamiolity and Compost metes were
Mesdames Toesg, N•ttel,Lewis, Panoss,
:nR.yaolda, Forbes, Berritt mmd Porter,
ine cattle. As imaovation epos
the other At HOUND SIM is the oebsftos
of milers. One meld paw the dashi-
ki' .oesplimeet chid Marra Poster, bass.
J. R. Davis Elwood, Malcolm/bon and
Harry Ball Oiled the rob with the agili-
ty of pahsiowels. hut we would rasher
aomatset epee their sus iia adaptieg
themselves M the rgatreesants of IM
°madam. T. Mrs Wyea's hands wee
istr..td "the hod el commas and M
d ..at " 81s iatrodue d ewe fresh veins
to the sadism* peessnt is Mise IL
Aimee ..d H. OElN, who mgeitted
themselves extremely well fes seek
youthful &batistes ides Tees is s
readie wed
Min El"Josiah 'a
,Ihm MimeMime0alWst b,,"
M. Widths, mud l[.mre
ll•ysdi mad ably ww.i.d
the ,scenes. !v latter, The ls a p6is-
M es well es • wowing, has a stews rich
noise sad was beretlii mere/ The
week whisk Ike ION pseeidell, O `edtpmodg
with the ream's swift i. te.e lis
lissdd ,showed • ht1ampt amp d potty
as mil .rondo es&
Male seed. w! The sees resilmed
w as Mei tasty dellen, teed Ole mesa*
rims lee Meek esespirMeg the heave
el WOO me r.h. the M111
I. W pM is• y n►
If you are in want of • good first -clans
lop buggy call and see Alen. Morton's
stook --it is large and all first .:Ise work.
Prices right.
Burs ' Loot Bios. - New bicycle* .t
the price of eeoond haud ones : Comet
Safrty, $85 00 ; Cutest Nu. 2. $65.00
Boy's bicycle op to 48 inches, $30 00, at
Geo. W. Thomase's molt deput,Square,
(udench. 2 2t
A lettere will be delivered in V'iosorla
street church on Thursday, May 9. by
Iter Joseph Edge, Chown- subject :
"Take hack what yin forme." Suit-
able selections will be given by the
choir. Silver collection at donor. Doors
upon at 7.30 ; to commence at 8 Tns
SIGNAL hopes then will be • good atten-
dance. and that the men who borrowed
our Belden's County Atlas some years
ago, will be in the audience and experi-
ence • change of heart.
MAuinrgATta Cusco - On the 26th
ult.. Win Johnson, Belleville, inspector
I f Weights and Measures, laid complaint
before the Moy.or of the wntratentton
by Peter Mcigsen, (1.derich, ..f " Am
Act to Amend the Weights and Measures
Act " in selling a barrel of telt whisk
woe more than S per cent. short
cf the standard weight (280 lbs) The
ease was tried net Friday before Mayor
Butler and Peter Adamson, J. P. Tse
oefendent pleaded guilty egad was
seoteaced to pay a fine of $10 without
costs, or 10 days is jail.
THE OAHE sir Tns SSAnoN -This
(Friday) afternoon at 3 30, a Kam* of
baseball will be played in the Agri-
cultural Part, between the followiest
teams. the Ent composed of members of
the legal and financial professions, the
second representing the merchants of the
town. Following are the respective
teams :
a%•iSasa AND LAWYEa. rRW HA'sTB.
P. Ma4_eimsoo. pitcher L. Compiegne.
U. Pukes, catcher. 8. Malcolnreon. jr.
1. inwood, short stop. C. W. Andrews.
W. Proudfuot. 1st base. A. Pridham.
0. McDonald. tad have, C. A. 'Mira.
A Dickson, 3rd base. A. Murdock.
F. W. Johnston, 1.. F., Geo. Rhyne.
rt. Malcolenson. C. F., D. C. Strachan,
P. holt. R. F., J. Acheson,lr.
Tse CONCUR? Towfoot.-The benefit
concert this (Friday) evening, tendered
to Mr Jams Hyslop, one of the suffer
ere by the meat railroad disaster at
St George, promises to be a most sue
o•s•ful entertainment. W. understand
*goodly number of ti8keta have bees
disposed of .lresdy, and we hope to see
the hall packed, as the object ..f the
eoecert is • most praiseworthy one. Mr
Hyssop, who has always been a steady,
hardworking than, was seriously injur-
ed, and bis baso incapacitated from
working, °wise to the injuries reesivirl,
and this effort by his (deeds to give
tangible acknowledgment of their
sympathy to him is I. step in the right
direction. Let then be a good tuns -
Ftas.-About 3 16 a. .. on Saturday
the fire alarm sounded, and it was dis-
covered that the large barn of Sheriff
Gibbons, on the Britannia Road, was in
tsetse. Despite the most strenuous
efforts the barn was completely destroy-
ed. Thew wen three horse is the
stable sod Mr Thos on tdry, the sheriff •
bailiff, succeeded to getting os. of them
out ; the others were bond. A cow
stable adjoining was also a1ut et ems -
*Moly destroyed, with its contents of
hay, Now and feed. The buildings
were insured for $500, and the contents
for a similar amount. The caw of the
fin 1s mimosa, het it is believed to
ham beim origt.std by same sareless
tramps who had takes op quarters in the
bars for the eight or by an incendiary.
-Oa Sosday aftoewoals Mr Edward
Morrison noticed • body dosing in To-
mato Bay, near the foot of York street
wharf. body was fi.ied e.t. 1t
was ie an dvaneed state of decomposi-
tion. Is one pocket was toned • silver
moutbpbo• for • sorest, ad the eon -
striation and bylaws o' the Iadepsodeit
Order d Odd -fellows, also • certificate
for membership ie Equity Lodge, 223,
I. 0. 0. F., Hagerville, made oat to
AMwasder 8 Morrow. The body hoe
bees identified an that of Morrow. He
was het sees in Toronto shout • mouth
ago. He was a sorest player. and led
the H.prsville baud for some time. De-
eming was a son of ser former towes-
uta., the late John Morrow. TM fune-
ral took pleas ?seeds afternoon from
the re.Mel Mrs Morrow, St. Pat-
rick's street
Oser.-One of the old residents of the
. m lieu peened away last week is the
parses el James Cox, formerly el Goda
in We year. tie
was hoeoe isthe meaty Fssmmseek.
Irelsnd, end tam to Amelia in 1832,
hat reiditg r Mestreel ad Toronto.
1. 1111 he erase M the Beres Treat,
sad took up had in Aedeehh tows -
he reided .uW about
noses araa sheikh/rim Meath.
b a peiutul ai"ElEN, he removed t.
Mos es that he exult ho nate se -el --t
Neediest bemtenst. Roes* he was
mashed with stole & rhemeties, sad
alter sway • period el efethring
et lest week. The
lemma as YAW el hist weak wet Imps
item*Wows. Mr dd.. had bees s
modes el M Mrphes'm Ilpisespalise
aura ler a amber of yaws. tad wee •
easels e.t t...bar el1W d se -i -M r
The Meese' nitros sense pleletlead
Hee MOM Tees, d Et Gene" IWO
1...,, e1 tM tl-phms'.. H. leaves •
=ince daughters,) moms, grid •
et titter roledtk to creeds hi
i HTrtwtAL. -On Thursday evening,
April 25th, at Carlton street Methodist
church, Tomtit°, Mr J H the.per,
traveller for Mews A Home sod Som,
Brantford, was married to Joss thuds
Bieck., daughter of Harvey Hunks,
Esq., of G..d.rich Rev Dr Hunter,
pastor of the church, performed the
oarem.wty, which was witoeasod be •
lance number of friends. The bride
looked very pretty in a dress of white
main silk, trimmed with peers and also
wore • veil and wreath of natural dowers,
and carried a bouquet. The bridesmaids
ware Mtn Jane and Miss Marna Hinck.,
sisters of the bride. They were attired
in dresses of cream and pale blue satin,
slid also carried Louquots. The grooms -
Inert were Mr A Coog,er, of Kansas City,
brother of the groom, and Mr IL fi.
Boothe, Toronto. A very enjoyable
wedding supper was partaken of at the
residence of her sister, 425} Yong, street,
after whict. the happy eoople left by
train for New York and Boston on taw
w.sus dtop. The presents went n
sad awls.
A Rva&w*T CSmw.Or Cinemax
CAPTURED.-Monday morning about 11
o'clock while Frank Murray, a prisoner
at the jail, was engaged in doing sunt•
work outside the prison walls under the
direction cf Jailer Dickson, he suddenly
made • break for liberty, .,od ran along
the bank and down to the river, which
he erased by fording and swimming.
Alex Dickson, the jailer's son, a young
lew student, was appnsed of the depart-
ure of the prisoner, and at encs started
in p.rrsuit. From the embankment he
caught sight of the prisoner crossing the
river and at once followed ham. Murray
by this time had strugvlsd-lo the oppo-
site bank of the stream and young D.ok
son immediately plutged in and swam
the neer, and soon came up with his
man, who at once surrendered. Mur •
ray was completely used up by his ef•
forts to escape and offered no resistance
who', his captor seized him. He was
at once brought back to his old quarters.
Murray is under sentence for a year and
• half in the central prison, and was'
awaiting transportation to that institu-
The award of Trade.
A well attended meeting of the Board
of Trade was held last Friday evening,
the Vied -President, Mr. Joseph Kidd,
in the chair.
A number of matters connected with
the town's interests were discussed, the
first of which was the proposed assistance
to the two organ factory schemes now
before the Town Council The general,
if not the unasim..ns, opinion was that
the most judicious coarse for the town
was to bonus but one factory, e. the
amount proposed to the second scheme
could be more advantageously exploded
in assisting as industry of a different
character ; and e resolution was paned,
moved by C. Crabb, seconded by J. M.
Shepherd, recommending the Town
Council to submit a by-law is favor of
the joint stock company only.
The nett subject was the establish-
ment of market days, and otherwise im-
proving the peanut marketarrangemeots
of the town. The following motion,
offered by D. McGillicuddy and R. Rad-
cliffe, was adopted :
That this Board gastroc the secretary
to correspond with the various towns
along lbs line to find if on -operation ears
be had in regard to holding r galar
monthly cattle fairs. Also that the
Town Council he asked to get the dviee
of the town solicitor inthe
statute oetieg a market pies, b ani to
din• W pongee of the Council with
reference to regulating town markets.
The advisability of celebrating Domin-
ion Day ails year by a formal epeeist( of
our waterworks eyeless, combined with
other attractioae, was then taken up, and
on motion of Messes. Radek,* and James
Mitchell, it was decided to ask the
Mayor to call a public amateur for the
purpose of deciding o. sours plan of cele-
brating the day.
The Board the. adjourned.
The anneal report of tbe Board for the
year 1888 ►.s bees printed and distri-
buted to W members, to outside Boards,
and to • motion of the press. Copies
may be had on •ppplisatioo to the Seem
tary, James Miteb11.
Freon our owe eerreesead•.t.
Farmers is thio vieinity are may
thresgk patting in .pnsg crops.
It same trees the state of the weather
that winter mad wrier/ are hewing s
sit0.gale to gain the emsdo.ey.
We regret to have to state that Me..
M.Kay, wife of Dr. McKay, of this
= 11sg., who has boos very ill for op-
d m year, is still .ostimoimg in a
peer etch el health.
Oa Tuesday, the 30th alt , Mr John
in, ho
Martlekesper, with his fly
removed is Wisggham. Mr Martini .tY
he ..iii utilised is this village end
vidmily. H. was • good skims, k.$ e
cores hetet. mad wee
by the ..esrsedy. We=
hies bis family ovary esteemis their
seer lime.
A Fieri ow Warm. - Mr. Jobs
Smith, of Wart Waimea. near Der
Cr maes, W • ase .risk mpw birth le •
as the 140 roes.. and ea the dish
g ave birth le inre
W Virg sWas 'l .b .0
(Won • smElier at the Iowa 1Elw
O M bowleg chair MMmmtbs le reisteg
hear mmesim el Mare ibm
Hap Mum Iwo bus bus
sod also from Maple Grove. The tress
are exxllent, and those who gave orders
seem to be well sausbed.
It is tleasing to state that Mn Thee
Durnul, of this village, who has recent•
ly and for some time been very ill, is
becoming oonvalesoent.
Our notch esteemed citizen. Mr Joe.
Malluugb, is werasor to Mr John Mar-
tin. H• bopn that by tent attentloa
to business he will be enabled to con-
tinue the large patronage the house has
hitter to =toyed.
Pear Gedlere r s• Missives.
To the Editor of Tea 81uNa1-
Dt.tlt Srt,-Although this trip has
been written up many three belore,there
NMI be some of your many readers who
would be tolerated by a few additional
sketches of the jourosy. The tide of
immigration flowing what this •priog is
something enormous. People who read
the reports in the papers can form bet
a faint idea of the exodus. The young
mos of Ontario ram to be acting on the
of Horan Greedy, "Go West,
young man• and g -ow up with the
country." Many of them thought they
were going to the Garden of Eden, but
have fouud out since that far away
fields are green, and that this is any-
thing but a promised land.
We left Toronto about 11 30, and
woks up next morning an the wilds id
Muskoka, and • rocky, mountainous
country it U ; In fact, all the land
from Grsvnhure to within 50 toilet of
Winnipeg is very poorly adapted to
farming ; but who knows what untold
million of mineral wealth may be lying
beneath the rocky surface. The statutory
along the north of Lake Sapsrior is
grand. The mountains of solid nock,
unclothed and brown, show their bold
outlines against the grey sky. On the
other side are little lakes Madded with
little islets, and hedged in os all aids,
with all kinds of shrubs and trees. This
must present a picture of almost Alpine
✓ eindeer when the balmy zephyrs of
spring have caused thew trees to bud
and leaf. The track in some plane
along here is rough, and reminds one
forcibly of the old corduroy mads of
Aehbeld. Again, you look out sit one
side 11 the coach sod the rocks rise per-
pendicularly for about 200 feet straight
.p, presenting a surface rough and jagg-
ed in some places and in others as
smooth as marble ; while on the other
side an awful chasm, hundreds of fest
deep, awaits you, sheuld the train jump
the track. The winding of the curve
is so sharp in some places that you would
fancy one end of the ear would
run into the other. Further on we had
the ssneatioa of pawnor through a tun-
nel, which caused certain of the young
ladies to scream, whether from fright
or delight i have not been able to as-
certain. At Whitemonth at•tioo we
saw' "How the Indian mother in the
forest reeks her child." A mature,
ugly, wrinkled old hag came oat with a
papoose strapped secnnly to a board sed
carried it op and down for the amuse-
ment of the passengers. Nese her eat
old Pieper', her chief, I presume. 0.
g azed admiringly on her, but offered her
no assistance in caring for the child.
The prairie proper is supposed to start
about 50 mil from Winnipeg. "We
behold them for the first," but oar heart
does not swell to any •farming •zteet es
we take in the smirches vastness. 1e-
e tead,it is a feeling of gosaaare that per-
vades Dir system at this some.&
Being giddy, Manned an•i so..what
tired of travelling, and not 6odimg the
prairie .hat we anticipated, we were
n ot prepared to go into e0ataoi.s over
thew "imams of the desert' Readied
Winnipeg shoot 630 Friday ennieg.
A fine, elate city 000aderitg the time
It has bees in .Menem. We west
along Maim -.t, whisk is straighter time
a cork-eerew, being the old Iodise trail
of leag ego. as far as the site of old Fort
Garry. There is masa( left of the Fort
Gave use ori, .tisk formed the min
G amy ; it is d re soery about 34 feet
think, with loop -holes i• the walls .hare
the hardy settlers of old kept the howl -
hog Gavage at bay. It is to be regretted
that the b Wi.nipaggere
should have so from sly demolished
the old trading post. We saw a few
°demi people M+, partiesiszly J.
C. Gerrie, who treated es with kind-
. s.s, Chimes .1 Winnipeg do not like
to ass so many passing through their
town to mines farther weal, sad so 'tun
offering liberal ideoe-vote to fanners
to Ivory
settle as the neighborhood of w d y.
sealers frees all verbal ONteh It is
.urpeiiat the .scalier there ere frees
tis armies of Hares and Bares. Wv..
the .1d Indlies. who. by the way, it met
tibw pieetes ep thi.p. senses M. sad
o eseske "Ontario met ho beg gimes,
but Hew. ed Bates Elsa fir.
Natives et Manitoba rensek
that they • e R.i.g lea M Ontario .amt
year to heesastatd sad eertaily M
..Ifl es ease Is se eebare .eat
b ...sly depopulated. Let is he;
thea by p .d gook adder end wiser
Ms they earn. ?rashly y,.. Mr
Edil.e, fee ea gawk imeeMn cal.•
able pew. I ars. with lead reesEl.-
tirmnma 10 Olt H.a...
Tele elsmwdyJ. ,
IiWiU Rib.
i From oar own oxreponee•t
Moa Louisa Hither, cf tioderickspent
last week here, the,iueat of her ..sins,
the Moses Mortise.
Hillary Hanoi' was in Clinaon this
The farmers about hen are Dearly alt
planting res urchatds, mot dung
this week many aro going to tlodersob
station for the toes foot the nersarie•.
Mian Louisa Starting is vetting her
cousins neer Purim's Hill.
Butternut Row has old r..ieests in the
persona of Mr and Mn P.t;rsen,sr., who
have spent over 48 Teen to our midst.
Mr Green bas sew 86 years, sod is still
hale and hearty, He came to this tonal-
ity in 1141, and settled with he family.
some of whom are serried sed living
near bin. He is also one of the oldest
Masons in Canada Precious to immerse
hers his house was burned at Sandwich
during the troubles of '37. He and his
wife have assn their gulden wedding,
and their 'nasty fronds" and wet wieh•ra
hope they will be spared to celebrate
their diamond wadding.
Another popular eld-timer is Mr John
Morris,er. , the patriarch of all the Mer-
riam He is still in the beet of health mil
spirits, iked d as lively as a cricket. H.
has bee s resident of the township for
over fifty five years, having come hither
in 1834. Io 1874 his beloved partner
was called to her et...a1 net. Father
Morns has a kind word fur everyone,
sad the beat wishes of all who esus
Since the f•rmen around hen have
begun to put in the spring crop, and to
that end hare utilized everything in the
shape of a hone that could be procured.,
Moire have been tnals and tribulation,*
in store for the guidwives of the vicinity.
The egg and butter m.:ay, which was
the private fee of tits wom.n,ha• not hat
an opportunity to be h.ndl•.1 while the
horses have been *employed and henna
the look of quiet resonation that has
overspread the classic features of many
of the better helves of the section. Bet
this ea now dissipated, for now no leas
than four peddlers' meta are calling at the
Different dumioiles in the section, odsr-
ies the highest price in trade for the
tee fresh eggs end batter that are oe
sal.. One peddler gut as many se
seventy four dozen in one day. The
farmers hereabouts can only van the
horses to drive their partners to ahem*
on Sabbath, which will,however, be a r. -
minder of the drives. home from mentis'
in the sweet long ago.
For the past emend weeks one jovial
townsman, Edward Foley, has bees pet-
ting in the crop on the new fares regent -
1 purchased by bis father, M. Foley, i.
the neighborhood of Kingsbridge. Ed-
ward is .lose, and a number of foie
'nods .r. anxiously awaiting his re-
turn to km Iiika give his first etp.rtsesa
of a i•tk hasp house in l.arnia;
tha deep mSetegiti of the cook
Tee Tsem:tan LrI.cy.--11s fumes
dapper sorrel poo which tradition Gaya
was s that the hr famed Iadiaa chiefs
had as a meddle stood in the war of 1812,
bas bees pwka
sssd by henry G.. from
Choi. Debug* for • good figure. Ws
. sder.ta.d he will keep it as • driver.
Alsdy Harry hos kiadly Tent it to some
of his fair friesds et Poplar Row, who
p.om000esd it the gentlest and nioast
posy they have aerie trot along the Pop-
lar Row. Harry's a.. spas of foal.,
Brom and Wallas., .es many admirers
and is the costse el a few "mats he will
have the oast t.set.that ever drew •.der
the collar o. Betteeset Row.
Mom our ewe ocersieenesat.
Mr Jos Wilson shipped os the sokoo.-
.r Jane Maimed Isom wall.
A snore hail storm passed over this
village hat W.4o..day. With the rose
exception of bre.kieg .11 the windows in
lbs bow d lid M.Ohma.l. Ws hes.
heard d .°.furca tlaElas. being dem.
by tt.
Meals ---e saws pealed ea Timms
day aftemes ht the Methanol eineh.
Snleg Imo
iswe what
might hi •asww
iessad messy ware whildy
y Me er.wl.e..ri eimif•s
Mr Wm Steele bee returned beim hie
wtMsr's wren in Alpo.
Mn Wm &male Ise jest momp4W s
log cabin quilt whisk moatai.as 4,1111
Mr Nathaniel Osuieghs.. .8.
has had servers seek of t.1am-i./is•
et the leap eai pieertisy, is rapidly on-
Mr Joe Desiorewhese life was despair-
ed et • week ago. is mow oat of Ammer.
This village wants a kb.isoili -
splemdid opening hem for the right par-
t7 -
The flsllewieg h 0. eteedieg et the
first thaw pupils in the di/•rsel elegem
for the mesh el April. fee A. Il N.1 ;
June Poet IL lot Jabs Pillow'• lmd.,
Hattie' 01s. • 3d, Nates. 1sent-
bwiee M •
IL ha., Elise
R1' haeffosm ; 2.t, i.tties Hamra asI
i..ea Itnmf.w areal ; Sol, Mad
&a.e.ssa Jester destmd.
Drops and A. Bosom equal : dirt -
0...s Riies0ss 1 SRI Desist le sed I
tl..iss tut 1.A SRI,
Desnit ;
del, [Mies Campbell • iii D Iis4.-
aie ; Third Rase- dei.. Wide Dumper•.
di.. Iii.. 0esder mr • M. Il6aa amae-
w t MIA Obs -1<i. letitl
Also u..r.. ; ,
A hues bgbimelgg M JaEla>1f0.um.1,
d Weems, .wafwd se ugly met es
the leueheed t1. ether math , es as
teeing a bus iambi. Ass., Ile red=
dais s 0. w.i.