HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-26, Page 4' 4 THE NURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL ¶6, 180 c V'uron ignnt le l t'allael n VERY FRIDAY MORNING, alt Ms *visit rulaTlnu Orrice NiORTH-STKlt T, OOLtRIC'H. 7 t Is a wide-awake local newspaper. devoted e county sews and the dh•entnat.un of use - eel low* ledge. NATIO Of fay na menob 1 / • year; :3c. for six months: ter. for W ,.fella If the sutterr: 11ce is out ``aid Is advance. subscriptiese wall be t Larged at ' the rate of Moe a year. ABI ERTafla: R (T►Jt i )[.tial and other usual ad yt rtisem•r, ., Uk•. ger Iiue for nest insertion. and 3 amts par lint breach subsequent insertion. Measured by • uespereil scale. Local notes*, in nonptriel type.k• per tine. Local notices in ordinary reading type lc pe word. Business cards of s:z lines and under $.S per gear. Adrenieeuents of Lose Found. Strayed Pituatiuns Va.•ant. .ttuatiw Waste.' and business Chances tt'snted. not eneeeding I Maes nonpariel Si per month. Houses on Sale and Farms on Sale. not to exceed l lines, Si tor trot nwuth, .lot per sub- sequent month. Larger ad% I. in proportion. Any spAriel notice, the object of which is to )►remote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company. to be cousiderrd an ad veriest -meat and ehareed actordligly. These terms oil. la .all times be strictly ad- hered to. Special rs'ee for larger advertiaenteats. or advertisentel.ts for extended period, made Lown at the office of publication. JSSIINC DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped 'obbing °Mee is carred e• in connection with the ordinary newspaper business, where Oral -class work is turned out at mat ble rates. Everything in the print - lug Otte n be done oa the premises [rum an Mari ed poster to a visiting card. All g6mmunication, must be addressed to //le. *e ILLp'I'MT. Editor of Tilts SIGNAL illi1/plsoae Call Na i Goderich Oat. HURON SIGNAL. 'WAY, A YRIN °11111(11g-. J a +million souls. To the faithful observer i (Wild r IVA+T IN THE STA TO A hundred years ago neat Tuesday, Osorge(Washeafftee, the successful gen- Mel, patriot and Matesman, wee sworn i i at.New Yogi as the arse President o t w luded State*. For over • year ea itamlfev reeeesidered The clubs of the town seed preemie grounds, the bays re- quire • place of recreation, sud the people want to its the public park de- f voted to pebbe peewee,. tetmivi prepar•titue have teen going on tosrraage a fitting celebration in boson of the (session std the man who is last- ly sailed ib. "Father of hie Country." The appro•ebtrg festivities at it. great metropolis must convey to the re Receive mind the happiest of tosses stone, for out of revolution has sprung a nation, which, in the problem of self g,,rerumeut rad material proiress, has far execrated the most sanguine expect& ti one of its founders and pro.n.•O.rs, while its marvellous success has proved al untold blessing to countless thou - rands both put and present There can be 1.0 doubt that Repub'icari America is becoming more conservative every day as a natural result of the spread of intelligence and the :laminae wealth of its people : at the same time Rnglau is just as surely shaping her tours. more in keeping with the Demo- cratic spirit et the times. Must fort u• stately for the best interests c -f the ciri heed globe thew vital ezperimer.ts are being solved by the two great English speaking nations of the earth. Nothing stands still -the scin.e of goversment as well as other matters keeps pace with the age, great Britaia on nue aide of the Atlantic and the United States on the other are setting a practi- cal example to the world u the leaders o(..dvanced thought. It is quits safe to conjecture that the United States with its natural increase, augmented by is vast immigration. will possibly in two decades reach a pat; ulatiun of a hundred Wetter doe. Depots JLeCarthy want f loan feet Is he after a enoninion port - 'folioe or it he pining for a leadership in the cold shades of opposition in the Oat - ski Legislate,* 1 No mill a Iastg-bit the I.r' misd :millennium is not so far di.- taat, ler with two such mighty nations otesety allied together, the weight and s- Amos of their mural power alone will ttedosbtedly be en ciont to provost the horrors t f war by simply stretching out heir hands. saying"Let there be peace!" wast of some kind. Moraemee, the Me¢sntic outlaw, has at length been captured. During the k melee which lead to hie arrest, the pri- soner was wounded ly in the hip, d and now public :.pinion in the locality is divided as to whether he is • martyr ,or w a malefactor. For ourselves, guided by the past we ave great faith in the future, believing the world was never as good as it is to - ay. IN the demonstrations next week, hroue:out the neigha.risg Republi•, • wish them all the happiness that triotism, pride and love of country THE .'due Era continues to ,Ferry about the Goderich postmastership. It first wanted a Clinton man t, be appoint- ed, and now it'revenue cf the county for • candidate. Its latest deliverance I. The impression is gaining ground that "tbe dark horse" in the race fur the Goderich pstmasterskip is Robert Por- ter, M. P., for Weat Huron T .tied ' with the parliamentary cession are about Completed, hut up to the time of writing the Government has given mo sign as to their appointee in the matter of the! Goderich ptosttnaaterskip. Is it not about time the Tories of this riding were taken off the rridir in of uncertainty "Hope deferred, •fico 1 aE ab nts involved to eotneclten- No, Reader, Jesuit Bill is not related to William who crossed the Boyne. They are not even forty-second Scotch cousins, or cousins german, or related in any way, shape or form. If you want full particulars as to the in - can possibly bestow. Ir I; acknowledged eon all aides that the present season has been one of the 'known and best for farming t peratioes f known fur many ) earn As we write, a! !greater breadth of land has been got in better condition, than the oldest i inhabitant can remember. Early cowing, I as a rule, bespeaks good results Tex apheebe% lar otT fields look green," has been exemplified in the case of the Oklahoma pilgrims. Thousands of earnest seekers after new pastures turned their faces towards the new ----- Mecca, and when entrance was gained O, it waterworks system will be com- within the present week, they found plated shortly and to regular running that the land was a desert, the air bead order. Would it not be well for an effort to be made to have a formal open ing of the system on the 1st of July next 1 For years past it has been cos- _ _ tomery fur Dominion Day to be cele - We t NDIReTANh Mr Archie Pion:nor bratetl in Geolerich by the holding of will shortly leave the editorial staff of divtdeal petogrees of each, we would refer you to a gentleman named Wild, who carries on business at Bond street, Toronto. If he can't load yeti up on this question it will be tweeter's you capacity to receive imparted knowledge is unlimited. - and the water worse. It has been ever thus when the mighty bot•mer worked the oracle. u flit ; the London Allred.. r, and go on the stage. "Archie" is one sof the best. known newspaper men in Canada, and as an editorial paragrapher has few equals on the continent. H• will be succeeded en the .44rrrtieer by Mr J. D. Clarke, to some time pat associate editor of the Hamilton Ti.,,. a, and a well- trained journalist. W x BATA always wondered that Cr radian owl -dealers when they made mistake in weighing coal always had th motor armed se that the consumer had to stand the brunt, and we never knew why the error oat never made on the seller's side until recently, when it ow demonstrated in • c'•urt ease that it is contrary to the law to wave overweight, the reason keine, no doubt, that coal- dealers are so prone to give overweight that • statutory enactment was necessary to hinder them trent sacrificing their business in the interest of the general public. A coal -dealer in Yorkshire, England, has been in the habit of giving overweight is selling, the weighing ma shine being so constructed as to register about twenty-four hundred pounds as• ton. He did this out of pure benevo- lence. But strangely enough his kind- ness was declared to be illegal by the authorities, who arrested and find him fee falsifying an t.6cta1 weight. This will not only prove • warning to all coal dealers who may he impelled to give twes(y four hundred weight to the too, het will also have • deterring effect spore those of oar ho.ines, men who here made it a plan of their business to give twenty ounces to the pound, and! Mt, Maws to the yard. ) Caledonian games, and we believe an arrangement cull be made this year oftheie of reanageomot the Caledonian Society • d the Tcwn Council, whereby such a change coold be made in the program this year that the demonstration could take the shape of • firemen's tournament end bond competition in connection with the for- mal ormal opening of the waterworks system of the town. Now is the time to look into the matter, so that delimits steps • may be taken at an early day to ensure e the success of the undertaking. Tier latest excitement In athletes circles in town has been caused by the aatinn of the Tien Council in renting the agricultural park for • horse pasture for the balance of the season for the sum of $30. At the Int meeting of the seemed an application was made by the different athletic sports societies rf the town to get the use of the pork for the purpose of holding games in during the season, bat some of the awkcillors were'. fearful that there w. -old not be • su16• cietttly good sod for ball purposes, and the park was aoeordingly let for a horse pasturage, en that • sod would thereby be cultivated four next year. Kone of i the count -Allots favored putting on sheep, +; and some of the facetious flees who op. a posed the horse pasture seheme suggested that the members of the cosseil who advocated the house pasturage plan " should go down themselves and chew grass.- We believe the wishes of the ratepayers who voted for the purchase of the Aerioslterel Park would be beet served by having the grounds devoted to recreation p urpr•ee, and we hope at oho meeting sof the town council to nee the S aciee T, the world still move*, as is evluened by the following advertise- ment in the Toronto daily Mail : " 4 Canadian lady desires a proitiiop M chambermaid in a first-class hotel ; Ian city refereees•." Nertbaatd tee et war Times. Trete the Phonographic World. Thomas McGillicuddy, the new Pre- sident of the Canadian Shorthand So- ciety, was born in Ireland about thirty- four years ago, at the f..,t of the moun- tain ranee that bears his fatuity name He came to skis country with his [amity when but • year old, and at the age of fourteen entered a printing othce and learned the besieges. At the early age of eighteen he joined his brother iii starting •cvountry newspaper, tit the vil- lege of Brussels, t►rearm, where the)' remained for seven years. The brothers then sold out, and purchased the Gode- rich Signal, the senior paper of the county. and there, in 1883. Mr Mc- Gillicuddy started to learn Shorthand. f Treaty for pubhestiue in the rinses on the day that the document was aixtsed and before it appeared au any other journal. The same Number of the Mae- aacae present. the first paper on "Social Lifs is Ramie by one .,f the Forty Im• mortals, the Vi putt• Lug's* Melchoir de \'ogee, whose vivid 'Jescriptiona of the brilliant overt of the Tsar might al - swot be said to beggar reality. '1'. els Tbsletrup, who visttei Russia Inst yser for the impress purpose, furnishes num- erous illustrations Dr Charles C Abb- ott tells '.t the Egyptian lotus in "A Meadow Mud -hole " Three writers re- port outlooks in different directi,•te- FrrukGo Satterthwaite in "The West ern Outlook for Sportsmen," Brander Matthews in "The Dramatic Outlook iu Amerika." and James K Reece in " Ag- riculture as a Prof.seiun," which shows what a nation of good farmers might as eompleih in the United States with ap- plied stance sud exact methods. Ameee Rives, Dr T. W. Parsons, Wm Winter, and the ola! English wit, An- drew Marvell, are the poets of the num- ber. The poem by the last named is illustrated by Alfars! Parsons. Richard Malcolm Johnston coutributes a (leuritia novelette, "5)geechte Crossbones," with drawings by A. B Frost. Iustal.oentsof "Jupiter Lights," by Constance Feni- more Woolston, sod "A Little Journey in the World," by Charles Dudley War- ner, complete the tietiun. Comments, however, upon fiction, are indulged iu by George William Curtis and William Dean Howells in their respective depart- ments. Charles Dudley Warner, in the Editor s Drawer, points with humorous warning to the time when fashionable culture may be in effr:ata. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS NEW SPRING GOODS GREAT BARGAINS -*ILK ut'R--- Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Seersucker., White and Grey Cottons, Shirtings, &c. -.EE titft-- New Tweeds, and Coatings for Spring Suits. TAIL06ING A SPECIALTY Inspection and Comparison of Prices invited. J. fa.REW8cBR0 • Jordan's Block. Guderich, Mar. Lind, 15.8. 11O Nlai]I. l'. lately a ho !fl-lI m Royal College of Phy.la•faaa. Iwfisburgb. OU :e w South aide of Hamilton -at. 107 -deo Situation Uscant: 1 JRettical. MEBTIC W 1NTSD-WANTED R W. K. ROSS, LiCENTi ATE OF Immediately • v Dentistry. URS. SHANNON & SHANNON, P iysclatts 8urgeona. Accuuohers, kc. *Ike at Dr. Shaanu,i'a residence near the -- gaol Uaderaeh G. C. HuaN'u,, J. It. 8NA11- M «NICHOLSON, ID. S. DRNTAL ROOM 8. Eighth dour below the Post 001cs, Wet.et., Oooritica. 31115-ly RUR. 1751 Legal. DR. E. RICHARDSON, L.D.S, rj D ItARD NORM 4N LEWIS, MAR 11J1 ,s rites Solicitor in High Court. ('once, 8L' R G t O N DENTIST. incur. tiodericA and !fry 1d. Hay held of e b Mem. Gas end Vitalixrd Air administered for k nor ° Thursdars from 10 to 1. Slone)! to .4lket Si Uuoaaatcu, April M. 1b/. I painlerextrecting of teeth. Special attention per reO1 71iS heat ............••........ ••••• 9S" 1:01 Rtee to the preservation of the Natural ;lour. • ►111 ... ...........».... S 00 M f 00 (mTeeth. oa, i bush ................... 0 s8 g J (Hilts -Up stairs. Grand Opera Hu ose HI Peas.Yboat .............. 0Suse 0So EniraaeeoaNest-di..Roderick. 2I61 -I) Itarley, p bank ................ 0 40 W 0 as A fell report of one of Justin McCarthy,'Potatoes. Y bank ..,.. ..... 0 _S N 0 ee lectures brought out favorable notice from the county press, and soon TUB SIGNAL became noted for extended re- ports of sermons and political addressee. In the spring of 1887 Mr y McOilli/s_ii tee Ostsits wee appointed by t 00011610 - soot se shorthand writer to the Depart- ment of Agriculture, and removed to Toronto, where he now resides, acting as private secretary to the Deputy Minister. He has taken an active interest in the proceedings of the Fleur ...... fu Fall W he•Rww maim _- 1 1* t• Canadian Shorthand Society for the spring Wheat . t eta to past three or f -ar years, and has been Harley ^ ji 0 w to a contttbutor t3 the leading shorthand' pew, a'''.° to journals. It was he who, at • short- i Apples, twister, pee.1ttt 1 un to hand a•nyeutiun held its Toronto, in Potatoes ,e 035 to Butter... .. .. 0 1. to August, Ul't5, first proposed the Phono- } a to to graphic Jubilee. life was •member of Era_ 13 Oat to (Lewe/i 3 (n to list•[ ..,.........! 000 to tiunal writing machine speed contest Wool _.. 0 ^n to !tort 6 So to Ha.. su ton ...................... 11 00 wit to Butter • ► u 21 w 0 n Legal Notices. ' Eggs, fresh unpacked t des .. b 10 d 0 11 Chess 0 12-S 015 Htwrts .ton............ 10os.e Nan Bron 1 too ''t' •• . 13 00 .s 1500 C9bo Stub, ..1..... DDad tort:...... 1 C' 1 m i 8rre21 mg.. t cwt 0 el " SO: Wood ago " o w Hides. f (o " a SO ibeeuekfns.. eon ' 0 is Drewteot Holts, t cot / :3 ' C :5 Apples, s bush 100 ` 1 w Cnetee eNaYaM. A pr'.l 3l. '•O to S M 103 1 m 0 10 030 0Me 1 30I / 30 the committee in the - recent iuteraa- He writes Ismer Pitman's system, but delights to see sad hear all styles of shorthand writing discussed. His other bobbies are Sunday school work and temperance. Mr McGillicuddy ie mar ned, and is the father of three childreu. He is today one of the most prominent, most ppopo'ar, and most enterpraing of the stenographers of Canada THE EDITOR'S TABLE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE: OT JOHN WALLIS BLACK. DE- ('EAt+FD. Notice is hereby given that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of John Wallis Black, /ate of the Town of Mauston is the !'runty of Juneau in the State of Wisconsin. baker, deceased, who died at Mauston afore- said on the "JOth day of June I0M. are. on or b. fore the Nth day of May IMP, required to send full particulars of their claims to Messrs Limestone. Wood el- by mons a the City of Toronto. Solicitors for the adminis;rator of the estate of the said (let -timed. And take notice that after:he Paid both day of May. the mid admiti•trator will distribute the estate, having regard only to claims of which he shall have re totted not ce. and will sot be liable to any tenon of whow, claim be e 0 70 i .hall not lure roe. -:ted notice as aforesaid. 0 10 1 7 11034A JONES Bi.ACK. II On,t Administrator. 1 00 by KIAOSTONK, WOOD&SV NON'. j 0 Ou kis 8otictors. 0 At ' Toronto, lash MOIL 1510. alt+! 6 7111 - ' FOR SALE. C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, de. 011lor. corner M Square and R eat .1, it...feet. b, of rr telegraph umce. PN ate funds to lead at 6 per tent. 7000- GARRow & PItOUDFOOT, BAR kf$TEtte .lttornevs, solicitors, etc Yedere h J. T. Darrow. %V. Proud tout. 17 flAMERON, HALT $ CAMER9N, tlarriners, Solicitor, lake, - 3t.d.•ricA. 54. C. ('noir row, ult ]1. O. ('amenia. C C. Its.. lilt. Tor &ls or to Let. To LET. To good brick house containing ten rooms. gond cellar. stable, hard ar.d nota water, at present occupied by 11. I. Strang. E Poe- ara/ion sties in Slay. Apply to MILS T. SHEETH. :3AB FOR SALE. Lot 1:8 of 0uderlch Apply' to. tool PHILIP HOLT. She People's Rolumn. pASTCRE. ♦ n,imberof animals can he pastured on Mrs Foley's farm. lot 17. Hayfield road 27.4 A Weed or two Aeons Mew re 'Meatless That nave time to Used The following new publications have been received : "A DAD YaN'' nw'EETAEART," by E E S"eppard, author of "Wid- ower Jones," and other iuterestisq novels. This is one of the .deplete \-isAt wrier, and can be ordered at any of the bookstores. "LE rilieT CR Kimsey," by Georges O►net, author of the "Iro I Master..- Canadian c ipyright edition published by Wm Bryce, Toronto, pnc 30 cents. "A LATIN (fraBTiR ' lcaNatit," by Sidney Luska, author of "Yoke o Tborah, ' and other novels, Price 25c. Wm Bryce, Toronto, publisher. "curate's cceitate," a romance of Scotland and New Bruns wick, by Leslie Vaughan. One of th Canadian author series William Bryoe Toronto, publisher. Price 25e. "%ILIUM THR■arts," a novel by the author of "Mr and M Morton.- i'riee 30c. J. Theo. Robin- son, Montreal, publisher. "A BR"THIR TO iRAGONR," AND TR/ "TiRiclgl( LAwc OF PIPING pluwotxB." Thee are two stories of "ye olden time' by A melte Rives, author of the "Vete and the Dead," Ac. Pries 25o. J. 1' Robinson, Montreal, publisher. "%ini.INIA Or TIY.u1MiA," a story by Amelia Rives author of "A Brother to Dragu.s,' Ac., publahed b J Theo. Robinson, Montreal. Priem 25 cents l sO('NTY OF HURON TEACHERS V Examinations Itts9. Second and third class noo-profess onal ex- aminations at the Collegiate institutes and High Schools in the County on Tuesday. Rh m July. 8.10 a. first C.. July 16th. a 10 a.m. Candidates who wish to write at either ('lin- ton er Heaforth must notify D. M. MAi.Loa-H. lis.►., P. ,S. Inspector. t'Iintoa P.O. not later than the Ttnd of May. stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who wlak to write at Uocterich mutt ne'ift Julie K. Toll. Esq., P. S. Inspector. Goderieh P. 0., at the name date. The notice must be accompanied by • tee of $.". Or its if the ('an- didate applies for the First Class as well as Second ('lar Examinations. No name will he forwarded to the Department unless the fee aa-eompanies it. Hrsd boasters of the 1 Collegiate Institutes or High Ochools will p a. evils! r1r applications of their l'asdj • dates to the inspector of tbedivielon in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is I situated Forme. of application may be had • [rem the Secretary. 1'ETKit AAMPB.N.O 8DP.('Y. tX'8 Godef!ch. April Bed. l8A0. !!fli=t f I t'INGIN(1. Auctianeenage The progeny at presient oc •uDied by the TORN KNOX, GENERAL AL'C• ti TIOXEER and Land Valuator. Goderich Ont. Haying bad cuae:drrahle experience (a the suet ioneering trail,', Le it in a position discharge with thorough tausfuction all conn missions entrusted to him. Order's left at Martin's Hotel, or see t by mail to my aided" Oudertch P. O., carefully attended to. JOHN KNOX County Auctioneer. Lena u•dersorned as a rest lenee on the Huron Revisit .n the Town of Coidcnch, cot.aisting of one half of an acre of land.good frame house !non and a half sect n moms. including hitohen, hard and soft water, good .itee cel- lar. stable. wood and carriage tion.mi. There are they also sumticularso goof!app! fruitto tree.. (tuffs proprrt L beautifully situated and very suitable for nee person staling to lire retired- }or fur• par it t'.1MPiON, "`1v Barrister, (soderieh. _----._- _ _ ,11R SALE (lit Amusements. convenient ,,ENT. -The need unit enreer of Esit stud homer ieturisitu- 1,3t/It t,. -..-._... tontatninq nine roonis. pantry. good cellar. G(1DERi(.•H MECHANICS' INSTI !•1311,lrtoahated t nor Ls the btuiin•o and co°ren- v lust of the Tlf F: 1. I B It A 1t Y ANIF H 6.111 I N tew o. Thmre i« a '.arc it+trdce ansa utlaked lU$i3f, cur. of East etreeI and Square bas with truft trees and rhtuta in unnactioe. .cal 1. 'ferns. reasonably. }-or prrticalars apply to Open from 1 to 0 p.m., and from 7 to 70 p.m AHE*, ROBINSON. Achesea'e attar. Slit. ARoLT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY VARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES Leanli 03 Dairy, mel!, rm., lllr•tntted TY.OSLE.- Lot iN. in Naitlaoil C'on. Popes, Macho:ire e, der., .,.o..,.o.a'cla Clolhonxe, lit jt n r a very /ate farm. ['riot MK)I lileltSHIP TICKET, ONLY fiasco.10 acres. pricetWO. ots: in 1st n. 4-1 and 14 in 1.1 Con. )Ranting free ala. of Library and Reaahn Ki°lar.ttrrre t•onj,ty. 1(r) aer•v. Will h esoli Room. savory . hcap.l.ute 1'.. IAa1M R'i of 1:. in the 9th Application for mcmbcribip received bl von. Wawawah, .Mr►' ac resi,fexcrUrnt land in Librarian. in rooms. `ne block. Price itS.uW, Lit 73 7'lci)uugall's N. 5.ALl'U\IS(pN, GEO. STIVKNS. aryey, Town of tioderich. Price oness f3 President. „ ,;; Lot I rt. town of Godericb. on Light Howe' YNerleh, March 1/th. Wi, attret• with ' rrick house and +table•. Price 0.17 fptl0. I.ut, 9 ', rY, 1013 and IR. 1011 ... Town of GalderieA. nearll ilk of n acre 1a Loans ana Insurance. i sere block within the boomer pan of the town. Prig uuly Von. The above proper- ties ail! be sold oat easy terms of payment. = 1 To TOR EDITOR Or TH SKIN AL ADD•7 to ! Dd'• stn. Please allow me to inform ging Sour t 'tlODtJOCKe l! C. SkAG$R, (yoderich. readers that •sew term of my singing star X.R.-b7osrr to !cud at von low rasa h. - ' for young ladies will commence on May kit ' -_ e !ANO. by which date I hope to have removed REAL ESTATE .(ND - -- to the residence lately occupied by unease Cameron. Req. Parents demining of having r angrn we grounded in the theory of mucic and taught to sin: rrsibly. should avail thcroselyra of this opportunity. The rs change ss chae for fifteen lemons of two hours is three thei d hu 11 dollars. I am. dear sir, yours truly. 3300-31 JAMESCOOKF.. 1) EMOVED -THE CITY LAUN- le drt hes removed to for premises next door to the new poet ofce, wLere I will be pleased to attend to all old customers, and as k many new enea JOHN VIt,KAN. '^r'b!t. Mannino. 1)ROF. AARINKSEN j TEACHIKR OF Ml'Si('. Pianos tuned and repaired at moderate charges, taatlafaet inn henarsnteed. Omer, If left at Thomona music store, or at his mum RROWNLlt's INDEX YAP Or YANIToal We have before us a bock of the moot uwtbl Information relative to Manitoba. in it is Hrownlee's New lade: Map. on theists of which are every section, town• ship, railway etAti on, completed lines of railroad, projected Item, grain metres, schools and churches in that sect, ef tho Northwest Sc. intending settler can afford to do •ithoot this most inter- esting wort, as in this indexed form, to which there is dim tee f at one gloom any schoolboy eau lomat in an instant any particular point. Mr. Brownlee, as a yor, has in this work protested to the intending settlers for the nominal sem el 25c, • masa of worthy information, reliable and worth dnuhle the money. Parties desiring urther information in regard to Maui - tuba, by addressing Mr .1 H. Brownlee, t his home, Brandon, Man., will bays a prompt and reliable response. it Aerupt' wiliArlsy roe way All that will ewer be known and moat that wield only be known from "the in- side" in regard to whet has bees called 'the ireateet fest in modern jot:rnalism" ie contained in "A Chapter from my Mem eine- by Mr. de Blowita, in Harper., M•gasine for Mar. The Paris enrreepnn- dews of the LHadum Tithes deeerittee how he Mewed whet Bismark had refused him - an cleanse copy of the Boobs above Natters isnrance *Mee. 18-3m. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. I hereby Klee notice ttat all overdue ac- count, mud be pall to me at once, or they will be put in suit for collection. ABRAHAM SMiTH, a Merchant Tailor. AIR. FOOT HAS VACANCIES TUR a TK- MUSIC Pr rH.e. GROAN, PIANO. *ONO'S° THtoRY. tip -.tin. NEW BARBER SHOP. The undersigned. halting had large Pep's*. erre is both town and ttry. guarantees nea- tness work at reastenabie rates, and re apert- lull, solicits a share of public patronaee. Mead. over J. W. Smith's Hakery (Cate 8t., Vederieh MK -3m H. L. W&MON. HE HURON HOTEL. This well-known and pnpnlar hotel ha been refitted and calomel during the past seettos. and is now second to none In gnahty of ac- commodation far the tra.e111ng publie. Geed I eooemmodst ion for transient lnlees. Wlu. ('RA1O, The *guars. O.deeteh, Out Proprtstev. NOTICE TO OONTRAITORA, The trustees et R S, Ns, 11. Collterse. wfll meet with emitrsMore at the wheel bones on Saturder. 11eh of May. at le o'clock. for the purpose of Mttl.e the rowtrare fes eeeorul repairs on the school home flans sad spool dominos static known at the time of meeting. Tb. work to he dose during the summer ve- rsales TRONA,' RORKRT'IoN' I Mia JOHN }1RDON YOU G K I Trussa INSIRANCE AGENT. f4OISE FOR SALE -A Loan. Nr ' onseit..lolu dwelling house in 1(ociatctt with the !test commie- :*,iii -village"-- - lee sad l'nvote tapitaliats at Lowest Rotes of . 'fit a roan Goderich Noun Ileus•, and 1•terest. now occupied by the undersigned. A iso : acre nt land fn which ail One selection Agent for the 11011.1 I. INSC-RAN('E Co.. of fru' trees• graµ• vines sod other fruit.. of F.taglaret. having the !argent surplus of As-' A .grinqq fist ekk ntnnuig past the premises rete over Liabilities of any }etre asuraaoe I out buildinggs. and other conYenicnces, In ron- /'n. in the World. newt ion. .11ew3 serve ut Ireland well fenced, nee ee on to F.ast Rosa Hamilton-St.de Goderich, ellse to the ■Aute property. For further p•rti- ext dour 10-3 .. c(r)ass, address by roil, JOHN Mc IXTVRg. f 1 SEAI:ER, fox CO. Oalcrich. or on the premiers- Salt- ----- m Imo 'CLERK FiRST iII4'IriON ('O('llT, Coavcyancer, Insurance, Estate awl timers! Agent. Money to Lend at Low Hates and Cost. harmers Notes Dise•oun,ed. Orrice -Next to Cornell'' Furniture Store, (oderlch. Matt FJ. T. NANTEL, - - LI FE. F'Ila .451) .4 (tr'WEST NUB .4SCE ArlENr, (Representing North British k Mercantile Northp m American LiLondon ftfe and Aro-Meat Union; Insu. ante of North A merit a. Lowest ltatm. Lamm trotted promptly Money to Loan con Farm and Town ITonerl7 Cosvcyancinw done. Property tallied. etc. OIsee- tor. North-st. aid Square. 0a derich. 71- $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len, on farm and town property at low eat interest. Mnngawer pus -hatted. t'o rem mtreton charged agents for the Trust and Ivry Company of Canada. the Canada Landed Credit Company, the London Iw,ctn romps" of Canada. intent. it, 6i and : per emit. N. H. Borrowers ran obtain money in day, If title sal laractcor .. e DAVISON a J('IiNSTON, Barristers. etc., Oederhllr ( 500,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO I:AMRRON MOur&CASSSdto5, (ed rich. ty. MONEY TO LEND. - A LA RGI amount of Private fends foe Inrewanen at lowest rates on arsa-el•as Mortgages Atryl) to GASHUN, L PINK/ IMPOO • R RADCLIFFE., GENERAL iNSURANUe, REAL ESTATE syn MONEY LOANING AGENT Owl Meal etas* revaptrelra Repeesewaed I/ /Annoy to lend os straight lease, at 1h 'last rate of interest going. In any way W s e w , Ood(ah d doer f ^'tA New, !Baer VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE..__ That valuable property known at lot i., Maitland con,. (.octertchtownship. within one Mile of (odench. On the farm are a large orchard. good !Hume house stud kitchen, with stone teller. stud frame barn serol stables; com- prises 73 acres, well watered. Von further ►articelers aprlyto Uro Mc Kea o r the nm. Ise* /313-4y A NICE HONE AT A BARGAIN.- * acnes of land with s select orcfard of choice apples. A comfortable house and Statics. adjoining Ooderich. Apply to B. L. DOYLK tiodench. $114 mo. P0K BALE. --LOTS 174 AND IRS Oettetirb. Aply to M. c. CAMERON. /11141. POR SALE CHEAP - 40 LOTS IN different parts of 0oderlra from l0 Tanen in area; and 1 dwelling helmets . Arepa- wSeTHCRt. W1CATIIEKALb. 1171-1y Hotta AND TWO u)is FOR m% Le. The house has nine rem., al - hall room pantry. deems. collar, wood. lar.' and soft water. The garden eon- * all 'Ninth of frnIt. Aloe die arw of reed in Manitoba for vale or In exchange for farm preperty.b WM. KNIGHT. Ondench. _ 11704f FOR RALE. etnall ltrlhalf of Int iso Arthur Street. wIth Ht'nnrNn tr„,, thernort. Street. et. A 1sr. 108, 3N. lib. Elafn IJ1ard . rot tier of Hume and Rrltannla Road. frame ;i story house on Keay. Street. lot and half land. R ow firol uhs ndo in cls RnM'a Rarvcr. novelette new ret 22, at NI KAll the hov t OW 1tAT fIL ed m -ti' I'ply to Darman a ton NNTON. I)ITMAY' R HA!rD ROORR. A tlmit., namh.n sal •Teeeherand bren.ewl.^ vans Le obtsi d ass half nate at TmL nuNN i as udl. t.