HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-26, Page 2-Looe.
Wino Se watts t1wwestir Iter sad wen - • ere
L hisser Tete as ate waserentless mad tn-
s• What is the mut popular daces this
..esatre r rapeseed the Professor, raiaias ►L
eyebrows is mild but polite surprise. "Why,
waits, to he stun There is never esy-
'tiiag moat pop=lar but the welts. It hes
'held • pew etaiaa=t petition in social miler
Iniame=t almost from the base it was itis
introduced. There are other dances which
Ciba s000mplWed geaslewas or lady mast
&mow, but the waltz e,eme Bret u order ef
rkecraing and brat in order of importance,"
Aaetk.r tkisg :hot ttnyR�i/}sea with
waltzers is the °allisles of the leas.
Ike ne.giities of the dance year hams ale O SLRVINQ A WEATHER OBSERVE
akssust teaehisig skis. d you pAaer ; pet
v you aadsestead haw to tyke the aims she
will sever be cusectoas that .idler you
or herself has anything like • haw
The steeliest feature 4 • perfect waltz tea
sewer be acquired if the daau,r persists in
bending his bases during either the i
poise any pHunk of tie dame. Se many The aver a ut irks he reads the
man seem to flunk that it adds a asrtala
eprurgtoer to their motruw if they head "mime I. hi. daily rafter
the les awn or leo duriad the dasre. The rues away with she had that the predie•
fact is the spring of thewale *wild come stuns are trade by • Ouvernaeat salaried
'Windy fruit, the muscle of the iownr lad, d.sueaalaat of Aural.. wick an abairtt.•U,r
and the bend of the hes only adds k- developed faculty for gweeetrtta lie resile
yardmen to the ovements. the prediutioas ata seem for eke following
"Are good dowers able te avoid actual day and laya owl his Wars out and um
ooAuiun with other couples during • bell Fella, but J hie pet Dorn falls to distsrb
o No,t always it depends very largely rest he will ignore the warning with are
epos the number of couples dancing, ea+ netted towtideace is his own weather iudi
sower rut opus tie watchfulness of the rotor and • wwrgtitned OOII%ictioe the
geuticrraa But w a.:ruwded baf)ruam, be weather progix,•ticauwu are mares awl de
Luau It is ditbwlt w owav(ate hint t
with the present facihtie. for obtaining in
formation ,uuterning the muses, prevent
and progress of Moran, the work o f pre-
dicting the condition 4 the weather Dual "
to 48 hours w advsscs is reduced to an ab-
solute science. Yet nob is the cam, se u
examination of the work dome daily at the
_ L. often in jeopardy through various
Oswew at sed Te/roilt-- • v,Nsrs .f wtitul •ooideots os. laud mud water. A prompt
le seder • hew anwnn relief sod sure cure fur all patuful
ft Tuanan,, April 271 - 11.• 'sane degrees wounds, bruises, burns, cuts, molds,
I• medstir wow.uwMrrwd spun the stud- r'Iwiwtegi, nwnlgts. sure thrust end
eats of Ttiait�r Yodwa! vkoul w �etur caw Is llagyerd s Yellow ()d, known
at Tommy I ulverei ('uovucattua H
was r.wded. Mr. H. W. Armatrwg, the u reliable' over ser years. Keep a in the
sol . medalist, was highly complimented by buttes always'
the 1'caa The silver medalists were Mama
H Chopp., and J. Y. klcVarlaa•. Mose
three gentlemen received the degree N., of Brussels, that their •• fishy
. Id U. ('. M. Tbs silver ,n, -disuse w the poi daughter u • girl, an eleven pounder.
i �y were James Sutherland 1st, Jaiw
'1�d a„p I we aro glad w tea that Hudson " i*
The annual meeting of the Toronto br.aebIl Pe'ned ie flee southern euuutry.
of dross's l.'mvarsity F.ndu•meat Asas-I _
Attica was held in the lecture room of be
Andrew', Church oo Saturday JNtsoos. I M on law owed.
Ls A matter of cou.iJenl.j„ interest was Don't elbow a coin le the head to slow-
hreught f orward by U.. llutdoaselbsagid►�1 and wroly ran int.. Catarrh, when
the•ecuriug of a cwnrnun u►minatiw fsr'ysi can be cured fur 25c. by wing Dr.
I, matriculation for all the universities in Os- Oheee's Catarrh Cure. A few epithet-
- term. For the last two can one set of tiros cure iocipieut catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes
that paper. has been prepared by Toronto uai-ur.. ordinary catarrh ; Stu S butes rs
remise and anus •r b the rombiw.i uai gearaoteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try
e rereiti•s of Trinity, Victors end (jweee'a it Only 25c and sure cure.Sold by
la view of all this Mr. llaadomsll mored; drttggua ly
Wherries It to in Me lettersets of aalventt
education that there stolid
be a alah aa�
uaiturm standard of mem elation fur all the
ualvenitle• of mimeo; and whereas the
securing of such • standard would reader mo'e
itsalnw reed to the Ma.ehetare .t
w.ts sem. rswasstiNw- The ree:.tiarr
.r Mem ( tires.
8. H Ivied writes his brother, Saml.
Metcurologi:al Observatory will Wee ample
The Toronto Observatory is Dile
of the hest equipped in the world, sed its
(workings far above the average in point of
accuracy. The basis for the weather pre-
dictions is furnished from daily weather
bulletins from nicety -seven siYnal stations
at various points in the Uni States and
Canada, extending from Key West, Florida,
at 1. 'rauan• New York to SanFrancisco, and covering
the parties ever so careful, it is almost im- perticularly the regions which are the home
possible to avoid some collisions. Nu serious of suns centro Thrse reports which are
frseults may follow, however, such as a coal- received at 8 a. in. and l0 p. nc, give the re-
ALOt•T To su;,x, Iplete upsetting of one truthero( the parties, curd of the barometer reduced to sea level,
"The be w tits, he said "originated, Y pen unless one or both are exceedingly careless the temperature, the dew point, kind d
ha" The know, to said o earl it is fro. and awkward" weather, direction and velocity of wind,
softy styL,d the German rational ,lance �' An there any nee tortes u( the walla kind, direction and amount of upper and
fa this season .• lower clouds, rainfall, if say, and whether
east when it arose it is difficult of °Dorm to ,�•O6a
any, but it was some tin. in the later part \one that can be described. As sew or not there u probability of a atom at the
of the eighteenth seniors'. It was discover- pieces of music are compered, each academy ion station wending the report The result of
ted by the Franck and English early its this er professor may invent some little variation these reports is entered upon a weather map
oaatary, and node instant esir'yPregrens into to suit himself, but as a rule it may be said Winch shows the location of the different sig -
t all over the •ivilirwl world. 1t s that the waltz proper remains the same from nal stations and the regions adected by the re -
to Bird Rocks, tom Calgary to Halifax,
iegiin wri=t that in teaching our orld is i • one season to another. It is not like the puns therefrom. Lines are then drawn con-
re"' : First, rhe i,stude it u square dances, where there are certain ever reacting all station, at which the borunieter
Pe pe• lotions to go through, but it may be danced reading, stay be the same, or nearly so, some
one one thing the student is poet sml,itiots continuously or left off at the will of the of these lines drawn as described feral clow
W learn, and Y a rule, you know eucietK performer.'---T.xoaw curves. Saturday Night. cues Sone enclose locutions at which,
people are not tau, h inclined to go throng the barometer is higher than at points out-'
• lung season of dry and mother exercise*, aide the circle or curve, and vice verve. They
ea piano students have to, before they reach THE OYSTER BEDS OF ACADIA. sir h.0 a tendency to fume itself from ple,es(
tate practice of the thing they ultimately
odak to wastr. The .r and reason, whish item, tse*eea11a8 /aferwattes ss. lhebas► where the barometer is high to places where
it s low. The rotation ul the earth
the terpsichorean artist, is that ugood a tendency to deflect the wind fnt+r
erpisic At • recent meeting of the Natural His- right angle le blowing toward these linea, m
.waltz step cultivates the grace of movement tory Society of Haltfay. An interesting that it mows across them in theinterior of
the better one from the point of titer of . llla�.. Mea of •seder _ _. however
and command of the limbs which is c-r.w�uti- pryer, prepare! by W. 1•'. t:anung of Her
� the continent at an overate angle of 4,5 de-,
al to good dancing of any variety. I can cant l aivenity, was read. while at ser the de is «.mai e -
we that one may begin with the contra peesd r
rag Y The wic rueful to man which neon, ably la+a Oriag to the rotation of the wind,
lilaat•ea, such as the Yirg;ni• reel and the in Acadian w-•:rn, Mr. Gam 'd p It
nor ear , ma throe areas is w ich the barometer readi
Asadrillee, and go through the evolutions be divided into uteteu groups, according u is lower inside the close curve are
ilerluired by them is perfect fora' Yet, if thy are, have been, or can be used for, ("cyclones or storm centres. Where the baro-
nets were the case, when he came to take up food, Oh bait in the fisheries, (3) ferulizerw, meter reading is higher within the clew
the waltz he would be just as barky yEas mf f4) ornaments, including pearls, (3) money, curve than oat the
he veers a novice, with the smug'. exception (6! dyes, (7) minor uses. (1f the first the •w,, , blow outward and
are un drtle,•ted to the right m that the
Til[ ol.IDPA°n10-ED WAT.
that he would have learned to we
when not in niotioa The' fact is, howeve
that few people who begin with the aqua
dancm learn to do them well. If you we
ever at a uountryr ball you have only to re
sneniber the styles in topic there to see th
truth of this. Your tenantry gentleman, wb
doubtless takes as much delight in Jamin
as the nowt cultivated member of the Fnu
Hundred, is full of life and energy, and is e
action, regardless of grace. In a crude we
his movements are rhythmical, but there
no uniformity err the steps he aka, and
dozen different steps may be in use duriu
the same 'lance by as many different people
Such a man, accustomed to holding his hand
behind his back an.I keeping ups light shutes
at, every her of the music, or even carortin
about the room more violently, would cut
rather sorry figure in the society waltz, roe
grunting that he knew something about th
mot enema. So, as I say, it is the lees
Ming to begin with the waltz, became there
we cultivate that green which is bete».
to all society belwvior. The man who has
earned to waltz. well will find all other
dances and all other behavior easy matters
Coat. uire."
" t't'hat is the first thing taught !"
•• We l.e)in with a t;entlenianly or latdy-
lbs pore. and show• the pupil how to sand
txrre,tly while waiting for that 'oar of the
anon, to sound is hich will be his t— c for he-
ginnmg to dance. The initial pee is. of
bootee, very natural amt easyG, learn, though
it i. tre' uently • somewhat difficult natter to
"(.rear upon the pupil that he or she meet
not crook the elbow or raise the hairs stove
that point when they naturally lie when
-Lisped. Your awkward waltzer takes the
Cady'• hand in a firnh grip and raises it to
slnut the level of his taco, .end with his
ether arm he either grasps her tight Limit
the waist or aeirca hold of her ,•U,ow mei
starts nut on a dance as if he were a fish, with
ins on each side telly extended. All thin is
p-n•tch. d. The Lily's hands should rest
Sightly upon I. arm just below the shouller
ted hie hand should jest touch the bu(k of
net waist When we have impraased this
rile upon the pupil. the twit thing ie to (earn
Hit stip. '('jus is to he taught by"imiatio n,
sf course, anti th-- only t{eweral point that I
tan (five about it a,th to giving a less
putnght is that in making the step the tie
ph.'uld not be tnn,tel in. it is the nust.tke
role by all dancers who are careless, or who
Sere been pronely taught_"
" What happens if the toe is turned in in
making the -cep!"
Merely thatyou step upon your part
leer's foot. See re," awl with this the
p nfeem r went to a wardrobe and took out
♦ pair of low dancing shoes of expensive
natters. " These," he said, " are what
bear when I am teaching beginners, anti I
�slI ynwr sate-at:cw to the way in weichi they
rs been bruised."
The den.', honked as if mewl, dy had apt
yyeens tis fonta d.tampat nlmta them
kkkel them, sn se to t • s•rett•h or
se upon every part of their surface.
"All these emends," continued the pro-
" were meati. by the clemoy dan.vre,
mould ilii epee tends, the ter in as
trek the seeps. Yee m+ imsieisw that
toe had sameseMeehsg5 bet maim"
j►« tis d. if
be em
most conspicuous
is the oyster ; next come* circulation is (opposite to that of th
elective the wort in our bleb ,inose tad
cullan.s[tiatetatttint,directedtopreyarubefer.((- Amungthi property horned was
• uefroordty tourer: rrowolved, snit Lt the opia the bwrns,dalrie Jett tie sheds, and house-
bnatibis sesaKtat6,n the Minister of Itdnca hold furniture of Mr Alfred Brown -the
ties should be resorcihitly lselted to cell a
e aferenoe of reyreeentativs hof the salver-' house alone being sated). If we are net
sittesuf tbtsrlo sad id rhe I.em tours of h gh greatly ssist.kro, thio person ie ab old
schools to ruaslder this whole eubjsc.
The motion was seconded by Dr, Me- Ce.nawµho sorely Cared.
aloe Tbami • Theses.
That is to set', your luuaa. Alm all
your breathing urauhutery. Very euo-
derful machinery it ... A.4 rely the
larger sir peewees, but the thousands of
little tubes and ot►ties leading from
When these are "barged sad chucked
with matter which m.ttght u.•t I'. be there
your lungs cannot half do there work
And what they do, they ouuut do
Call it cold, cough, eroup, pneumonia,
(catarrh, consumption or any of the
homily of throat stud nose and head and
long obstructions, all ars bad. All
ought to be got rid of. Then is just
one sure way to get rid of them. that
is take IG,sches's Carman Syrup, which
any druggist will sell you at 73 cent. &
bottle. Sven if eeerythng else has
tailed you. you may depend tappet this
for certain enely
Mr Robertson, of Belgrave, has • great
lot of trouble. In the first plates he wife,
mother of tine children, is io the very
last stage of c ousumpt . His daughter,
who has been teaching sch.no► is also
bogie very seriously ill, and his mother-
in-law. who emote to help corse the sick,
is herself laid laid low 1 y Meknes". Mr
Ro.bertsnn has the sympathy of the
S$tiie atwselity.
Al 8 o'clock Saturday night Cormier Johnnie crammed a jury to inquire Intel het a des4n A est
the death of the child whose body ked:
been found on Friday in the bush sear Mr Goode, drurgist, is not a book
Egliaton- The medical testimony west to'sgrot, but has the agency in Midwest
show that the child had been born alive but for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which be
Kaci Rut been properly oared for, and a ver- can heartily recommend for any MAD -
of wilful murder against a party or plain to which a tunic medicine N ap
parties unknown was returned. jplicnble. This valuable medicine has
Yesterday was the dedication day of Is.- been with That valuable y good re-
aanuel &tweet Church, corner of Jarvis
and Wellesley -streets- This structure. sults in cases of general debility, wes t -
which has very recently hese completed. nem, irregulanties peculiar to females,
Bost $40,000, of which ikere .till retn•ias extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
•debt of about $13.000. blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss
t tHarry A the young Hebrew who by
means of �gus dispatches defrauded a
number of people in different parts of Can -
ads and the United Staten out of various
sums of money, was brought up in the
Police Court Saturday, when be pleaded
guilty to having defrauded Mrs. C. %V.
Gauthier of Windsor out of 1100, and Mrs.
P. Patton of Utica out of a similar sum.
and be was remanded to Friday next for
-MeMMe It is stated that the prisoner
worked his swindle on people is Seneca
Falls, Col:ingwood, ('Ytleton, Beazurille,
Bowmaneille, and Ottawa.
The breach of promise case of Miss Lizzie
Meedonnell against Martin Summers has
been settled out of court, This is the eras
which attracted some attentioa last fall,
the headquarters of the love -making being
at Johnny Beer's hotel in King -street west.
At 2.30 on Saturday afternoon Coroner
,Ioh•ston attempted to resume the adjourn-
ed inquest on the body of the Ran.Ly in -
e font found buried in a field at ('heater the
other day, but there had to be a further
adjournment until to -day as three of the
jurors did not appear. The coroner hesi-
tated at boning warrants for their arrest,
but they will get a talking to when they
appear to -day. Each is liable to the se -
treating of his bend, which is 11100.
In the Assize Court Saturday morning,
before ,lodge Rom, Roland Israel Gideon
Barnett was pot on trial for appropriating
to his own use • valuable security consisting
of a promissory note for $285, made b
C. F. Bunbury on Aug. 12, 1887. His
lordship decided that the case was sot
proven according to law and he would not
allow the case to go to the jury. Serosa
was therefore discharged on this count bath
wont back to jail to await sentence on they
charge upon which he was previously con-
victed of misappropriation of Central Bank
.f appetite, and (or that general worn
out feeling that nearly merry one is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitters 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's
drug store. Albiou block, Goderich, sole
agent. a
Mr Chris. Dale, sr.. of Hallett, met
with a bad lose last week, by the death
of a valuable three year odd entire horse.
It had four crosses to it, stood 16 hands
3 inches high, and was very heavily built.
Death is supposed to have been caused
by over -feeding, as they were getting the
herse ready fur the spring show. It was
worth about $a00.
the soft clam, hard clam, (or quehag!, pert- the cyclones. These areas are called anti -
j winkles, scallops. niuseels, whelks. ream* cyclones. The storm centres then are in the
fish, etc. In the second, the most import- weal, where the baruweter Letitia;u how,
iant is the squid, then comes the clam, then surrounded by places where the eding is
the mussels, whelks, etc. Of the third higher. Given • storm ecutre, with the
group are the oyster, the immense deposits readingof the barometer and thermometer,
• of dried shells f -h' h al blo the wind, and
eta Under the fourth, conies the d anot is in a uheasnre easy. It would
:lam or quahog, the purple part of the 'the!' be- easywere it not for the fact that the
i of which was used in making wampum- The mtoet unforeseen and ►pop.wrratly impm-
!latter was used also as money. Mr. r:anong 1ab11 circumstances may arise and de-
, qumtad from Lesarbot and Denys. show.ng Sect a storm from its natural course or
how highly it was valued by the Indians cot destroy its power entirely. This moves
Acadia but that they probably obtained it the e t of certainty fromic-
by trade from southern Indians and did not toes and calls for the exercise of judo
ars w is are sot era a to the velocity old direction
f d
Prince Edward Island, the mussel, the .,quid, the work of predicting the weather in ad
meat based upon experience, clone ccul-
'seem to have escaped the notice of all ndMtn
ent , writers on do subject. lobeereer ivaria
. 7'6e velocitypof the wind successful
Of Molluscs which yield a dye, the most ,tp„o the petition of the close cures n-
t:iantdasture it themselce& These info
races are of troaderable importance sail hnn of the e!
aeon of much changes and •
important is the purple -shell (Purpura cooed already The closer the
Il everryywhere upon the -Acadian coastnrla roe t w uh
yirlda a
• Curves are
capillus), which is exceedingly abundant together the realer is the fo el h h' c
air is pressed from the higher to the)
e' er are mad greater accordingly the
rich crimson utrchangt-able dy
r' not affected byacids nor alkalis. Of shelu wind. g y is
velocity of the wind. The character of the
re to weather too is verued by the distribution
and the like, there are several, the henclamof ore. In anti -cyclone areas the
eiMactra sohdissina) and the scallops bring weather�is mostly fair. The direction of a
o the nowt unportant. 'stores, leaving a storm centre, is indicated
Anson the Molluscs injurious to man, by increased cloudiness, and the pr•sege of
✓ the most important is the teretie or ship- the storm is again followed by clearing
ll Worm, of which there are several species to weather. If the changes in the distribution
y. our it ate -re. Three are treated at length in of pressure could be judged the observers
s the second part of the paper. could tell with precision the character of the
a The history of mulles: culture in Acadia weather in advance. As this pressure is
I was then tr•oed, showing that a rude form subject to cheap from various causes the
of culture was pract eeml at St. Croix Island udgment of the observer must ser ly the
useful tur winos purposes sorb as dish
s in (tete, but t t iwthiug had been June t,�; that science has lustaad this subatames
e since except a few attempts on a very small probability for what would otherwise beab-
g sole in Nova Scotia and Prime war] solute certainty. Conditions that effect
• Island to cultivate the oyster. The nears- changes in predictions vary with the seasons
m sits, for government interference in and re- and thea make another demand upon the b
o -
e gelation of the oyster fishery Wee very em- server* judgment In May and . one for in-
t !Manually set forth. The peculiar adapt- stance there are frequent important areas in
ability ofthe North Shore for oyster culture the west that give promise of • storm that
�. was pointed mit and a ecological condition will take an easterly course. Curious to ob-
not generally taken into accour:t, which serve however, there storms seldom advance
would! he very greatly in favor of the culture further east than lake Ati,:higan and then
gulf T tions that won d warrant thed observer in
enemies of the oyster, and tIv_• .carat „ •
hu storm flag very ht h. A knowledge of
great d:unage in the United Stater., s quite these eccentricities o�►tnrm centres
s Wert'.
PORT Hore, April 2r1.—Durin the the
der Ntrrm last night (Friday) barna
Mr. Thom. ('ann. lot II, 6th con. of Hope,
were struck by lightning and set on fire
When the fire was discovered it
had gained such headway that Mr.l
Cann only succeeded in saving hie'
hones, sheep and two cows. �wg�1�
bead of cattle and many fowl were burned.
The stables, three barns, a quantity of grain,
together with all the implements and ma-
chinery, were destroyed. The loss amounts
to between $4000 and 25000, insured in the
Royal of England for $2f101t. The residence
of J.r. H. A. Walker, near Welcome WWI
also struck by lightning about the same
tin. and the hired man knocked sen.elese
Miss Ella Waiki•r also received a severe
shock. One en/ of the building was shat-
tered, but did not take fire. About $100
damage done, covered by insurance.
B Rene wt, April :A. -The barn of Geo
Raw kinhimer, Burford Township, w
truck by lightning during the severe stow
of Friday and consumed, with its contents
nclwding a team of horses and many imp)
g 7
The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of
imported and Canadian Yarns from the best known
makers ; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Cerese,
and GreyFlannels, together with a full range of
Men's, Women's, Youths' and Children's English,
Scotch and Canadian Underwear ; also White and
Colored Blankets, Comforters, and all -wool Austrian
Carriage Rugs.
T 11 EI CORItECTIIT I t i O t:l, i N
A3 t'i('AL.
NaperyrrDepartment will beVound Complete.
21)64 Draper and Haberdasher.
was indicate . This is the entire absence recede althonjph having all c the indica- i
from the ulf of some of the many natural 11
greaty Toronto in other semitone of the year to hoist
of other*- The " drill," which does sack
ern rn car
rare, while the %tartishes, which do as nou:h toin seasons is indispensable to the obese -
damage annually to the oyster beds c1 the ver's suers& The machinery and appli
meats- Another barn was struck and like
wee, destroyed, near Ranelsgo, belonging
a farmer named Cronkrright.
NO OTHER DRILL made can he Instantly regulated o run at sac dished depth
,o without mtnl qn the team. a .
NO OTHER DRILL will mow all kindeof grate thoroughly, sweaty and property eorer-
ed at • uniform depth to a 1 kinds of soil, vs.- r�
NO OTHER DRILL commences to me the iseant the hones commence to' d
move, a
misers n.jcr.urd s .en starting in. after turning. w Jia -.,
NO OTHER DRILL rvuals the Ho.e/er when need as a cultivator and no single eslti-
ratur surpasses u. thn. semb`,.ins two Imp:rnient. us ot.a•.
h sulaaeer rowed to heave welalwmn,
Btt,-avet.a, April 20. —M. Preree, the
French ambassador, yeetarday informed
latter country as the whole Canadian oyster antes used in mooting the barometer and
fishery i riot and•
a worth, ars °ommon nearly thermometer reading, in the Tnunto oheer-
haiaes.. eatery ere marvels of inec!anical skill, and
enable the observers to be absolutely correct
The wesed's Greatest Lumber Resit-mt. in their work.
'rine. de Memel. Minister of Foreign
r Nee the 'reamer Inventions of the age in our new cutter which cute but one cord, mates
Committee H 1 pressed he waste ends and nave. enrd in binding.
in, fiat the meeting of the lioulange
mi is rwmse s teas t Pars
:overnment unfavorablyC
. The hine
A lumber pile made of boards, each 1400 w d
herefore sent an offich to the hotel •
hich General houlaner is stopping to
urn the General th- t he mast leave Rel
um of his own accord, or the Government
mold expel him. After consulting with
Rochefort General Boulanger consented to
leave. The other Roulangiet leaden in
irussels will aceomppaan bine H• will
tart for London on Wednesday neat.
feet Inn g •m 6 feet in width w.• s.L 1 bean The Breath t►s m ietoe, w
ented sight is the East, but a gen- Mrs. Lnshe (to her hubby, who ham just re- Ki
tleman recently returned from • visit to turned (nem • little trip between. the acts) w
the coast of the North Pacific Ocean says —" ti did you see the man •.'
that piles of lumber, such as that are coin- Mr. L. —" 1 yes, i saw him."
mom at the mills ns Puget Sound. "Bowls Mr•& 1...—"W WI he n nice perste!"
lid' fret long and 6 feet wide, without a knot Mr. L- -"Course he we& Why do you s
its theme,' bo, says, " are t••+gim,.n cuts from ask Y'
the gigantic Br trees of the Puget Sound Mn. L " Well (sniffing daintily), i had
foresta. These trees grow so the en rnionslaa idea that yeas meet have keen talking to
height of •Led► test, and the -krauts are an vastla heavy tkl l ."--Grip. "
that although the taw unfits have been rip
ping Onteli100,0011 feet of lumber out of thein, Pse W itraswa Then. ou
every year for ten years, the spade imide by Policemen " Come here, young woman,
these trenu•nd„us inma.ls seem no more than you must not loiter here after the audiesee
garden patches Paget Sound has 1,,151 miles hes dispersed”
of abort. lime, and all along this line.: Voting woman—" plasm, sir, i kayo bum
sad exmoil ing thence on both 'Oho, mei fief. "
tea see, is one vast and almost unbroken, Young woman (blushing) -' I am the--
ferest of these ero.nn.,us tree& There iv the young ladythat's en it. the onto t
nothing like it anywhere en the Pet the eaten ,-hess pyer, anti t'm waiting for his m
mast. An oflici• estimate plates the to take me hoes."—Ammerio.
amount of standing timber In that area sol h
ereitel0,'lst,(ld) feet, or a thouawrwl yearn To beetle u.
supple, even at the enora.n•s rate the tam V • failnn t 'forms mint to d1- bY
ler is now being felled and sawed.) r (,
The timber belt covers 300,000,000 to-
ol ii sahingto n Territoryan area equal to
the States of Vermont, ifaescSneetta, Cm•.
us•tieut and New Hamm The market,
for the Puget tlonnd umber see entirely
'origin, beingSouth Amerimcay, Attstadia,
Central Ameca end the Pacini Osesa is.
h eeds."— Phlladelpl• Press
• tows tee/.
Miner. tenter, April 21. The trouble he.
ween the Minneapolis Street Railway Com -
pithy and its 600 odd employes, who west
t on strike tan days ago Ng:tinst a proposed
reduction of wages, culminated to day in •
:oedy riot, In which upwards of b0 per-
ms., including 30 policemen, were more or
bas injured, two fatally.
The tatty agieat
RRRwire, Iii, April 21 As a mixed
rain on the (antral Iowa Railroad test
fight was going over the bridge at Cedar
wok, • wheel broke soil two ears were
stied into th. creek and took fire, burning
the bridge. ('oeduch►r ('olein wY killed
the fall and the ma of See-tinn Foreman'
sage, the mei pIw�pr, was draw
il:aprwes Age.t Rags,,, brakeman Reed
titan clerk were probably fatally
lwremees ee she risme/. hestee,
Rate FRAw(1Rtap, April 1M.—The itruele
Instill• •set ed this morales tress Hnsmlula,
coag ea beard Lem, Lori Risley and 29
bleed seem d the sited Stew siesete.•
lie sad Treeesee, who wen loft es Mose-
• by the gcasebip Ahmed. erbir
h es M Rey Teedmom
miles end nu further than the eye poli,rnan '• Well, whet is it •"
And others, inel*eawl, it ;
But to aS s and reg rlai.rrled, of
Grip's advice (which is gratis) kir- "Try it•
wet-,�a,.�{,,� oat/•
1 lel
'15 sur Tee.
p Ane sift "1te4twe ere
Lswnl+ is .ite,.a'dI" m.etlg t tt 1:A. _.",..hod
1' .efle.d ♦ hair
• rdy•
ver wee
�M't111t isca
In returning thanks to our numerous friends, both in town and
country, for their liberal patronage since our commencement in busi-
ness hero, we would respectfully- announce that our Sed Grain
Departm=ent will be funnel contpJete in every detail. We are Import-
. anti Growers of this Department ourselves, everything is experi-
mentally grown, and after a three years test the best for the Partner
to grow is brought forward. Everyone who values a reliable change
of Seed will do well to Give us a ('all.
And all kinds of Agricultural Grasses will he the best the Market
A efords.
Our selections have been made with the greatest care, anti only
slosh Seerlsmen who have a reputation to sustain have been dealt
with. Our stock in this 1)eparttnent will be found Complete.
A /10a will be kept constantly on band. We sell the he.t
Floor Ude can produce and p tee ,satisfaction every t_-
A Full Stock of this line of ends- will he kept on Exhibition.
For Sale. Binders, Mowers, e. .
voters. Sulky Ploughs, kr., for this Department will be roprtmented
by Mit, W. N. VA 'colt, of Dungannon, in the Townships of Ashfield
anti Wawanosh. and by MRL Ant;t'►f M('KINNON, in the Townships of
('olborne, Hullett and (:oderich, W. BURROWS,
and 1 Drills Rakes Hay Forks Cults
Seedsman. -