HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-26, Page 1••
Wonllof~r'(votcn VICAR
TO ADVERTISERS, ' Mr Harry Reid, th known C. P.
Notice of changes must be It week.
R' e' ntractur, wasiu town diving the
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Pesten. J. Atli'. -y.
Deese Uu.ad, (t. rrebb.
('rockery -Class. A. Hahn.
Notice to Creditors T. J. Hueck.
Chtrupodiat Prof. Manor Kathie.
elprltie Ureefing Achim taa bio.
Chancre or I'reneee J. H. Edward
lie is not lead Vet Isaac N. l'auoiy.
Teachers kaamination Peter Adamson.
Domestic Wanted --Mrs. M. C. ca,ncron
Ilanetow - In flsdece i,, nn >'.mdee. April Nth
Mrs J.T. feamsw. if a wet.
Cox- in Goderten. on Wrdseedat. April !1'h.
lysti. James Cox. aged ;e rears sad It
lfieusateote At the resideaie of his mother
Napier -•t.. 13e4.14•ricn. on Friday, Apr1
lett Teter Nlrhol,on, rd 21 years sad
S won: he. Swarth Arjwritor please
A chiers.nNewg Ire, !alit' %oleo,
As'/oteA he'i( prow it. -
Now is the dine to arrange for one,
r;ewe, eve. St,wart eau g.ve run settee
tionevery time. Try him.
Orion Panaw'ti. - The meet awful raft
you Mb make is to give a Wirt Pen. Ap.
pir to D. LlctiIUioudd). arrest. lloderich.
'Dale! Mimi Collars mad Cuff* t Suits that
are suite: Material and et) le' Krer7i tang in
tb*shape of erotleme•,•, wear, in es. hinge
fur dollars and cones at F. fe A. Prtdnam's.
Du Seovoa, The pleasant spring morn:ags
stake all fes: like taking et.onyre baths at auy-
rate. At the I'isarumey there is • wide *Me, -
tie* of errongrs tc Irani the ia,..t ecuo,wticyl
sad the 'nest fastidious.
Tug Ptrataarv. -The sew pertnt•ea
Sed by George H.uynae the drut,rte,, are the
ioseheanere for the fairest and nevi to ever•,
'blue pertaining to a !gait -,-less drug *tor
like Pharmacy is is the (:reed Opera
on the Se tiare-
Tag Mottles ('nee ria' hempen ter
Cyto? will de.t regularly for the transact*
if busisem lnilc. I. Knox ychunL Lan` n. somata i
'exceed in the work it coeliaiiy Melt
to attend.
We regret to learn that Muter Chat lie
1.ee, sun of our townsman, Mr Win [me,
lies ill with diphtheria at omesatls,
Messrs John and James McVicar hare
returued to Sown after a bug period ' f
w.,rk ui the *moldy of the C. 1'. It cant -
Signor E,pilio the Celebrated chiropu-
.fist, is stayieg at the Britial. II:chance.
Read his advertisement in another
Mr M A 1' Verchare, formerly of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dorsch,, I
Is now ledger keeper in Goderich branch
o' the Bank of Commerce, vier Mr Hilton
Holmes, removed to Sara,..
Mr Edward Sharman, of this town,
has nun appointed (ioverum.nt aspec-
t. r on the new public buildings, Mr
Sharman is a competent mechanic, ar.d
• better selection for the position could'
sot be made.
Mr Jim Holland, • former resident t f
Gods roll. aud for the put nine years a
succts,ful *untracbor in Demser, Col.,
was Tutting u:d friends in this setaes
during the oast two weeks. He left for
home its Thursday last.
EARLY 1'oTATOra.—Nr Wru Connell
brought into our . dice on Thursday
scorning, a aampleof new potatoes grown
by Mr Samuel Adams, South at. They
were' f the Early Rose variety, and were
tit for domestic use. (1.:e of them
:de measured at inches in circumference.
ac' .4 person reaidin
gin Clinton, hu for
sots• tune had among his p..ultry a
rooster that would attack viciously asy
one that can. 'labia sight tot it. It
would attack an adult just as quickly ss
a child, and becani•, so bold that it was
necessary to kill it, wht_h was dans the
other day.
A PUr;WR TSatRrII!RT.—A mew
scale Upright l'anof..rte recently cow-
pl ed by Amer' , Newcombe et- C.'., T.. T
°Qf mato, Is affording ,treat satisfaction. It
fills the requirements for a reliah'e in
Bloc • strument by a first class maker at a figure
within the reach of all. Write them fur
.a particulars. tf
Mie Minnie Allan. with imo
•gelling at the rru►denee of Mr J,
Vanatter, lett for her hot.,' w Sera
' yesterday afternoon.
bent } Tnw Lath Robert ResivnLl- Exeter %!il li t►` ('• 1►T t
W. ; Tiwta . A former well-known resident
n the person of
the bite U -bort Boswell,died at his home
a nr' in ti.aderich, nu the 14th inst., at the
W. I ago of ;;3 years. Deceased in former
years conducted • farm at the e.s'.ru
Mot of Exeter and •tctnttp. r
Hugh Ross ahippe.•1 • fine carloa
fat cattle frets Wastrel* lest week.
bre quote • few of the parties h•
thew ttintewith the animals' we,rbt
ages _ Peter Fowler. one bull,lf►80
Thomas Henderson, one cow, 1560
Samuel Andemail, two steers, two y
old, 2rthe lbs.; Hobert Lrathnrn, t
heifers, 3450 Ib Samuel Black,
meters. 2300 lbs ; Hugh Roos, sit at
stems, two years old, 6828 lbs.
a •i.d; precincts of Exeter, and by toil mud by
lbs.. good waugement saved a little au .key
Iles ; Deriving a change he sole his tann aud
ears m''eac to %inch, whore he entag•d w
the tin and hardware business, at which
two's diligently worked with a e•.uple of
eels, years es ., s hen, hitting his bract h fad -
las, he sold his husu,cas to Messrs M.
Zeiler it Son, and ni red to Go.terich
where rest and the advst,tages • f fresh
water might he had• At times Mr BIS-
well felt unproved in health, but the
effects of a sewers cold mot over -work
had become too deep-seated, and h•
gradually souk tote a state of censump-
tion, dying a above. His remains were
broutht to Exeter on Tuesday and
biro -if in Exeter cemetery with Messmer
boa,,.. He leaves a wife and severe.
small children, to whom much s.meatby
V*. out. Sir Boswell was a tnau of
man nod
7 g lua::iss, being •'Pao:•.
BSre,IT C.)YI•RRT.--A benefit convert
will I e tendered to Mr James Hyslop,
one of the victims of the recent rat way
disaster at Si. Georte, on Friday 'text,
May 3:d, in the Grand opera Muse,
emote. acing at 8 o'clock. A bre pre -
grani has been prepared, and a innatea!
and el ,cutiohary treat is in store f..r all
who attend. There should be a full
house. as the object is a wins prise -
worthy one, and deserves the pstroua,a
of the public. For particulars see bulls
a id programs.
IslrnocemaNras —The pbotners•,h
tabit.hme.t of Mr It. R. Sallow*
b n greatly im1NoveJ recently.
hand, p'a's elan, •how wind,,
bean placed at the Montreal Erect
trance wherein can he seen a maitudioaso
hiaplay of phetngrsplioart Ie eddit
to this a'tuwher.•! Improvements h
bare been made in the rece[t on a
workrooms, aud the Istcat and best ap
Mistime' for turning out first claw wr
have been added. Taken all in
there arc few better fitted art stud
In the Pruritic* than that of Mr
OH, Ih.w SWIM ' —Thu Maple Sint
eclat in Northot llett.uda.t church 1
Monday evening was a m,.vt *rola
affair, although the attendee -ea was n
es Itree as it meth: hays been, Prier*
—Quartette. Misses Martin and Graham
lean Belcher aud Armstrong; address,
;,e Sart Side of lore'',Rev Geo.
all. attended The chair
p spirited, energet c—gat quite uo
assuwieg ; and at all times sociable, and
'Li a Itsrmlet, tray, j 'Co... He was high
}y esteemed in Zurich ; in fact, whom
known, every ecyeatntauco had • go.td
word to say rf htut. Thus a young life
and promising cater has been ended.
Helot. TEMPLAR ()PAN Slezna,t -_ t
Tito open moesuig in the temperance e
hall os Tuesday ovation under tee sue- 7
p'cea of the Hoye: Templet -a of Temper.
arse wu largely t
i We dt not hold ourselves reeponalble for the
eplt.ten. td our t;.orra-e,tp au,teu two 1 ubinbu
tura it ch i. da lurtwtut uu,.t coon,, tete
sei:t. lu ouw n ivamu..io, ant be hreet,
trashes amid t'saadla• Iseestry.
To the Kd:tor oe Tux Stu.s ar_
81n, —I trust that the prose t aptinl
i wilt sue • eftaltlePAL:e amount 01 Ire*-
plapl.., done. Whets traveiligg lee
eutousr through Eugisod and 'i:Ullaud
Iit tis.,; was so plainly et/streets:a to
Csine:en as the fact that the country
was with s:mettered. Everywhere were
beiges, everywhere tiro• trees atom
them, every here and there plauta-
tL.ta 's hos' who owned the 141.1 ap-
parently were far from gruJgine tae trees
their standing room, aud its result welt
repaid thew Such crop. of wheat, such
•ought of grass per acre as was there
vbtatned, doubled or often Welton" Ca-
uad:ao products. Comparing( Cauad,a't
with Euglish farming practice, 00 nue
cuelt d..ult the shelter given had much
to d„ with the fertility of the lei.d. It
oriole pa:utul mistiest to many .,° Our
Cansutwu tarns, where P. lo. k• w. It lit .
, •wtrr hal cut every tree from Ilse stir
tare to ptu,luce • swear* eSpamW of her.
earth ; as bare, as ha.thl w Yuaigbtl
u U.S Limo: ate:k-yafd. ,
sal Ibis be what • farm shuiid too, with
is reserve of forest mea-'ivpt, free friar
he intrusion of cattle and mil t; ..d ture•t
,edition, its bed deep diet. :m•ees, its
uuMu trees rata.( melees to the heeds.
'f the aid, ready to replace them whets
hey are cut down for use, ICs muasster
wealth of f"liege, its pleasant walks, co..
d uu:5regeew in the ttotteon (ley, uta
v ing springs peas -reed by. tr.es, it.
it's st wind breaks opposed to the
i'tu,g blasts. Such a farm w kept as
lace of beauty ; a place to leer s'.d di.
I. The ether, *hated dal to the surface,
• place t , t•.tt, 1.e utak• m ,airy it
rmtue pays, perhaps ; but it a never
pleasure to tl•.ee who fnhab t it, It
hey possess cry„f the bier sentiment-
( e or nature. It is het always eve,,
e beat place to make matey by fares
iv, for he who has the trees will have
a grass crops ; he who has the grass
ops will have the manure, and he wh ,
as the manure well have the wheat
Ste uew forestry r•pert is now being
str:uuted and any one desiruig it, by
i.d,og his address to me, will receive
by mail It s a pamphlet dutnbuted
se yearly by the ()worth. Government ;
here is nu price fur the book and no
ergs for posts-ge. It wt.l be foetid to
Mann much tutcrmatf to tutee Mist' to
who teterest themes via in the for-
t, Sven, Ac
R N'. Patent,
'233 R:ohm.nd et, Toronto.
April 15, 1889.
nUbe If o8A ] ICAR IX A D
lay wool after the January else'ione in
the hope ..f getting a rn .re liberal
minded commit ; but, although a oohed
*rates change did take place, the general
a feeliud in t,wu new a that Oleos ii yet
I a full vas; rity eh.. will opp.,ee and vete
down arty pro, '.mit'., e f ,r the ',nprere-
meat and pent/pew, of the testa urigi•
settee outside the c .unci: cha nesse,
I ashatev.r the u:er.t• of tae sub.
t I tat way oe, or tae shinty and
1 *:pontic• in thaw mater -- of uta
' I proposer. lot, WA auhatandu.g all
this, •s 1 and the, niter worships heels
is their woad.,., taenioid to pleat souther
lieu toadied ornamental trews th a
Season, I now reeve ttlull, l.J •aav pro-
position half ire emir tee t. ns f. r what it is
worth. But I ii . a n mere y think that
...tootling should I,edonte,n the matter,
tad bet to add the Ismoeing from the
(Jlda et the Yat! nit , as somewhat ap-
peeveo to il.e auil.3eeu, viz : ” A new
me has bWeir disc tore.] jot. the poppy.
It forms a network of roots that cannot
be exterminated wote...it great drt}iculty,
and it is, thereto', admirable fur keep -
tog emban►v,rnts Its place. Within
-he last two i.r three years eminent
French •o moors have undertaken the
,owing .f railway smhaakwenta with
"" was " ted
Sal' cowl yore acceptably by fi,v A
Potter. W. W. Buchanan, Dominion
Councillor, from Hamilton, delivered
an an Klee address, full of powerful and
. 1trdeems has been removed. Mr. .0
• Williams will occupy a portion of the to
new block when completed. In It• ks
meantime he hu token temporary .fear- fo
. ton on Montreal st., next door to ed
entrance to Sallow's photograph gallery.
au .'!ear ar uroete:.
t Too S,o'ott Act he said,
now Mont dote. total prohibition mss
ichatdt,n ; solo, Mr E. C. Beiche
lo, Miss Graham : reading, Miss Tru
n ; solo, Mr Bedford ltacharison ; a
ova Itse. T. Al. Campbell, of S
on Nonra,--I wish to inform those par- !9u
a. ties that intend putting water iot.• theiI
ed lawn or house, that I am now prepared
d -
arya. After the program refreshmet
ere served, consisting principally of b
apse sugar.
toto do it at • ress.nable price Satufactt " A despatch from Winnipeg, Man
do it • a Just received • la sf 1 s : _''The *levee year-old son of
Deere l
at Saunders t' 'l o a and commence hors their stock
ogc our
gateranteed.pretty wall papers kaleeml,te. Raised paints, lily of Silver Star and Crescent coal rge it es 1,
carpet tack*. brush.•• end everything lefts which I will whelessi., at .nano•
samy. They Lases few baby carrtye,i left atsell,
Mat. Time dealt .ntrnd keeWag any more. faetnrer's prices G. N. Davie.
Tar cheapest hours tinier the sua.
The his excitement about the town horse
past ore is crra'Inc a bag inspreeelon unseats
the spurts, and threats are made that th
rounrtl;ors who tented for the *cheese w ill
vat to arrest. Hut nobody find* fault wit
the e.ccaeot work turned out ay N. H.
lows, who furs, boles all ¢ride, of picture
mnuldlsgs at the lowest 0,:.h. Cue. Mo
al.St and Seaga e.
'•Ir T G Ahe,, teacher, spent his East
sr holidays Is town.
Miss Praetor, at Clinton, is the quest
of Mr Wen Campbell this weak.
Miss B. R ilkinsoh, Toronto, was in
town during the h Aida)? melon.
A lot of fish spearing has been done in
the Maitland riser during the past two
Remove;o.—Owing to the excavating
t in ccunectron with tee proposed bnsisess
to block next to the British Exchange, the
I, barber atop formerly occupied by hfr J.
icons. Inspector English has bee
,*sing since Wednesday of last wee
,d it u seep seed be has been abducted
e was last seen with a man arouad th
. P. station, and several days pr•vieu
person aaneer.ne the description
s supposed kidnapper was seen aroma
e Central Sehoul endeavoring to pe
ads one of the pupils to ge with hi
Mo:,tuna." Mr Eoghsi is we
own in Brussels, having resided ther
r a number of years. It re to lam hop
the lad has turned up before this.
The eatuitive Organ Factory Work
W. Doherty d: Co., Clinton, had
rrnw soaps from destruction by fir
Toesday evening. Just at seven
ock the people usually on the streets
this hoer were startled at the ringin
the fire alarm, and were even mere se
es told "it was the Organ Factory.
was found that the fin had accident -
y started in the engine room, while a
ung man was at work there, in a pile
shavings, aud these blazing up like a
h, set fire to the roof, but it was put
before much injury was dose. It
was a rsmarkab'y fortunate thing that It
was no worse.
Mil Banner: The town was startled on
urday by the news that Mr R. M.
ming, of Ibis town, had been killed
in Toronto early on that morning. Mr
Fleming was creasing the railroad track
sear Strschan avenue and in his endeav-
or to avoid one trams stepped directly is
front of another. n Death most have
followed almost instantaneously. lir
James Fleming, brother of the
dummy!, proceeded to the dry
as soon as possible and the re-
mains were brought to Brampton on
the eveaing train. The funeral on Sus
afternoon was a large one. The (le-
ased wait a clever lawyer and at one
the next !moue that would come up, and
t.'mp„ranee sentiment linins; a growing
principle ero!vibitiun was a sure and car
tain event au jus Course el tines. The
q':sstion r.° preltihaioti as a turret:mto
and wise meager* was settled when the
first license was wu•d--.kense one mus
aud at enee proh.bitivn Is admitted t•
he the right thing for a number ,.f either
men. Therefore the prtocip'e was al -
hosted, and the traffic put under a hen.
which does 'tot exist in the ease of other
buaineses,. The niesteal pr,gram, con
3ucted by Miss Wynn, was a pleasing
• feature of the evening's entertainment.
k The beautiful sacred s•'ng, "Ca vary'',
was rendered in • tu'tc5ing maser by
• Miss f;:orgit. Martin. "Peng the
t B•Ils", h 'Mss Nettie Crabb; showed
of marked c ivat„m. The th:rd ntimi.er,
d "Arg•Is Ever Bright arid Fair", was
r sung by Miss Cook, who has a tory
in clear enunciteion. The c!..sin: number,
11 "A Little Bon of R'ue, by Miss Minn •
e Ache•ou, so prettily and tot:hiimely rest-
- derail, Mr a temperance lecture in ilk
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for
etusultahon on the brat Saturday of
every month.
A number of High School students
took advantage of the heater holidays to
spend a few days at home.
Mise Yates, of London, left last S•ter-
dsy, for her home afar a two months'
quit to her sister, Mrs (Rev) Richsrdsoo.
Rev. J. A. Anderson preached an elo-
quent and earnest anniversaryrrermon
to the Oddfellews, is Knox Ichuieh last
Sabbath morning.
Capt. McGregor left on Wednesday
meriting for Owen Sound to take charge
of the Government survey boat Hayfield
fir the ensuing season.
Rev T. M. Campbell, of St Marys,
paid a short visit to town this week. He
still believes Goderich to be the finest
summer resort in Canada.
The Knox church Band of Hope will
hold its regular meeting on Saturday,
April 27th, at 3 o'clock. All• members
are requested te be preseat.
Dr At Nicholson, the Wed-st dentist,
makes the ppreservation of the natural
teeth a apetiilty. Ga administered from
9 a. no for the painless extraction of
R Ms(luwen,sr., and family, Blyth,left
on Thursdayfor Washington Territory,
ao.ompanisd by Miss Mary McQttarrie as
tar u Chicago. Mr Mo(iowao fatesia
to make that plum his future home.
PARLOR Cop.:ta-.—The ladies of
Rex church will hold a parlor concert
at the resident's of Mrs Murray, head of
Newgate -et , on Thursday, May 2nd,
commencing at A o'clock p.m. A shoi.e
program has bees provided.
On Wednesday morning Mrs Bowie, of
Clinton, who resides below the eludes,
had the misfortune to fall into as open
cellar, .ad was pretty badly braised is
addition to havi*R her shoulder dislo-
sated. The services of • darter were
neesseary to get lbs eioalder in proper
A mortise of the Blo.v.i• Cheese
Company was held on Tuesday, std it
was decided to rebuild at eaea the eb.ea
faetoty that was destroy. by Ire lean
Theeeday. The new factory is to be built
of Welt, with • eapseity for masofaster-
ing two tens of cheese vet day.. The
fire wee eaesed by as Ineesdimry. A re -
weed of $100 is altered forth* etre* trod
ooarietjee Nth• AMC
C. B. Harris, a well known farmer oin of
Morris, is financially embarrassed and sa
his creditors Sr. looking after their on
iatterests. Paying heavy interest, ' d
poor crops and other louses Sr. the at
cause of the trouble. Mr Harris is; "f
neither a spendthrift nor a sharper and I wh
has been a hard worker, but was not able l ft
to poll against the stream His liabili-
ties are ohiedy borrowed money on - yo
notes. He intends removing to Algoma 'bee
as soon as his affairs are arragg•d.
The annual vestry meeting of St. out
George's snogregatinn was held in the
!school room on Monday evening, the
Rsetor in the chair and Mr F. W. Jolla- P
@ton as vestry dark. The Wardens' state- Sal
meat presented •hewed the financial !le
standing of the church to be lr,ost satis-
factory. Mr Thos. Weatharald by the
congregation, and Mr Chu. Seager by
the Rector, were re-elected churchwar-
dens, Messrs R. Radcliffe, F. W. Johs-
ston, T H. VanEvery, Jae Sheppard,
Geo Porter and Dr Rau were elected
•idesmen. Masers F. W. Johnston and
T. B. VanE•ery were re-elected audi-
tors. Mr Jae Sheppard, supersgtendent
of the Sunday school, presented"a favor -
5 _
a LEPBi'ltN.
from our Own aurrrap.ndepf.
J•`hn Horton was in C.intmn last week
g ( A Now CITIZEN --1i' (lordon, Er( $hep
) i petition, hes come to reside here. Lee
' burs extend, to him a hearty wets:,m•.
This week ter townsman, W Ntraeh•n,
leaves our locality for Sault Ste Marie,
with a view of settling up there, and
will visit relatives who reside in the
able report of the school attendance and dal'
financial standing for the put year cls
Goon FOR Tat C. P. R. -- "Luke
Sharp," lb• well-known newspaper wri- dont
ter, in an open letter addressed to the „huh
heads of the Pullman and Warner Sleep- Bra
infi Car Companies, published in yes- rigid
terdsy'. Detroit Fres Prim, pitches into
these eompaniee for the many incises. D
Menem thrust upon travellers, and winds pin
up with the following notice cempliseen-
tary to the Canadian Profit! Company :
"Tie Canadian P.ei& is the only road
is America that I know of that rune
really luxurious sleepers, and where the
eosmand seems to be, make the pee-
a .
magan a comfortable am rouble. Whew
a person has once travelled on a Cana-
dian Pacific sleeping onaeh be hetes the
petty restrictions and miseries of your
waggons." The moo w be said of
their "I/pedal Coloeiet Sleepers," whisk
are atwhto *very through trail, and
fohave all the modern I re ie no mode.
tsprovemesta, They
l& y weekataada, are neatly
imputed, bars fokdieg hash tabes, a
mage, are heated by steam, and the eats
are for the explosive use of eoleudie
sad ansa/ else passengers, and are
more ettmfer/able than the brat -bum
date of many other roads. We would
strongly reeemmeed say one moistest -
plating a j.. ersy to as paint whish ems
be mashed by the C. P. R. to take that
read. Mr S. ltaddtte, the •gest is
Ooderiek, will be owly ten happy to give
every informative, tarnish time ends,
deesriptiws pamphlets, maps, e,
was a partner of Sir John Mae -
Id in Toronto. Mir Fleming also
teed hie profession in Goderieh, bet
several years put hu reai.led io
Upton. Mr Flamer was thea mar '
and leaves a wife and a son.
r Marked, of Seaforth, has been op-
ted by the Dominion (Government
assistant medissl •uperintead•nt of the
sanitarium at Banff, N. W.T., the new
heMth and summer resort established by
the Domisieo Government on the main
litre of the Canada Pacific Railway in the
Rookies. This place, owing to Its health
giving qualities, and the grandeur and
beauty of the sceeeey, is rapidly bum -
leg one of the meet popular health sod
wormer resorts on the American sea -
tenant. The doetor will also have medic-
al superintendence of the Anthracite
raises and a elution of the Caudate
Nettie Railway, The appointment,
fres a peeeeiery pout of view, is a moat
desirable ogee, sed we have pleasure is
eoagratolatiag the doetor on hie good
fort use in immuring it, sad we are sere
that hi. high medical skill will enable him
S. perform the duties pertainiag to the
potion with 'radia to himself and bes.-
st to thou who may be seder his pen-
femio sl rare, while hie geoid, •lulls
knee els will make him a eaivmeal lave-
rite with all with whom he may some is
costae. Ta. doter will leave Neafovth
to resume the duties of hie mew prattles
shoat the 16th of May. Dr. Mackid i,
an old Goderich hoe.
p mppi-e, wrth a T.*w to prevent their
*mom destroyed by heavy rs,u.a:'
Yours sic. ,
THowa,t Kirl)I ,
Gotleeieb, 20:h April, 1889.
oiler wraste looters."
to the Cda'or or Toe. etc ret,
Sin,—Pile www council has refused
he pal ry sum of pritt to entertain the
es t i the Supreme Grand a lrange
ye, among whom, i believe, will be
.us w'retaip Jlay,.r Ciarke, of 'reroute,
a geutl•,nau highly resposted and de-
aerredly popu'ar wherever known• --so
,null e., that alth,•u,;h a very prominent
Oia',grurau tie Catholic 'nouns of To -
'unto voted for her. to a man. There
are very few men ..f the calibre of Mayor
Clarke ; be •ertatnly is s gentleuan of
:rest parts mot deserves the taauka of
Canadians at large for hi. Chratian sad
moderate advice to the Orang,men of
l.'a'tada, in the crime just passed, when
the M..;', t::.,'. , and other papers tried
to htht the torch ..f reolgiutta hatred on
the Jesuit y':astien, and when eves
ministers of the Gaspe) of Peace were
a u,.•hl et the most int.lennt Would
r bat 4:1 seen were as worthy of our esteem
u the noble Mayor of the Queen City ;
then there would be true happiness in
every girt of "Sr country, and the
demon of religious in,t.olseance would bus
• thing of the pace. And yet our Tows
Council refuses tis paltry atm of $50 to
Ii honer to such • man. There may be
others equally wrthy among our coining
guests nod deeer•iag of our respect, but
1 am out acouai•ted with them. At
any rate, he alone s ntdacement enough
or the eouuc,i to grant the f:r,D. Last
ear the e"unc:l ref used *grant of $50 to
elp to pay the espouses of the celebrat-
d «seaman,, I , Cosner, certainly against
b• bast interests of the town. There
u a whisper around at the time that
he religious belief of the champion was
e cause of the protest against the
nett. Can this he believed i If so i
ity the community where such, feelings
Rist. I would say, u an ardent lover
beautiful Goderich, bury forever every
estige of religtnts animosity, as there is
at a shadow of religion where bigotry
tgns, sod work for the best Interests of
• town ; encourage in every p esible
ay all visitor* to some too the Iowa ;
• need their help. We've had the
nny wise and pound foolish policy
ng *rough to the risible determent of
• town. As a ratepayer I appeal to
• w.irthy, pushing Mayor to call a
eeial meeting of the eouucil to r'e-coo-
er 1110 matter, and by all means grant
• $50. Vows, &c.,
oderich, April 1&h, 1889.
Tat!» Editor of Tim Su ssAL. f
an lira, -1 hey respectfully to of- y
for our town fathers a sego iatwn fur h
what I think woul t easily stop the in- e
jury which is Clain„ daily increased to. t
the lake bank to the southwest of tee w
harb .r by the owner. °s springs above t
• the clay bed, and might possibly be the LI
mese, of saving the lighthouse itself, g
which, it is rum lured, the Government p
eonteaplatee abandoning, to its fate be- e
mese of these springs. I fere, however, of
that my scheme will give no piece for a •
arm-mittee of council to "aggrandize' n.
themselves in superiotendtng the work re
the spring such a quantity .:f cuttings, W
an inch .,r s•, in thickness, of the tall 1..
Lombardy poplars u will serve for uy tb
two or throe rows along the broken nu
slope, and stick them in the ground ap
souse six or eight inches deep, the one sod
row tilling up the open space' betweso tb
the others towards the lake. Then, sir,
in an asemohinely short time there will G
be such • network of roots all over the
slope that no wat•rspnnge thereafter
min possibly affect the hank,but w.ruld,on
11Iiss J. T.Infield, who teaches schcol as it is simply to employ Win Watt, who
near Zurich, spent her Easter holidays is frequently employed by them and is
with her parents. This time -'ns of her skilled in such work, to procure early in
pupils wa with her and was mboh pleae-
•d at seeing the blue waves of Huron Inc
the first time.
Psaaotrai. — Arthur Shultz, of the
busy Mise town of Saltfurd, was the .
guest of our Teuton friend, H. Zellnor,
last week, both having • trend chat over
their boyhood days in the Vaterland and
the recent events that have transpired i
tinnier.* stand' apemen Fair.
The annual spring eh .w under the
auspices of the Colborne Branch Agricul- !
term Society was held in Auburn os the
16th Inst The crowd of spectators was
not ae large as on pre% ions n.xaaiosa t
owing to the lateness of the date. The
n umber of hones shown was as lame as
on previous ottasions. eeme tweet, one s
very fine specimens of horseflesh being u
exhibited on the different alarm. The
tharoughhr•d Durham belle were also 1
shown in good numbers. Ther• wee • •
large display of machinery exhibited by d
rawer, Nneon Bros, Harris A Otos, t
Watson, of Ayr, Bell A Sen, and several m
other companies. The following ma
toe the eery lireoI the trees,
and, if the more rugged and unseemly
ridges were acmewhat levelled down by
dynamite or other peaces@ and the whole
saturated with some hardy grew seed,
ben, instead of the present barna and
unseemly appearance from the lake, the
bank, with little slanting paths down the
lop.. would form most attractive please
re grounds. divided, u it were, into
eeperste apartments by the ridges, for
lite* eoterise of local picnics or outride
xcurnonists. A similar prote•tion, if
*aimed expedient, for the harbor from
he northwest might also be made on the
ew ground towards Attnll's point sad
he whole dime fora very trill• cf ax
ins r'ali* Use,
Heavy draught horses, 4 years sad
over—let, J. 'P. Fisher : 2.d. Gilbert
Heavy draught, 3 years old -1st, Thee
Potter, 2nd, John Marion.
Heavy draught, 2 years old --let, Jr
A.A. stallions, 3 years soli s,
Jae Anderson. _
Agri. stallions, foaled is't .,agbt
Yate►, gad. Jas Winmill
Road and carriage stallion, aged --Mir
Messrs Sturdy, 2nd, R and .1 Anemia,.
Rood and .anlage dellion, II vow—
lei, Wm Ningbo
Durham belle, 2 years and our—let,
C sod .1 Washington, find, Joe Tewdey.
I_yaaw add rued ever —1st, J ?tiro, 2.d,
W Wtt•om.
Cats ss,be elimesdjamoag the eentom-
pieties animals. At least they mews
most of the night.
Now, dr, the above was written i
October or November lad, but happen
lag to siestas the idea to two friend.
whom I met on the spot, the one seemed last
to doubt its maims from the nature of our
the bank and hustles that Mr Bingham on
and others had planted young tree•
some years ago which all failed; but i be-
lieve from my slight personal •zp•ri•nee
that the softie's i propose would more
likely seemed in the present saee than
saplings with rontsat tbom,and then ween
if quite a number of them failed the Ant
year they amid be replaced for a mete
trille,wbil• the moots of the lent plea s&
by havingfixed at (east a portio of its
soil, would give the others • bettor
shears of starting, and thee is • were
short time the whole broken span amid
be firmly bound up. My other friend.
an old farmer. approved entbeelaetieal to
ly of the scheme, atsd Ray *ma is do
tensm of his own expert/mop at his e ,
reason (m,r his doing so, let adeleed de •1
rtes one own 'Srresposdent.
Mrs Allen visited Brocefieid last
The Easter holidays were heart ly moo
joyed by the teacher and scholars of No.
9 S S., Colborne.
Mr Quaid has already sr'mmesced to
rebuild a new h••ase on the sits of
one burt.t down. The architeot d
stall laid the foundation en Satury
lastestebb tDtlfikarebusybuilding
A new boa was raised on Saturday
oe the farmiliately rented by Robt. Beers,
near here. The captains of sides wets
J. Thumped and .1 dun Clark, the latter
sig• being the emitters. Chas. Morris
was the builder and framer of the build-
The iron horse, among its pse•eneere
week for Manitoba, carried from se
jovial engineer, who has gone hence
• prnspeeting tour of that Lea* Lend.
Many from this s*stion who have gone
before and located there will, whereto!,
they meet him, •steed to him a hearty
welcome, and from him glean many
tidhays of the friends that are left behind
them in Colbeees. As drug sores are
searee out there sir .iek eemesitta gave
him • medicine chest, sd forgetting •
battle of our far famed beide, so that he
is well prepared to curs any eatsplatat
that may hofell him is that ter off land,
eke ail wish him a happy ioersey.
While removing an oak tree, wppneei
be 130 reeve old, ea a form her Lowe
• a few daye ego the ucib see d4-
.emit three or foe, Men ekelt(dss
d • number of arrow horde.