HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-12, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 1?, 1889. 41, 90 �nm .. BOOM '�uuuu �Pii� �111('kIll ��ul�cc Ca�1e r>�ALL PAPERA ROLLS AT RO B 11V1't Rll'OMATHit B\ Bimetal. 149, OF 144,1:Y14W PAHI.IA]t . T.1 ! Fraser Port3r's. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. 111 Now O Trick ; FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. Just . what is Wanted, Prices and Papers to Suit the Times. It has been Our Aim since opening our Place of Business to Advertise nothing but what may be backed up by Careful Inspection of our Stock, and when we say we have the Largest, Cheapest and Beet Selection of Wall Papers, Ceiling Papers, Friezes, Dados, Borders &c., we mean just what we say, and respectfully ask you to visit us, when one of the Firm will be pleased to spend time in showing you Our Samples. We buy from Manufacturers who sell to us only. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Cempay PHU3ILZNT--110x. A. MACKENZ1i, 11. P. ICA -!rime Minister of Canada. ViCt-PIthMILCN re i J HN L. in"IlrKlf/:. MANAGING DIRWTOR WILLIAM MiCAM6. F. I. A.. Cag. The €oRpq lazes all Ap, rorad Forleii of Moles and Aneuitios. RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Polley Gi'ARANTEket A NI. I't'RN OF ALL I'1:}.'.IIt SIB PAID In add,'+nn tolls full tare of the P•eicy in the eveat of death durt..r the In%rs.men, period. r+ • I .w er i then auy utlirr l uuipauy. :19 -II No Old Trash, as We Select our own Papers, and do ; not allow Old Samples to be shoved off on us for new. it Business done on the Square, "Central Telephone Exchange." Our Prices in Wall Paper and Borders are exactly Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper than last year. Papers chosen from 13 of the best English and American Manufacturers. Fraser & Porter. OOUK1'l� CUltliE_1Ci I Dr Bethune, late ..f Wit. ham, • gots,: to return thither attain. Mr A. J. Courtice, Holmeeville, is Newalettdre from Corroeron- laid up with a severe attack of p'euruy, dente, and Other Item.. Mr Thus. Halm, jr., hes mored to his farm near Gleam's, which he late., I Ibrought. • Weakly plar.t .f the Coast f Ilewd neer ed up team.' grader• of •• f its alsaat.'' Pita a..s P.1rt. .Yipped sad t aa- dea.ed tr.m aver, section. Mr E. Andrew. Ashfield, lie reul.•d • Mr R. Anstrone's farm of 200 acre., fu I nQ.,50 per year. Aker) Haldesby, formerly of Brig. Mr Allan 8 forth, left no Weelueolay fur Toronto. where he will attend the CoMMISIMM1 Collor). Mr E .1 Spriest. of Tuckersinith, re orally wild *colt coming t•o yens old, whSch tipped the brain at 1,430 pounds. Miss Sarah Johnston, Morris. 'rho has been laid up with rheumatic fever near ly all winter, is able to be around again. Allan Spawn, ef the 4th, Morris, him a Valuable mare from indenituation. He was recently (dieted .290 for 09 Michael Fos has leased hie farm on the 10th rum.,111rey,for • term of years to Geo H Dark. resit known in that town- ship. Mr T. Berry, Hensall. has sold his imported stallion. "Albert Victor," to Mr Murphy, of Bay Cet.y, for a band some SUM. Fred Dundee and F.,enk Kelly. sr.. Brusesis, hare gone t, Tomato. where they liars an otivagetn" tat at their trade as stone masons. James Cusick has yer fed the Holmes farm, near the Star Mill, and he st,d their late hem* the 17th oun., Grey. G Mellott, Wingham, has presented the Salvation Army • it ft a new organ. Al- though a member of the .Methodiet elturch he takes& great intereet in the S. A. .11. Lakes. of Howick, has given up farming on account uf bad health. Ile bas moved down to NMI father's, Simeon Zithers, os the lat line, Mrs Donald Scott, Bruseirls, has heon ill this week, we are s..rry to hear, from an attack i ery3ipelas. We hope she will lie speedily teetered to ber wonted health. The plaot of the Brussels /Wm,: wee .Id ma Frolay of last week by Mild/ S.Tott. J It Grant was the pm -chimer. Trio only other bid was by Mr Plows, of Palmerston. Mr Nelms, of Loran, was leaditia a horse up the hill at Dr Coleman's, Sea - forth, on Thursday. While attempting to mount the menial at tramped on his foot, fr- Luring his ADM* and instep. Armond the firtA'irtlment' inaae by the Home Mission C.untruttee of the Presby- terian church, for the slimmer months, is that •1 Mr liumoall hruce cotnit v. and D Ross to Branden. Mrs .1 Cornell, of Watford, by the recent death of an uncle in Hamilton, falls heir to a legacy of over $10.000. Mr t was at one time an employee of the Doherty Organ Faetory. Wm Downine, Brussels, is home from Ingersoll. He will sail this searion on the new C. P. It. steamer now being mipleted at Owen Sound. The Isom will be ready sometime in June. W Dickson, Brussels, did mit find it necessary to return te Helena, Mon., as announced last week, and we are pleased to stat• that he has decided to remain an Brussels III pertnership with It S Hays A duck behengitig to Hugh It. Elliott. Morris, made ijuite a record for herself last year, by laying ti2 eggs. If ow continue to decline the chalices are she will not attempt to treak her record during 18149. Rev C Staffool, of Mitchell, form priy of Brussels, pastor of the Main -et. Mr/ambit church, was presented with w•ll tiled purse on Wedneeday even- ing as a teken of hia valued services as their pastor Mr Jobe Harvey son or alv Joariph Harvey, of he 'Ind cunceeeion of Stanley 9,11.9 marned in Clinton last week to Miss Christina, youngeSt daughter of Mr Joseph Hood, shin of Stanley. Mr and Mee Harvey leave for Ferule, Northwest Territory. ori Tumday, where they in- tend making their future home. died at the ripe age of 96 last Saturday. The deeemed met with an menient a short time ago, from which he never re- entered. The ferieval service was eon - darted by Bev H A Thomas, after widish I'm remains were t•kee to ckaton Flom our own correspondent. Miss Horton is rrjoying a pleasant eave onr burg visit 1484 week. rich, gave our Our,,h a dying volt ibis week. Jaa. Horton, elm. ham beer up at the Sault Ste Marta for Dome time, leturoed on Satordav last with hia Archie. and will work Lis farm here ate rum Tee recent sugar snow stortn of Fri- day night saw it• beautiful white ilium *thin L make soy tffort to reel off his •unsniootiy bieseing or Mewing. M. :it.aft,y, eh was on the staff of How lam' bast summer, has agate Nen 11.14•Ked uy its °weer for the six isimetiss, aiiil resuu.ed his duties last week. Barasids fermi, from H. Heyde,. when -the Tatter -had avcia. ii to 1010‘0 ?tom due 'esti m for the Northwest, commenced ue missed by many here. kor several years he was secretary ef the West Huron Agricultural Severe, whien post resigueu lost Jausary. TOTS TSAR'S MYRTLE aad SMOKING TOBACCO FINEP. MAN EVER. SEE A POEM. 06 sole altering hater,. Fer hoot. kid or cordovan, ill iffli o• Ivir, Yeif did the Due -oilier its the man In kid .or e•alf fir summer wrest% 11.• ;NOW wry a o. k set/truly here. Wile ;list tiie cortistt In wesr door eteell„ For fL and neatness too The gra". eta! Lames" be know* welt. r,ve to any shoe. In prices be.* not usait.rato/t1 Hy ant irt the ; In fa,t, you should .; uQf undemt and, ills roman friend*. down the sidellne til 11:si Iciu here at at.i.iy at hie oroiyasion. At ,u.dosn work. w here taste and skill Just try hint once - uu never will Hy Mahe i.er lee astasured. Si gots t forget tilicorner, The foremost in tiff. 1.•16-11 Tbe lec ray Lula is o'er e And ;este-dam all around. serfs. o&re2o1 =Low' mews mommoi r Every Color and i y Shakia in Pac:.:ags Lyon con be Enid 4 fq 13 Wont,. oc ea h Ping and Package. 2173 if PRESCRI. PON PUG '01OCE2 Fine Tailoring NEW BPRYNG GOODS. THE NEWEST PATTKRNS IN CANADIAN TWEEDS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN ENULISH AND FRENCH New Shades in French Worstesd. New Irish and English Serpa. New and Nobby Spring Overcoatings. BEST CUT and. WOREVIANSIIIP. B. MacCORMAC. SPECIALTIES! Chipped Dried Beef Cooked Corn Beef, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE CaliforiliaDriedFroits Teas, Coffees and Sugars, EVERYTHING WARRANTED CHASA.NAIRN'S SEEDS! SEEDS ! We hare juid received one of the largest and One•t Mucks of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS Ever brought itto Gode-n on Sale. EVERY VARIETY AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEDAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION. New ORLEArre. U,S.A., ler#4-5, in competition with the pianofortes of Europe and America. The xtly U.S. International hledal ever award. sd to • Canadian pianoforte; also Medal and Diploma ak the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, Eng., with the tupreme honor of supplying Her Maier') the Queen with a Newroinhe Grand. selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fos tiluetrated Catalogue, prices and terms, 11111•••./AC OOOOOO FACTORY. 09 70 97 ftr1t.19000111 AVOWS atOxic TRY NA 'PURE PE RIESSPOTENT r0 re -Ai r:rier.4,' NX.101020,11 dl the =irk Ws= Ferry's Seeds 111. IL SCRIM IMO WOOS. KINIAMNIAL Winos, Liquors, ta G. H. PARSONS clad. a• It la certain in its effe-ts and dues sot blister. head proof beisolr. Dammsta ow Cureakawo Ear Aura tisorrtso Rua Roams Ittarwoon, ILL, goy. to, MIL lairs Rpaeln rare by the liraelrid= bottles, If all lay stabler for vireo years. KENDALL'S SPAVIN Intoottkrit. S. T., November a, agg afro .1 Olantre to ere yen tootherratal of war wad oplalea of your Nowtale.ftpacin Com la recommitted It mail novaasea. Touts testy, A. N. Gunnittr. c Mesmer Troy Laundry IllableL a•YY, Winnow Covert, Goo. bar_ 111, Itels Da. It J. If sanaLL CA 'Mtn year Keadall'a Illpsebt ewe I bare Orate 11 real It my ditty Soso abet I arra= moray', five borate that bad apaellga. es cf Ur. Illaes I Lase had ens yaw alreettosaa, I have army DECORATIONS I. warranted pure cud clean IEPPS'S COCOA. OVA rEirui.—COMPIIRTDIti. a thorough knowledge of Me amoral leo. wheel' got ern the emerge hew of dews km esi •nd toot by e careful applieation of he Cue properties of nellaeleried t 'cow", Me F.yys Isis. prom Well our Weal haat tables with • debeaS Ca ored craws. si hien may save ta mat bossy doctors' It la by the {Mous um of ouch articles of dirt that a constitution usay be gradually built up until strong enough to motto emery tendency to disease. II utuirocits of subtle inaladtes are floating around us ready to at - may relays. man) a fatal shaft hy keeping uurael yes wt fortified with purr blood and • pourer -1y nourished frame.- -civil Scream Gazette Made simply with bollinv water or milk. Sold nob in pill beta b) Fr,reera. lahdlad thus. Isto. London. Kodiak:sal. !LW SPRING HAS COME! ANIS WITH IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF GIBI'l Silt fir the Emil - H. DUNLOP'S. Good mate/ sal, fine 03:ea and fair prices • the Mot l tr. fir. Next door to Meesseal east Toas and Groceries ISAAC N (SS1DIS ....i.,,...0.411t8:1110118by'rouOrnmolaney• 1. bee Tee• notrat.ted the beet in the mar1:eit Japan & Blaq 35c per IL, CROCKERY to rat 1:roeerieg on hand at priers ad •,1111,11 t ut first OM AT OCR GODERICH STORE keep eonstanly on hand a fill! supply of FLOUR, FEED AND SEEDS. cal at the old end reLaSle Test -Wt. St Ind The Peuple's Feed Store, A. F. CULpikaiS, 77 D. Goderickaad Manchester. nuci GAIT iliDEN I EaildD SEED or 1889 SEEDS,1:7:1 rade is now ready, and be mailed free to al ipplieants, and to eliatoale: .t last year wabout solicits to it to their ads-an:ado t w our seed. IllawItIou. net. WALL PAPER 091199+917. Acme; Tennis Pries $1 piternis. twsidat.rbottiss feral, an Dr= Aora."7DITh—rEIMIKILL Oa., 9. SOLD BY ALL Dutrecturrs. Goderich Stcain Beller !forks C_rsrsto.1 Esc Black. Manufacturers ay dea'er• in stoma aviier., Salt Pass. Tanks. Pesters, Sasoitcs:a.ks, ai.d kinds of games reit ork. glare, Upright anti Gualaimatal abater, dad eglantine, of every staat Retina, Herm Ptpe and Pme rations cow staatli cm baud. On Hand for Sale Cheap, is we. &peon Nand tememee. I Illeased-leadd Hee sad I sato, it u. Mall orders will rare! v• prompt •ttealloa„ IS. Repairs pamaly attended to S!!).UNDifiS &SON napetitors envious of our suc- Sole Agents for W. N. Peak, BrOOkijrn, N. Y. ARTISTIC I NEWEST I CHEAPEST I "WO ROLLS Just entered through the Custom No Trouble to Show Sample: Everything minaret' for house- Chumilingibir tick 1.1 ()RANO TRUNK VAILWAY. Trasns arrive and depart at ttederich Sal WI sad *spews Mail Atigind Iloggriers MARVELOUS EMORT DISCOVERY. 112:aellkadw`lja4":"Ted4tial Water S I have new on basil. aataille to keep a hai Iowa PIPE AND FITTIM Required for Water Supply from Town *System to Dwellings, Lawns, ops Factories and otherse. faction Guaranteed. Alt size. of Galvanizer' sail Ff Pipe and tiling, Smoot Wet. HY THE - HOT WATER 81'811, A SPECIALTY. O. RITMR. OAILLIMS LEIB (Bottle ,reir:sNiii;mpAApp.s. To I Slag Rea Furs Meat Boy Baku Irof For I Goof la .11 Wino di Co yoga ta ply to 110 make tion of and th Nita - These ceeded The of busl termites to Wee Not f That is see the They ha and olio Look et their yr Kim kite Arn had a Other hi but -At studio. • always Roveitiet Mr H this wee Mr am Mrs Hsu Centel lag at th of Miss 1 was the Mrs SA her broil Mrs Be for Belle' is very ill Dr If c eonsultati every rno The co stone wor last Sadao Chas. T trip on thi Capt. Ti take chary, this cornice A math, main 50 yet in buttonin The falai miller of th On Wedbeel position on Captain . Toesday for of his boat I We are pl Dickson, wh costly, was I Kr Wade, the employ We am Mimic, moth ie recovering Mr Walla. was in town old friends. Keeler K Wednesday is obsequies id 11 of Yr awl Me Rots' Tes address she Courted. on Tanperease resitationa kr hither ass