HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-12, Page 5THIS fURON SIOLIL, 1'ItLDAY, AP1t1L 12. 1$$9. a SPRING GOODS NEVER PROMISE MORE THAN YOU CAN 7ULY1L Bombastic announcements may do for a time, but nothing except HARD SOLID FACTS WILL LIVX- our Stock of Spring Goods is now OODIPLETD_ We call special attention to our IMPORTED DRESS GOODS Every lady that has inspected our Stock, admits that we bays the best Stock of Dress s ever shown in Gaferich. We are showing the largest and cheapest Stock of CARPETS and LACE CURTAINS IN TOWN_ Bullar and Eggs ¶11k011 Ill Exchange. 70I -LINT 8C2ECE30N. Mem Seidl'. tnmweetes .f Cod user OM read RjpephesNltes Is sold all over the world. It is far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatahle and easily digested. Dr. Martin Mdse Stanton, Bury Books, London England, says : " I haw* prescribed Soutt's Emulsion, sad taken it myself. It is palatable. efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver oil itself car.not b. borne Sold by all druggists, 60c. and $1. 4 NILE. !snot star sinsa.ee.q.t.nt. Atka amiss. Massa, Wa. Bailie is able to drive oat. Wm Morrison is also recovering, and is able to work • little. John Pentland has been very low with'blood puisenine. He is still confined to bed, is very weak, bet svetme to be mending. The blood poisoning started frum the scratch of a John II Gay is rebuilding a fine look- ing house on Mr Duncan MoNee's farm. J. H.10., is a popular contrastor around the Nib. H. is both quick and thorough. In my refereed* to Mrs G. A. Cassidy last week, the printer's "devil" gave me credit for saying "was Maggie Hether- ington." As Miss Maggie was a tall h•edsom* woman, the remark looked like sarcasm. Nee was the word I see•M, instead of wee. I always thought the "devil" was a linguist. and was certain he knew the French language. MCLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR Is a specific and antidote for impure. weak and impoverished Blood, Dys- pepsia, Rheumatism, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consuwptioo, Gall Stones, J sundioe, Kidney and Urinary Decease., St. Vitus' Dano., Female Irregularities and General Debility. Price $1 and $2 a butt:. Call or writs fur 1e4cLeod's System Renovator, Newgate -sit, Gude- nch, Ont. When a legal paper is served upon a Chinaman. says The New York Sun, be smiles blandly and places it within the folds of his blo.w. When a legal piper is served upon an Irishman he does not hesitate, as • rule, to denonooe the plaintiff. A Hebrew defendant usually makes some offer of oon.prumise to the server of the process, and the average German calls hu friends and family to- gether to determine whether he shall keep the paper after it has been handed W him. The 150 acre farm belonging to the estate of the late Ww Mooney, Morris. was sold to W. C. Strettcm, of Lancas- ter, Ohio, (brother of Capt Stratton and Mrs John Mooney,) fur the sum of $6,- 1500. The farm is well located, and is considered a bargain at the price quoted on a'awnt of its convenience to Brae- *eL, &Cc. Mr Stratton intends renting the place fur a few years when we hope to see him move there and settle on it. Ti.e farm could no: have been touched a few years ago at the figure it sold at, but owing to the general depression in land jut now the executors thought best to ou ch:de the sale with the norcheser. 1889 1889 THE PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1854. CHANGE OF 3'D'CINESS ♦T r, ,t", TSS CASH STOPE TO THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL : Having purchased the business of GEO. H. OLD, I intend to become a resident of your town, and hope that the public at large will call upon me and examine Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. I quote a few prices, as follows : Having removed to my new store in Acheson's Block, fitted up specially for my use, I desire to thank my Customers for the liberal patronage extended to my predecessor and myself in lire past, and trust to have a continuance of the same. At the same time to permit me to inform you that I will keep a full line of Standard Patent Med i H nes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods, aad everything found in a first-class drug store. Having had an experience of twenty years, I will give personal attention to the preparation of Prescriptions, using only the purest drugs. Telephone copnection on call at any hour at store o•• residence on Last -est. GEO. RHYNAS. A SPLENDID ARRAY OF Perfumery ' sit Toilet Articles, -ALPO♦ LARGE STOCK OF TOILET SOAPS, and PURE CAS- TILE SOAP TO CHOOSE FROM, P. JORDAN'S izEDICAL ALL. 44 Piece Tea Seta, at $2 2:1 S Piece Toilet Set, at 2 00 llint e- Sets, from. $6 50 to 10 00 Milk Pans, Crocks, Jugs. Pitchers, Etc., away below Cost, in order to make room for new goods. All other lines will be sold at proportionately low rates. MY STOCK or GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c., is very complete, and I intend to give consumers goods at right prices. Hoping to be favored with your valued orders, I am, Your obedient servant, R. E. JAMESON, Successor to (3EO. H. OLD. Ooderich. April 11th. 1812. 211114t1 W 00 EjYth:� cc � ff�"11 0 O 0 1.„0 111 z O z 0 0 SEASONABLE ARTICLES .AT C+OODE'S DRUG' ST' OR . BLACK CHERRY COUCH BALSAM. This Jaeoomaou.d/tleflared from a fluid extract of Cherry Hark.cembloed with a num- ber .1 the hest ex known. All who use it praise it. There's nothing like it fur Coughs My Own Condition Powder This is • non -secret powder of Great Value. It tones op the system. increasing Appetite, Flesh sad Spirit at Horses. Cattle_ Sheep and Ptga. All I ask le a trial. to convince any Stock owner of its Merits. PACK 1G ES 1S a fts Cents. ACV" OWN CATHARTIC PIL148 -AND- LITTLE LIVER PILLS. At this sreson of the rear almost all perverts need some Medicine to Relieve and Cleanse the Stomach. Liver and Stood. These will be found to fill the requirements perfectly. In order to salt those who prefer a small Pill. I am providing both a small sal large Pill, each Package !S ('eats. BRING ME YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS And I Guarantee Thorough Work and Lowest Charges. ar NIC} ZIT T CT,1 CTv_ WALTER 0. GOODE, yr. DRUGGIST, ALBION BLOOM. AS GOOD AS GRID The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of imported and Canadian Yarns from the best known makers ; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Cerese, and Grey Flannels, together with a full range of Men's, Women's, Youths' and Children's English Scotch and Canadian Underwear ; also White anfd Colored Blankets, Comforters, and all wool Austrian Carriage Rugs. TnaI (ORRNC1i THII43LN SPRING OPENING THE LARGEST ANO BEST ASSORTMENT OF Gents' Furnishings ! HATS AND CAPS WEST OF TORONTO. 2145 tf DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS LARGE STOCK AND GET PRICES- -Popular Goods and Popular Prices - GLOVES AND FINE HOSIERY I AS USUAL Napery Department will beVound Complete. STRICTLY ONB PRIOR. ALEX. MUNRO, 91164 D aper and Asberdaeher. This year we intend to get under all previous quota- tions in the Gents' Furnishing line, and will not be un- dersold. F. & A. PRIDHAM. Spring Arr&vals! CROMPTON, APPELBE & COS., E3FLA /NT ailr0 RD - We have pleasure in apprising the readers of this Journal that the greater Fart of our Spring Imports have arrived and are opened up. These Goods are the personal selection of our Mr.App•rlbe, dewing two month's visit to the European Markets. At no time has our as- sortment been more Elegant, Chaste and Varied. The Prices, Quality considered, are lower tl an those usually charged. We have the advantage of direct purchases from the manu- facturers, saving local Wholesale Merchant's profits. Ur Special attention given to Mail Orders, which will be filled byCompetent Persons, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples by ail on Application. Orders Solicited. Crompton, Ap'elbe & Co. (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) BRANTFORD. MISS GRAHAM Has returned from Toronto where she has been making tier Selec- tions in SPRING MILLINERY. The Brightest and Best and the Latest in Novelty and Style can be seen at her Show Rooms. A thorough inspection of goods and prices is cordially invited by all callers at The CHICAGO HOUSE, 97_ West Street. SPRING MILLINERY crass caa4=zoxNT Has now received her Spring Stook of the Lamer Mrs iS KESS And is prepared to give her many lady customers the fined (:Ity styles at town rates, Owing to the fact that her business has kept on increasing, there has not leen an oppm% tunny to prepare for a formal spring opening. All ere invited to examine Quality, Styles acrd Prices. Weekly Coesuseots Received Darin lie Basy Season. SHOWROOMS,--Osrmerof itamUten and'.swirateat. of the Sq.iare. RTEw NEW SPRING MLLINERY I NE=ssEs Yg=s Has opened out a large and well assorted stock of the latest Styles in NEW MILLINERY ! Where you will find the Newest Styles of Bontnale,,, Nab and Trim- mings. Ladies please call anti inspect. Nertb-M. sewed dear of Square. NEW_FIRM! P. W ILKINSON&Co Having just completed the purchase of the well-known hard- *Wa stock of B. W. McKENZIE. and thoroughly renovated the pre- taiss are now prepared to fill all orders and requirements of the pub- lic in their line. Special attention given to Marine Outfits. We solicit public patronage. and will aim to give perfect esti*. faction 96-1 yr. R. P. WILKINSON & Co.