HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-12, Page 3Me.
41.1.., b
l UFO • retro
. of Claw
Lever Oute f
ver, Kilos
avid by J
lent o
;he dis
on th
ers, w
lents in
)ur pat-
oda Une, aad at
Dol Hosiery,
ed Cotton,
l Shirts,
Dry Goods
D Only „zees
lb., equal to
fit Priosa
from 3 inch
..$ at propor-
it Flaws from
of Hardware
ale pr ices.
any desired depth
and properly enter.
moor to more. and
and no single mai-
ret one cord, stak,•
FEED, &c.
I in town and
ement in Wei-
✓ Seed (train
r e are Import-
hing is expert,
ir the Farmer
reliable change
tt the Mark
Mires, and only
ive been dealt
'i' melt the le -.t
ion every time
►ran Forks, Cniti-
be iepreeerltnl
lien of Ashfkl'li1
it Townships of
.+ a
Russian Sense'''. of brass composes
pert of the nocsesery furulture of the
modern testable.
(range trete are useful is atony woes
for 'metier deceranuo, as they are
warm gala pleasant
Coral is furl now in large demand for
embroidery work, a•rubu•ed with mann.
plants, ,bowing ddiwte tracery.
Revolving lower pot stands ,Bard a
ready mode of 's'yeug effects of groups
of plaits in imrkn or sitting rooms.
Carpets would never be shaken, as
their weight melee* them t.. part, but
he laid en a rope and thea beaten at the
Pestered, knightly and woodland
scenes, and village feetital tableaux, in
Limoges, may he blended together in
mantel (aeu.gs with charming effect•
A suitable oche for re..usaee holding
marble statuary is cerulean blue ; while
cites of lbs hest backgrounds for gala
and green brit size is Indian red.
A Jaeai,ese lea trey of Iacgeered
wood is composed .4a aeries of drvtan.ns,
each with a separate porcelain base, •ith
dsaig;e in gold sod colon, and with
vaned molded border.
For picture frames, old Imam elaborat-
ely desigr:ed is in much ri quest. They
are especially appropriate to uicterisl di-
♦sigma in the same mental or in papier
Whilst we produce in tiles every
variety o f tint at will, the sncieuta card
only two tints, red and white, .•uipl•iytog
brick clay. with a tran•pareut glaze
from powdered brick ore.
his always well to give the stairway
waft of the several stories a different de
curative treatment ; als.e to iotr..duce
boriz.nital hues. as giving greater
breadth and stability of appearance.
A novel hall hat rack, of simple herd -
wood frame, is provided with protruding
and erect ovals of nickel -plated wire, as
w ledgmeut tot silk hats ; an inclined
Ceileiva* e'se•rielasas.
Life is esseotally what we mare it.
A fee an hurts nevalids, ,.r, by reewu
of sickness, are reredered rweapat.le of
wpnhg with the world. But to every
utoety-uiwe out of a hundred individ•
mei Is given the prerogative of deter-
mining their relative position in the
scale of szest.nce• Thy are allowed to
decide chattier they will coutrol era
euwtano.e or permit eireeswstauc,s to
curare' them. (-pun the result of the.,
resolution hoses their weal or woe. To
he happy one mut tie ion happy terms
with ..there, and the d!tfetence between
liked ern disliked represents the differ -
mice between the cheerful, geed -humor
ed, and the ill-tetupered, acriwoutuue
disposition. The individual who ma-
ternity carries • stinting tueneeu,anee,
and keep his troubles if be has any, tt.
himself, is welcome wherever he goes.
He wakes heats of friends, and impress-
ing others with a belief that he mut be
doing well to be sit cheerful, unwires
a,u0deoce, draws customers, and snakes
heed•sy Ht the world, where one with
r1 more brains but leas bueya,.ce (ails
Some one truly declares that -cheerful-
ness and diligeren are nese-tenths of
wisdom," An old writer used to usy
that "a habit of looking at the best aide
of every event is tar better than a
thousand pseuds a year." Chitties
Lauth ekpramed the mine idea in differ -
era lal.guage when he wrote: ' A
laugh is worth a hundred groans in any
elate of the market." "Cheerfulness,"
observe, Samuel Smith, "gives elasti-
city to the spirit ; spectres fly before it ;
discuities cause uo despair, ter they are
eoaouutered with hope, and the mind
requires the happy disposition to sin
proveopportuutties, which rarely fail of
success. Hume was wont to say, that
"he would rather 'makes a cheerful due -
p eitiun--iiiolined always pi look at the
bright side of thiugs; than with • gloomy
mind to be the master of an estate of
Leu thousand a year." We often hear
the remark made : "Such and such an
individual Is a geed fellow,.- "He must
go with the party," or "We can't spare
him.' Study the character of the lure -
halt moron wire device affords equal re- vtduat alluded to, and you will find that
curity for felt hats. ' he is cheerful, full of animal life and
At a recent lurch party the napkin at
each plate was slipped into gilded el tthes
pins ; the pins were decorated with tiny
bunches of fi rtes me nolo, riverbeds and
other small Hower' painted in oil, and
were retained by the guests as n.urrn,r.s
A piety, healthful and ea-onomiesl
finish f. r ceiangs and walls is made of
pulverized soapstone. it can be readily
washed, takes • high palish. is • pear)
grape in tint, pree.wts the beet pwible
surface for painting. either in nil or outfaces. it cures where others fail.
water cults, and will neither crack me
chip. Tea Geed Tants to knew
1. That milk which is turned or
changed may be sweetened and rendered
lit for use gain by stirring in a little
spirits, and always ready to j on in a
hearty laugh. If his face is ever wel
come it is because it is full
and oield nature.
of autiahtue
Tb. mere rise.
When suffering (ruin a troublesome
cold, a hacking cough, hoarseness, asth-
ma, bronchitis, or other forms of throat
ie lung troubles, is to use Hagyard's
Pectoral Balsam to loosen the phlegm
tied soothe and heal the inflamed mucous
The hest regulatory for the et 'mach
and bowels, the best cure for biliousness,
sick headache, indtiestio n, and all affec
lions arising from a disordered liver, are
without exception Johnson s Tonic Liver
Pills. Small in size. sugar costed, mild•
yet effective. 2u Ms, per bottle sole by
ODade, dreegt.t. Albino block, (lode
rich. solo agent. 1.1
The tile facing of a marble mantel
showing • arttinueus flout and floral
design. in delicate hues, on a white
ground, presents the novelty of horde in
brilliant plumage, and bright, gaudy im
sects, rendered iu relief in quartz grains
in metaiiie co.'rw, preoducinv a pictaree-
qae effect. The importation is (rim
A tom tar L■mbste.
That psir-ful complaint can be quickly
erred DT thern..ht remedy. Mea Mort
Jane Gould, of Stoney ('reek. Ont. •
mys : "I was troubled with lumhavo,and
could not pet relief until I used Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil, one bottle of wtajoh
cared tree et.tirely. 2
in • putt of spirits of wine dissolve
two eel/ovoid seed -lac, and two ounces
of white resin. The prineipal use of
this p liah is fi r the carved parts of
cabinet mirk, such as standards, pillars,
claws, ate, It should be laid on
warm, and if the work can alert be
warmed at the time it will be still better
All moisture and dampness should be
carefully exu.loded.
A W...ernel Yteab r,.d.eer.
This is the title given to Saitt's Emul
cion of Card Liver Oil by many thousands
who have taken it. It not only gives
flesh sod strength by virtue of its own
nutriteus properties, but creates an ap-
petite fur food• lose it, and try your
weight Scott's Emulaior, is perfectly
palatable. Sold by all druggists, at i0o.
and $1.
nerstag team of Typbeld•
samosa as
Here are some of the shades *dewed
by • syndicate of Paris manufacturers of
the gouda they will rusks, for the winter
trade :
Kmeraude - A deep, rich emerald
Searabee--A dark, yellowia l groan.
Cuor'.ucou A abed. lighter than
Peuplieree-A shade lighter still.
Nil -.4 light w .trey green
(:oquelia.t-A rich b'.eud red.
Boulanger- A brighter shad+ of red.
B'outue d'Or --A gelana yellow.
Mats -Straw color.
Y .lcsa-A reddish terra-cotta.
Airmen - A dark reddish Aram,
Pastille -A light folders brown.
Oaide--A dark slate•
Liuecwu-A dark fawn.
Herm-A grayish drab.
Luciule- A gendarme h'ue.
aa.geeeus Cawaterfeite.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
more a., that they always closely ret
TaTI Tan oaluleaL Ifs APr$AKAttaa Ant'
waste. The remarkable success achieved
by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold in the Howl has ir-
domed unprincipled rosettes to, imitate it.
The public are cautioned not to he de-
eeived by nostrums imitating Naral Balm
in name and appearance, Learing such
names as Nasal Cream, Newel Relearn,
etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not
take imitation dealers may urge upon
you. For sale by all druggist. oily sew
post-paid on receipt of price (50c and $1
by addressing Fuller(' & C , Brookville
Ont. tf
A arae nil
Around each bottle of Dr Chase
Liver Care is a medical ¢nide and reorip
Meek containing useful information, over
200 re'ceip.a, and pronoonte:l by doctors
and drnegists as worth ten times the
,net .•f the medicine. Medicine and
hook $1. Sold by all dru ygists
2 That salt will curdle new milk ;
Bence, in preparing milk porridge, gra-
ties, etc , the salt rh.uld not be added
until the dish is t rehired.
3. That fresh meat, after beginning
to sour, will sweeten if placed out of
duora in the cool of nittht.
4. _ That clear boiling wi'tS' will re -
metre tea status and many fruit stains
Pour the water through the stain, and
thus prevent it spreading over the
o That ripe tomatoes will remove
ink and other stains flour white cloth
also from the bands.
6. That a tablespoonful of turpen-
tine bolted with white clothes will aid in
the whitening rete .
7. That boiieTitarch is mach im-
proved by the addition of • little sperm
salt or gum arabic dissolved.
8 That beeswax and salt will make
rusty Out inns as clean and as smooth
as class. Tie a lump of wax in • rag
and keep tt for that purpose. When the
irons are hot, rub them first with the
wax rat, then scour with a paper or
cloth sprinkled with sale
9. That blue ointment and kerosene
mixed in equal proportions aud applied
to bedsteads is an unfailing bedbug re-
medy, as a coat of whitewash is for the
walls of a Log house.
10. That kerosene will soften boots
and shoes that have been hardened by
water, aud render them as pliable as
Fut of all, after the wine physician,
we wotiild say procure a well trained
notes. Some of nor physicians will not
take • case of this fever without one.
Rut if one cannot be employed, then
pat in practice the best rules of good
nursing by keeging the patient quiet,
entirely free from company, excitsteent,
noise tied disturbing influences of all
kinds, and exempt also from all exer-
tion, even to !thing g the head or turning
the body aloes. •
Give no food except • glass of milk
every tee or three hours, and lower
the temperature as it rises by sponse
baths seder the the blanket, oonsiating
generally of alcohol and water.
There most be no wearying nor lag-
ging in the eeforeeemeet of them rola
until the patient has heron normal all dy
for a week, and eves thee great motion
most be need lest ton great bodily riser -
tips briag on fatal rosette
When it is better and more generally
.adentood that typhoid fewer is princi-
pally and primarilya essditiom of .leer•
atioe of the thin tat the intestines,
mad that say het the softest foods or the
felletiest movement of the body may pro-
ems' p•rforattoa, whisk *.ere death, or
hew eaa(ly other dangerous Yeasts, welt
as hemorrhages or peritositlb may be
iedesed, physicians will Ind their pa -
beets sad three In shame el them mars
strictly obedient to their tin jmietinee ;
sod is our homes es is the hospitals, It
will be the rare eseepties where the sof-
levee doss eel r'ar'er.
The enuaeil of Bee Remo, hely in-
tend erosible two warble pulses to eom-
me sereta the late Emperor 1hed.riek•
sive Them a Mame.
Murat If tlstrad,nf Cincinnati,li•s been
quite ill If. r several days. Hs is gaffe,
,og from a cold which he caught at the
t Mended M.emaeb
"For three years I was unable to work,
suffering from ulcerated stomach Metri-
cal aid having failed, I was told to try
Burdock Rood Bolen, of which 7 bot-
tles made a permanent cure. This was
two years ago, and I feel that I have to
thank It B. B. for being alive and well
today." Mrs Rose Ann McCloskey,tfar-
inure, Out. 2
Thos Keegan, of Juniata toe n,hip
Pa , who was buried Thursday, was 108
years old Ile carried a pike in the Ir
nh rebellion of 17J8and came to Atuer-
iea seventy-tiey years ago.
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
When these are dogged and chocked
with matter which ought not to be there
your lungs clarinet half do there conk,
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, cough, crimp, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or anyof the
family of throat and nose and ead and
long obstructive*, all are bad. All
ought to be got rid of. There is just
one suresea to get rid of them• that
is take R'a German Syrup, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 cents •
brittle. Sven if everythng else has
failed you. you may depend upon this
for certain. eowly
Here Ptemarka►M *1111.
Found at last, what the true pablie
has been looking for these many year,
and that is a medicine which althoui hs
hut lately introduced, has made for
itself a reputation second to none, the
medicine is Jo.hnsen's Tonic Bitten
which in coy)unction with. Johnson's
Fettle Liver l'iels has performed some
matt wonderful cures impure or im-
pnttriahed blood soon becomoes purified
and enriched. Billiuusnes,a, indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, latim or.
weakness. etc , soon disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic made
elites. For Rale by Good, dregyiet, Al-
bion block, Gudetich. sole agent. id
A ROMAN.-Uf wee dime.; "Tea DIM
ay" to any we seledui4 the haat to, , lin-
rhyme on ' rsaetsay. this rewuarkahb
little gem tear the Teeth and Kat:. Ask
• oar dressiest or address
A o•rr•apandrot sat• henna' sill a ei-
celleht to •all hanks►fu Motl-vs ate(
Vine*. to keep .wt rhe aster .teal snow.
It a•au makes the !ember lest tenger.
No's r mums.
Ken no rag in but lite ono, rtee
try tt:e krait Kidney seri Liver revel..
ow, mere by lir. (lime-. au .r f
Ch+ar'a recCb „
etlms. Try Utas*'-
Cure ter ail dswwaw .4 the Liver, Kid
arta. Homsclrand Hew. le 5,. t by sit
lbs ul,strrsaiu: paleness s,. often .,h
* erred w Leung aerie end wo.,trn. s
in n great measure to a 'Mei of glia• .a.t
curpusclee ui the hloni. To reins 1�
this rrrloires a medicine a hrrh peal qe•
/fear in manner Wilts s'l.t, • w,•,.11t ....hi,.
Mid Ibe t.t-.t yet du,t-orrred I. Joie ....
Tonic llittrn. Pr.,•.' lett ces, snal LPI
p»r hr'rl,. a'-Inre,nt
block, ftiderich. Sole agent.
• to 7r,
'. t'
the t- Hullo M,e iu. I hat eai t se..
civ ,•t. •V. I .ut•te-e. poi hate br.0
rimy beaey. Margin- Yes ; 1 have been
ata • o"- •' i ' a u.•* b'•u-e I (a,• •Is tu.- �a !-'�
segues' ,.. e. al -Ir thst eau I it C. p, i•L n c_ A5
at IS a .,r• ra1►e1a,'3.es (.4 yuV.-
Batu" l', it•
(t=Li) I$lU
To *Jas AH ,cert . Itis a tT • V IIT
1wf75.15O yt•.
ware. reerooe: r.r 5 •
Moil: ... 04.1.• a-,.• t.-tt
ettagtetts•eS't SAL 111411 .b:.t
l' <i 1i -t writ e. • • Ir , . ear
hst.q cni ,rca .t IF a Wear
•taterg hoar': epnu.nt atter
Mb kal:atraA,lO•rt1H
tot *Lr exon trews tt aorta.
fav grae,r .r invasion per
hat..". r+- an, iiblaakud
for 101 you.--v4%!F«e--
l'pi'pf'it +! M vttu!nvsn
c r
DR kf88
/end every 'metes of •ite.rase arising brew'
ois.rdsrcd l Viet, C D'tEVS, BTOitAO1�
earwEtn OR BLOOD,
T. ■ILBUiRH & CO. ^ope'''n'
DECOR'SRvST riztrtin
Aye � ry
,Haain.'. t.: ••,! a'1 *name" la the C.S. Pates
Oitl.rl a • t c tut to at Aro/0,-RA TR F I' I f.
tier e8iee is eppoelte the t', €. Patent Of -
flee. and we car obtain Patents In le.. titer
than t l.u*e i enmt a Iron, W A RtIINOTON.
Send !l./)R1, OR LH.1 WfNU. We ad-
vise a, to paieamntelity etre of chary'; and
we make Ng/IV/•AMOS f e'LAaAt N B OB-
TAIN f .t 1" LVT-
We trees, :+ere, t she Pu.rmuter,the Supt.
o homey Order D v., w.l to olli,Mly of tee
S. Pat. ut armee. 1•'•.r cirenlar, adv Lx.
terns ansa re' •, W.. ur.* to ac. ad edeas is your
ow a State or Coditty, wrote,..
C e. wsew • ed..
Oppatite Pat••*: t).n.:e. Washington
- iLC
RHYMED AND RVIEwtn.:.-The stock
of stationery, including note, Ietteeland
account papers, envelopes, and in tact,
all classes of printing papers has just
been replenished at T,Ie SI.iNAL. An-
other'large lot to arrive in a day or tee,
and more to follow. If you want some-
thing neat and hneinees like in office
state 'eery, call If you want a card or
circular printed in the latest style, call
at TH1 List .'1. steam printing house,
North St.
IIewasteepsss mewld lesre.
That to wash s.noxothiag irons in dish-
water, after washing your skillets, will
tasks them smooth and prevent rooting.
That if you fold your clothes as you
take them from the lise, they will iron
mach easier.
That your eoppet wash boiler, it well
robbed with a sloth dipped in coal od,
will be roan sod bright.
That yes me sweep a rag carpet such
'leaser sweeping erneswi a of the width.
That if yoe east to keep =homes
free of moths, never pet down year
A Profitable tire.
Few men have accomplished the came
amount of work and good in this world
as the celebrated Dr Chase. Over
500,004) of his works hare been sold in
Canada ab,ne. We want every person
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys-
pepsia, Headache, Kidney air Uriny
Troubles, to buy a bottle of Dr Chases
Liver Cure, it will cure yon. Medicine
and Receipe Book $1. Scald by all
Many very go td housekeepers make
piecrust but once • weak. If put in a
cold place it will keep that long without
injury. Others rub the lard into the
floor, and set it aaide in the eold,wettinj
it up when wanted.
A Weems/me ers'wa.
The ter/eel organ, and one that ploys
s ermtrolll.g part am the health of the
Indy is the liver. if torpid or inactive
the whole p.tem beenstwe demised.
Dr. Olmee'a Liver Owe Is made
ler Liver d Kidney
gearwnteed to cure. Recipe hook end
nudeness $L Bold by all dr.gxialk
Fay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended ky an
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the longs. An acrid
meows is secreted ,the discharge isacecm-
tooled with a bunking sensation. There
are severe spasms of messing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eye. Ely's Cream Balm es a rem.•
dy that awn be depended upon. fiOcte
at druggists ; by mail, registered, lOnts.
Ely Brothers , Draggista, Owego. New
York. 1e
Farms WailA Home Maps..
Refry farmer Mould read the leading and only
tadep.sdent publication devoted to his business.
Thousands my there is none equal to it, and no
dollar expended from the farm return. so mien
good. It treats as all branches monocled with
the farm, and to Wetly prized by the ladles and
children; it has many a farmer from the
lode of his farm ; It has saved the farmers nut -
hoes of down by obeckhag the Introduction and
spread of coutagfooi stork disease.: it has la-
mented the receipts from our cereals by millions
of dollars. Commended by City and County
Oouuslhs and Agricultural Societies, Agents
wanted. Sample envies free. 2
Prim $1 per asneee. Address
Raatstat's ADvreare Orrice.
London. (lends.
You may not have selves set•pieks to
use when the sets are passed these sold
evenings, but you may have now horee-
shen sails, whist are quite ss savisesbls
and handy.
.es. • Dade en.sei teed.
A elm young man in the height of
fashion was violently messing in a street
ear, when a eernpantnn remarked, "Ac,
(Amelia, death boy, how d'ye mesh that
dwe.dfel culd.' "Ase, drab fetish, left
my cans in the lower lull tether dry,
and in seeking the ivory handle, en
deceitful mild ia eh
illed me almost to
death." If Charles W need Dr. Har-
vey: Red )Phis Gem his wild would nit
Womble hie wary meelse, or sale at
R ilses'e puesM'(pisos drugstore -
Largest Cireelat:eg ie Westar: Out
It Owes
Ce1d It Head,
Droppings trona
Nasal peerages
EASY TO USE. into the throat
sad wxosesive sxpecturstim cwirae-d by Ca-
tarrh. Bold by Druggists. or sent pre -paid cm
receipt of trice, tits and $1. Addreen
FBf.FORI & Os.. Brookville. Oso.
rya .l •1 • ia•,.
}! ROTE HEliCS, •
I Late a large ',umber of lbws.,, and lanes
and 1'a.•a„t Lanais in , he un,-' ,.'•.in..a porta
of the 1es.n Pert wLit •T/aaP.
Now is the lana.• .o a.•e.•,. a..overly before
the Isis, li'tel,. Thr e'. I. It. I• coming •u,. -
and In a snort time prora wiU hut wt mooed
beyond ilia match .4 many .
pall mud see List awl Prows belay, p..rcbss-
tog 'lee* Moe.
al hrtale rad (sea ural humane Almost.
w Weet'tel, third'kiur from iiat,wW, t'. P.
and Te.•Ireosin Umue. id-tf.
l lit Iran 1 tit. LIVING AUL eaten epee
our., •tat l: y.•rr.
Appetit tat in l►e uuieet e
Judge :sm.). t'Laocelior tient, 1•rramey
Wau:e, hiaiwrians scare.. Prescott, Timone.
Ituner' ft, and tyaty u,uayr H ham ',tet wale
ufsta t.. . .a.nnie falai boa a..•l rat• meas.
.1 It r.e..I >,lat:uzi.sg_ It gates more 'Lae
,10141111. r.,lunw ua•:a:u pato* of reading neat
•rt. )rug. It p' ewe.* rn a•, uurap'au,nve
torte, ....Laid,' 144 Ila ;great arw,uni vi nailer
with foreknow uwh,a it, so, te.eaty icier. as •
with a. um ort,- two. .w •s time the a as, la pled
The best 1':..nys, )tetis.w„• t'rltbrume.
Tale*. i'letel.r. or '1.41%0 and lilr•uvery
1'uetry, a.urnt/tl:• Iteotraph,eal• llatwkaL
and l'olsheal lht.H•ssatiu',. f.•un ins ratite
i,'.dy of lun•iun lh•riasl..-el loons tire, sail
from theI.•uao( the
1'111114: NNITras.
"In it wr on.' n., now p:.wlu.',o,.• of the
two writru upon alt .atop -rt, n -say le ear
Min•,.'• 1'r::..' •.rhit
"ane ran tats em,.., tear. a is' chat Is imager.
tau ct , the I.•ri,aii ai dumu
a,. Homes1 Journal.
-It art) be trothfu:l, and cordially said that
it n.•s'r otters a dry or t rlunion yoga• -New
York 'I'a Mune.
"U I, a •dune w di. great skill and care, and
its weeklyappearno,wgteee It certain advaa-
i ages over its mint lily rttels.'-- Albeit, .Argus,
"It tarsi -le•, a •..,m4tIcte compilation of •a
Indapt•usab,r Lsr.alare.'--Csatsagu Lynam'
"Flea the amount of reading matter contain-
ed the w u been p: you ,s intermit 1, kn."- Chien
than A.:aor.tie. ' aslitdie•
"In this we. kly magazine the reader gads
all that I. war. h loos lag in the realm of sier-
1 rent mere, arc. . atuda t'nvbyterma, To-
"It is indisprn,.ble to all who would keep
aortast of our niaaituid prow -,sit. it is ant-
i innately without a Heal." .tltustrcal Uasette.
l'ubliubed Wrui,, T at =3•0' a y-car,fts,,• of
Me 1'.tNEW st'nCt`ftlliEttlfor the year
tate• r. si g lt•(ore Jaw. 1st, the numbers
alt VIM I+.u.a atter the receipt of their sub•
emptier.. wail be scot grrtfta.
Club Rates for lest Hofer aad Forte
1"Pssv,-.gaud or Tits I.ivt'c•i t' ant one sr
it e. ••. oar *•vadum A,u.'rican tom, tbitea •
1 r. Wier a lit nod hone -if it cum./vied or
IAP rho,• ai(uerioa."-1'bitadelobla kvealag-
t ltullrtu...•
For Sin :-d,THE l.I INIa. MIR awl any one ser
the Atoer,ran 3i monthlies stir harpers
Merchants can stat heir Hill Heads. Leiter it'rrkly or lt.,:ors will be scut for a year
Heads. 8[c.. St.'. primed at shit otriav for ter ' poet paid : or. f ar $O.yt. Turn lAVINI(4 Asia MI
little more than thee generally say (or the the tit. \irkoIaa or Stri(•arrs Alapaz.ve,
payer• soul it helm to advertse theftbustaes►.
Cell mai see ballitSa and get peeve. ' - Aid -era. .LIT TELL loco.. wows
Free PresseLtti
Tb.. "Fres Preen" Is the only newspaper in
the Wee. uweelt lag the Association Paw De-
sratches. It coatnhns AI.I. THE NEWS by
Cable, Telegraph. Telephone and Hall up to
•oat► of gulag to pass". It gtr.•e in ouch issue ,
origami and valuable Illustrations of men and
things, and is the only newspaper In t .nada
employing its own artists.
The Weekly "Free Press"
RefnMiete'd Veer., Het( a ('entery.i
"The Three Graces"
and "By the Lakeside"
Mao, a beautiful plllndrated CHF/is-MAP
NUM KKK comprising pages, gives
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The undersigned. ,Lie tlanking the public for their liberal patronage bestowed
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an wishes particularly to call titivates to hie
From 10 cts to 76 cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prunes
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
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Consimenag Neer eaa *'refs/ Ari Wee rima 1
asezteemoree n / .f ws ff 414-
dis Apses. *wog /.r Avear• til�sn. 01$11ttse 1Nald goo. A Ilk elostllell BIM ees.. Mhs Ssaersl
o.Wf .orf terms.
Bars of Soap for 25c.
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ies, rol[gry, rless�are Flom',
is eker.bwavey R *a . 11ljttittte avruty raper [p'Bprim igkest prpaid to eternises' pred.ee.
P` srird"�:ft it t�" JOHN ROBERTSON
►etwuaw taeeste ...
w w tsy�Ile.i�aad Is the milt pg es.on re-
J� Weee ! ectal of the west,
free. Umbo by Amen
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wveryy wore