HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-12, Page 10 O RTY-ltffk'OND T 1 V ROLK NUMBER, 11111Lf GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1839. 1 D. McO1t.1.ICCDDY. Pentosans. 1 $1.30 A YKAR IN ADVANCa TO ADVERTISERS. 1 Mia' Minnie Allan, of Stratford, is Alex McD Aiba. the Peesideet of mauve relatives m town, the guest of the Fruit Growers' Asenl'lation has eon. Notice of changes must be heft t her c,win. Juo. W. Vanatter. seated himself with the Empire Produce at this Office not later than i Hobert M theson left uo Monday for Cornpauy, relently formed at Turoutn, Monday noon. The copy for Cleveland, 0 , where be hes accepted • I to mailed. the fruit department, especial - changes must be left not later 'position on the propeller Mills. 1 sales iu Britain, with a chief Offs for n than Wednesday noon. Cas -1 F. E. Vsatter, who formerly spent a Orale Briaol to Loudon, Euglot:d. Nu ual Advertisements accepted ' couple of learn attenjiug usr G ,derich b'e"" asltiati"u aouW have been made upto noon Thursdayof each i aehwob, a •slang his Mother here. for the position than Mr Allan, whose wide axlwaintaneo with Canadian Pratt of week. I The Bond of Hope will meet on Satur- Jay, April lSth, at three o'clock, u► the !basement sat Kw: churen. Ad are in- t voted to Dome. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tor Sale - w. Campion. Time to Iqe- Janos Willes. The Pharmacy lieu Hbynaa. Totem of Health Landon Ont. Change of Business H. P Jamieson. For Sale or to Rent James kobinson. Noltee to t'ontr.ctors Thomas Itobertsoa. 2 BORN. WILLIAM,- In Dunlop. on the 6th of April. 11M, the wife of A. A. Williams 0t a son. MARRIED. PTtoao HEwnsaw,r- On tie lath April. at UM parsonage. by the !tor Geo. Richard- Rev Father MlcGee, of St. Augustine, mos. Mr Jeasec strong, of GodcrIch,to Mrs t'olltsta H•edeews, o: Colborne. the popular parish priest of Wont Ws - mulish, was in town ins Thursday, the rf0%( \ rl,O i 1)1{ Lt guest of Rev Father West. If his c!"ri- 1 1\ 1 l/17. a1 ministrations correspond with his admirable physique, the people of be parish are in good baud.. Mr It. B. Scott, formerly of Smith's Hill and well known in Goderich as the old treasurer of the West Riding Agri - miters' iiotwy. was in town during the week. He is snow general agent t..r the Confederation Life Assurance Company, and is aasiug the business move. TIIMrcKAi,•R-The Young Woman's Christian T.:mper•nco (otou will hold its regular monthly meeting nn Monday, April 15th, at 7.30. at the house of Mr, thuds. but nowhere a the change are c„m ft Henderson. All the members are plate than at the Marasco where Geo, reeeatsd to be resent, u un there is - kcarries on now carrion hisdrug store. ! P 1 The electric lirbt question is still in a st of et.d'i grto. it isn't yet settled whether there will be lunger hours and • highertaritl or shorter hours and a lower ' one. At the Last meettug of the Berlin Pivot council the chief of police was instructed to ring the town bell et rime u'ohcck evening and attest all children under fifteen years (4 age fouud oil the streets after that hour. dickies abeaaspp ve. taloawatt. An' fait* bill preset it.” Gout PttuitxT.- The moat useful gift you seri make la to give • Wirt 1'en. Ap- ply to D. McGillicuddy. agent. Ooderich. G. 1'. Robertson, ('rabb's btoek,baa a else an- aortmeet of all kinds of wall paper frown • roll up. tithe him • tall, nu trouble to show goods. The wort now turned out by Geo. Stewart, the olio' ogre ph, r,la ext riled by uo or her c,- taha,sbuorot in the Province. lie keeps in the tree rack. Tres 1'IAKMaeV. All around Acheson's Mock numerous improvements bare been Tun troltem's CHnerrie c Ttslre,ANcs portant business to come before the Cs►n,' will meta regularly for the transaction 1 meeting. of business evert Tuesday afternoon at 220 A Por^f.tR Ioerarii r. --A new o'clock. to Knox church. Oven woman in- terested in the work is cordial!/ iovited 10 attend. loser I'ro ?Ha AV lebow .-N•indaw decor• anon to becoming quite • feature around the fills the reluireateata for a reliable in little constable hung on to the big, Num*. but fur neat and dasrauon theblackguard, tailoring establishment of P.turf) & A. Pridba o ,trument by a first class maker •. IubMrl a tigers y and ¢ere him to leads l he poo rasion. within the reach of all. %tits them fur all Lords is very generally conceded. The Company will be iu full workiug order by July at the latest. Rev A. Potter, of Victoria street church, will deliver a lecture on " The Amerman War." in L,uu church, Huron Road, Gnderich township, on Moodily neat, April 22d. The ret. gentleian will also deliver the lecture in Victoria street church on the evening et Good Friday. War melodies will be sung by a quartet cicb under the leadership of Mr, Henuiug. At the Good Friday lecture Mn. T. V. Detlor has kindly e"useuted to recite that most thttlltog piece, " After the Battle." Tug Q1-r.Y Awawus) -Tuesday last ex -Reeve Young, of Colborne, met Tex Sb1wai, and informed us that b. could name five people in Goderich who were present at the launching ..f the 3/innr- s.tun) on Aprli 5th, 1834. When asked for the names he replied, " Then were present to my kuusledge, Sheriff (lib - bons, Tem Kydd, Henry Horton, Horace Horton and myself. 1 was on the begat when she was launched into the water." There may have been others present, hut the above is the list that we have hard of to the present. TAMINo A " Tot cit "—The irrepressi- ble John Murray was ou another of his drouks co Wednesday last. Shortly be- fore rex o'ch,ok in tka evening he became ehatrep,rous on the corner of Newgate and Hamilton streets, arid constable Knox had to take him in hand end run nim into the " cooler." During the sale (-pright Pianoforte recently m. time thio operation was being performed plotted by Messrs Newcombe (f Co., 't., Murrey resisted in every way possible rout°. is affording ,treat malefaction Ii and used the vilest epithets, but the wiry The weather promises t• be Ilse and yeu particulars. tf eriU be is Inn nJdat of l.ousecleaniug shortly. �it you eon at vuuden L acs's, you win The member' of Macon L'd;te No. 62 eTerytbing you want .Pretty wallpaper.. 1 0, 0. F , will oelabrat• the 70th an - paints, brushes. kal.omine. 'arpet • taro and indeed e.erytbing needed for niversary of the institution of odd-Fel- housecteening. The cheapest hence ander lnwahip on this continent by attending the sun. Divine service in Knr-z church, on SAb- The electric light strike amongst the bindhath forenoon the 214 must., when the ems men is creating quite a commotion. and users nine knowing where tie thing !riff eud. Rev J. A. Anderson will preach an ap- nome hare use view, otters 11.4,1 another. propriate wermoo. but ft. It. Salk.ws does not care whether the - lights are put out al 10 p.m., or kept up until midnight. lie costumes to carre on his photo-tw.inr.s in good style at the old stand, ranter of Montreal at and square. BRIEFLETS. Mrs Harry .trn,.14 returned tome last week. .hiss Nellie Donagli has returned to 1) toot. Aliso 11Esggie Wilkinson has g..ne to Mr Joseph Deville, who at one time T,irouto. worked in C.iatoo, but has been liv- We regret to learn that Councillor inc at Alpena. Stich.. for several Morton is seriously tin. __.wars, has rented the blacksmith abopd Mies Alice Spence is vtaltiaos relittives Mr. 1, Elli„tt, and takes possession at in Brussels and vicinity. once He says a msn may get better Mr H ugh Baia, is a� tar unproved wages in the Sates than he can here brit ss to he able to be about again. Mr Sallow' intends opening up s photograph gallery soon in Bayfield D nderstand that then could be no trifling w ith; au t,tiicer in the discharge of his duty. After Murray was carted, his bellowing could be heard a block off: A large crowd witnessed the arrest, and admired constants Knoz's pluck and perseverance. AUCTION SALES. All part ie. getting their sale bola prtn•ed at The Heaver Lacrosse Club orga&c d 1 this office will trot a free notice inserted is Tot»t'ay evening, when the following this list up t.. tet” Gmc of sale. ntli.•ere were elected . Capt, W. price ; Valuable household furniture, the Treasurer. H. Black • Secretary, A. Mr- property .,f James Robinson,Tr•falgsr-st, Vicar. the members' Agfa are from 13 by Johu Knox, auctioneer, at 1 u'ul,lck to 1:,, and they are ready for challenges p.m. on 'Wednesday, April 24th. Nn from any junior club m Huron ceunte. reserve, as Mr Robinson is giving up Address all c,m:wntrlcatios to the Sec- housekeeping. rettiry. -- GODERICH TOWNSHIP. From our own rorrespaMat. Cot't/I-IL Mi grtas.--Counatl met ON Soadsy, April 1st., purottast 4o adjourn- ment, tnembers all present. Minutes of last meeting read sod passed. Ezekiel McCann was appointed patnimaster for he sates no mon mriney,as lieiog is read division No. 47, in room of George (: higher. MD.Young, James Rowden. at his own re - Mr oung, of Toronto, • practical quest, was placed on R. D. Nu. 4E,nnorth. M. McRae (widow) was grant. no risks, and as ter as expense Isconcern- photographer, has been secured by Mr severe) days, and with the ex - Conductor 1?15, she being in destitute circum- ed I always make a liberal allowance In'• Conductor Holmes, of the G. T. It , Geo Stewart to enable him t° turn out etartces ,1Ir. Foster was heard respect- the goods to cover all ezpenaes Blake ception of the usual amount of racing and Miss Holmes. were visiting in town. the hotlines* at his studio. Heretoforeewhich all Nissuwppi steamers at that Mr Hilton Holmes, of the Bank of Mr Stewart had engaged boy awietents, tag ropain tot Hpair the p bridge road. up your mind to coir here, you will find t He was told to repair the part plain- utse •aquae white mai in all my deaf, ,time were celebrated for nothing o[ inter - I, has been appointed 1, Sarnia, but he now intends to have his work of. but W have regard to economy. toes and will never here cava• to rettrst est kook place. Arriving at Lionville, I handled i only by experts. The new or- der I another boat was in resdtoess to tat" Mr. L. J. Treble left on WdnssdqMr Halstead presented a bill tor .10 areit to me. I will meet you in New for Crystal City, Man., on a prospecting der of things will double the capacity for for parties passing throwh his clearing ; York City any time you may Appoint 1, me nn to Ctocninatti where I again re- toor. turning out work. he declined to accept the council's offer. which I trust will be soon. and i will • stained over night. From here i took Mr and Mrs Holmes. of Acton, have i the train tsar Cleveland where I was once slow you my entire stock from which been visiting Mr and Mi. Jas.Rubin- eapt.i•.s are msking everythinc ready matters were attended to. The follow- you can make tour own selections, then' more tit 'f his once reached, to a steamer, nd to I n- man.fur tb• ensuing season. Following :s a log amounts were paid, viz, Williams if my goods are nut all I claim them to partial li,.t of osp tains and baa : A. Collins, indigent, six months' allowance, be, 1 will pay your fm from and to your' wed Wossq• 00 n d. ret till rival. hunts The regular meeting of the High Bogie, Ontario ; D McLeod, Carter ; J. $ 7.60, Alfred 0oodwin, (sat gravel home. Now what fairer can you ask / And was safely landed in Sarnia. Here Sahn31 Literary Society will be held this Burns, Jennie McLeod ; A. Lawson, from the John Evans elate, $1.01 ; In God'a name do not horny me, or I was lucky •noogh to find a iIod n ry evening. ' Todman : T. Petrie. Star ; A. McLeod, Township treasurer, postage and station- mention to • living soul what passes be- oat le•nng for GuKlerieh, eptled by Mr Wallace. jeweller, is home *gain Goldhunter ; Joe. Noble, Pinafore ; J. •ry one year. $t ; James Fitzgerald, hes, 117i. Council ad- twetn ns as I have never done you any', (apes Hay. A numbs of passengers ware nn board, amongst w ramsxu• has been illow, after visiting his son who SsFt�weaTAttOld, etg•-i)ef0n purchasing inmost' to meeent, for t atttln on M••nday, the true and lastiegharm sod never sfriend to yonl, but 1 prise make bar !imryt. Kelly and his wife.. 1 reach hors ed home sootse same in the nght, tired Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for Your spring snit drop in and examine 27th May, as a Court of Revision - up your mind to come hero and in my Gt►LIIt)ftNE rnnsoltstica on the tint Saturday of IdseCorese's new spring tweods ,you JAwri Parrott, Clerk. next letter i will name an hotel for oil I oat with my hmg, tedious aid roundniet In - The P ¢ POPLAR ROW. to .top at, how you will know me and • about joorn.y, but heartily glad to net scant • to oil e T1► ml gibers put - every month. will find a 1. • and varied selection of my foot down once more in the oldadjournment. Miss Wallace has left for Blyth to take the very nicest goods. Ask for prices from our own correspondent.fall instructions. sora. Be tun and send mw' familiar town all present, the mhowtrs of last meeting efiante of the millinery department in and you will be convinced that you • Mr Frank Sallow. left for London oD your name and pea new address as I E had, no doaht, teolea.4 thrnngh • I read and approved. Tb. following me- th* Mammoth Hoose. struck the right .put fur firstelse cloth -the four o'clock train, Monday. He in• might lose the one I new have. 1 will great eany dungen, Moth .sewn anal un- events were tamed, viz :, El Shaw, at ver moderate ices He has •t.•iwaya return your letters to you, and as' sboeelin swiss on L 8 Road.. $2; James Dr M Nicholson, the AVes!-et dentist,ling y tends to follow the trade of fnrntton rep• seen, duan¢ my ahsenca o! li(teea q makes the preservation of the natural ;ways hold first poses as a fashionable 'bolstering. Font i. a steady, hides- • guarantee of your nnnflds•ca I also n- moths, but, here I was t Tobin. shoveling mow on L CI Road. teeth a specialty. Gas Adminestered from b to I tnuuc end persevering quest the return of this letter and news- $l fi0; D .resod 11. , 1 5. .I thnrehspf paper9 a. as. for the painless extnettion of clipping Trusting you will) n•Sen Willi aA►RLT MITI WARD. snow _ . m n D.. -a m" ;A. Coveli.g,mower at ones and return this letter, to my starting plint, not mach th• ! Rros.. ploaottost f,„td„,n, oivisi„n Imo.I remain yours in confidence. worse of wear or Itreall1 eurichea fra 43 50; HOXIln tiqyll. Ilh,1•1111111h1 snow os BOGUS MONEY. Mew tee ••veests floods- few Werk the Market - A FORTY-NINER. Overland to California in '49 A well known res.deut of the town hie placed tri our hands • letter received Mere Lea" hap tkr 1.M meld amid tams else from a New York yang 4.1 "Gee•u Tb„ Lama Way nark A 6emeral Kt. Goode' speculators. The country kw troopeel -Park Apt■ to "iasslr, been flooded wok similar documents, •weer and in many iostanees the speculators have caught "gudgeons." The letter is soc.mpaoied by an extract irum a C. 8. , newspaper in which an account is given of a sot .,f plates that had been stolen from the Treasury Department, and the impress,.n sought to be c..ovey'ed s that the bogus greennacks are printed from them plates, and cannot be detected from the genuine Government issue. Some time agc in the Canadian Perlia - moat, it was exp'ained how the "green quad." men earned on tbair nefarious old friends knew me too well to pre- sod eager etpectarieu, acannpanted ins business, and sated that the p'an was vent its being put in execution. There - but ▪ the, start. This information 1 csa to take the would-be purchaser tt. fore, as won as it became generally eel, imperfert.y supply, but as ter sin their rendezvous, and show bim a known that I was bound to go, Lancaster my kouwle.lge coos 1 will do so. Smith quantity of genuine bills, telling hire was knit' enough to invite my old con- laud Brawn, who joined us at Chatham', returned h,mo, havinz. I hoard, done remarkably well.wlontgomery, of the same place. has been registrar of the Aseiuiboia District, Northwest Territo- ries, and reside* at Regina. Watkins came beck to Godertcb, where he died a ST THOS. DARK. CtaarTka VII. rote Wine at work -blessed woos the beat and moat effectual remefy for na•e- ly,all the anal ills that the human tato a subject to. 1N, intent were each sod all ou a•tter►ug :heir oou Jlti oil Inst no pretties tons could 1,e spared n r wasted in useless broths. Si far as my 11 •gleed knowledge of the wield lila cow.. 1 am IW to the conclusion that the dsellieg place of • bard - working, industrious • untwuttlty Is, as a Yrnerel rule, a sate and secure home for both life sed pro- perty. This, at least. mea the case at the conies, for iu wait ••; round at all hours, as i frequently did, 1 felt es free Te the Ether of Tua SIGNAL, from danger as it I was rel a city. It 11 was at least !bre* weeks before 1 may prove of iutrtest to tins* wlo, have followed these payee t. lows WHAT RRt-aMR sir TNI. ISDitdut Al. MM.. 13114+. of the lift:,• tarty, who, full of hope, was enabled to leave my bed, the nature of the itllent1 being far Inure seven than 1 at first imagined. I had, how• ever, fully wade up my mind to leave, and ane this resolution was taken in, that it was a sample of their work, tauwns and some other friends to an Then a bargain was struck, and to •void eveniug's pohfication -a right royal tiule detection, the sellers would agree to de- we had of it, just one of those m.rotinea livor the goods at • named h- tel. In which leave forever their indelible iia due course the parcel would arrive, but premien oil our suites. Aa the old when opened it invariably was fuund to eroutain bricks, sawdust, or something of a similar nature, and thus the green- and ouerzcirur.g tnt•tdru:, that ",;correct, htrn was fleeced. Recently the rascals while meanie the greet enol iur.•ly went so tar as to sand a circular of the plains, fording the dangerous mesons, lir ►lad described to Hon John Haggett, climbing the mountain tops. 'Tile ha,tpy Postmaster Getters! of Canada, but the and pleasant evening was filially br•ogat Hon John didn't bite, but exposed the ears. The following is a copy of the circular : DOAK SiR,-Y ,u bays been referred to me as • trustworthy person and one who can keep his own counsel, therefore I would he pf,ased tc open a co eremite'. dance with you in regard to the business watch I propose. and if you will tie Kmdad by my advice ani experience there is no rears' why you should not make • sure and safe fooene, then is ahrilutely no risk, as the article is good money and is pertee as the enclosed seespaper clipping will prove. The sae are 1s, 2s, tis and 10.. 11y terms are 2,0011 cost $250. 3 000 met *300. 5.000 cost 114x1, 10,000 coat $6500, 20.000 coat $1,Ou0 and a.. on at an increastnst ratio, SO the 01010 quit IOff.t the cheaper you get the goods. 2,(.0O in the goods cost- ing $250 is the lowed •moold I will se.l under tiny circumstances, and if you will take 1tl 0011 coati, $41:,0 or 20 WO cost Ing $1,000 I will give you the right of your state and no one else can get the goods in your state,.) Furthermore, 1 do nit give you the goods at :hese figures miles, • no rsilru•d had st this time after the first deal, I only give them now been built. Oisty a bridle pith having as an extra inducement, and to give you been cut out, this part of the journey • start, after the first deal I charge at was exceedingly unpleasant and trouble the rate in 25c on the dollar: Now, my some as the narrow defiles through the friend, if Jou wish to enter this specula- i rock. and dense underbrush made it !too it will be absolutely necessary ft'r necessary for me to double myself all up Grenwich pensioner balite his battles over 1 510, so e e discussed 'hr hnodrwd Dumber of years since, Wuodliffa m- over in the c•untry and was there jo▪ ined by his family ; he aloe died a few years ago, leaving a young Ton, to see- oeed him, who is, 1 believe, in busi- ness as a druggist to Vinous City, to an cod by my old chums gethating Nevada. I trust the notate of the ccund me and earnestly father, with all his good qualitin baa de.oeuded on Isis shoulder.. The sad WISHING Mx t*oD-a1'REU on my lung homeward journey, and with many a warm shake of the hand they bid me a hearty food -bye. "Auld Laeg Syne' was leen enthusiastically sung in which we all joined, being ably assist- ed by Woodliffe, who sa usual furnished the Instrumental part. Next morning the boys were present in strong torose to give me a good send off, and as their ringing cheers mingled with the retreat- ing steps of wy horse's feet, I turned in my saddle to give them one more part- ing look, and acknowledge. as far as my feelings would permit, their cirdal salute. I arrived in Sacramento in due time, where 1 took a ,teamO oat for Soso Francisco. Here i stayed for two days seeing the sights of the city. waiting fur the steamer to take me to Panama. WILL 1 ARRISID AT THR liTUMt:. on • Sunday morning and remained iter Dl' 1 Lt ll'. till Monday ; than h:ring • mule for tee From our own esrranopneder.r dol ars to take me across the twenty•o no Miss Anna Cumming visited friend* in Goderich lad week. Mrs A. Macall:,tor enjoyed • 'deviant visit 1e friends in Goderich list week. I bir Board ,d Education met Tsesday night of last week with a full .loorurw of mem) era. for the transactiou of school you to C .me here and see me personally is a heap to enable me u, paw. How. busiueas of No. IS. S. as i eri11 oily deal face to face with my I ever, 1 sot over in safety, and with • PeerioNet.-.,�amsel Aplebhy, for eustoeera, which is the safest and most party of tee others engaged • small ail some years a !twidet.t here, and for•- satiafaeldry way for both, as by your beat b Who os to Aspinwall, a diseases man of Lornesido faros whim routed by enmtng here yea will- site whet you are 1 of over sal ty imtiti. There we took R. Bean, gait bet fiwrgg - i —Chit last buying avid I see who 1 am dealing with, j steamer for New (lrlans,where I shopped week. Sem is still the wine 'jovial tal- lied both fee►better satisfied. I boom it over night as the boat for Li.uiavllle,Ky., low of old times and is now ewlieted is is quite a journey for you to come here,' would not sail till the monitor. the ranks of the beneciict forces of bot look at the advanla¢es and again vas TRIP Gr TM* OMRAT "rATHRR or Hullett township, where he resides. think of the large profits to be made and ( Immense clouds of so eke ascending WATER?... from the smote stacks of the sawmill last week, told our nosy world that sawing there had started rep eosin. The staff of this year sees the watchful form of Jacob Riley keeping an eagle eye on the engine, and the firm brand c( W. Clark is seen again with the familiar grasp os the lever that controls the bio saw to cot the bogs to the ela•t Inch of the bill; J. Pennyb•ker is tail sawyer and time edging department is bawd by %Vr t. Jardine, jr. The stock of lugs of the owner, Mr Neibergall, with cos:um logs are the best in the Yard for years, and the yard is chuck full of them, which shows whet sleighing we had was well made use of in drawing logs r,nnd fate of poor Lancaster, ay warns hearted friend, and the most successful of oar numhhr, I referred to iu a 1•reviou• chapter. tTnen illSOW :r ANgNr., and as I stated at ib eommencement, having net tone hut an imperfect tuemory to depend on, I must indulgence on that account for all possible mistakes in its recital It tt has afforded either entertainment °r instruction to the reader, I shall o insider myself •burr dantly repaid for the pleasing; task en- joyed is imparting tai you • partial as- couot of the meet interesting chapter of my lung and active life. Being away up in the three acre years and ten, i will now conclude by bidding you all Fans- lien ath TAn ROD. GETTIN.i RRADY.-The Goderich lake The matter wee haft over. Several other him 1 teeth. Mr John Cnmmon has sold lot 14, no the kith cnncession of McKillop, to Mr John McIntosh for $-'i,300. This farm contains 50 acres, has good buildinp,and is a superior lot. Professor Griffith, the " Welsh Miss- trial,- was the attrsetion at the Sslvatios Almy meetings 00 Saturday and Snndsy lad. He is an scSompli.hed musician Waage in German and drawing and powerful pain relieving substances and an entertaining speaker. yokel *nate on the pisco ' I known. Nenilin• is not •nostrum, but Wilson C. 01d, Laois, Dek., died last Karns Cnrieg Yorwo Psnrti's A+- a preparation which hes reesived from weak, tbrowpth injeri•s reesived in • prat- sa-IAno r. - After the regular weekly members of the medial profession, ria fire. He was formerly a resident of •poyer sesetlne, of the ''Knot Chorah clergymen, the press, and others most Colborne township, w! was • brother of Young People's Association," ma Tee•dsy enthusiastic endoesatiot.. If suffering oar !Wessman, Mr Deo Old. cussing last, the matter of • mon per- from pain of any kind, external or local, Caawosn HA.sa,-Tho grocery boat- feet organisation of the Society was dis- give Nervilise • trial. Nerviline cures sees formerly carried on by Mr 0. H. cussed. A eoe,tiletiom (prepared chief- teothsebo,'ramps, w•mralgis, and almost OM k•• been purchased by Mr P., L ly by Mr reed BIsit) was rad said ftastastly. Trial battles 10 cants, large Jameson, who will heoeefortb earl it adopted amid tilos the following einem OU et the old stand. Mr Jaatle•on's aa- were ideated : Hosor•ry President, Rev everywhere. aosnewn•nt in our sdvertiaieg coleuses Dr Ure ; Honorary Visa -president, Rev will repay pereai. J. A, Anderson, B. A.; President, J. III, Allan ; V lee- Presides!, T. Bair ; $sere - Wry, Miss Aikeaesd ; Trimmer, Mtn Wholes ; )<teestiv Coestaittw-Yie Nairn Miss McPherson, Mies Tbomp- soa, Mi.. Rissole sad Mr Mahaffey. f• snstay macrame favourably and resell interest is e•oifested in its most - matter, andis workmen are a very • youngman. He bset• n a mechanic who always aims at find- asked teacher in a Western town, who 'lass excellence in whatever he ender - asked one of her pupils to proem s takes With these qualities we hope to grammar, raoeiTod the following note s•• his efforts crowned with success in from the girl's mother . "I do not de- �, the great arena of life. sire that Matti. .ball ingesta in grammar Mn Jas. McCracken is the happy as I prefer her to engage in more youthful t mother of a young son. Jim is the studios, and an Tern her to speak and 1 proudest man on Poplar Row. writ* proper myself. I have went through two grammars and can't say se - gen•vt/Ista. Wks( la It t they dud vee no good -1 prefer Mattie to lrgrviltee u • oombination of the moat bottle. 25 emits, at druggists sad dealers A Won* roR anemia 1350 Berta - Every erosion there may be heard os the streets, in some eases to a late hour, a number of boys free tem to Sheen years of age selloff lam* ridieeowl Ti. language seed by semi of the hays is .sough to make the old and •tperimesd blaspheme blush wish ,him. Mr Harry Rowlands, who bes oM- pied the position of book-keeper is Me- CI•ry • Manufacturing Oompsay, Lee- dom, for several leers, left lase week for Montreal, where be ammo • similar coitiharrytion in a large wholesale knees. is as old Cliwtonian, his father on at Des time book-keeper for S. Davie. pocket, but possessed of • stock cf 1 division line, t1Gc'; John Wet.. s claims CARLOW. knowledge which gold could neither gives , of 140 cants for one grave sold out of his ' nor take away, and nothing hot hard ' iometer 1 * some esu a¢ii Was read From our own correspondent. I y 1 personal •tp•ri•nc• have posathly sup but net •vee ted. the following appli- Mr Wm Young has returned from the ! plied, The conditions of hie have au 1 cations was rad for the efoe n, sextos Military College, London. He is • fine , materially ebanged sines my top was , for Colborne cemetery six -R. A. specimen of a young Canadian. The; made, that it would now be almost im• i Williams, Aures McKinnon and John trailing at the College has improvfas eg d '', possible to repeat it, eves if I was fhnde 'Plane ()nod moveeawond*d by gro•tly hes symmetry of form and milia young and able to do en. I can &Ware If .Ioehna that Angus Mckinnon 1„ ap► tery appearance. my readers never had at any tone the pointed to the mad •.ffioe of sexton. Rev Alexander McMillan preached al slightest desire to attempt tt, for 1 most Oarii. Goodies Young applied b sermon to the children on Sunday. He e0ww fathat i bed not gone from home hays a by-law passed prohibiting ail chose hs tett from Zed Kings, chap. 6, over three days when 1 bitterly repealed aaiiMla except cows from running at 3 and 4 verses. The silence which pre- I the rashness of the step 1 had taken.terra tie the itblio road, which was laid veiled, and the thooghtfol and attentive But at the same time, nothing meldever until the nett acting, with the little faces, told how eagerly they listen- have mach' ass torn back. it may pea peobssility that oowe will be included ed to the Divine truths. sibl cases surprise to many that have is the b -law also. James Taylor moved.A mistake was made last week in rt'- e an emotion of sets of vi,olenes, seconded by N. Johne, that a bylaw be ipwh=ism. or various ether Homes wheelie ��eeyV�- fiamuse rming the mf Demise re mpposed to form sin"' daily ilei- Mc Nes'• lot No. 9, on 13th amt„from 8 - dents in • gold seining twine. The R. No. 6, ionto Aeh6•Id 1'aioe R. 8. omission is tossed by the simple remelt, Corned. The ennnetl adjourned we that sone of lbw memos. took plws. meet on Monday, May2 tbat lea foe as fares 1 was aware. doting • rest- o'siwelc son es a inert of 2701, , dame, ret fee meths in the eomntry, J. H Ri.•wsatsl, Clerk. inseam areas ateseDrw0LY RAR•, Carlow, April sth, HMO. while posse and good -will invariably •ailed. I'attribete t►ie law-abiding porting the debate which took phis hare. The debate wee, "Resolved, that the present Prot•otly tariff with the Malted States is more hen•6eial to Canadians than Fres Trade wnnld ha” Messrs Richards, Knecbtel, Howell, Ballow•, and Blair being 00 the negative, sad moll es the a*rmstive as reported, amid Messrs Tomg. Hamilton, Monro sad Duff the affirmative. The debate wee dsuided le fest of lbs negative, et Peri Tihds. 1>ee Mr Merray,bf Hallett, and family le" stele of •ff<aireito the pleasing feet that em Teseday for QuAppelle, taking mule,. Hier, were so idiom in oar midst, every. I them • ear load of stock,