The Huron Signal, 1889-4-5, Page 66 THE HOME (`TRVLE, Crushed cliata,al is a `old ingredient is potting null. • Pick off all fl 'wars as f.et as they fade. Do nut let plants bear Wed un:.o. you coed it. Ile it/tropes. otitis water at the roots and sun 11( the initials* .t the day, get black •pe.•la on the heave*, and w.1( ,tae over lion al Regontas grow well in a Iltht, sandy tonin, with a entail aatioi„u of loaf moo{ 1 They ate .t..•10 .at home 1(i the •envie, Lot rwtuue a W..1.1, w$ri1 1..•0,1.tratutc 10 (oily .1vv;lop toe lo,auty of 11.0 'Eery do to.e•.h) •ell et house ,'Tarifa, but the dry air t.,l+ 'las C. hors . t 11•, ir brhl{bdicy ; 1.01, Is..serthelcM, they are soil 14444.6U111.1 and n•ter.•uwg 1.l+uta .1. 11.tN.;I s1( Youet,.Lino - This is owls of &tr..t4 pasteboards euvered with •,tit or other tWtianie INateriut. 1f 4101101g of an outlet, paint a gra..riot syr•.y Nasera on the front, for ular►ttelr It moil; 1(i p.Ie blur; u ',sq.. i* r 414 its es tansy white and a fort:, r too kt lovely. Mike It -tile Lasteb. Ira --a L•ot equine, the balk and Irooi.t, line with suite sent. pater aid lace the aides ..ib crud .r narl,ow r.blw.0 to snatch Weenier. Hang with $ cos.! ::1(d tassel 'Clara is very useful for bolutug sue ..t slowly*. t►. MU be made Wtll;:..tnly large for p++pe•o -tout 05 any material preferred, very meetly to hang by ttte dank. This, soft pt4.4 efeeulz"d would IIu'eeell, rod have it Aniseed to gilt. I new.stad meneaels. "F•,r tlut•r yeitrs l wee ooableto work, g affe ; from ul:crate i stomach -,t11•••.I- oat a .1 Maytag tailed, I was told to try Burdon:. ti,e:•,t Haters, of which 7 bat- tles ul•le a pJeluan,rot cure. 'Phe was two iieses ago, 111331 I Iuel that 1 have t,. tba1,► 11 It. It. to; hriu.i •lira •:.d well today." JLsit, ese As... MIct;took•,y.ltlar- more, O .t. •'• taeoress mitre. It is ail old theme. but one that can- not Ir.• 1.,, ..,feu d.•cours.J isoon, the theu.e that the d:roltbters of to -,ay are n ut girls the eat/ m 1,e% they sl.ansd.l heels Ill the practical dates of life, tLe duties that -c mos to u/u•t • :•f Satin sat slistrreses of h•.u.e.. as wsvw and saute - ere. e •war ,. ten ,.ennn,ga a t: e necessity sAr ttaiuiu. •thee!. (.:.r aereauts, but 1.•4s :a. 1414.1 xt..Iut ter oneeutty of • tnlntt,_ et;ltool for iiost:o,e,e end one is need ,+ i ..+ touch as the or r, for there is is,. duahtof the fret that the -.rest and evet l acr9a4Iig Ltyj+ and cry heard ab. ut the u.oeuipeite t.j tot laercal.t, ansi•1 f Celli i- re as w 1114.1/1 w t r,as•ai a for (. t ;Oat so igluai off the .iau.:e d It :',en s= -rd the home n .;mural age are he 4-4).80 .• whom they are,ezpe+cted to direct. 1• many flosses it is els ;attempt :it the hli,ld to :wad the blind. To be sure one hears now of Nwil.g • schools and cooking scanols, the eitet.ty of which one noes tett question, but the prat. teal, everyday duties 1.1 111.4 can Ire lepn.ea only to tile home, acid they.c..u- aist u. iwrurthusg more flan a knowlex 4e. of how to make angel cake aloes oy... r petu••s. I one- he. d y anus woman of a1W,4: twenty -tree, who was engaged to be married, •..y ...ilia a girlish giggle, that ate/ airier loads s lust .4 bread or wept a room in as err safe, My.yw- pithy wer-t opt to the man she inm to starry. 1 heard *tether (girl say, •' lib, It's easy t,. Keep' Louse nowa.lays when one wets buy etsilt Mug already caked Why t:toy even bring baked testis bad but 'town bread r:gbt t.. the door, and oast can bee all souls of taloned times e nd .at up a lovely meal at a muga .t's D.lice I don't know if she- expected t.. be married soon, but 1` tcu.t not i bete eaten twine of these lineal. nlnushrd at a •` motni•itrs u.•tia+u Ay the baker sad the qr+'ter, and i teel sorry for the inito- ilentiac4iwu of s *mean wen eApects to feed her husband regularly an that kind 4.4 faro. Society makes so many -demands ar one's tiler now, that wormers are cow• pelted to give les* attention to their home& than they once gave to them,- I heard a woman Any outlet in feeble ;acme for the condition at things an bur own bully entered and half kept home in which there was always a".Innt .4 unrest and unhappiness. 1e not the welfare, moral and physical, and the l•appineas 4.1 a .sife, s hu.+'.and sud children .'f immeasurably greater consequence that* sL the " society ' on earth And when it a .neo to a knewle•Igo of the solemn sod aacre•1 antics of mater. airy It is almost appalling to know how utterly ignorant many young m•,thers are. The story would be almost Ian2110de if it were not 'w pitiful, of the young mother who seemed to know simply u otbtug at all about the care of her bahy and when asked If her mother had never Milked to her ab-'ut the laws and duties of maternity. sand simply - " n o ; mamma thought it wasn't nice to talk about such doings.' Perhaps it is because 1 have n,. d.ngh- I tees of my nen, all of .1(y own ducks being drake., a fact i greatly regret, that I think I know just how a daughter should be trained. 1 know that I would think it s sin to send a daughter of mine to • home of her own a• Ignorant of its defies and 1(1 duty to herald( and her husband as aro so many wires of today. --Good Ilou.ckeeing. THE HUI►i'N F IGNAL, IRIDAY, AIM 's l8 $. Ilt►reetrtrN•, :f brtretae+-. It is the caesura .41 ►cerythine test ;.i great too Ilea tut, 164h .is the autwste) •1(d loan..,; world, to be wild and nrrsgul.r, ami we u,u.t be a.nterlted to take thew oink the alloy■ which belongs to then, or leve wuhuut thea:. (;;lies breams burs the fetters ..1 criticism, but AO asodetto.rs are sanctiolied by tis use - testy and wisdom when it advances in Its path ; •ubjeet it to the critic, and you tame it snit. dullness. Mighty rivers break down their banks in the winter, sweeping away to death the (1,•.14 which are fattened 011 the soil wluch they ferti- las II the sumo -or ; the few clay beo saved by embankments from dr..wuu.g, but the 11 *ell win. pert.h front hanger. l..upeatsuecasi•.nrily.h.ke our•1wri:inya and Jtas.p.ta aur co,nmrr.;c ; Lot they scourge before them the lazy rtelneut• which without the.., 55,41.5.1•gm.'e into te. iIcu.0e. L, tke u..uner, Lite rty her self, the ,a•t alt.1 hest gift of (del to It.e crea*urea, roust be take.' jusn as .h•, u ; ).•u mr_ht ;Dare l,er do•n into t.aahful regularity, and shoo, her into r paper model 05 *were acrupW.ns law, Wish, inulol then he L.laerty too !owlet mid yesu.u..t +•11 coot, .at 1.. dio ler the lash of tiara iyez..rable justice w:tis yen bad exchasgud for the banurr4 of tree/sus. Ear fever is a type ..1 catarrh kariu•: