The Huron Signal, 1889-4-5, Page 3• THE POET'S CORNER Lit* armee& Mu*tally. Peer little liusosa Mu1I Il ,. At ahs aloes of the timidity, ting Lt.:.et Was aadly to frost of healley. A watohug some children at play. Her await wise a w.nd.rfw garwaal, AL patches Ingo slruu:der to hem. Asa hat suet tier ohne* well. 1 bent M'u'tt es own Any further meat Lsabobt them. Dna poor little Honore )4 (lllelly liad • faoeyust as bright as could be. An/ no Sower le fneeduw ur talky W . ewer ee pkat) .*elle. Ano too thought as old wouaa, who paying. stropped a aaomert to em.Niorl) soy. Why. bless you dear heart, I as sun yuu hate had A very good dloser today." " lig. i.dada' said Honore Mullein. " 1 did . for on friend Mrs. Down Had • hope uI siert-tater. that Sallie. Her Hater. baked lovely WO brown. N'►d oh. ita&aw. if you could but hare oar it I --- The fatter sad fulness of bins. And they gi.' we the gizzard and o d of that Pin. And all of the sweet tater skins." llurper's Young People. Fatties had fisWy. "We find I1,rrdr.ck Blood Bitten ex• collect for wwkors, and equally sat for headache. 1•'uber also suffered wverely from sonny, which B B 13., by ata hone sod puntymg properties, completely cured." es. - -- •• ay. Newey. toes le hew de Lord!' Ti.. story is told of an ewtueut New Etg!and divine, how that for years he Learnedly argued •ud discoursed uu the truth of the thrulogtcsl tenets of the Bible : piling up l..gtual statements auo arguments, with the principal object is. view of converting to his 'pinto's and manner of life • err, gated lawyer who occupied regularly • front sit iu has congregation, and who appeared to enjoy- pert. s without beitig Con:meet' by -the keen wit anti eh/trustee of the preacher. On • pleasant wintry Sunday afternoon $ note front this lawyer wwu)uue.t hint to his residence, and groat was the preacher's delight to have him repeat the question of the Phdtppiin jat)nr : - •'What must I no to be peel 1'• An earnest, steeple explaWllon of the doc- trine of repentance, •ud faith toward Goad, through our Lord Jesus Christ. followed by a season of prayer and coo- t..eratiou found a Lumen s. uI, with the burden roiled easy, very harpy lis the Lord. The preacher then, in the grateful pride to that moment, propounded tht question: "Will you please tell we what it was in my mnnung serronn that so forst bly impressed itself upon you as to cause such introse cobvictym of a,ueciener f ' ..ely to receive • r. ply that was in eo w e Battering to his natty. "ludeed,str,sinc.- you sok me, I trust tell you that it was ' 'thing to your ser when ver. It was a kindly questa n by Aunt Nancy. for old adored wr.herwumen whom I beep- ed dawn the slippery church steps and e short distance al.one the street • week age., and who asked me at parting. with • kindly pressure rf her 1.14 withered hand on my arm. ••Say, homey, does ye know elf Lad s" I ouulda't get rid of the 'lineation, till y u helped me Ret a ..ti.factory answer," Ire of &.metria. itlsweea Mesh . AItheugh alt pets„oas who indulge in akubulw.iiwtelarla well within the w•r gin of seteel drunkeunes speak of themselves as •'aodetate dru.hers," there are two sleelal cI..sr.n of thew which bear hit Taoer,id.s ee to each utb- er, . Aorpt ul alio .one *tottery rircu:n- stan.w that they carver at any time oaks sufficient to Intoxicate themselves. The one class to that which only pert.k.-s .d •tiwulauts while eating ; the other tit - ,"•elites its thous bet worm moat titers To the latter (tabu is applied 'n this a,u•Itrs the astir .1 "n,pytu'," while in the Yost it is spoken of as "passing,' std ie the now naro.eious of all forms of drinkieg fr.xr• the fact that stimulants taken with- out a' the slue time Iwrtakti., of f.oJ• thous!. only iwhihed lis small ywu•Itire at • tume,hate most dn!etora us ethe-ts oat tlos Internal orga its A luau who habet.t ally indulges in • single class of .bear, in the 1..rem'. n, • broody rod soda i. the sf.entoou, mud a glieo of whiskey miss water lis the coins, of the . emir 1, u..: far were Ione, t , his a•nst,tunon th•. one Who Isrt..kes , r • larger y a tiny alcoholic •l. nllna••1a at meal tit.e The Bleed r /b. Lire. And'•n its purity largely depends the gen- eral health. No one is tree from danger. ami nine -tenths .f humanity actually do pottier from one ..r other of impure bl.x.d. N.. one reused), has such a wide range •.f curative power as has Burdock Hood Bitten --that best of all blued purifiers and tonics. ••w a Dustelaeghlfe 4 • A R111113.0110 0.ut 1i tree In•tght raalrlon was viulrnUy war[u.R in w ate • 1 oar, wheel a u.nlpa:'un re-o.rked ••A Chawlee, death leo, how d'y•• cat -h the; dwead•ul cold " "A w, death fellate, ! ' my cane ie the 1 titer bell tether + y and in sucking the it.•ry Landm • dwe*dful c..kl, et chilled i n' a1o•• .1 death." if Charies had used L. H.. key • Red Pule (low hot add would , • trouble hi... eery Mur hoe, or ..t at Hilsou'r prescription druistom Mow dsttla Mst Ills ld/er. "fie rile." raid Mr It•,.k.n. in ti last muwber of his ant„no•grri hr, tell ing of a bout ride froom Veses to lace'.. "he rose wish the sweetest. quiet aa!!• i ever saw Ai my face,'nkat perhaps . o'at's, whetsshe has moor gr..* kind nem t.t Ae, crowd to our side e.1 tit cabin, end addressing himself to my lethrr *Aid, with • tree rxprrssinn rr-st gladness, sed of frank trust 10 h'. j -.y would b.. under.tt••d. thoe 1 knew who we were. was -.net thank' 1 W flare m I us, and that he pn.y,-d pg mi+&inn t.. tutn.duco his ua.thrr mai sisters to as. 'rhe height eyes. the Its - thous v. ice, the perfect manner, tie. simple nut acutely d,'tering wo-th, woo my father in an in. ant The New tone• lender oat do. n beside us. hts mother awe ,iters teeming at canoe also to ch•nil• the *tea mei cahio a rrceptio reten in their own home The rest ' t the time till we reached (ieneva ptssr.' Ga. tinickly We arranged to meeS in t dill, or two at St. Martin's. And ihu- I became possessed of my second friend after Dr John Brown, •rid of my fin' real tutor, Charles Eliot Norton." NW, Hillard e■ fae11.. Miss Vt iITard has got into trouble by some remarks she made on dolls. The Philadelphia krror.! says : Miss Willard did say that the doll, as we have in these modern days, fostered • Inc. of dress and display. This is the heed and front of her offending. To the old-fash- ioned, simply attired doll we find her making oc ubjectiun : indeed. she says that with such she used delightedly to play. Her view .is that living pets edu- cate children on • higher plane than French dolls : that the fatherly instinct needs development more than the tr.ntherly, and hence the doll should be for buys •s well as girls, and that the tow exclusive devotion of the latter to the care 4.1 their dolls often deprives them of needed ort -door exercise, dulls their curiosity concerning the mech•n- tem of the world, and may help to ex- plain why women are not yet investors. She claims that the mire of dulls does not impart the instinct of motherliness. but that in every woman's heart that in- stinct is the central motive power. Mere Trouble Ray be t IpO led. 3 'HX HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY/ APRIL, 5 18b9' if you do not heed the warnings of na• tore and at once pay attention to the Maiotain$nce of your health. How often we see a person put off fmm day to day the purchase of • medicine which if pro- cured at the redstart of • disease would have remedied it almost immediately. Now if Johnaton'a Tonic Liter fills hal been taken when the first uneasiness made its appearance the illness would have been "nipped i.1 the bad." John- son+ Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are delid.dly the beat medicine on the mer- le* ar t wood used in the a,wetroetiee of the Ilan for general tonic and invigorating i tetra tem le, i* in the form if ties, bold - and $1 per bottle, sold by ins the end of one stone to another WI ee the two blocks were laid in place an .iavationi about an inch deep was mads in each block, in which • tie shaped like an hourglass was driven, it is tb.e.fore very difficult to fore* any steam from its positing. The ties appear le have been of the newish or Shittia wood, of which the ark was aowutrueted. gild a I>Yes • Md NOW The insffisit evf self•prr*ervsHHi '.ate wry as well call it by • itlgts isoundina u•uan tusks* • portrait vamp's of • sack eau. It is not altogether wstcb:ug, or cafe, or C.,ustaut alvIce, oat the halite Senor of reep.,uashthty which exhausts • Heim. nor at of them combined It to be prraeuro of the patient's Command body, taking in at every pore the orrc..ue et.•rg3 of whoever, se meat. Thu weakltunt pants for lite. L fe he tuust Arte. Give 'Au, your hand. stud the full charge of your busman battery •i esg guy sass flat m bettor thou site, battler than the moad, twperemal warmth of the son. It is the quickening of puler by pulse, 6. Iti,.dlutg of life by hie. 8ireuge end a,.a.votiet•ble are physical urduenc«a, tut uroru potato to into world than men gra •tiiin,l to'wil. They aro uuhnaled I,. the hur.yutg crowd, where elect rte,ty ,,asses c•.ustautly •it! the jostling or ...hos. Bat the set..tI t11urs of thb ut• s noted iovand quiver like path balls • btu brourlit urtu contact with positive o.4 negative forams. Certain pursuits ore at.d others take from hew the renitt h • high a lit carefully hoarded ,•.sure lie rebels against proximity ..th one, std clings Ink. • fryhteo.r' tutu to another. To say that the well ..d attune are the ■ttraClave is no.. ....gh. l)fteu they repel by tho:i, eery ..irao.rrwies. Gu.d,•ees and virtue Ise in•le to do won it, end sympathy. but • to'otierete factor. The f ieliog to .coat *holly ut.rnea•.uab!e. severe alias*, Mist Fir.l& Elliot. of i'ontepor.l, Out., writs ---"My brother and I were both taken ill with a severe attack -if diar- rh.•t, haring tried other remedies, we rrrwl Dr F ,e'rr's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, which gave immediate relief." 2 "They have a largo rs!e in my di+ rriet," Sys a well knowr druggist, "than scy other pill on the tnsrktt, and site the had satisfaction for sick headache. hiloiousnes•, indigestion, etc , and when o,mbine0 wash Johnston's T..nlc'littera. Johnston.* T.wic Liver Pills Will per furan what no other medicine has done before f..r suff,rine humanity." rills 25 cants per bottle. Bitten 50 cents e nd til per Mottle. Sold by Goode. Druggist, Almon block, Goderich, sole agent [c 1 Tie Leiner elms t'a'r 1"est Mr J 11•.yden, 139 Chatham S'. M•'area, says: --"1 .s troubled Inc -Aro with htli.•uwesa and liver cons- . .int, and 1 Lever found any eud.clne to help use like Burdock Hlex,d timers, in fa •t con butte wade a complete :.ie " 2 aAtnt`t Rol'k,etsn, -The "rockery' ul feature of dm lawn, and gamy iso seed to cover op any unsightly spot. It is necessary that such garden decorations should be as natural in de- sign u possibk, the rocks and dunes picturesquely thrown together, the crev - ces filled with earth in which drooping plants, flowers, ferns and mom may be arranged. The pile should simulate se far as possible Nature's own work from some old taffeta.. All regularity destroys the effect. The size of the pile and of the snow should be in consonance with the size .f the lawn or ,trrden,but ghoul l never be large -seldom over two feet high. although larger rockeries are some- times built on oroinary lawns. Trades - cant's., Kenilworth ivies, blue lobelias, ferns of •1l kinds, «Ilei, periwinkles, • reraniuin to dire brilliant color, and some other dowers, are especially suita- ble for rockeries. The fuchsia, which loves • awl, shady place in the garden, will blossom to perfection in the shadow of ruckwork. A *en t' ere. My dear,' a fond huahand remsri.- sat •1t.• .-thrr day, •• I hair talke.! with Dr. Mildew about your cue, and so I •.e t......;ht you a parr of dram nd .rrinsa " '• (It. how lovely !" she ex• Minted ; and then, after a inonient ..t estaditia.Leiration, she sddel : " Bit I .wit two whet this his t., do with raer• •seen " Why, in the liras place," was wee, •• you will gat out more and art n.uch more fre16 air ; and in the •e.o..d, you will continually be putting or your hands to assure yourself that the iwmouda are u..t I.'st, •ud in that way -" She interrupter him with acme saucy remark, but hie Impudent was forgireo -' r the salt .• f his gift. .. M ie)er wailed again No "hardly ever" shout it. Ile had u/ attack of what people call '•bilious- sess,"and le laude was imp.taible. let . man may "smile and smile, and be a Amin still. still he was no villain, but a plain, blunt, bunrst man, that 1100ded d r••smedy such as Dr Pierce s "Pleasant Pur•4itit'e Pellets," which never fail to sure bahowomess and diseased ur torpid ver, dyspepsia and chronic COIlitipa- : tau. Ot druggists. Partly Cave L "1., the years 1836 I coughed for sir mouths, and having unsueoewafully tried many remedies, I partly gave op, think- ing I bad consumption. At last I tried llaeyard's Pectoral Balsam, leas Than 30e bottle of which cured me. terrine ms as well as ever I was." Henry W Carne, Wabash, Out. 2 3 8ftsrt--Hullo Maeiw, I haven't real. Hoa lerety. I ..pp•+w y.•. have (Miro ,w, busy. Margie -Tee ; 1 have hem nota a mow boar. 1 is. the Num., now. tth.rn -Is that sof It ...oat ler a new elpet hoses t•.0 you. -- Baotou Pot. 10000 PRESE%iS .0 . r ta.T arltTDtk * rlaa TWIT LAST N'.ler vomit estap pope.ts got 1..) ouch r-..:ct, %.t, tiaCtat ur C -4•11 ---taw to a. tsmi;v-who wi:1 •ry the mGtaaeN:t! Iu-st few=tt t t.I 1:,. r: 1 ..n: (r .... the Wal std .r^.1 i1 aa a statute hunt ,t opinion W t..rto nl• i..,er■6,1Owilli riN•I Uta will tan tar the ,it. ,.n) grocer or .t.. -k. • per knot , -.Imre to get n it for 1., you.-_ AJJrnr- CHI lteHnJ• t 111.Ttlltnn'In 4.4 W:LL CURE CAI I:EUEV:: Off ML'SNECS, D '$.---PSIA Iwr?ICEST/0114 JAFNW/CE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HE/T7 tftSRl'l, L'f: : INES3, DROPSY, fLUTT.RING Of THE HEART, ADMIT r Of ''HE STOMACH, OR, IME S8 OF THE SKIN. And every spsriss of dts.aw ar•isln`` Tessa diserdciod i yr n, eine rcve, btIM/Apa% Bl)rllkLe oR 44000, T. MILBURN a CO. ,,,,„1 „,,s NO D!flT! no DIRT! A Sex and seated Story A case of remarkable endurance on the part of a hound was (earned Fritter. This week a fox hound belonging to Captain Mark Percy of Cux's Head, near F••rt Popham, chased a fux for two day.. rhe dog was seen In Doreen of the fox several time. during the two days, soil his deep b•yiag was frequently heatd. Final. the fox fell on the grand ',sham - ed. The dog, knowing that he hid not sufficient strength left to fight the fox, at down near ham and watched hem. In this condition the fox and the hound ware Iowa WA alma who lived near, and the fox was so*tu bstea that the man easily killed him with &club. - Lewiston, ale., J.,urnal. The *Nese Timber. Pt-..bahly the oldest timber in the world which hes been subjected to the use of teen is that found in the ancient temple of Egypt in oonnecticn with the atone work. which is known to be at least 4,000 years old. Thin, the only again the drugitt, Albino block, sole algut. obi It pays M raise the right kind of cat- tle. Jwo. Baia. 14th eon., Orel..,1d a mar rising 2 years old to William Blaehill, butcher of Brussels, that drew ed 600 pound& It was prime boot. Modelle Conell• sad old load all dieamess ot the threat end lungge man be cured by Ike nit of Aentt's Rend - slow, as it contains the healing vines* of Ond Liver Oil and Hyppopbeephites in their fullest fora. what W. 8. Meer, K. D., L. R. r P., eta, Trere, 11. 8. soya : "After three roan' esper- fames I .owsids' Scott's (meadow one of the emery best in the market. Very ex eellen t ism throat •Ifeetiwrra" Bold by all druggists, 60s and 81.00 WHERE SHALL I GO TO BUY MY - FRUIT? Whyl go where you can pt te Choicest RAISINS, CURRANT and PEELS, and where they CLEAN ev- ery pound of FRUIT by Machinery. IT WILL PAY YOU. fu uO 11) SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. 11 (stew CATARRH, Cold Ia Had, HAY EVEN. avers Droppings from Narnal passages EASY TO USE. into the throat and saes rive expectoration c.use.i by ca- tarrh. Sold by Ilruddlsta, or sant propeid os fe.eipt of pekoe, a)o• and eL Address FVVORC & Os.. OoSallrville. Out- .AIRN'SI _ _ T NTS CAMS. VALE $3111 ARL CCPIRI6IIT Obiaine•.1 and a!1 t.uelne,.i in the U.S. Patel Wee art. ailed to a .affil ,RA TB FMCS. Our Mbar as opposite the U.K. Potent (N- oce. r -n.::• of ear twain Parents in less time than those eatom r front TEA leifI.QTO.Y. Send MODEL f/H 11B4II7,VtJ. We AG- viae as to patentability free of charge: and we mak AUCII AHUE UNLESS WE UB - TAI make AO r. We refer. hen', to the Postmaarer,tbe gnpt. e )Ione). order 1).v., and to official. of the U. e. Patent Wiles. For ci:cuhar. ads tee. terse and r.J.-reueos to r.• teal dies,* to your Oda Slate or l-'uuuh . w'rite to r t, weirCe., poss Oite Patent Odiee.,W.saiegtes D.0 Mese lei Thoaght Sheet Is Why suffer a single moment when you can gat immediate relief from all uitel- ual or external path* by air Min tat Poi- son s Nerviline, the kreat pain cure. Net -edam has never been known to tail In a single case : it cannot fatl, for it a a combination of the mut powerful pain subduing remedies known. Try a. 10 cent ample bottle of Nervlhoe. los will hod Nerviltue a sure cure fur neat'• alai*, toothache, headache. Buy mei try. Large bottles 13 cents, by all drui gists. Raxgw*i axis Resrwri.a.-The stock of stall toot", including nota, letterjaud acouunt papers, envelopes, and in tact, all classes of punting pipers Pau just been replenished at 'rxg dtoiiaL. An- otherllarge lot to arrive in a day or two, old more to foisuw. 11 you swot sowt- toing nest and business like in office stationery, tall. if you want • card or circilir printed in the latest style, call at TH. tul.Yal. steam pnnting htue., North SL The best regulators ter Ihd et mai e nd bowels, the beet Bore for bilioneneee. sick headache, isd gestkon, and all aglow tines arising from a disordered liver, are without ex Johnson's Tomie Diver Pills.8etell in des, sugar costed, mild, yet effective. lb et., per bottle sole by ()node, driaortet, Albion block, Oode rieh, sole *gees. (al THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. Fames atm A Home Iianfe� Ivory farmer should read the leading and espy tndependent publication derated to his business. Tb'.uanda say then 11 none equal to It, and no dollar expended from the farm returns ao sseh rood. It treats oa all branches connected with the fars, and is high) prized bythe ladles and u a ehltdmea: it has • armer from the lose of his fano ; it has saved the farmers mil- lions of dollars lir checking the Introduction and spread of contagious stock diseases : 1t has in- creased the receipts from our cereals by mtLkms of dollars. Commesded byCity and County Consols and Agriouttard wcteletsa. Agents wanted. Sample coots free. 2 1'rica M per annum.Address Yaaieea'S Aovcx:aoCATS n Or►a)•. )tondos, Cameo. Conductor M. D. Ha.hin,of the Strat- ford branch of the Grand Trunk, was caught between the bumpers, of a pony engine and s freight car near Waterloo street crossing on Friday. and was bad- ly cruahed, the drawhoeds closing on he •bdumen. He is badly injured, but may recover. He ea earned roan mad resides to Stratford... A fatal aooideat cocurred last week nearOreenbaok,a small village about five miles from Port Perry. A fire broke out in the residence of Mr James Iron - side, occasioned by • defective chimney, and whilst in the ort of putting 1t out from inside the house lir Ironaide slipped and fell down the stain, break• iaat ba neck. Damaged was a meek re- spected farmer. A whole family, mix in member, were poisoned at Plyttaoeth, Pa„ by eating a grated wild turnip, dug from the ground in mistake for bora radish rod served for breakfast James Ye8ride sad wife, Chea Kennels, Maar: Tuley, Lfd• ward Mulles *ad (dward Kema.Jy are ism • critical oundition, sad tbe phyeioian says Kownedy and Ala McBride will die. Their sufferings are horrible. The Court reeved& at Lincoln. Nebo, show that Pariah Rgan, the newly ap- pointed Miaieter to Chili, WWI naturalis- ed April 10, 1888. EI VELOPES F3 TJ ENVELOPES, k •1 NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HMS; Etc., Enc.. at THE SIGNAL PS!bTl.6 OIFALF Eiftwa l.~i- p, K, BOOM TOWN PROCRTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND U P W ARDS 1 hate a large nuwb•r of ilousr. awl Late ma.l'Vacant 1.411.1. u, the nor+• .l.•.trable porta of the Town mad watt a at'ar. Now la the lime .0 10,•"1.0 Iu_.prny before the Hot Pooh. The t'. 1'. It. to coming don-. and in • shot Lowe prices will have a4taisued beyond the react. .1 many. (all and see List •Mrd Prices before parcbaa- itgt env w hire. 11. RADCLIRFE, Real kitate mad ti.•noral ii., ,rru.-e Agewt, (pare Weal -Mt , toird do.w from 15.lt*r••. 1', r- 1(1 Ticket awl T.legraeh OdI.e. - 61-11.- T LITTLL'S LIVING AGE. In Mei TiI): LIVING A411.: enters epos rusty -sixth year. Apesod lit the ''torr e Judge tour). (lss,oeltor Kent. Preside• %de ws. historians Sparks. Prescott, Tick a'. Itaner,tt, and wan) .•o nor.. it hag mot w..* constant ruivaue dalton and •woos& SYauk tDIAi.ai.i•a. it et,,es more than THRE 00 A QUART TH07SA1C double column octet•) pa :'a of remount not ter ye.tly. 11 promote in an ieesprnsive form. ron•idertn: its 410't' am wn• 'd Ism atter with (recline... owing to lis weekly ie.ue,ea' with a .•uutpleteu's• uuh ora r1,v e, t.•t&pted The hest I'..ays, tics-Irv/4, Cr't4.'I Take. Sketches of Travel end 1)islwvee47y Poetry. .s,.n.atihr. Itu•t..yhital. liustor. a1, and 'ohso.1 inform sow., from the entire body Foreani 1'.r,.,i:cal Ltera.ure, and front the twos of the t'O0LM•ar Blest: itwlorsta. OPINIONS, -1. 41 ....MIA iso.+ be,' prvnlu. own, of the best wrii.'1• upon ail .uh;.•,•tr ready to uur rand.`-1'bth,.b^pber 1nyrter. "The r•:ule.• u...* t orr: I,tt.r that is 'inner - 'ant in u.• 1..•rtedo a1 domain. Homan Join nal. '11 wry he trotl.full) .ind cordially said 'Mt it tram wren. a ur) w Valurita peg.•. N•w York Tribune. "fu isr.lu,,t with great skill and Marr, and its wan11)• •ppear•ur.• cave. it certain advan- tagraoarr iln vonhi male.- Alban) .Angus. "11 furni.11e, a . nntph.u• eon pdation of 1111 teini,cuaab:a• literal tire." -Cw.a.lu Evening Juni Hal. Yin the amount of marling matter rearms- ! the subscription is r ttmtutl) low:-l:hris- 1 1 tarn .t d t 'cat e, Nash. ,lar. "In this weekly m)agas,ne the reader ands nil that )a worth knowing in the realm of our mot literature: l'alada r'rt.b)t.•nan, To - Mont°. "11 is indispensable to all who would abreact of our ntawduld wavers+. It t+ minutely without a rival."---Mtsttreat 1'ublisl.ed Wooing et MAS a ysee.fee of auaroo , tr aw T.) NEW SCaas('fttItgTty for the rear bats, rentttingbefore Jan. 1st. the nimbi -es of ISM tarue.l atter the reecipl of their MRP acriptions. will be gent gratis. Merchants can get heir Rill Heads. lot* Head& dtc.. fir'. printed at thin office for little more than thew generally pry for 1 paper, and it helot to advertise their businea- t. )., Baste Call and 4x10 w►nipies and get prices. Address i.: r rEll. ,t ' Club Rates for lest Home and Foreive LIT�i.RATURE- i'nawwsed of Toe Lt. Igo One mil one er ot r of our vivacious .American mon tbll.A s subscriber will and bunnrlf ism ,u,n.nnad at/ the whole mutat tun-"--llrilattrlubia Evening Bulletin." For 310.50, Tut I.tvtro Ant &oat any ase et the A ,swan Rt novel lilies for llarpers er, Wr..t-1y or Mn_nr, will be sent for • year, ry I pepaid : or. f ,r fll..Ll, Tut' 1.tv't3.c Ao• sod Ire she 1f. Virhotas or erihwr'a Mapaslwe. Largest Circalatioe in Western, Oatsira :- Free Press LONDON. • CANADA. Thi "Free Pref:' la the only newspaper to the West receiving the Association i're+s Iles *patches. It resistants AL1. THE NEWS. by Cable, Telegraph. Telephone and hail up to non. of going to prem. 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