The Huron Signal, 1889-4-5, Page 22
The two clerks emplused by James
]laltby, the jeweller et Royalism,
initiate oser the mutter nue raw and And the bought was so cheering that
raja, epilog ooruwK, tryhuq to amuse be slaws' forget bis uuhapptuwe, and
ttlsemeelves in the absence ata customer. cbau.d oumlurtebly with bis utile Ade.,
The deer of the weer „ties °paned he
grey -tinged moustache grid geld rimmed
Oseese pine out.
Their employer being io feeble health.n
Harvey Chapati was „u
was haager, and
the Brooke two clerks, Walter Bke Sud 1)tok
, stood in wholesome awe of bins.
" Mr. Waltby wishes to see you -
both," said Mr. Chapin, rather Kraut-
The young men exchanged pezzled
glances, and followed Mr. Chapin into
the calico.
Mr. Maltby set at the desk. Hi. face
aootraacd ; be pwhed back hie a hie a cheerful word to ham, and beamed
Lair with nervous incitation $ they down on aim with encouraging kwduew,
entered. t Dick Crane's uncunceelsd amaze•
" An unpleasant business, young
geotlem.n," he began, abruptly ; has
eyes were fixed with peculiar sharpness
ca Walter Bowie.
The young man, emberrwed by the
n eddeu scrutiny, tlu.hoed abehtty ; and
lir. Maltby end bis manager exchanged
" Briefly, then," the old gentleman
,sent on, tapping the desk for emphasis,
e' Mr. Chapin bus made the startling
discovery that *omit of our moat valu-
able jewelry is musing. That depart-
ment u mon especially under your
charge, Brooks. Have you observed
it r'
He had not once removed his sharp
gaze from him ; and Walter, grown mon
aid more confused beneath it, was emp-
o rium' sue that his voice was not quite steady
as he responded
" Everything was safe last night, sir :
I could swear to it. Pulses it has bees
taken since then-'
Mr. Maltby slapped his desk impati-
Thai avoid the point. It was taken
since then. The question I put t, you
was -had you disc& eared it t"
Mr. Chapin, too, wa. regarding him
thoughtfully ; even Dick Crane's round
blue eyes has grown somewhat euspa-
ous ; Walter felt his color coming and
" I had not," he said.
He wee aware that the shortness of his
reply seemed to his hearers like sullen
defiance ; he was aware that Mr. Maltby
had darted soother agt.ihcant look at his
Very well," said the former, grave-
ly ; and paused. " Something must, ofou
emirs*, be done,', he continued, present -
1y, " And since it is desirable to avoid
publicity, and since, as Mr. Brooks
suggests," - with a half smile- " the
theft was obviously committed since last
evening, Jlr. Chapin and 1 have bit
upon the plan of might watches, air stiBrooks-theamen¢ ourselves. You, Brooks -the
jewelry being in your care, particularly
-will watch to -night ; Crane to -morrow
niabt ; rigid Mr. Cbn, apthe next. We
do hardly fail of obtaining • clew, in
this way ; and I uttrr a hundred dollars,
as an incentive ---a hudred d,.11an, csah
down. to the man who discovers the
thief '
" If, meantime,' the .old gentleman
e included, with his eyes still tined on his
senior clerk, " if --weft, if the offender
beaming ouraelves, he will have an
opportunity of reylacir.g the articles ; in
which case, it being the first occurrence
of the sort, there will be no expesure.
Yon nay go."
Walter Iirotks, as he got himself out
of the room, felt that he was quite a
ditfeseut person Irons the 11. -,ht -hearted
boywho had enteral it.
He went to the window, and stood
looking out at the drizzly morning
wretcbeJly : Dick Crane, with an awed
glance at him, had betaken himself to
the beak part of the store.
" His plight as well have said, in ail
many words, ' Y,'u are the thief,' " said
Walter to himself, growing he!
wrathful at the thought. " 1, wit.) would
es soon— '
He telt a band laid on his shoulder.
Mr. Chapin wasslooking down at him
kindly through hie gold rimmed glasses.
" Don't take this to, much to heart.
my boy,' tr_ said, earnestly. " I won't
say the old gentleman hasn't some
nonsense'ur other in his head about yea;
but 1 will say that 1 believe he's wrong
I hase perfect faith in you, Brooks : and
If we don't clear this up inside of a week,
1 am much mistaken."
Walter looked up gratefully.
" Why," ilio manager word en, re-
assuringly, " you may be the very man
tc'olve the mystery, grid get the hund-
red dollars liberal offer, by the way.
If you're innocent, 1lrnnlrs,--and i he.
hese it- you map depend on its coming
out all right Cheer up.-
premedWalter premed the hand held out to
hint silently. The unexpected kindness
had, ion:chow, brought a lump into his
He was hardly surprised that Mr.
Maltby, on his way out, should have
passed him in r.iienee, and given some
directions to .),ck Cram., contrary to his
usual oust ; he ask not surprised,
when he went t to d ,that thee,
who had always mail. s point of starting
with him, should have gone off in an
opponte direction with a muttered re-
ference to an imaginary e,ga¢et,ent.
It was the sight of • Iitale,blondr-hair
ed, runner coated person, struggling
with a dripping umbrella on • windy
er, wbteh t•nonght him nut of the
bitter reverie into which hefted fallen.
in a twinkling the 'Embroils was furl-
ed and in his possession, and Sus, Ford
was safely ensconced under his own,
clinging to his erre and looking up at him
"Yon raved me from a watery grave,"
she declared, gayly. "Why, Walter
Brent •, what's the matter I"
T. whom should he go with his troll -
blue ,f vies Ta Aar 1 Rhe hod promised tomin
'here them all .a day ; a day, in view
el bis metric' eatery .sod on
hoe portionless
"A bemired dollen w
Suay repeated moti•W which cawed the young man's
breathlessly. "Ob, Walter, it ■ou:d be heart suddeuly to stead still.
woe '- He caught kis breath with a Hasp ; be
She slopped timidly. !,
"I'5, help us to ontue down," said Wal- !
ter, patine( a practically. "Su 5t would,
they trudged along thr, ugh t rd
soddenly. •5,d •tall gentleman, with 1 de hips you 11 discover the
and get tae hundred dollars, Walter,"
she said, half laugluug, as be left her •t
bee dour, "Thud. it the chain sod oar
pets it would buy
It was the thought of the trustful look
the gave him as she said it, Isom under
her rubber hood, that kept hen from
going quite distracted that dreadful elicit -
soon ; or so he told himself.
Mr Chapin treated haus with unchang-
ed lneudlwese.
Whets he came out of the Olio*,cru e
was paler than usual, and hos brow were for twice, 0o souse small erraud, he =poke
"You watch tonight. Brooks,- said
the assuager, pleeeaotly, as he started off
to supper. "Well, let us hope you'll
get a stew-aod the money !
very words ! The young man
felt • gleam ut hope, in spite of himself.
and • glow of gratitude toward the
It was ton o' that night when the
last belated customer had dropped in,
the porter had departed, sn_' Walter was
left alone.
He turned the gas low sod sat down
near the heater. The rem was growing
He dropped his head into his heeds
and tried to think of something cheerful
--of Susy, of !Ir Chapin's kindness and
sympathy, of the po.stbility of wun'ug
the hundred dullan-
A footstep which had been coming
down the street stopped just outside ; a
key grated in the lock.
Walter rose to his feet with startled
haste took a step forward, and -ran al-
most into the arms of Mr Chapin him-
self !
"Did I frighten you f' said the mana-
ger, rubbing hut feet on the mat, patting
the young man's shoulder, and laughing.
"Well, no wonder. How distend you
are,to be sun !" be added,in a jolly way,
glowing around the shadowy room.
"I was feeling rather blue,' Walter
responded : he could have embraced his
companion in his sudden relief. "But-
"How do I come to be here 7" said
Mr Chapin, mon seriously. "Well, I'll
be frank with you, Brooks. 111 had
coma aca,rdiog to the plan proposed by
Mr Maltby this morning, I should have
come in quietly at the back du..r, taken
up my stand behind ,at group of statu-
ary and kept a sharp watch cu your pru-
'There, then '. u the young man
turned a horrified face upon him : "re-
member that was his plan, not mine.
You can judge ..f my faith in it from the
way 1 hews followed it oat," with a
genial laugh.
Walter returned his smiling gaze with
*logien,' eyes. His many sensations --
the shock of this disclosure, his power-
less auger and his great feeling of thank-
fulness to the man before him -made it
impossible fur him to speak.
"I dna't pretend to be a character -
reader," Mr Chapin continued : "but 1
do flatter myself that I knew an honest
Man when 1 'ee ons"
The sight of the young man's emotion
touched him. He took tiff his glasses
and passed his hand across his eves.
"Sow here, Brooks," he concluded, in
a matter-ol-fact tone, "we're making
two fools of ourselves, and all about
mdbi.g. Whore's the gond in Kevin¢
friends if they don't stand by you 1 Get
on your hat and go home ! And don't
lie awake worryin4 about this business,
either; it will comae out straight enough,
you mark my words! It oh, I'm all
right ; I'm going directly."
And before Walter could utter a word
of all that was in his heart he was hustl-
ed into his overact in a friendly way,
and into the street.
The ram had ceased ; the sky was
clear, and the moon was coming up.
Walter stood fur • moment hesitating-
ly; and then tsrced up the street -not
in the direction of home, for he felt
strangely uneasy. Atter all he was de-
serting his poet. Should he not have
resisted the manager's kind persuasions
and remained 1 it was this feeling --an
unreasonable one, be told himself -
which caused him, when he turned hack
at last, to ignore the short cut he might
have taken, and retrace his steps ; he
could take a look at the store, in pain
ing, and satisfy himself that all was
His thoughts, as he walked briskly
along, were full of the strange events of
the day. Ile almtist ran into a late pe-
destrian or two, in hisabsorption.
11e was brought to himself by the
knowledge that his rapid walk had
brought him in front of the store ; and
that a dein light was still burning then.
Ile pulled nut his watch in bewilder-
ment, and consulted it by the light of tlfe
MO. .0.
it was • quarter of twelra No ; it
could not be Mr Chapin. He must have
gone Lone then.
Ile telt his heart heating fast and hie
color forsaking him as he laid a noise/ -
leas laid on the door, and pushed gent-
it was not fastened. It .opened dlest-
1y, and he stepped cautiously inside.
,t tat) (norm. startlingly spectral, and
alrn.rt tndistingus.ahle in the faint light,
was bending over a plate glees case at the
end of the emus ; and Walter aw the
gleam of gold, as the dainty rings and
pine it contained wow removed from
their satin lined mee.,
He watched motionleealy and breath-
lessly as the eager hands shifted the
glittering thenge, seising thio and re-
placing That, and thrusting the sel•oted
amoebae into an inner pocket, with very'
wngheet-like deftnwm.
A sa.ldwn misgiving crept n;,►r him.
...dill..., preeemehly ter away 1st° The man before him was tall and strng.
whose Oen 'mold he move properly poor if tt should enure to a hand to -band en
hie Weiss 1 enured", --
Mut as he retxogibd the iteeale of the The man had finished. His h•A pet
ssrr►r.igir ee the erre girl at hid side, he the last shining trinket into his mewtoue
' �nA ht orq ...dung, inNie-tivdy,
utiples•ent Ieotare Mr Malthy'.
''los. How scold he tell her t
tosereastea raraRetesting. Retesting to Ceres.
clutched the door weakly ; it was with a tree Werk. effort that be rept trek an outer, At Cardiff uurted evangelist's meet -
o f c iretereatlon. Ings urtgmauog in the week of prayer
The foots turned calmly toward him dare been crowned by sevuuty aaa,,e -
was the wild, comp..cent, bespectacled 5505,5, the ,.cIa►wet1 ireludhss tau or
eouliteuaoc:e of the wansKvr three uutor'uus unbelievers, disciple. of
Walter's souses seemed deserttgg him. lugersoh.
He Stood gaming at the thpperitiuo The Salvation Army waken in T.,-
appr his shadowy corner with Duly half
1 rtisb keep exdntinwlly .mplu,eJ •
apprecauue of what it all meant ; hu polite -court missionary, a lady wail at •
taculuss seamed bruumbed. I teuda the polite owurt esery day, wateb
Perhaps it was the tl.5,d .'f wrathful all the eases that cow up, especially
indignation which swept over htu► at the
those i5, watch fallen women are pr, -
thought of the dopa he had been :pea" aezuted, and then follows up the Daae
haps it was the thought of Susy and the with effort/it., secure the refurusatioa of
hundred dollars which roused help to the I the offenders.realization that something must Lu dune.
However that may be, the manager, During the past year, the total number
comu:g slowly toward the door with a lid Bibles issued by the Nastiest.' Bible
plead, waving rxpreasi.•n, attonely re - !Society of Sc..tland, has been 14;3.4i'1, of
semblu,g that which he usually assumed ' Testaments 171,509, ..t prtmuu5 227.161
as he walked down the aisle at the close -total 51;2,131. Germany has received
r of the beuedictr..n-feuud himself seized the largtmt number of Bibles, and Chita
in a pair of strung young arms and the largest of portions. At Glasgow ex-
whirl •d through the oteu door .•t the hibition, 22.0811 Scriptures were sold,
sharply, laud said to himself- after • Panees, Buddhists aid Mohammedans
period of deeply uopleaasiit meditation- thankfully accepted a gift of the Bible
that he had rather overdone the bens- to thew own tongue.
voleot business.
It was not without an effort that Air. tiusarilnMtes 5.rly l cared.
Maltby, sitting iu that same . mea a few To THE Enr'nu :-Please iniorw your
days later, dispatched the porter with a readers that I have a positive remedy for
summons for his seuwr clerk. H. did tar •hose named due..e. Hy is towel,
not find it easy to own himself to haws use thousand of hopeless cases have
beeu so amazingly in the wrong as the been permanently cured. 1 shall he glad
late events had proved him to be. to scud two bustles of my ovine', free
He found it so distastrful, 'n fact, to guy 5,t your rtadrn who have rnn-
that he simplified matters by omitting •umptien, if the, will send me their 8x -
all ewbarassing details. pass and P. O. address.
"As Mr Chapin will not- resume hie Respectfully, Da. T. A. Sworn.
duties, Mr. Brooks," he mid, with a 1 37 Yon¢e SL, Toronto, Ung
rather grim smile. "I hon concluded
V g and eve 'ensign attendant, including 1
moor office, heard the bolt flipped r7 g y
Tacrine ,ee W.ara.
5,r you his vacant siee
al pctmon. Yre hangs not ...t1 almost ,-rn i,o,a of Goole needed in the Dry Goods line. and
Another Targe consignment of
resh Teas of superior quality
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
Public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit ypur pat
ro n age.
Rees Price & Son
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
young, to be sun, but I11 try you.
Yes, yes -that'll do, ' as Walter at-
tempted to, speak. "And by the way, 1
believe the reward I cffered goes to
He pushed toward him • loosened leaf
of his check -book, and resumed the
morning paper in • way that proclaimed
the interview at an sod.
All of which, gratifying as i1 was to
the young man, was totally eclipsed by a
word or two from little Duey Ford that
very evening :
' Well, there -1 shi nit be half ready -
bot soy the twecty-fifth
Women are not much given to phg^ei-
cal exercise for its owe sake. Until bast
year it has never been fashionable tot
them to affect rosy cheeks and strong
muscles And being creatures of habit
like all the rest of the human race, this
new fubwnable of developing the bad,
as wet/ as the iuteilect hes not ohtaiued
vary wifely
as yet, natwith+tand•
ing the strung common sense rea-
son fur it. In the winter season there
is leas inclination to take exercise than
at any other time of the year, though
l then is surely greater necessity
:for it owing to the lack of ou'dcorsporta.
' """`' There u • tendency to stay near the fire
_ ._ with a needle and • novel -to crawl into
• fere roe
That painful complaint can be quickly
cured by the right remedy. Mise Mary
Jane Gould, of Stoney Creek, Out.,
rays : "1 was troubled with lumbeeo,and
would not Pet relaf until 1 used Hag -
yard's Yellow U'1. one butte of which
cured me entirely." 2
From the Philadelphia T;m.a we
learn that in all the lithographic 'stab-
Lshmenta of the country where the work
is mainly done by German workingmen,
• stipulation requires the proprietors to
furnish beer as a Fart of the employee•'
wages. In the mammoth lithographic
department of Judie! in New York city,
where 600 men ars employed, each one
receives under the terms of contract with
his employer three pinta of beer a day,
day, more than seven barrels being con-
sumed in the department daily.
"I dread the white man's drink mon
than all the arrows of the Matabele. ' is
the sentiment of a South African Chief ;
and the Emir of Bokhan, in his treaty
with the Russians, has set nes Swale
example, for whilst he accords free i.etlo-
duction of all other Russian commerce,
he strictly prohibits intoxicating
' liquors. Some painful figures have jet
been published about the ravages of
drink la Belgium, and these are very
1 much traced to aha absence of proper
!licensing laws, and to the facility with
which public -houses can in that king-
dom be kept open until 2 o'clock in the
morning, or, for the matter of that, all
the night through. The condition of
stain is such that neither political party
date touch it --it wield lop them an
election. The remedy will have to be
sought in a patriotic asked all parties.
• W.Merfslle'reaa.
The largest organ, and one that plays
I • aontrclling part on the health of the
body is the liver. If torpid or inactive
the whole system becomes dia.weed.
Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially
for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is
guaranteed ti, cure. 1'.ecipe beak and '
tttsedicioe,1. Sold by all druggists
pee►•t , he had (dosed Ilse show twee
softie . and he had lifted his hand to
betties hes ensu with a etrsagely familiar
a snug little hole like some of the lower
animals and stay then until spring
breezes blow. Much surrR7 is allowed
to go to waste. Muscles and longs be-
come weak and sensitive. Intellect
grows dull. By spring time • nice stock
of "malaria" sends the winter recluse to
the doctor or the drukgist for a tonic.
to Osier. ase MUM relat.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. D;.ordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to
gond nature.
The human digestive apparatus is on.
of the most cumpliewtet: and wonderful
thing's in existence. It is easily put out
et order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours,
irrezular habits, and many other tdis
which ought not to be, have made the
But Greens August Flower has dune
• wonderful work in reforming this sad
American people a nation of dyspeptics. STEEL FRAME CRAIN DRILL 1te
business and making the American
people so healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember :-N.o happiness without
health. Ilat Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness ■t the
dyspeptic. Ark your dreggisr for a
bottle. Seventy -lice cents cowl,
My profits arc t.,o small to bold out t',e two of d!sconnti for tareeh.urcbae.a,
But I take the lead in Woolen Dress Goods,
I take the lead in Wool Cashmeres,
I take the lead in Fine Cashmere and Wool Hosiery,
I take the lead in White and Unbleached Cotton,
I take the lead in White and Colored Shirts,
I take the load in Men's Woolen Shirts,
I take the lead in Overcoats and Suits,
and in all kinds of Tweeds and Dry Goods
I have always taken the lead in Teva. In Coffee :Int-, ,,
one kind, and that is the best --and only 25c. per ib., equal to
any 40c. Coffee in the market.
Best Elema Red Cooking Raisins, 6c Ib.
Currants, 8c Lemon and Orange Peeler at Lowest Prices.
I decidedly take the lead Cut Nails -at present - from 3 inck
up, only $270 per keg. ()LAPS, PAINTS and OILS at propor-
tionately same low rates A full supply of Cross -Cut Paws from
beet makers Axes of all grades Every description of Hardware
always on hand. "Perfection Cook :'tovee'at wholesale pi ices
eaves of l'wthe ea She Ives,
Mr J. M. Halliday writes as follows b
a recent Dumber of the North American
Keri.°•: -I am satisfied that defective
Tenon and blindness will pretty sa.n be
a prominent characteristic among Aeteri-
;can people. I make this aaserteet with,
out having seen any statistics whatever
on the subject of blindness. I found
out long ago that a cup of coffee leaves
a night -shade on the brain which con-
tinues longer than an eclipse of the sun.
For some time past I have been con•
NO OTHER DRiLL made can be instant17 regulated to run at any desired depth
W it brant ...• Pune the temm
suiting with different persons in Council - NO Co , HER DRILL will wow alt kindeot
Bluff who an suffering wilt: (alio gain tho►owghly, evenly good properly cover
ti g ' ed ai a nun l..r n. Ae•pt h to all tinct• of ao.{.
eight, and in each inetanoe I ascertained ' NO OTHER DRILL cumtnrwrre to . ear the Instant the horses comme•ce to more and
a or and no emir's c•lt
regular coffee drinker. I load long . raur surpasses u, taw c.mfi.ning two implements In one.
era had a dry and shrivelled appear• I
sore, no wait. Rawl eavescnM in bindi0g.
mii..+ u.. zi.gii .: • :sort:ng i5,. ahc•r turning. '� .
that the unfortunate person was and 5 • NO 01 HER DRILL •'"ata iia iln.rirr when nerd es a cultic ' 1
noticed that the eyes of old eoflee-dnuk
RM. the ¢retest Inventions of the eke In our new cutter
�ng Week Meat le
A distinguished general related t } When suffenD from a truuble..,rne 1
pathetic incident of his own expert ce I cold, • hacking cough. hoarseness, alis .&r D—
in our anti war : The general's son w a me, assault n
bronchitis, ia, or other forme .4 thong AGRICULTURAL WAREROOMS. FLOUR, FEED, &c.
lieutenant cf battery. An aault was lungng tuombles, is to use Ha¢yt►rd i
being made. The father was lading his Pectoral Haleam to hempen the phlegm ; In returning thanks to our numerous friends, both in town and
division io a :herr.. A. he pressed on and ...tithe and heal the inflamed mucous i coimtry. for their liberal wtrona since our erminllencement in bual-
in the field *eddied? hie eye was caught surface.. it core. where 'then fail. 2 1 rte'
by 11. sight of • dead battery officer ly- ________ n•It¢ 'wry, Wer would rt's1meetfulty announce that nor Seed Oman
ing jo.t before him, One glaace.howed Rev it. Y. Tbompann, B. A., it D., I)el.artin•nt will Is: found e•onplete in every detail. We are Itnporb•
him it was his owe eon. H5a falheri tin- and oda, former'y of H.nasll, recently ers and (irow••re of thi•i I).'lmlrtment ouraelvea, everything is experi-
pules was to stop beside the dear body of Bnti.h C..tumbis and Winnipeg, mentally own, and after a three years text the bet for the Farmer
and give vent to hi. grief ; but tbe duty wen on • visit to his brother, Mr.
of the moment demanded that he res. tri ow is brow rat forwnril. Everyone who values a reliable change
p Jame. Thompson, of Tarnberr,, nut %
on in the charge. So geickly aia;ahing week. Mr. Thompson has been for I of Seed Will •Io w.•l1 to (live us a Call.
one hot kiss from the dead lip., he went ossriral years connected with Knot Col- i Oi-R STO('ti OF CLOVER AND TIMOTHY
on leading his command in th...aault I lege, Tun rat., and et a mon .•f marked
So Aaron was summoned away from I ability, mature .cholartbip and genial And all kinin i of Agricultural Grasses will be the beat the Market
grief to duty, and could not Ma* for !
disposition. A ff rtdx
which cots but one cord. makes
any mourning on the death of his two !
sons. tTeually the pressure is nut so in
renew, and we can ease longer to wee • we ieeetsl rhea t esdeere.
p fro pp I lur selectton•i have been made with the greatest care and only
and do honor to this memory of tier dead' This is the dile given to Se,.tt's Emnl c
urh tieerlvrnen sale have a reputation to sustain have been dealt
yet the principle w the acne. Got skis. N^n cit ('..d Liver (hl h, trawy thowaanda 1
not went ea t, waste our life in Mara who bare taken it, it not only give. with- Our stock in this Department will be found Complete.
A Fall Stock will be kept constantly on handl. We sell the beast
Flour the Market can produce and guarantee malefaction on every time
A Fall Stock of tial. }ine of goods will be kept on Exhibition,
and For Sale, Binders, Mowers, Seer' Drilla, Rakes, Hay Forks ('ulti-
We are to pat our grief into rise energy flesh land strength h, virtue of its own
of service, and it should make us were nutritoua properties, but creates an ap-
reverent, more earnest, mon useful. Bate t..r food. 13418it, and try year
tied's work must not be allowed to alter I wemght tleel/'e Islam . perfectly
es stop to mnero. The fires rt palat.kts, tab, at 30e
stall he burning on the altar, an Il • 'and $11.while
w orship mod still go on. The woo in !
the hnueehold, in the stare, in the ti d. 1 A bylaw will be submitted shortly to
must he taken un again the enwher it the ratepayer of li'ah•rth. for the pnr � vatora, Sulky `` Ploughs. Ire., for tai. Department will I s. represented
better. This is a learnt we need to 1 o pew oe the pis between 11 000 and $7,- by MR. W. R. FART o,E, of Dungannon, in the Townships of Atshtiekd
well, that when a shock of earn., co JO foe the purp.w'f !whittle the town
we may 0..t M poral, zed h1 it. but y •with electrisity and paving Nan Street. ('olaroerne maga, and by MR Aeot's MifKi!elloly, in the Townships Of
rise seam at ranee ant pans oe i, I ('olborne, Mullett and lialerjclt W. R[?RR(►�'S,
pith of duly and appointed INV �.1e 92 SereJaahan
Westminster Trochee.
flee es risk in belying medicine, but
A Rgwass Of one doted "Tat a great Kidney and iwvtn trgwla- irsl—
sear ' to any one sending the lees/ freer
rhyme on ' hags*sv.' the reMark ��
little gem for the Teeth and Vett. Rt A d Bowan Sold b
7 .er drvgya.s: ut address I 11tH. Sig1111
tiro, made by Dr Chase, Seth. of Chase
rreeif,es Try Chase's Inver Car'. 1.
all dowries of the Loewe, Kid
rnw+ac ao ,wee n y Jews
tn, drew*.