HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-4-5, Page 1O RTY-atrOt1U PEAL. !
%HOLE'CYbLk. 1
I stili# r !LS lit ID7Altt7D
TO ADVERTI336-8. I Mir Weath.rrald has been visittaR
ifrieoodseu B•hel
Notice of than es must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Tt irsday of each
Applicante for Licences W. J. Paisley.
A ole -stirring Perm P. Downing.
repreialties C. A. Nair*.
ltulldieg for t+a!t J. .1i Williams.
Perfumery Y. Jerean.
Millinery The Misers Wares.
North American Life- Y. J. T. 'Sahel.
Imported Hoods John Acaeeon.
rise Tailoring K. Mac•Corraac.
lees of Memory (7e... P. i .a i.Il.
Judicial gide (:arrow & I'ro.itfown,
PhreeTunieg Professor Aar(i.ksen.
Eaeeator'+Notice a:. P.Sheplrr.
Kswd&Na sluovin Parr G. P. Howell.
Yell 41111'11—At T.akeviese Farm, Lerhar e. on
the VII ho( Starch. thea air, of Mr J. D.
McManus. of a (laughter.
IlCaresi On the I. ti non., ashse!,1 Feb. V II.
the widest Mr K. Hunter. or •d•o1hter
Howr.i--Naww_ At the realdewee of the
bride's father, Oodarich, o. the 3rd lsel
h, itev.Jes. A. Andorwn. R A.. Yr Wm
Horton. of Ooder!,;h to Si las tirtniedauRh-
terof Mr. J•iha Newell.
t. Mtr•aatgsfit leNse
.tui faith heti Arent
7'be row about the electric light service
doesn't worry Geo. Stewart. He can always
take soon photos at his establish mint.
0o0D PaWWRNT.- The overt useful waft
7011 cam make is to give a Wirt Pen. App
ply to D. M,O411ionddy, agent Ooderieh.
U. C. R.ehartaon• ('rebb's blsek.bes a fine aw-
sortmeat of all kinds of wa1I raper fmm :..-. a
roll up. Gies him a call. no trouble to show
Tut PlfiRwt.'T,- Thar 19 the name of Gen.
Rhynes. the druggist's •ew utarters. and he
h as made it the we plus ulrru of dr,y( storm.
The latest and best 'Doris in dru,ts and fancy
art(ckscan be bad there.
Tbenes who get their sunset F. ftA.Prid-
ham's eaa be picked ore of the crowd every
UAW. ow ing to the llnish..1 appy araac. '1 thrlr
garments. Gad mater al. late style. sod
nest -class workmanship always tell.
Tien Wowax's ('x RnrrIAv Ts1rcRANet
Czios will meet regularly for the traneaetins
e t business every Tuesday aftentoo. at 23
o'clock. in Knox church. Keen, woman in-
terested is the work 1a cordially Invited
to attend.
They c*Dt(vate. everybody ! TAoe0 beset if&
wall papers at ttsuedere k (ton's. The prier
and patterns are both witching. some very
pretty patterns of ceiling papers and decors-
tirra. u,th buil inatr.etlon• aa to hanging. se
that any promo of ordinary no -channel skill
can dercrate their own boner. ('all and see
them at the cbespset boozer under th.. sun.
The merry Jimmie of the sleigh hells boa cess
ed. and around tiodericb, ani until you wet
near l'1inton, tbere•re evident signs of gentle
Spring. Lseryooe is making preparation fur
the change of season, and the gatek comity( of
summer. Not to be behind It. R. !sallows-
t tic photographer. is paving hie piney in order.
and whentbs work is don+ he will bave the
;hoar complete photo audio outside of the
t.!'es. corner of Montreal street and Square.
"Mole Wil nave It."
Tb. wonderful beating and sentbisg pro-
perties of Llamado-a ! W ilse s Royal (,lyoer-
ated Nalsam of Fir are the secret of success.
Coughs. ('olds, Sore Throat. Asthma, Whoop-
ing Cough and incipient Consumption quietly
give way to decorative powers, Nothing but
ts superioris over other remedies has created
demand deand Tor it from all pans of the Prov
in x. nbirb has es en extended to the United
States. Why 1 Because every person who
bis used it *pones well of it• Druggists sr I it
'rice 50 eta. per bottle- ani
Mrs David Willing left on Toeeday for
Detroit, where she tatands to reside in
Jame Dickson, Registrar, of Goderich,
and Mrs Dickson spent Sunday last in
Mr Bedford Richardson, of Trinity
Medical College, Toronto,, is home for
his holidays.
Dr McDonagh will be in Ooderich for
consultation on the brat Saturday of
every month.
Many of the old timers will recall Old
Dr McLeod of Goderich. He is still on
deck. —Kincardine Review.
When you herr a man my of a dude
that his had is affected, don't believe
his. There's nothing in it.
Mr Adam Ledprwood, done -cutter,
of Guelph, has been here far some weeks
working o• the new post office.
Dr. and Mrs. McLean, acoompsnied
by their niece, Miss Cameron, left for a
trip to CArafil, Florida, last week.
Mrs .1.:Te. Pearen left last Friday for
Bramptortilln join bar husband, who he
gone into, the milling business in that
During the past five weeks over 36,000
envelopee have been disposed of et Teo
ltuoxAL.'. Ws print them at vary reason-
able pries'. Call and sae samples.
W. F. Kelly, mason,bas engaged with
a London contractor add will be employ-
ed • good portion of the simmer on the
Goderieb pnstollics. - Brussels Post.
The Mess Johesoe, of (aid.vlch,have
Weight out the beanies lately run by
Mel.dm IieN«II,L.okttaw, se • bakery.
They ere yoeng sees se en emt.rprising
tore and so doubt will ao.insaid s fair
share of the trade 1n breed, twine, eta
Mr Harry Doesgh, of Gndsria►, has
.eeepted a Studios with Mama Gike\-
riat, Gres & Co., Wingless Harry
elan play base- H, lacrosse sad nut toot
a horn, therefore he will be well reeved
by the boy. and etatiaana of Wtngham in
TM esetstertafn.emt is «inns tion with
the 3boir of Noetb-st Mahndid eheeeh,
whleb wee ie seems ofas
been indefinitely poutpseed. owingte
titis Maas of some ne the otllfuide Ment
that had been aniseed to take part in
the progress.
Miss Minnie Cooke returned from
Pina.nning. Mich
Mrs Hayden and son left on Monday
to join Mr Hayden in Manitoba.
If yon are Dot healthy. you will ant
I care much whether you are wealthy rod
uveae or 11..1.
Mina Marls, who has herrn visitin.l in
I town, returned to her haws in HMCo -
field 1.111 we. k.
tine, W Th .mead has the agree, fo-
bicycles ; esti a. d leave your order at his
music war+rwtm., Square.
Mr James Rover is ha -k again to
town and hes resum••d his aid positn.n
in the tul..ring dep t.:mem.t of Jim K -td
Lent .1 S. Vara•+, Colborne, of the
33rd Huron Bait*lion his ubtalbed a
tire• c'ses special enure. grade A certih-
tate at the London infantry seined.
Nrhe,o1 Work aid Play, is an tzcel'ent
)•e•ru.11+ puniteanou, issued semi-rnonth.,i
a by the Grip Printing cud Pubirahn,g ,
C eipany, Toronto. Send fur a sample
The Ontario 0 •vernmsnt has made
the fuilowiugappwntnieu : Sutherland
Ma'c n,..u,, 1.4 ti,.denoh, to toe Deputy
R.,riatrar of the Chaoaery Division of
.he HtYh Curt of Ju.tice, %toe Henry
M,rDermott deceari
The Y. nog People's Society of Victoria
sorest churrh writ sive an oyster supper
and e..tsrtainment in the lecture room of
he church nest Monday, the 8th inat
Admieton, 20 cents A sued program,
to commence at 8 o'clock
What's all the row about the electric
lighttos, anyhow i We are informed
there was an Indernatuon meeting held
..n Wednesday evening. but have re-
ceived no particulars as to how much in -
digest iog ons done
Saunders* Son tell ynu how mneh
your water wrti(e D111 C•.st yon before
tea put it in. Prices will ix' sways as
l..w ss is c.nsteteet with giwol work.
Mr ,Iles Maunders, will till and see
y..ur wants and give you a price before
doing the work. by leaving word at the
• t.•re, nest done to the port (Ace.
w Milton Humber was awarded the
dipl. ma in the special crimes of E'ectro
Therapeutics in the University of Ann
Arbor_ • few days ago Mr Humber M
• sin of our townsman Mr C. A.
Humber. and his many friends in Code -
rich will he pleased to know of his pro-
gress in his cho.en profession.
Before purchasing your spring suit
drop in and examine MacCormac's row
spnng tweeds ; you will find a large and
varied electron of the very nicest an de
Ask fur prices and you will be orn•inoed
that you struck the right spot fur first
des clothing at very moderate prices.
He has always hell first place as • lash-
! tremble cutter, and his workmen are the
very net.
FINI TAttotu<n.—Mr S. J. Raid, of
las tiros of J. A. Reid k Bro, is the only
cutter in the county using the elebrst-
I ed "A. D. Rude System" of cutting, which
is patented and acknowledged by the
I loading cutters of the t!nited States to be
tar in advance of any other system in
. ase. Paid Bros are showing an excellent
'stock of Cacadian and imported tweeds
and .,datings. Dent fail to tail on them
of you want • first-class spring suit or
o vem,at.
Te[ PINIL Sa-ut..—The entertain -
meat given is the lecture room of North-
' St. Methodist church as Monday even-
ing, and known as the "Pink Social,'
was well attended. After r.freshmeota
had been served, the following interest
ling program was proceeded ' with : Re-
sponsive Scripture readings, well re-
ceived, chorine, talk. on Japan by the
members ; solo, "Madeline," Mr. Dr'
i Whitely ; recitation, "Out i the Fire,"
1MrsT. Y. Detlnr ; sob, "Pretty Little
Primrose," Mise Minnie Acheson ; re-
citation. "Ballad of Caseandrs Brown,'
Miss Trainee ; solo, "Marguerite,"
Miss Graham. The rooms ewe hand
. omsly decorated, and each young lady
wore a pink bow on her shoulder.
Txa tirlaoARuAN GTP911 BAND —Thiel
►( Friday) evening the celebrated Hunter -
tan Gypsy Band, will make their fare- ,
well appearance in the Grand ()pert
I House, previous to leaving Canada.
Their first sppsaranes in Godetich filled
the anticipations of all admirers of mesio
who were present on the occasion. and
it is to be hoped that their wooed ap-
pearance willl be greeted by an audience
equal to that which welcomed there on
the previous occasion. There will be en
i entire chants of program tonight, end
all who wish to have an opportunity of
enjoying ons of the richest musks&
treats that can be obtained on the Am-
erican oontineut should not fail to at-
tend. Ilan of hell at Fraser & Porter's.
°rye Morn/co.—The Royal Templets
ent rtainmemt in Temperance hall was
bstd Tender evening last. Rev Mr
Potter was *►airman. Following is the
program Opening hymn end prayer ;
recitations by Mr Hervey. Miss Crosier
said Mr MsKsasie ; Reding, her Boyd ;
odes, Miss Minnie Ashcan, Mim
Nisei* Strsehan, Mies Nettie Crabb sad
Miss Gnham : Beset by Mie Graham
sad Mr Beleber. Rev Joseph Edge, of
Chinos, delivered a temperance ddrsss
which was well received. The ester-
tsimtnemt was first edeas and the hall wee
filled. A vote of thumbs was warred by
Mr S. P. Halle sed esoneded by Mr Go
Threnpeon to the lecturer end those whit
took part in the emtertalneseet. • Oed
Save the Qoamm" end the benedigIls
*dared On et:tertainment-
Mr W. B. Dickson, bet -rider. of Bros -
side, was in town this week. He leaves
shortly for Montane.
John Spooner, of Clinton. has bought
out the haltford hotel from W. Lobate',
w ho is retiring from panic life.
Capt A. M. Shepherd leaves on Mon.
day to superintend th4 furnishing of his
new boat which will be re.tdy about
.1 uue.
Mr McCracken, Colnorne,has pnrohes-
eel the re.ideuoe formerly owned by Mr
1s.t43 Coats, and is cowing into torn to
lit e.
R R Sallowsl is putting in a show win-
dow of plate glass at the side entrance
in his getter,. The old town is brisk-
iug up.
Lack Kennedy, the genial end popol-
er clerk at the Albion leaves ahertly for
Claxton to take porisessu.n of the hotel
formerly occupied by Mr Spooner.
Dr M Nicholson, the Wee' -.t dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth a specialty. Gass administered from
9 a in. for the penises extraction of
The mathematical tangle over the cost
of running the Electric Lights Mats the
egg puzzle ant of time. There is tun
much and net enough brains in our
Mr Jones. the a.ntractor, and Mr.
Durand, the Inspector a.f the new public
building, were in town on Tuesday ex-
amining the foundations, which are now
c,mmem sed.
A Qt-slty. —On Friday the 5th April,
1833 --just fitty five years ago to -day,—
the first steam -nom was launched in
(ioderich. Who is there in our midst
who was present on the ucossion i
The firm of J •hn Acheson t Son has
I gone largely into the importing hue this
sear, ate has now on view a large con-
signment ni triode, especially imported
from the European markets. They talk
business in our advertising columns this
w eek.
Rev. J. H. Simp.nti, of Broerfield,
will preach in Kell Cherch,thts; Friday)
evening at 7.30, preparatory to the ob-
servance of the Lord's Supper next Sab-
bath. The collection nn Sabbath will be
on behalf of the poor fund of the eon-
gregat ion -
Mr W, C. Ashen fetter, travelling agent
for E W. Gillett, Toronto, was in town
last r ' gwahine the firm's trade in
RoyslTdllrC*keg, Imperial Cram Tar-
tar Baking Powder, Powdered Lye and
Gillett's Washing Chrystal. He reported
business good,
A Por'i.as I,rTR—A new
eels Upright Pianoforte recently erne
pleted by Messrs Newcombe a+ Co., To.
mean, is affording great sanitisetion. It
fills the requirements for a reliable in
strument by • first elees makers% a figure
w ithin the reach of all. Write them for
particulars. tf
A country postmaster write to say thht
he does not once handle a letter an
ounce in weight, where about 300 regis-
tered letters pass through his office in a
year, generally containing small amounts
soot out by farmers for newspapers, in
sorance, etc. The fact of the matter is,
the prnp,sed pate] changes are, under
the guise of a blessing, an outrageous
The Winnipeg 8ijtitigr endeavors to
palm of this paragraph on its mediae as
trothtul:—"Gosh," mid Mr Timothy
Hayc de,as he surveyed his apartment
at the Clarendon, "they do get up these
here taverns in greet shape these days.
When I was aboy down in Ontart-o I
wouldn't a b'lieved that ever I'd • okkip-
ed a room like this here, with 'lactic
belle an' hot ria' cold water am' --,"and
then he blew oat the gas and retied.
A Pratt" atib.—Waterloo Citron id* :
A week ago last Sunday the Rev G. F.
Salton preached missionary sermons in
the Methodist church of New Hamburg.
The New Hamburg correspondent of the
Woodstock Sentinel Rrrwor pays him the
following graceful tribute : Rev. G. F.
Salton, of Waterloo, preached mmmini
and evening in the Methodist church
dealing with the question of missions.
The sermons were powerful expositions,
and the collections and sub.enptioas
more than double that of last year ler
Left ens ham last week. • -
Mrs Cassidy wee Made !tethering-
; tun) is tai* harpy norther of a young sxii,
baro last week.
Nile Ldg. i. O. G. T. had a very
successful enterlain.ncut on Tuesday
miming. Deputations trout Leathern
and Auburn lodges added witch to the'
A FORTY-NINER. skew an the plains. As I lay tis dome is
rest, I was forcibly reminded .4 Robin..
, I sou Crease wlieu he (t: lmineJ "1 ih ! soli-
, to California in '49 inns, where are the charms that urea
a I bare seen iu thy face 1 1 was up neat
I !moronic bright and early and est about
1 an hour was in town. After a generst
CHAPTER VI. i diecesswn, it was thought best to try
tum pro3ure a wang..n and hurry down
T.tlse Ed,tsr of Tnw >iuru.' I to Brown and get up ..or sato This,
Our long and tedious journey, w_th its bosr.rar. was n of v• wally aoa,wtpliahed,
iscideuts end danger, was now •tinost as ao sshic:e of soy drsorptiuu what-
bt au end, and silbough we had
efficiency or • first *lass program. T.
next upeu lodge weal be eagerly await-
Mrs David Johnson died last Satur-
day morning, after a short but very pain
ful illness. She was only 22 years of
age, and was married to lir Johnson
luta than a year ago. Mr Johasou has
the sympathy of • large number of
friends u, hi. peiuful bsreavemeut. A 1
large n,oeourse ..f (risuds followed the
remains to Domgannon cemetery on Sun-
day afternoon. The funeral serwou is to
be preached in the Nile church next
Sunday moraine by Rev H Irvine.
From another correspondent.
Mr Geo May lust • very valuable horse
last week.
Mr and Mrs Cain, of Gorrie, :Are
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Isaac Carter has gene to Manchester
for the summer. He will be much miss-
ed around .••"ate pacts.
Messrs Pentland and Morrow, of this
ptace,$re seriously ill. We hope. soon to
bear of their complete recovery.
Farmers, yet Tour oats cleaned ready
for sale,as Archie will need rues in order
to be able for his herd wore, which he
has recently resumed.
Mrs Hetherington and daughter have
returned home after s short visit among
friends near Londun. They look well
This leads us to infer that the climate
must be agreeable.
Ploughing has fairly started in this
ricisety, the first being done by Gen
Potter on the 27th ult. The land is
dryer and in a math fitter eionditinn Ger
work than it was about the middle of
April last spring.
We sew certain indietions of • Has
ty, spnng nu Tuesday evening of last
week. These were most marked iu the
(Mullein, p:ant, Which was seert stretch-
ing forth its mighty branches into the
air and beard shouuug with delight.
The Rev Henry Irvine, pastor of this
cherub, conducted the services in On-
tant. street Methodist church, Clinton,
ou Sunday last. His palpate were tilled
by Mr Manning, of Clinton, litho deliv-
ered excellent discourses, taking for his
subject in the evening, "Alan's Chris-
tian warfare.'
On Thursday evening last a number of
our young folks gathered at tie house of
Mr Jackman, where they were heartily
received and welcomed. After spending
a very pleasant evening at all sorts ref'
games, and doing justice to a sumptuous
supper, prepared by the hostess, the
party teruks up The belles were not at
all I racily on their way home, a:though it ;
was rather dark.
From our own correspondent.
Mr Thor. Durnin has returned from
Manitoba, having been successful in his
sale of horses.
Mrs R.ubt. Wallace and children, who i
have been visiting her mother, Mrs John
Martin, of this village, left hero on
Tuesday for Vatc,uver'■ Island,which is i
to be her future residence,
Miss )rnie Thomp.on,of this village, I
left on Tuesday for Chicago.
The monthly meeting of the Yet
Wewanosh Mutual Insurance Company
was held here on Tuesday, the 2nd day
0f April, all the directors being present.
Several applications for policies were
presented, which evince that the com-
pany is in • prosperous condition.
On T.,esday, April 2nd, at the nisi-
deuce of the bride's father, Mr Ruttier-
furd, Wont Wawanash, near St. Helens,
Mr George Grant, of Lucknow, was
united in the bonds of matrimony to
Mese Maggie Ratherrcrd. Miss Ruttier -
ford taught school in this section for,
sums tune very acceptably, as assistant
teacher. We wish the young couple a
happy sod pn»psroue union.
The weather has been ehangsable sines
Salton has •clear ringing voice,
use I our last, and not so spring -Ike, having i
chaste Eoghsh,atates his pointe in Irigicai l accasonal falls of sane, which caused t
order and eaaily holds the audience by a' the roads to be muddy and unpleasant to
happy combination of ideas, diction and travel on.
oratory. The reverend gentleman N EDri tnosaL.—The following is the'
quite young yet, but if last Sunday's i result of the written examinations held
efforts be • criterion he in • short time ! is the whorl in this .section, during the
will bold a leading place and be one of month of March, in the *.Dior depart -
the ablest and moat popular preachers of `meat, Mr Georg. Wneds, I'nneipal.
the Methodist Church of Canada. The names of the four who received the
Tote Reeser DsaaT1.—The debate highe.t somber of mai" etre rives.
ander the mosppio.a of Clinton Collegiate' O Form. Stewart, 415; George
Institute, whict took place in the Cion Durntn, 358 Maud W hyard, 36? ;
tow' hall on Friday evening let, suss a Mend Killian, 345. Senior IV.—
most untrusting on., and was men •p Arthur Martin, 383: John Stewart, 31116;
precasted by all p.sest. Th. gw.stiott Thomas McLean, 295 ; A. Thompann,
were, "Resolved that party government '' Jonio,. Fourth -- Retells Brown,
is set a \indra'e. to the interests of the ! !00 ' Emma 'redness, 145 ; Magni.
state" Tise amnesties was espoused j Bmieb, lm ; Lily McLean, 179. Senior
by M.mrw Cooper and Treleay.n,of Clin-' rd — Mary Pentland, 2t'i8 ; Lily
tau, wad the negative was debatd by I fltsthees, 446 ; Willem Givens. 198 ;
Ms.ms Harvey sad McKersie, of Gods- wryStewart. I1K. Junior Thend—
ride. The jedg.s were Mr Manning and fin' Web". 196 ; Grist Bowe•.,
Rev. J. Lieiagnosa, of Clinton, sad Mr.
D. McOillicoddy, of Ood.rioh. The de-
cision in the debate was basad epee three
division,- argument, eeompoaitios sad
d.lietry, 100 poiesis being the maximum
for the first, sad 90 for sane( the other
divisions. The result of the ledges'
points .gwrsgatd showed that Godsrish
won the argument, °beton led few enem-
ies, and Me ten lade stand pear I
po nobly ever could be had. 1%,.rd wee at last
shared ane encountered the utusl sent tum to hire son,. one to bricg uD'
see..uat of annoyances sub;set to such the things wed turn the horses out to
a.uditt .na, yet here we Iter all safe and vesture ou rime ranch. This was drone.
e. eel and eap.yn,g • measure u(
health and strength which fitted us toe and In duo time we received everything
all right. Reines now well inipplied, wet
the arduous duties of the coming min- w.nclud e a.owgoae
ing life. Nevada, our present resting beton,detherethfore ecnerlecuueg at soleo esuwork whatib
place and future ti - me. powwowed all the teas known as
features ..f a genuine California mining
settlement. It cootaiued nu house, but
in their stead a series et canvas tents
and wooden huts, which sheltered its
two hundred inhabitants, wan had ar-
rived dorin. the past two mouths. The
brashly had a:quired a w"rderful name
by the discovery of exceedingly
e1a'11 DtPr4ITA or THE 1'RL,'Int'.i '1r.TAL,
and already quite a number of b,rtunate
gold seekers bad succeeded iu making
their "pile." The tale of its ash nta"ing
wealth had gone far and wide, drawing
together a ta..tley crowd fern 0',, four
corners of the earth. S'n••e buy day
fo rIuoee have been re*lized by Welty
Americans in this oeighbothoed produc-
ing incomes which far exceed that of the
richest peer in England. From a nate
arable looking place of huts and tents, it
has risen to • fine city containing thou-
sand* of inhabitants. Wit soon eom-
menced looking about us, to take stook
..f the place and determiue what esu bet
A. ba dont!. In wandering around, we
observed a lad of bay standing as if
for sale. Our horses being badly o8 for
feed we rode up to make enquiries and
ascertata its puce. While so engaged
buy horse ,rsbbed a mouthful of the pre-
cious stuff, which, however, was et ono,
taken from him by the owner. Sur-
prised at tbu,1 remember quite well turn-
ing to one of my comrades and remark-
ing, "toys, were in a pretty tough coun-
try, for you see you are nut sure of what
you have even gut in your mouth." On
examination we all concluded the load
contained lea than • ton, and whick we
were quietly informed we could have for
iH[ itosEaT stir air $309,
as the lucky possessor said he was in a
hurry to be off, as he had a long way to
travel. The pre* of this hay was but a
fair wimple of ail the ether necessaries of
life, which 811i convey to the mind of
my readers a very goad idea of the ad-
vantages 1, of beteg in • land of gold.
Prospectors were now duly pouring in,
and et Duos becoming consumers, and It
was evident that provieiou$ of all kiteds
were more apt to set dearer, thee
(damper ; therefore, it was decided to
make a tnp to Sacramento and there
purchase enough of everything we re-
quired, sufficient to put us over the win-
ter. Dick Brown, of Chatham, and my-
self were selected for the journey—the
11113 ; Martha Davidson, 168 ; Matilda
Tesspsi', 138.
we John HickinebottomL the genial
amea'stef the township of Went Wawa -
sods, *id en (Anisi visit to our hamlet
last wet and took notes aseordingly.
Mr Jta. !Cahn', of this villas., has
got • position as an assistant on the tarn
of Jame Johnston, Lin., reeve 0f Wes
Weeramelt, doting the *swing .sa•oa
for delivery, totaling each points out The Jaunt question is the prinoipst
of • possible 00. 'IQQ ( topic glib* day in the totality.
Td:' ...,ton (LAT Reolo,t.
We put up a snug little Int ahaoty,
abundance of po•e timber being quite
near ua. To purchase a mining kit wee
ext move, and which
found a
mostuexpensivs business as ahtl sin and
picks could n •t !tea b.ught fur leas thea
nine and ten dollars apiece. All b.utg
now ready we finally gut to work, sod
commenced burrowing hole Into Mother
Earth in search of gold. We stuck to
our claim ter over fire months, workisog
hard a'd laving barrier, but after all with.
very poor result*. Nothing but vain
espeotation kept es going, always
( iaiag chit oroiirrow would be bolter
than today, but ales, for us, the success-
ful tomorrow never mum. Disheartened
end discouraged we at last decided to
sbandoe the job. break up camp and
each one of us go io search of something
with more certainty of success. To give
my readers an idea of the other side not
the brig;tt one) of wining business, we -
found, after paying for everything and.
squaring all up, we had only ruasde the
small sous of seventeen dollars each, for
our Eve long and hard months' wore. A.
baker in the seighbotko.d desiring to
leave, we ciubbed together all the money
we had, and gave at tD Lancaster to bey
him out, which he succeeded in doing.
Beings practical hood at the business h•
sown did a r.arnig trade, and made stoney
fast. in a few weeks returning tut every
dollar we had advanced him.
SCODer w44 x13 lr:SY
as everyone quit work, to mingle web
the crowd, her the news sad compare
notes. It being impossible for one man
to maks bread and other thing, mad
tend the shop, we all went down to hold
him oo this day, and to give an idea .e
the extent of his business, I have fse-
queotly known hotn t., wake ier awe•trwsoi -
red and tiky dollars before night, while
his profits were enormous, as many a
time I acid over the little counter ass
much as one hundred pies a day for s
dollar each. Ever] thiug rias realized ins
proporteom --pipe sod tobacco, beer a
dollar a bottle, end grog twenty -ire
cents a nip. The saocess of Lancaster
was but • fair sample of others alto had
the good sense to let mining alone and
follow their trade, but to the ordinary
mind this did riot offer sufficient excite-
ment, while it also lacked that speculative
distance being over eighty miles. Tab- anal gambling character, which was at all
ing eight or nine horse and our Maxi- ( times the true :emotive to mining life,
can saddles off we went. The trey was
rather pleasant, as the travel to and
from the mutes was now quits heavy.
Numbers of peek -horses, laden with sup-
plies of all kinds, with now and than a
waggon, were continually bong pass-
ed, while their anxious owners, whip
in hand, were berrying the pour brutes
along to "the distant fields so green."
In a little over two days
and the motives which prorltpied us thee,
are the same as ynu will witness every
day, only in $ tar more ridiculous and
demarvstratine manner, at either the
Cheesy, Board of Trade or the Stock
E&obange of San Frandeer, In • short
time our little party became scattered
Isere and there, I, myself, enactsg wsl
a mac .t seven dollars • day and
end es soon as pc.ible we were cont to assist him at his diggings. The shirt
forsably located in • decent hotel where, not turning nut well, he gave it up, sea
after • lapse of over tiae months, we en-
joyed the luxury of amens living like
Christians. To sit down to a well ar-
ranged table. abundantly supplied with
thea 1 was again out of a rob However,
I was *aeon at work; again, this time tot
tee donates day and board myself. As 1
was allowed to make what overtime L
sit reasonable c..mf..rts, and pots► Op at oho ht
prop., L towiy
nightlightfuwithlclear. a good from clean bedlying, on wasMaother
els- Med days a week, fear ihich I sllrw'ays re -
waived nil eighty dnlian in gold. Hsvimyg
Earth during all a.nditiuea of weather. a good constitution and p+i.wessed efi
1-ndsr each oircmmwt•°ee., u It any great poen of endemics. T hardly sewn
wonder that when the morning dammed, knew what it was to fed tired, m.n-
I felt • little baulky abut turning out 1 sequently the lobo,. was never to. hard
Having succeeded in obtaining all the or the day to.. lung. 1'ufurtunately this
supplies we needed, at price much M I claim ala) gate not in a short time. Had
low what we should have had to pay u'
the mines, we preparedfor our refer
home, everything being packed on the
horses basks as snugly as we knew bor.
Mot being socustomd to Barry seek
heavy loads is this way, the poor brute
suffered terribly after only one day's
travel, their bake becoming so galled
sod tore, that we fouled it quite imps -
it euntinued my brio would soon hew•
beoutas wealthy, while i and the rest of
the gaeg would hive shared his prosper-
ity. I now determined to permanently
abandon mining pursuits sed go sed
assist Laneenter, hut jus es I wee gettist
stone nicely, i happened with an seem -
dent by letting • heavy pot of boiling
water fell out my foot, which scalded lee
aible to proceed farth.r in this w*T. .o sericompelledo°dy that 1 was compelled take.
C..ping for Ilse night quite early, only to b.1, and what with the psis and
mumsmile lm •e
having heoompltahed, the *seaweed idleness, i became** realise
**damned 'ext anomie" to procure a out I a. enmpellyd to ornfees1 g'ot
',I wo° if Dee was to bo ''braised' quit* be ine-«ob. Therefore as soon as lI
was sm&Fieemtly recovered, 1 ale pew..
parstiona for say return.
Tti 1R CONTn•rr[n.
Senwb and inquiry fatted, however, in
Audimg rine in the neteNborhood ; there-
fore we ooncluded 1 bad better go bask
glome, and aegesint the ret how mat -
Imre stood. Leaving Brows is comp to
get along the ben way he .veld, I took
two of otos horse sed started heck, bas-
ing nothing to carry but me 1 swede
tolerable good imam., At night 1 lay
drown all sloes, with only the slab's for
clever whish 1 won a esy back daring
the day.
I aurin[, MY urtrow Pan. (Yft.s.
is a spec -die sod antidote for any...
weak and impoverished Blood, i)ye-
ppeeppu.i•, Rhee* etiam, Laves of Memory,
hiroochitte, Consumption, Gall Stones,
Jaundice. Kidney sad Urinary Dms.as..
St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities
cord General Debility. Nies $1 and 12
a bottle. Cell or writ. for Mclend'a
ea there who know asythisg shoot the System Renovator, Newgate sR, tiode..
clients of California will be well aware rash, Out.
of, as • gond warm overcoat, and ai°ally
as warm • blanket is se nee.aeary at The Home Missies Oo.mittw of the
sight es in a more werthern Iatitede. Presbyterian church in Canada the ether
The second day brought me within three day voted moseys te the amount ark --
sus of my party, bet eight ermine no 000 in grants for work among .essieei
and my horses being about weed ep 1 was statles@ and eusgregatiows rwquirieg we..
ootapailyd to pato snotbst sight in camp dMNaners,