HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-3-22, Page 4et , fi gnat rtJ. Is rt tunitap EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT ITe eTYr r61%TIXu orf vt AiUKTH -STREET. GODKRICH. it til • wideerwake local wewsppaaper. derdlah •e,antt aPwil and the diesewd luetiaa of e 1111tu- aw ' • t 1111111 OF IS MN'RIFTtei11 r IJO • year : 75c. fur six months : Ne, iter tares months. If the subscription Is not paid to edvac,e. subs-vivito° will be .barttod at the rate et ttue a )car. AHVCSTI*ITf. MATEOt Legal and other canal ardvertisemesla, M4 per line for first insertion. and 3 cents per Use for each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil sale. Local notices in noopariel type 5e per lies. Local melees in ordinary reading type lc pe Blueness cards of sli lines and under 1.1 per peer. Advertisements of Lost. Found. Strayed. ((igma•tlons Vecaut. Situation \Vented and )geatoess ('Sauces Wntnd, not exceeding t )bass nonparirl tI per month. Heuses on sale and Farms on Sole. not to exceed t linea til fur first moth. 50c per sub- esquent month. larger advts In proportion. is to Anem a the petunia pecuniary benefit ofobject of which anylndi- vidual or cowman •• to be considered an ad vert.serneat Sad charted accurdimely. Thew teems v$A be aY ensu be •Di illy 111 - breed to. Special rales for larger advertises/wets. sr fu▪ own atmiutdfce of pubents for licated ion. JOINING *Sete JOINING DEPARTME"T. A fglig equipped Jobbing Office Is tarried ea in ells rctloo with t he ordinary newspaper b.•.ams. whore ant -claws work is turned out at reesonahl! rates. Et erytkiitg in the print - lag line can be dome on the premiers from en Ylumlaated poster to • visiting card. All gsmlbuotcaUoms must be addressed to D. tks:YLI4l'NT. Editor of Tint SIGNAL Telepbals (`all No, 3e. GodCa•derieh. tch tett SPRING ASSIZES. THE HURON SWNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH ItiE1ti S OF THE WEEK Wks frewreMlwss or Pre swears-reesMt- meet or the wawa J.ry. LOMA IntDllisalos from Parts. HURON SIGNAL. - Vii_ -- _ -i.*. - .... . • FR13 T, /114110a 2111, 1$89. Owtrn W presatena en our columns by spring advertising • large quantity of outside curresponaeoee is unavoidably crowded out. To ensure atteution cor- respondence must reach us not later than 'Wednesday, and Tuesday would suit us better. Elegem MrJewels Street. Ur to the hour of going to press we have heard no comforting words from the Hamilton Spectator in regard to the great Tory neer.. at Keaoington. And if the Sp...-. can extract no sunbeams from cucumbers it were useless for any of the other Tory journals to try. Tim great excitement in connection with the Jesuit hill tea not yet extended tothat section of the strange order in and around the Cut Line of Goderiob town- ship. The solution of the difficulty will not be reached until the matter ie taken upend discussed in that section. Tits Toronto dailies all deprecate the actsuf several gangs of y oung roughs bead- ed by fife and drum bands that paraded the streets of Tur•nto on Monday evening playing Orange alga, and throwing atones at the Calls in which the Irish people were loyally celebrating St. Patrick's an- niversary. The blackguards in iluesti..n ought to bare been summarily dealt with. Were the Catholics to adopt .im• llaily diatracefcl tectic•bn the Twelfth of July, Brothers Hughes, Birmingham, et of would bes';ide the White Horse and give the alarm, "The c:untry is in danger. ' Toronto the Good will loose its fair name if this thing ceotinue. to be tolerated. THE EDiTOR'S TABLE. A Reed ar Owe Abets" Slew Publications TUN Mve Cease t. masa IJTTFLL'' LI\'rpu *or. The r.umbers of 7loe Lino!! Ayr for the 9th and 111th of March contain Kra- katoa, Edinburg; (lopes and Fears for ' Literature, Fortnightly; Some Curiosities of INet,and American arid English Girls, 11'uli.,ol.i! ; Lawrence (►:ipbant, by Mn Oliphant, lflork,rvs l ; Three Notable Engf!i►hwow!.n, and A Fashionable Au- thoress of the Last ('entury, Temple Ate; Volterra, and The Memoirs of Agrippa d'Aubmpne, Mar•iwillun ; Pen. -nal Recol- lections of the Dego of Wellington, and Snakes. Mwrr.ty's: Elisabeth Barrett Brnwuiur, Lrieere Hoer ; Tennyson'' ('odert,mna, Nperf.dou : Gordon's Inst Hour, I.•n(rol New. with instalments of "A Chronicle of Two Months." "Tie Owl's Revenge," and poetry. For flfty- twunnmhrrs of sixty fur largepeceeteek ,,,r more than 3,3:111 pores a year' the subscript price tilt is low ; while for $10 :oil the publishers offer to send any one '.f the Ameriren 84 m"nthhre or weeklies with T1 I rio.q .41, for a year, both postpaid. Lilted & Co., B.,ston, are the j uhlishers, Altote'o•n Foot illetteme. -Thai asses - ow is now going Me rounds and it is tl erdore important that the atlet.ti•'e - of the public be Bulled be the fags that this year "every male piriai *FEW full age of 21 years, a subjoin ar oaf Inajesty by birth or net uraliestitol,' Sad Mt nth- e:wise dnw ealifl.d, has a rigid t. have Itis mime catered as a person codify.• its Tot' at th.nest general eleelins for the Legislative Assembly. The dit,iwli'y bog claim.' refer to .tudente attending a ' #igh school ne college ; those who have not town rwd.nt• for a period of nine wraiths psis edisg the time flid f .r *shirt the •oa.esmant roll ; to p.reons in ,an acs parr.ws und.rgotng punuh- . moat for manna' offeree : end le insane pemna norIn tee rse who are in whole cr in pJertad by some charitable in • FIRST Dal' The Huruo Spring Assizes opened lure on Tue•_day morosog, Mr Justice' Street presidium. Mr M. C. Camarun, on behalf of the local her, preseuted the judge with • congratulatory addraws upon this his first official viat t.. the meaty. His lordship made • graceful reply. There were no prisoners in gaol await- ing trial, aril the sheriff pressottel the judge with the customary white kid gloves. Therese' per«.us out on bail awaiting trial, and the graud Jury have found • tree bill agamut John t%ilku.son, char; d with forgery. Mr Loma, Q. C , con- ducts the Crown busiuesa There is a heavy civil docket containing eighteen, o•eee. It °fntaine three cases of midi - views prosecution, three of slender, and two seductiou suits. lu Ryan v. Leu - non, slander, tried, a veedict was given for the plaintiff for =100. Mr Ilarrow, t,f.C.,foe the plaintiff, Mr Cameron. (j C , tor the defendant. McL)uraid v. O'Neil, malicious prose citation, settled out of court. Ysgleson v. McClellan -An action for illegal distreee, damisseoi by consent without costs. Dunlop v. Rea -Action to recover frim an eltaestor, verdict fur the plain- tiff for ;3220 .d costs. Mr Cagnetta for the plaintiff: D.fendasit not repre- sented. Anderson v. Anderson -An endefend- ed •jectma.t suit, judgment given fir the plaintiff for 81,232 with costs. Mr Cameron for the plaintiff. .E4•ONn DAV. Mason v. Johnston --An action to re- cover damages begun of a breach of warranty giveu upon the sale of • stal- lion. It resulted In • verdict fer the pllf for *300. The pnrtiee to the suit reside near Wrozeter, and are importers of high -clamed horeea. Gsrrow, 44.C„ fur plff; Wade fur deft. John Wilkin, a young farmer, former- ly • resident near Mitchell, was tried ma the charge of forgery and uttering two notes at Smiths banking house, Sea- ford], on Dec. 27 . The defence set up sod proved was an alibi. Some half -a - dozen persons testified that the prt.00er was away from Seaforth at the time when Smith said the notes were de - counted. The prisoner was acquitted and discharged. Mr Lount, Q. C , fur the Crown. Mr Mabee for the prisoner. J H Lloyd charged with perjury upon an indictment found at the last ami.ea, was formally acquitted, the Crown offer- ing nu evidence, I Rtt.ZSrlrK (T The Jurors for Our Lady the Queen beg leave to prevent : With feelings of pride and satisfaction, we draw your Lied ship's attention to the very light ettiim- inal calendar, which from a p•pulatien of seventy thousand inhabitants will, we feel certain,c,mp•re most favorably with any portion of Her Majesty's Dt:minions. Our excellent system of education and consequent spread of intelligece, is no doubt the chief factor in bunging about this gratifying result. We have visited the goal •Vd have much pleasure in Dearing witness to the efficient manner in which the establish- ment is couduzited, its clean and orderly condition, coupled with the strictest en furcement of all sanitary rulea,reliecting most favorably on the ability of its keep- er. There are at present ten persons with- in its walla, one ucder seuteoce,who will shortly be removed ; three of unsound mind, and the balance are in- digent people simply committed as vag- raita This defective system of providing for this unfortunate clam is, as far as we ciao learn, the resort of mistaken sentiment; w e trust t, better feeling will ultimately prevail, with regard to their maintenance, believing firmly that to take ere of the poor is one of the tint duties of all Chris- tian comomuoitlea With an excellent system of electric plant now inside the town limits, there can he no reasonable excuse for the dia- ry appearance of the court room by n ight, therefore, we would suggeat that 0• time be hot in introducing the bene- fits of this 'modern and neoesssry im- provement. The constant opening and closing of the principal door at the man entrance is • s.urse of annoyance which is very apt G distract the attention of the Court, as well as being decidedly injuri.:05 to these in attendance by the frequent draughts of cold air pouring in from be- low. This should be remedied by the placing of • large screen immediately before the doorway, which tumid ma- terially reduce the Inconvenience. Our Halls of Justine, io point of light, ventilati)n, warmth and gene- ral oumf..rt, should be all that m.dern 'citifies an suggest to make them in every reepact, worthy of the imps rtant purposes for which they are intended. Permit us, on this, the first eeese of your judicial visit tr. nur county, to congratulate your lordship on the ea - sited position you have been called upon to till, feeling conhdent that your lung and eminent services at the bar, coupled with • blameless privets life. will amply qualify you, for those higher and more resto'nslble duties of the Bench. We dame to ezproes here, our obit - 'soon' to Wm. Lourt, E -q. ('rnwn Counsel, (ir the coertesv and esistasce reentered tet us in the discharge . f nut duties, and also the County Attorney Ire Lewis, E•.1 , for his assistance. in conclusion we leg to add oar meted of praise and thankful/ie....hat throogh- ' out the cast empire cf- wli•ch we form :an Inge • part, we .wan Italy say "we have peace in our day." All of which is reapentfoll snhm tied Grand Jury Room, J. J. 'an:ny. (kxlerich 21st M.reh, MINS. His Lordship replied, endorsing their {sentiments in regard to the better keep of unfortunate indigents He ale.. th.nked the grand jery for their kindly nferene. In hignelt • all Crisp Ilrms et menace.* !tee mine Wb. Want she new. 4. • marry later- mattes atermattes Boned hewn ss seas ear seadere' Thee - 1 A lawyer and • person were talking shoot which way the wind wee. Th. form. r said ' We ger by the eartht wee Intim '• Well," seed the person, "'n the matter of wind that 10 the hest gosh or* ' sad the lawyer wMt to .eg lsta. Chatdler, who .bot Mr. J. A. She - fiat l is Montreal, has been seatesc.4 for life. Mr Andrew Pattallu, editor of the %\'uodatuca :Itnfinrl-Iterie.c, has gore 0c a trip to Celdornia and British Coles - Ma. The bill incorporating thek Suyrcme (losrt of the Order of Fore4ters, after «.me amendments, has passed the Bank ing and Column cos Committee at Ot- tawa. Mayor (:rant, the Board of Aldermen and the heads of depart moots reneged the St. Patrick's Day cel.bratlou m Piece York yesterday. The Chicago Cungregati-'nal ministers exhort their brethren in Maasachus- etta, Pennsylvania and Nebraska to boldly and faithfully ounteud fur the prohibition amendmeata. Me Edward Ferree, editor t.1 the Muir, baa returned from bis trip to the South, feeling quite recovered from the effects of his recent severs illness. 4.He is again able to wield the pen. J. Nicol, milk -dreier, Wishaw, has been fined L'2 for watering his milk. He said his "customers" insisted on good measure, and he had tt, eke it out with water so as to please them. The Duke of Weatminister a short trine ago sold Mr. Gladstone's picture to mark his diwpproval of that distinguish- ed tan. It is now discovered that his Gram contributed 1430 to Forger Pig- ott Ea -President Cleveland celebrated his 6204 birthday by slartiaa se • te M Navane, in with ea-Seuetarw . Bayard and Viise atk4 ez-P. M. Gener- al Dickson. are. Cleveland remains at borne. Mrs Janet Innes, in whose house the Mc'(ireth-Holdeu tragedy occurred, has died of erysipelas in the Montreal General Hospital. The terrible event had been preying un her mind and hastened her death: The plant and good will of the Guelph Herald newspaper were on Thursday offered ler sale at auction no - dr an order ut seers. Mr H. Gummer, the present manager, became the pur- chaser at the pricerof 84,250. The California Legislature adjourned dine ,he at 2 30 u'clonk Sunday morning. To signalize the event. two prize tights were arranged. Nearly every member I was present, and in the last mill two 1 senators backed the pugilists. William O'Brien refused to accept hie Monty on the condition imposed by Justice Hannen .ot the Parnell Commis- sion that be abstain from agitation dur- ing the period of his release. Mr O'Brien says his release mutt he unconditional. Michigan deer hunters have projected a variety of schemes for protecting deer ; among them was a plan of fencing in a large territory with wire fencing fe.r a deer breeding park. The latest proposi- tion ia embodied in a hill introduced in- to the Legislature by Mr. Tyrrell, of Jackson, to set apart the Island of Boas Blanc, in the Straits of Mackinac, as a deer park : to stock it and preserve it for the term of ten years. The island mutants 23.000 acres. is isolated and in every way well adapted to the purpose. Dr Rooms read to the House last Tues- day the petition of Jared Ellgood, of Bothwell, but formerly a resident of Middlesex county, who was a volunteer to the rebellion of 1837. Mr Ellgood says he was too late in applying for a pension, and now that in his old age he is quite destitute, he thinks Parliament should make him a donation. CARLOW, From oar own correspondent. A debate will be held In the township hall here on Friday, March 29th. Sub ject. "Resolved that the present protec- tive tariff against the State. is more ben - o f sial to Csoaduea than free trade." A Young captains the affirmative, and J. H. Richards the negative. LEEBU RN. From oar own correspendent. George Robinson, , f Detroit, was the guest of his father-in-law, G. )(oboe, ar., last week. The entertainment of the I. 0 C. T., No. 213, Saw a we!I filled house and t•rderly aodience, who listened to • good program of songs, dialogues, readings, fin , from our owe lodge, ably assisted by the Nile Lodge, who kindly dtti their part. Ifscb number given kept the at tension of the audience in roan of laugh- ter and go g•imor, the entertain- ment tieing the heat held in 1 t'eburn for some time. The chairman wag John McAllister, who performed the duties in lila usual happy manner, and to the mtiefact6•n •of all present. Among the few of the owe: pioneer* . till living in Colborne is Mrs. A. Green, sr., at present In her 94th year. She is still active and smart with her neral', sad recently made • neat had guilt which elm gni. to our popular manner and sailer. Captain .lames Bogie, who has shown the same to many friends, and to any dnohtrng one* who have not ween it the Captain will show it at any time they all en him. We ran say that at her great we aha has few equals in doing work so well and Is still We ro knit as well as when .he come to this township fib years go The prearnce of the Rev Alex. McMil- lian In the pulpit here last Habiath saw • 'large turnout 10 iieten to hie well chosen and able sermon from Daniel tib chap , 4th verse. From it he ah owed three deep I.aeun$ that could l.' learnt - - hr NI who s'eeht GA in prayer like iMnirl. Thoep!t yowl" in yeara,his tar- , •hlaw.d deep etudy and a will to make • mark ..n hie hearers, and with the prospect .4 ,'any long years he./ern ham to the work he has ehn.en, may he rather in many ripe sheaves for his Master's garner. We hope he wit! *pia Isms t. L.•bern to roach. The LOIS* Enterpreis has Oven ap the ghost. Its editor's valedioi..ry says: -"Far fuer years we have Novel it, Sad now having arrived at a deep-rooted eon oluai.wn that as a newspaper publication the Beterpri.e is a buauotal failure we decline to lunger scatter cash. This is teat • smash-up but • shut u;., as far as p! blia ting a limed weekly is concerned. We have • hew more dollars that could be in ,Ike manner squandered, but, as above sail disclose with thanks. mit•ClpLNT.-CS'SStable Davis, Myth. with s eery severe accident, out Thursday of last week. For aims time past Will Sbvrrttt haw hese borne from the asylum, and though coot cousidcred cured. yet his friend' seemel will• Ina that be should remain at home, +t ice he did until last week, when he became enmauageablu. It was then deut.ied t•' remove him G L,nd..e, (louai•ble Davis being engaged to take him tack. While taking him he had the n.uf.+rtune to trill slightly dislodging a small bone in h.5 knee. Notwithstanding thu,howrver,M1 Davis took him to London. But since Le bas coins tonne bac has b>eru a.tupeilod to go ..n crutches. Dentistry. 1`(. NICHOLSON, L D. S. - DENTAL ROOMS. ltlgbth door below the. Wit 003iWen-et., 3025-ly Da. = RICIAAR1J&)N, D.M. -__-BURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Air administered for painlesextgaetin;g of teeth. special attention g iven to the prtsen&twoo of the Natural Teeth. Office -Up Palm. (fraudHouse Block. Entrance ea Weendt., God'i'lek. 1161-11 Assignee's Notice. IN Tips NATTER OT - EDWARD LAUNDY of the Township of Hulett. in the county of Burgo TM abovs tamed bas made an a.. •laote.at to me ander provisions of Chap- 124. hap124. K, a O. lata. A :meeting of trio Creditors of the said Debtor will beheld in mT office. in the Court House, in the Town of Ooderich, a1 11.30 Delo •k in the forenoon, oa Monday the 1st day of April. lei. for the anpotntment of inspec- tors and the giving of Directions with refer- ence to he disposal of the ealate. Peery person claiming to be entitled to rank on the engin is required to furnish to me particulars of claim, proved by affidavit n.ot declarationk and suca vouchers es the case admits of. ROBERT OIIUIONS. Sheriff ot Huron. :.ssigDee. Sheriff's Offline Ooderich. Mardi Cilli, 1St& e6 -2t. Legal Notices. s UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE ti r'ARY, V17.:- C. i Let 15. Can. fi, and W. 1 Lot 14 Con. 7. Township of Wawaootb. at !Martin's Hotel Dungannon. on Saturday 6:h April. BW, at one o'clock. by Joseph Mal - lough. Auctioneer. tarps contains X0 acres, 130 of it cleared balance timbered. Buildings on premises cotmist of a good frame house I1 stories, frame tarn, :16151 mei 2 frame abode i7i.50 and Mutat and other small buildings. There isa gond 3 acre orchard. This pro perry is 3 miles from Dungannon. 1. miles treat Lucknuw end 13 tom Uudrrich. This is one of the lots' farms offered for sale in this section of the country oft let, 1'. building*. land. fervors. orcbards tc., being in tire. class condition and is to all respocte a most de.irablc farm. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. down. balance in 7th days. For further particulars. «+ posters or ap- ply to Venders Solicitors. (JARROW k PRO TOOT. Vend Sone:tors. Dated this lab -day of Manch, !sbst. IN HER MAJKTY'S SURROGATE CRT OF THF. COUNTY OF HURON. NEW SPRING FOODS GREAT Bdt'2.GAI:JS -Et..t R --- Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Seersucker*, White and Grey Cottons, Shirting*, &c. Victoria by the Graces( Gori of the t'nard Kingdom of Great lirrtian and behind Queue Defender of tote Pall h. To Hugh lavidnun'and WilliamIlacidsoD. both of Algoma In the Province of omens) Dae id Davidson. of Port Arthur in ti.e Pro. since of Ontario. Lather Wilson and Joseph 1Mvidson. both of the Township ret' Kinluws is the County of Brace. Mary fteid, of the Townehlp of Ashfield in the l'uunty of Huron, 1Sllen itadtotd, of Pembina County in llakota Territory. Thomas J. Davidson of the Town- srip of Wawanosh iu the County of Huron. and John iavidwn, and mall others newt it tray) concern. it \`'bursa, appears by Petition had aftl- dara, d of Jame. Somerville of the Villas' of Lurkuow in the County of Bence. {.ecus, sworn on the first day of Fnbrusr), A.D. IVA. and "lett in the kegler,' of our said Surrogate Ouun, there is now depp•nd- ieg In our said Court a mese entitled James Somerville easiest Hugh Davidson and othier1. wherein IM said James Somerville is the alleged lo prove in ast Will and T.+, *ameotnofuf law Mary I Dared«m.iate of the'7ownsbip of Wawanosb. In the Comity of Ilunin, drxased, who died o1116oaat bu thu e smt ir rTennwthnsdhalyp out( WOcawawr, .he.. D. Aiw! whereas it appears by the mid Petition and Affidavit thatou ars the natural and lawful chddres and next of kin of for de- ceased• and panics entitled in distribution 10 the real and permed estate and ctfeet of tn. deceased in carie she should to pronounced to have died Intonate. Now this btu give notice to you, the said Hugh Davidson, William IMridson, Das. id - Davidson, Eisner Wilson, Joseph Davidson. Mary Reid. Ellen Braditw,l, Thomas J. David son and John Davidson. to appear in the said i ante either personally lar by your Solicitor or Attorney should you think it inc roar interest so No do at any time during the de- w -edemas of the Laid tense and be- ware final judgement shall be gives t',rrein, and tate entire Mat in default of year so doing the justice of our said ('ourt volt proceed to her the said w ill prove} in solemn fsrm of law. and pronounce polite - meat in the mid eager. yupslrrnre not en b - w ending. or why le case the r.rtid Wilt Pawed not proved In solemn form of Law Admin. gate on of the ethic** ethic** both reel and Sonat of the mid Int. Mary 1/a% id.tm haw S Sot be graded to .ueh pence. as the said Court may direct. Dated this r1.t day a February. A.D. 100. add in the fend year o( our retire Citation to see proceed tugs. D. MrDON ALIS Registrar. ('A V EttOV. HILT t ('A]1FlterhT, Of the town of G..d., ern, In the comity el Horop. Solicitors the said 14 (IR SALE. Weng half of Int ay, Arthur fire's, with small Wick epi rage sheerer. K,'ti.t.txa Inrr.. morn, 114• !Lt. nabtor•'t. tee. Andrew. , 431. ember of H.uvet ani Briteetatis Rad Frame 1r' story hepar oa Keays Street, lot and half lend. Sri era! 1.es In Reed's Survey. opposite mew Mew (+meads. via. Rios U. U. U. 1., S4. Sao 5a4 K Adig 4 above at LAM ItAT $. a5-tf DAV//ON t JOSNMYON, Auctionsent . • TORN KNOB GESERAL AI'O- s T70NRltit and road?elector. OrwMrtek that Hewlett had etsepidnisaile experlrw'r r the aertn.nrwNng triage, he h 1• a medium disrharpe with thnmwgk .«'{dm' art lall .nes ' *015100. 'meowed le him. Order's 1ef1 at )lariin's Hoyt, or sent by wall 1. my &Adr..at Gederish P. fl.. renMlly attended to J(HIV 1 KNOX Osaety Agetl.sesr. 1M-% • "61111V4111111111, ....M.1111,""01011001" --iEh rii'R- New Tweeds, and Coatings ft* 9'ring Snits. 'PAILORI3G A SPEC!ALTY Inspection and Comparison of Prices invited. JUA.REID&BRO Jordan's Block, Guderich• Mar. 22nd, ItINO • Peel Liberals test in couvslitiun at Brampton yesterday and unmn+ated Mr J h Featherston as their amditiate for the C.•mmous and Mr Cauhotii., 71 I'f'., "• 1' as their caodrdato for the Legislature She People's !:oluam. 1\11)1 MTI.CH CIJW Ft l' 4 yan old Meant DOadtl un. Amity i A 1 tl► A. K\K5SHAW Arthur St., Ooderich. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. The underrlgmed offers for sale one import- ed built year's old.1 year old ball.' and three Inst jean bull calces. For further mirth rubies artily to nit's. ANI.EIt0ON, lot IT. __._--_-_ •wi.4 Asn el , one mDui u FJDWit RD NOR MArf LEWIS, $AR sneer. Godermch and Bay ► • flet wen Thursdays from W to t, loan at M per cent Tflebical. • I)S. W. K. ROBS, LIOENTIATE OF 1Ray& 1tMeas of Pwalciw. Fdlsb,u ulax us *nob side of ItarIltou-.t 1 DR McI.EAN, PHYSICIAN, SUI (f0Ol'L Cmwser tt r. Owns sed lir sue Street .emend dear west WV I)Rs. SHANNON s SHANNON, I'•ysiclans Surgeass, webers, he. cater at lir. Shannon's near the poi Widened. G. C. BRASJIOR. J. R. 5a.t- Sue. 1741 Legal. t tl d mile Dinah f Dun nun 10.11:1' IIf you want • good situs'lon write SI .%.1" Bi'r tOHr:it,.. Nursery mei., Ita-honter. N 1. As they are te want at hoots* and uprirri-t `itle.meo. to -011 their choice and hardy ariet,esof Nursery sink. either on :Salary or Commission. S1an.y new and valuable vrietiestu offer. ante them at once. for terms ; delaysare dangerous. tX 41. BULL FOR SERVICE. ()OK. _e undersigned has the tborongbrat bre- gistered Durham bull "Fcrdinend-' for slrvi.e fora limited uuu.t..-r of cows. Terms Eur season 31 : to croon • calf tt 3n.. JOHN TIFF1N, lot No. 3. con. 1, W. D. Colborne.. Nile P.O. 1 O ilii. 1►FPARTNERMHiP Thelpartnership heretofore exhaling he- tw.en W ahem J. Harr and John Willis as baker. and confectioner is lbe tow• of Gude- rich. under the style and Crm name of 11.1e t Willisielihbeen d..s',lved by mutual con- sent The business will hereafter ee conducted w by William J. Hale. ho. will collect all debts due the late 6rwararil. . pay all uccounisagainstaainst the same. Dated this Seta day of Marc).. 1061. P4- Wane.. W. J. HALE. McGILI.I('I'LU1'. JOHN WILILY!. ti. era Solicitor in 1 ('ourt, yes' of- tu I) _1I. BAYS, 130LICLTOR,____ s, llw corner cf Square Sed Real *greet ch. over telegraph I.pit. vote/ M lead et O per test. eiARROW & PROC'DFOOT, BAR r KtST1W4 Attorneys, Solicitors, etc Oesderich J_ (farrow. W. Preudfoot- 17 CAMERON, HJLT & CAMERJN, Barristers, Solicitors to Chancery. rte. 3oderich. M. C. Cameron. Q.C.; P. Holt. M. 0. Cameron. (' 1'. Ross, 1751- 1_ Amusements. (1ODERItYH WSOHA$ICf3' TESTI TUTS LIBRARY ASS R2ADIN IG)0)1, cur. of Seat street wild t)q•are tat «airs_ elpen from 1 to d p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY Leading IAtily, Weekly and Illesfrot,J Papers, M.,azines, d r., on File, MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY SI.M, granting tree use of Library Sad lteedin • Doom. - - - Application for membership received by WANTED -TWO (;(RID YOUNG Librarian, in rooms. mileh cowl in exchange for \t'ancer. S MALUOMSON. GEM ST1VENU. \\ illfeSs.0, Wtiilr lewiuq; ytachiors. ULrO. 1'rceident. Secrttory N'. THU]II'144 4. music as waw rag mwcbuie Goderich, March 12th. MS. d,'pot. *warm Uoder'cl.. 461r. \IR. FOOT ' 11Aa VAI ANCIES Full .t FEW' MUSIC PUPILS. ORGAN. 1LANO.-INGflCD THEORY. Wim, - -PITMAN'S SHORTHANi) BOOKS. 1 A limited number of 'Teachers- and "MannaIr can be obtained at half rata at Tug Sinx.L om.e. IIQUOR LICENSES. Xslire i. her,hv given to all parties in tn. West Riding of Huron, dieinng richer hotel or Shop Licenser fur the sale of liquor. that application for the name MUM Or trade to the aaderytj- mid nut later than the 1st d Apnl erg .V, J. PAISLE1, laspector, Clinton. 21-3t. NSW BARBER SHOP. Tie weiersisnc , having had large rs- cotwl is both town and city. guarantees rst- las wnrk at reasonable reins, tad respecl- fWly solicits a share of public patronage. Stand, over J. N ..ymith's BakerEast tit., Goderich. "-1!2-3m H. L. WIf,PTON, THE HURON HOrEL, This well-known and popular Hotel ha been refitted and enlarged during the past meson. and is now second to none in quality of ac- commodation for the travelling public. Uoud accommodation for transient go.ata W M. C441G. The °gesre, Ooderieh, Ont, • Pimp, ',tor. Loans anb insurance. •=m- 101 WOODUOCR. lJ REAL ESTATE AND INtil"RANCE AGENT. Loans Negotiated with the Meet Compu- tes and Private Capitalists at Lowest !fates of Interest. Agent for the itOY AL INSURANCE Ce.. of England. having the largest surplus of As- sets over Liabittke or any Fin losureace Co. is the World. Office on East side Hamilton -St. (Bittern-h.next door a item. em. Maw. bEAUKR, ('LERK FiRST DIVISION COURT. Convey anter, Insurance, Iotas. and General spv A n, Monet- to Lend at Ir Rate -egad CoeL Farmers' Notes 1)t.c., we.1. Orem e --Nest to Cornell's until ore Mere. I God di 1011-tf (C,J.T.NAFTEL, LiFE FIRS AND A(If'IDSNT !N- I SI' RANCH AGENT, Representing North British t Mercantile; Liverpool, London It Globe; Norwirb t aioa: North Amerhan Life i and Accident lemur - merge. 1 Lowest Bates. I,rw,.,. settled promptly I Mtrnry to Limn on Farm Sari Towu Property. l i eoveyant-tae door. l'ropen y rained, etc. For Sais or to est. OCC• e Cor. North et. and Square. (h,dericb. 71 - FOR BALE. Lot 47s of Oodrricb Appy to. last 1' ll1LiP iiOLT. 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO C.A.ASItkiN Itti . C t CAMDijtoN. God I rich. yN i MONEY TO LEND.- A LARGE HOUSE FOR SALE -A sswstmtof Private teed. for investors, At lowest t's155 ow eretclMw Mer4Dag,a A ppb villa to (AA1010 / t PItOUDYO(R womm•w: inua *1w.•iiingg house In 'b. e41 of Saltforl one mar t-om to 'rich four' ilouse. and now ..rcupir.d by the undersigned. A Iso ; a, re of land t n "'bit h Is a fine selection or fruit urea grape .,ors and other fruit.. A writer eores rI.onlug pest 11.e prrmw•a. out kui111ilags sod other coo, entero ea. 11i roe - flection. Allio3 acn•%or inr land well lrnccd. close to 11-e above property. sur further pani- eular , adore.. by inset. JOHN Me1NTYRR. Hoz 50. Uoderieb, r.r on the premise's zeta - ford. MLI4. ITALrAIILE FARM FOR )A1,E • That valuat.i• property known wo lot loll Maitland coo., U.derreh toonehip, wit bin one mile of ((oder,ch. Im the farm err a large en hard. good oras•• house .,.,I kinetic... all.. Stats: cellar, and frame tare and .tables: rn*0- prl.es 73 scree. well wagered. For further p►rtk:ulars spot' to Into Mt-Kt.s on the prem. ham+ SgvLly ANICE HOME AT A PARGA1N - A acres M land with a select nrebore' of choice apples. A comfortable boa.. and weal les, a.4joining (uteri b. Apnilll to 11. 1.. IK)V124. (.off, -rich. AI A trio. -I {ALL,-LQT$ 174 AND 2'JH r tioderieh. b M. toON f t1. volt SALE CHEAP -411 {ATR IN I` diambi tarts of antertch rays 1 were to 7 sone le anus: and 3ew.11lap house. Ap- ply to THOS. 1% I.:ST1(XRAUJ1. 1174-1y Tl O('RLr AND T*() L(1TS FOR 1 SALE The hewn has nirir' rw/rrw, el- an lath mom, gantry. elevta cellarwood- .h.sl, hard sol snftwater. The garden eats 'sins all aklnde of frith, 11.0 r.6a were' of land in Manitnha for wale Rin evehan for farm property.b Wyk. 1; NiGHT. mole _ - _ _ - _ !1 tf VALI"ABLE FARM FOR rtAL1E- tot 13. in Maitland eon d'edt'orr.r t.ew. lamina linnet 111 awe*. 116 acres free Cram at nmps. reel gyred hardwood 1.'mh, lied e Minn. 11 arae of Iayl wheat, fer1•lofa tonne., frame barn •sed ethers iwsi1 freed IYiras boa. swats troy. A Fp r ro ( X AOER.Oord neh, !tu R. RADCLiFF'E, GENERAL iNSURAI4C' , REAL ESTATE Amin MONEY LOANING AGENT real FYre4R,sa 4lompeerra Represented W M.done)' b Lead en straight bats, at th ! lowers r.i,• a( iaterest going, In any w5Y Suit tt. we -rower. $4OEFICE- Mewed door from Square Rest Street, Godeeiob, MES -t1 $200,000 TRIVATE FUNDS T. len. err' farm and town property, at low est interest. Mortgages purrhaed. "Jo nee mimsnn chargrvt ag•'nts for the Trust and lean Company of Canada, the Camelia Bonded Credit t-nmpany. the London Loan Congenial Of Canada. Intermit. 6. 64 and 7 per cent. N. H. -Borrower' ran obtain mossy In day, if title satisfeetary. DA V ISON a JOHNSTON, Dar►ieters, ea. Gederla V()TiCE TO CREDITORS. INotice is hereby glees In perseasee 01 !din tion Thirty s'x. of Chapter one aendrel and ten. of the Revb'tt pistons ,of Outwits 1157. that ail creditors and ether peewee basial .dairwe eagq(aainet the Ant. of ARC-HIBALD lock 401e. late of t1e twee e( Gtrdetieh. In the roomy of Huron. t'nslmaapr, wbo died on or ahem the ,lh day of December. 111e are hereby required to sett by post prnpa5A lir otherwitie dellvee to the meal ao11ra.-', for the S.:inq toes at CNnii'riol, .0.. Ostartn. nn .w before the 16th day at April. lox, Ube, d 11iaelao mases Sad surnames. addresses and deacripti.w. the hell p erticnlara a 'heti. elating., a statement of their arresats. and the asters of the esewoti'a df any. MM the ' A And the o14 41'col'.rs w111 after T May ISM. distribute the aeons of t e. said A'ereeeet sswa titled thereto. haringregaraewy 0einm,el whish nutleteh.11 hare lboarea agree as .hewn re/wired. awl the said Rva^:,,,s '111 eat 14. liable far tl'•'aid pastes or Gey part Ihers•st to spy weans of wheat claim motto% shmII set have wows reavIved by Cason at the tune 54 o wls diamonds,. OAIIROW & pRM'D w'i1ritwre fear the stere. Dated Ile 2711. day of rettresey, S.