HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-3-22, Page 1'eerie
Y111. -
41200,11) Y EAR. 1
ZNtMnft.1sa. i
OEVOT col) N NEws 4u.
rear geenroggrogicroe-7---
°tire o: charges must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
hook -May Brothers.
Weeded W. Thompson.
Wail Paper- Saunders St sow
New $prilsa Goals J. A.
Moira for Sale--Jobin McIntyre.
New Finn -IL P. Wilkinson fit ea.
.& oath= Sale -deem w Pruudfout.
Wa.1 Paper Boom -noose .f* Porter.
Sprang opening r.. A. Pridtiatn.
Aasitteee's Notice Eon. A (Lotions.
Idasolut of Partnere h ip Hale W
Wools Month 16. Lettflasice. Iftche
after a *Lori Weems. Mary Jane. the he-
isted wife 44J. W.W'ourhand only daugh-
ter et !ter A. Mcliillivraj. hiuderi4b.
Her end was pesos.
Bot-itrra In Goderieh, on 'Monday. March
MM. Ada Bourse. aged $ year. and
3 mosilta.
(' oa Seturday. Mardi
taire Is Y. Ki•i:si.e. aged 71
Yee/mead mentbi.
I rhiers among se. rottar soh%
A a' faith helf preW
11F7- t'Lr +dew*. aprtihriiewiteutaine views.
summer view& All cut be gut in anon order
al Geo. tkewariam..dio.
A Mem ertioattiv.- The meat useful gin
you eau make to to fen o a Win Pea. ep-
Pit to It Mcifillicuddy. agent Hodertch.
Housekeepers about to renovate. will do
well to watch mot wait (Sr Mrs. eurrit's
Dale of ail Mr . legato furniture ug the let .(
April. Inns will appear In duo time.
Virrog a ill tweet repubsety for t heoranaact
Of busioree every Tuesday afternoon at 325
o'clock, in Knox tobigo.1.1. /..**11 wianan M-
istreated la the seglIt la Invitee
to &hetet
444.11 MAN Ix A New liTA441".--All the
old customer,. and the pebnc gesierally are
hereby intleraied that Geo. Rhymes. the pee
plex drumlin ran be found at Acheson's
Mock 'Oa the Slim,. at alt hones to sue.
Heat mode sad oilmen attentiou give*.
GraT's reltallsHm.... -The blot is the
rheispeet. Ind when rut& can get hem and
chomp combined there's atones in It all rutted.
This seam, A. Pratheas hlve put in the
largest and best Roe Diarists' tursoiliirgs er
*Ought to tiodetieh. and the qualit, :4 only
cinched by the chearturess. tie and see.
There was sever an entertaineseat tel that
didn't GA SjObe one to criticise it. there
never watt • public man that some ono dad
set try to Oafs touter th.- fifth rib there
sever watt a Male thai 'tot sot have an em/ -
gown .1 and there is oale one Hollows Ittudio
in illederich where satisfaction is guaranteed
in every tone. Seeing is helievieg, tio and
arivaderedtflos says hook it adver-
tisemeat is ibis issue sad don't believe our
•outtaientora u bee they tell you we are Ron0
I at of wail paper. e never said ao. and
lee tart that 'ac have just entered ten nab.
..r000k take mamas givea the t no. stale.
t.roc. Our pant -na.were utter better, and
price. never lower. Call and sample. sad
be ...outlawed. The ebeapeat house amen the
**People W1.11 Nave lit."
The wonderful; healing and soothirg ere-
pertier of Lome/tee* Wilson's koyal Glyeer-
aged Balsam of Fir ant the mieret of raceme.
Coggin. (W141.. Sore Threat. Asthma. Whee:0-
km Cough and incipient Consumption quietly
give way to its curative powers. Nothing but
tieserity OTIT alum renovtles has created
the tird for it from all parte of the Prov
Wee, which beg even extended •to the United
Staten. Why! flemieeit ever"' pence who
baa used It speaks well of it. bruggima sell it
Price 50 eta, per bottle.
Mies Elwood has returned feel bee
visit to Whitby.
Mies Campbell, of Toronto. is the
gess. of W.. Wilkinson, Elgin St.
Williams and Marlton expect to launch
their new schooner by tbe ist of May.
The high school literary society will
hold its regular meeting this Friday)
Dr McDonagh will he i* Goderich for
ronsultaticn on the first Saturday of
every month.
Rey A. McMillan. of Auburn, ogee-
Peo the pulpit of Koos diem& lest
Monday evening.
Mr. R. Vanateeie, berrister,Wieitham,
was in town last week. "Dick- is an
• old Ooderich boy.
A meeting of the West Home Con-
servative Association will be Mid at
Smith's Hill today.
Mr. and Ma. L. E. Dummy, of &s-
tartle were the guests of Mrs. T. N.
Ditneey during the week.
Wes: Dewey, who hes bean staying t
with relatives ie tows, left last Tuesday
for her bowie, Ow iAi Booed
Mr H. D. Arnold left int Teesday for
Owes Spend to take his old position a.
steward lei the R. 8. Cambria.
Mrs Oso. R. Robinson, of Petrol..
hca renamed to her home after • six
ireeke' visit to bar sister, Mee M. C.
%Dr lficirolenn, the Weet-tt &mild 1
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth • speetalty. Om administered from
9s. ea. for the painless extraetios of
Tbe weetes.iter for the now Pest 011100
• ha. ix..emetic...I nigettie sant tor the bier-
ussio.. As {are. tsiti,tir ma shoe ars
dreatool tettdy for use. the moipects are
Ito. bit &Lig will he well &dishevel
oy is. • "
Cultebtia -A parlor cement
. Inv 141.4tatolo a F reign Minket-
sty -site will no at the mountain°.
• .,i D. Ire on llonday •vehnig,
• Ion h alb t. To negto al 8 u clock.
•I. 151:
Tie- North St. lltlethodIst Church Band
oh Neap- ant tow,. eirtertaimitent um
1 14.msois 23th inst, at which an io•
g proor.ro will he rendered by
I !toe cruelties A solver c •Ileeti in will be
t.kett at it.. door.
The host(' of directors eif the N..rih-
ireeirrii agricultural sociely met in the
(sent home, en Sie utility 'rho dal:Tont
coo arm or. pres.uird repel re, and the
sat for the tuisseut 'ear was fully
oiremeedi red ard reused.
IV -venial end trentlernaltrit hathel•Pes
of Nee Yolk tele that his coat...were be-
long to t h. f-17.rwing denies: S enehoditie
runt teidies, 'tomb, dire anti hitestbocino.
Ile intglit..11•Ire soul that the loot three
case. •te recretted hum the first clam
W'e aiiderstand the lifting appeiratne,
it pie.erit in the !ite hoist house, will
shooly be removed, and .me similar to
the ono now in use at Port Stanley sub-
stituted The eta *Anal to he taken
away was never paid for, aa Captain
B.bh roteardio certify to its fitness.
The Weston Blind of Km a clourch,
wet ii -id it. regular fortnightly 41•41M14431
next t? &EMI day afternoon, at half -past
tiro o'clock, in the bowmen, of the
church All'atentbers, 'nod any others
auditing to join, are ritiotested to be
pie ere
A Poter-tea Issearniter -A new
up,,,4ho Pianoforte recently com-
pleted oy Messrs Nsivicembe et Co., Tii
emit.. tifortling great astiataation It
fills the requirement. fer • reneele in-
idrument lot a first chile maker et stature
within the reach of air Vt tit. them for
partoculare if
Gout leen litanntai -Mr Jon Pearen
who fur s.../ne yoefll p•st eas eecupsed
a rraporontile position in connection with
the Big Miil her,, left on N edpeaday for
Brampten. where in conj median with
his brother he will carry on a large milling
bustnees. Iii. many friends in Gederich
hope to hear id the greatest possible sue
min cruses'', his eff./1 is in the time to
COW e.
Remember Dr Urea eernim next See-
dily evening. at Knox church, on •• How
the Sabbath should be observed " From
the fact that there is in some qnerters a
growing laxity and wide differences of
opinion as to the manner of its °bettor
sae., no doubt the Doctor's prenounce
meat will be latened to with great in
We wield direct the attention of the
glutei •
g quantities 0
garbage, dtc., that is toeing dumped along
file river and harbor front. The depos-
its of this nature down at the Widder
and McDermott property, and near the
jail is disgraceful, and elf arts should be
made to have the nuisance stopped at
New Ems -R. P. Wilkinson & CO.
have purchased the hardware business
formerly carried on by R. W MeKenzie
and have fitted up the premises and add
ed to the stock so as to be in • position to
lid the re tiirereelita of the triple. Mr.
Wilkinson has ford a large experience in
connection with the hardware business
and thoroughly understands every branch,
DRIATIL -Clinton Collegiate Institute
is arranging for a debate and entertain-
ment, Witt place in the town hall on
the 29th id.. The subject of the de.
beta will be, "Resolved, that parte goy
e rnmeet is sot a hindmost, the base
interests el the State." 0.•tierich High
School will take the negative, and Clio
too the affirmative.
Etstirnoe.-Under 'The Asses.
sent Arneedreest Act, 1888," now in
force, "all horses, cattle, sheep and
swine, which are owned and held by any
owner or tenant of any farm, and when
such owner it tenant ie earrying on the
general banner of farming or grazing,"
shall be exempt from taxation. Amat-
e urs in rural municipalities will be called
u pon to take recognisance of this exemp-
tion for the first time in making out
heir roll this spring.
Gorman BANE HALL Ctre.-At the
assay& meeting of the Guderieh base ball
dab held ea Tuesday evening. Magub 19
he following °Boers were elected Pre-
sident, L Crawford; let viee,Alez Muir -
dock: 2nd glee Wm Swanson ; captain,
Doodle, Holmes ; euretary treasurer. B
Cooke, Managing Committee -P.
eomeen, 0. Parkes and T. Nairn. The
efeb is new on a thorough footing, and
an effort is to be made to estsiblisb a
'minty league lea. also decided to
make application to the town mimed to
ave the agricultural grounds levelled
off Iii • meaner suitable far the bolding
of athletic sports.
Werrentirrea Amy -Kr A H Mas-
sing, who some yeses ago made • tom
of Eastland in sessesties with theme
thanies' institute sperms, seder the am
pees of the Ontario Oevernmest, has
been seemed by Visions Rt. Aiwa be
deliver hie meedent lector* os "West-
satester Abbey," on dm emits* of
Tuesday llmt, Ike 26th Mat Mr. Mea-
nie" is one of Vie finest speakers in Um
west, and will berried doubt de full
insteps In the sublest. The Chalon glee
club boa alsi bees assured for dm ems-
ans. No mitainties be awned,
bet a silver eollesibm will he taken up.
Dimes epee at 7.10, to ceinsmocie at 8
The RON Tempers of Tetaperseee
will Pre as eatierielement is Tom-
ball, Tuesday emoting seat, NA
just,Asmealiest magmas has bees
provided. Addams by Rev. Joseph
, of Mike. Doom opus at 7-30
o' &ink solledtioa at the door.
Rev W. C. kigedenion, D.D., femur-
ly of the Methodist eburcli, Mode-
' who accepted the position some time
stem of Prineipal of the fleasseead Wes -
Mims Gollege, Qesbes, is desirous of re-
tinae Mt*, that office and invests to re-
ties to the active work of the giasietry.
mt. FRIDAY. MARCH 22, 1889. 0 MitlifseelLLICUDDY.
6 A Y/CAP.1N AM"
I Mr. William Swaltieldi fornisilg of'
laudeticis, said now usuager a the U. F.
Oke organ factory, Ciotti*, was us towel
during the week
The Illieses Wilson, Vnitorie et., left
Ion Tuesday f.,, Ifetr iit,vihere Min Wil-
ison intends tor continue her studies, an
; her 'niter will open a dr.:same/Liu:4 eetab
i tisi,inee.
I New that the paths on th C. th
ISquaris have beeto put in good order,
et to be hoped the people who have um
Itocite offenders oefore the maybe. He'
Icasicn to walk therteu will eJtilits. them
selves to the path.. If they don't, th
Idiom Akers should make it their ilia
attend to the matter, we think.
Be Reorim.- -Porter & Fraser hay
made a spezial display of their our wal
papere, where they can be seen by glee
trig light in their elegant plate glees
show windows. You can Cr, the awn
by passing their store between the Too
ot 8 and II Friday and Saturday ere
nings The petters s -re chosen from 1
.4 the hest English sad Amore:an houses
Cylitral telepbotie exehange, come
North St. and sopure.
lie PtrkleaCtit.7tiectitY --.4, large audi-
ence attended at the Si. i'eteick's can
erre on Monday evening. The piece o
Ovarland to California ill '49
d Nese es Sb, Prairie- •basmiaukee air ••0780
Wesertee wastes/no and "rad animgh
As the Illaside et ladtana
We're la e.tiver.
Clitarrth IV.
To the Editor of Tilt tlidNat.
We now moved wish oons:derable
e caution, not knowing the nouLte
I the hostile Iodises might attempt to
- stop our proves*, this was thought all
the more necessary, for the next day
e about noon the deed body of a man with
es an arrow through his body lay right on
- our track, hieing stripped of all his cloth.
3 int, stet nothing left by 'filth we could
ick:tatty the remain., we dug a grave and
✓ laid the pour fellow to, rest, adding nill
another to the lung list of the "un -
kiloton, who, far away from lentos and
. friends, had met Ins fate cn the grey
f plains of the %Vest. Only a short dis
Mace had been travelled alien we came
the evening was "Ara Maria, ' autig by
. upon •
Miss Adelaide Chilton to the aocompiini
meat of the piano and violin. Thi
Young tiedy'a ts plieesant and
inusicil, and abs kas the faculty u
putting in "forenoon without apparel,
sffort. The Stratford quartette did not
wens up to the expeotatione of many
Thai wets partly attributable to nervous
iso doubt induced by the maim
harlot. of a number //t boys. and mime o
larger growth who, during the perform
ante helped to throw a damper upon
every 0:10 of the singers and players
Mr. Reynold& was not in his usual good
form, but notwithstanding a severe cold
he carried nut his part of the program in
very fair style. Mr. Collins, of Exeter
was encored for his rendering of "Simon
'the Gellarer.' and reeponded with "The
Inehman's Treat," which elicited mark-
ed approval from many of the Sons of
Eris) present. Min Tenie Kidd, did
her part nicely, and gave evidence of
careful training. Of Course Messrs
Shane and Tanner caught the "bhoys"
in tl air ureic specialties, and time and
again received encores. "The Laboring
a sentimental sung, sung by the
former in response It, an aticore was cap-
itally reeriered, and showed that he need
not emifine'frtinsalf to the comic line.
Mrs Judge Dolls appeare.2 twice at the
piano in 'elections, and played with her
accostromerl skilful touch. "In bile de
ftegitnent,..!'" a violin solo by Prof
Atwell/pose was excellently exeouted,
and in response to a hearty encore, his
reeditien of "Killarney captured the
audience. In future concerto it is to be
hoped that efferte will be made to have
disturbers promptly attended to, in the
interest of both performers and audience.
Tne litnittaelAN Babe -On Weds..
day evening last, tb a of our rah-
duis might have been seen hastening
tbrough the strut. on their way to the
Grand Opera Hones, where the greatest
treat of the nous awaited them in the
inesical reperloire of the Archduke
Joseph's Hungarian Gypsy Band. The
boar walls of the Opera House have
never enclosed • lamer, or more appre-
ciative audience, and if the genial man
agars and ushers had given a greater at-
tention to the ventilation of the hall,
the public would not have been able to
cavil in even • minor key. The band
consisted of twelve musicians, three
first violins, three seconds, three cellos,
a clarionet, flute and dulcimer, all the
performers being clad in • picturesque
Hungarian maims". Th. program was
opeued by en overture from Roesini's
selebrated opera of "Witham Tell,"
which together with "Fahrbach's
Galop" and the "Garda.," cave every
proof of their skill, in brilliant assets
lion, rapidity and fidelity (4 bowing.
The latter fastasia is a Hungarian dance,
and represents • courtship, the solo of
which was very intelligible, and appeal-
ed to. the hearts of the beam*, who
haw. listened to the "old strains in
social life, as sell as magical lore. The
"'Boreatio Walls," by Suppe, the
"Turkiah Patrol," an moors, "La Pe-
lmet," by Yrad, suited lb. majority of
tastes and were ohef denier's, bringing
upon the players vociferous applause.,
which were acknowledged by the quaint
"Golden Wings," sweet "Annie
Laurie," and "Old Folks at Home."
Art wides might queen°e if their weird
fantastic rendering of the old
familiar sirs, wee an improvement
open the usual old time style.
A Southerner could scarcely have
roomette:ad the rippling flow of
"Swam. Himeji) tbe stilted strains ant
peculiar measure of the Hungarian onn-
**pekoe. Sullivan's "Mikado," seemed
in meet with • sympathetic touch under
their supple fineries. At "God Rave our
Quest,' given in the quick time of their
own "Reliesey" their audience arose to
their feet with the universal feeling that
over their goals had been wafted a breath
of coatisestal melody. The tone of the
leaden' violist ettrasted many ears. It is
not probably a Oresnatia or ()mementos,
but was eartaiely a remarkably One is-
stroment. The erode ef bovine gime
oar towespeepte en opportunity of hear-
ing these famed umsleiese is lee in lie
R Willis..., peskiest of the lames.
*lab, who enneeleed sad worked out the
ailteme for obtaining their somises. It
is eatiebeerwy be how Hist the Ilasatial
returns were rood eel that sumo -
ibis' wows than fame was settled by the
lacrosse and wallet alo)a. motley Orme
aesttas Meson wet gime,
and lying on it was • piece if WOOd, on
I which was some writing informing us
that the party buried here was found by
sone passers by, the body being terribly
• muttlated,and that we wool(' look • little
- further on, we should find a dead In-
- dian. We did as qua directed, and sure
enough, behind some bushes there lay
- the holy of the rascal who no doubt had
committed the double crime. With
such strong and nsiutal evidence of the
danger we were in, extra etre woo ob-
served by day and increased vigilance
by night, the wagons being corralled
round our camp, white double sentries
were posted to guard against surprise.
For several nigh!. all refused to turn
in, as we th night the circantstainies war-
rar.ted us in taking every precaution.. that
lay in our poser, as it was, no doubt, a
very critical period of our history for-
tunately, we escaped molestation, but it
was several days before wis recovered
Irma the effects of these eat:ding eret.tit
Continuing on our course, we came to a
spot souse great and feahinsaltie estab.
bah meat, the.. springs turned to
baths, and .1 course warranted to cu
every all that flesh is heir to -for toren
live genius is such • current 04111 swung
Ibis. goaheed people that the imagine
Si.. MO safely take extraurdittary figh
ugh regard to thew, arid still be with
tits mark,
!only attribute say ensape to the probabil-
te ity that they were demitute of antranni-
re i lion, and perhaps conclude! that I.
- l had small arms on nie. 114 this as it
I may, I got or Ana pro. I lentoilly set
- hero today to tell the title. I did not re -
to corer the Let atoms!, tied as the !odious&
in were all °wort me tlii-rea. se had a
pretty good idea of what boom,, of him.
, My oompanions had all Masted the river
a omen tours al...4.1 of ine, learns,/ me to
n du si and porton/ my course alone, rid -
hip on about threat miles before I over-
• took them. Liheeriter was the first man
✓ I trachea, and es as. in as I came within
hearing he shouted out at the top of his
were still numerous by the way. I
every mamma the former were broke
and disanled, as, as to he nigh for use
We ascertained afoot ward. this was don
intentionally in every case, for no &mere
was it found that anything of value bad
to be •batidoned than the work of de
,'ruction immediately commenced, an
to awash • wheel or break an axle, wa
but the work of a few intnuteit This
wanton waste was to prevent them fel!
ittg into the bands of those who should
offilhteuirwinntnheatiritrwLakiz Tbehhiseexa,ingnualatruhartrai
rd by the lower animate 1 must con
fess that our party was no exception I.
the rule, for finding ourselves poasesSed
of ittor.• tira:w1111 than we recured, on
reaching the mountains, as workedii+r
lisit • day in pullirig them up a steep
pluce, and ith.ta we coulil get 414.40 11.4
bother. vital • shout we let ge, and had
the siii/re.iie satiatat thin of setong
them gs,L.i pieces We now mem •
ed a garottes of (-miner" compreo.rilii, deep,
white sand, which proved a perfect ter-
ror to get through ---the pour brutes of
horses tank down to their knees at every
step, while the shifting nature of the
soil made it almost impossible to gain
headway. At its termusation we were so
that we dropped to the ground, and like
the iinlopenclant voter* in Pickwick,
evory soar, slept where he fell. Matters
were our assuming a very serious as-
pect, as the tame occupied in reaching
this distatioe had fee exceeded our cal-
culations, therefore making such a strain
on our resources that our protrusions wane"
en diminished we were compelled to go
on very short rations, for several days,
being reduced to three soda biscuits per
day, per tun. My readers can imagine,
but slightly, the su•derings we endured,
sbtantly in the open air, both by day and
y the panes of hunger, for being con -
night, we really required our allowance
oubled instead of shortened. Should no
pportunity occur during the day, to
able us to replenish our larder, it was
nanimoualy agreed, we would slaughter
r favorite pony "Nigger," so named as
e bought hint from a colored gentleman
Chatham. We now drew near the Tu, -
try river, a stream of considerable ine-
rtance arid
d "rob, Willi IN I Well-,
• and sem enough we were,fur right ahead
of us was a Witt party in camp veldt
- lots . f p...ii•ii.1111 Id our half starved
enreliti on ilis aas illglet143 UMMIE W01E01611
e 1
new., for we could nut have stood it
• l mush longer. As for myeeif, my recent
- 1 iiltieva,coopled with an allowance of only
'''he,'. biscuits a day, had so reduced rim
in flesh that when I put on any vest, it
! went once and • half round me, which
I' brought the left hand pocket under the
right SIMI, indeed, my waist would at
this fame have compared favorably with
I that of the mot fashionable city 'belles.
section of country entered principally
with wild sage. making it very had for 00
our horses, but au improvement fur oar- u
selves, se
Ir •1101:NDItt WITH GAME
it• the shape of sage hens and bares, the
former as large as the ordinary dousestio
fowl, and the latter much like the Eng
lish species of the. name. We shut
a soother of them and found them
remarkably good eating, and therefire a
valuable addition to our larder. Now
emensentied what was generally known
the Lent Itreert, being a portion of
country ninety WOOS 141 exeent, totally
destitute of either find er waiter
for man or Maas, the first twenty miles
of which was covered with itninena with that suite vivid! before me.
boulders requiring considerable skill and
time in driving areand them. As not •
particle of anything to eat could be ob-
tained for oar horses, we decided to
travel both by day and by night, making
frequent stoppages by the way to rest
oar jaded team.. When about half the
distance had been moonsplished over
this wretched barren plain, we overtook
two men sod a woman, who had either
deserted or been left behind by some
larger party, but as they didn't speak or
understand a word of F.nglish, it Wel im-
possible V) make out who they went, or
where they were bound to. Lster on
we learned that these poor people were
A emir THAT I SHALL Illtalgalitga
90 long as life does in we last, and to
this day the occurrence I am about to
relate, is es freak in my memory as if
it had taken place but yesterday, and
notwithstanding near forty years have
passed by, with all its changes and
care., I do even now wake up ef a night
Feeling anxious about our present elm -
ditto°, it was thought beet to make early
starts in the morning, so as topes. over
as much ground as possible. When we
went to hitch up, we found a horse mi..ing,and it was concluded I should jump on
another one's back, and go is search of
Itim. I had gone probably between two
and three miles, when I came in sight of
an Indian camp. I veered off in another
direction to avoid, if possible, being
seen, bet had only gone *short distance
when, to ! and behold,there was right be-
fore me crossing the river, two Indium
on horseback, each armed with a rifle,
as I had to cross this same water en
my way back to camp, I kept going for-
ward till I reached them. They at once
opened out so as to have me in between
them. How I looked just that mounts
I can't say, but I know pretty well how
I felt. Being totally unarmed, with not
as much as • pick -knife to defend myself,
resistance if attacked, was of course, out
of the question. I noticed one of them
was minus his shirt, and as Been a. they
get close to me, this fellow
ciaeasatt to TIM/11147LT aT THE ester,
and commenced jabberiug sway to his
companion. What he was saying it was,
you may be sure, quite impossible for
me to make out, out as far as my excit-
ed thought. would permit me, 1 cowls. -
ed he was undecided at the time, wheth-
er he would Kelp ase first and
shoot me afterwards, or whether
the shooting would be first accomplished
and the scalping dom later. I mon
bemuse impatient at this wiliest state of
affairs, and with a sharp jerk I tare my
arm away, and at the saute time beached
my hover with my boot sad eoessuesieed
manse on,.. I was determined I. would
sot volentarily give them my red flannel
skirt, which appeared to be the prise
they were after, and that if I had to die,
whelk I certainly thought would Mtz
fate, I wone
eld do en wills that soful a
iseit ventional article of apparel on sty beck.
All the' time I was movie( timidly aiosg,
being afraid to look beak for Isar I
should me their deadly empress poise.
ed at me. To describe way feelings, is
mainly out of my power- There was I.
all aloes, out el eight of ley maw, and
TRU lisle, or a (7107111 Olt narammia
ding hatan' 411.4111144bloed skeet
as ox. (treat dews el perspiration
stood 'est nn nos like pees, white my cep
of all their outfit and provisions, and
left entirely destitute. Our party had
by this tiesetme, separated,and Tom Wat-
kins and several others were at lean
two days in our rear, ant again catching
up wish us till we reached our &Mino-
t:on. So many large colonies had gone
ahead of us, that little or no pasture was
Lu be found, and our borsee had a pretty
hard time of it, for they never got
much as they could eat. Erni our pre•
dominoes mist have suffered fens the
same causes, as long strings of deserted
waggons, dead horses and other animals
which lined our route plainly testified.
Man, as well as beast, no doubt, shared
alike as, in many eases, we noticed large
pieee. of horse flesh had been cut from
the eareaas evidently for human fond.
What struck us as a singular festers oe
the journey was
whish we saw at almost every step. I
believe I am safe in saying there were
hundreds of thins strewn on the Pairs.
For about a week nothing unusual es -
owned worthy of mention, and we eon -
tinned jogging along. our day's marsh
depending in a greet, 'measure on our
facilities for obtaining pommy sad wa-
ter. Some interesting sights now pre-
sented themselves by the way. The
Sink River, • Stream pr •-d of semi
intremdinary formation : all at mos it
would soddenly disappear is the earth,
and would nntagslnshowlbselfpevhepafov
hour., while at another time we lost it
in the seam mysterieus manner for a
shots day. Then again as were pee- AT
sled at Indies bet water peenng out of w
the reeks ; quite • .umber of them pe- Med
maim springs were dieuvered, treeing of
eat stemmas of every degree of boat Mom
lake warm to sealdieig Mt Probably w
by this tiem what simply asinniehed
has bees tented to profitable anenent by , tie
some enterprising Tankes,and them may I w
possibly be trellie 1000141 as tkit very at
as lifted as may hair se smiled as dime
poreupine quills we read et That par-
ular ten minutes when I was in range
as looser to rem than say Wm pare of
1 life Ho been steak{ wed I ma Dom
urna. Whwit.
TO XX ttiaTixt.sy,
Iteperii of SU Nisut. of Lest .117117747
Council met Friday
members present but connoilloge
borne and Pridhaiii.
A couple of letters concealable
matters were read ansa referred to railway
k W. hIcKenzie's account of $7.W.
for hardware, was referred to finesse
The acennnt of Sevens & Berne.
London, for tools, etc., amounting to
$82. was referred to waterworks ones-
liaison tioxisinrux IMPORT. oft.4
Your barber committee find from oni
engineer. Mr McCa;luin, that It will not
take much pourer to ran • fog horn In
connection with our pumping station,
and therefore, would recommend the
council to inform the Marine Depart-
ment at Ottawa of the willingness of the.
w aned to amply the steam power if
they put up the fon horn.
M. Nuanotroe, Chairman.
Moved by Holt, secended by Proud -
foot, that harbor committee report be
laid ou the table until next meeting- -
REPORT OF altittlAL roue' rTER.
The special committee considered for
petition respecting grant of assistance to
Mr Henning, and after bearing Mr Hen-
ning a views, have laid the matter over
for further information. 1Ve have in-
structed the clerk to obtain further in -
orotate tn respecting our railway mat-
ters and harbor tolls, and when obtained.
will report
laJoliwaliatwilmitalwili, Chairman.
On motion the report was adopted.
ersTaltWOltaa I oullITTIS keener.
The waterworks committee have sge-
sesined the socoents of J. Saunders di
Son, $166.47, and D. K. Stracitea,
$17.2,5, and recommend payment of
same. Respecting contracts and charges
for electric light. we !would recommend
that committee have power to supply
lights under enntract for a year at the
rate of cents per night, or for eight
months in the year at 20 cents per light
per night, and for Saturday lifahut 30
cents • light for the finir months for
which there is no contratt. For those
who e ant lights only on Saturnia: night,
we would recommend if they pay the
enet of the lamp and putting the same
in they he charged only 30 cuts per
night. The rat of lamp and potting
same in would be about $10. That no
more Saturday night lamps be supplied
and that those now in be taken out tea
the 1st of May, or, at the option of the
oommittee, allowed to remain until lamps
are wanted e jtaemittriB
rune Obairman.
The report was taken up elms. by
*lame and discussed, and Smelly adopted.
The cometl then adjourned.
ream our owe cerrentioedsat.
New Fact*. - The family of Kr Joh.
Ok• are to eons* from CoMillitreial
n ear Leoborn, to reside ha the home
fermerly occupied hr. V. y....ng be.,
lately removed t.. Wieglaain. our toms
omens up in popolatioss, and the sehent
r.11 adds op in number by their adosete
Not Parnell costing, but the ansimor
bas given our Inelthen and other am -
femme • deep thought fur a big debate -sit
the value of teems with the acmes man.
Toes will have to he well peepared on
we/union when he meets the., particu-
larly the [nehmen.
We are plumed to say that Was WbJ-
tere, she Besides with her miter, OA
/taker, hos telly rumens& from her re-
sent severe illness.
K ft Morris he. this pest foet. meets
been drawing leaner hem Tsetse's saw-
mill, Ashfield, to build a him* new barn
this maim aumase on his farm in Gem,
'rho young mesh who, while he makes
tam dollar 'agouti a dollar and nem owe
is .the mire goad to baseeptcy or dew
'', 4
0 -