HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 8i • 8 COUNTY CURRENCY. Newsletters from Oorrespou- dents, and Other Items. • weekly SiyeN elflike restos Sews serv- ed up celled Seeders of ••Tho NreasL' vita est /east. clapped sad /es- teemed teem Seery aeestes. Geo. Kelley, 14th min., Morris, has sesured the contract fur hauling the mill to the N altou cheese factory on his line e t one omit per Kelluu, Mr W. II Steep. of the lib cotstes- sio t , (foe*. Loh t.•wusl.tp, has b ught . farm in Michigan ai.d expects to more his family to it "r the spring. Than R.•bert...it lies rented Mrs C. Plstaer's farm in Mullett, a few miles from Blyth Mrs l'letaer ci I take up her residence in filth shortly. H.'rhert Symopda, of Blyth, ou his re- ter.t journey from Clinton, on Thursday, when near 1.,udesboru' suet with a nine fortune by itis horse dropping dead. W. I) Hill, of (fray, is home from Chicago, ar.d will probably speed the sprit;; and summer ea the (sem with the expectation..f impr..viig hes health. I:s'•t. M.•(la t, of M noir, has depo3ei of 100 aces of lard, lite 54 and fib, m.o. 1 Tur berry, to Mr Scutt, lately from Manitoba. He ;skips po.sessiou about the 15th out Robert Johnston, wife and chilc:ree,of M,.rts. started ou Monday for their home in •1'urtko Mountain.' anitoba, after a three mouths' visit a.iu:ig rela- tives and titertdi G. L. Bill, IA D. S , Seaforth, receiv- ed a very handsome and valuable operat- ing chair this week from Onio It is the latest dental ch sir inanofaetured and was purehaeed thr,ugh a'1'orona. bre. Ott Thuradey of last week Mrs Bennett Dobson. if Ethel, received a cheque for $'l,OW ft.un the i? icrtanlu Life Associa- tion f New York, being the amount of iunerat:ce carded by her dtcew►ed hus- band. Mr Thea HenJrv, of S,aforth, has gone to Dakota Is. see his in. !tar who re.td,. there. He will also visit British THE HURON SIGNAL EFRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1889. DulLor, Front ear ibf b Jue'ri:pe.rdesrf Josue Dorris wbu has been homer for several weeks on Ie./Ways, hart returned to his duties at Buffalos, shoe a plsasaut stay seeing old friends about here. D Garbett sed J Saw.rby of the 41h too , (iuderich township, gave our burg • Bung visit this week. Our architect has made great improve- ments in his shop of Isle, and the enema recently put is to run the saws and planer is now in full running order. Mr It Videsu is chief wegice.r, and Mr J Tobin as•estaut. The shrill whistling of the engine, soon to be answered by the sawmill engine to confirm the cell and leaving h. sr for work, will make our burg take • stand M • mauufeotur- log town in the lumber dep•rtweat of Huron, Ontario. DUNGANIIi(»(, from our own oorrespeadeat. Farmers rn this locality are busily eo- geged in preparing fuel for the summer and autumn ; also in taking logs to the new mill. Oar Sabbath last, in the absence of D. O. Cameros, pastor of Erskine church here, the pulpit was occupied by Mr. Matheson, of Lucknow. The last lecture of the course will be delivered w the lllott.odtet church. here, on Tuesday eventing. the 12th iust , by Rev Mr. hellery, of L•imin. February having done its duty and passed away, March, so far, has been more counderate to favoring us with mild, pleasant and cheerful weather. As announced, Rev Mr. McKay, cf 'te tilos, w ilr tii►ndoe iniliiiiiirries ib Er•kiae church here, on nextiSabbath, c,tnu.er.ciut at a quarter to 3 o'clock, p. in., instead of the usual hour in the fore- noon. The Templets of St Helens and Ddn- rennou are to have a friendly debate to shout two weeks. Subject -Whether has the pen or the sword achieved wrist benefit t•, mankind. More p.rticulaaa in our next. On Friday. the 1st day of Msr.h Jobs E Tom, P. 8. I., officially visited Dun. ganno u eubli,t school. After having ex unlined the pupils, quite a large number Culni, • before !ie returns, with • view in each depattmrut being present, he to link rt out for something to do., expressed himself welt pleased in e CLsrlr. K'. Jackson, Itrussels who main, as to puuictuslity of perils and has been to Kansas for about a year. god work done by the teachers, as arrived house uu 'l'huroalty of this week. evinced by the Inatome in which the Hu intends rest i er it the drug basin as Mile went through the various branches and• will probably tike a p• e!tiou to Da of the curriculum of the public school, as Tiler's drug store ns %% 11)11611111. What was pr.'hah'y the largest freight err over seen at Wiughaut was loaded at the l: '1' R stab •n nue day recently, of Trustees of the S. S. s -re present. Mr. Lane being called up. . to make s t ♦l renlsem-et.1 testier, teas** tb• V;$sw .,1 it was slated .0 uveae coloat.•a • el. 'el Uo.e ago that McLeed's Myssnee Reteova- tor would .d vet ata. Omit ; It has rosily dw.e so. It is astuuisbing, not t.' beer been advertised sutshere °et..de of Goderwh, how soon its fame went tar and near end how `ell aid wtdolr tirowsi the patentee is. throughout the euuotty It is a positive feet that there w tin other medicine pate utd to equal it as • system reuuvatir. Try it it you are ail- ing, the .gely say to test its merits. Just think of wl:ers this weds/sue foetid its way to the sick and •fiiiot.d, physically and msulally :--Dakota. Miuuesoia, llhoou, MLaouri, Teas•, Kae.aas, Ken - tacky, California, British Columbia, `suit St. Marie. Michigan, Detroit, Port Arthur, Algoma, Muss...\a a..0 several I•asts of the Ptuvtnae of gook's°. tied in th• townships of Meitittle.rsy, Hay, Stephen, Iondou, Beddulpa, Sandwich, Hibbert, Tuckersmub, lit, .• hey, AI(Kellop, Ilullett. they. Mom*. Waw.nosh, Coirwa, Kinloss, Godeti.b, Colborne, Ashfield, Bunco, Ku:.canhoe, Bruce, Saugeeo, A.bahol, Darby, su:- livan, tijdeulram. llollsud, lienttuek, Glenelc, Arthur, Eeremont, Armen ems, lildrnhe arid many others. The fore- going shows hoer the System ReouvLtier adrertiae• itself. A cut.sumpttre lady writes from Ssalt Ste. Mast., Mich : "I feel spleu.led how, I at well and am able to du ho.rsewurk, your Sws'......:r..uwtoy has d..or ere so s'_.i► good, gaining 15 lbs. whir tuts it." This patient took one b•tile only, her cure brought orders from seven other invalids there. Another cot.sumptit• from Walton say, ''You hare got the 4 now ; 1 fetal well, gaio►01t = Ik two miles at a p also the improved appearance and cons fort of the school room since his previous visit. Mr. Wm Lane', township clerk of Ashfield, and the seeretavr . f the Board this ear being titer 3li foot long and 9 ft. high and an inside capacity of nu lees few remarks, did so in a mai. ter e,preeo- than 2736 cubic feet IVO of being well pleased wit:, the Inspec- Mr Ferdinand Mani. late of the tor's mode of examination, which I Canadian Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, thick is thorough, attractive end bene- d:ed yesterday ir, Coale lie was an ex- tical to all concerned. Mr. Lane further emplary young man and elide here made i paid quite an enlogium to the good be - many warm fnenda, who will regret to haviour of the pupils going to• and re• learn of his d. sib at such an early age. turniug frotn school -the larger and older Ines being kind and gentle to the younger. He further expressed great pleasure at the manner in which the pupils acquitted themselves throughout the examination. On the whole the school is in • fair way of making good scholars. Attendance even through the stormy, cold weather was exceptionally good and steady. Mr Samuel Smillie. the genial clerk of Tuckerameth. tecently ootd to Mr J•.hn McMann, the teterau horse dealer of fiesforth, Lia handsome bey gelding "Chub' for the rqucll: handsome sum of $140. Mr Robert McMerdie, of Kippen, the well known secretary of the South Huron Is'.irmera' Institute, and his Meter, Mrs Alexander Monteith, of Ti►ckersoaith, have fallen heir by the AUCTION SALES. death of some friends in the old country tip a legacy of $50 000, of which amount Mr MoMurdi. gets $30,000 and Mrs Monteith 820.000. Mr John Edwards has traded his 100 acre farm near Dunlop for a farm of 320 acres in Manitoba and $4,500 cash, and intends to mere his family to it in the spring. He is gettiig a house all ready to put together as soon as he gets there. and expects to put en a good crop this spnn`. Miss Mary Slemmon, eldest daughter of the late Samuel Slemmon, . f Grey, quietly pasted ewe) to her home on Fri- day last. She contracted a cold in Mani- toba last year while visiting friends in that Province. This brought on con- sumption which ended her life. An af- fectionate mother and many kind friends did all they could to relieve her .oferiog hours. Mrs Slemmon was an estimable and promising young lady and will be enuch missed by all who knew her. The remains were interred in Cranbrook cemetery on Momiday afternoon. Mr John Jefferson has sold h:s farm on the 2nd concession of ilullett, to his neighbor, Mr .John Dale, for the sum of $5,030 cash. Mr Dale owns the adjoin- ing one hundred scree, mnd now has a farm of two hundred scree. Mr Jeffer- son leaves for Manitoba in a few days. He goes to Virden. near where he has purchased a large farm, and he takes with him about two car loads of stock, implements, etc. He is a steady, indus- trious young man, and just the bend to emceed in • new country While we re- gret his removal from here, we wish him prosperity in the Northwest. eq.- - -- LEEBITRN. From our own rerreepoadent. Thos Harrison. from near Porter's Hill was the guest of D Stirling last week. The hour of merrier' at the Presbyter Ian chnrch has been changed to 11 a m., arid the S. S. to 10 a m. Lest Friday night Bens. Jackman, Grummets, Potter and McNerin, of the new lodge lately formed in eontseetioe with our Order at the Nile, este our lrglre1a friendly visit. An entertainment will be given by the i 0.G. T. No 213 attheir hall, on Friday evening, the 15th fast , the programme to start at 8 p.m. The local talent of the Lodge will he assisted by our sister Lodge from the Nile. Alen E. W. Rieh- ard. the well known and popular ekes- . tionsst of Paramount, is erected to be meant and take a part with the antet- taicment. Come one, come all. Adair siva 10.3. The tall laird pevehased a new steed last week f. r a eats for his hay hone, and will Now have one of the hest drib• mg tams en this section H. int.ssda shortly to give hie numerous fair friends se the locality a pleasant sleigh dries to Godseieh to view the cloister town, ii laminated by *laetrile light All part ie. getting their sale hills printed at this office will get a tree notice farted in this list up to the tfawnedme of sale. Choice farm for sale by auction, east half of lot 14, ton. 7, West Wawanosb, 100 acres, estate of late John Fowler, et I in Elis tillage of Dnogan- a'ro, on Tuesday Meech 2;th, 188's, at 1 oclock p. m. John Malluugh, auction - as drwy. I can • with ease ; before taking the Sprit*Renovator I could not walk one yearter of a mile without giving up I gained about thirty periods over your last bottle" Another from B:uce tithes: last Little has done cue inter, good than ar:ything ever I got. The paralyzed arm is as Ovule as e.er ; I am Ire* from the pale in my side. I [sever got anything to do use so much Maid." A case of epilepsy In Ashfield was cured by two bottles ; a case in Tocker.mith, bordrrin: Oil banuanother sey, and anoer in Stretford, both of which stated that their /overcame indeeriudency sial misery, nientaliy,uftea them, and felt clined; impelled by some supernatural p..wer, to put an end to ther lives ; both .re cured mud in good health amid spirits. They advertised their benefactor, they were grateful. Two cr.,Mal canasta Egremos•, mother and s••.,, were cured -the mother by ore bottle, the son by three. The r cure brought orders from ten other out fevers is their n,rsthburho id. A case ed weir ar Dungannon, aired by two bottles. brought quite a number ' f inval- ids from that quarter. A gentleman in Stanley, for two years laid a -tale from hie usual work. trevell:d to heaolquarters in smirch of • cure, being in pans with in8•mmatory r'eumati.m ; was cured by two bottles of McLeod's medicine, in ten dsys he was able to dance, being over- joyed at the core and relief he got. Tbi• .. case, swell kis. was in his locality, and another case of dropsy near him, brought many a sufferer from thct and other townships. This is sufficient to let the reader know how McLemi's System R:uovatr.r advertises itself. It is now mold in all its purity at $1 and 82 per bottle. The small size will last you sixteen dots and the other thirty-two days. The diseases fur which it is a specific and antidote are plainly printed on labels. Call or write for McLeod's System Renovator, New- gate St., Guderech, Ont. All orders above referred to were ship ped direct from Gudericb. No agents are employed. ser. 50 acres of choice lar.d for sale by suction, E. half of W. half lot 5, con 11, E D., Ashfield, containing 50 acres of land, at Martin's hotel, Dungannon. on Friday, March 22nd, at 1 o'ckcu p m. Jas Mallough, auctioneer. Auction sale of • valuable house sod two lots in Goderich, at the auction mart, Hamiltcn•St., the property on corner of Nelson-st, and Cambria road, opposite John Acheson's residence, on Saturday, 9th March, at 1 o'clock Al- so a quantity of household furniture. John Knox, auctioneer. Farm stock and implements of Jacob Bet mer, on Block D, near the lot of Dunlop's hill, 3 con. Colborne. 1# miles from Goderich, on Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock p.m. John Knox, auction ser. Farm stock and implements of John Oak, on lot 10. con. 12, Colborne, 9 miles from the Nile, on Friday, March 15th, at 1 oclo,ck p.m. John Knox, asettoneer. Unequalled as an advertisine medium - The woman who says : "I thought I'd jest run over and tell you." THE MARKETS. BREAOSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Cedevfeh Prates. Googatcs, Masekgtb. ISM, Wheat 1 N " /tour. 0 bbl.. i N Osis. • hush .. •..... .....«sass ase Peon. V lsetrk fl 1a s Potatoes.• hint •.. •••••••••• •• 0 00 010 M Bar. J tea ...................... 11 00 e Better de h.. ala M ▪ fresh freupas4 [/ %"., 0 is B luseewees' a Iiia MiortDrug t fes16 m 11)y Chopped SINE • sou{., • • •• •1 lernlyw' •wwt,•••.e..••.••••• • Wood Hides o•• av:sass. 1 " •ssa• 071•' *Miles. d bush 1 N CIINee S.eMsleea- Fleur /all Wheat now and sat n ailer wheat Pseao ... .. •..... • Se to Amax twister, ppb in• i N to • s to 17 to $ . IS to S to I N 023 0 es 0 a6 030 I1 N 0 ID 0 N 0 1S 00 IS 49 I II sat 0 a• 460 0 78 e 75 1N • ....... $6 +. is . --ad, Turnips, n to tse AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEDAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION, New OaLaAnse 111.4.5, In cumpetttloei with the of Europe and America. Thr )tall .9. International Medal ever award- ed to a Cauadtau pianoforte; also DiplomaMedal aad at the Colonial and Indian its Exhibitive, London, Sag., tell, with supreme honor of supplying Her Majesty the Queen with • Newcombe (i selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fa tlleetrated Catalogue, prices and farms, Add'. Oct:rils Wombs s k Co., 4110.• AS W.a. waaawoom, .o, -'u. Oa uc -s r 70.osno PA4fw*r• as TO hr M.' WONOW04011Avawlt i.` FOUND AT LAST! A fimI fa11E1 'firs,. VICK'S ►cil c 1) illl(9 0331s ! t1 • T), For every ('ash Put, ha,.e In Seeds or Beed firaln, we wt.! f'nwue the I'umhaser with lbs. of these VALUABLY OATS. Me. Ruoon, of )(arkhatn, wri'ee : from t Rushcl -..was last Spring I ha.. groan tut Bwl.rls. Jecnh 9witser writes us, A boos to• earmere whrnevvr tutruduee,l. Wesley and Tom Futter. of M..rris started for Manitoba on Monday. They went to see the country. We tare Purchased the Oats direct from the o::.:i.eat.r. W. BURROWS PTE TAILORING ! (i1JtTLKMLl1,--I sin flow in Si position to in- cite 1 on to Reelect your :alit or Overcoat, from several hundred new patterns. They canto re- ceutlt ---latest tlesignn-strikilig fi}fttres, .;uiet cola,r,l'Iuitla,Striper,Clacks alai mixtures. You can several hundred patterns in as ninny half niintites, and you'll have an enr.y choice. They're sure to please, and are n,ne't• to measure with the best of cure. I'rieett woelerate. B. IllacCorm.so. rT 7:1 Cash Cash Store I'YOi'Lh TALK ABOUT CHE4 P TEA • Bb:T TRC C. H. OLD THE C+ROCFR'Z He ha. Tea that is warraoled the best In the market•ut up or base eta ui the and tau pound.. each. Japan and Mull at 400, lb. OR 2 lbs. FOR 75c. Cocker; at Wholesale Prices GR f.Ra GROCEI11ES fro hand at prices that cannot be beau. Notts - t tng but first -Hasa Groceries kept. Pi It. ISEEI)BMAN. ?beating yes for past facers and sollcitI g _ - - __ a continuance of the aamr. SEED S ! SEEDS! and WeEsest haveetjoestsreceivedut mone of the largest ck FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS Ever brought Into Goderich on 'sale. EVERY VARIETY Is warranted pure and clean AT OUR GODERICH STORK w:' ke-'p oos•tantly on hand a hull supilly of FLOCK, FEED AND FEEDS. net at the old amid reliable East -St. Band The People's Feed Store, A. L. CULLIS, 7: W. Goderich and Manchester. Garet -"Hare you a fir* escape in STATEMENT i this hoe* T' Land lord-"Twn of em, OF sir." Guest -••I thought se. The fret all escaped fr,.m my rem last night, sad, The Mutual Igo Insurance Co , I came near freezing." OF NEW YORK. idle YEAR'S R!CdAP.D A. MCCURDY, Pnsetocer. CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACC FINER MAN EVER. SEE In Bronze oc each l'lut and Package. 1173114 C. W. QLD, The Grooer. ST SAUNDERS &SON Having been advised of OTICE TO CREDITORS. In the rater of T. C. std J. Rev -bottle of t rantn.0►. to ilia ('ousty of lianas, Iaso1- %rnts. Notice in hereby given that the above- named hie a atiosued to ins under R. 11417. t'loopier Ill, fur the versa: busedt el Creditors. crr.tieors ere required to tile their claire with the Assignee. era w before the lath day of Mari h. A. U. tri•. after who b date tse Assure.* vent emerge to distribute (be.evate, haring[ regard only to die cleans of which e•a* 6srr received notice. (hated 5 hie tktd day of Jaguar,. AA). Amiga**, ll•mutoa. 1'AItKEtl,MaMAl►aims A M. rtS stele 31► Solicitors fur Asugsee. OI•A my' L-t:OMV RTINU. EPPS'S COCOA, uRRAKFA$T. gra thtxaattkw,Tvledae of the tatters! laws wLiele govern tee operation* of dtgeeli0h and nulntiun. sad by a careful apelteattes elf tic dot properties of art!seht•ted t'uces, Mr w Epps hem provided our hrkfast labia. wok a delfutel' Deemed be' er.:rr a Icicle May save us many hear; darters' bills. It la ter the jielletoty use of sn;k articles of dirt that a noasttttitio• may be Read built up u•ttl strotrg rerongb to reeirt eveerr,y teidea'y to disease. Hundreds of .sits am red us toad leas are floating to tnetlad y at nickwhrrerrr there la ►weak to. Wemai es -ane man) a fatal abaft keeping oursel.el, well fortified wilt, pure and a properly nourished frame,"-"t'iril het -vire fiat air " Made simply with balls/ water or milk. DOM ..sly in packets by grncera lahetkd tbu. J A M Iv, t-l'I'M k l'o.. IlUin tierl.eslhk ('hem- lus. London. F:adtand. rigid travelling Suite. grma GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Train.ar:ire a,..: depart at Ooderi h as fel laws •IStYR Mail and tsprent-• --- 1.110 p.m Mail ........... *Sipes Mitre! ........... ............... 31liaeed........... ...... ,.7ibp m' a0*aSS. Mail ................7.00 a.m. Mali owl taproom 1.38 p e Mixed l.W s. u PLuPLETAi.K AROt'T CHEAP Teas and Groceries A Drop in Stoves, CASS1DY'S Have in Sympathy with it put ISAAC 1`t their pric4s CA8H STORE le tie Wave to en w!th your money. 1 1 r» Teat aamoted the beet is the market, AWAY OWN They are Sole Agent. for The "E & C Gurney's Coyrs', Stoves & Ranges T Every dwregem anteed Perfect in Operation. Call and See them At The Cheapest HOE Under flick :a the year sed:-.€ The . /lst, ifs -5 W1I188, Liquors, C tie : a.+ala, _ a rro,pap,1sa u' i 1 BUCE' Gentile ABU SEED IELD SEED or 1889 J. EEDS Oui Desert tire sad steed Catalogue for Is new ready, 111 be maned fres te v licaate, aad to last year without solicits es. ■$IUf CAMOE$ERS mu nil It to their advantage t w our seed. NO. I. BRIDE & to Samlltew, est. SEEDS! I hare just received the largess ewaslen- meat of Seeds over br.sbt to Uederleb. cow prtatitg Timothy Clover, Seed Oats, Buck -heat, Barley, Flax- Man - golds, Carrots, soot to to 100 (1 1.1 to 014 e >M to 011 Setter Kele Card Nay wood Res[ .-.....•••............. ..• A to wool .. ......a.... N to Perk iN i te • N it N I N • N • .-e.,.• N to • 74 Mea. Car. of Ramita sed V$eterla•Ne. AM all ether Made of Garden and Field Seeds ALSO Olaf' HAIQD, Ground Ion Cake. Unused asst. omit Amt. int,, whin► 1 will sell at roes bottom millet Give me a esti before perelisstesdoewhme. S. SLOANIC, err es a la A -•eta, • - Merptea at fear err rent.. Iser_M Inaarplaa. - • rdielee In rine. • - lacrosse dnrlsg year, . - res, written, • - - /elides derive year, • . Utak@ nosed. . Iser,sae during year. • - this la force, - - • I.erease during year, - tteertpts fres all wren. - Sacrram dueled year, - lits Psacy-leldeeti - • • i7.372411 C. - 5:.NC,es:t OS • $1,s4L,6Ct 11 • 13ey.s6• • 1:,4:. • 31,a0C' • 10,2411 - $103414,241 :f $U,714.794 0.1 $16t,124,144 r.0 • $64,4114.z4I ed $ts4415i.032 at $i3ON.0 lO II - $14.7!7,4341 '! FOR SALi. BY ;G. H. PARSONS TRE AyIITS A3E IiVISItO AS F$tlSI$: Iamb and Mortgages, - - $4,,S17.27$ Of l:stint%tat!. est ether o-,ritlea, $ta.eiO,a4 14 :c:! /date mot Leans en rsnat- eret. - - - - • t•:L:6s,iPS 34 Lae% In Psalm am, Trod /ca. melee at Intend. $2,$I3,t:: MI Interest ser -..4. Pr.stvnse de hr red to -I let transit, Lir., $$,t4e.171 44 $1tt.etlt,iIS N row Maw Ammo arr-na aw,avi. 1161. .. $a:Nl.H• W•610.106 ...$1.7411,771 tete tillys . J7b alit,N.. .... ; WM MOWS 4111•111 Mt TAMS ROUST A. CPA SWISS. sirs PrsMser. ISAAC F. LLOYD._ ad Viee-=.. WILLIAM J. ASTON. . Ssa.ss R. Pries. tweet, A. W. Belfry. epode! •gest Rlytb T R H. C Merritt, Otete as Maveger, 1I111 ALBION BLOCK. GODERICH IBS BUTCHEB SHOP ! --0N KINGSTON STREET, Neat to Crabb's Beek. t.oderieb. Bea. Smith begs to asaeeniee that he has e peaed out a lintohee Shop at the above Named strand• under the Manage -meet of W. /trsehas. sod .maid res estfuliy solicit a skin et the patroayee Prem ere people of Gude tch sad %Octant. fresh and enrol ssesN will be kept con- efYtly es bawd. SATiSFACTiON SIT ARANTZEED. BEN. SMITH, f1/- Psora terou ` °` ' 'T " "'CLEABI G SALE. Acs Baler! al C c6oitry. HALE & WILLIS Beg te anneesace to the peeps of Oedertsh that ethei h wooed ened out a sew Bakery thass KINGSTON STREET, rocs*wret(y nt•csped J. w. Sats they walls. . Bevel, Qakea tial yaoery all Sleds. Bread, Cates, &c., Delivered To all saris of the Town. A store of the Public P•breams. Is n peeef.Ily sallies telt. BALs & WILLIS. tIR•M. i Japan & Blatk 35c per lb., Or 5 lbs. for $1.50• CROCKERY 1 --AT-- 1WOLIit3ALiv PRICER, General Groeeri . on hand at prices that sauteot be snrpam u•.eI. nuting tat lint (lase I tirrxrrie, kept. Thanking ail for pant farws,ard soliciting • von* masa. r of the lame, O VERCO.,STS, CLOTHS and TWEEDS, wW t Sold at (•set sad eadwr, Is 'Beet a 1 ■peeeb Sate. Oast end ,en tbe•s T11111)[R O/UMW. H. DUNLOP, 111- Nest deer te Meeteejl Doak Crabb's Hock, put door to E. Dovttio Per f ROWN'S lUll Wed Chem BarC. for Coagbs and ('olds. PRiCK, fa Caste. Turkish and Diamond Dyes, FULL STOCK OF COLOItli ON HAND. J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. Goderich Steam Boiler Worb Chrystal & Black, Mansfsct rwrs and dealers le Steam boilers. Salt Parr Tanks, Beaten smokestacks, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Werk. Improved Automatic eat- Grlies is also.. Upright and Herlso.tal Tegises. Mi ehteery iii Uniting* of every desoripttoa. Bras Fittlegv, Pipe and Pipe Fiatst cos atastly ow bead. On Hand for Sale ....1# I >t E./. •.e.e lord sw see I Oeeeesd-Sand S. ',ter sed ss e P., to ess,:ea.es fesdMses. Mail order* will receive poessst atuatea• Wart• t app. C. T. W. NMw- 0%. Repairs promptly saesadsd to P.O. BOX 881 n. OARLINU's A.= & PORT CalksitY _lYARW LIGE ( Fier Sate by G. H. PARS IL rias ALMION SWC><. Nowa" •