HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 7•
o.rie is ems
rrelea.d Ignorance.
Maniacs (to up Maus dal -•]nue. the down
girl la swat You know bow to wok,
Jane -No, mum. I dost teem' anything
t euokeig.
"But jun net me peed basest cook a rok fel
4s:, asem but It wee In a railroad ret
teem* bat wet "-Pbtkadeipka Record.
11 Was the CM.
• Phaeey, eases ywr an' sok koala de baby
owW1a Poo' tttle fellers croupy, 1 know by
de way he cry.*-Rarpses Baser.
Only waiting.
Housekeeper latter dining a tramp -Why
don't you to to work/
Tramp -I am not able to do hard work,
madam. Aa a boy I was obliged W go tt
Sunday school in ell sorts of weather, and it
made me very delicate, mnda^.t.
••Oh, well; census to me you might get
something indoors, cleaning out often for
icianos. Why don't you seek • position as
)amine of an adios!
"'Madam. 1 ant • man of high principle,
and I hold, madam, that the oUce should seek
the man, mat the man the once. Thanks ter
this Irattgnet. if you nee no ofkte bunting
for me tall it rare gone up the romL"-Pbilr
dolphin R.urd•
OmimelrwW Agaaaw
POE1'S CORNER I We regret to reseed the doth of A
■y Mesaeu.
He will Mut sow Mauch whit me,
ten may sister r''M ;
T. opera, foie. or theatre,
N alk ate bell sever Ie.
Why is it. he shwas am eel
I eaaot make it eat ;
I'm ate bad louklex as Mariano.
Am nut leo this or sleet.
I do sot wear di. hied skirts.
'aur dead Mn a .ea say het
And yet he sever takes meest -
Yy crest brother teat.
If I were be' smut other girl.
Hid think m. woeaerene ler.
Aad rave auout my •sore eyes.
My oohs of oheetast hair.
He d take me ben and take me there.
W herder I wished to •e ;
Rut I sem sot that ether girlonly slater Ile.
Whet shall I do 1 What el all I del
1'a ahem% in despair ;
That I should thus be left N r.era
W anything but fair.
rve reamed the yuestlna OW.
PIANO this wsy. tees tbeotber.
And mast bunt up, without delay.
That other girl's big brother.
-Haase Bright
iMoKeinate, who (Led on Saturday lam
He wile be missed by a lance circle of
The New York Yei1 end spear is iu
Mined to beaus* that a mash lentoi
n ease r of "primmest peiple" wosid
go regularly to abeam if the serer* is
eluded gratuitous retrerhweots, bed die
ttihution of favors.
Perfumed Bureau Iliacs -A in* towel,
or even a e bile paper, is the usual cover
fur the bottom of bureau drawers, but
how much daintier is a set of perfumed
mats for that purpose, or at least one
teat for the top drawer, in which one's
most cherished possessions are usually
kept.• The prettiest of these are made
nein lined with muslin, with an inter-
lining of sheet wadding, upon which is
sprinkled some violet powder. Outside
and lining are run together and edged
with chenille the calor hit the satin. Cross
.Riches in embroidery milk are taken at
intervals to tack the mat in squares like
Small quilt.
I Egg I 31? Lrl
tVgi TI
Broth and Fete Tea -Egg broth
sed egg tea for tesa:ids :-Fur egg broth
beat an egg until it is frothy. stir into a
pint of boiling het meat broth, free from
fat, season it with a eaitspvonful of salt,
and eat it hitt, with thin slices of dry
toast ; it may be ;irei to assist the pa-
tient in gaining strength.
Fur egg tea, beat the yolk of an egg in
s cup of tea, and let the sick person
drink it warm ; the yoke is more readily
digested than the white, and has a bet-
ter flavor; and the tee is a powerful re-
spiratory excitant. while it pr:omotee
perspiration, and aids the aasimilatieo ot
more nourishing foods.
The owner of a patent etalieioe which
is declared to be • remedy for smarty all
the "ills that Seek is heir to," is a wo-
man in Brooklyn, N.Y., who is such as
invalid that she has not been out of her
room fur tw.uty-three years.
A bill has been introduced at Albany
providing that if a boy under fifteen
years of ego Is found cstryllig • lighted
cigarette in the street he shall be ar
utatsi. Ti.,B.•stum P at sagest. that
this should be amended to impr,sonmeut
for bre if the buy bri.rgs the the g into
the house,
A friend salted me it I hsre ever n
tioed that women never rock.tus tint. by
the calendar years. lifer nustance, •
ma i says : ""My bone, was burned in
the sawmer of 'In " His wife says:
O.ar b•.itee was burned 11 years ago last
*canner ' "(vs, I have noticed this
feminine peculiarity. and I doubt very
@Rich of rite darned woman out of
teeuty' her. to (7odencl. who can off -hand
tell the exact year of her wedding. Sb •
may have the mouth end the day on her
tongue's mid, bet the We and '81's she
has no tmerfor.
"Wind we shall do without a red-hot
place of *brie in the next world is hard
to tall. The fear of a devil with a
eleven hof and forked tail, and a per-
petual roasting en his satanic majesty's
red hot wale of fire, is about the only
thing that could keep half the people of
this on rid area half way decent, and
now that they are to be 1.11 solely to the
pricking. of what is Balled their con-
science, the outlook is not very assuring.
-Windsor Clerija.
Cranberries Kept Freab.-To keep
cranberries fresh an experienced h. use -
wife says to pot them into cold water.
No matter if they freeze ; there is no
way that thee keep so Mee and fresh.
One ..coda to be careful not to break the
skins so that the juice will not run out ;
het they will be just as fresh and round
in May as in November. There is no
other method that keep. them uncooked
as tiles as this. aend cranberries are al-
t , wets better when fresh tbau when pre
BNB B.etri•e Rinks-Thes.•*octal the Jose* se vrd, and take les sugar, toot, either
girls Pa owes Mr. Jones mua+sy fur pies or rues.
Mist Bertha Rinks-Desbet let's cut 'em MrirrAtD
.-Oa'y the best mustard is
dead -Philadelphia Record worth having, net the adulterations and
Rssedltas Satre& tricks i.f preparation are so many that
the hest is hard to get. Much denenda
on the method of preparation. When
g1.od mustard is carefully ground and
so carefully sifted That only 30 or 40 per
and th• KIDNYS
'T eoastnaed action give it wee-
dafal power to cure all diseases.
Why Ar. We Sick
leaser we allow the nerve to
remise weakened and irritated, sad
these greet argues le become dogged
or torpid is
and poisonous hemmers ers e
Read into the blood dist
should le expelled astardly.
WILL CURE slLlecnruea. PILES.
1IIVOIS $15013131,
By quieting sad strengthening the
nervse, •ad ceasing km active of the
liver, bowels, sad kidneys, sad minor -
wig their power to throw of disease.
Irby sena Wises Pals sad AshesI
Why twateasI with TIMs, Chae s° -t
Win lidgel atdewDisrdrell
Why sadere serves• r ales limallaae0101
Why have despises melts;
Use Pane's Cum Ceseoece end
egoism is health. It is an merely mew
w wady.
hanger la an arm
Sold b all Dewier:. Price *Lob
Ms fee itis•.
WEllf RICNAIDSON•CO.,Ptsedilm►
.1 Russel committed suicide in Brant-
ford on Saturday. by shooting himself io
the right temple. Deceased was a
Whnol teacher by profession. His moth
or died a year ago, leasing him about
2145.000. A short time ago he purchas-
ed a bankrupt stock of groceries and
started in t, ,slaw. No cause can be
assigned fur the a eh act unless that his
business was not meeting bus expecte
tion., He leases a wife and three chil-
An article. "How to Handle Babies." ep
pitiable to young mothers, is on the roods.
Rein advice suitable to amateur fatten
might not be out of plana
fever,;...,_..etas when you are In abunTv cent. of tine weight u saved as table
to in down town, awl throw the baby acro mustara, a first class article is the result.
Um back ot a Omar like an overcoat; it it Some poor staff made from the rejected
bard on the spine if it has one You bulls is sold, with cayenne pepper added
Do not toot it like a pile drives' to make ft to give it • "hits." Mustard is largely
stop crying, as throaty jolts more yells loose. .dolt.ntrd by edmixtures of turmeric
Don't trot around the room with it at
sod corn meal. Generally, the quality
night when it has the colic with its bead of mustard can safely be judged by its
down and its fed up; are that you grab it melee, cud the cheapest is really the
Nright side up and with care, dearest The yellow English mustard is
one arm or one leg. iftl you as to carry is by best for table use. California mustard
arm leE• it do gid watt any
more noise in the bourne. is oo 'rich in nil that s tune of the oil et
D o
not, it slip through your hands on to expressed beta'• the muctard is sold to
the floor *ougb you do fltdl it as herd as an prevent it from Immunise rancid -bene.
eel to bold. its unsstifaetory quality. Brown mus -
In bending It to your wife do rot he eo tard is mostly seed in medical parties.
glad tent you will let go at it betoreshs has a
clinch on it.
If you stand it to the' corners to get rid of
it be sere that its feet are down.
Never lay It upon the mantel piece, even
for half an hour: It has no wings, bat may
have when you come back.
Do not he guilty of tying its feet t.getbsr
and banging it an the bat reek.
If It jumpps of your lap, always try to
catch it before it bits the floor.
Avoid lifttng it up by the ears, methe pro-
rodew enlargement of those ornaments
Don't bounce It up against the wall like a
ball and catch it; it may not like it.
Do not balance it on your bead with your
hands in your pockets
I( you Awa you mutt lay It across your lap
to sank it, see that it is in a comfortable
It you feel that you have to sell it, don't. -
A. W. Bellew in Yankee Bids.
Philander Hodge, a farmer who lived
at Irigsoie, on Monday, hanged him-
self. He went out after breakfast, say-
ing he was going to his brother's, but
would throw down feed ter the cattle be-
Retie. t'
•trr..ew w
'les Its readers literature c;