The Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 6i
TR 14171 04 SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1Ss9.
Ge elery 1
s7. _ - .
PT; ,. ern, iwj lis win s fypslatlfw tale I
TN!: FA3$4 ova.
A Tanabi 3 TimesRy r..y •tdTem teeing 4,44'4"1 •41 (,are oily W 1
1e A /614147 .1 '1"11'111*•flat 11151 1"..."1•l lof the Lel tt•u satiety of t►e -.AM-
A -T-
s Levee waiters, !mtge./ay porters, oebte
mi, owe ssse trate-sea. awns aaast,. he posy lady has a
A T. Wes ftp/ Oweres.
A krill evil • t• -Id on a r leu ar I• -'
a'et1 poring led/ •111 is putt, netely
:Lohe.�trly, ..lour, KwwlttsK little poi daft,
she hu node the Mot of her
bears a li young lady wrist southher DowNIINIG
nu that the suns ser a K
rules tot the sleepins-mar oompaoy dight
awpar.te her little dacha( frees her. she
adopted a clover ruse tr' deceive tits
porter. A hull set of baby Moines was
prepared for his pm/Alp, .ud un the day
et hie departure he .as decked out in a
loot/ smuts A resat little hood a heavy
veil completely concealed Its iJeuuly.
The 'volitional y•'uuK mother was the
object al • great deal of nater .1 to the
otter ladies M the sleeper Sb' was
plied with all aorta of emb.rrasuug la-
terrWtatones-- •'How lung have sou been
toe/Tied 1 •' 1s tbia your brei 1"
"Would papa ails• his baby buy 1 " esu
Everything weal well durtug the day-
time. The treinni-n weer suspected
the ruse and were esptoi.ily attentive
w hs;,y'a waota One old geutleu,au
peasouper maid he Lad been married
thirty yeah •oJ had rimer lied any
initiates. He would les its proudest
man in the world a he had • into. eon-
••• boy like that, otadaur. You should
be a happy woman, madam,"
f'utpty seemed to appreciate the situa-
tion, add lie maintained a thoruuel+ly
dignified couipwure tbrunghuul. Wheat
tarn _mule everybody wanted to kis the
baby good nutlet befogs the little fellow
■aa tucked away to his berth, aid si rr
gutted the 5 reetest diplomacy ou the
young pad•'• part to prowess disastrous
ouuaequenoes. The veil could out be
removed uudrr any cituua,•tauce. Ilaby
was very young noel %airy delicate, and
the dootur's latest iojuuctioe had been :
"Dw.'t take ole th. vett" Su e%.r)-
body kissed lacy through the veil and
1 •
, butmJ
everybody .cut to sleep. A
nicht the car was awakened by a violins
barking. There was • terrible commo-
tion. Valles hod slipper* were got ready
fcr action, mud, with live p' Iter nr ter
load, to search fur the canoes Intruder
.aa begun. The offender was li.e.teC
under • lower berth; and,to make a long
story abort, was hauled out in disgrace,
batty cloths and .IL Next day there was
a round of e.wkeriugs sail explatta.o•,but
the remainder of the trip was nut S lit
enjoyable for the y'.uug lady. She
will bot take puppy wish her au; mute.
- Louisville CoulR»rcaL
..� ts not �,el r eruMiult-••.mown • 'billion wk." any• '11.• bear very usuub .o,.ut euoeolrMi-
ynod else •.ulJ give sixpence ; to mak.
Walls tips sllghlly Parted. bar chest boas- 7
liar with genet• azette,tent, gad her era. le- • g"c"1 u...'y i"_.' of iridins vale,
miaow ettb the drearily ',curious= ur • old eh.. dm
y to•n. inial who744
deeply poo mature, Glycerine McCurdy, tat bop' to Kot .olimihiug to enure ; •ud too
the that flush of her radiant young worsen- -aka care that the (sate of these mow
hard, 16.516.5"11w
wl1.rani ai.l drink ,n the glen- •,aa.
utous'inione small be well bruited
oma (matey of the Ia,Kbspe. Hrr companion .bra ad- -•ad your ells rafter as • metal,
was • young tsau walk a brand. ustelleetual ,,,s. whole -*Ruled bolus u established., a t'alllvated eycglaw and a pair of 1i ,• %ey uokJe tint,. liberal, but uul
the most watietw logs that ever watd,led 4,1 ;Aber pw'p.s eap»u•r. 7'h. „id
vpy b....a 014111111 u • very sound Noe :
'He just before you are generous " II
our liberality bindeu you fr.w, paying
what you owe to your butcher or your
stlor, you are u.t just to hew ; nor, it
may I. added, are Itleu really generous,
nut «uly lavabo
But avoid lwdienres* and sbugtuee•.
Oise sway as Leech sat y,.:1 plisse, tt..-
more the tenor, always piuvidtd that
Persona who have gamed in prec'hlea admi-
ration at those leis -bat we digress.
At their feet, lathed to the hazy aple.idor
of an 11w1ia11 wna111er afternoon. broke the
murmuring wavelets .4 the rom=antic Calu-
met whose + .0 pans retlrcted lis its placid
bonne the Sookbn sky overhead and the rich
autumnal tents ,qi the nrbur.•al vegetation
that fringed its ..horst
"Lovely'" orb. tit the young moan, in reply
to the exclamation ut has fair cv.mpauua.
"It la beaut;tu!'• noised, out y. uraelt sullen 1.) your mil -
With Lis soul in bet eyed ibis osuN )onph ,,,g, that the person l.euettted by it i•
was looking at the rapt taw beside }ins, aid worthy, sled that it s,.dott• without ue
hot at tar lakes etre, tsutat.on.
•'lilveerine." bo &.*J. am' Ma voters vibrated trr.,ii. , as we read it. .n: them IR
• file truly generous mai is he who dr t,.rrlgu punapuuu•, are i+ y, .far aU,
11.e .ufru.a 11111V.
ties, %mangoes, cbauyte end Jep111.1.1e4 115
t.sltwus. W'e war► about on the leak-
suaaWe promenade, ws vied the ort
ltlshu.osole ayselobles. old fIstuewtly
Sot a peep at the wardrobe of •...w as
know lodged leader of accept*. sty'...
Through •.i thaw emperset.ues we ars
tilled wtlh • and wonder that we •die w
leu .4 the reutarkaule sly ha that w'
read about, or the startling u,,, .5. with
which pelt I:c. lou. are tilled.
lit place of tl. se, we me plain, ele-
gem, .17.lah gar,aenla, deal,lut• of
reCW.t/IC ur •urpts,u,t features, and re-
mark ".:1,1e cblydy I,•r their 'port .loss=es,
. i.r timidity ut t bo ii etenal, .ud that: ex-
quisite fit arm Mash There may be a
irt•lorse raver or Iwo,. and au EuWre
room'', or a •uk,,t.wn"1m of the day of
Mari. Antu:icette, but they are so
modified ley 5404.d teal., and Ilia art that
.voids t•vwythsull emiepacu.•u• that .ono
might he encased to wonder of the new
wilt. .t.. are t 00t tamer when the pier hnnsrit smite lunsi,, or better slop,
soul. treed Crum its ikah:y tibial: i.n:t- bald aeulr t'. rosary, tb order test 110 sins)
still forith bae.a.wi fol se' /bat. wlerewitb 10 of"'' t • those .b'1 are
M'ith a p,w•r'ul suss+==( Lunrnt Ite'ptnseB
to tan earth • native uuet:utu,arnt uo•od 1" iwed. Tho ntilsuiatrr, .t'h h.•
over it wit.(: e!r:x•htd /tut'and 11a.L•ttig eycx 1:40,001) a year, often vert kreat prates
"It iidmr:d.' he 'wool, 'or his sofa of El U(r;), £1.0l.), £1 001),
••Fuk•t Melone," wild the trakien, sit -.r even }:IU 000 ; and wheat his doe
aide° lip.. ••1 tiara[ )ori You Lave u%ed lot•. reach a quarter of a matte..
my le.:!" statues are erected to hi. w-w•.ry, and
"Don't mention it, my slariour he es- pesos are suite In his prase. l:ut is,
claimed. ail peolainlity the stnsots'g of his b g
A vivid bleats overeire.t.l the (i:w of rile _b.ek doer not '.oral! 11,0 metltu•r .•1 the
lov''y )•.turgid. r.nallest pleasure or 11..' dythtoat grauti
"r'ur-ire iite•Gly pe.,'•"Imo-`1' .1Fulet` anon. Unless he gatuW.a un the tuff
"to. :• presumption ih; --ut; or the ato'Ck exchange, he cannot ',and
Lot i roan herr, sierat d breath
, suns htwsett mor0 than a certain not very
}t.. ng e over her se. L breath te:utes: big, large loom.' amount ; and there is
.w s t .,n tis: s'a.oilrt
C' L• be snot (towing .tee a e
•'t:.p.eernto pytl�trdr, to,;etilsr w• -have therefore un very worse nue geurmo•i:y
im bis 11.5111og over 11,d 'purples to .our
bell,: fd'. mono pat'rin from the 1.1ven:watcr.
forded lott.rhorn street n''er a. dr over at the . ur 0.lf a .t -zee. chatttahfe .rrganeztto••i•
rise of our his, braved' lis nttmapher.' of Dr I;:uu.6eld, afternatdr•.p of
Brad' erxat. read Uniw,wrg till we Wer os- I.- udiu, Iseosn 1"ew with a deterrtao.tsou
per.•isasl ny-on+nes,t tL.t tuuh.n,•r but !red to give, if passible, one fifth of les 411
oyste=r would arraaa'0. and w�^etirmt' +l#e lay. Dual "ileums/ Iii charity. What. he lie
wcud'rmi cn tlsarct,rate• taauk•. iRtt,l 11"ive cause rich 1e gave away one-third of his
MI. taut 1..51 wont,' ben (,wally abate, a "aid iue„Iue for charitable, purposes. During
Ira::.1, witbu.:t you. t;lyeerlue. ;"-- 1.1, t. mire of the fee of London be gave
Do nut ea.- it, .`Jr. intoner said the easy not niudt leer thou £l:,si Otto It
'No le.:y, le on ay.• to ra•`c u au open *Wirt that Mr I:u.kin hs
"Not sayi:r•bederasadd hotly. "Afton h•trid himself of the balkofhs
be sou. e,,rfanumr,' adr yews. te15515. 15.t he may troch E:ieltlh 'artisans
tta„mrser;tteu1 we Ige
3.,,u herr g,eaemg,nee t0 1' yr whet 1a beautiful. rhea.' ors
aospeak of tete &mime, and earn...., you
have -but let Grit pts Why may I not ex- e=sw'I' os "1 tree generu•ity•
press the• emot.o is of in; mesal, Glycerine lie- These is a e'.so relation between gen-
Cura) f' erten,' and tltnft. Toe thrifty oat. Imo
••, oa:ttr: --and there 4110 a dowels -log ...ways a reserve neon which to draw for
wit 1 w btr vou•oas ,.be glossal many teles chantslbr purpose.. Ii benevolence, as
bre, uriddrew a Ion. Lusk! •its t,reath- ,u business, A, without toeing to the
'•bunds', Euht Melon•', n never tolsrry a !east degree Edwin. can =lake a shilling
elan thatwso.lotas.'--1�6traga lr,baw ,s' lurcher than I. half crown. Some
men have the knack, by a ca Idol step
Wit to Spreads. talion of weans 1.. sleds, t vetting ur
It may not he ,'•t1 -it to Convect a pr0C.y seeming to get a Is r create' return fat
speech, but true gallantry combined with
w,t is seeded in ria occ which.ahull rva-
lain is much delicacy as A.ttory. -You for-
got that 1 am an o!,1 woneut," ,aid a lady Et
response to an admiring 'Winton ha a itt`et
speech from ow of ti,eolid'elnool. "Madan/."
was the reply, "when m)- •-yrs arc d:k.z.e l by
a dtamnud it Bever timers to -me to sok a
nineraktgtst for its history.'
A u. . -Isratel stateaala:t, whoa dint= with
certain duchess cu her eLjbtistlt l.inh day,
said, in pro using lc -r beside "Dial ).m
live, my lady durhta/, until you begin to
grow ugly." Sar ladysh.p's tongs eau as
newly as hos own. "f think You. sir," tow
rlplesd. "and may you hung cduti.wc your
tas ..t r a:stn purls"
G':l.iarmitn, In ailudJeg to "tire Laji-.s "
eta ieet Custom of rseesling themselves 1a;; tants, says
roe l ye coy maid. haft wMIn to be yes&
8bo11 k-iwm time alp to passes to the rent
?'sur amusing and witty aliur:on.• in giv-
ing waste ani applying icatimente are le -ole
ably thus lost by Indio•+ "eacusiug thc•.,-
selvess,' as may be instanced by the folluw-
!n Atomig the odic. of newly m=arred
pair was a now broom, ,rant :o the twist:* by a
lady friend. the stranger present twirl; ac-
companied by thisgaatrliu:
TC:.s trilling t•''' arseee fret lac,
its use 1 .,duel t mine•: 5:
!n muttu:tltle use time to .ai.y part,
In storms the usher sod.
The sentiments of smother of tee gentler
sex were ovally hu:aoroussly a...I t.r•seiy
conveyed when she thus expre.•wl kvr.o•if
regarding /matrimony: 'Vet man•icd, young
men, seat bo quit: about it. 1X.a't wait f .r
tbe millennium foot begirls t)L- 0111- =;,els.
You'd look well beside an an^:1, w.elIJn''
you, you wretches(-' -New York Commercial
their money thou others. This u e
s7.1.-1,ee well worst. cultivating.
What a picture of thrift dues good old
Hugh Latimer give in one of his ser-
rona' "My father. he said, .'had as.
laud oh his awn. I.ut only a farm of three
or four pomade a year at the utmost ; sod
hereon he tilled so much as kept half a
duzeu met. He had a walk for an lion
dyed sheep, mad my mother ms ked
thirty kine. He kept hu sen .t sch.o.l
till he went to the university and mem-
'steed him there. He married his dive/h-
ems with five pound•, or twenty nobles,
apiece. He kept hospitality with hie
neighbors and some Illus Le gave 10 the
p'e,r;wand all this he did out of the said
These elite radical s,.d stroogll marls
ed nurelnea aro. drsterI.d 0:. re imperially
for those who are el r .,u the ,concur
..,wrthu,4 .out of the'n. The
Islet tact. osier w.•p.s thew when they
are new, and they .o:ly inose into raisers'
use after they have been luso: laualier
t') the advuutureua petrol' who brat
rdepteJ them, lied have bee.olie tiler
°ugh.'y assimilated by the off ru of artis-
te, deairuer..
It may therefore he set doom so an in•
f•litb:e rule that the very ....t dressed
people -those who are elegantly c olum-
.a1 'reeding to the detate* of refined
aero 151 the ream
taste -ora ii. •t
loud and si,owy garment which herald
very marked cb.ottee gel festoon.
Ts,e statements of extremists should
never be taken 10 a guide by young and
tuexperseteeJ la i'"m. It s eery touch
batter t., adopt. •`.tyle modest to C.,n-
•ere•tl.rn rather 11,0t1 1'.cor the danger
of beteg classed anwug those who rya
nod atter the !stew Leda and foremen
our sit lee.
ti.awetblag ('isewper.
There was a man at the chntral market
yesterday showing off • new tangled wae•-nn
Wk. and • colored man who was there with
his horse aunt urian= seemed much pleased
with it until he found the price was n dollar.
"Dat settle. me," he said, as he climbed
foto his vehicle.
"Rut it's worth the money," persisted the
•ger t.
-tae got a cheaper thing, lab.'
"What is itr
"Why, my ole woman kin bold up to rand
of .01. wagin' while I grease de axe.. au' is
down' cast ms a nous extra." -Detroit Free
,fust tlerawee the flair Mood on lewd.
a Mak 1alaaWU.
"If there was only one bottle of Hag -
yard'• Yellow Oil 151 Manitoba, I would
,r the one hundred dollars fur it," writes
Philip H Brant, of W.nteith, Marotuhe,
after bairns used It fu- a severe w,ued
end fur fn ten fingers, with, as he says, '
estonishtug good results." 2
los se tM hint.
%apetsia is dreadfoL Disorder cd
liver a misery. In isge•tise is a few to
[foal mature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the tn.ot c..n.p. c ted mad wonderful
things tit eltstsnce. Its wily pat out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
had ca.:cry, mental worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and matey other thin•/•
wh;ch "(gait not to be, hare made the
Mein -lean people • tattoo of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has dime
a wonderful +lurk in refonniog this sad
bustles• and making the American
{motile so healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and he happy.
Remember :-N.. happiness without
health. But Green's August Viewer
twinge health and happiuese at the
dyspeptic. Ask your dreggiot far •
bottle. Seceety five cent*. cowl►
rwddtam. amid mita.
i•rrnslesa Bele-eek.
Keep your seed potatoes add enough
to prevent them from sprouting. -111
sprouting should be done under ground.
The farmer who thinks his farm paper
is not practical enough should contibu'e
sums of his own practise' kuowhedge and
Use carbolic acid in all the whitewash
the interior of the stables as often as can
be donne. as it renders them light and
Too much wshhing and scouring of the
churn and tin -pans cannot h. given.
Cleanliness is an important factor in
dairy business, and boiling water is an
absolute necessity.
Sheep manure applied In a liquid form
is recommended as • good fertilizer for
ehrymiltheutums. Soak in water until
the water is strongly visored with it and
them apply.
Mr Rringback-flow does tie Dont bit you,
parley i
Mr. Noah- -Whet kind of fur da yoe eel! Its
Mr. Rriegb.ek-Meant tit What dal roe
think it arts/
Mr Rpotit- i didn't know, bat 1 we ewe
tiet whatever it was the animal in have
died of fright -Judge.
ebe w.. m'an'es'.
Nils Fang:, fto her htshand)-1 had Ila
ventre! leek this anemone,. Jobe.
Mr. Pang t
Mn. Wait eels. West to 1150*
and only ilitejepeople ea h°ma .•s
W have tadeeatrawSlaary peeps/attune for a a resumes t I god whiter trade. We have all
When L.'iling pudangs be euro that
the puddings bag is perfectly clean. Dip
it i• hot water, then dredge It well with
dour. If a breed pudding tie it loss ;
if a patter pudding tie it nearly clues ;
fruit padding should be tied quite close.
When you made a batter pudding tint
mix the dour wtil with wits sod stir m
the other iucredienta by degrees ; you
will then have .t smooth and quite free
from lumps. Another good way u to
strain it through a engem hair sieve.
Be sure the water boils when you pot
your in and that it keeps boil-
ing all the time. Keep tt well covered
sank water and t=ore it about several
tames or it may stick to the kettle
When you take tt cut dip immediately
iu cold water, which will presets it from
even •t$aek.
Mie Bella Elliot. of Pontypool, shit.,
writes --"My brother and I were both
taken i11 with a severe attack of dier-
rhe s, having tried other remedies, we
tried Dr F,,wler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry which pave immediate relief." 2
"They have • larger sale in my die
trio," says a well knows .druggist, "than
soy other pill on the market, and gine
the best satisfaction for sick headache,
biioinusnoss, indigestion, etc , and when
combined with Johnston's Tonic Bitters,
Johnston's T•esie Liver Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has dose
before for suffering humanity." Pills
26 cents per bottle. Bitten 50 'este
awd 11 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
Druggist, Almon block, Oodsrtoh, sole
h leu -priced genes. •a wrU .• tw
• *recital tee's
To be unable to satisfy hunger witho*t
teeing distressed by h.artberu, indi,le.-
ttuo, sick stomach. dizziness or faint-
oes. seems a dreedlul doom. All who
suffer thus will bud prompt relief and
permanent cure in Burdock Bo-
lero, B B. B. positively cores dyspep-
sia ss any form. 2
We areJu*tll vatted the leaders le 111
el CES
sty t.. and varlay of •rids. Give am • call sat 1 will show roe
The Largest Stock of Roofs and Shoes of every De-
scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots Lum-
bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western M
Ontaria. s
tlbey are all thought at close prices for exits. and will be sold at a st=all silvan, ea nos1.
An Irish judge tiled two uotorions
fellows for highway rubbery. To the
astonishment of the court, the jurymen
found them not guilty. As they were
being removed from the har. the judge,
addressing the jailer, said,"Mr. Murphy,
you would greatly ease my mind if you
would keep these respectable g.s.tleman,
uutil hall past seven o'clock, for 1 meas
to set out fur Dublin at five o'clock, a.4
I h Id 1'1k at least to hire two hours'
a ..0 •
start of them."
Mare Tremble etas be Clpetted.
if you do not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at +nee pay altentou to the
insintatnsnce .if your health. flow often
we see a persuu put orf from day to day
the purchase of a m=edicine which if pm -
cursed at the ootstort of a disease would
have remedied it *knot! immediately
Now if Johnston'* Tonic Liver pills had
been taken when the first uneasiness
made its appearance the illness would
have been "nipped i•i the bod." Join -
sun's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pilin an
decidedly the best medicine on the mar-
ket for general tonic and inviltnrating
properties. Pills 'dic. rer bottle. Bitters
30 cents seed $1 per bottle, sold by
Goods the diu,tgiai, Albion block, sole
adhertng t. the bag. 1f you boil the assoc. [bl
pudding its a dish or basic, butter the
ins de before putting it in ; the sante
should be done for • biked pudding or
The quantity of pie crust depends a
great deal ..0 the taking. If the oven
be to, hot, paste, besides being burned,
will fall : if too awl, it will be saddened,
aid of course heavy. Pasty should be
made on a cool, smooth board or pine.
of marble. with • light. cool hand. Some
cooks mix it with • steel knife. Great
nicety is required in wetting the pest. ;
ton little moisten maks at dry sad
crumbly, whsle toe much makes tt heavy
and tough. Practice aloes can tell the
required •m,oi:t to 010.
Briers commencing to make paste fur
puddings or pier it as necessary to place
sear at hand everything likely to he
needed, to inspect all the utensil., to
prepare sill the ingredient and most 'im-
portant of all to wash the hands and
nails perfectly clean. Away use good,
sweet better, drippings or lard for piste.
Some persona think that butter which
cannot be astern on bread .ill do very
well for stoking purposes, .bitch is a
great mistake, as the baktng rr %redline
of noised fat increases the bad flavor.
Make two or three holes in the cover of
pies chit the steam may .•caps. To
make good puff peen rub a quarter of a
p,nsd of butter with a half . quart of
flour very 6a; make et into a Bohr paste
with cold water; roll oat a quarter of an
inch thick, pot a layer of butter all over,
sprinkle oo • little flour. double it up
end roll out strain, repealing fess or dye
times, smog in all • half • pound of
41.e'15 w
Don't let /tel• flowers remain in • sick
Doe's he unmindful of yourself if you
are in the responsible potation of ewes.
To do faithful work von mint have pro-
per food and stated boors of rest.
Doe's sppear aesios, however tease
your anxiety
Don't forgot that kindsees and tender-
ness ars needful to memos! NI nersiag.
Heenan nature Maga to be Bothe) sad
elmfesetd on all enmities whom it i• out
of twee.
A Rawaab-05 ori. deem "T....*
av ' to any spa condi the best (oar lin-
rhyme an ' raaetaatr�' tha tumark.M•
little fee the Teeth and Bail . Ask
y ..r or address
Crabb '• Block. Cor. h:set-al and &roate, w
D. CORflO!1i
Tu'u.z ..tures Z\Za i
of this town fur the last IO l lean. and is yet.
Any person wanting a First -Class Job, come to MS for 4t. M
1 am bound to get your trade if Quality and Moe it eery con- t}
I have an immense stock of Furni-;
ture now on hand, and
more Undetaking stock than).
all others combined. "•
"Pray. my Lord " asked a gentleman
of a weal -known and witty Judge, "what
is the difference between the Law and
Equity Court 1" "There is very little
difirrer:ce in the end," replied his Lord-
ship. "At Co=mot Law you are does
for at onto ; in Equity you are not er
easily disposed of. The former is •
bullet which instantaneously despatches
you ; the letter M an angler s book,
which playas with its victim before it
kills Si. The oes is prosaic acid, the
other laudanum."
Mesita rafting VlsI
1 ws swollen from heed to head to
font from dropsy of six months' stand-
illg, and my health wee failing fast. bet
after taking /toe, brittle of Burdock Blood
Bitters, I a quits well, and thank thus
is ao Noodieins digital to K. B. B. and to
it i remain a tree (need.- Joseph
Herie, Gadwuod, Oat.
1 hate noe on hand a our of a µTo.* 05 .1
Blind Shade Rollers at 16 Cents each.►":
Ray fever ei a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an
inflamed oondition of the lining met-
bra:les of the nt.strils, teardocts and
throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mucous uaecretod,Ihe discharge isaoocm-
panied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme-
dy that an he depended upon. bast•.
at druggists ; by mail, registered, AOota.
Ely Brothers , Dttaggiste. Owego, New
York. tv
A yueng lady its Mabee led Sateen
teeth 'ablated as rue cif hit grparw-
lions foe parriata
Vietoeie Cerbdie Sabre is a geont aid
to 'eternal mediei0s in the treatment of
'embalms sores, peen amid absentia/ of
all kinds. lm
Dr McDonagh .ill be in
eowsoltetion on the Bret
every masa.
Now is your titnc if lou want cheap blind rollers
WAREROOMS :---Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. k
two ear*
i' is u lr 18HELm
RE -
nay sharp is tits lams
.tyle. put la threw
sew wweoererha'aa
we of them the reY+iM
,tared Rockestet'.
I't.tiagChaire, lsaea//'"'' es
.red • /mime)
.tarter, we air 1a al
".sit ion to du tesla'
Work thea hetet.
y'eg ebildr'a'
tau -cooties mad*
•pecialty on all day
kept t+•turda� ,la
Kasor• and Se
{mnuad. S.
()oderioh log
Saturday of
OM West Street. two down east of P.O.. Galeria de
newspseen Beasts Cure&
To Tet Rnrroa :-Phase infer per
readers that I have a positive reusedp for
Me above named theses. By its timely
use thooaanda of hopeles eame have
been permanently eared. 1 shall be glad
to send two tattles of soy remedy free
to any of your readers who have ens-
.umpttioe, if they will seed me their Li -
paw and P. O. address
R.spectfeny, Dn. T. A. Swoon.
lir Yr Yonge IL, Toronto, Oat.
has corned oat a moattractive Nock of Fall Millineryla
and eserythlaa ens pertaining to the rade.
The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value. ass
Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonab$
PARYICR DYE WORK!/. Tomio*sso. -1101.1.0,41. ,01y ageut In thio e*rtI.. tent ec
brood Parker Dy. Works, 'Cocwat.. Onion solicited sad s•tleraottea guaranteed.
llfb>las ]CRf111. 8 A.L. LD
! 1HialMskee Yat
Pew use ikave scent pliihed else saute
ameeut of work and gond is this world
ate the eelebratei Dr Chess. Over
000,000 el his works Ilan haws sold is
Cawsd• elope. Ws want every panes
troubled with Liver Onwnplaint, Dye•
p , Beadaahe. Kidney or Urhy
Troubles, M Ms *brittle of Dr Chews
Liver Cur., it will ears yo.. llledkti..
and Reesip. Snook 81. Sold hq all
The, while 'hankieg the p.bli. ter (bele liberal patronage beeewg
tit{ O Ails stare 5.aswaola . O.5daaee, hems to .,stair 410. 1bat la has pet Mwa
prises is
ear ',array ,zcw, a
ami wishes particularly to call Wastes to s'.s
From 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prurt
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best hob
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
2 Bars of Soap fcr 25c. 8 Scrubbirg Brilhcsfor 2e
Lslses.. osmosis, mow Camay. A rte. 1 Cha.ela'u Drops. sta. sta. 01'5551
rocene Croceii, 1asure. Floor, Fe
s O O O>0 U!• 7 R T3 O. L. ]CZ'. Block. the Square. Ood
fir/rehab. Meeh all. 11101
Prwretai taws
Mietrcm (to up .lawn Mr
g irls molt. You 1
'1 you/
Jame -Ido, noun. I doe
cook W g.
"Hut you Laid sae you
Ma yaws."
"Yu', roam. but It was
%amni t out est"-Pktlat
it Was tb.
• flimsy, este yer an
,,while. Poo' 'ittle feller
de way he cry•" -Baro
Oali We
Housekeeper latter din
don't you go to work!
Tramp -I am silt 5111
boy Aa I w
Sunday school lis all tar
Made a very detests,
-Oh, smell; awns to
something Indoors, elm
,:sane. Why don't y.
Isattor of an °moor
-Madam, 1 am a mai
and 1 boll, madame, that
the man, not the mai ti
this bangoet. If you
for me tell it rv. gone
•lclplee Record.
Mtss ly vtrie's mink'
girls. Pa owes Mr. Jo
]Lisa Bertha plinks--
dssd.-Ph5iadeh,ttis P
An article. "How 1
plioabie to young mot
Rome advice what]
might not be out of p
Never get careless
to go down town, anal
the back of a thaw 1
bard on the spine if it
Do not toot it like 1
stop crying, as this on
Don't trot around
night when it has U
down and its ted
right side up sail wit
Never be us the
one arm or obs leg.
more noise in the bot
i itslip tb
the Aoor: ttauugh you
eel to Bold.
In banding It to
glad tont you will let
clinch o n it.
It you stand itin1
it be sure that its fee
Never lay it upon
for half an hour; it
have who you nom(
Do not be guilty o
and hanging it on ti
If ft jumps off y
catch it before it hit
Avoid lifting 11 tar
duces enlargement c
Don't booties K t
holland catch it; it
Do not balance it
bands in your pock.
If yt1. Bud you m
to Spank it, See tin
If you feel that y'
A. W. Deliew in Y(
A Terve
New York Judge
say in mitigation ee
Murderer- Notbi
Judge -You trio(
done by electricttyl
Murderer -Yee.
Judge-Tbcu It
fence yon to work
head Wire Elertr
dead, dead. dead
Murderer faints
Lltewalte-In ns
Ponsonby Menu
lien jamin-
Kpoeasbre Itc-
hy lyleou
He has recove red-
Oar ol
r Mother And it
for tempting Sus,
rent of his life.
Robbie- Wen.
along bda•eI-Its
ttti taew 7
!bus that taw f
band, wnbody ee
Womble in getting
wheel extent --f4
"go. ma=mma.
a Satan et legs
that s bares g)