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The Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 5
Next rTLLTE of 1. Edlwhargh. I..L Mine LAX, SUR Mail tort 1761. HANNON 'oessli to e sear W . J. R. Bras. 1761 WI8, BAR ort. Convey By_aeld af- L Jltanly t• [TOR, Ae, i and West le mite.. pat: IOW 1OT. B A R Dlicttora, etc sod foot. 17 !AMERDN, t'a'e ter .; Y. Holt. ]l. 1761- 1. 38' HMI RIIADIN 1 Square las 7 to 10 pm LIBRARY Afwatr.fe'f in rile. 111.11 tad needle - received In •tvltNt■, Secretary A1tCe. E AGENT. set Compos. w est Rats of IA NCS Co.. sofas of As. ', Isearasee It. fib, and Oozes! and Uo.t. "ed. inure ,Ate, UMW DENT IN - Mercantile ; 'inch U'elea; ctdest lamar- tpromptly. pe y u rn . aped sec. re. Om stteh. 7i- PPLY TO IRON. G LARGE r t.vestms.' Intoe Ann 3 AGENT lied Maas. ra1 soy way UMW s 1y tet 1.w id. Ns o. ✓ et sad Loam sda Landed Compaay ar mat. hi 0•1101B. w ai t et stn h• 4v 81'1118A lender ah, 1. pr. who died ✓ ein her. 1 sae pre' l rake .. o't.wleh P UU l•7 or April. 41 .aratla0, 11 part Widen eir !if snf.t re will attar .e the swede s part W mm La maims of yea aa above ' will not be ppuwrl 1 k•. i*..0 THE in'ItOt.sl WIN IL, FRIDAY, MARCH 8. 1819 8H BP PA RTON. a•r ewe oarre.pei-Aewt 'Awe lurrahrt.). -- Leat duality ,cornu g, the w.la••t day this winter. • m„gaigeest butterfly tn.s'urine0� such- isfriss tip to up vt *tug, ped. to •p- aranea co al the ieaidoe of Mr 11. L4er, of taw motion se a harbinger ul woof. Th• auaeul 1a uu Vita at ilia res.deOCe of Mr Ladner and M as w.il detel•.led w it it hal taken the summer too WOW op is. Fee ■irkem, 10$$U'. sell all Warning letaw.rese e( eandier Sautes Emulsion of Pure Cod Leer Oil, w ith Hipophoepbitea, a unequaled. T 0 rapidity with •b.oh children porn Mob soya it u very wonderful. '•T hat• used ~Doll's Ewulston in oases .1 Shocked, sod ltavesorw 111 Iuui standout. 1. ✓ ery Dae• the itwpr.•r..tent was u..rked.'• --J M Men., M D., HIV York. Cal by all Urusrtsta, :►00. tar su0. 4 1TH1 J. A. CONVERSE UG Ca APIBFIELD. Cov$CIL MBsnsw - Council 'net ./ ostial room, today, lfwbruary 28, 1869. All ib..swbere were present. Minutes vt lost aground reed and signed. Ai counts paid- W Keifer, eottiog kg od con 9, 50 eta; R Ryas, repatnuu gravel road, $1 25; J Whysrd, tin but for the ammo Jr, 11.50, T Todd, lurbet, $10.84; It A Carrick and Moreau Dalton, each for auditing, $8; Hart k Cu, forms for keit Wootton, ell 82; R H.rriw., mak- ing vol 6eei'sla► et.tement dud da.0uss at beak, 110; C Stewart, ditch on L R , $8.70 flowed bw J McKenzie, second .d by W ðers, that ll'J00 be expend- ed in each diwiuoo for repairing goads, sod that the clerk report on such expen- diture at each meeting -Carried Mov od by W Mothers, seconded by If Chambers, that the auditors' report be •000pted. and that 150 copies b• printed for dwtnbat$'a Nast ossottud of court- ed March 28tb. is, the MOO se Neter Slots • 1... aa. • esrc rata. s hero Ammeter Is the beet n'sody fur corns extant. It acts quickly. makes iso a..re spots Ind teems • radical cure. A hundred into tattoos prove ice taloa Tait. neither substitute' offered s. gaud nor the Dior• imitations of the smolt** Wei often odw- ed. A. W. 1141111,141s a aRe.. PROPRISTUttit - MONTRNAL. a.n reg MAKIN.IW TUE Ctaia.*T.D RED CAP' MAID OV MANILLA BINDER INE A yours wows in Roubtt'le, 1,1., laid her lump of 'hewing gum on bet pillow the other night .'.d west to deep Whets she awoke is the 10-111• if the gum wee hard and fast 111 est of hoz can, and she 'adored viscously for ,emend days before the ubat(s.tiss was ,.moved. Pronounced, by practical con- sumers, superior to anything in the Canadian Market. WIITE Folt INFORMATION. Manufactories &leo of CORDAGE. ATV ao•1 COTTON SA08. CALCiNKU at.d LAND PLASTKR. To esr.Osce and Woodrow r g FRONT STRKLT EA ter. W. C. BO!1WILL. Idaaas•t- 11fOdm •�Ib�Y�P�IaM wottr� er�•w�� Ferry's Seeds la r1t.m c �es Ow month tLFilm 1006 rtrs sd lrtttd 1 P. MO ANAL For rid MEL PERM ase.etirlsdsomai t NOTICE! TO THE PEOPLE OF GODERICH AND VICIiITTY Tbs Cagoaigaed b•vteg paraboloid las Sleek and 0.1.M of :he Utes 8 -ore ferfertlf owned and .posed.' a NO SAND! No DIRT! WHERE SHALL I GO T'► BUY MY 3. WHITELY, .AI BION 131.JO03K, FRUIT? ikgs to state Tial 1m intends coat inning the Hosier~* at lite Old Stand. EXTENSVE IMPROYEMENTS Aro to be uuutr In lige Shop. which will n'eke it one of the asettiell Sad meet etttaatiro t'bari•.cr. a• well a, anon* ad Iltwu+ to Ibe Stock, etc.. rad ead0Yets toe be made co bare these ralllcautly odvanrxel to miens of regulate) opened foe busbies; es 1cuRE Thy ! go where you can get the Choicest B,AISiNB, CURRANT and PEELS, and where they CLEAN ev- ery pound of FRUIT by Machinery. FITS! 1 .0y Gust I e s sa Was m an ti.. kipak Md t8. .y I Imo nide We Maim ot =FgALLING SICZNE8/, a Wedn'sday March 6th. The new Proprietor will attend in Person at the Store to Calls at any hour of the day or night, and hopes by the utmost care, thoroughness in work, honorable deal- ing and fair prices, to obtain a fair share of the Public Patronage. IT WILL PAY YOU. Ti) 00 TO r �egglat�0wee,, A ar tm CHAS- A- ressesph�rsrtehtasw ..no. eea fti :..,band .•a dolts Rets NAIRys 41:titi%. oor. rail �`.°s fee 1 Sts -hat. WALTER 0. GOODE, DRUGGIST dao., CODMRICH. T1s RIT is cI IAP T. PATENTS___�„Ts�` CArEATL 4 all MARKS A!J pal �yfo. bMr.e 7 obalr.a. r� W Mishima h she C.S. Pus f boies.i DSc* attended to at MODER/ ris NA'Kn. I y�,' there Y swag stilet to it. sod as Our adios to eppealte the U. S. Patent 01- dollar ageiMM tteR thalami rMaossa meth Oce, and we eat sip Pateata 1a les tense rood. It tt+alts ainitenehm� se�mieyst�-1s�with 18*. those remote from WARRINGTON. =auk= tr.= ftwm� Send MOD= OR DR/ WI vel. R e ad `�o��ae'-••�� �L' •s bra i k b.� s sad tM titmaw ml4 T lee u to tnbttlty he' et chem.,- and tells h aaocafag the 1.ttadwodon hid we rig FO CX/SW UNLSaH P1' 01- q•ssg t tsoak Mimeo • k bee M T/ e , P/ tJ[xr. °t`. ran e�y�� "mt � allttrata w e serer, dere, w the do10 of cial& e f Or ane MlatNeo t� e honey Order v„ sod to ellriala of tie e.d U. a Padget ones rete' oilie t to yourlos wPirko tmt d _reeMse terms and references to setae' oiliest. i• your { 'Anil" Anil _par Entree. OI1.Ma 2 ewe State or °meaty. wallet* c A.aS.w w eington D.C. Doggone Attest Moe. AS GOOD AS UM The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of imported and Canadian Yarns from the best known makers ; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Ceres' and Grey Flannels, together with a full range of Men's, Women's, Youths' and Children's Engite and Scotch and Canadian Underwear , Colored Blankets, Comforters, and all -wool Austrian Carriage Rugs. GLOVES AND FINE HOSIERY I An USUA(. Napery Department will be found Complete. ALEX.. MUNRO, STRICTLY ONID PRICKKDraper and Haberdasher zofid- A 000D A ALWAYS BEARS EXAMINATION' r-HJ4E$' FRAGRANT L L A F' R d CURES CHAPPED HANDS, CHAFFING,ETC. ma *sassy THE CORRECT THING IN GEO. RHYNAS MONDAY MORNING Bright and early-, we cominence our (treat Stock -taking Fele for 20 days. 11-4 CFE PUBLIC NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the Public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. Rees Prices ,ion Kay's Block, next E:..nk of Commerce, Square, Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. God©rich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN DROS., - Proprietors. Is the rule on all our MANTLES. NEWMAItKETS, etc., etc. This means $10.00 garments for 17.50, and so on. The same reduction on all our Fancy Wool Goods, Knitted Shawls, et?., eta-. ECONOMICAL BUYERS. Will do themselves an injustice if they fail to see our JANUARY BARGAINS. Interesting to beads of families, where there are -child- ren, are our REMNANT OFFERINGS During the flush of the season these small pricer], big money's worth lots, are apt to be overlooked, but to many they present an opportunity to solve the problem of how to get wonderfully good-looking outfits for children, for little money. Don't forget to see them. CROMPTON, APPLE & Co., (Successors to H. W. Brethour e. Co.,) BRANT FORD. �• a S*'tA5taVol,Carit *at o MICLS. 97r1$ 6NC'NES. 101 Il8t Art Hat: KA s:P6etrt 'SAT Qv E eto*C4a:wtT,vt t.J9 aP. • , s /h 047 .. •F.A�T T StREEGOUPI:ICHCW . ' WS HAVE ON HAND FOR SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. .c'�.T Zd0�7CT F'IG'URES FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RRPALIRB .A D CASTINas OF £LL1E.VIN.Trldhs HOOSSER STEEL FRAME CRAIN DRILL 1 Goderiohw Ohm and Lsuggist, t laraltL 3t4PV,41 anti Eiv my Time PRICL' •^w:r A. B. CORNELL. THE I.E.AUING N33 RT _ ER The Best Hearses, and the Best Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, to Choose from in Goderich. CggEZt3HIS RID &SOr I3LID- REAUTIFtiL PATTERN' IS GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD. P40 OTHER DRILL made can be lastaall7 regulated to run at any desired depth without raptor the urn". will cow all Mateo( grain thoroelhly, evenly and properly wver- NUEdR DDRILLed ata • antm dea0 il trams O so. NO OTHER RILL eu•eta POOPS to sew the instant the boron aomawnc:e to moves and .!sage on monad w rn starting in, atter tondos - NO DRILL LNimi Hoosier • cultivator and no ei•ttle culti- vator surpasses ittsotaubiniagtwo ImplementsIn ne NOXON.S NEW STEEL BINDER, which cuts but one cord. makes Sea lb. M wmsto win oar new cutter and moves cord to blade GODERICH SEED EI2PORIUiM Window Shales and Blind Rollers. CALL AND SF.I THF 4 KLKBRATSU RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES IBEST IN Tilt. N -'h ILl►.1 NEVE DI E8 AND OIL FOR 8.A.LD_ ''£ ILTON BTRRIDT CHRISTMAS NAS COME And a Large Importation of ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL AND TOOTH BRUSHES, BATH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &c., &c. ---dN D - AGRICULTURAL WAREROOMS, FLOUR, FEED, &c. In returning thanks to our numerous friends, both in town and country, for their liberal patronage since our cotameneement in busi- ness here, we would respectfully announce that our Seed (train Department will be found complete in every detail. We are Import- ers and Growers of this; Department ourselves, everything is experi- mentally grown, and after a three years test the best for the Farmer to grow is brought forward. Everyone who values s reliable change of Seed will do well to Give us a Cell. OUR STOCK OF CLOVER AND TIMOTHY And all kinds of Agricultural Grasps will be the best the Market Alford* FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. Our selections have been.made with the greatest care, and only tltseh Seedamen who have s reputation to sustain have been dealt with. Our stock in this Department will be found Complete. IN FLOUR AND FEED. A Fall Stock will be kept constantly on hand. We sell the best Flour the Market can produce and guarantee satisfaction every time. AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMENTS . A Ful: Stock of this line of goods will be kept on Exhibition, and For Sale Binders, Mowers, Seed Drilla, Rakes'. Hay Forks. Culti- vators, Sulky Ploughs, Ste., for this Department will be represented by Mn. W lI VsacilI, of ihungannon, in the Townships of Ashfiehl and Wawanoah, and by MR Asotm MCKi1NNON, in the Townships of Colborne, Hallett and Ootlerieb. .r. _ W. BURRt)WS. At Seedsman. -a. Have foot been received by F_ JORID..A... -, MEDICAL HALL, - GODERICH. A1.SM) A LOT of THE HANDSOMEST CHEAPPEEST PLUSH GOODS N Is. eitiliMIC11. /Wall sod see them bean swel seas iMwwbata AT THE OLD RELIABLE `TORE C. CRABB 81111 balsa not with almost every clans of flood% no.ricd to the Dry Goode line. sad AT PRICES TO StJIT THE TIMES My prudes are too anion to hold oat the heir ,.f '!.room& far large prrchases. But I take the lead in Woolen Dress Goods, I take the lead in Wool Cashmeres, I take the lead in Fine Cashmere and Wool Hosiery, I take the lead in White and Unbleached Cotton, I take the lead in White and Colored Shirts, I take the lead in Men's Woolen Shirts, I take the lead in Overcoats and Suits, and in all kinds of Tweeds and Dry Goods G-ROO I have always taken the Issd in Tose In Coffee qty ESS9 one kind, and that is the besot and only 25o. per tb., wined to any 40c. Coffee in the irarket. Best Hlema Red Cooking awning, 90 ib. Currants. 80. Lemon and Orange P An at 1 .sweet 1'r icer- -I- A-R=w.A.II_ a�Nat.-ata-� �_�� I decidedly take the load Cut Nails- •At present hr m 3 inek up, only $2.75 per keg. GLAkS, PAINTS and 011...• at WO= ttonately same low rates. A full skirl*" cd Cross Out 1 N• t. firnat best makers. A zee of all !mans Every !h. -caption of 1 'a•,tware always on hand Nl"Perlhetion C uok stove r , w 1. • Ali, r es O. ORA : 3'- . Md