HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 44 1 11It Varga fignai 11:atJs11Ne RVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITS began ParNTInY OewrCR : KORTH-STREIT, tr1ODERICIL It is a wid•awske Lealas per, devoted • semi, *ewe sad the dlase.saetioa of aeo- n oosed ka, Isdgs. MANN Mr sI rEartl.1 r s year ; 750. for six ostkM s : e. for .'.shoo If the subscript ins is am paidadra advance, will be ckargedeal rate of NM a year. AMOVISTINGING RATE I,ama1 and other casual advertisements. I. per 1T&e t.0 drat insertion, sad $ cents per lino Ur each subsequ.ut Inaertioa. Measured by a wonpareil scale. l sal noUors in atapariel type 3e per line. Local notices la ordinary media, type lc M ward. Balsam cards et ix Ilotee and under $3 per Moor. AdvertLreaieata of Loot. band, Strayed LissVacant. S'.tuetlom Wanted and Chooses Wanted sot exceeding oa1 ipariel gl par Boort. Hosea on Sale and tartan es We. sot to soused 5 Uvea, $1 for Arlt [smith, Pao per sub- sequent ubsequsat month, Larger Mins 1. -proportion. Aay spatial settee. Ohs ehjeet of which la to promote the pecuniary heselltal any lath - "ideal or nempasy, to be considered aa ad verttseme.t sad charged accordingly. These terms will In 41 uses be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger sdvertisew,ente, or advertisements for extended period,. made known a tits once of publication - J0111111111 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Once is carried es in connection with the ordinary newspaper business. where first-class work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everytse can be dose oa the pDhing in tbs print- aamtnated poster to •• reline card. remiere from an All communications most be addressed to R. WIMLucrMT. Editt1of Tee 8ton*L lliabame (7&11 NsEt Oodericb Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAT, KABOB S, ifMe. PARNELLISM AND "CRIME." Thew are great days for Ireland. Her darkest hour is peeved, and the glimmer of dawn is breaking through the gloom which has of late overspread bee political horizon. The conspiracy which it was hoped by the enemies of Erin would culminate in the political downfall of Para.'', and the disintegra- tion of the Irish parry, has proved a veritable boomerang to their assailants, and now instead of the tiger hunting the man, the man, well armed and invul- nerable, is after the tiger -if we may transpose • familiar ezpreesion. When the Timers crusade against "Parnellisse and Crime" began, public opinion -a fickle jade .t best --seemed to low its head, and condemned the accused with- out wasting fur the evidence in defence, The testimony of LeCaron, self-confess- ed perjurer and thief though he was, ap- peared to carry weight, sod c,naiderble imeortai,ce w.. attached to his state- ments, which, is the light of later know- ledge, are now out td evurt. But it was Dot until the man who had furnished the Times with the all.ged Parnell let. ten -Richard Pigott -eras put in the witness box, that the highest pitch of excitess•ot was reached. His story, told circumstantially and with apparent truthfulness, seemed to tell strongly against the accused, and it appeared to many that the meshes were fast weav- ing around the Irish leader. But we trusted that right would prevail, .nd whoa the crow-ezam'nation of the Timis' leading witness was begun by Sir Charles Kassel' the curtain began to lift, and In doe time the true inward- ness cf the conspiracy was exposed. Bit by bit the dark secret was bared to public view, and in due season the his- tory of the foulest attempt to destroy and discredit • British statesman, and to bring obliquy upon the cause which he sepoesed, w.. brought to light. The sequel i. • tragic one. Parnell stands today an uncrowned king, while the Times wears sackcloth .nd ashes, .od the Times' chief witness, like Judas of old. stands at the bar of God, with his owe blood upon his hand., s suicide in • strange land. And so, o01 of darkness has Dome light ; out of apparent weakness hes lose strength ; and from fear of the filer. has oom. hope and trust in the time to come. Ireland's cause is bright- er toddy than ever before ; Ireland'. sons can hold up their heads and vtep limner than for years put ; we're • day's starch nearer Home Role -we're almost there ' The days ..f rerseeutiton are shortening op -the hour of Balloons= and brutality Is drawing to s Moos. The sky is brightening, and the way is be- ginning to look akar, .od i. the not die - toot filters in ba age slip els admits' tine of mm s7 • paIrines hrpO, that Mee again will hirinsii is Ireland wh4t all her true MM. .r. -ter, the oomamms- titre of Iirns. Role sad an Mak Perlia meat on College Green. PtlMDr'IrT BAma=otl was sworn I0 SS Pres dent of the United States for the sett foss yeses, at Washington no Mor day last. M trot ff►wMaamr ei11 soon have to begin drilling his M1.(t('') t'laier,nt•n. 11 ere goot'ul to fight sgaoat the - ;. time they wen putting on their THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8& 1889 inIDGING 11101 OIYQBBSWD CAT - ?LS AT F.1lRJ. Perhaps there is so elate st the ems- mauity who hay. a greater variety of topica to disease whet they mem, is oo&v.*tluis or loattutee thou the farm- er have. The list of subjects already debated at tanner's institutes is large, and there are • thousaed and use things to wk about yet. But while • good deal has been said about the breeding of stock both for beef sad milk, very little hos been said about • feature that is just now ennead ing the attention of prominent breeders, sad that is the matter of judgiug cattle at the great fairs- A ribbon, a diploma ora medal from the Proviaeial or any of the ,treat sits exhibition. is worth • good deal to the owner of • thoroughbred animal The progeny of the onw ee bull that win. the leading ens. at these fain is in demand. In short the men who judge live stock at the big fairs Rao do much good or much herrn as they are tit or unfit men fur their work. Last week Mr Wei. McCrw, of Guelph, a leading breeder, appeared be- fore the Bead of the Provincial Exhibi- tion and told a sat very flattering talo ooso.rolog detain judges even under the ems of that institution. He said it had been charged that the Burd some- times had nct the proper ekes tat jtdges fur live stock, and there was a good deal of truth in it. In the city of Ottawa is 1037 the judges in Ulu Galloway and Polled Angus classes were et fault. One man actually said he always gave the prize to the biggest breve ! Mr. McCrea then related the follow- ing instance My father asked mouths+ man if he oyer judged Galloway.. 'Yes,' said the man. 'Were they •potted I' 'Yee.' 'And had therhuro. p ' 'yes,' said the other. 'Well,' said my father, 'that's tbei first time I ever beard of spotted Galloway* with horn.." (Laughter ) Mr. Muer*. suggested that the various breeders' associations should recommend as judges to the exhibition boards mea in whom exhibitors could hare some confi- dence as being fit men for the position. W'• would recommend our institutes to take up the question of the appoint• spent of judges, not only at the great fairs bot ala.) •t our township and riding shows. Our own opinion is that fewer judges old • better quality of men is the great cure for the ills complained of. THE EDITOR'S TABLE,. A Word we two Ales New TaM/eatibou Thal Have Ceml M Maud HAarxi a MAOAZINI FOR MARCO. His "Comments on Canada," in Har- pers lfapanne far March. show Charles Dudley Warmer a genial accurate, and aymoathetie observer. His conclusions in regard to political gnus in the Do - inion will command _etteution because they carry with them interns' evidence that they have been lugicelly drawn. Bjorn•tjens Bjornson in the mise num- ber witness bis studies of Norway sod its People." His pictures of peasant life are often the very poetry of char•cter- izatton. The capital of another foreign people "New Vienna," gives the subject for • long series of illustrations and brie( explanatory tett by Curt von Zahn. Resides the third instalment by Constance Fenimore Woolsoo's aerial, "Jupiter Lights," this Number °Attains three short stories : "Siowtopp'. Confession," by John 1.111ie. illustrated by Fr.denck Barnard, "A New Arabian Night," by Edward Everett Hale, and "One Story is Good till Another is fold," a tale on oo-operstire plan, by Brander Matthew. and H. J.s.op, "Poe's Mary" might a1 most be classed with fiction; it is the true story of the poet's early love, an episode unknown to his past biographers •'Tbe Origin of Celestial Spices" is by the Darwin of astronomy, Prof. J. Nor- man In.ctyer, E.lt H. It will cum•_ as • revelation to those who have not follow- ed of Tate the advances made in this science. The publication of Mot!.y'. "Letters" is the justiEcation for • char- acteristic short essay by Geo. W m,Curtis Theodore Child waste@ upon •'Th• Inst• imolai France," and Alexis Uneaten, complements the article with many illus- trations in the French manner. Ken- yon Cox «rotnbotes an assay in &roster criticism, "W "Mato Chase, Patton." with . samples of the artiot's works. Tboeme Bailey Aldrich and Louise images Gui- ney are the poets of the Number. The Departments discuss Amerman topics al- most ',clean/ply. 101 MZTR.,DaeT MAGAZIN, to-■ MARCH. The March number of this magazine is one of sustained interest, and well maintain* the high reputation of the periodical. It has three handsome- ly illustrated •n,rl.s. Ons entitled '•Thrnu11h Nurm.ody,' giving grapbia picture. with pen and pencil ..f Dieppe rind of theme/tint old city of Rouen. 7'b. Rev George Bond's 'V-egaM,nd V4.- netts," describe in racy style his land. ing at Jaffa and journey to Jetusalem. 'in the Osman Fatherland,'' by dm Rev i)r (leen, gives • aopioody ilium tested account of Nunnhurg, on. of the mon n.tn.atse trues of Europe. pp,. frssor Ooldwin Kmith's article ore the Moral Freedom of Mao will attrai B oob attentina. K.nstor J Maedossid elves another of the prpers whish are 'seethe murk intone Da Marls Met Fond. era avid Pr.shyt.risrutwo on Toronto The Rev Dr Seth +land contributes • thoughtful *tidy on Newman and the Preetar(se Mnveriertt ; and Or Ntewart f ives hi• Mriking article on the Proem Outlook of dm Diffkr.et M.thndama of tient Reit•iu. Mr Dunn'• ' K'otonee of Shakespeare" are se deli=tely amt as o s lens•. A ins tlmeset of Melba ,usd- aaR is given is "lase Holm's" .hars.uR story .4 "Deasy Miller's Dowry," sad Mr. Barr's "treat Naylor, • Story of Methodist' in the Block Cuaalry." Now is the umm w esbsertbe. Bask numbers esu still be seppNsd. Prise 52 . year ; 51 for w Bulb. ; 20 de per.umbsr. Win Briggs, Turowtu. THE TOWN OOUNOIL Report at she •sasses et sass Hormel+ Ther meeting of the town sous - cel was held oe Tuesday sveniug last, the Mawr is the chair..All the seem bun present sleep& councillors Pridh•m and Dunlop. Minutes of last meet* were reed and approved. The report of the sNelory sexton snowed four t--terieenta, 3 adults and 1 uktld-none tet them from town. A report from the registration of6ee, Tomato, showed that the clerk of (leder risk bed registered 73 births, 25 mar- riages and 32 deaths- raTIT1o,H. A petition was received from • num- ber of ratepayers eking that .est.ta00e be given to Win Helloing to odd him in eoevsrtiog Its mill from the stow to ✓ oller prow& Referred to special oom- =itl.e. 1111 01 Innate woaxs ommanTRR 4 uderich, Merck kb, 18t49. To we Mayor and Council, town of GoitrscA : Oatcrtsnze,-Your pobiic works onm- mitte*, according to iustructions of this eouucil, advertised for tenders for the building of an octagon pavilion is the Park,i60 fed in diameter, cad by. tend- ers were received, vu : l7Os Building For Building with stats with, matt riaL without door Johnston McBrles, 551 O1 $13 .0 John H. Jobs moa, 3161 M fol w Peter Sweatt. 373 Olt 175 01 Francis Semen. SOD a 51 00 Weald Cummings. 71/300 313 00 We would, therefor*, recommend D. Cumating's tender be accepted for the whole bedding, including material and floor for the sum of 5300. Your committee also received tenders for the supply of 6 ft. cedar plank, and recom- mend the acceptance of the tender of W. Stothers, Ashbeld, for plank averaging 12 inches in width for the sum of 513 50 per M, be accepted, this tender being the lowest, We would also recommend the tender of R. W. McKenzie for the supply of nails be accepted, viz : for 3 in , and upwards, steel tails 5'2 75 per keg, iron nails 52 65. Tete. C. NAmt, Chairman. Moved by Naha', seconded by Col- borne, that the report be adopted. 'MOINItR (HI?MAN'S REPORT. Ouderteb, Feb. 22, 1889. Joke Butler, B.w)., ChoirTmun Water Works Committer : Diaz Six, -Atter examination and tests of the pumping machinery uuw be- ing eing erected by Tee Gordon Steam Pump Co-, for your waterworks, made in Janu- ary, and after seeing the engines work- ing again this morning, I seg to report as follows .- That the larger engine works satisfac- torily when pumping at a speed to dis- charge 300 gsll.,os per minute, as shown by plunger displacement, which quanti- ty of waist is the present limit to be got front the wells ; but that the smaller en- gine dues out work satisfactorily -and oaanut be accepted is its present condi- tion. As the pumps were delivered here e arly in November, 1888, and have been working more or lea since January 1st, et aline expense to the corporation, and as there can be no revenue derived from water -takers until spring opens, I w ould recommend that the pumping en- gines remain idle until such time in the spnog as the committee may select, such tame to be not later than May 1st, 1889, and that the contractors be then nation, ed atio r- ed to place the engines in gond working order according to specifications and contract, and that they run said wastage my for one month acoordeng to section 6 of the general specification. As the engineer has already made two trips to t;oder,ch to test the pumping entriee5, I would recommend that he be paid by the contractor for pumping ma chinery for any additional serried re- quired of him in testing said machinery, and that his fees and expenses be de- ducted from any moneys due said nos tractors Upon the contractors for pumping machinery agreeing to the above condi- tions I would recommend that they be paid three thousand five hundred d•dlare in addition to any amount already ad- vanced them. W Iloilo CHIr'AN. Engineer. 53PO*r OF WATEWOEza common -1z. Goderich, March 6, 1885. ro the Mayor and Council, town of Go&ri.A- Gzrntilzil,-Poor waterworks com- mittee would rsoommend to the council th• putting down .4 another •s11 to the flow .4 water same as that flowing from the Hawley well for the supply of water for fire purpose& Ws would also recommend the build_ ing . f • shod for the storeys of a six months' supply of a.el or the utilising of the old betiding on our property for 'bat purpose. We also ssbmit for your consideration ✓ ep.,rt 01 Wcla Chipman, oar engos.ev respecting pumping engines. Joule Stem's*, Chairman. Immo' tv)MMiTrI$ IMPORT. That your Finance Committee have .zammed the foitowing amounts and tw- oumm•nJ their payment L B. Montg a- mer7, 516 00; 1. Major, 519.84; Danny Mfg Co., 524 30; Galt, Perch& Robber Co., i7 04; Ogilvie@ A Hutchinson, 53 83; Thos Swartz, 54; Henry Nome, 51 40; That Nwartz, 53; N1zoe sturdy, 52; W Kirk kilo, $11 90; Jae. Heuiaders & riot, 510.87, F. Snows h, $204 61: Jae Sosselers t Son, 51.70; R H Kellogg ! Co, 544.50 Tho aec.eut of 1h Me;,e.n for daini dam to his buggy uy the late Mr Fteds, when driving watering 'art, w. sass's recommend same to ha pew as we con- sider the town s not responsible We would ree.taui•id that C L McIntosh Ire paid LM sem of $10 in f.11 psymset of his ireuun( for 2(k) trees taken oS bis property. W. het. .resumed the andi tors' r poop and ,eeommend.eceptaace of ems. sod Nat &brtrset .1 isms be pub- lished wsrdiag to sheets, and that -,ditom be paid tbeeel.r. J. B. Cometmes, Chairtaaa. Mowed bJ A Smith. seconded by Tbempeon, that the report he eduptd. The treasurer's monthly atatweat showed a betimes 01 53.9* 22. Moved by Prosdfuut, aeeooded by Thompson, that the waterworks sum• mitten's report be tattoo up Magee by .lasso --Carried. The report was them taken op and aper discussion was adopted without .hangs. On the dis.mmbo of Mr Ceipman's report it was mowed by Huli, seconded by Ntholsoa. [bat teat part of Chip - man's report respecting his payment be nut adopted- Carried. Moved by Nicholson, seonsded by Naito], that the part to pry the Mazwell d Gcrduo Cu. us account 53,500 be adopted, aid an order h• draws upon the treasurer for the &amount --Carried. Moved by Pruudtoot, .rounded by A. Smith, that a special railway 'imamate* be appuioted-Lost. Moved by Proudfuat, wounded by Cantelon, that relief oeioer Ho,it be in strewedto deal with the new app'ioants for relief as he deems beat- Carried. The loosed then adjourned. COUNTY CURRENCY. Meese* F. J. Farrow sod J. Johnston, Blytb- are taking a lot of stock back with them to their bones in Dakota. in the stomach cf a bee.. kilted by Mr. May, Clinton, the other day, was fused se old Euglish York shilling. Mrs. Elisabeth Johne, relict of the late Mr. Johns, Wingham, passed peace- fully away oo Friday of last week. Abuet two years ago she busied a husband now bet family are wiled upon to mourn the death of • mother, taken away in the prime of lite Wm. McLeod and wife, of Breseels, started for their Manitob.. home, un Tuesday of last week. Geo Kelly (Mrs McL.od'a brother) l000mpansed Maui. They took • canoed of stunk, to., along with them. We wish them a pleasant and este juuroey. Mr A. Lucas left Blyth coo Monday for the great Northwest J. M.Oreigkt ae- oo=panied him, baring e►arge of some stook beimetit out by Mr Leese, W. learned their destination is Calgary. Moses McVsttie mod family left I.oe- dmalwro Muoday for Powees.n, where he with Som. 'rite[s propose going into the 'ember business, having secured • tim- ber limit there. Last Monday Wm. Downing, Brussels, lett for Ingersoll where he takes • poli• tics in the dining room in the Atlantic House until navigation opens of the *ppm. lakes wheo he will reele his old position on the "United Empire," of the Beatty lir.e ut steamer& The Exeter Times propounds th's gum - tion in substance : How mach must you out off a wedding cake, 50 inches in height, and 20 inches in diameter in the shape of a perfect loco to give the tame quantity of cake to each of the two brides 1 Stone of our readers may solve his. From a letter received, Mr. 8 G McGill, formerly of Wingham, late of Denver, Colorado, we learn that he has decided to return to Toronto. His health has been indifferent fur some months, he having had a severe attack of pneumonia. The altitude he found too great and the sir to, strong i. Denver. John Robertson, of Brussel, left New York, on Tuesday of this week, for Scotland, where he will be engaged next season as instructor in dairying- He was in the same locality last year. One day last week, A Strachan and Joe Ballantyne, Brussels, captured seven rabbits. Th. "boys' tried hunting es sooeshose with a marked degree of sea ossa. Mr Phalen. of Morris, bad the mi. - fortune to looses very valuable mare the other day. This makes two horses that the above gentleman has lost during a year's tome. Mr W. Govenlock !eh Seaforth on Tuesday last for Brandon, Mao., taking with him a car-Ined ..f horn& He pur- chased a team from Mr John Grier. for which he paid the sum of 5300. Mr James Clarks, of Killarney, Man , is at Constance .t protest. He retoros to Manitoba again next week taking with him • car load of horses. Ot Thur.day morning, the 2&h inst., about 2 o'clock the vintage and b'eek- smith shop of Mr Daniel Ssthae land. Constance, were discovered to be on 6n, bat ton late to be of soy avail as they were completely destroyed 1. g.ther with their content& The ear ✓ inse shop contained several hnggies and cotton owned by Mr Hugill, which wen also destroyed. Canes of fire unkoowa Then was a light insurance on the black- smith shop. David Walsh, a retired fanner of Goderich township, about 70 pen G- aon ase, dropped dead in Clinton. on Wed- nesday, from ezoitemwnt while •.tend ing a meeting of the ereditors of R. M. Racey, at the Grand Union hotel. Rev James Stewart, one of the oldest Presbyterian ministers In Canada, did un T-,rnnt., a few day .go in hie 85th year. He labored several perste' (lode - rich and W•w.n..sh churches, The death is announced of W 11 Lough, at Toronto, on the 19th Feb., at the age of 26 years ; decimated was the can a Mr M Lough, formerly manger of shoe Moleon's Bank here. Balt is said to Man tzeslient fertilizer in peach orebards A better fertilt*.r w ould be toady parte wood ashes to .one of salt, applied broedSmsL r Dentistry. NiCHOLBON, L.D.B. DENTAL moos R, EIghth deer below the Pam (mese. NAM. se onoeseC*. t�•ls DR, E. RICHARi)SON, LD.5. 1J 0UR0E0M DENTIST. Ona and Vitalised Ah admiteider d fir panlsssestraMlag of teeth. PpeeW .Msatillm e lms to the peasevv.t►o• el sae Vattalkl Tome. Cp Matra Greed Opens Home Pie*, Katraae. ea W..t-Pt.. O.dsrlck. flat -1y SPRING GOODS ARRIVING. Stock will be Completed Next Week. Look out for New Advertisement. J. A. REIO & BRO. Jordan's Blick. G.dsrich. Mar. 511*. MIL She People's Column. ! 1 ENERLL SERVANT WANTED - Vuff Apply to MR/, WM. KNIGHT. 55' 'AIR. FOOT RAS VACANCIES FUR A FEW Mt'd1C PUPILS. ORGAN, PIANO. SINGING THEORY. L)1TMAN'8 SBORTHAl`D B(x)KB. i -A Malted ••Better of 'T.acben" and Ilaatmb' ass b..ett/etm.d et bast rates at Tun Smrrd FOR BALL +Two Milch O.we.ae Jand the Mood years old. GEO. THUM$(.N, Musical tastrame l sad sewing stack1asdealer. liuderbh. al - LIQUOR LICENSES. 'notice is hereby riven to all parties in *be West Riding of Huron. desiring either Hotel or Shop Limoges for the sale of liquor. that eppliostia for tbe same mum be made to the I undersigned aot tater than the 1.t of April sax:. ff. J. PAISLEi, Inspector. Chalets. N -3t. 1110 WELL BORERS. Tenders wanted per foot to pet down aa eight Inch hole. frost 300 to MS feet d..0 at Harbor eau, for O.dern h waterworks. Tea- C2oderieh. C, omens. Q.C.; Y. oftAMICRON, HOLT t CAMERON, dewill be received b the tows Clerk up to t/ Barristers.Solloltere la te. Wednesday seeming. lith March. M. 111-1L JOHN BUTLER. Chat,m� m 0. Camerae. C C. Ree& Eat- rfleoical. UR W. K. RO$& LICENTIATE OF Royal College o. Physicians. Kdiabwrgh, b1levia Smith site of Hatniltuu-.t. tri. DR M0LElN, PHYSICIAN, sea OEON. (7eteaer 5a Mice and resides draw Street monad dew west el 'Peter' *root 1714. IIRK SHANNON t SHANNON, Paystclaas Surgeon, Accoesher., ae, els at Drtitan*..'e rsdtt'aee .ear the gaol Uod.rteh U. C. BRaaaou. J. R. leax- R00. 1761 Legal. VDWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR [iter, Solicitor in High Court. Convey sayer. Galeria' sad ilay d0d. I M Arse d- ire eyes Thursdays frond) le 1. Me.ey to lose at $ per cent. ftta C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, etc. free, career et Pgw. sad West street, Uodertrh, over telegraph olds. Pet: vote feeds to lend at el per tent. fret GARROW t PROCDFOOT, BAR RIHTER$ A G.derlok J. T. Gamow. W. Prroul o1efott 17 11 OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby gives that the partasnhlp heretofore miscue het wive 130000sE ACHESON sed WILLIAM D. COC. se dry goods rnereh•ata in the toss .f Uodetlen, trader the arm name or Acheson & ('oz. W this day been dissolved b m0ta5l eea•.a1. The business will hereafter be ooadacted by Ge.eme Acheson. All ado.unts dee the late Arm must be tenial at mice to .ave oasts. A. J.MAUUKR, WM. D. COX /1- Wittsas . MMU. ACIIKt1ON. N OTICE. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 1.M, glassing tree ase of Library and Room- Applleatlon fur membership received bI Librarian. In rooms. l MALCOMSONdGEO. STIVENP. President. I'.Goderion. March tlth. 555 eec+e(•rf Amusements. GODERIOH 11MECBANICB' !NMI Tt'TE LIBRARY AND READIN !stairs. equate . oar. of East street and eqte sup i Open from 1 toe p.m., and frem 7 to 10 p.m (ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY ! Leafing Daily, Weekly sad Illustrated Papers, Monitories, et., os File. 8aaWed tendert will be received by Gm se. dsrs(ghed oe behalf of the County e'1 until Saturday the 1515 isatant. for and CNet Hoe.e* supplies for Ore year elon- meaefa1 ea the Oreo day of April next vi.: Reead, beef, oatmeal. barley, potatoes otiose. . tarsip& usrrotalrr•nips. cabbage. molasses. salt. pepper. cantles. soap, cualoll. rem and lampwicks, t wo sizes scrubbing brn•t.ra. Security will be required for the completion of the coatrece. The rawest et may trader net necomartly are dined. PETERADAMOON. Comity Clerk. Goderich. March Stb. Ittit 13.11 1N EW BARBER SHOP. The undersigned. havieg had large cxperi- ence ia both town and city. guarantees ret- eless work at reasonable rates, and respect - Mir souses • share of public Patronage - Stand. over J. W. Smith's BakerE Bea alt., Goderich. 3110.3m IL L. W STON. THE HURON HOTEL., Tide well-kaewtl and popular hotel h. low , _- mated and ..lsrami during the pout mama. sad is now .seeid to none in quality or olr- esmmodatioa ter the traretltug pnbllc. Good aoe.mteodatba for transient guests. WM. CRAiG. The /ignarr. Goderich. Ont. Proprietor. Loans ane insurance. mom FWOODCOCK. /. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. Loans Negotiated with the Best Cosine lea sad Private Capitalists at Lowest Bates of latent. Agent for the ROYAI. iNSI'RANCE CO.. of Eastland Milo* the largest surplus of Ali- ases over L Liabilities of any Fire lasureaes Co. le the World. Moe on East side Ha.Ltoi-Ek. OoderIcb, mist door to Dr. Muss. Mires For Sale or to Let. FOR BAIZ ppy ts, Int t:5' iedesish. A Pf TLiP 001.1. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - That rateable properly known as 10l 103. MaRIand one.. Goderich too Debit.. within one mile of Godrroch. On the farm are a I.rge orchard. good frame horse and kitchen. with Mow cellar, and frame bars aid stables; com- press 73 acres, well watered. For further Ssp, tIeuiar. a4 to lino McKim.. the m. fwu Slittaly A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN. - I acres of head with a select orchard of choice apple.. A comfortable house aad stables, aqj oinlns Goderich. Apply to B. L. DOYLIC Godwin. 114 me. POR BALE -LOTS 174 AND 787 Ed.rist Appy to M. C. CAM0RoN Mof. VOR SALK CHEAP -40 MOTS 1N .1 different parts M Goderieh from 'acres to 7 acne la arse: and 3dwetlt•r houses. Ap- py to 1108. WEATIIIKALIAlilt-ly HOUSE ANI) TWO U)TS FOR SALiL--Tb'- holies has nine rowne, al- so bath room, pantry. closets, cellar, wood. shed. hard and son water. The garden roa- ming all %tendo of trek. Also 450 acre. of IoM la Mandeb* f. r.efr or la exchange for `fm prsprn*.b WM. 0N1GHT. Ocdefied !1704 VALI'ABLE FARM FOR 3A LE - Let Lk la Maitland con. (olbnr'., ems. tanning about tit acres. I0 acres true from at amps. rest roof Mrd wood bask. peat clay Nsm. 11 acree of fell wheat. yenmfornatgtrholdv bon, frame barn and ethers buddies,. Price leu, terms easy. Appy to POA0ER. Oedema ,ej N u FOR BALL West halt of lot >R fiS ill 111+ brick oe(toge t B ILL ick ma, *1, mob AndrewsStreet. Rt. Andre. 1. coiner of letem de Ras& avid kali livid halm en Reeve Ntrook log Neversl Wm le Mere Rwvrmy, nppoeitet e0 Phew Geoyeda, via.. Noe IS, ,p. pg, Mk it 51. its, II�t�� gs. A At lthywshove at LOW RATER, 5.31 DAVISON It Jon'ewyON. Auctiopecrtng. Joex [x02 OENER&L Ails. _ amid ItJol ',Ouster. Oed.rIeb •ea lleishie Miptrl.wea h the aectieded bade. he M la a pMttos srrhares with t e. 0.401 oil sem of scot > ..11� m� odd ea estrutelly A •fg.mdM tea JOHN C. SEAtiER, CLERIC FIiIIT DIVISION COUNT. Ceaveyascer, laseramie. Estate sad Oessral Agent. Ike. to Lend at Low Rates and Co. Ike.; e anion Notes l uated. Orrice -Next W CoraeUP. Furniture atwe, Uoderlcb. 2191.t1 FJ.T.NAFTIL, L1FE, FIRE A111) ACCIDENT IX - SUR ANCE AGENT, Represestiag North liritrh 5t Mermatlis; Idverpoot. Londe° It Globe Norwich Cafes' North American Life ; and Accidest lasari Wier of North America. Lowest Rates. Lusts settled Money to Loan on Farm mud Town 1176=. udio1s-Cicoeveyamee. Norther a 'nd Squarle. OOfm ued MK 71- AS ' 600,000 T() LOAN. APPLY TO sil rich 00 1 !CAMERON. 0 BHEPPA14 yy„e, mar owe oorrompad ,u.uK he to•.lnest iilinet boeterly ■ 0 ilus fP ° 9 I .1 waned at the role /,u.luv r, of tail •loots. 4 wrlalr. The Loser reudcuco of Mr Zoete emep„ p,ed as if it had y, 4ruw op is. ger sleeves. Mews[ tsla..05r5 8041's Emalewn of 1' .irk HIW'1'buepbite+, rspidlt� .nb •huh .pus it is 1117 wont eeul Scott's Renews sod Maraeoarla of lot w oo -yens the improve M Wau.. M D., by ell livaggista, :rtlo. - AtSHFIU Cocmctt MPRnao - 4 oos•oi1 rooms, teld.y, 1 All the msmb.•e were of lost mrei50 1554 (0505 apedW Ke8 p,g 9, bO ct.; R Ryes reed, 51 96; J Wbyi •ss•wi,r, 51.50, T Tod R A Conteh and M fur sudiung, 58; Hart last skol*o., 56 88; ing out 8naneial 5441« a! bank, 510; C Stever $& 70 M. v.d b1 J 1 ed by W Kw t hon, lbc ad in each divi•ioo and teat t►. ttbtk rel dkur• at sack mean ed by W Kwth.rs, Chewier., that the accepted. and that 15 for detnbation. Ne ed March 28tb. ries tam's for la the be.t reedy fo act. quicklym, sakes •trad• radios! cure. tenons prove its vinsubstituitMiuta. „fes offth. eredgen s lm. ct. A 7onrg woman laid her lump of .A. pillow the other nigh Wheel she awoke is u' sea hard and fast in she soferd gi t,voas before the ubstrectia qtr I saCeltsCelts I1 O m them tof atilt. i erlea E FALLING is noreasss tore at„treat fnes: .... I s 5-1.4. •.4 it .rt11 euro Da 1L 0. 11002. 117 1 PATI CAVEATS, TIADE 111 Obtained. and all yes' (Kae attended to at 1 Our .Soo is ones& S o., tad we eat*beat time those remote tie Beed YODEL OR via as to patentiobill we mak FppCH4MI TA IN PA TAUT. We refit b.rs, to o Mosey orris Dir.. C. S. retest OIMce. tense tied reemeneee own Bate 50 Osatl. V A.1111 Owners Potent C MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE smssat d Private range tor tareetmee to UAlow'ese PRO"retUDFOMOTortnages kerb R RADCLIFF=, GIO(ERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE ARD MONEY LOANING AGENT Ont Plrr1deas Cbmpemes Reprearated Of )honey to Lead os straight keno. et (h I lowest +care of interest going, In any was sett tt. narrower. OFFICE -Sneed deer from Olean .m Street Godwicb. 151141 $1100 000 PRIVATE FUNDS To (s*i en farm and tow. property, at how est lat.rees. M pnrchs.ed. No rota miss.on charged agents for the Tres. avid Lean Commie; of Canada, the Canada Landed er,dit Company, the Leaden porn Company of (Maeda. Interco. f 5i sod 7 pts rent. N. B. -- Borrowers ran 'Mala ssuuey In day, u tick' satl.hctoryT, DAVISON 5 JOHNSTON, 1055' Barrnten. dib.. 0.4.11561 NOTICE Ib CHEDiTORB. the te M parwsaeoe of tee that apM vsgetr Rtsin. bended •a/ anti ether proned tAat.s et U*s•rie, UPC MMI.�11v .nepep eolW. cif A C11t8A1.D IC.ALYN Isle of the lova 0f God,,l-b, t5 the County .t Huron. Pod m.a*W, who died os or shoat the Oh day ef p•e.w,tigt Illy. are hereby rewind to wad by port prep.M evp otherwise deliver t0 the tr te* Solletro,s for the '-eeeutuwl at liode$teh (lai•►fe. e• bee the tab d.y of A Mop thele rear1MWm, , na. and ntrsass .dresses and deaeripttor. the fool p.rtlmelsrs of their shines. a statemeet at their bytbe oaten* of thse-moles Ilf e17 hem. Aad the meld 0xeretan w11) .0er Mee hot day of May 15* dlartente the •.n.. et the sad demand among the parties .a- ttuned stetson. hot lag nsgar.l nab to Awes of *bleb .Mire sled have hese Dien as above ▪ whsdawl its. said 0ttatetu, twinetwinnot be Italie fur the said assets or my part t hemsf M sal pewee K whom claim asps. shad Sae have hese Me 4ved by them 5 the nem of reek d1oMlhettemi- GAKROW 4t'DMoT. Dr "PAPP'm-- 'I ., 1. The S mmted el'!!s � a 8 and Grey Men's,W( Scotcan, Colored CarriageB GLOVE Napex STRICTLY O] NOM - A GOOD i E oh. PRI""'