The Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 8, '889
! alsdeseestae ras••eaphs Netw.e w Claris Swetea K all tlrr •e I.eeg.n to seers
Dew Me sod._. Mtn lamas w Go Se tic Mee w •ret. w h
A prelsue esu way snake a coed M- •s Mrs Ireuy sine :- "N'• slaw
gam. A Pref." boy aa�y operate the N. have the ehur.tbee full of men ea -
talkie. skillfully.
serehslt Osco
"No, Tommy," mkt hi. eller, "1 U act
give you SO cents to tray tome the football
match; you have sees • number of beasbnU
Keane during the wstaer, and 1 think that
b Tommy was dejected for a wbfe and kept
and hiellilearold shier began to mu-
te t'r h.rtalt that she bad silenced hots
a lima as leant, ant she wield not be
bothered by his teasing. dieddealy Tummy's
face brightened and he tatted toward his
sister, bet she was busy with awns needle-
work, and was all uac,ns imus of the thoughts
that were running through his mind. Ater
a while he west over and stood beside beg
ail watched her angers as they dexterously
katited the bright colored yard Into fancy
mass and things without nom.. Cur • church
fair to he held In a short tome.
lint Ile wan at ale til the pulpits ere al'ed by vie.. ..
keys aesses.t sheat the ' Hallelujah
Chorea' molten he .ma put an limiest cad _ — __-
a fervid soul tutu the easculiou. Ku Ince •esearaehle MH1,
more sea the gamier. Christian Laster round at set, what lb. true pehlie
Agate mud again, at home sad demi' hag bora forking (or these many yeas
the world bas se•" and fen• the and that is a mediate, a hick although
Rws ed atsoer ..f in/ old fsehiulithe.r
sed its bit lately iut,odueed, ben made tot
truth to brlebtso lbs tae• of k..a•o itself a reputation wooed to move, the
society. If Ire. religion can do it bet- medicine is Jubnsuu's Tuuio Bitters
ter, bylall means let the world me it which ic ono n
utie• with Johns,u's
du.o. at uses -Coogre'gatsonkllat. Tomo Liver Pills hos performed some
At one of the recent Moody revival west wunderfid cures impure or in.
meet saga on the Psmfio Comet, the Cu.- poverimhed bloodsoon becomes purified
tummy request was wade that those and enriched. billiousne ., indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, Geo , soon disappear rhea
tressed by there excellent tonic media
cities. Yum Sale by (iot.J druggist, A: -
bias block, Oudot ich, sole argent. (d
Iu the University of Michisan • larger
prove -two of women than men are tak-
ing by choir,* the full classical ouurse.
suffering fresh any particularly hoary
Then was uienoe fur awhile, only broken burden should mend up and sek fur lb.
by the tar away "loot • harsh band organ prayer of the assembled multitude. After
a• It ground out, is epaatndle ovals, the a few moments silence a tall, meek -
"Boulanger March," in the next block. At look -tug man sr lie, and in • .oioe choked
Mea Tummy beg.** thedbuce and said softly: with emoAn.0 asked that the prayers of
"Do yin remember Mr. l/iedelduw who used the oougreftslson might to offered fur
hie mother-in-law Instead of entree,
the c'ngreg•tio u first began to titter, and
finally roared with laughter.
A number of Anglian clergymen re -
Meetly gave a play. Or rather a series of
ores elaborate tableaus, entitled '-The
know hie addreisa, eo did tot seed him • eard. Con venison of England," at Croydon.
What soaks >ttu ask the queetfoor The theme was the mission of Angus'iue,
"Oh, Dobbin' much; only the last time I and the dialogue was interspersed with
mot to the Polo Grounds tome abs New isy Inns, chants and pass'ouate religious
Torte tench the O►ica;;as be was there in the Forty clergymen and
grand stand and talked to me. He said be
attended nearly every gamy Ile had a lady
with hint"
"A lady, Tommy r
"Yoe; I gums it was his mother."
"Ohl irehepadl. You say be talked to you,
Tommy i"
"Yes; lei IMT► fMKkt i Mall ----pert— a'U'
great deal guts be ekW me in Saratoga, sed
wanted to know bow that good looking slater
et mine nag"
"(Jo on, Tommy."
"And then be std: 'int me ger, year abhor
te about l:! now, isn't sheer And I said
Grit I
woosal tt was atrout your age."
"Well" petftly).
"Then be turned to the tasty who was with
him and meted her if sbedidn't'tnber the
lady who !,owed so partly that night at the
top; the one, ha trawl, who had brown hair
and wore • lovely pale blue silk dress, -that
become bee so well azul m-ide tl'o Rogers girls
so jeataa-I guess he Mid the Mimes Rogers.
And she said she remembered her quite well;
• od then she tuned too us sad said: 'Aro you
the young lady's brother? An' I said I was,
and she said: 'Yoe oug:it to be proud u:
having such • woo sister; ala' I said 1 wan,
tai it mut/ me ford good when l sea how ell
the yardng ladies in the black were jealous of
••T. nnmy r teevsrudi ).
"Well, I couldn't hap it, 'cams I know it e
to talk to you so much at the hotel In Sara-
toga r
"Yes, Tommy. Why r
"1 guess you haven't esu him recently,
have your
"No, Tommy. When we moved Inst tqr hig
1 Wiese be was In Europe, met I did holt
laymen took part iu this unique perform -
snits, and the audience, or rather con-
gregation, roe during the getting .f the
hymns, which were sung by • merplioett
choir. Here is a hint for Csnadue
Chnatians oho are oil the lookout for
eel turner of religious entertainment.
Cardinal Gibbons, in breaching a ser-
mon rebore the convicts of the Mary-
land peniteutiary, remarked that he'
could sympathise with their lot, as he
too had been in prison for six year..
"They cell it a college, 'ter true," said
the Cardinal, "but the discipline was as
rigid as that which g..veroa you now.
And whatever I have learned of theo-
loggy, history and other matters, 1attn-
bule to the work of those six ytOn."
Let n o minister of the Gospel be dis-
heartened in good work ; and let him
not judge his labors fruitless because at
the very time of performing them I.e
laity be uicon..ciuse of the ggoo'_ he does
At Newark, N J., • Methodist preacher
some weeks ago, learned after his eves -
meg discourse, that he bad converted •
burglar by his sermon. The law -break-
er designed to commit • burglary that
sight, but was drawn by soles unknown
legumes into the place of worship as be
pre —
"Toner y" (mi:dlk).
-An' tl.ew Mr. Nieefellow told the waiter
to bring ono a slam of soda water, an' asked
ma of I didn't want some peat:uts, an' I said
I didn't mind, an' he how ;ht ate some, an'
jest then Buck Ewing rtisade n home run, an'
Mr. Ninefellow said he guessed the Cuicagor
couldn't pay belj, anti Ie'd rather mem a game
of football any day, especially between the
college eicreir, an' be mud be hoped I would
be at the football games this, fall, au' wanted
to know if you liked ati,ietac sports, an' I said
I guessed you did, but you had so many other
things to attend to, visiting sick people an'
making things for the pour heathens In
Africa, axe"-
-When did you soy the football gams was
to be payed, Tommy r
"Oa Saturday. a'i "--
nTommy dismitatinglyl, would you like to
take nae to see the game if I buy the tichrtar
"Why, oerL'l
Thee she kimd him and told him he needn't
say a rytbiug about their going, and Tommy
moved towered the door. Willa begot out
silt he drew a long breath and exclaimed to
himself: "Geo: What a whopper! But it
e asked!" --'few York Tribune
He (with evident agitation)-11-l1im
Grimes, do you 'nig/
Bbe-A little
Ile -And play*
He tsighinggt-Paint, too, I summed
She -Some.
Ile -Recite any,
8b.. -Once in a while.
Ile -Do you coo_I
Ae-Tban: heaven! Rim Grimes, will you
be my whet -Burlington Floe Pees.
Me en Weer went
Dust allow a collo to the bead to Auer
Iy and surely nee into Catarrh, whet
you can be oared fur Spa by tweet Dr
Chase it ()wards Cure. A few appitua
tines num inoiptant catarrh ; 1 to ! tame
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to b boxes I.
euaraeteed to cure shroe.. catarrh. Try
Ouly 9fiu aid sure cure. 11.d.1 by
all dreggtsts ly
naw • Rodetasiabt t old -
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneezing in a street
car, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawlse, drab boy, hew d'ye cath that
dwsadful cold." "Aw, death fellah, left
my cane in the lower hall tether day,
Meal iu sucking the ivory handle, an
dweadful cold, it chilled rise almost to
desib." If Charles had used Dr. llar-
wry's Red Pine Gum his cold would not
tearable hie: eery much. Ear what at J
Wiallela's prescription drug store. tf
esu paseinr.
A eagle pair 4'1 herriaes, if allowed to
reprudece uadteturbed fir twenty yeses
would nut only supply the whole work
with abundance ut loud, but would oe-
iucouvesisatly numerous.
lady Bea Quinn, ohs jibed We -
betty by shooting five time in India
lately, is an Irish beauty, dao,;hter of
the late Earl cf Mayo.
rensasa crimp
G often fatal w
o not remedied in time.
Leslie B Nitcholecn, 19 neellesley Ave.,
Toronto says : "As • quick cure, colds,
sore throat, chillhlains, etc , 1 gen re-
commend Haeryard'e Yellow Oil." It e
• sore cure. Directions accompany each
bottle. 2
Cheeses Commis sod eSda
And all diseases of the thrust sod lenge
ell be cured by the um of limit's Keel
atoll, as it ountaiaa the beanie virtues of
Cud Liver Oil sad Hyppoophuephites it.
their fullest form. what W. S
Muer, AVID., L. IL C. P., eta, Truro,
N. S. says : "After three years' exper-
tels e I consider Scott's Eauleiue tee ul
the very best iu the market. Very ex
ooellent in throat affections." bold by
all dtwlgiats, 50e. and $1.00
Reagents' CeeetevRii•, '
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
more so that they always closely ret -
!CAN K. Thi, remarkable success achieved
by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold in the Head has ir-
duced unprincipled wrties to imitate it.
The poh:ic are cautioned Dot to he de-
ceived by nostrums imitating Natal Balm
iu name and appear.auoe, bearing such
names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam.
etc. Ask for Nasal }Salm and do not
take imitation dealers may urge upon
you. l''.'r Gale by all druggists or sew
post-paid on .•.'cript of price (3tbcand $1
by addressing Fulford S C.. , Brockville
Oat. tf
David Wingrove, a marble worker a.l
Baitinn,re, found • found a valuable dia-
imbedded is a big block of Italian
mettle and has had the gem set, with•
cut outtiug, in a heavy gold ring.
Lapidaries say that, though such Sods
•re unusual, this is by no meso lb.
first ott record
Sive These A Chaser.
Short- Hell., Mice's, I haeen t tee
you Intely. 1 aupp• Or ,uta have bee,
eery busy. Margin Tea , I ►..e hese
at.rina Oslo/ a Over h.'e••. 1 live oro tb
.guar. now. Sh.•It I. ;het so i 11
tone be a new espeei,n•e for yes. -
Heston P rl.
C, p, R, POO
i have • lartr number of Bootees avid Lets
and Vaueat Leads to :►o• .uteri desirable parts
.i the Town Wet e4LL• *'shin.
Now is the theta .o serum property beton
the Noe itself. The C. I'. It. is owning sere.
tad In • short time pries will have advaace:
be and the reach of assay
Call :hod •e. Lam and i'ricsa before perchas
.nit elm whers
That is tat say, your lungs. Alas u
your breath Mit machinery. Very woo
derful machinery it is. Not only tis.
larger air -passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading fro
When these are clogged and checker:
with matter which ought not to be there.
your funks cannot half do there work
And chat they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, o.ngh, crimp, pneumonia
catarrh, consumption or any of tb.
family of throat amid nose and head an.
lung obstructions, all are bad Al
ought to be got rid of. There is jos
ob.- sure way to get rid of them. that
is take R.rchee's German Syrup, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 oruts
bottle. Even if everythng else ha
failed you. you may depend upon
for certain. cooly
B. ItAi C1.1FFE.
lIve! petals bad theocrat la..,ra.u'e Aaewt
fete West—HI . Hold dory (rout Square I'. P
It Ticket and Temp') Older. Si -if.
It is estimated that for fattening lint
De bushel of ie dual to thole
oushets of oats, and that when fed ai:e
A new and fashionable wayto break- ' shelled earn i• wore ec,u"mical tiro
corn meal Co. hoe*, eepecia'ly
fast is to light!, begin the day with I if the cost et griudice is taken into c' n -
green figs, a bowl of oatmeal and cr: am, ciderstt
and a cup of coffee. It may be fashion-
able, but it can't be very filling.
rarity Gave Ills
a 'Iii the years 1885 I coughed for six
mouths, amid having unsuccessfully tried
maov remedies, I partly gave op, think -
Iariag the Liv15K Is Twain. try I had ciusuoaptioiu. At last i mrd
Says Pr Austin Flint, one of the high Tr
Pectoral Balsam, less I4an
.:at and fairest authorities in America :-
"The moot important distortion of the
liver is that produced by tight lacing,
in cotoequeuce of constriction of the
tower part of the chest, the liver is com-
promised from side to side, and • circular
furrow or depression is produced, which
may be so deep as almost to divide the
organ transversely into two parts, of
which the lower may even he tilted up
over the upper. C.rrarondiug to the
tight -lace furrow, the Myer suhetance is
atrophied, and the capsule is thicketed
and opaque.
According to W. Johnson Smith, ..f
England, the wasting at the furrow may
g, ou until the parte above sad below it
are connected merely by • membranous
band. Recently. in this country, a phy-
sician cut off and removed the lower
portico of the liver of • tight lacing pa-
A late number of the dMedicel R,ceri
adduces the testimony of many physis
Mane from dieerent parte of Europe as
to the elects of tight -lacing on health.
As tho mites will be unfamiliar to our
readers generally, we will omit them,
sad give only their condensed testimony.
"It weakens toe bony and muscular
It glees rise to ineereoetel .wralgia,
resembling ermine pectoris.
"It omissions congestion of the eyes by
nbstroctiogg the ?e lcw of blood from the
'It gives rise to gall -atones.
"Defiesency of bile, dyspepsia, ech-
oed*, constipation, headache, chlorosis,
debility, may form a natural sequence.
"It may cause wandering (or floating)
"By diminishing the capacity of the
leap, it may catty oxygen starvation
Sad arterial saaNaia.
"Had you much money upon the election,"
asked the judge.
"Not acted.," replied the mayor. "I worked
• better scheme than that this time."
••What, was its
"I was in the stake holding ind;sstry.w-
Pl tabarg teronicie•Telegraph.
pee the linters.
Set a steels.
' Rural Dame -Have you any pretty wall
Hiigh Clam Dealer (indignantly) -Pretty
wail paper! No, madam; we keep 'nothing
but lbs most highly artistic dstlgtr-Philo-
diijpbis Record.
Geed Advise.
"I wan my way home, doctor," said a
chisel. who was attar some fres advice,
"and ('m tired sad worn out What ought
1 to taker "Take a cab," replied the ioLd-
ligest pbysiches.--Woreslter Omens.
,one bottle of which curedme. lea. ng
me as well as ever I was." Henry W
Cares, Wabash, Out.
Violet luncheons are the thine in nip-
per St- Laois. EverythirE u violet ex-
cept the cheeks of the y'utig
which are rosy, and paterfamilias who
pays the bills ; he is blue.
mdse.all thw4o4gad a ssuea d ter
Dow•he, tidalee and Utter.
without wenasel
system, •11 the wipusliiee •414 Iii
humors of the eswiie.eI ea the meta,
time Correcting Aataty of 1de
Stomach. curie/ Biliousness. Doe"
colr e ' Skla. � Maser'°i'Fla r
the Heart, Fervo ssea land (imm-
o al Debility; ail these and timer
other similar Cocaplabile1 W to she
loaminflames of £ 2��
% 11111M IX ACR. ri•eebtto. "_1talbt
To /tarn *retried. walt.x VITT tare
e wall ,et.d he nail an "o-
P.pnau gift to tach monies, meow or wwt. -ooe to
• (soul.-- ahs oil'. try the
treasRisnu's WEDS News
. tat the red fork (nen the
label a,.., send et is a letter
W.ring burnt syr"l..e aftrr
t,ir trial Inner a 8,10 or Id
en --.12.44 will secure tie g.R
stay grocer or store=
knows are to get it if sakes
for by you.-As/jeers--
A suit cunt
HEACACHE, ago Ducasca or Tug
Tiny ANC mito.Taosoue i AND PAWNS'?
scnT AND cunt or CHRONIC
12 Wilk.
�eee.winds ear nab.
twits t+ Wes
sweet Orgy
ease• Nor, esu• esocaalt
One reesr..srSINN w1••
emir sam mem me MM
Semplies. Mem
We: NIA pea wings
Oak r INN roe OF a NINNY eta Ones M Hem
err aRrslaesM ares few Mownyear sera M • �� kee��ka �.�at_
A wseotervsl flesh headset'.
This is the title given to Scott's Emul
Ilion of Cod Liver Oil by many thoua•nds
who have taken it. It not only give -
flesh and strength by virtue of its own
uutriteus properties, but creates an ap-
petite for food. L'ae it, and try your
weight S,'• E.nul.ior is perfectly
pslat•hle. Sold by all druggists, at 50e.
and $1.
Don't a scutate
Ben no rise in buying medicine, but
try tee great Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, made by Dr. Chase, au'hor of
Chase's receipts. Try Chase's Lifer
Cure for all diseases .it the Liver, Kid
sde+vaa,, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all
1be detreseiog paleness go often ob-
served to young girls and women. is due
in a great measure to a lace of the tied
corpuscles in the blood. To measly
this requires a medicine which prodesw
these necessary little blood conetiteeede
and the best yet discovered is Johscsees
Tonic Bitters. Price 50 cents, and $1
per bottle at Geode's drug store, Albion
block, (Iuderich. Sole agent. (b4
It Cares
Drwpp agafrm
Nasal 101011se
Mrs J. Kellogg hag not only been ad- EASY TO USE. tato the throat
shitted to practice before the courts of and e:oetmdve expeeteradem canted by Ca.
Kansas, but has out general led some of tarrh. Sold by Drafts, or slot pee•eaid es
the best lawyers in the State and ewer- receipt of prime, /Da NAM. Address
ed an income of $5,000 per year. 1VVLEORD It Oma. OrtielkwIlis.Ont.
iesbl.s Like tL
"I was troubled with liver trlaplaiat
foe a good many years, but was eared by
one bottle of Berduek Blood Bittern
have sever friend any medians to help
me like B. B B. , in fastor W West, bottle made
a complete cure." 2
kill, Oat.
Any soil that will groina fair etsp o
ears may be selected for peaches. The
same enkivatiou is given peaches the
first year, that is eioeesesary for sere,
which scare that the eultivetee sh•sld
be passed over the grosnd frequtm ly
sad the erase kept dews.
Seta Meek A eat
Mr Goode, druggist, is sot a hook
agent, but has the agency in Goderieh
for Johneten's Tonic Bitten, which he
san heartily recommend for any com-
plain to which a tonic medicine is ap-
plicable. This valuable medicine has
he with most astonishingly good re-
sults in cries of general debility, weak -
nes, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, lam
of appetite, and for that emend wort
oat feeling that nearly every one le
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the Dame Johnston's Tonic
Bitters See. and $1 per bottle at Goodie
dreg stow, Albion block, Goderich, ole
Mrs Mackay has been ordering some
sew gowns is Paris which are described
es serpmein all previous duets of the
mediates. One is of oid raise satin, cov-
ered with white leap sad at added with
$40,000 worth of gess.
Ms Dever Sasshd mows r
IQs "hardly wee' about it. He bad
an attack of what people hall "biliose-
sesunwel to smile was impossible. Yet
a.ease early "smile and .mile, and be a
anis still, still he war so viiia, but a
'Isis, bleat, basest lefty, that wded d
• g remedy east us Dr
Pierer. "P
r fail to
cur biliousness
tree, dyspepsia sad . eeastia'
this. (xreggistc.
Nearly all paltry dinars are eased
by cold, wet, went d eleenlisesa or ted
feedieg--is ether weeds by outlast mum -
whets It is cam be gid ere st this
thea to cure birds what they ,
which is eteetot slays a very eamiiefee-
w whir to Melt es absurd es pemsbls- I tory et erome.
dent yes k.ewt-Lits •
Mrs 111.-117 Mor )oda Ill., emit yet
Waft teal ilea year Ins Or the Oar
1u it tsir is restaly. with
l` kit t is Mt
j, -pk, N M meet have parte
G AGK enters upoe
fart -sixth ltytr. Aptntved in the outset kr
Judge !.tory. Chancellor Kent. Preen!!
Admits. historians Sparks. Prescott. Tickaer,
Itaneruft. and many other% It has met with
eoastant commendation sad sweets.
A W ea Lv flauazrxr, k gives morellos
limbic column octavo pages pt readiag mat
er yeasty. It present+ in he iasxpe.siw
form. uon.idering its great rtseuat et matter
with freshness, owing to its weekly Mae. an
with a,wmpletencse nowhere eta, ...templed
The beet Itsa'iys. itevtews. Criti ins a
Tales, Sketches of Travel and Discovery
Poetry. et-ientile. Biographical. Hvturioal.
nand Political Information, from the entire
body of Foreign Periodical L,trrature. sad
Rest the pens of the
"In It we find the hes' production+ of the
nest writeis upon all subject, ready to our
hood."- t'hlladetphia Inquirer.
"The readers tniee very little that is imam -
tam in the periodical domain." -Burse.
"Ii ear be truthfully end medially said thea
it utTers a dry or valueless page. --Nees
Tort Tribune.
"It bedded with great skill and care. and
its weekly appearance elves certain adean-
tagtes over its monthly rivals.'- Albat.y Aroma.
rt tarnishes a complete ennepilatioo of as
indispensable literature. Chicago Evades
"Igor the amount of wasting matteros.'eb'
ed the subscript 1,141 isettreteitly low' -pets.
tan Advotate.\aanville.
-in this weekly magazine the reader tads
11 that is worth knowing in the realm of am,
rent litcratere." -Canada Prwhyterta.t, r.-
"It isindispensable teal who would mere
abreast of our tnaaifoM progress It le air
'Mutely without , rival." --Montreal W.eses�
Published W salty at $0.0s • year,Jres
4! TO NEW SURdCRiBKItSfor the
m. remitting/ before Jan. Ism, the new
..f Nest issued slier the re.,etpi :et their eah-
,sortation, will be aunt orvsfia.
Slab Rates for best Hon/ and Foreign
1...rrlillzt-6-TT_T RBL
seewed a( run Lt. iso AOC And •••• AV
oremir vivacious mserioeaa won tales.•
subscriber will and himself in r
tie whole Nfumbos.'--Philadelphia Kvealat
For Slate, Tug Livi,.n sot sad any one ae
Merchants can ret heir Bill Heads, Letter the American St monthlies for Harpers
Needs, Se- lir% printed ao this y for very WreNy or Hargan will b' sent for • year,
e more than they generally pay fur the post paid or. forg+i"i• TNK Lit Ito Ana all
paper,aand It haler solo eros' theirs bualames I
the St. Nicholas or .krtbeer's itIto inn`
Can and see samples and tout prices - Address. LITTZLL M.CO.. Poetes
Largest Circulation in Western Ontario
—:TSB :—
Free Press
Tho "Pres Press" Is the only aew-ip•per la
the Wee receiving the Association Pu'., Des.
sgatchea. It contains ALL THS Nst1'8. by
Cable, Telegraph. Telephone and Mall up to
near of going to press. It gives In each issue
original sad valuable illestrations et uses and
tilltatggtes.. and is the only newspaper th Caead&
.'spioyWr Me owe artists.
The Weekly "Free Press"
$1-011PAR TEA It. POSTAftr YRSR;
Aktebf4raal Near:, H&J a Oratory.
" The Three Graces"
and "By the Lakeside"
Ales • beestlfal gjlllnetratrd CHRISTMAS
NUMMI H comprising M pages. gives
away Yreee to every sebecrib-
ers for IMO
Te ter alert enessemen. and an wham
Phi=sr Nerve Toe., a nee -
based upon Seiestifie
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ary corm Puhson
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eadache, Ner-
vous Atteeks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting Meioses of the' hoarse
Phospiatiae is not a Medulla e
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Arend is our daily food. A sin le bottle
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$8,000!00 IN PRBWIUi3. HAS orslQfsM OUT HER
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ecg at Ota Livvee Nerwt�wa a ea them,
ISDN* rete. pause' fees. NN by Aames
eeedillim1a, Addams.-
nit Pellrevrillnnn Cs_
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