The Huron Signal, 1889-3-8, Page 2w T1$ HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, littRCH 8, 1889 FIELD, FARM AND GARDEN. IN THE INTERESTS OF FARMERS, GARDENERS AfSO STOCKMEN. 7saperaast Testa Meat sheep aad Mesa . )seas of till as fila.}- Locality ee taw 101gbseM Types of Weal -mem teeeep tee 1 ale Cemeary. The history of the American marine begins with the presenteentury and with _lm►ptrtaticas of choice sheep from Spain. While a few pairs had been imported ""previously, the Largest and most note- worthy importations were made is 18011 mad 1010 from the flocks ad the Spanish grandees, whams properties had Leen noeflacated and sold for political regimens At that time it was estimated there bail •horn imported about 5,000 merino sheep, which had been distributed through New England and the middle states. and as far west cs Ohio. These 5,00u sheep are the basis on which stands the American improved stock of the present day, al- though the Mock has been kept up by n umerous additions from the best flocks of Europe. In 1$23 Saxon meristic were imported. and since then the French and Silesian merinos hare been introduced and distributed throughout the country. The Spanish merinos existed ass tits - tinct race 2,000 years ago. The french, .zon wad Silesian flocks -were -et origi- n ally from 8pai trustworthy SILL NYE IN JAIL Me Oboes a DamMtialien of bellow $least ovesese he yeteatter Ludlow Bared fall teenier u o usefully shoed &ter you and looked by mane 1 me leas Leak abort the alas of • pictorial h eliy B*bIs You ties mats on the ttwde ler quite a mete Yea du nut bear the prattle of sofied children say sora All the glad saalight sad sleek condensing p•reuiwute sad dank haired children of Riva gens street are beard no awes. •rid the Mary woe sena dour shuts oat the wall of the magma teem tee alley near by. Ludlow Hireo jail may be surrounded by a very eaasarable stud dirty quarter oI the city, tet whys you get inside all is charged. You regrew drst. There I. • good pee there that you can write with, and the clerk does not chew f•lu and reed a.port..Y paps while you wait for • romaHe is !herr to emend to bileases, sad beige:srda to it. He doss aunt ewes locate whether you have any beg gage or not. You can stay here frrdays, even if you dont bare any baggage. All you seed is a kind seem sued • mitiamus trees the court. Ono enters ibis sanitarium either es a boarder or • tabs. If be decides tomato in as • boarder be pats the warden $15 a weak for the privilege et sitting nt hie table and sating the luxuries/4 the market. You ale( pet • better room thea at many hotels, and you have a good strong door with • padlock os it which realest ream prevent tire sudden and uuluoked ter entrattsie of the ohainber- amid. After • few weeks at the seaside at 519 per day, I think the room iii whack I am writing u not unreasonable at t"_. Stet of tiOurs•, we Cubit the tea tib and while there is no here. ,ry tae w the original You can pay 00 to 5106 per week ben if the race, it is sufficient to say that at a pee wish, and get your money`s worth, lea very oerly peritel. Spain piwst'eetrl the For the latter sum one may live in the bridal only valualje focki of fine we'll sheer Aarnber, so to speak, and eat the .pry best the world. and that all other naturae income, all the tame led races of merinos, including our own, A boarder gets a good used room, with a have been derived from that cutuitrv• wonderful amount of seclusion, a plain bed, The character of the soil tin which able, chairs, carpet and so forth. From his ahem feed has a great influence in modi- window ou• can res ea far as •' eye ops tying the character of the sheep. The reach. moils most to be preferred are sandetemo Heavy iron tors keep the ntmegaltoes oat, and limestone lands of a free, dry, per- and at night the rooms are brilliantly lighted "la character, on which the finer grssaes by incandescent lights of one candle power flourish, or soils. derived from rocks each. Neat snuffers, consisting of the thumb called carboniferona, in regions in which and foreunger polished on the hair, en, to be coal is mined. The merinos cannon found i„ each occupied room thrive in a moist climate. and require al Bread is served to the freshmen and juniors wide range of upland pasture, and will` he rectangular wads. It is aucb bread as coo- make their living ou scanty psuturage vieb, ware have morteaerl many thweemd where the long woxol English sheep can-; not. lender favort.ide conditions it is a' "Ira in that way it gets quite moist. long lived race and bears herding in! Tim must painful feature about life in Lad - large flocks, but in Low wet gnxtnnas Irl low street jail lithe confinement One can- ▪ becomes diseased, n> uently it does' sot avoid a feeling of being constantly ham - not thrive in England.naT Ie a has been Wed anti hemmed its a large increase in the weight of both• One more disegneat,le thing is the great wool and ceruses, since the Kett tin- social distinction here. The poor man who portations. Prior to le13 the imported sieve. in • stone niche near the roof, and is merinos viehled only from there and a coo"ntly eloowed and bustled out of his half to four pounds of fleece washed bed by earnest and restless vermin with a wool in the ewes and six to seven pounds tendency towards insomnia, it harassed by for the rams. This affords a marked meeting in the courtyard and corridors the contrast with the present large yields teeing boarders who wear good clothes, live produced by Amencan breeders, until well, have their cigars, brandy and Kentucky the American merino has no superior in Sec all the tune - the world as a wool producer or as an. The McAllister crowd hers is just as ex- itsprovt•r of t'nkear races of sheepp elusive as it is on the outside. Here in the tinned States iractical ex- But, great Scott, what a comfort it is to • penance has demonstrated that the best man like me who has been nearly killed by a cheep for the country generally is about cyclone to feel the firm, secure walls and ,three-fourths merino, the higher Mgr de. slid time lock when ee goes to bed et nighn proving lure hardy and more liable to Even if I cannot belowg to the Mie here, I am diseases. In many localities, however, alined happy. the long wool of n• ltton breeds have We retire at 7Z o'clock at night and arise greatly increased and have been erten- at 6:30 in the morning, so as to get an early aivele cubs:ituted for merinos. for the start. A mut who has Ave or ten years to Jirodlc;ion of combing wool an well as serve in a place like this naturally likes to supplying tee Large fro. h meat markets pet at it as sou as possible each day, and so of the cuuntr7 be gets up at G::L1. The statistician Cr( taedepartment of We dress by the gau.ly light of the candle, Vihere divides the wool grown in and while we du oxo we remember tar away iuted States into three clatuw•s. The at borne our wife and the little boy asleep in first of the three despot i.; clothing wool. her arms. They do not gt•t up at Gee. It This is the fleece of fuel blood and grade is at this hour we remember the fra- merino. of fine, short fiber, remarkable grant drawer in the dresser at borne when for its felting gaalitet.•s. The highest lour clean shirts and cullers aad cuffs and type (d this race. the registered tier- socks and liandeeteniefs are put every week eughbted. it found in Vermont• where by our w;ta recalle o We also as we about '.reeding flocks are more numerous than our stone den, with its odor of farmer corned elsewhere, and in (•orsiderable number bout and the ghost of some bloody handed in western New York, Ohio and Michi- I p reriere.lar , more stall meaning in the walla, gen, and scattered through the a. esters the picture of green grass by our own door- states. oor- d s. way and ti•s apples that were just ripening The merino t:-ee if wool prevails al- when the bench warrant came. most exclusively in tee three atmtes The time from 6 auto breakfast is taken named, is Texas and throughout the up by the average of non -;eying inmate by F..ocky mountain sed Pacific coast :.teat. doing (ho chantberwori. and tidying up his Few sheep of other Wood are found west stateroom. I do not knew how others feel onf the Missouri rivet. Wrote rn Pennsyl- about it, but i dislike eh/unberw.rk most wane' and West Virginia furnish wool d heartily, especially when lam iu jail itoth- the merino tyle mainly. The atabbYd fug has done more u( keep me out of jail, 1 agates id, New Engltyp aim furnish mese g than the fact that while there I have to grade wool of this type. make up my teed and dust the piano. The armed cls ts, Ude comlierlu wool ed We go down to the sink to wash our face. the tariff claesiticwool , i chedes the and barnht it is a pleasant sight, and re medium and long w-t.ol of the English minds Inc of a herd of red legged treses in a lined,. the cotewold, Leicester, uncdn, several families of Downs and other mud h le,Bkfast is generally table d'hote, and tweeds of long and et -arse wool, alio & bread. A tin cup of coffee takes tidy known ee the mutton breeds, the taste u[ the broil out of your m outh, aro fewiu number romp -wed with the merino type. Novo! ::11 cd the and tl •n if you hare some Limburger cheese sheep of the south, exclusive of Texan. In your pocked you can witu that remove tee are of this class, meetly dcvccrdanL; of taste of the coffee' the less improved Laeglish sheep of a Dinner Is served at 12 o'clock, and consists hundred year. nen, 'Kith occardoral in -'of more bread, with woup. This amp has fusee" of better bleed from England, everything in it except nourishment The Canadaor th • northern state 4. In Ken- evad on this soup f. noticeable (or quite a tacky probably 99 pistaer cent. are of the (Wanes. It is disagreeable. There is *tern. combing wool claim. A considerable taint; in this soup, from ehnp worn rice up to protea,. toxo, are hl.,hly haiprose•d, giving seat's foot oil Once 1 thought 1 detec.ed to this M.ito the re :entice of hat lag a larger proportion of high gu: lity mutton than any other state. In the velvety of the Atlantic cities f rom Maine to Virginia she . !. husbandry is twilx.ipally lamb pr.eht-ti,•'m. the nudes Lein ; Downs orother l:nelith l,rce.ls and the ewes grades of b ith the merino and the Enelieh types. That combination product . a mixed wool of it t:ecful char- acter. 'Shen theme reeons idcrnl.le num- hers of ti: • English bre- An, tieeigh fewer than merino, scattered through the west- ern dales from Ohio to Kennet. and a World. few on the Pacific cusme send Li the ter - mitotic it eer-mitcitirx Why He Was Vsewsy. As to the third cfnee. the cornet wore, ticiit!t-Jove, did you ever sit down to a it is represented in lee Uni:e II Stats there with tbirt eet only Ire the Mexican eheep, whi,•h are Jo:uw--Yin the frorteetion of • lane 1•nepxr•tea of Smith-- Didn't you fed ntwwly, the rime flocks. hut ren improved hr re-' Jenna --Very; there were only twelve voted memo ae to ft:rntsh mote of the sgnrie.--Cttrlineton Free Press. secure type, ouch of it of a high ;-!,_de. - The Pen Metal ley Mee& % rig's Magazine, for Not-et:her ors e :'.i1 t:'e foll,w 1 tgg To none o: tee hen- more Mesta is the garw'as' $ y t l t en -c ir.h'Ltodd than to a fa:Whore' Ir oetLaa' 1 celled lad birds. Then. beetkn are: email, but they malas up in numbers and 4 usefulness what they lack in size. They rebuke 1.indp•ily upon plant It -r. Ono et the most common novice is the Northern lady bird, Concial hla horalLc of a pee would repro sent the size rhs-x. of this apecise ft M erenp;r • led, with several ante t is deer rexn- >•mn spcciew is ('. 10 -ms., inlay This species iselliptteal in shape, 0.: ; tz purplish gtnRsM flume- thetas es.. mag lajun hong. led, ornamental with ten le . ; Nola; it In jun roc, Isggtl( flee. is gragarknat, one ei esornetit ••s seen it Repine yr- ,e_ great wants great numbers in tbwapr%$ e f the- rear, RoRn10 Here-Whse Wlwgga e•prrially cheat the roots of«' ^r r y. There lorg i let -(kk any keromnel aro twiv tithe.- niece's, all of which are'' th'ih Refrain lier,i-4Tespal t; mogulthee le that Ins• d I hotting Dk't--(hoek M ea as' See me milpunt Ioltas " -Jude cuisine in it Tbe dinner menu is clanged en Fridays. Hendays and Thursdays, on which limy' you get the wap first and the bread atterwarda In this way the bread tailored. Three days in the week et dinner each elms gets • potato with • thousand legged worm in it. At 6 o'clock comes sapper with toast and response. Bread is served at supper time, tonetber With a cup of tea To these who dislike bread and never eat soup, or do not drink tea or roles, life at Ludlow Rt net jail fs indeed irksome. -Bill Nye in New York Aa C•sespesd sepeesw- NEWS OF THE meet Intelligence Parte. from an Mane Items of to a•wes M reegN► Wife Nae tale hews to a lSamvy-tabs' mete Melted Sew ■ to eats ear areaeene Ttme. I.esmiogttoe has raised the liquor license from $160 to $200 each, and Es - sea Center has axed the retest $900. Ten girls and a man were killed by an explosive in • egnib factory at Plymouth, Pit A despatch from Winnieee says that the piece of No. 1 hard wheat has reach- ed $1.03 at Rapid City. Cempbellford, Out, is declared an comport .4 customs and Peneraugunbene reduced to an (Jetport. Crusslev and Hunter have labored seven w.eke is Detroit and secured G00 covert,. They begin in Peterb'ru' shortly. A case of smallpox has broken out at Weer Lorne, uo the M. C. R , 25 miles west of St Thomas. A young man nam- ed Sheridaa,from Fingal,oarned it there. The vales of gond. mitered for crs- es ptiee in the Domiaioe was io Jane - soy 117,11A7.1174; -of this total the dutiable :aTiale-.wig 111,799, S0 pal the duty col- lected eras $17, 111, 89, Geary) Dunaway, of Rutherford county, Tenn., murdered bio uncle on Wednesday, fatally shut his aunt and cruelly beat his cousin, whom he had been courting. Hs escaped. Advices have bees received is London that Prince •lexaoder of Denenberg bas ,beady married the opera singer Lenin• ger. She is 23 years of age and of hum- ble parentage Rev. S. G. Bland. fell in the Mutbo fist church. Kingston. on Sunday, dm - ',online his leg and breaking several ribs. He had jest recovered from am- putation LI the leg in New York. The three-year-old child of Mr Oa* thin, Moreau street, Montreal, was •treed to Beeth last Friday, by her dress catching fire, whist her mother was out gossiping with a neighbor. Col Amyot is the Commons Monday, extracted trent Sir Adolphe Caron the admission that the charges of cowardice made against him in connection with the rebellr. • campaign were the result of pito. There is a hitch in the arrangements for the annexation .4 Parkdale. Repre- sentatives of the Councils met and To- ronto refused to accept Parkdale's local improvement debt. Parkdale says it ci I not come in without. Scarlet fever, which b is prevailed at Bismark and at Mandan for some time, has reached a most alarming stage. All the churcbea and Sunday schools have been closed. There is also talk of clue- ing the seasien of the Legislature. The Government has heretofore im- posed • duty of $2 per gallon on the better class of brandy, and $1 50 on the lower grades. A duty of $2 applicable to,both grades is now ordered to be en- forced. M nitreal importers protest. One day last week Mrs Caroline Kel- ly, an aged woman, was found dead in her house on Clarence street, Ottawa, with a deep wound et the bees of the skull, evidently made with a dull instru- ment. Rev. Dr. Potts, Methodist secretary cif education, states that sabaeriptioes for college federation now stand at $240,000. and that he will succeed in raising $106,000 by May 1 recategory to commence buildings in Queen's Park, Tur.,nto. The house of Earnest Young, at Ran- som, six miles from Battle Creek, was burned at noon today, and two children -a boy and girl, four and five years of age respectively -perished in the Mimes. Mr Young was in this city and Mrs Young at a neishbor's when the fire broke out. Mrs Barney heeler, living on the Water street plat. Port Huron, locked her three children.aged two,four and sit, in the house on Friday while she went down town. In some way the children set fire to the house, and when rescued by the neighbors were unconscioua The two youngest children died, and the other is not expected to recover. The seven year old son of Arthne Buchanan, formerly of Aathirst burg, met with a horrible death at his father's residence, Lensing, Mich. Hs climbed on a table where his father was butcher- ing, and slipper' off iota a caldron of eoilin1 water. He was immediately resccued, hat, after suffering terrible agony, died. A rather carioca. Timmins" took plan at Since. the other day. Mr. Nathan- iel P(wa.r of Rockford, was driving into town, when his team took fright at a rowing traction engine and dashed down Norfolk street, Mr. Porter loot one of the lines and was compelled to jump Irem his sleigh. The team ran violently into a electric light pole, and one of them, a splendid hut -year-old, worth $350, was killed. While Navels.. Leimire was at work at a tunnel in a brick yard on Psrthen.ia street, Montreal. a large quantity of earth anedenly eared in upon the unfor- tunate laborer, and although a score or more companions deg the man out In • very short time, life was extinct when Lemier's body was taken from the fatal estimation Mrs Monroe Roes, nee -hie at 2 30 St. Dominique Mrent,Mon treal died sodden- ly our Watley. While attending the reci- tal in Trinity church she took eo.Menly ill arol hesame nne onreinoa Rho wee re- newed in a sleigh to Mr tleridon'e drug Wire on Rt Catherine i reef, sed Dr Marmots's ass called in, het she expired in • few minutes Heart disease is supposed to be the cause .d her death. The two year old child of A Barnbam, KIWIS Centre, was fatally scalded yeetesr day A heeler of boding water was stanrlins on the Some aad the little one stnrshl.d and fell into it The ,offerings of the child were terrible, the flesh peeling of its body whew its body when as e!o'him were reesoved_ it only sur wired the terrible chock s few beers. alma eliniinagiarestemease Tee tteke's tsaslaie. One worries whoa the Dabs of Well- ington was at breakfast, he reeweed a Weer is an eukauwu end rasher illegible ►aadwntiug. With a view of obtaining a else to iia emends, he put op is eye- glames aid scrutinised the signature, which he read 'C. J. Lyndon 'Oh !' said his grace, 'the Btabup of Loudon, to be sere. What dues the Bishop want of me, I wonder r Thou he below at the beginuiig, mid read tea mute carefully through, an esprs.swa of bewilderment and perplexity gradually uverspresdtag his face as he did so. The writer oared his gist»'s pardon for the museum, and requested as a personal favor, that the Dake would kindly permit him to Dome sad nes his tames Watwlu,, breeches. 'Why, the Reship must have gone mad r exclaimed time Duke, as he let let his glasses fall. 'See my Waterloo breeches ! to hat in the we rid dues the man wait to see my breathes fur 1 However, I'm sure l'se ao objection, if he has • curl - out, about them. A getter wbim,tbough, for a bah.•p to take tato his bead. Nest peening the Bishop of London, on sarong hu pile of e•►reepoadeutr, found ammo' it • letter tearing a ducal crest. He opened it, and read as follow. : -'My dear Lord : You are perfectly welcome, as far as I am outimereed, to come and inspect the breeches I wore at Waterloo it you like. It's true I haven't a notion where they are ; but I darssay my valet knows, mud I will eommuuicate aim you more definitely is a day or two. -leers' very faithfully. W antlreres ' 'The rDuke !' ejaculated the Bishop •r adon, is • voice of the prufueiaet commiseration. 'I always thought it was foolish of hiss to eater political life atter his military career. Why couldn't h i have been content to retire on k s kends 1 Politics, and a:I the anxiety be hes undergone •bust Reform, Catholic Emamcipatlon, and what not, have been too much for :tum. It's evident that his brain's turned. He mast be hopelessly insane. What a dreadful thing fur the country, to be sure !' So the worthy Bishop, with many sighs, went into his study and a rote a sued letter to the Duke of Wellington, remembering that person who are mentally afflicted must be dealt with tenderly. Us thanked his grace for his kindness, but assured him as delicately as he could the: he was out in the leant anxious to inspect the his- torical relics in question ; and begged that the Duke would give himself no further trouble in the matter as far as he, the Bis sop of London was concerned. It was now the Duke's turn to be aNua- ished. '1 can't have been dreaming,' he said, in his perplexity. 'Arid yet the Bishop's first letter was plain em.(uch. Then be did what he ought to have dune in the first instants -h. celled his sec- retary, Colonel B , and laid the whole matter before him. 'I'm afraid It. your Grace ebu has made the mistake,' said Colonel B., an irrepressible smile flee ing over his face as he examined the two letters. 'The first letter is not from the Bishop of Leu dun at ail ; nor dues the writer say anything about the breeches you wire at Waterloo. 'Nut fruni the Bishop :' exclaimed the Dake. 'Yrs, it is. The signature is as clear as can he - 'C J. London.' The nines!. atasd ter Charles Jamas.' 'It is from Mr C J. Loudon, a scientific gentleman who is preparing an important work on Forest Trees,' replied the secretary ; 'and what ha wants to see is your Grace's avenue, the Waterloo Beeches as they are called, leading up tai your front door at Strath. leldssye. Shall I write and give him your permission r And thus it fell oat that teeth Duke and Bishop were ulti- mately convinced of each ether's sanity. aostr • Weaderttil,$rsas. The lar,est organ, and nue that plays a ountrcllnig part on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system becomes diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine $1. held by all druggists. COUNTY CURRENCY. A few days ago a permeates• tongued individual called on a well known philan- thropic lady, of Lemke), wile is • staunch advocate of temperance and asked for assistance as far as Brantford. He said he had been working in the tem- perance vineyard in Sarou•, bat local jealousies had sprung up and he had left, and footed it all the way from Sarnia to London. If he could get a temporary loan to take him to Brantford he had friends there who would assist him The lady gave him re which he said would be found sufficient. About 9 o'clock that mule night the police heard a racket in the alleyway next the old Mechanics Institute on Talbott street. Investiga- tion discovered an Indian rifling. white man's pocket. Both were drunk. The white man was the alleged temperance worker, and he and the Indian were hay- ing • Isiah old time on the $3 At the Polies Court next morning the white man, who gave his name as Allen, was ordsrei to leave the city at ones. The Indian, White Eye, got twenty days. • Imre ill Around each bottle of Dr Chase Liver Cure is • medical guide and reeeip book containing useful information, over 2(ou rwe.iges, and pronounced by doctors and druggists as worth ten times the cost of the medicine. Medicine and Mork $1. Sold by all druggists Newsletters from Correspon- dents, and Other Item,. • weekly *Wet of the resins, Sews eere- seise Mesh twNes & **The eiasosl.' rah and Pete, nipped and l'ee- deased Mem Seery ism tea. Mr Demean McEwen, Stanley, has • ewe whisk last week dr.ppd tee pee lambs. Ou the 13th inst., a ewe lamb belong- ing to Hugh Stewart, 15th own., Grey, presented her owner with eve lambs This is about the first of the season. The friends of Rev John Gray will be pleased to leers that he is getting shone well in Kincardine, being very highly thought of by all slaws hi the ewe- taeli Geo.lty. Hall, elm has been visiting relatives sad friends he Grey for several weeks, left fur his home in Dakota last week. He is very fai uably impressed with the west. Messrs Carleton A Anderson, of Blyth, lost • valuable stallion thul;week. H• was imported this ses.oa and never got over the renege. Ile weighed 2190 pounds, and was valued at $1300 The Methodists of Klaeardine have shown their appreciation of the Rev James Hannon, by giving him a unani- mous mvitatim to remain for the third year, and he bas adapted the same. A Stewart Atkirism, Student with 0. L Ball, of Se•fortb after posing a very creditable examination in the Dental College of Philadelphia. Mr Atkinson is a good studeot and proficient in his department. Old Mr Allan, at one time Township Cleat of Hullett, passed away to his re- ward last Monday mcrning and was buried in Lundesboro' cemetery on Tuesday. He wee an old country mien! teacher aad came to this country many years ago, settled in Sullen ata place afterwards called B•ndoa Hs death was malts and peacefsl. Mr John Bailey, the well-known cos - doctor on the L. H. it B , has the honor of being one of the, if nut -the oldest conductor in the employ of the G. T. R. Be 'has held that position for thirty-four years ountinuowly, lima in th• railway sample, fur 35 years. This is • good record and shows that efficiency is • Mtge part of his make-up. Mim Hackney, Hallett, who fur a number of years resided with Mr W. Mason, on the base line, but has of late yean made her home at the house od Mr H. Snell, heidg a sister of Mrs Snell) died last week She has beets an invalid for years. and her death was not, there- fore, unexpected. Her ramaios were in- terred on Sund.•y last, When Mr A. H. Blackeby, formerly of the News -Record, got himself appoint- ed Secretary of the Labor Commission, he struck a "fat take" a good deal bet- ter than editing • country paper. Inst year he drew $2.500, which included kis living allowance, pullmans, dc., and $605 that he was ovarp•td. He also re owed $750 for "contiugenciss," 'askew a total of $3,260 for tee year. Nut a bad salary to say the least. Os Tuesday last as the stare was re- turning from Seaforth to Hayfield and when nest Bruce6uid the tugs broke and the horse feeling himself freed ran away, leaving the stage and its occupants, the driver Mr D. Heys and the Rev Mr Magahy on the rued. After about ten hours the runaway animal was captured and brought back, bet not before the rev gentleman had contracted a severe °old from which he is now suffering. Some weeks ago Michael of SuEde, arrived at the of ai sister, Mrs H. Sheridan, 1 1 - en with a disease reeembliet shaken. pox or black mimesis Mrs H Young. a neightxor, while visiting, eaught the disease and died. Last evening the sister, Mrs Sheridan, died of the same disease, sad it is reported is the city that Mrs Lethbridge has now eeewa:bed to the malady. The attending pbys.eiaas pronounce it to he black measels, or a Iona of ehiekempat, but ethers dimness it is smallpox, sad moan alarm has beam eonserltt dl! I csitsi. meet gpwewea knit tw risk is benne medieia, het try the gnat Kidney and Liver rtygwi•.• tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's neseippeesa. Try Cheae's Liver Cure tee all &sesame of the Urs,, Kidneys, litnmaah and B oweia Sold by Jesse Altace, droggist. tdolgraiiirow Messrs Melstsnon A Powell, Birth, teemed .e•• care of (fee• to til.ssguw, via II.it,•,, Ihie semi, Mr ("Ill', I,rtnerly of •Le Wingham Adreno, ora. burned .out to a log the at Beendou, Man., •,n Hedneeday 1..1. Homan county, the last wveatees seers. has Pent ((tetra pupae to tee Blind Listitution at Urautford sad has 11 there at pr,.ent. flyer three buds of Inraiture were shipped nom the 0. T. R slmtws, Wise/hem, last week, Owns half being for Manitoba, the reel going to varwas pointe es ilia asst. Cadet Jennie Story, d.ughter of Mr Nat. St..ry. eoi McKillo , lett on Thurs- day for Wyoming. She sill enter the $ A. there. Mn. ilagyard ane children, hate gone bark to Manitoba after s sojourn of • couple .1 mouths with her relatives and trends in Brussels Miss Wmitrlot hoot the m.sf.ortunit to to get her angers smashrvl in the machis- ery while at wink in the Messrs. Vali Itmoed's woolen mill., Seefntth. George ltuy, the little son of ismer Tait, cf Walton- died suddenly .,jji Thurs- day last, and was bargedo•n Fria y. 'I'ke parents have the sympathy of all in the hist of their little nue, Mr I. J Deepej, e f the Belgrave lime works, has about 400 wires of wind w st preemie end sore el- r. Ile in- tends d g a rushing sui..e semens,, as hebas one huof fire 6osetnest kits'■ in the coentry Tb• last report of the Ootarit Deaf and Dumb Institute at Belleville shows that /lure, has cwtnbuted the mewed largest number of pupils since the open- ing el the institute, York leading with 53, and Sures euming nest with 49. One evening last week Willie, eldest son of Bishop Ward, Brussels, met with • peculiar accident at the Maitland Skating and Curling Risk. While atnuai g himself with • pair of muting stones he slipped on the ice sod lo, right hand wee caught between the stuns, jaseming it quite serwu,ly, m- pecially the first finger. ee bile Mr Tamen, Blyth, was engaged on Saturday of last week in drys log lugs, • young lad attempted to mount the sleigh, but tripped and fell between the the two boils, and Mr Tamen not lee - ug the lad would uedunbtedly have run over him, but that a bystander cried out to him. As the sleigh was loaded with lugs it would no doubt have killed the buy had it passed over him. Mr Gee. F.intol has sold his farm, south half of let 16, con. 3, Bullets, con- taining 50 acres, to M. Glee, of Staple- ton, for $450. The farm is a fairly good one with • small bank barn. • neat (reeve house and good orchard, and should be geed value for the money ; we understand Mr Ohm will move his family on it and will still retain his situation at Staple/tee. The Se•furth Fmit says : -- R. A. Fair- bairn and wife of Grey tnsaship have left for their Lome in the west. Mr. F. has beim living at Wabh's Station, Cali- frues, fur the past six years and is engaged in farming, but getting rather tired of bachelor life be decided to re- turn to Canada and take back • pestes, with hiss ti. share his joys. He likes the country and teeming well, and we under- stand has been very suooeesfel and has plenty of this world's goods. We wish them • pleasant and safe Osumi. Mr Hugh Gilmour and wife left last Monday for Moi eejew, N. W. T., aftee a ax weeks stay in Stanley. Mr John Gilmour, son of Mr John Gilmour, of Stanley, left last Monday for Manitoba ; he is bound for Neepaws and Minns - dorsa, where he has a brother and two sisters residing. Mr Wesley Neelans and family. of Portage la Prairie, left Stan- ley, this week to visit friends in the vicinity of Toronto, before returning to the prairie province. A very sad accident occurred at Blyth last week. While Mr Sam Hodgine was driving along Dinsl•y street, little Jim- my Hammond, eldest son of Mr M. II. Hammond, statue agent, thought he would get on and have a rids. The bottom of the sleigh tieing a moveable one he fell through, the bob passed over him. He received internal injuries and the doctors have little hope of his re- covery. We regret to learn that several of our young men ha.. decided to give op site atinns in Blyth for more lucrative one on the other side. There must be a screw Ipo.e somewhere, Perhaps we have the wrong men in charge of our onsntry's aflain. It's deplorable to see so many young men, the cream of our country, leaving their native land fan a country that floets another flag, because it can offer them higher !mations. Samuel Beattie arrived in Bressele from hie northern trip after Boomer on hnnday evening. He (Beattiel drnve is horse to Walkerton and hired fresh ones es he made progress north ward. Be got on the !reek of the thief at Han- over and followed him all the way to Stayner, where Booster's father lives The father handed out the bores sad cutter and peid close on $50 to settle the nasty muss hes wayward son had gee is• to. The youth had tot out of the way. addition to pluming hegee mosey at teeaeater he ~vied a seed bag is the getter and a pewse of revolters is his belt. Drape o► Mlle: itilliiilli;e4ber will be surprised, yet - y will be pained at the swami - t Mr D. B. Ritchie. ore yesideat. of the (aunty, Stanley, me 17th beam lag ter some time. • ant have how locate he has been living here, bet it is a gond many lean He was salve Stases, and in 1866 cot tasted the ► Redicat in opposition to Mr M O. Oameevew, but was eneemesaful Re was highly reopened ; it is said he wee remised a RenaterahIp b Si, John, bet never received it He haves a wife to moeru his in.. His tamales were interred et Bayfield on Weiler day. LEE BURL Trees our own c enagosspess i Cantos() AGAIN. -8sr.ioe will be held in the Presbyterian church at 11 am. on Sseday, wird Sabbath school at 10. The open meeting of I. 0. (I. T. Nc. 213, held on the evening of the 15th ult., saw • good attendance is spite of the bad road. Among those of the new members who took part were A. Carter with mouth organ in the instru- mental pieoee, W (lease singing several songs, and Master Park Green, of Shep- pardto•n, making his Aslaf to a L.eburn awdss•a brought down the house as "The Ametioneer." The program given kept all in geed humor from beginning to end. Bro A. H. Clotho, in he usual happy maner, discharged the duties of chairman.n NILE. From our owe owressosdeat. A S. 8. sermon is to be preached to the children in the Nile shurdh, nest Bondy morning, by the pastor, Rev H. Ir rine. Mrs Kell wain is getting quite strong again, much to tete joy of bee family and friends. The snow is very deep here. Last week we missed two or three mails from the inability of the stage to get through the drifts. Means Sallow, and Steven delighted • moderately nosed house about a week ago, with their dieolvisg views. Robert Pentland starts for Manitoba Nat week. A Young People's Society of Cbvietiea Endeavor was organised at Nile w Mon- day evening last. Miss Martha TAR was steeled president, with Miss Ague Morrow, viee-pruideme• Mae Emiltr Cerny else elected secretary. The beet regslatosa 1w the st meth and hovels, the beet awe for biliooseess, sick headache, indigestion, and all ale•• tiers arising from a disordered liver, ere without esception Johnson's Tome Liver Pills Small in sise, sugar carted, mild, Geet effective. 26 eta, per bottle sole by nde, druggist, Albion block, Oche rich, sole agent. fel All the tatting vet et eH dimes from the raspberries and blackberries should be dune before the spreeg opens. if the Heel cot beak, laterals will be ybebei► Bleekberries should al- ways eel cut beck, is order to have the wife stele, and stook,. It !seer d Sleet Mr Andes Besse er. manegieg eii h, of the Adver- tise, fee seeerul yeses peat, ie sheet to sever hie etwtneetins with that joees•1, a number of steward ,mimes are ah et M to the torsos. The Math is that Mr areeiner' annual& empires as the 1st of fnBepto ebe stile sewhen a •areen.hep,epeteo return t'tiri► TOMMY'S pKA new net lammed m renew "No, Tammy." mi give you mo cents to rsatah. you base else gasses dieing the sae is eeuugf." Tommy was deject guist, end his Mee ear herein lbs fr a urns ae least, bothered by his tease face brightened aad dater, bet she was 1 work, and was all uac that were running ti, a while be wept over and watched her Ary keeled the bright o arab and Wags with fair to be held is apI Thera was silence t by the far away nuts se it ground out, t "Boulanger March," Ism Tommy broke to "Do you remember I to talk to you to mu toga r "Yes, Tommy. a "1 guess you hat have nate "'No, Tommy. Ni I believe be was In know bis address, w What makes nee an "Oh, nothin' mu went to the Polo Yorts heat the Obi grand stand and 1 attended nearly eve with him" "A lady, Tammy' "Yee I prone *VIII ovine/ea. Tommy i" _ "Yes; he amine great deal ante hi wanted to know ha of mine eaa" "Go on. Tommy. "And then be sal is about 1:1 now, guessed that was al '•Well" (softly). "Then be turned him and •s.ed her lady who l.00l.el • bcp; the one, be et and were a lovely became her so well so jealous -I r UM! Aud alto said she r aad then she tune the young lady's b and see said: 'l having such • to ate it made me f, the pang Ladies li ber"- -Tommy r (este "Welt, I cosldn p•_ "Tommy" (ane.: -Am 1. -en Mr. to iring ins arta Me if i didn't mai I didn't wind, a jest teen Buck E Mr. Nwefeilow re couldn't play bee of football any I college elevens, a be at the fundal: to know if you ii 1 gummed you di things to sateen making things Africa, an'"— •• When did ee to be payed, Tc "On Saturday "Tommy (bee take me to us II ,.Way, cwrt.7 Mien she Mew say aaytbing ill moved towcrd side he drew a Du ngelf: "Dec! e arked r -_few Ile (with e Grimes, do you She -A little. Ile -And pial She -Yes. He eighinggt- Sbe-Koine• Ile -Recite a She -Own iu He -Do you Sbe-Not He-7001-_:1 bemy "Ha asked tae leis ••Not •tent,' a better scbe'u What was "I was in LI Pittsburg Olin Rural Dame 1 HHiigh Class wall paper! but the most deepaia Recur "I among eltlaen. who "and I'm tin 1 to taker 'Seat Pbyttic Kra W KraS.I ykseeerama ShB- ees *WM deet yes 1