HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 7THE HURON STCN.11,, PRI1.AY. FEB• t2, 11;x4
Latest IADelliteaoe from all
Cease hems al lete.e.a for rumple Whit
Nara see Mew. la a Merry 1.1.,.
.Tissues Arils Dew• a. S.0
Oar steamers' Tler.
"Coffee Pot," a well known character
who peddled lunches •round ibs Nee
York oewsNeper offices, is dytnif in that
city. He a worth a quartet of • million
A newspaper man has been turning
carer the tiles of the Pekin (.uz ffc. Ila
buds that it ham teen published cunt...u-
oualy La SOO years, and I. tin ''great
shakes' of • paper yet.
Mr Siren, of Keit Bridge. hes lust
four children through W.ck oiptheria
during the lest few days. The rest of
the homily are suffering inue the dimeaw.
Inst Tusoday Jobe Janos, who lives
about a half a mile from the town limits
out the Cemetery road, Saruia, was burned
to death to his town house, the house be
Int anuunld4l, James was a bachelor of
about b , was a cripple ruu ht ed &lona
Silvester Salisbury, jr , of Mitchell,
wise practising sb otiug, when the Farrel
of the tun bus. A piece ip1 the Lock
struck him in the forehead, tearing if a
pennon u[ the scalp and bliudit,g high
eyes. The result cosy pruve fatal.
Dr. Teener, report says, is to marry
the daughter of a Persian mihioaaare.
With the lady's fortune added to .bat
the gto.d Dr raves on the meals he dooms%
est there will sono be a trill, lumens•
fortis** in be tautly,-Loorsonle Ileerier-
When Alfred Walker, of Yarmouth.
went to his barn 'Tuesday morning. he
found bis brother Harold sitting bolt
upright in bis cutter dead. The deceas-
ed had driven hone from • neighbors
on the previous night and was stricken
down by heart diocese as he was driving
to the baro. The reins were still iu his
wisest ei TotoNTO &STOAT
Sir James Lakin Rvbiuwn, of the
Surrogate Otlion at Osg•ede Hell, has
received fn w a lady is Eogland a letter
bearing the folloeitir address :
To the Chief Claris.
The Probate Office,
Upper Turonto, or Mexico,
One of the moat disastn.us fires which
ever visited Beaudoin .acurred last Wed-
nesday. At eleven u'c:ock the office of
the Brandon Mei/ was discovered to he
en fire. No water was mailable and the
bremcn were 1't•Ily helpless. Cliffe'a
frame midmost, the Masonic brick block,
Frtuer's r.t.eral store, the most -nth *,the
Canada North west land other. Smith k
Winder, real *.tate. Storey's tinahnp,
and 'event! ether ,Bites were totally de
tarried. Losses -Fraser knot , $15 000,
insured for $9.000; Citff-'s $9,000. in-
sured for $2. !Op; post -.Ace, 51,600 ;
other losses, E3,000; no Mourne*. tote
tee Masonic building, $20,000, insured
for $10,000. The reristered mol was
saved from the pent-rf ice.
D. T. Fairbsorn, formerly editor of the
Port Arthur Sentinel, and latterly of the
hailed Seidi..e1, Kaenlope, died recent
ly at St. J..sel.h's Hrspital, Victoria. Is
C., of inBammatino ret the brain. De
ceased arrived in Victoria about two
months yon. and had • position on the
T.,ara ellen taken ill • few days ago.
He was • native of Ontario, where his
father, who bas hien communicated
with, stt11 lives. 13e was about 29 years
of age, unmarried. and • member of the
Masonic Order, which will take charge
of the remains,. awaiting instructions
frim the ..at. Deceased was i11 fur
about a weak, but for some ties pre-
vious was complaining of a psis in the
head. He was highly respected by nu
acquaintances. Mr H V. Fairbairn,
agent at Point Edward, is • twin
brother .1 the deceased, and his father
is Mr Thoma Fairbairn, of Teeswater,
Bruce County.
A tpree•eabi. Life.
Few men have accomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world
se the cetebrat.i Dr Chase. Over
10,000 of his works have heron sold in
Canada alone. We want every person
troubled with Lever Complaint, Dye
pepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uriny
Troubles, to bar • bottle of Dr Chases
Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine
and Receipt Book $1. Sold by all
naasa Werth krewlsg.
Tea or coffee stain* will come out at
ones If they ars taken immediately and
held over a pail, while boiling water is
poured upon thein.
If the flat iron is dirty tie up at piece
of yellow beeswax in • ng, and wheti the
iron is almost, but mot quiet, hot enough
to use rut. It quickly with the wax, and
then with • mars* cloth.
Vegetablft with s strong flavour, such
sa onions and turnips, will be tench int
proved by putting them to Moil in mild
water, then roubed dry with • cloth wet
in milk. rhe same treatment applies to
• arose or slate hesnh.
To maks Belk which has been "tumbl-
ed" and wrinkled appear ',early like mew
sponge it on the aortae, with • weak so-
lution of the wrnne side. Strong ',leek
tee, cold, is • good thing to elven black
in boiling meats take the fat frnm the
top of the water and are for o..king or
rem. in resting meat pour the grease
out '.1 the pan or dip it nut before it
tete burned. it will he excellent for
collo cooking. Bet if it days till the
meat is dune it will 1,. nearly always
mire to have • burned, unpleasant
• The hest regulators tot the at sleep
end hewn., the hest cure for hiliow.ness,
sock headache. inditeetion, anti all effete
titan' arising from a die rd.rwd liver, are
wituout exception Jnhnu.n'. Tonic lever
rifle !emelt in sirs. Snyar enat.iti, mild,
yet effective. 911. eta. per bottle cele hy
(km,d., dr.ggi.t,j Albion block, Omit
rich, «de s>twtt. iel
A t'ereee 1a Wheat.
Aa uld utas sat to • dingy *'sem.
And a weer old taut was he .
He wee angle to petat frtua bis elbow joist
To the impel his awkward knee.
Idle legs were least and his lace tutor haft
Aad mead se armor outbid be.
Nat his eyes were bright wills a dangerous light
As M hemmed with gosUsI glee ;
' Caly • p•uay a loaf.
"Only • penny a leaf.
Throaty a many a loaf to the poor.
Hut 'tin minims of dollars w ate ! "
He bought all the breed 1a the town one day
And the pour tarn cursed amain ;
Hut little be cared how toe raters fared -
Ile was nut his a cause vein.
For the gulden wheat that was made to eat
To kir was a thing fur gale.
Su Itis feature. thee wore • ghastly grin
As lie hummed • merry straits :
"Duly • penny a leaf(.
"Artily a many a (wt.
Tie may • penny a loaf to the poor.
But 'tis millions ordvalet* to mer
The poor teen eat at Lie meagre board.
With his wife and children near ;
Ob, they saw Mut, 1 ween, ibe paetom 1....
That eased on their react with a leer ;
And they never thought that a guest unsought
That wraith u( an old ion queer.
Steed silent and scrim in • corner dim
And whispered ibis cbarus drear;
•'only •penny • loaf.
Only a penny • load.
Ti.. oily a penny to you. my dears.
Ant 'Us million's' de.11ars to me
-Cake.* Hand&
N. O. B. Basad sate Teat.
"1 tried every known remedy I could
think of f..r rheumatism, without gentle
me any relief, uutil I tried Burdock
Blood Bitten, which remedy I eau high-
ly rro.onmend c•. all afflicted es I was."
Henry Smith, Milverwn, Ont. 2
A Sartre, of JNalag. that VIII Salem*
Sire rate -.es.
Tartan hens fur ladies in wool ,r spun
silk appear to bd Cowing luta favor for
wearing with dark gurus.
This year fashion, which in general
favors tall, slight figures. seems more
thoughtful of those ..1 her tetanus who
are gifted with a certain amunat of eta-
Sum. of the newest jerseys have wat-
ered silk revers and cuffs. or • width of
'eft silk coming from beneath the arm
on the right side, tapering Into • punt
and f.steued at the waist sou the left
Stripes and pekisn of all styles are in
rogue garmenta falling in loug lines, re-
ding.tes o1 sober ..utlin., all tending to
give length to the figure, and to conceal
or attenuate any excess or stoutness.
A magnificent hall dress is ns pale, sil-
very green satin, with long report train
hued with old -raise satin, and tnmmed
with • bordering of Alaska ahle,above
which are deep arabesques of silver, gold
and white eiubrnidery. The (rout of
the skirt is almost solid with the same
The pettionats for this .aeon are very
tempting. One in black -stoped satin
and moire had honzontal stupes hetween
the moire, while another had black lace
let in, watb a•iured ribbons run through
the lace. The flannel petticoats are
made with full &once., elaborately em-
the divided muff is a novelty, at d
derives iia principal merit from that fart,
as it is neither very useful nor very . t-
namental, resembling too cuffs, 'ether, d
at the edge to .how a contrasting holt R,
through which the hands pass, 000necl.d
with a long hew and ends, which urna-
meats the centre,
very trainable.
"flaring used B. B. B. for billioos-
nem and torpid liver, with the very best
resit:tit i would recommend it to all thus
troubled. The usediciae is worth its
weioht in go Id. Tillie White, M•nito•
waning, Ont. 2
Alter • housekeeper fully realizes the
worth of toapeuttne in the household
she is never willing to be wide -out • sup-
ply of it. 1t goes y.tick relief to burns;
it is an exzellent r i•l,lioation fur corns ;
it ie good for rheumatism ort sore throat,
and it is the quickest remedy for *envol-
liens'r Rte. Then it is a sere preven-
tive •rais.st moths ; by joist dropping •
trifle in the bottom of drawers, chests
and cupboards, it will render the gar-
ments secure feint injury during the
sun -.mer. It will keep sots and hoes
from closets and storerooms by putting •
few drops in the corners and upon the
shelves ; it ie sure destructlnn to bed-
bugs and wits effectually drive them
away from their hannts if thoreurhly ap
plied to the joints of the bedstead in the
spring cleaning time, and injures neither
furniture nor elulhing. A spioofel of it
tolled to a pail of warm water is excel
lent for oleenine paint. A hills in the
suds on washing days lightens laundry
Prreeveranee is the best school fur
manly virtue.
What sunshine is to Sowers, similes
are to humanity.
Poverty in in want of much, but &var-
ies of *volthing.
Wit Se • merchandise that is sold, but
can never be bought.
Sow g ind sees item ; sweet remembran-
am will grow from them.
The winner is he whn gives himself to
bis work, body and moot.
Happiness is like the eche; 61111NNl
you, hot it dnae not entree. - -
The future destiny of ittS And is al-
ways the work of the mother.
He that wrestles with ne etrwngthewe
our nerves and sharpen our skill
()rest men and geniuses find their
true places in times and great events.
Thu r,tpr.sehes of enemies should
goickea es to deity .ad •.t keep es from
Ialause es B.Metlers .f Pelee se Iamb -
errs mad repute
"What if llod should plass in your
hand a denoad, and tell you to inserebe
um it a senteuow which should be read at
obs last day, and shown there as an in-
dite t.. yaws uwu tb.•oghte ae►d feeling. ,
whet Oars, Willi' ecu ..,u w raid you ex-
ercise to the su an,tun ! N..w this as
what (iud has done. He hie placed be-
t•.re you the twutortal mauls of your
ebllJnu, wore imperishable than the
dlaw,outi, ou which you are to inacrtb
*eery day and r.ery h•eur, by your ie.
aructiotu, e1 by your .Aaw Plw, «,use-
tbing which will rutuum salt be for ..r
against you at the judgment.''-P::y-
The attend sown (worth rill the ot9rr
together, aid wtthuut eh ch a,l the
others are worth nothing( met less). f• r
iuculuattug at.J trachn.g viltlies rno
graces, is that a suais houe.tly, and with
more and mote Miles sinourity, hate
thein himself lodged there tio the silent
depbts of his being. Thee will not fed to
shine through and be not ugly vtstnoe,
cwt undeniable iu whatever h. is 1s.I to
say or do ; and every hour of the day
he will muoineel..ma.V wa o•,nacu.l.'7
tied goad wear's of trachiu:t theist.
present. tion rest u very certain 1.. tol-
low. The rest is m..re of detail• drift -ad.'
lag mo .poo.alry of c'rcuinsuncea a hion
• tuau's can commies sena., If he .'e in
e.rueat toward has aunt, will better and
better in.truct him in. -Ex.
Their (the tesahers'; vocation •rr the
oouutry, a maim u ihle even than that 4.1 .
the stetesniau, and demised. higher
powers, great judgment, and a apecity
of oowpreheudmg the law, of thought
and moral action, and the venous apnugs
anti motives by which the child .eat be
roused to the vigorous use of all its
faculties. -Cbauning.
It ea a conceded fact that no indevidua!
can learn fur au•ither ; each must earn
for himself. Assistance toothy he riveu
e r
1 ;PA I N E
and the KIDNEYS
'itis cortresd action gists it wets
nidus power to cure all disarms.
Why Are Wo Sick
Because we allow the aero to
remain weakened and irritated, aad
these great enema to become clogged
or torpid, sad poisonous bunters are
therefore thread into the thud Istat
should be lapelled aaturslly.
PLAINTS, 01111AuT DllxlsLB,
tgaaa.2WIIAUnit SIIIt IIA-
HSS•00s DltaltDW,
By quieting cad strengthening the
serves, and causing flee action of the
liver, I ow.la, and kidneys, and restor-
ing heir power to throw off disease.
Why wear )Isms Palm sad Labial
Way treated wish Iiia. C.aat.p.t at 1
WA) trnibtasslamabiamilatat ':oda-y.'
Why madam mamma r Mirk Itaalaa►aat
Why base shitema aigkss l
Vt. Patois Cat as, Coatroom' and
Mom o ban. It is as toneet7 mews -
bat nearly. i...l... a .11 ramp;
Sul! 4 .11 fi.yrias. Peke elem.
/ee saw
• tttlti�
by one person to another in leer X. ,. ""°-+w•`• !---" :,t•s.er•r,7-•e4•w
and ufteu should be given. But how 1 . , r
t+ars - 14'
I. '
Irr:'.. .. ,
tfit, 17 Ey
trl• 'ty•• -s• -7, i .. 1-rC":.; Af
e:' -e1.. Pry
Not by doing his thinking for hen, for
this 1. in.poesible. Not by ditiow the
work or formulating the results fur Li,n,
fur this is •icious ; but by usiug such
serails as will arouse mental powers of
the learner to do the necessary or desir-
ed work for himself. This is the true
work and the oidy work .J tweae.g ; to
arouse conscious enema] action and di-
rect it to e.rrect expression. --Col.
It is suggested by The Nel,00l Journal
that the tont imminent definition just
new needod for the forthountng new dic-
tionary is ..f th, old "education." "We
often hear ..1 very successful mon in busi-
ness sp.,ken of as 'uneducated.' Are
they 1 Otte in mind had • thorough
knowledge 01 men. He could read their
like • bans. His judgment of stocks
and iuve•tuseots was ezcellent. He had
aggressiveness• centime, and yet was al-
most lavish in his outlays. Ile kite.
nothing of Greek or Latin, but teas well
versed in the language ways of business.
As • commander of risen he was unexcell-
ed ; yet he was 'uueduc•ted.' Was hes"
To create in the *choler a patient,
modest and obedient action .of the whole
ir.tellee'nal nature is a benefit that lasts
on in the personal experience. and make
an •hiding element iu character, opeuinr
the soul to alt the light of truth. Of
two gra.ioates from college, one carri.s
out s store of things learned, the luggage
of his mud. Another carries the secret
how to learn, which is the better part of
wisdom. and faculties «t in the order of
the beaker's plsu. Which will be the
mater of his place and the muter of
other meu in the fight of after years,wLo
can doubt 1-Biadop Huntington.
Mal Speculate.
Kan no risk in buying medicine, but
try the greet Kidney and Liver refute -
tor, orale hy Dr Chase, author of Chase.
reoeipe . Try Chore's Liver Cure for
all diseases of the Lover, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wilscn, druggist.
"A monument of Shakespeare in Chi•
mego-We would rather du honor to IM-
"I w-,uld rather be a poeoe of presi-
dential timber than • part of n cabinet."
Smash dy once asked Mr Cohhen
"How is it you repeat the same things
over so many times!" Mr Cobden said:
"Because they are worth saying."
Rector's wife, hysterically. "Here's •
note from thaw Wagahaws ! They ask
me to play and sing duces the evening ;
because, they say -they want the Tonne
and attractive women to assist as wait -
resift !"
A Recnmmendati.m. --Daisy (to her
future auntie) --"As you are marrying
into our family. i suppose you'll get your
babies from Dr Redlite'e. He brings
all dare, and they are darlings!"
Min Blosher Charming weather fair
winter, Puofese er Sangfroid, Professor
Sangfroid- Ert make.. rain warm. Ino
were my big cost today. I ran, vat you
milli, my pelt -wet.
The w..man --"i think Cie women will
shortly do ail the work new done by
men, eve= to running steam engines.
The man - "I think would do well
around steam engines. They fire up w
Here is a sweetly &ilgtgrstive adver-
tisement in an English newspaper
"iinrnly Olds Received. by • Lely ret
T,'zneriene. Advice by letter, tie, with
"Hints on ManaGe Bent " Hints, dd.
Birch Rods supplied. Address, etc."
Principal Grant in hie .perch in King-
ston last night again declared for •to is -
dependent party. He said he 'venni not
he claimed hy either Grit or Tory. het
wilco he As w • wrong he nooks agai net
KTwelr• tons of gonna from the Wahs'a-
putse gold mine, near (billies, has hose
sant to Toronto to he eruehed and sump -
ed, and open the reeit will depewd
tits future of tee mine.
L•rd Aileahary has h.enn a snit few
divorce Freon his wife- whn
leder* her marriage was Deily Tws:ae, a
h•Ilrt dancer at the Oaiety theatre awd
n( Ino origin rind rbarse(.r.
Ths rwpnrts of the Minister of Crowd
Lands an 1 o.1 the Provineief Treasater
no the working of the tavern .14 Avg
been*, Ise insa hmn0L' riceo to tit• �11•
t'.' 't, ''!,
l'..,7','. :S-.; , FL;7
(' ; ^:::I f', i.:.:O'TY GI-
4.tar f':.:::.., 71.E 3T0.'rdC11,
I; _ ORT r r..T.:; C.? V:38
1.. A:..; J'!Cr OF Till 81-111.
And r+s....,.vi,. • o' sft.rw arleinc row
o.sori...re.' • 1t7'g, S;OIIIALsh
.:.t,`. -L J.. a..tOO,
T. L :...:i & c P"'P'':o'°"w lees
Scribnor's Maaz!ue
For 1889.
Thr publishers of Srribvra .ltn.j ziar aim
to utak•• it the melt p..pu'arand enierprisan.•
of periodicals. ahile at al► ti.oes prem•rvin•:
Its high literary character. tS.Oro new r -sitter:,
have been drawn to it during the past .i.
months by the incmwvl excellence of its
contnetsioolnblv the itallway art nat.. , mei 1'
clews its recon.{ year with a new imte•tu-
and an .mired emcee*. The illustr.ion,,
will show some new effects, and nothing In
make :ieribeers tinyyao_trie attractive and in-
teresting will be neglected -I
THE RAiLROA!) ARTN'LE't will be eon
hy several very striking parer.: one
espy;Tall Inieuw'sting hy E.-Pert-nta.trn
Itenersl Thomas L. James on "The Railway
Postal service."
Ill elf re -Ord
Tal navel "The blaster of Ratlantree," wit.
ran through the greater part of the year.
Bruen in Voerml.rr.
A COILREsPtl\t)KN('K and collection of
manuscript memoirs relating to J. F.
and • famuu,t group of otodern FREN( 'II
PAINTERS w111 furnish the substance of
'even' articles.
The Mie( end rapers written last year M
Imbert bens Stevenson. will he replaced by
equally interesting conrrihntloneln dfl!-rent
famous anthem. 7.ir Thomas Dailey Aldru h
will write the first of them for the January
Articles on ART SUBJECTS will he a fea-
ture. Papers are arrantol to appear by
Clarence ('o.k. E. 11. iilasbAeki, Austin Dob-
bbson. and ntany others.
Inn Omen&
FiillINO ARTi('LES deacribina sport In
the brit fishing grounds will appear. 'inlmon
W inoiniah. Haas. and Tarpon are the •nhjeeta
now arranged. The authors are well-known
iLL1'iTIIAThII AltTlt'LF.A of areal
variety. tour Ain„ upon all manner of rehierts
travel, biography. d,'. -ription. etc.. will ap-
pear. tont mot of tie conventional common-
pksee sort. it;wdralnl.
AmnngIh. most interesting in the Het of
srlentine paper* for the year wilt be a re-
markable arkde ly Prnfrwrtr John Tmw
br!dge. town the nw' recent developments
and uses of I'D UT1ICI R A VII V
ill we rote,1
A etate of articles wh!ch t.aa peered of
epreial interest will he enntinned by a wrist',
of papers epee ELECTRICITY RI(ITY In lie meet
✓ reent ■ppl rations. by eminent aatbortlk.
• remarkahle neper on MOM YINI"(. •twf
other interesting roper.
1 U..i;)w• Illssrtviff.wa.
.11 SPECIAL (IPE'ER to cover las year's
u nrnber. which Irelmde all the RAit.wAV
ARTICLES. as fella*.
A year's .nbrriptlor.liri slid the nemhrre
for IMP, SI A0
A t sr'..nheeription Ilni•1 and the numbers
for 111114. honed in cloth. . . at CO
ea.es a years 55 reel0 a member.
743-745 Broadway N. 1".
.�t►.rd1+ ��i
• A'
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•J YL. ' • i i .
• ■! i�pf •�� � f r t `�
s�.~�-r:i ~:►lin . ��.•. �'h .ib►r76W/'islr'"
.VC3 L .S A'. ad.. '3 Tit•.: ittlf c cf laFt:7: ;
UtJ-cst aacl value. it i3 fully
gs' iUustratctl anJ has alrca:'y svirtc4'. dl : -
thazb national eirculatioTs
copies monthly. ' ," A 4. .c
Charles Scribners Sons the Pvbliahciu enc us
tP offer SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the
Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890.
TAnolo..A 1$5:a.
Elegant In Design
Solid in Construe o
Exce dent !.i Tone
MADE IN CANADA, sad equal to Ow but tis Ited States
I astle*Nala, at (whys duty dad freight is paid)
Por Cent. less Expense
t t�'r.ems frWA`�i n
r(FTROY:t AND. NEW. V. - •chi
MINDS til C E'LCArttiT4 C
APUL7 S S'♦•C£TAV. SV'y'., • A!o0
CANNOT E'iA,t'•t THE v{J9 i'
3•0':LicATr Ci•ILeo
rain FRIE!
W Samipitair-
Tr . .a.i
mule . an pn., h
Wrist entre.... _
sad t•..•dc oras. eM p te . �i�- .••
thea I1 e.(r...,
w ..mewle.
r«a bra se AL. •
C.r.Oc-- ,4.e mrd- :•
e►s ww1d0.146 an caw area.Ma.s.•.
We sill air ems Ire. • •••••0 -,'
tan et tor tow:. aro •.craw se..
1. Mara w.r tear ,,.a
was we wad. 1.*bur a h.
say ten .t yew bee.*. sad M,,
a.es.as SidoTAY n .•s r.66.huebsu•• buses r^..e
a w gas Mrposse.
.s ►. ria .0 ea. pew.•
rem e.. 1t Mdd Mw Na eta
...d awe crus for
a.. , ...
..r.w wase.
.%..t « i All
IOW /Mea. wee wren. se N: aa• • us Y.
••••••••••••••••• is es rel, and Oa
Ziva c.. meaw`eewas•wm Mr..br:ant ..Pons.
ZN, Aea.ee,
r...rr 1::.10
Tits$, D003 ani BLIND
D 1- r• in all kui.'a of
.t . 1 bo. ,'- mate- a' . f nurse description.
School Furniture a Specialty
Pattieadrwirl•g 10 tnt:e wn,41 from me
woes ester their ornery at once, botore 0 u W
ars:;We'J for tdw .users.
�.,a..eJada *
.t111 1.- ono n.led le if lett at the
,.war•.s stttre-. et.
O. II -OLD, R. PR1('t, Juti Roo-
=STttC'N and .,t>bes IA'Hy.
,die Yeserve
y. •nit.'t .:. U.xons
May.Jlth, It1Bi.
Mr wife'ae.lterrd.for five lean with
tees irotn•tning diwaae• e.,-rr;. Her
..'s was 0.014. 01 the worst ktww u in lies*
-arts. She tn•, all ut the •(ltarrl. •• me.
.11. 1 ever •Pee- meet•tuee. tint they were
of no SAO. 1 n',Ally puocu- .; • ben 1,e or
\s.a1'iyatrn. • has it.r.l only
at lis : set no, o -.•la ii tie a new t•ero.,n Il♦
ked it. my .I: : to ray the. Natal 1.elm
••aw•Ot M; 7.n • 1.lat11.Y reenrme•oded
'n!' calarr', •..nu?.u: and an, pleatwe t*
yr 111 ell " •:itrercrd know through its
Il!r 1.4e3 wilt reprise instant relief and
'Wtdi ('Hot.. M('iNLL Farmer
flaring pet'Art '.1 41d re arranged
E'WURKnit rKE:;D Hue(nCe. 4.dr. !t I''
on Haat street t•i- are pMpnrt'd 0
-..vn avt•rt
--AND AT--•
an}}�f gyTpp`
In y .lassos) sad un t' .• b•o of u i PRIG t:JJ TO ON ILL
Onr well-knm.n and powila' )lane:••
Mille 1M..• been re.vmtly tntprorrl.and or.
are able to :urn ons a
whk h we guarantee to roe .ati.fact i'n
PRWE -- PI)" "-f
--AT THE -
Choppier done at Se. per 1701ba.
at the
we keep constantly nn hands tall Puma, of
(tire n. a.0 ' you will end Oa pr.mpl and e
77 P. O. ertcb asd Manchester.
NL AN A q Blit
GEU. BARRY, the Furniture Man. i• giving this beat of
Falun in ail lutea of Furniture --froom the Slink 11. ret chair
to the lars:•wt and lnwt bel -room Net. nr porfnr suites.
Cull and nee ilia st.,.Ik and get a bargain.
U D T. i I -NT( ,
is ail ice brlrnelao. promptly atten(lc•I t..
EMBALMING FLUID always kept on band.
PICTURE FRAMIN(: a Aievialty.
GEO. BARRY, Hamilton -St .ti♦cdwliolt.
1 WORM 7,P0-17D:C17.Go.
tf Irv;
..-1.«.-•Y .t •-t. :r 1
Ass i-earne. r'
ti.•t .i*tslitheirern
gine -'"''•y': :. • • ' r - ., a At r' etnasi
garde Lsgu
islatere yesterday. 111411611800