HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 6RELIGIOUS NOTES.
. ,
, 1HE 11U1‘011 BIQNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 22,
dillerae..aue r..caan: salaams, Ile theirs
ltseallte 4M..4 and Attested by Well
A report giving results of ex peruneute
ousedueted eis tin 11hums Agricultural
College farm, in feeshog pigs, juetatime tea
following coueltmenus.
1 It required 13.N pound* of AUK
milk to produer 1 pound 4./ puck whea
fest with c.rzas n ratio I 1 7 to fatten-
ina hive *. taunt wife could not be eee-
nontindly fed te fanetting bugs unites it
was • waste product Whorl* mould not be
otherwise utilised 11. It required ou
average 411 pouilds of OSLolled corn to pro-
duce 1 pouu.': of pork durum an average
period of four wearke. or I burbel pro-
duced 134 pounds. 4 It required .;,411
e of cornmeal to preduce 1 pou
of pork, or 1 bushel uf corn inade iota)
meal and fed dry produced 121 pounds et
pork. 5. Wheti fed dry. ehelled corn is
more eeo ttttt Meal titan cornmeal to feed
to fattening bugs. 6. It requires .e
pounds or urea fourth bushel of ground
oats to produce 1 poued of pork
when fed with equal parts by weight of
cornmeal. 7. Our bushel of aim is worth
nearly three busheie ,,f “uts as feed for t
"relic*. IsIs sermon, Aire broad A, -
fattening bugs' t"r° ie.1Pigs gained ...lowly, a serste.i. to b • polts,ar alioeas
SM e Were.
' teed. Mil boron 1. edit bis a el
o srIk.a. - Z./put-germ.
The Learrutt of the Crem (Bomar.
(J1111,.111.1 la 10 isutuner 111Ks.giststi
1116.0010 members ; is lerlasol it 1. issuer
t 11 is &alerted that If ihe preartit
we Iliere&se oolltIuueu, the 11 •111•• Chrtrt
i 1111111 Ila Ch11.• ili the )rair 1900, soil
I smother 2.1.100,000
It aa a great deal better to live • h. ly
hle than to talk &ham st. Llehlb usi
doitt Aug hells •ud bi.. ewelloolls is. e•1
attention to thaw si they lust
- ely.
Tbirty meatglary sscirties, *.*t.
1(10 1111114106.1•1106, •ro. a.a1 W. lit in listlia
38 lw Ith 925 1..leatuw•rit a, la.
A IN e • rg Wee. kits 1ft r
Ilitarird Igo rtrItt11 beV111111w lila. .• war
to nogg ; ..tel a e.viay lust. on lir i.eiah
Meuse teem tuns been ..e..
about 4) pound. per week, and ate about .4
21 pounds of men per 100 laniuds of ' "4"
weight. it The gain tar tire amount of Dr meat te mei, 'hoot ioll• 11.4 1.i
fusel eontotwed El...reused thinug fatten- 1.a...1 had utueh tod.t o lsi"'1"134 1 -Le*"
Iltg. 10. Pork was produced &Wring the es ti t.to rch. Ann h,• ea nee .
rn d weather, with corn at. ceote per . 111tolit: in that *At • W
bushel, for lees than teats per pound. mottle" sees Clime! I. 1 no.: ge• e •
11. Au insufficient heal supply for two „ ..1
week's caused a very tousiderable lows iti chitty' In Coolintle11.4s • sows Writ/ I.
feeding lhereAft.er. 12.. Ifli14Ueosin is the
cher:ewe. le teem writ virago tiaris.•
Moat rcononM*I pnrk producim, niaterlal
during the winter mouths iu regions 11. •Ivaa tit shake leami• m it 11 At le 4-4 ,11
• extensively grown. iierson 111 eaolinallolotolt With r•eh 1.101,11.
Iti reply to the often repeated query, , Ira The ,4.ject eimest at to eir..
••Ilow Innelt pnek wan Iwo aht wire hr heed* c sat tau to
buaht I of ,comer ere pleuty of :pinions elinstiatt "se- pie A shirk, .
and guesses. aith loose amertions. but
comparatively a very few results based
upen aetual trustworthy and recorded ex-
sriments. From whatever source these
last narned coulee thee ought to be we -1.
• fetrOgrartri. ragevaiewtres.
f A hi...""" 1"10/T P!i.,!.,:, . " .1 ''
I tot' ha • o 'awry iistariot Res ....e % -• 1
!stormy Levitt quietiy bottom 1.7 141/1 teous
Inom eatat !moue, ..• ho lotewe to the
nowt assd mut without, tint ho ....uol
, me b• 'Lilted out. A Lillnlailli 01 180
1 intr1 a servant enteind iiish a 11018.
issciiitse at rt, the tioc:.or it814, moms
Mlle*. 1 *48; 1 111Uppor• I Wiest u'ibi-
I stoutly he rode tor the Loa 111 tulles
• without ineetieg wry thow ; titan he
1•011011141 III Chit tlialito try a ball ht tit owl
lsa limit trrow H. Is..skt-41.sr • tit 'war,
nut 14614111t1 MAW. (hi 116 MAUI. 1.. anoth-
er 111.1111, When hada 11.441114 • tiara( ullirel
staggering •I.stig ils this middle oi
rued As this oisitor moue up, the owls-
er oi the horm staseuserett out : "1 my,
Jeel0e, 111 'hut you I 1 waist you to gird
isie a presmatptiou ; they say yod me
raid good to the temr, perla•ps poi wit'
vie it Iss we ts,r unbind'. 'Well, my
foetid, she' la it that lea you 1' sea the
dauter. •1 mita a praeoription tor keep -
lug guy legs Into turning tutu ilie se -
I ton ' 'I cattle i ore y:u it, my man,
hit there is a great pltunciau, a Irene'
of salon. Will gico yota 11/11.1. pat want.'
•011, tell no, *none lives, *nu I may go
to him, tic I MD 1.. atolia.trer 14 I.N.S110*
both tidy ass4 soul ' Ds)• peteoel. mid
:gate the ..1........r 6414 tiiv atone heute on
thd roati, Lut not nib Ili:lilts.' tior tinie
He Colonel op, eseght the docter be the
1 halal, WWI with terra r,•iltisg doa it hes
1.4w, Ise rd.J. li.al Nese yuu I. Viet
wit a!l, but the .a... or underreeci thet
the great physioitu mei dealt with 8 in.
Alai hui effected • ours. s f h.th 1..1) aud
out Fer him no caw Is tuo teem -rate ,
•.e can anis out.. the uttermost
THE How CIRCLE. I- iminnT3 & SHOES
0..• of the luudeat working •unten ie
lieglatel, who lam for useuy years WU
(touted • forge wholesale Weenie, re
tams *ace:Item 'smarm at alt So Sauced
ate, owisig, It Os this.:tived, 10 the h•list
uf tatting .418 day a week bed. 11 we
cahoot at otti fregueut initetioa, we
uught, if lioesable, tat give the stectimas
tostem tette to recover itself helmet'.5 the
shocks. &yea au bour's tasoluaiou after
itiesuh will deprive a hurried, animus
dny of much t..t its injury Tim nerves
tian oilers he 11.110ftN,U110 try II here,
they retuav to be ouuttetted by strength
of will.
has often netted not. vely the reneeme
Itioor of a 181411,-
'.11 °oder 1'tihitair Warfare 1111111) • .wo.
for whom Seat, has apresti his net
A i.:44.41 tit.isurctiosi unit eel,
come. for the query has tut impurtrat '
bearing upon the salmi (it cern, o ih Mat the 1.0.1i
team aueneate. eepaamaaaa. giving v.*, r1 al.0111Z deserves pe .11(51 Id
Coburn. Li Swiue Iliishandry, citee thir- '''"'"""••• ••"ke'" 1" th' 14v.
raid results, the geueral average of sit ttttt . The Mtg..'
which suggests that one bushel of corn •0 to gloss over tell1184IV•11..1.• of 148,
tor fifty -Asia pounde of corn. fed on the .1 (Ville aild human, le -caber .1 the •..-oe
ear, re:turtle, uuder ordinary ciretun- rank of the . &rider Las re...rite.' a retie
bi•Drelt, ten point& of pork. Exalted poem," 1. felt I.. 8t4
An analysts of the experiments of Mr. „,,„„at„,„ ma a palea.„„, „I N,
lames. of ihnbantetead• Entrialld. .040" 11 hell a baraitet wh. eccupied a place es.
very (grotty that • ripid derma:se in the ib.. uniteh cefiatte, thicest 43..,4s -
rate. of rOnSUINgron of food to a given
weight of animal ea it fatteos; ahl, al-
though lime food is eaten. it takes mere of
it to prodhce one pound of increase. so
that as the animal appreaehes the ma
turity nf fatness it mny reach a point .i,41 receives the te..1.1 rhoulder, wile,
where the volume of perk will hot posy a4 nbleitlefr is excleded from the
for the earn consumed. 'fbis pont ought loekey Cluh far elle., ii.g, it is indica
to be watched for, and the pig once Von sufficient that dare 10 len 'Mc Me
se.nt to market. Experimvuts to tho
manufacture of pork. the country over,
give results that show that the beet re-
turn teethe feted temattend is unqsmetion-
ably obtained by liberal feeding durtng
the early stages of growth. Mr. Ltarrtu
has established in his experinents the
fact that, "the larrer the preportion 01
nitrogenous eongeitulds in the food the
greater tho tendency to increase iu fratue
and flesh. but that the maturing of tin
animal -in sword, its fattening--depezda
very inueii more on the amount, in the
food, of cell 3In diffestibk uon-nitrogenotts
ronatituents.'' The above accords per- Loyalty Gr. up; I have wen the work .4
feetly. Mr. Colonel thhaL- . with all ex- itiesions in the Samoan Group ; I know
pediments. The nitrogeue le foods repro- n ethe intends of the tioet,ty thoop
sent the laitt i • matorial flesh formers "
I have lived for ten yews in the ilervey
Group know a few ..f the groups close
curative arvittslarn, of the representative
• dukedom bestowed by a grateful
soverely.oli 1112 IttAll•
fashionable Amer:mei watering Flaws
nen to tolerate the .isto motes the weuttl
in some counter* he witiiitely wirdred
a they could Lady be kep1 tem. sided.
A veteran missionaiy, 1:ve .7ss Chad -
Mars, said recently m an • -dress its
Landon :1 hare hail tw.uItv ne years'
experiene I•UlOrle natives, I lived with
the Curt/num emote, and I have tiresi.
din.*? and slept with tho eatinibel. I
hare slated the 'shoots et the New
Heiriaes, slash 1 smczrely truet will
to -t he handed over to the tender goer -
ties et France. I hate visited the
anti the Lou-uitrogenone tL heat and fat
•-- on the lune. and for at leapt nine year.
nate 11.u1ea for the Poultry Tani. of .8) 311. I hare with the ravages of
lite conau;ag mime if sp,teinsaIesjly Nest Guinea, hut I 'nee tiever yet met
curried out, will ineure succeseful poultry with a 'inlay man or weinan, or with a
raising: 'Mule people, that your civilrattion.
In buying fen -le or eoga go to some wit-hout Christianity, has
trunfworth:" l'reder who 8011 his roPllta- Testimeny, such as this, is worth col
teen at stake. Culis are not cheap at auy amaa „f the,,ry.
price. Cardinsl Manning. its the course of at*
Do not breed too many kin& of fowls at
the same in
Until terview with the /both/ 4-arrests:et-lam
air to.perienett
on the publication of the Letiden edition
and monnmodatione warrant it confine
yourself to ime or tao well known cerise °• 8°1•1•Yi saldi 10 reply to • 'lle•11"°
ties. se to ',heftier he ceuld detect in the
lntrodnee nen' blood ilito your stock United States any haruiful result pro -
every year it- •n, by cities buying • dined by the Sunday newspapers, "I
cockerel ,tr setting of eggs from some re- certainly can in one respect --that 11 as
liable breeder. regards divorce. In this and other mit
Let old and yol:TI!4 birds bare ea wide a tersai morality, I recognize in America
rang. as possible. and do net crowd too a decided tendency to, as I call it, go to
tuauy in one hos. If you do you will wed. I fear that in Amer.ca freedom
have diaetuse. of divorce has done much to break up
Construct your house good and warm,
domestic life, and it certainly requires I
lanais to avoid danoa floors and afford a
trod of senlight Sureshine s
but slieht observation to see that in the
than medicine. Give plenty .1 fresh air
at all times. Above all things keep the
house clean.
Use carbolie powder occasionally to de-
stroy lice. Clean roosts end bottom of
laying nests. and whitewash ot'ten enough
to keep ell sweet and clean.
Provide a dusting and scratching pleas
where yon ran bury wheat anti corn and
thns induce the fowls to take the needful
Give plenty of fresh water daily, and
never allow tile fowls to go thirsty.
Feed them systematwally two or three
1 IMPS a day; scatter the food. se they can't
eat too fast or without peeper exercise -
Bo not feed morn thau they will eat up
e lem. or they will get tired of that kind
of feed.
Give them • variety of hreh try and
testified feed; a mixture of cook el meat and
vegenthles is an excellent th ; for their
morning nieal.
Give noft feed io the moru'. and the
whole grain at night. earept a little wheat
er rewind cern placed in the scratching
plarms to give them exercise during the
Things Mid by Otbers.
A correspondent in American Itntel
Houten says: "Perhaps a grave mistake
has been made in teaching that the poul-
try business is an easy avocation ordinal
suited for Iodise end children. 'AM Is
true so fares thecae* of a family Reek 1.
eoneerned. but when the poultry bushman
Is to be condueted as a business ft must
be done on • wale aufileient to pay &large
prafit, or enough will not be derived to
support • family"
A must destined to make a wine to emit
the taste of the American people. and et
the tame time keep well in a bot climate,
ebould indieste at lava 90 dee* on the
meet o. .Js and 5 deo. on the midi -
mister. says E. Dubois. In The Fiend& Die-
To obtain the beet requite rhu-
barb not roarer flan i'else feet . Art each
wity. :id • 4,44 • • ' • • ',IAA.
A l• is. • . • C. J, '•.
that rnaritilaa . ehould be used for
feedteg bresi. es it is eafir tine to risk
feeling ebeap auger.
P M Anent, of Cannot ',aye! "I
ohmic! v,.Itio . welt I. 4 • cellesit lab-
seirbetiet; but 1.3 iterinair veal* at a for
Unser is not Detail, great."
I Rues tlertur.-ey Pomo tvqwwt• nf • poor
mop both mashie mid palfatiana.
ohaervauce of Sunday you have already
drifted ter, far away (rem the usage ef
your forefathers. Yee, I fear America
inerally is going to seed, sod her Sun -
flay newspapers must hate had tense -
thing to do with it."
Addressing a lame congregatien in the
City Temple iodate the Rey 13r Perker
said :-"I have lived to see :he day that
I hardly did expect to see ; there is ac-
tually now published in London • great
daily paper that takes notice of the
Chriscian pullet. That great daily paper
is the New York ii•rold. It actually
reougnized the Christian pulpit and
those pooragaininded creature. o
live to pre" .ese not ignereffoot ball,
that greatest aid modest et all seiences,
that aublimeet and noblest of all enter-
prises* te which men can commit them-
•Wees. But yet it is thooght Oat the
Itulpit might have two or three columns
in Its Monday Moue. I thank God for
that recognition. It ia likely todo good.
I do not say thit paper ignores the hal-
hard -room or the race course or the
theatre, but it actually dons recognize
the feet that there is a pulpit in the
country. Success to it. and God's
blaring be upon that department of its
RAINAVORD 011cHrg.-11 DltrirTn,
Dr Bamford, speaking of one ef the
weakest spots in modern Protestantism,
says "It does not visibly, by means of
Its great °beeches and services, embody
any great gospel or Christian idea. Every
one keowe what the micron mama The
entitle, the credo/es exeltentien,embody a
very definite idea. Bo should our
churches. They should ever witness te
those despise eerie, of lumen nature.
1e or age, en sera, tempted to selfish -
sees and materialises, the Cherish should
sorely Mend aa an evident witness, first
in taan's thyme nature and eeneequent
need of more then earthly food; seem&
to man'• sonehip to God, and his.. the
due of brotherliness owed by him to all
Ins fellow seen, and third, to God's love
and gond-will to mew revealed la the
Christ whom words all Chrostiae (thumb -
es profess to rioted ea their law. This
weak spot, he mays, is the azalea's
*hareem, et moat of our lame &ad fash-
ionable ohurehea, whisk *seas to exist
for anti are supported alms* setirely by
the neh people 01 the 11101111111111ity.
A Illegal &tem*.
fatal attest of min1741.
. Ap 040811
A Alls.PigIE
household shoul'e'oillhe seaweed by
keeping Magyar1's i'. co ral 1/11•Aftt si
'tiled^. it *..-.b.8 up colds, c"ughs,
croup. "Anhui.. ono bionchitis ail a te.
week. Jle intoner. 2
Melo amot )Near 4 lenses.
A ladv, si.00ng h••riolf Kate True. has
taken "tt uo ' tor the woolen au the
cohainnns the II, ;reit F. , i'reaa Kate
say• : 1 sitei.dea Wo.11141a • IllretIlle thr
other day vi heir s sine 4 the represetita-
wemett of Boaters were assembled
Tne eti bang skeirs_ ._..14.&edseio.n was
dress. After tiw etateas ue of threat
had keen duly mossidered and the de
celeste leans frowned upen on• sweet -
voiced toiler arose *ad said : "Why
could not we be si nieble like the men ;
they live never bothered shout their
chains ; a dress sot wits always drew
suit f:' I looked at the speakei ru.i-
oualy ; she was in earnest ; and then 1
rem:inhere:I that she belonged to that
estimable clam celleii spinsters, mid did
lot know an) het:er. In all the up,
en4 in. and eine af this kaleidoscopic
w• :s1 1 reeell c. rtam scenes its • lionee
1.:,1 of :two ti tirla.stee• low • party.
I toe...sneer • 'Ili to...icons t 8,1141534
:e der/muds iimeEe Red thread ; the
utterauces, net sweet bui street, cum
.:amino • deliequent tailor ; the angry
taitcitings given an in' • tent necktie.
and the fearful denunci• toms of some
far.'eway laundress
"Men never te the about their
clothes Nattit• au& angel& detend us !
It takes • w• man a wan attach-
ment a ouartette 1 I. theta to under-
stand the trim we...donee of the maw... -
line bieet. When T, Del...mato has a
suit fresh frora the tailer's be is more
finicky and fussy *Omit it than atsy
Man. If there it 1 tito stoigeatteu. of tit
A -tinkle across the shots:tiers, hack it
gees and is conaiderea • ••nitsfii.- As to
the oentaloons, have I not tamed my
neck even worse than any ph.' witapher
ever did to see if they wen not a trifle
t.so long or tp•I short, and didit't I con-
sider them • little dash in the rear, or •
:dile song at th.., 1.nees, or a trifle too
springy at the bottom
If men -de too bother about cloths.,"
shy were mazy quilts ever snide to ti8*
up the superfluous neckties &bastioned
as out of style ! As to cosmetics. TIM
Debutant has ten t• every 0110 .4 his ats
ter's, and perfunaes are the cietight of
!he masculine .riestrila. Ask your drolz•
wet wise buys them, and then ask ever)
wife who uses thein up for her. 11:1Iy
the ether day flt bright fireman rewarked
cencerning p spolar physician that he
was the '•1kto of Roses" in the na,weing.
"German ealogne at noon aisd • •11+srae-
at night.
Go un in :he innocence of your spins
terial heart, west learned maiden, but
believe nte, when 1 tell you, from Bps
end of a wined rnmistache to the to* of
a pump, or the fractional section of •
white cuff below • coat sleeve. the sex
that swears "bethers- mere about ciente*
than we poor sinners. In this respect
they are "superior."
A Rwaleeo. Letter.
Tileenburg, March 15th, 18/17.
T. Milburn tt Co.,
Sirs, -Please ship at onee three dozen
B. 11. Bitters. Beat sellieg inudieine in
the shop. 8t.14 seven bottles today.
Your* truly, C. Thompson.
The above sample is but unit is! hun-
dreds of similar expressions reeiVing
B. B. B.
An exceedingly eed case is reported
from the township 411 West Templeton,
nine miles (rem Ottawa. Catherine Mc-
Nulty, a woman of 601..?.. and a little
girl, Ann &Aber Maguire, were attend-
ing a sick woman on Tuesday last. Their
patient grim worse, and the old woman
started to Urn a house within sight for
aid. A terrible anoweteine was raging
at the time Rh. del not return within
an hour, and the little gill started to
see what had beano* of her. 88e did
not come back, and the sick woman was
steno all night. In the morning some
friends came to her, and went in search
of the miming 'roes, only to find them
frome in drifts.
Eay fever se a type of catarrh having
perolier symetarris. It ie attended ky as
infiareed oondition of the lining nes-
'wanes of the rewards, tear-deete and
throat, affeettng the limas Au acrid
raucous is secreted a he d iiicharee ie ae ec an -
Denied with a burning sensatina There
are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent
& Unarm et headache, watery and italicis-
ed eyes. Ely's Crean Bali. t• • reuse -
4 that can be depeaded upon. 5001s.
at druggists ; by mail, registered. liOsta
Ely Broth.'., Dramatis, Owego. New
York. lv
TO eC1111 • COLD.
Ao authority aives the tollowing "fine
way of curiae • cold " :- Bathe the Wm
in hot water aud drink a pita .4 hot
lemonade. l'hou sewage with salt water,
and remelt% in • warm 1400111. Bathe the
fact* in ter, hot water erery five minutes
for au hour. Saud up the obeli& hot
salt water every three timers. Isaiah,
siiimonia or ether. Tike four hour*
of active exercise in the olive air.
gerECTO or TOILSOCCO IN ractini.
Those who can use tobacce without jos-
isittii•atu injury will have all the pleasant
effects reverend, and wale suffer from the
symptoms of poniounet if they exceed
the limas of telleratice. Taste 83 'tip-
toes. are ; 1. The heat Cs act le -ceases
inure mind when tette:Neu is used ; 2.
Plate item. 10:1111, oor unusual monsatissite
in the heait ; 3 There is 00 appetite in
the tttttt eine, the toneee M coated, deli-
mit/ 'lavers *re het appreciated. aud
sod dyspepsia, etcurs slier eating ; 4
"renal -tire--entruth anTI merino, or
neasil catarrh appears, and beetoatie• very
trouhletionsee ;1. The eyesight tr1 messes
poor, i.ut improves when the habit le
ebendorted ; 6 A :Warm often • craving
for 1:titiot 1 IMMO Gcr stimulant, la -
part.tice d.
• eructate:same STIIIII LAN?.
Milk bested to much above one hun-
dred degroes Fabrestheit loses for • time
• ileurtio • f it• sweetness aud deissity.
No eue fatigued by ttaer-akertion
a body sir mind, hes trier expertemad
the reviving influeuce 01 a tumbler of
chi, beverage, heated as hot as it can be
sipped, will willingly forego a resort to
it because of as being rendered smite -
what less aeceptable to the palate. Th.
Dreaminess with which its cerdial in-
fluence frit is seared surprising. Som.
pertien of it seems to be digested and
appropriated almost immdiately ; and
many wh.. now teary they need alco-
holic stimulants when exhausted by
fatigue will Mid in this simple draught
an equivaleut that will be •bundatitly
satisfying mid fax more endartng in its
effects. There is many an letterset,
rked weman who fence" she could
root keep up without her beer ; she utile
takes its inomeutary exhilersttiot toe
strength, and applies the whip instead
of nourishment te her poor exhausted
frame. Any physictan will tell her that
there is more real strength and tieurish,
meet in a eace et bread than in a quart
of beer ; but, if ahe Itsces atisutelasits.
would be a very useless piece of intonate ,
LEAlr.itiiii Pi WALL
A young child should never be en-
couraged to stand alone too soon, or to
bear the full wetuht of its body on tta
lees before it is strong lintrutft
it, as, if this is allowed, the lees will
mom assuredly beceuse "Irewed and
diefigured for life. It is a geed plan le
all ov h.lty to be upon the iturs.,ry floor
for • short onie mice or t evict. a dey, and
to kick about as Niture may dictate,
thus giving strength and freedom to the
Dr.af44114.44 IN .1111.0111‘.
'The friends of • deaf child hare some-
time' not the slightest to nen "kat 1118
bard of hearing ; and, reflectiott en the
faults mid corruption ef their 0811 nature
in youthful &Ilya they are •pt to inform
ties little sufferer that it ie c•relese or
provekingly ootininte, aud that "Nune
is an deaf as he that went hear." We
read ita /1..lutee "System of Server," of
a bey te h... front early life. has been the
the @abject of *unit disease, and who
tuaIIy died trona •heees in the brain
thereby, hut a hs.ss• tether used to b.et
his ewes fur what he termed •Onatteiss
Nee* Tremble Nay be expelled.
if you do not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at Jince pay alternation to the
maintainance of your health. How often
we see • person put off from day to day
the purchase of a medicine which if pro-
cured at the nutatart of a disease would
heve remedied it almost immediately
Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had
been taken when the first uneasiness
made its appearance the illness would
have been "nipped ia the bud." John-
son's Tonic Bitten and Liver Pills are
deeidedly the beet medicine on the mar-
ket for general b.nic and invigorating
propernes. Pills 25c. nee Fettle. Bitters
50 cents lied per bottle, add by
Onede the druggist, Albion block, sole
To invigorate both the body and the
bride, we the reliable tonic, Milhorni
Aromatic Quinine Wine.
A New Entland girl has married •
Chinese laundryman. It would be well,
perhaps. if American women generally
were wile* errough to emery a man who
ma do the washing. Carrying in tioal
aod @plittine kindling are thee far shred
the only accomplishments of American
husbands. and very few of know that
mooch. -Lousraile Ocisd rtes. -Journal.
Nissigievess CsisnetewIteita.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
more so that they always closely nn -
7412 788 OlUOINAL 111 •PIPI4ii•11C11 AND
PI•Na. The remarkable meow mildewed
hy Nasal Balm as a positive core for
Catarrh and Cold in the Heed hes k -
&seed unprincipled sadism to imitate it.
The publie are metineed not to be de
@sired by nostrums imitating Nasal Rahn
in name and appears's*, hearing semi
mesas as Nasal Orman, Nasal Balsam,
e ta. Asa Inr Nasal Balm and tie an
take imitation dealers may urge upon
yes. Ifor sale by all drupgiete or see*
post-paid on reempt of prWe (Sassed $1'
by addressing loultor0 Oe. , Pros& ills
Oat tl
W. have made eat raerd teary prepansilons fur *8 rousting Ian and winter undo_ We have an
la low vetoed goods. am well es in
We areJainlv called the leader. In
style, and erar:ety of gorAs. Oise tee a cell and I will show You
The Largest Stock of Boois and Shoes of every De-
scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots Lum-
bermensStockings, etc., to be found in Western
all"rhey are all Lowish' at dem widest -A. cash. 11344 will be so'01 at a small advanc8 on oust.
Crabb* Misek. Car. Last st. and Sonar..
Man of this town for the last 10 years, and is yet.
Any person wanting a First -Class Job, come to me for it.
am bound to get you. trade if Quality and Price is any con-
I have an immense stock of Furni-
ture now on hand, and carry
more Undetaking stock than
all others combined.
I have now csaltansi a ease of a a,ross of
Blind Shade Rollers at 15 Cents each.
Now :A your *me it you want cheap Wald
COMM 4:21\TM- COMM .A.M.a.,-
WAREROOMS :---Bctween P.O. and Bank of Montreal.
WW2 Nu
DIY Mien la theist's
IMO le. put ia rimer
leo or then tic «le
treated Itoehe•ter
ritusisCk•Irs, and
tared • Jeurninnaan
Uarber, we are IS.
positioe mean/ear
in • r 8 Ursa hereto-
Lady's & Ciitidree•
itaircutuag made •
specialty oat MI dare
reeept, Ihaturd=on
Reams arid s
IOU Wait Street. two doors .811 01 P.O.. acodeekth
bail opened out • mo•t at treetlre stock of Fall Milliner,. DI
and everything else pertaining hs the
The Ribbons are exceptional in selection
Crazy Patches of first-class material on
PARKER DVIII__WORK‘ Tonowro.-I are aim the ea=
bested Parker Dye Works. Tweets.. Orders senetted sad
and value,
sale at reasonable
11. thla metlen far,the ode -
time guaranteed.
The undersigned, while thanking the patine am their liberal petronami bestowal
upon kin rises essninwaeisg 8gMais, belts ru moletaos skia I* mil nut d•w• his
prime te
Near Borrom PrecRAs
aa withal particularly to can attendee to Ms
Frotn 10 cts to 75 cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prune<
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushesfor 25c. '
Lieseiw& Omega, Iffsel Gately. A No. 1 Cliseielalle Deena ere- eta.. Genius&
Groceries, Crockery, glassware. Floor, Food
stroozasson TO o. sc lerrottilr
Blebee Nook the &mare, Goderioh.
lienietsb. are' es. Nee