HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 5NBWSOFTHS;Wi&ILI Latest Int&Iiig..nos from all Parte. e shy Items of t.esrwa Per People Whe Must et.e news to a Barn V/ems ersa1$.as neded www e. emit Oar seamen' Time. Wheat ie quoted at el at Brandon The otiose is about three feet deep up at Pentane. Th. coo.utrootlun of the II W. It & L E LI. IL. was begun at Waterford last Friday. A branch of the Imperial Federation League was formed at Believe:le 1'burs- day night. The labor stike in the North .i France. fermruted by Socialist., is spreading. The death is ann......l at Plum H••1 low, Leeds euue•ty, of Richard }Mame, at the age of 102 years A Minneapolis despatch says : Kate Chaim.. the actttas, has bed se seege stroke of paralysis, Extensive laud slides, doing a great deal of damage, hate taboo plate in Switseeland. it is alleged that the Amcor of Afghan iotas is beheading 300 peewes daily for interfering with frontier traffic. The German mwionanea in Zanzibar have not yet nee. released owing W the hue& in the negutiatious for their re- lease. Mr John Carruthers, a wealthy citizen of Kingston. who' twice .opposed Sir John Macdonald it a contest for the seat in the continuos. died Thursday last week. Mr Gladstone has summoned his sup porters to be present on the re.einblil.s of Parliament, when it is expected im- portant matters will be submitted. Montreal post -i floe on the 14th oily showed the trausmisatun of a coup • ea hundred of valentine., whores few jests ago there used to be thouasnis. The Proeinrial Treasurer of Quebec made hie annual atatrusviit to the L.ges- !ature last week. He aut uunors a aur• plus of $373,000. President Carnot has asked M. Melioe, President .•f the Chamber of Deputies, to forma Cabioei, but it is doubtful if he will accept the task. C. B. Irvine, a Brighton barrister, has been arrested un a charge of per- jury laid against him by Mr Pied Casey f C-. bt rue. The Lincoln Pap. Mills Company will erect a Nome pulp mill in Merritt. n between locks 7 sod S. in place of the -us lately destroyed 1'y flea. The N.,tthern Pacific Railway C..w - iany intenet el:vending its the origl bui- hood of $250 Olio i n necessary Gadding .it Winnipeg this year. At a meetinz at Dundee, which was i t coded by ;:U.0G0 persona. an rain -it Ir Joseph Clamber gin wet bursted. A resolution of euwhJence in Mr these - ...one was passed, and cheers were pews' f,t lit Woe u'ti.ten. A minaskable o:d lady of 74 years, by the usm. of Pohl, loon L'Originai a earning her own living iii Lower Tuwu, I masa, by hiring out as family nure.e. Vi halls must curious a that she is stuns t:int. A Chicago paper says the proposed ex- cursion through the Stats* for the per. i"e0 of eolirhtening Cat►adiao members f Parliament is to be a fact, arid that ' . J. 1l•tch e el Akron, ll , has made the oiteswaty aenngeweuts with the Pall - man Company. It was stated before the Parnell Cole - mission that P.gotr, bad been olf.•red !•l Otto by Mr Lewis, the solicitor for the Parnel'ites, or behalf of Mr Labnu- cbrre, if he would swear that he bed forged the Parnell Setters Labby is now to he heard from. At a meeting of the council of (Ideen•s i niraunty recently Principal Grant made a strong argument for a common matricalatian examination in all the uns- eemlier, of the Faeroes, and appealed to the nubile against the failure of To- ronto Coitenisty to assist the move- ment. A serious accident happened to Mr David Kennedy. jr., on B:owr street, Tori,to•, while he was driving towards the city, and he narrowly escaped being killed. He was driving to the city thea runaway team rats into his light minor from h,.hind, and in the general smash- up he was severely bruised, and two of his ribs were fruitranA. Death .r far. C. J. a.,I. ea. A Winnipeg dispatch of Sundays date says : '5The city was startled last bight by the announcement .4 the sudden death of C. J. It ydgea,laud commission- er of the Hudson flay Company, and one of the amt prominet.t mem in Winnipeg. Mr Brydges was honorary secretary and treasurer and one of the managing dir- ectors of the Winnipeg General Hospital, and in a.mpsoy with Mrs Brydges drove ...It to the hospital on Saturday after - n'"•11• He was rented its the Hoard e - -in giving instructions to the resident rotary, when he soddenly fell hack " hie chair and rasped for breath. The secretory utnmedately ran to hie side, sod summoned Dr .lona, end two nth• r phys curse who were in an adj pining stn...., bet ere they arrived Mr lierdges vas dead. He bad hers oompleittaog through the day of toot feeling well, sod death evident!, resulted from heart 'lissesM. The news of hit death mused a profound sensation and was received with /sorrel regret. Mr. Brydges wee •Ptannt.•d general manager of the °rest "astern Railway in IAM and managing director of the (Trend Trunk in ISlil. He returned from the (irand Trunk in 1874, and was appointed (iovernm.et it. spent.., of railways In 1879 he trottristi the aplruntment .4 Hudson Bay land romm.aioose at Wtnntprg. which p..si teen t• held et the time of his death. He °erupted several important ..Rides se 1lawnoh•. having been president of the Hood of Ageeeahgn end director of the hospital, and oneneeted with other in• w hinnies. His wife and four children snrvire him. The funeral tuna place on Tutted., afterin.uu." Al Plan He may he. hut if testes,. e tells loll that any Goderich Foundry andT ,vhi .o Works, nropslalM.d is as realss Putr..m'. Pada less Coro listrect.'r these at It Mir we. I/Htations uwly prose 'h f value .d Pet- uans's Pair:.a. Corn KaLea.0 or. flee signatufe on each bottle .4 Put«,u A Cu Get "Putnam's " TibE IIi'I.ON SIGN Al), VRIUAY, FEB. 22. 1849. A tteckester, N Y , paper reports that the gram Coolish beer syndicate his se- mired e.,otrr,! .'f the fuer largest hresrr• um to that col. Stem That Trash. Mary prop's, neglect wb..t they call a simple ould, ab:eh, if t...t checked it. Ouse. euay teed to Luo,; tr.fubie. t3ouu's Emulsion . f Purr C..4 Laver 1) 1, with popho.phires, will not only stop the cough but Ilea. the Iuuga F.oi .r.wd ifs thousan.ia .d P,i.:ats•'s Pai.t.ble a. Milk Try it. Sold by all drutitiata at 30:and $I 4 Mr Henry C NA, late pr..priator of the Zurich grist mill has purehsred the Hew mall mill of Mr kai.u,ie,atid will take poe- m -Niue at neer. PY.'JI'I.t: TALK ABOUT CHIC %1' Teas and. Groceries roceries ISAIC CASSIDY'S CABG BTORF Is the plate mo go with vourenesey. i have Teas wan-ante:I the best la the market, Japan It Black 35c per lb., Or 5 lbs. for $1.50. CROCKERY I —AT-- WSOL2ceALE PRIC>3C8, General Groceries on hand at pniuss that cannot he surpassed- seething tot tint class Groceries kept. Thankiif-t sib for past faeon,and scl:chttng a cunt lt, usrlrc +.f the same. Brobb'sl Block, out door to E. Donlipg. ISA New Barery aid Confectionery. HALE & WILLIS Her to annonn-e to tie prople of 'iude-rieb that tie•+ hire upeued oat a new Bakery at the stand on KINGSTON STREET, Yin nicely ocrup!ed by J. W. Smith. where 'hey wo11 keep a full stock of Goan -made keened (lskos, Cootettieaery, and pastry of all kinds. Bread, Cakes, &C., Delivered To all porde of the Town. A sbere of the Pubic: Patrons ye i. respectfully.ottichted. HALE & WILLIS. 2l£,- It - THE J. A. CONVERSE IITG Co A. W. Metal* A attw.. PROPE!ETOits. - MONTREAL. Alt THE )tAleitS nr Tnx CiitSIM*TLD `.'RED (!AP p RUNCIMAN BROS., Proprietors. t ,,e ,Ykrjatt�� �. t .a...w_ ,y1�'0t7��.,.=..:..,�ta1fQ4 1 5. MLSPkOV1_�P�tt'S CU4T1 ATpp9IaRr (i ' 'STRBET.G01.Witien C;til- WE IIAvk OX IIA\U Ft./1: BALE: Improved Land Rollers -- Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. .A.T =AC= FMS-vR=E,3 FLOUR ■ILLS BUILT 01 THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want cf the same. RmPAIR$ AND CAe 8TIN3-S OF dLL gI:vTDB- a® MONDAY MORNING Bright and early, we commence our Great Stock -taking Sale for ::0 1-4 OFF] Is the rule on all our MANTLES. NEWMARKETS, etc., etc. This means $10.00 garments for S7.50, awl so on. The same reduction on ail our Fancy Wool Goods, Knitted Shawls, etc., etc. ECONOMICAL BUYERS • Will do themselves au injustice if they fail to see our JANUARY BARGAINS. Interesting to heads of families, where there are child- ren, are our REMNANT OFFENGS During the flush of toe ac a- on t?a',.. small priced, big money's worth lots, are apt to be overlooked, but to many they present an opportunity to solve the problem of how to get wonderfully good-looking outfits fur children, for little money. font forget to see thtln. CROMPTON, AFPLEE ) (Succesrurs to !I. W. Brethour s Co.,) BRA/NT 'TFORD_ INDERAS GOOD wo INE Ire WS rtssaY Prononnoed, by practical con- Burnera, superior to anything in the Canadian Market. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. Maawfictwrers also of CORDAG) JUTS gad COTTON RAGS. CALCINED and LAND PLASTER. TorowtnrMt x gad warehouse/kr-NI FRONT STWtffr K.dT. SUNNIW. C. DO NELL. Manager. NO SAND! NO DIRT! WHERE SHALL I GO TO RUT MY FRUIT? Why t go where you can get the Choicest RAISINS, CURRANT and PEELS, and where they CLEAN ev- ery pound of FRUIT by Machinery. IT WILL PAY YOU! TO 00 TO AIRN'S cirF�� (!kOfN����a.�.�awm�� The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of im orted and Canadian Yarns from the best known makers; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Cerese, and Grey Flannels, to ether with a full range of Men's, Women's, Youths' and Children's English, Scotch and Canadian Underwear; also White and Colored Blankets, Comforters, and all -wool Austrian Carriage Rugs. TILS CORRECT TILING IN GLOVES AND FINE IIOIEItYI AS I.. Napery Department will be found Complete. STRICTLY ONBB24s94- PRICII- ALEX. MUNRO, Deaner and Haberdasher �T TCash Store POPLK TALK ABOUT CHEfIP TE�4nrr rrtr C. H. QLD THF GMROOR He has Tru that le warranted tum beet In the mark.. pot up Ie basket, of ewe and two pounds each. Japan and Black at 40c. lbOR 2 lbs. FOR 75c. Crockery at Wholeale Pric During January a la elimy I have always taken the let to Tees int • ..see - ,,lv creep / on. kind, anti that its the *et - and only 25 , mer ib., equal to number of accounts Will 40e. Coffne in the market 1 1 1 the ; Beet Trllema Hod Cooking raisins, Co leo vt OP ' FITS I .. metres i ray curie i an net reran e. stop them far a tiers., sec then hoe Oyu ICAL hashraid xthe disease of rime EPILEPSY or FALLING SIS, lttnloagmtnd . i wnter the worst caste. Because others haw* Moue* a treitisa lad ♦Tat a 1. no resaea ft tent new twgM s voce► r�er.u.t7ia iauuov. Uhe Meese Utdoe, It roots ye. nothlsg Oso a tel, and It will mire yea. Address Drs L 0. 1107!. !7 Y Pt, Tenet., Ora, PUBLIC NOTICE. Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetratetd orb the Public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special inducements in Tea and Coffee, a d solicit your pat- ronage. Rees Price ai,Sctrier K j'a B?xk, n3. 3:.nk of Commerce, Square, Orders ty Tol'rphone promptly attended to. A WO!) ARTICLyALWAYS BEAKS EXAMI. ATION HOLMES' i=r?A3-ANT ..s S ILLA F0K s t i r: BY CURES Cit"APED HINJS, C;YAFFIL, LTC. GEO. itRHYNAS, Oi einiet and Orin^; gist, o (Lderich. PEICE, 25c. Guaranteed to Give Sati 3taction Every Tan, THS BEST hJ C1iAPZET, fselr's Adagio t elsboo farmer should road the f ts( and only - --t p my there le a1_.ested to W a busine. 11ar expended from the term ews opalto mem rood. It treats ow all branches ooanseted with the childfrreen: Ittwhhighly prized fannerved malty • eke trout theas Mai of his farm ; it has staved the farmers md- lleas of dollars by checktne the iatrodsotlon and Wend of oo0Lgtoas stock dlesasrs : it has in- eremed the reoetpts from ourcerea s by millions of donate. Commeaded by City and County Councils and Agricultural tloetetisa Agent. wanted. Nasepis copies pee. Price Faxtt:aper imam. Address �Canada. � GOOD WORK iS DOPE AT SAGA L Palls '1i5 CAVEATS. TRADE SAASS ARE COP1nIGNTS obtained, and a!1 business in the t•.it. Pates t)111re attended to at MOUEItATX FRMS. Our office- is opposite the U. S. Potent Of- fice., arid we- i--ar obtain Patents In teem times than those remote from H•ASh INGTO\: Mend MODEL Oft DRAWING. We ad- vise a. to patentability free of charge • and we reek...\OCHAROB UNLi' S WE Oft - T.4 IN PAri:NT. ),t'e refer, here, to the Puetmsater•tbe Supt. o Massey tlrder D:v„ and to rliens la of the t'. S. Pau•nt Ofboe. For el' alar. advice. terms es"1 refer -nems to actual client In your awn State or County. write to 4' A. *NOM A CO., •' paaite Patent ulnoe. Washington D.C, A. B. CORNELL. ti11Nu D E/i.12 A E R 7 The Best Hearses, and the Bet Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, to Choose from in Goderich. CIT A.Eta. B RRI 4,-t3(7N.A.B1....Fr:- BEAe'TIe'i•I. 1'.t rrl•:lust IN Window Shades and B in.tl Rollers. oAt.I, AND HSS THY. GKLSIORATID RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES IHI-5'r is TOE WoRLD.) NEEDLES AND 0114 FOR �... HAMILTON BTREET CHRISTMAS HAS COMET And a large Importation of ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL AND TOOTH BRUSHES, BATH BRUSHES, s� PERFUMERY, &c., &c. Have jest been tre.ived b) JORDAN, GODERICH. MEDICAL HALL, A1.50 A WIT OF THE HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST PLUSH GOODS F:vKR HICKS 15 OoeliKItU'II. aw('aU mai see them Ware purchasing rlaewhtlrs. AT THE OLD RELIABLE STORE C. CRAB.B Etlll hauls vet with almost every clean Si n•.'+.la newest la Me frimUta.', tied AT PRICES TO SUIT'THE1M[Se .i iigptlln arm• )0 14:11111)1 to hold net '!e•. b.ett of discounts for large port -haw, But I take the lead in Woolen Dress Goods, I take the lead in Wool Cashmeres', I take the lead in Fine Cashmere and Wool Hosiery, I take the lead in White and Unbleached Cotton, I take the lead in White and Colored Shirts, I take the lead in Men's Woolen Shirts, 1 take the lead in Overccat3 aryl Suits, and in all kinds of Twse4s and Dry Goods, a - Roo .n band at l�� demand we have ordered a ire b .ekaar;;r' be heat seep - • large stock of account pap 'Winos, Lignere, dao POR SALE BY G. H. PARSONS TILl AI.HIUS RWP'K. olsOKltlt H Thawklwg yew for past furore and soliefttww s .mutiwemae•r of the same. C. H. OLD, The Groner. ers which we will print and pact in quantities) to suit at reasonable rates at THE SIGNAL Steam Printing House, North st., (hoderich. Currants, Sc. Lemon and Orsts Peel i A IMAI 'y" "'d ! I decidedly take the had Out Nails up, only c.9 75 per ki+t;. OIJAftS. PA/ K" tionately same low rater A fill! supply Mot makers Anew of all (trades livery +S • always on band (i,"Pert etion Cook $hoer - sIa r Imes Prima. t.4ets 3 inch tit propos.. Paw- tau ,r fie. -l -..ars t• pa loms p .