HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 44 TAE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1889 Spitjtfl,on tignal te t'Q sidesttD ZVKRY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ter irritate rain TAW meta: NORTH - WM.2IT. 0ODERICH- V It is a wtde.awake lesd nesepsr, devoted • sea•ty .eels sad the diseemlaatium of rin- d kauwledgs. MAKIN It st atRIrTI•u tza year ; 7 for Ma smooths; Me. for fibres swathe. If the sabacrlptles is wt laaai{dA is advance. wbsariptiem will be chardedaat the rate et Steil • year. APS ERVISING It AIWA e Legal sad other casual advertisements, tee. per Hive for Arm tnwrtba. and 3 cents per Ilse Aar each subsequent !abortion. Measured by a nonpareil scale. Local notices in wnpsriel type 5e per lies. Local notices in ordtaar, reeding type le pa woed. Business cards of six linea and under i3 per year. Advenieensents of Lost. Found, Strayed S ituations l'moot. Situation Wanted and Business Chances Wanted. not exceeding a lines nun panel $1 per mouth. Hexes on Isle and Forms on Sale. not to exceed alines, tl Sec sub - moment month.lf o r admrop film proportion. ortion. Any special notice, the object of which le to prwuo:e the pecuniary beadle of any indi- vidual or conmpaav, to he considered an ad vertisement sod charred acco dluely. 'Moe terns will in all cakes be strictly *A- lleged to Special rates for larger awvertimemeata, or advertisements for extended period.. 'made known at the office of puhli..otiose. hits is W Ohms by the pees% of all political shades, go to show this be hes wooesded io gaming for himself • same and a place amuegst Wilma Cuadias politicians. Long may he live to tsaoi- taie it. JOSRIRS DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Office Is carried mein connection with the ordinary newspaper tasiness. where first -clam work I. turned out at reasonable rates. Everything in tea print- ing line can be done on the premiers from an illuminated paster to a visiting card. W communications meat be addressed to . Me4;IAiKTP111T. kdlterof Tom SmnAL ?eisphone Call Na 30. Godericb Out. HURON SIGNAL. FBIDLY, FISRUARY ii, lam. WEST HURN ! RlEFORM CONVENTION • The Aseust Meeting of the Reform Con Mistier of West Huron sill be held in GODERICH, -ON llondav, Fob,21hi 1889 At 1 o'clock, for the purpose of perfecting the urganlat ion, and otter business. Hon. A. M. Hoek Treasurer of Ontario, M. C• Cameron. Q.C.. ane' other prominent Lib- erals will address the gathering. A full reprerenistion is requested from every polling suMlrtalon, as there is an ab- solute necessity fur urgent and united effort. C. GIltVIN, ROBERT HARRISON. President. 94:t. Secretary. Mn J. J. WITHROW was on Tuesday last re-elected President of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition. President With- row and )tanager Hall make a rattling team, and will keep tbo Industrial at the heed of the pr..cesion. Titus are over seventy applicants for the vacant bridge tendetship at Luck No. 1, Port Dalhousie. Which shows what a suoosm the N. P. ha been is pro- vidisg work for all at high wages. THs fid that G.,dench has decided to advertise itself through the medium cf an illustrated pamphlet setting forth its advantages is a summer resort and a first-class business location, has drawn favorable ointment from a large number of the newspaper, of the Province and elsewhere. Already the town is feeling the beue6t of its efforts to place itself properly to the view of outsiders. A sort of Sir David Maephereen has recently been appointed inspector of mounted police in the territories. Let's see : Wasn't there a son of Sir David Macpherson in the mounted police some years ago, a full private in the rear rank, who was found guilty of insubordination, desertion and several other crimes and misdemeanors 1 We winder if this is the son of Sir David who has jest been appointed inspector. If so. why eel Tim Reformats of West Huron will meet in convention in the Young Liber. al ball, Gudericb, on Monday next, at 1 o'clock. A full representation should be bad from every pulling subdivision in the riding, as a number of important matters will come up for dissension. Ad- dresses will be delivered by • number of prominent politicians. Ma. RossiT Poiret of S. niece scanty, hi P. for West Heron, dam not believe Canada is competent to make her own trusties with tcreign nations. He believes that after twenty odd years our country is still • toddler in leading strings. Tues strangest thing about the horn+.. sooment of Irish members of Parlia- ment for advocating the popular cans is that they can deliver their addresses is England and Scotland without let or hie- drance, and if they make the same speech in Ireland it become a crime. Where does the one law fur all principle coins in 1 Cowonsautaav Ben. Butterworth, the unrestricted reciprocity adv.•cate, has hit upon a new scheme for joining Cana- dians and Americans in friendly rela- tionelvp He will shortly introduce s reviler, •n askutt for an appr.•pnation towards paying for a trip for mho mem- bers of the D•minton Perl ament and Prr.tii•c-al Iwgut•tures, with the object of pr tteiting m re friendly feelings sod cresting eleeer bosinessreluti.•na Motweei the t••• c metrics Shako ! Hoon, you hive a great he -ad, and know how to I overcome Tory objeetione. Ot it many reader's will be pies/evil to learn 'het Mr M C. Cameron has some- what re covered from his recent illness, and although still weak, hula fair to re- gain his accustomed health. At one lime fours were entertained by his medical adviser* for his blti.iste roc iv. rey, and Mrs Camera, who. hail meta visiting her the/heir Mrs (Ur) W its n, et Riverside, ('a1., was telegraphed for, sad immediately started fon horse. The f iv,rable ets•wwe in Mr t' at.aenn s enediti.M was Minot as madden as Ma previous ptostrMlo., sad will be fond news to all wbo appreciate the ability and •.utra,fe of tits old parliameotstr•. The sae Lordly a%ledoss amid M IT1t• pelthlg * of tise pavilion on the Harbor Part is • step in the right di- gestion. With it and the proposed fosat•ies, the Perk will be Doe of the most suitable picnic armada in Goada. Keep that bell a -tellies. A Bsavey Snow will be held in Paris in April, in which woman representing the African, Asiatic and Caucasian races will ooylstte it is not stated that it will opal ego All Fool's Day, but if they appoint it 'Dusky African, a saffrony Asiatic and 'a Caucasian blonde on the judge's bent*, there will be some dine. salty in easing to a decision. Cubes would prefer the thick -lipped Dinah Ab Sin would place his voice and vote in favor of Ninkipoo ; and the Caucasian, if of English :origin, would stick to Polly Ann. Such a show should open on the First of ApriL Tan woman's suffrage mews appears to be making ground- Mrs John Rock- well, of the Kingston Women's Christian Temperance Union, hiss been interview- ing the Ontario legislators, and my they would grant woman's franchise www if it were nut to go into fora until after the next elections. Tee Guelph Herald, the Iselin; Tory paper of Wellington meaty, is again ii trouble financially, and is up for a forced sale on Thursday, 14th of M'ereh next. This is only one of the times that the Herald has been in hard luck since the 17th of Sept , 1678. It is • strong ad - vomits of the N P., and has done s lot of work to holster up that fad ; but what has the N.P. Anne for the Il-r.ald Norwrrnsrmiutleo President Cleve land's defeat at '1e las' s'ection, lie is tint forget of his country's interests The latest repartee see that Owing, to overwork his physicians have rernte- mended a emmrlete iMeatinn from labor .n hits part. Ha wr;de nflv Arno^'r want to leave unfinished work for his suc- cessor. THE TOWN UOUNCIL. Retort sr Preset dlags eat the Regular vert.Igb t te.meeuag. 1 The regular fortnightly meeting id the town couocd was held of Friday even - tog -Mayor Butler in the chair The following members were absent : C uncilwrs Pndhaw and Dunlop. e•u1ltt vleanuaa. Several letters with regard to railway matters were read and referred to the special committee, A.COVNTu. T. B. Montgomery, Toronto, four bar- rels asbestos cement, $16; E. Major, steam pipe coveting, ''.1184; Doherty Mfg. Co., Sarnia, stop c.ck boxes for water service, $24 39; C. L. Mclntush, 200 shade trees delivered in December, 1887, E3:). Referred to /Waite* com- mittee. Tag falling of the verandah of Achesou's block on the Square, owing to the accumulation of snow, on Satur- day afternoon, should direct the atten- tion of our town authorities to the danger as well as the unsightliness of these ugly structures. Fortunately to pedestrians were passing at the time, or the town would iu all probability have had heavy damages to pay fur injuries received or deaths caused. In the case of a number of our best business bciid- ings the verandahs have been removed during the past year, and the emelt has been beneficial to all concerned An effort snoold be made to relegate to the rear the ''woodsheds' which now de- stroy the appearance of some of the business places on the Square and other streets. Here is a good opportunity for acme municipal legislator to distinguish himself. Tae coming week will be the last op- portunity offered to business men in Ooderich for appearing in the Boari of Trade edition of the IUw,tr+ot••i .`fwlrwl Star, and merchants and others deaurous of haring their businass interests appear in it, pages must place their orders at once. Orden will be reoeired at either of the local newspaper offices until the limited amount of space allowed for writing up the business interests is tak- en up. After the allotted space has been disposed of no money can buy further apace, and those failing to place their cyder previous to the closing of the book, can receive no recognition. No - ties' have been forwarded to every one in town engaged is business, and no one need plead that they have been overlook sd if they fail to lad a place in the oolemns of the Illessf aced Signal Slip recent exposotes with regard to Mielgter's cab hire at Ottawa his disgust- ed even some of the snpporters of the Government. Sir John Macdonald, whit an annual income of $25,- O00, claiming that he was ton po..r to keep a carriage, and infesting upon the country paying his cab hire to and trims his residence, is a phase of the case that if it is not an intoned plea for ex• tortion from the Treasury is nothing at all. He •,;d his colleague, are well paid by the country for services rendered, and the picayune 'attempt to make the country defray their private ah fare is a disgrace to theta and the party that Water* them up. Sir John might es well tepee/ the rent of his private resi- dence. and the salary of his cook to be paid by the country, over and shove his annual allowance, as that his hack hire should be defrayed. Even the Toronto H',e-td sicken, at the idea, end vents itself as follows : it is reit aeon that we ran mere. with I the Moto a epinioes ; hut on the sub • jest of Minsters' ash hire at the C+p- tal, we ha• a no hesitation in pronounc- ing for x new departure. Theneh the I esteem has prevails.) so long that its in- i`uitbvm stele hoe been bat eight of, the ea.oner it is d.opptd the b. tier Nat • Mingle word ran be said to in faros, and l if •e exactly analomgmn set were unmet* 'rota a snhordinate oAinial dealing with Ftllklie money, he would Me sacked. The e tt�pio so sat is atrteion.ly toad, de. iittg to the whole sire! emote*. onroar„ or coxxtrrrgt From the special committee, reams - mending the acceptai ce of the proposi- tion to have 16 pages of description of our town inset -teat iu the pub.iati..n of S B. Biggar, of Moutreal,:ns submitted at last meeting, the cwt being $33. Adopted. Fium the waterworks committee :- I). Asking further time to procure estimate for fluor in boiler house and fountains in Court Hous. Square. (2) Reporting 10 new arc lamps un baud, and recommending that ote be placed at the U. T R. station, one at the inter- section ..f Bayfield and Britannia Roads, and one in the Council Chamber. One lamp is also wanted by the Mechanics' Instltutietwo by St George's Church,and one by Victoria street church. Adopt- ed. From the Public Works Committee submitting estimate of pavilion in park, a 60 feet octagon, with Moor $400. This would give about 400 square feet more area than • rectangular front and cost only $100 more, and the committee recommended that this plan be adopted and tenders be asked for its erection, the town to supply all material. Recom- mending also that tenders be asked from the hardware men fur supplyitee nulls, spikes, &c., for the current year. The report was adopted with the further in- struction that tenders be asked also for erecting the park building and supplying the material. On motion of Reeve Pr udfoot and Councillor Cantelon, the Public Works Committee was insaeeected to cuns:der the advisability of plsnRhg another street in I some part of the town or park with shade trees. Mr Chas. Blackstone and another gen- tleman from Clinton were present and were beard in reference to the establish- ment of an organ factory which they propose to begin, Mr Blackstone being the patentee ..f an improved pedal attach- ment which is claimed to be a valuable patent. The matter was referred to the Special committee for consideration, The Council then adjourned. THE EDITORS TABLE. all. 8. OONVINTION, P's* emit fide tlrentls bell Miele Amamal ree iaa- The teeth annual Sunday Seltuol cas- eation of Duugauuuu and Nile circuits was held at Duegauuuu to Tuesday. Feb. 5th, in the Methodist mud Prssbytertae churches. A pleasing feature of this snveutwn wee the joivatig io of the Dungaouoo sod Port Albert Presbyte- ries schools, the oueuanisetteveutuMr anisette havtag been ugly Methodist. At the morning baton verbal reports were goon from Dutagainun and Port Albert Presbyteriau,and Nile, Port Kurd and Dungenpou llethudist Nahuatl, show • hug an eucuurageot Nate of work in each, both spiritually aid tinauctally. "Self 7 rause% of S S. Teacher," we intrudtr 1 T. Anderson. The teacher creme.' ..at gut tutu full sympathy with Chrst, practice sed denial as Christ did while ou earth, train himself or herself first spiritually, then meutally, as well as by practical week In the school To get the beat thoughts out of the lesson, be should begin the study of it early in the week. lis the dis:uwoo shed' follow- ed, Mr Win Rohe emphasised the nu - potence of tegu.ueiug early ; Rev W. V. Campbell said the teacher should nut Duly study the lesson but also bow to teach and lyra mmeuded tesehtug as much as possible by illustration. After devotional exercises is the after- noon the questious in the drawer were answered by the chairman, Rev D. 0. Camara, iu a way satisfactory to those asking them, and also to the large coo - enamel). Topic, oo- en auoo- Topic, "Special difficulties in 8. 8. work and their remedies," introduced by Mr J Dustow. The first difficulty men- tioned, to get regular atteudanoe; tIe remedy sngdested-nuke the school in- tereetttog by having literary, papers, blackboard review, and get the parents interested in 8. 8. work. Another diffi- culty, getting the teachers to atteed r. - gulerly ; the remedy -have teachers' meetings, conventions, special armor• for the 8 S. Another difficulty, teach- ers getting discouraged. The remedy - go to God's word, and to the throne of grace is prayer, and God • way to eventuate that and every other difficulty. Top -c, "rhe true purpose of 8. 8 work," introduced by Mr James Quaid. To instruct the children in the uusdul- terated truth and gather them into Christ's kingdom ; W carry out Christ's command u, Peter,feed my Iambi.; to pre- pare the word in such • way as to benefit those who come under its influence. In the discussion on this subject Rev W. F. Campbell brought out the importance of getting the scholar not only to know, but also to love the truth. Mr McLean thought another purpoeeid S. S. workers should be to induce outsiders to come under its influence. Topic, ''Comta,n mistakes in S. 8. work," introduced by Mr C Girvio. A few of the mistakes menti•ooed were the neglecting on tLe pert of the teacher to prepare himself, both by study and prayer, for the work ; want of punctuali- ly ; a failure to make the lesson ample and practical to the class ; taking up ten much time with review ; teacher not setting ti's atheist a good example in all things. 't In the discussion Rev W. F. Campbell called attention to the mistake of using lesson helps before the elam,aed Rev D. G. Cameron to the folly of trying to teach a class chat it was evaderot they already know. Topic, "Theory of review." Mr floth- erin,ft.,n,who was to nave introduced this subject being aheent through illness, the chairman called for three minute speech- es from the meinbers oaf the convention. The principal poiuu brought out being that the review should be short, pointed, and bearing only on the main teaching of the lesson and its application. At 4 30 o'clock p.m., • mess meeting of children was held. Mr McLean gave a practical review of the les•ora for the second Sunday in January. tis : A Sab- bath in the life of Christ, in such a way se to bring forth a lively and friendly criticism. Rev W. F. Campbell then gave an in- fant class lesson, taking for his subject the lessen for January the 27th, via : "Forgiveness and Healing," which he illustrated in such a way as to interest and instruct the tittle folks and ala•, the large ones. Miss Mary Anderson gave an address to the children which wan well received cry the entire audience. Evening session held in the Presby- terian Church, presided over by Rev W. F. Campbell. After devotional exerci- ses, the topic "How to get parents in- terested in the prep•retioo by the chil- d of the 8. 8. lesson," intr,udoced iryeev H. Irvine. Adopt in the home the series of 8. 8. lessons taking for each day the portions of scripture pre- scribed in the lesson helps for home readings, and tench in such a way as will induce the children to love the studyof the word, and also impress upon teir minds, that religion and not wcrMdly things is the one tiling needful. Topic, "How to retain the elder sehnl- lore in the school," spoken j`i by Mr W. Hail,,. Teachers should be Trot who are is sympathy with young men and woolen, who understand how to interest and bi- street them, and who know how to be friendly and courteous to thane Topic, "The Relation of the S S, to the Nation," spoken to by the Rev D. G. Cameron. Mr Cameron showed hew lamely the welfare of the nation depend- ed on the religions training ..f the youth, and c,ntiended that Christian people ahnuld take mon control in rational attain. The collection paid all expenses of the convention, snd left a balance of two dollars and fifty cents, which was hand- ed over to the county as•.e,ation. The benediction was pronounced sod tib most interesting and in•traettve eon yes - tion which has yet been hold, and Arse him which good results cannot fail to come, dispersed to meet in the Mt: dist church, Nile, about the same LtTTZL'A Llrntr; AOR. The numbers of The Liriw7 .l9r for'' the weeks ending February 9th and 16th contain Daniel O'Connell, by Mr Glad- stone ; Isolation ; or, The Survival of the Unfittest, by the Doke of Argyll, and the Dewy of Lying : A Dialogue by Geese Wilds., 11 iwfeewtA Century ; War, by Gen. Wolseley, and A Visit to Buk- hara the Noble, P',-loinitfly ;e"i'tak- wick," and With • Cockatoo, CoriAiU ; On the Slopes of Olympus, IlenNemita'a ; The Highland Crofters, Spec -Neer ; Giv- ing and Saving, Loe;lmtin'a ; .Changing Malay Rericw ; Fara a Cana - Cate., N,gl than (tank Clerk's Note (look, ant/there; The German Emperors S:ndeut Days, Ail 1.4e Year Anand : A Greet Engin- eering Work, TI,ws; with "Mr Calvert's F 'It ' "A F I .' "A rel y, .w urn ope, Chronicle of Two Months," end poetry. For fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large pages each (or more thee 3,300 pages e year) the subscription price ($8t is Mw while for $10 60 the publishers offer to send any one of the American $4 00 monthlies or weeklies with Tb, El+eentta� AQe for a year both postpaid. iwtlelt' Cu., Resin.., are the publishers, r►assvrgitten vies teotrig The retsto erioe 1.or Rot fee 1885. in oddities to the useful and reliable year. i nfnrntat'rn concerning the Presbyterian F. O. Avnsttta•ow, , Church in Canada, contain, a number of shit. papers in brief enwmpess, by several penmment minister,, on mallets of vital irepartanoe to all who are inter ested in the welfare and peewees* of the Preehytenan ('.hereh in the Diatomite. Among other papers if interest, may be mentioned .one on the recent meetti,tt of !Presbyterian Allianne in Inndoo s. Th. Vena H...1. is enmpset in foree soil pre- sent, an attractive appearance. r Dr Pace, of Port Huron, has pata•terl I • now plan fere making iee He tales a lot of sheet iron mould., ase' ret which holds • headred pounds of water, 6'1. theta from the hydrant at night, Marl has a me of hundred posed Weke of ice in the morning. The plea is said M be immen.e awing over the metbnfl of ing blocks not td bele deer, and the tor is sure there are millions in it. GREAT BARGAINS I Our Entire Stock of Winter Goods 10 per cent. below Cost Price for 30 days. J. A. REID & BRO. denten's Meek, Godu'Ieh, las- 111*, time ''1 AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sate bills printed at leis office will get a free notice luserted in this .1st up to the time of sale, Valuable household furniture, at the residence of J. J. Brown, Esq., opp mite Para House, tiudirich, et 1 -o'clock p.m., Monday, Feb. 25th. John Knox, beet wooer. No reserve. Farm stock, implements, else , pro- perty of Frank Sallow,. lot 6, eon. 10, Colborne township, W D , at 1 o'clock p.m , Tuesday. Feb. 26th. John Knox, auctioneer. No reserve. 3tlebical. 1 it W. L ROSS, LICENTiATI OF Roymt CsW'gs of Physicians, Edinte[A, Uta -e de South side of Hamlloett-at. Nf nit. McLBAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR UKUN, Concave ko. Office and resides Bruce dtrset sieved deur weal of rioter! Street j �Rti SHANNON a SHANNON, L/ Payderss Sureeoes. Aeeseeian, lee. oace at Dv. Shannon's resideaoe wear the gaol Ooderw,h It, C. dsaseloel, J. R, Sege - /CON. 1761 Mr Commie has introduced a bill which' takes away from judges at trial the (F(DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR power toruler any wafter except matters rioter, Solicitor In High (own. Convey of account to arbitration without the tion- ! wcer, Godrnch and !fay deId. ltaySeld d- s nt of both parties to the suit. 1S[Tteradals from 10 to I.Staur�to Comm, says he has bad some experience under the present Art,aud he knows how R. 0, HAYS, $OLICiIOM, it wurkat oh. over dtelegegraph me j Ps rate goads to had at 6 per eget let► Legal. • Dentistry. -- t,NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth door below the Post OAce. West -at. teloosstce. 3C4ily DR, E. RICHARDSON, L.D.S. 1J SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Aft administered for palates.' ex tract ing of teeth. Special attention gives to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Office --1'p stain Grand Open Howe Rock. Entrance on Wau-t$t.. Guderich. till -1y the People's ltolumn. %IJ- ANTED. - A GOOD SOUND T roadster horse in exchange for m lubar sad shingles, JAS. MARAFF'Y, 91- Port Albert. MR. FOOT HAS VACANCIES FOR A FEW MUSIC PUPILS. ORGAN. PIANO. SINGING THEORY. Steam. I. 1TMAN'S SHORTHAND BOOKS. -A limited number et 'Trochees and "Manuals" can be obtained at hail rates at Tan BANAL oice. `yOOD WANTED. Fifteen cords of good hardwood ttrech and maples wanted at once at this once. after this week farmers who have promised to bring to wood to Tux SiawAL. and failed to do it. can consider their eters cancelled. We don't intend to wait until judgment day fora few curds of wood. Hereafter we want ?ash for oar commodities, and will pay cash for what wewyt in the wood line. D McGILLICUDDY. `ALT ATCH LOST. -ON THE 1ST OF TT Feb., a silver watch with gold hinge, and stew winter, sad gold charm with the nate 'Mollie" engraved, was lest between Mr John Achlesou's store sod eerier of East and Albert merest. The One rr will he,uitabl7 rewarded by leaving it at tee residenee of MIL R FISHER. Newgate Rt. 53• NEW BARBER SHOP. o The undersigned. having had large experi- ence in both town and city. guarantee* first- class work at reasonable rates, sad respect- fully siolicits • share of public pstrunags. Stand, over J. W. Smith's Bakery, Fist St„ Godrrlch. 2115-3m H. L. W ESTON. THE HURON I/O1'EL. This well-known and popular hotel ha been refitted and enlarged during the past season. and is now second to none be quality of tea comma cation for the travelling public. Good accommodation for transient guests. (1100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO WPM. CRAIG. tip CAMEROIS Maar &CAMEI WN, Gad The Square. Goderttb. Ont. Proprietor. rich. GARRO W & PROUDFOOT, B A R SISTERS Attorneys Solicitors, etc ooderich J. T. sorrow, W. Proudfoot. 17 CAMERON, HJLT & CAMER9N, Barristers, Solicitor, in Chatcer be. loderich. M. C. Cameron, Q.('.; P. Holt. M. G. Caesarea. C C. Row. 1761 - .Amusements. GODERIt)H MECHANICS' INSTI TUTE LIBRARY AND REA DIN ROOM, cur. of fast street sod Square lot stairs_ oyes hem 1 tag p.m., aad from 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, WreLly end Illustrated Papers, J motsines, d•e,, Ow File. MEMBERSHIP TICKET, ONLY t;t.tM, greeting hes us. of Library and Beadle • Hoorn. Application for membership received by Librarian. in rooms, 8. MALA-'OMSON. GAO, STIVANS. President. Secretary Godertak, March 12th. flat. Loans anti Insurance. F. REAL ESTATE arm INSURANCE AGENT. Lases Negoe.ated with the Ban compan- ies and Private Capitalists at Lowest Rates of WOODCOCK. Agent for the ROYAL INSURANCE Co., of England, having the largest Burping of As- sets ore? iabilities of any Fire leswrsace Co. is the World. 4M1 -e on East side Hamiltosft. Goderich, next door to Dr. Buss. W ysa- V. SEALER, CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. Coeveysncer, Insurance. Estate mad Hawses! Agent. Money to Lend at Low !twee and Oast. F'ar ieni Notes 1►iscouseed. Ore 's --Next to Cornell's Yurnirure Stere, Uoderich. 94itf 1' J. T. NAFTEL, LINT, FIRE AND Aee'IL'S T IN- N►'K.l Si E AGENT. Representing North British t Mercantile; Ltuerpool. Londout Globe; Norwich Cwios; North American IJfe; and Accident lsmwr- anee of North America. Lowest hates. Ltases settled promptly. Money to Loan on Farm axed Town Property. Uwreyane saw done. Property valued. etc. ogre.- ('or. Nast -st, said Square, Uooderieb. 71 - For Sale or to Let. FO- R SALK. Lot i lI tf�hh Apply PILIP HOLT. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - That valuable property kaoline so lot let, Maitland owl.. G..dertch toe midi., within one mime t Gteterieh. tin the farm are • large mowed, frame hoarse and kitchen. with dote cellar, and frame bars sad stables; airs prises 73 acres. well watered. For farther particulars apply to Gino McKee se th. pfere- lass. y ANICK HOME AT A BARGAIN.- fi acres of land with • select tercheed wf choice apples, A comfortable Ammo/ and sstsa�bles. adjoining Gederieh. Apply to B. I.. DSY LK. eledesich, 814 me. [a"OR SALL-LOTS 174 AND 122 K Oedexleh. Apply to M. 0,CA)IPato4 >n -Il. L'OK SALE CHEAP-'L(ITB IN dtgPrer.t paws of Ooderioh from I acres to : scree In area; saw 3 dwelling hetes. Apo ply to THOS. N'ICATIIERALD. 4171_17 HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR RALE. The house has nine rnem,, al- er !lath room, pastry. closet& cellar, weed- eae.. hard and soh water. The garden furs' tales all kinds of frnit. Also Bit! acres of Mad Is Manitoba f male or Is eschawse fur ism $reperty.b W M. KNIGHT. Ooderieh. Wert SALE. Orem half of hot Si. Arthur Street, with in r•i-i brick rotta4r thereon Ns-ir.p,vo mare, 151. Ito, INC 2441, F-lgts Street. Pr. Andrew. lts-.i. III. .vn nee of Heron sad Rrltsnnia Reed, Prsme I) store house on Keels t(tr st, let and heft lens.. ,ewverat tele Is. Reed's Swrvyopposite , sew Stew tJnvsw.ls Nos !I It 5, It 44. At M. as. All lbw •heve at LOW RATK/1. Apply to 0l-tr nA l'rltONl R JOHNtvT010, 111111% -'-'., '7M HONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of Private Fund, fee Inrestmee ♦t lowest rates on nest. -alar MerM,gM Apply te0A1:KOW t PROUDFOOT R RADCLIFF*, GEN ERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Ann MONEY LOANING AGENT Gay Frealefaas Conpralts Represented ear moony to Lewd be straight loans, at th lowest rate of interest gelmg, in any way suit tL. oorrower. OFFICE - Retooled door from Sew* West Street. Aodertek, 110141 -- 'rn les on farm and town property tt lowest interest. Mortgagee purchased. t► elm mn.+ton eliargwl Agents for the Treat mg lAasi Company ni t -s rads., the Canada l�.�r1 Credit Comtism, the Iondom Less Cee, of ('Marini !n,, rest, a, ri and 7 per cost. e'. Ft. Rnrmwers ran obtale money is day. If title satisfactory. ltd DA V IM)N t JOHNSTON, Ake., sense ,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Aucttossennge :HN KNOXt GENERAL ALTO Tit/NEER sad Lewd Valuator. Uo,erieh (int, having had ooneierahie esperenoe 1^ the steetionw.ering trade. he is is a petition die. large with thorough athfa.•tion all cion nelan entreated to is m. Order's len ar Martin's Hotel. or rat by mall In in, sAAnss, tioder'oh P. 0.. csref,Uy attended to. JOHN KNOB Pointy Aucu,.ase. nisi -t A rCTiON BALI OP A VALUABLE FARM. l_ !e . Let wY sseset.0edeA. oLukf as ! s'ool1�astpQt. m. Lot Nei aktMs�i ueaeatestssm, tsilet the reslaueee of taw Imes A'illmam Edwards The farm reetadM •nh:hardmewlmt Lessee Annie hare me ,tai e. and may ems oldie !view town. ren made anew re day atria JOHN K MINS 00 PRICES !IAISISTENT - ---