HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 1et FORTY-SECOND YES& I WHOLE human. ltd GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1889. • TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. NEW ADV=RTISEMENTS. Watch Lost ):. Fisher. Steeca- Bounden R eon. Free axhib/don It. Iladclilfe. New Reuther Ynop--Hen. Smith. Machias Works--Hnnctniaa Hrm. New Berber Mhop H. L. Women. Wood Wanted D. McGillicuddy. Farm Por Sate --Geo. McKee. (sderlc► T'p• - dtitmes,- Yeti. len. the wife of Mr. Raisin, of a sou. MARRIED. Lowe- V•elnees.le At the retidenre of Mr Mack. O'iderirh.ur the IWh inn. by the Her Gee. Richardson, Mr George E. ).owe of Itidgrtowo. to Mies Nellie Tam. defile of Gulerich. Flrslxa--HAtuttno'r At the residence of Ales. Wilson. l'oiboree Tp.. on the totb Wet.. by Rev. Jan. 1. Anderson. H A.. Hebert Fisher. of Turtle Mountain. Man- itoba, and Ellen Ann Berrien'. et the township ut Oita, Co. Victoria. DIED. goons. -At )cenmilier. on Tuesday. Feb. 19th. David i:,witrea, aged fie yuan, t) months and I1 days. MO trot.. 1n Colborne. en Sendai, January Ina, )ale John McidliAlli yted le years sed two eolith. TOWN TOPICS. / rhi.rsonww/ ire, tulrtle moles, -ta' Jeff? ,tel! pre•! 1 GOnn Pnraircv.-The moat useful gin you can make is •o ilea a Wirt Nee, Ap- ply to 1). Met.elltcuddy, agent Godrrfch. Parties wtabiwe to secure first rises photos for the Itt..TKAreli bras*L-bran ..an tare the work done satisfactorily by Geo, 'Stewart. the Photographer. Manitoba Linseed I'she. unrivalled for may, calves. horses and 'beep "(`rushed" "Nutted- Meal. by the tun. at Burrow. Seed Store, Hamilton -et. IisstovAL. - Between now and the 1.1 of March. George Ith, mak for druggist will re- move to bia new premier.. Acheaon's Buck, where the latest and beet assortment of drafts and chemicals can always be found on hand. Tttis le the weather la which you get it- 1stal it t And to be prepared for such wrath cr you c•a.ut do better than can upon F.t A• Prsd►am. the people-'. tallish., and gents' furab.hintt men, and get suited to the weather. Tint W OVEN'S CHRISTI At TCM UNION will meet regul•r•IT for the transa.•iio• of beanies. every Twwday afternoon at TRIS ain- nsted in la 1nox the work Every ork b cordially a ited to attend. Qcombrr the newest cucumber jelly sad noses for chapped hands kr.. an excellent ioiht, requisite. price 2k Alan H:nd's Money and Almond cream. price tae etiolates' terns - tills. prier 13c) 0 items Ori poor Ire. price IA. per box. V. domes prescription drag store. ('. A. Nairn bas) um received a See selection of California dried fruits, apricots, nectarines. peaches. and Italian preneels: a tial will cos- t -lace or their menta. Wu, beans, evapo-area cern and grated pine • ple and some of the latest importatloas. When you are looting for snytbine to tempt the inner man. meets - Aga be place, corner of Hamilton St. and Square. A new departure: In future Maunders k Rue will and is' movably statements to ell their customer% Their terms of credit will be three month* or five per cent editor comb or Shirty days. This will e.able them to gine lower prices on goods. and be an advantage to all eoneerned. Theywill eonrlase to give special net prices on y gondol. wall paper. Jewelry and plated ware. to clear eat. ('all ase nes them at the cheapest house under the a•. Meaty George gained fame by writing Ids wellk.own work. Progress and Poverty.' K'rU Gaderlch is now going 1m for progress without poverty. and with 11 waterworn*. electric Ifaht, and other Improvements- to- eether with Its proposed Illaetretrd pampa. - IM, 1. going le .bow It. Impextance to trite world at large. Not the bust important 1• - 'Mutton in tb. tows Is the celebrated art Medias of R. R. Ssliows, which has cemtribst- ed In it small degree tomake ibe town knows all over. "resole Win leave 11. Tb. wonderful beeline cal soothing Pro- perties of Lumsden e Wtleoe's Royal Olyner- Med Hallam of Fir are the secret of success. Coughs. ('olds. More Throat, Asthma. Wh.va- 4rt Cough and lsciptest Consumption quietly give way to its curative powers. Nothing but the nd y over for It fromtl lpartsremedies los erected Inx, wb path ut the Prov - Mates tW_ ya1a even use a rd to the n rafted bee end It speaks Because ll ot It even pian. who Prise es de, per kettle. eau Druggists It BRIEFLETS. AU M are not homeless, bet some moo are bogie lees than others. Dominion two dollar bills, altered to $o, are reported to be in circulation. Dr McDonagh will be in Onderieh for .oas•Itstion on the Ent Saturday of every month. Mr. M. C. Cinema, weer* pleased to learn. boa almost recovered trashes nose onions illness. The rich man bat hie met at the harbor'. shop. The poor man takes his there.- Boston Courier. Mrs Roes Restall, who is at her mother's in town, is tbnatht to be re- c"'erieg, though slowly. - Ki.eardiee Review, Cites Law. -The nano. for partridge sbettting is now over until the lat of September. Hare season well be oat oe Marsh 16, "Han roe Brownie/ft' she asked at the •tinge store."No," replied ibis Meek, "we have bit.kieg and whtlj* boon browsing,' Sid MIs Hosea, r.eently, the Petit* tMtlwOMer.l dated that the Doped - 016M 111141 inures.e the limit of weight far •iegle•rete letters to aa oases Hotel Keepers should rsetember that Ike Ontario Staten regofrieg iron fire wages on all betiding. over tee storeys high, came lino fore. D.eembetr, 1811. IThe East Wsw•mw► Spring Slow I Kr John Ruwll delivered hi. Ove eele- will be held in Belgrate ou Wed- tinted lest.,,,. a..V,ut.,ri• Bail u Mon ae*day, April 17th, l day weenie* The tibial!.was occupied by Mr .1 liter, Koos Church Minion Baud will meet nest 8atorday alt.•no.00.t three o'oloek, in the berrmaut of this church. It is i hoped that there will be • lane atteed- anc.. (iuderich has decided to advertiss their town by means a an illustrated pamphlet, to cwt 1400. The work .111 be dime by their local newspaper alien. - Chatham Benner. Rev, (Mrs ) McGillivray, of t;odetieh, returned inane Saturday morning, after •pendiug • plesasut tin'. won her 'streets, Mr and Mrs Malcolm Me- Kenzie.-Leckuow 8eutinel The run club met ..n Friday evening. The ulioars for the ensuing year are as Gdkrwa : President, Janie" Nu.bitt ; tnlss presidcnt, W.•.. Rtltatjt ; may, trete, John Grant ; exec -love vim Messrs Wilkinson, Watson and Shanou wattmeter, F. Pretty. It is rumoured that Hon. John Har gar t, Postmaster -General, has res. wooded to hie o..le•guee the adoptiu of • twoceut letter palate, a:.d lb this rea,wmendat.on is to be venials in a Ooternweut measure to be broug down early to the se .lou. The ftdlowiue pa•sage occurs in • notice recently posted or. the courthouse dour by a constable of Wicomico county, Md.: "I bare cee.ed and took i.ew, rs- *caliun, a «.rdin to law and iniquity, the the following aforesaid property." A plea from a rural eschavgs "Our paper with ata patent inside has proved eery popular with the average reader However, unifies our su1,cr.hen cent Mile to pay their suhecriptiuns pn.mptty, it may be necosaary for us to secure peteut insides for ourself, wife and children. W. J. J..hn.ein .nal wife a•, f R e'er' J, net. s, wile mid ch.ld ..f )Corrie, are at pre.e..t emitting frteuds sad 'earth(' about l;..derieh and Dungannon. Capt Cnan. Mvinto h, of D. trait, h.• hes. spending the p4.5 week in town, vutlu.g friends and hastier upon ...J scene. He is always a welcome .tsit0* to ur,r town. Alr Jaws. C"t, sr , formerly of the &h c.0 , (i,.dencfe toeuship, having rean.•rd to turn tut •pruuig, 11. be twuieut h. meatal assistance, is now • great sufferer. Mr. M.•adlm AlcGeltv•sy, who went G, the Northwest some month..... to rake part Pi MINIUM work, has been and lwe.d - -Si- return ii:uue oaring to ill heal' It Ho is improving uuder careful .; ; Ireetineet. A matter .,1 it.tere.t to Organists, - Organ Studs -iota, sod Teachers is a new m- petite ..►Kai. ped..) attactfinent for te Ptan.ra nee. erect ',red by Mo.are view• at combo & G. , 107 Church St. T.,ruuto. ed Particulars on application. ht 51r D M.(111 icuddy returned from Toronto u•. Tuesday eteuing. whither he had been perfecting arrangements for the engravings In c:.noaction with the puhhcauon .1 the furtheotuieg ILLC*_ TtAT•D Suir'AL•STA.. We regret to learn that Mn J. W. ha. in a very critical p eitinn. She has bran .1hng for seise time with a °maple:ainn of dtseast.•'. and Istterly has bad a most serious turn. We hope smuts to hear ..f her a.mplete restoration to health. The Educetiomal Department an- nounces that tha nett entrance for the high schools and collegiate institutes will be held on July 4th, 5 h and 6t b It is also announced that after the 1)00 e xaminations this year then will pro- bably be only one entrance eta, uinalms per year, namely, at mid -summer. "Young teen," says Murat Halstead, '1f you want to break into journalism break in. Dont ask how. It u the ludu,g ,f it out that will educate you to do the neenti•1 thing. The young man must setter the newspaper office hy strength and swkwardotss, sial make a place for himself." An invention that is being used for needing coin through the waits consists of • piece of pasteboard .b ut the size of an envelope. In it are holes the size of • quarter, a half dollar and a dollar, with red piper seals reedy to paste across each slot. A coin man be pot in and sealed, enclosed in an envelope and sent through the mails in safety. Says • teacher : "Wind rets into the head and heels of a boy, and teachers dread • windy day, as the boys are bard to manage theft. in fact, the atmos- phere affects boys particularly. Teachers as different portions of the country by eomp.n.on of dates have found a great similarity in the behavior of boys un certain days," Loox Oct. Fon Tem. -There is a very dangerous 15 counterfeit 1.', 8. bili in circulation, and those who handle money of this denomination are liable to be caught if they are not on the alert. The hill is of the new department series of 1886, and is almost perfect in execu- tion. It can be detected by the fact that in the cut of General Grant, the en- graving on the right lapel of his cost is rough, the studs ars missing from bis shirt bosom, and then is • distinct but very small white mark in the rigbt hand corner of his mouth that dose not belong there. CUMMING Wotoa -W• are in receipt of the following from one of our oldest swbecribsn : To the Editor of lbs Hoole StowaL-Heaslip, 6th Feb.,1889. Demi Sta.-You will please find enclos- ed $1.60 to pay for the 8ue25AL for an- other year. I have been a constant sub- scriber to the paper since its )tet Mese by the late Thomas McQeeee, so that it values as an old friend. I have been quite interested in reeding Mr. Kidd'. letters on old times, and having been one of the Ooderioh township contingent to the frontier in .'37, I can vouch for the correctness of the .tare. Mr. Kidd must have a very retentive memory ; toe Ireton call to my remembrance many incidents that I had lode forgotten. We have had uo cold weather as yet this winter, in fad it has so far been the meet winter I have ever seen. Yours truly, Matoo 0. Goma*. H *iegat.ers StsD CATALooce have jest received tee .mod handsome Osa.e is. Seed Ostalogns we have yet sewn ; it le issued by Th. Steele Bros Co. (Ltd.,) Toronto, and contains d. - me and prisms of everything in roses, climbing vines, flowering belts and imps* ; a book of 112 pages, profesely illustrated, has also a'bttimo- ljithograph plate, showing fner various runtime of their "New AK Oolleetiee of Plower seeds," New and tert sonnies is Gower, vegetable ies of the week. This Arbllvegetableand Geld seeds oe- rmm eve • n y the Mammoth Best) Hoses, smear Trent aed Jervis etreste,Toro.to, twilit -ire le whish ors always mote wet - eines), end bee. as immense edahlish- meat, empdmyien 100 hams, and dote, loneness item the Atb►mtie to the Peens. We bespeak for this bogiee the p.erosage of all who en deeiroes of beyteg Orel - slain seeds and seas niveging Chesdiee enterprise- Send your .dine ler e estalogee, they ars mailed free. Mr GOO. II Morris, for the past five years employed to the hard ears score of Mr Janie. Yates, has gone to O•wlph. his owhere into wnacc,unt' go weundersta d a, Mr Mer vis is • thoroughly reliable young man, and will make a good readout .,f the Royal City. c Atlas Mamie Black is visiting fri I in the vlctu'ty of Duugauuuo It v Father Lutz a again in town, t ink returned from Saudusky Wsdoe !lest week, A dispatch (tone Medicine Hat says "Fano. is here are pawing.' Ho I are here -8111411 plowing. The regular meeting of the H tid•.1 e Literary S..ctaty will be L this 'Friday oreniug. Mr Henry Horton was confined to house last week f..r a few dare by diep..aiti••,,, but u sow around again. Inspector Cavan, of the Inland venue Depertsa•ut,was in town Ire we inspecting the Canadian coal oil used our timid..Those who are given to predict ian ea that although we have hada of anis lately, we fait[ biiirj7 Lave an es spring. Clinton Vn ,te Era. Seattle Hennings and Martin, of G•,dertch, ha twee in town for • few days the gum of Mn W. 8, SwaIleld. endsMr Hugh Bain lin been laid up der lag the peat week with a miters illness. Miss Hattie Smith returned from achy ' a two menthe' runt to Mutanist 00 f saturd 111111111• eDVA h - Mr F. Jordan and sun n turned frog Muntrwl C.ruivet last week. Oarat-.ienAat Lei -name - The am.tuut of money and lute *speeded in encoder advertuutg must t.., sery grad. It .s , vol unusual fee q net ouzels• of l4ostuu - to receive three ••r hear er ares mors letters s day directed 1.. theist pera.un:Uy which, on being ••pend. prat- to coiled an application for t emo,.t er • rer..m nsadatiun for wane, 'rale peed to ba done with • one teat postage stamp, witLout veal.,,.,, su•1 Ie.rhaps without address. New .t senoras to hate penetrat- ed the comae era• ..f 111 .me who pre- pare the ctrcuiars that 'rich atf.tra are generally throws' as., without reading so they seal then, put on • twu-eet►t stamp and addtem thous hit. a letter, by which wean' eke le mit beguiled into opeuiut: tba.u,and provoked oy the cheat put upon Item- Perhaps these thtcgs pay. 1t they d•, rot a good deal of ex- pense cud trouble is wasted. And yet it well be found that the resly success- ful houses here nothtn;l to du with this taeth,.d. --Boston Hersh!. Reroar us Aette.L MSLTIN.; OF GeObelin H lis.AN'_H or U. C. Mute Se- vern. - Wednesday eight, soourdtng to •tnounosteent, the Bible Society tae.t- ing was held in the lecture room of Knot church, the pr.sideut in the chair. After prayer and Wading .•f Scripture th.. secretary wade Ata report of the financial standing of the Oudenob Branch. Rev J. ti, Manly then gave his premised lecture es "Babylon and Israel " The lecture, in elgouent terra.. described B.hyluo, the city .1 the great Nebuchadnt era, with its walls .4 im- mense height and thickness, its gorgeous palaces, its wonderful hanging gardens -- a city t:nsurpessed in ancient or mod- ern tines for its grandeur and strength. He then went out . tell of the shuc*artg idolatry and grow wickeduesa of the place, which in the prortJenos of God brought about its over- throw, ss' that now the only trace of all this grandeur re•na,nan* is • few tuounds of rubniah Ti, accomplishment of prophecy is teaetifuily seen in this con- nectu,n, the none of its c.tulaerter Cyrus, and the way in which 'the city should be taken being given by Isaiah about 170 years before the event- 8e. Isaiah xliv:27 21, and xlv:1. Cyrus see- ing that the city wait too strong to bie taken by assault, dug a new chsnnsi for the river Euphrates, which ran through the city. and while the Babylonians were indulging in • drunken revel, marched itt on the dry hal, finding the river gates epee as had been predicted. Mr Manly concluded his remarks by as eantest appeal for the Bible Society, which he showed to he an indispensable help to our missa.nary societies, in pro- ducing new translations of the Scrip- tures, and in furnishing «.pies of the Bible at and sometimes below cost ; and in many cases giving away copies where there is no ability to purchase. At the establishment cf the British and Foreign B.S C., of which the C. C. Bible Society is an auxiliary 84 years ago theta were only fifty languages in which the Word of God could be had ; now there bare increased to three hundred, onto( the latest being a translation of the New Testament into Hebrew for the benefit of the Jews. Dr. I're in moving a vote of thanks to tete lecturer, spoke in high terms of praise of the lecture, and ex- pressed an earnest hope that Mr Manly might be spared to visit us on many future oocnssuns. Rev. G. Ricbardsoo, in seconding the motion, also expressed his deep gratification at what he had beard. After some appmpriate remarks by the chairman, the rceettng, which wee • large and appreciative one, dispersed. A pleasing feature of the occasion wan the sitsnog of Prof. Cook's class of bcys and girls who, gave evidence of careful trekking. We may state that is the de- pository here, in Mr. G. C. It.bertaoa's store, then are •bout $100. worth of books of styles to suit the tante of .very nne,from • large family Billie at $5.60 to a testament at 3 cents. . Messrs "Panner and Shane, of Blyth hey 1 hare been *eked to ting at the 81. Pat rack's concert, to be held in Guderich, itch l un 18th March. eld Mr M. and the Nivea Hetehir.n re- turned from their Tient to Musitreal un the ( Friday aftsnM.... in " Mr (whey, el Winnipeg, is spending a few days in (i.derich visiting old friends fes• and salnatntanees. rig • Tu.edn, evening the annnsl meeting by "of the B.M. Society was held in the Victoria street Methodist church. y, j Mr F. Pridham has bee- cnnhned to s_': tier hems. by so attack of inflammation rly eng-tendered by • journey to Montiesl. Dr M Nicholson, the West•st dentist. Id, makes the preservation of the nature! ve teeth a apecialty. Gas administered from u9 a m. fur the painless extraction of 'teeth. Atr A. B. Watson, editor and p praetor of of the Blyth 1t.utelonI, h taken Sir F. B. Cummer, recently Oo•lerich, into partnership. Conductor Mackenzie, of Point E ward, has been transferred to Stratfo and will take C inductor McKnight's u run from Strati. rd to Godench, Gtrr SATURDAY. -Every child at t Io, Rink matinee on $gaudy elteret e will receive a Kitt, end every well receive • gift of extra Tal**. At the recent annual meeting of t Ontario Fruit Oro•ers Association he at Hamilton, the chair was occupied t the President, Mr. A. McD. AI1au, Gdencb. ro- Mr. Win. Lee, of Goderich, eraa in a• tnwn nn lVedneel•y, and iia,i his !oft of ere . pereted on for estan.•t by Dr Msekid. The operati.-n wane success 1_--Seaforth Soo. rd. The annual meeting of the G.d•rieh id Board of Trade will be held nett `.1.n• deo evening, when the report of the he year's doing, will he submitted. A tleed.ttenra.e. is milled for. set Dr Inelis, sr Clspirille, Penn., was in town last week, the guest of Registrar he Dickson. He brought with him Mie lila Jennie Dickson, who had been sojourn - .y int in Florida for the benefit of her of health. The Port H iron Tira t says : _Cam enterable we is being drawn through th city. It is s'1 • si•:kieh yellow color. 1'.' dont want any of it is' our !mooned nett summer. The cold weather of last week ha -.ovineed mast of us that .enter leis nl forgotten to visit ua. Toe thermometer has been frisking playfully about •,.aro the last few nights, Wm McDowell, who way ranching in Colorado, sold nut his huffiness for the sum of $37,000, acd se understand he is about to go into railway contrast ing. Mr McDowell was assistant Feet - master on Brussels nine or ten years ago and was well known to a number of our residents who will be pleased to bear of kis aeracese. Many of nor kind friends wino "pat- ronizts us by taking the paper, must Aare an idea that our hands work for otLing, that we steal our piper, and n live on air. If they had any differ. rat ideas it seems t3 us they would occasionally send or bring in what they we fir the paper. It would surprise erynne to hear how many delinquents here are. Are you one of there:, gentle reader, PATno.NAcs. -Frame the Audit.,, MPS - wars report for the pant year tt is learn- ed that the Conservative papers mention- ed below received (rote the Government the amoets specified for advertising or printing :-Exeter T.mes,$68 12 ; rich Soir, $45 56 ; Sesfurth8en, $98 70 ; Wingham Advance, $35.42 ; Onrtie Vidette, 111:1 39. The Reform papers each received the price of their annual subscription. WINONA)t's TOWN HALL. -This is the way the W ingham Adeenee talks about the town hall of that lively town : Ys town fathers take shame. A certain dramatic company hal their posters up to visit this tuwn nn a certain date. The day came, with it the company, but they said they had net been in the habit of holding forth in • "beu coop" minae qu.ntly Chore were many di.pointed hearts that evening, les Stenets,-t)n Tuesday last Mr arry Dnaarh skated a two mile race Wet opposing skaters, each of the lat- e skating a quarter of a mile and being hewed by a fresh man. Donagh won by • lap and a half. Tome 7 min. 344 sec. The first half -mile sonnet Harry Donagh was skated by James Addison. jr., the second by Charlie Donagh, the third by Charlie Blacc, and the fourth by James, Addison- The judges were Geo Cox. Nal Campbell, and Janie* Thomas ; referee, John Knox. An- other nee is on the program shortly, PasaaNTATION AND Annette,. - On Saturday, the fhb inst., Mise Cooke, who for the past seven years bas occupied the position of organist in St. Peter's eburoh, was prwesst.d wick a diamond ring and the following address : -Dear Nine Cooke, -Permit es, yo.r friends of St . Peter's congregation, together with this coenobites of its choir which yon so In 4 and well directed, to Leader you tioiw our expression of the esteem in witch we shall onetin** to regard you, rod petty so. Dunne the seven years is which you held the positieu of rwgan- i.t in our cboreh you ortmmended your- self to each and all be a demeanor .,it obliging, onoetenaa, end kind, and by am earnest and painstaking dieeb•rge of yoor choir dude& We see out • 4.- tlttoa.trativ. people bet we like to give "honor to whom boner is de.," sod to show our appesei•tioe of • good heart regulated by high prin«ple wherever we find it. Please see.pt the eeeompaaying ring as a sneeenir of oar Oaten regard far you With it we send mer heartfelt wishes that goer eaten years may be away end height with all that let /SS life happy. Resew., tot, the train. that .. of At Peter.* sire Tore Stereos Pitiswntt The verandah over the two stern be- tween Bullet.' and Acheson & Cot's fell with a crash on Saturday evening, the weight .4 the snow thereon being the cause. In the fall the boards escaped the plate glace and there was no person near enough to be injured. AT Holts -An "At H .ms" will be held in St George's church schoolhouse .•n Fridat, March 1st, from 7 to 10 p.m. Refreshments and a first-class program will be g. yen dunog the evening. Ad missu.n lac. Thu ''At Home' will be under the auspices of Mesdames Malcom stat, Jas. Williams, F. J. C. Naftel, and o Holt and Musses Rue and Davis. All cs are invited. (;-asst ;Irerteos.-Two gnarwl meet- . Ings will be held D. V.. by J S Giles, .• in the meeting room. orer Hall's hoot e and shoe store, on Sunday next, Feb. e 24th, at :: o'clack, and at ; p. m. Sub- j.'ct for the afternoon, "Will the Son of God return to the .t The headquarters for wedding station- ary is located at THE Sio,A*. etfiefewbere samples of the latest styles are received as they are pat un the market. Invita- tions, envelopes, cards, and cake beteg can all he had, neatly printed at Tag S1 ox tL steam printing house Moen MAw'H1sgRY.-An automatic wire stitching machine has just been added to THr SPINAL plant. It was built in England, and is one of the finest machines for stitching all classes of hook and pamphlet work in this country. and will greatly facilitate the turning out of brat-cl -ss work in this branch of our es- tablishment. Ai1iD '(7. -Colin Campbell, West St. met with a tory painful acciaent last week. While helping It .ht. Clarke fit up his ice house, the ladder upon which les w*e standing slipped, and Mr C. jumped backwards, the end of his 'apnea enliven cornier in au,tact with a crowbar which was stuck in the ground causing temporary per•lysis of the lower extremi- ties. We are glad to hear he is on the mend Rsntwale axis Rserets -The stock of atati•.nery, including note, latter and account papers, envelopes, and in feet, all classes of prating papers has jest been replenished at Teta SPINAL. An- other large lot to arrive in • day or two, Cordia To Ooostttet -Min Minnie Phelps, of St. Catherine*, spent • few o days in Hamilton last month and delight- loa- the the audience, with her beautiful, logical t and effective lectures She spoke twice is the Central Royal Templar' hall, and once in Wentworth Royal Templars' hall, greeting a full house on each eons - 1,4111. The Royal Tempters feel proud of introducing bet to the ambitious city, and will soon appeal for her help again. Miss Phelps easily ranks int among Canadian lady speakers, and in the pree- 1 ent•tion of convincing argument and good practical substantial matter is not excelled by any of the strong c•:rpe of United States W. C. T. U. lecturers. Tas WAT TO Boom A Town. -Godo - rich has • Board of Trade-ao active lively institution, whose every turn -and th.re are many of teem --is to the ut most interest of Goderich. They are continually booming the place, and striv- ing to have Ooderich rank among the foremcet towns of the Dominion. At a recent meeting of the Board • proposition was made to have the local pspen pub- lish • full description of the town, its bovines, eto.,in a well illustrated edition, H and be pod for the came in the sum of $400. The people of Seaforth are apt f;• to say: "Oh ! Godench is • dead bole." re This was applicable to that town a few years ago, but itis not so to day. God. - rich is picking Op, doe mainly to the pro- gressive policy adopted by their council and business man. Why not boom flea - forth ! You say we can't -did you try I Seaforth Sun, Don't no re -A man's friends who lounge in his store or ogee, from a busi- ness point of view, often prove his worst enemies. Thedrive away customers and bowmen. Tbey will set their mind. against every person that enters your shop bemuse such a person may tem- porarily stop their flow of gossip. Tbey annoy timid and .enitive ~omen by .gaming them inquisitively. The country .lore u abomi.srble for this. The banger on the head of a barrel is al- ways present to overhear the request of. svory customer and e.mresta es iV tmeatalty while the cosine., in prow.k sed audibly the motoent L. or she i..b- eset. Th. suburban groe.ry .tore, is at.. infested with the evening lounger, .be eesapies the only •r•ilable their and i --peva every billy who eaten with •11 the themele ssmn granted by oppor- tunity to e.esemtitue his feemltist .pee bap. The tunes or ntfsn kenos is an expensive artist. Id furniture. de may tryou with he enmp•aty and gvmsp, M will eon yea from $40 a year ep in the trade be drives away. Some e..temen are deterred from geieg in the don altogether at eight of bis then. Besieges and gossip sea so neer, mingle thaw nil sod water. They will hey a algae and drive off the lime "bo nimbi have bought a b -t, and more to tolli thing neat and stationery, call circular printed at Telt SZON1r. North St. .w. If you want .ome- htninee like in Also If you want • card or in the latest style, call steam printing hottest Tet War TO Booty A Tows. -God.- rich has • Board of Trade --an active, lively irsatitution, whoa. every turn - and there are many of them -is to the utmost interest 01 Ooderich, They are continually booming the place, and striving to have Godench rank among the foremost towns in the Dominion. At a recent meeting of the Board s pro- position was made to have the local papers publish a hill description of the town, eta busman advantages, etc., in a well il;ostrated edition, and be paid for the same in the sum of $400.-Kinear- din. Reporter. Oono Retoit'Tfotsa.-A noting bond - keeper, of Kincardine, was asked lately, if the revolutions which men are apt to make at this season of the tear, had any effect on his Pottiness. The anet- peetslly prompt answer was given that it certainly had, •ed that during Jan- uary the sales riser the bar d. - creased to the extant of 30 per Dent. He farther stated the falli•g of was not permanent Ai the month adrenals their good resolutions grow weak, old habits re•eert themselves and by !eh let people see beak to when they start- ed from Deo. 31st of the preceding year sari. Wolin Ole IT Tarn -These IOW the words of a Cinoi•neti trade journal: "By watehiwt,_the advertieing enlemee of a newspaper we are enabled to k.nw the exact oondittnn of enero•rstile d - fain, and of the general prosperity or deprvu.ion in the town wbere the paper is published. We ere sit .t oar desks aid pick out the lively besinees times all over the e-o•atry, tiled alio the slow and dead towns Tore is en better lodes to • town thea its newspapers It is • better criterion to go by, mod is eeu•id- eyed an by segaeios nen, tban a photo graph. it is the miterpriee of the in- habtenta, eel not the eine of the build - Jugs, that makes the town, Tee may pick op a paper and read it at • Hsnn., "We mean beeine.s " or "We're deader than • melted hied," as plainly ea tbeegb it were pein ed to big type and red ink arrow •very pile." GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Holmmville, Feb, 18, 1880. Council met today pursuant to ad- journment. The members all present. Minute* of last meeting read, corrected and passed. Kneed by Jbhn Beacom, sea,oded by (4 A Cooper, that Wastes Cox be pentameter in moat of Robert Marshall, and Wm Weir in room of D Jaime- Carried. Mrs kt.an, gravel am - meant settled by «►unit paying VS bal- ance on gravel and roadway to pit By laws Nus 1 and 2 of present year were read and passed 1 ender for township pristine were opened by reeve, that of th. New k.nrd was found lowest. Neese- Record gets tits printing for the present year. Auditors' report war.t- aa7ined and p•emed.and the clerk ordered to «.t nes hundred «opts printed for dietrib.tioa. The following &comm a were paid, vis : Iron ,wsell k Hutch- inson, four copies of assessors' guide, and other paper., $1; James Fair, lumber, $1 44; Kr Tremblay, two m'tsthi board of widow Bray, $12, .loth og for baste $4; R B Proelfont, ,orreyi.g, $17 60; Joe Imard, repairing ceolrsrt, 14th eon, $3; Wim Wise, 147 yards gravel, $8.82• ,.editors dl+t nett. Doomed whammed M meat sown on the lest Kosday is April. Jos Payroll, sleek. The Boolategi to vow eines he hies es,eoty adheres!. is the Chambeg et il..pnties President Cleveland is sliehtl Maisie id bi /enm overwork, as piysieis has ordered anoints teat. e