HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-15, Page 71
taro a
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or it.
a the
ye are
o do
c Chi
he leadI
dews big
Mee Sky Above.
It IONA week white le fret, dear,
To walk as babied • Maros.
Ide master how emiag Wasps me ha.
They sestly might he wane :
And the time you smog oessphilalag
gad grosalag &beet the toad.
Weald better bo gime to natal es.
gad preoglag Masi the Med.
I'm Derides the kW saysalt, deur,
the tripping wages um preach.
•• Mt there lagrecie la speesh -
Amid I me. from my higher level,
Tle less the path than the pace
Tbat wearies the hack. aad dints the
And w rites the Mass en the bum.
There are resist cares anuauth. dear.
And to spare. when all ls told ,
led ti inset mourn its law"
And the cheeks sett bloom gnaw eld
But the spell of the craven wait
Tanta Mewing@ tato curse,
weue the bold heart meets the tremble
Thal smelly =imbibe worse.
So smile at each disaster
That will presently pass away.
And believe • bright tomorrow
WW teliew the dark day today.
There's nothlag seised by freebie :
amber roes strewth &sow,
And step by sum we °award, dear.
Let the sky beim or bus.
Margaret Airdtepater.
Mutt As Miosetwa.— Milk is owe of
the beet medicines in the pharmacopoeia
or out of it. Beef tea ;rarely (mousing
more than a fourth of the nutrimeat of
milk, and raw beef jukes is only equal to
it its the nutritive scale. In disease of
the petient bedsit toe heavy, lime, soda,
er patties watee may be added, or be
may take skies mak, which is deprived
d the fat, of whey, which has no curd,
and is Tortuosity abourbed. In cainsunip-
tius, milk is an essential article cd diet.
sad in Bright's demure it forms an im-
portant part of the treatment. In fact,
we may almost say with the country
minister, who took it as ao nijunct to
chicken grill, "Milk's guild et' a'
TRAM/ liNT or COAST —With prt.per-
ly-shaped and suffice:sally-lame boots,
corns rarely form, and will often disap-
pear spostaaetresly when the undue
premiere is removed. They may be
best treated by paintiog them frequent-
ly with fleeter* of iodine, or a strong
solution of bichromate of potash, and
shaving off with • sharp knife the hard
ened outer layers thus acted upon. The
corn ductor goes deeper and tries to re-
move the whole tinniest wedge of epider-
mis. TIM soft corn should be hardened
by powderine frequently with tannin
and keeping the opposite surfaces cnn
*tautly apart by means of rings of felt-
ing , or little rolls of linen. Fur ar. M-
ood corn, the foot should be kept in
elevated position as much as possible;
evaporating heroes of spirit and water
should be trequetly need, and softening
ointments applied.
lisiseent :— Liquor ammoniac, tincture
of opines, spirits of turpentine, and
olive oil, equal parts of each. After
washisig the hands in the morning, at
midday, and in the evening, and dry-
ing, poor a teaspoonful of the liniment
I II the palm of one heed, sod then rub
the hands and fingers together as if
washieg them. Repeat the precook
having poured a teaspoonful into the
other hand, eo that the liniment may be
e distributed. It the sore parts
smart too much, the lininessit should
have • little oil added to it.
Caen or Tea Faer.—Persons whs. ars
tronoled with feet which at times emit
▪ &naive odor, in spite of all known
preventives, will be glad to learn of the
tiolewiog simple remedy which we nave
obtained from OOP of our eminent physi-
cians. It is usually the ewe that those
who are troubled en this way are sob**
to excessive perspiratioa. No amount
of bathing and waahing remedies the
evil complained of. The imitating of
the skin between the toes and the leek -
age of the fetid lymph segaset se as-
tringent application, Dot even a strong
solution of sulphate ef sem, will be ab-
sorbed producing swelling arid more or
less distress ; hut oxide of sine, not
puesessee the proper astringent pro-
perty, hut effectually arrests the dis-
charge, disinfecting the parts, snd effect-
ing • complete core of the offensive
A lady thinks that children have very
mining feelings and original ideas. and if
hey could be indem4 he ItituiP'"hetlic
eateries to reveal their thooghts laeople
ould be sorprised at their intelligence.
he tells an instance of heresern child-
, when, the sharpness of the cook,
he ornamented • pan of iireenits pet
owe to rise with what she thought moat
imic designs, and for the sake of
ne her mother with such hie:mita
were INISIPT sew !afore Of mune
Le was scolded and the biocuits were
rown away, but she says she has never
ina any kind thing her life with
ore unselfish enthusiasm than she Orme
felted the biscuit doneh, sad she
inks many • piece id mtachief it per -
tinted with beet intent $be odes es
nay of human nature in children and
alto, th•t every blow streak degrades
lei awl insoles • girl. and that any
lice of oosifidt to the met her in the
d•ostopment .4 the uepuriished
ta more than repaid by the condo',
to !atm years she* whirs have lost
tar terror.
A little interior* of the misconception
ebtldruns set inns hy parents is forged
the true at, re of the mon wito pettish -
s slow, silent little led for airsentint
wird, from home so ninety Di yam
hipper**. having no vlowt. he followed
as tam' day to see what mischief be WM
, and found him noddies a fire 1111
Ile Mewls *wine he had fashioned
mselt with the orearst metered*. Med
ror 25
The father el the beat diesiplined hoe
the writer has ever seen says : **I never
streak the little failow, sad should hate
tare mesh to see say oes Mee strike
him. I want him to feel that I am the
best friscd be aod yet that be meat
Wed instantly hematite we are good
friends I thiuk children are nagged at
tee mush, and told not to do tam swab,
things. If they disobey in some trifling
thing nothing is said. and so they learu
diesel -Hotheads. A shild should be made
to obey every oosisend, the small and
the greet alike, but should not receive
tou many orders Oust disobedience. is
the father of another, •nd perfect dis-
cipline is only obtatisad by continually
ou obedience. Once a child
koows he must mind he yields readily to
to authority."
Tikeniburg, March 15th, 1887.
T. Milhern .t Co
Sirs,— Please ship at ono° three dimes
B. B. Butters. Best sellieg nialteme to
the shop thild seven bowies today.
Yours truly, C. Thompson.
The •bove sample is but one of hun-
dreds of Mortar expreesiose regarding
Somme rides ou every hour. Grapple
tt amid you may win ; but without a
grapple it will go with you. Work
is the weapon of honor, arid be who
lasks the weapon will never triumph.
• Were MU
Aroand each bottle of Dr Chase
Liver Crete is • medical guide and reosip
book euesaining useful infermation, over
900 reoeipes, and pr000unced by doctors
sad druggist. as worth ten times the
oust of thil medicine. Medicine and
buok $1. Sold by all drumgista
A 'sore glorious victory ennilOi be
matted over another man than this—that,
when tbe injury liegan on his part, the
kindness should bogie on ours.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
snore so that they always cloeely nat
TAT, TRIO Onititral. IN APPItAltanr• AND
sans The remarkable success achieved
by Nasal Balm as • positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold iu the Head has ir-
duced unprincipled parties to imitate it.
Th. public are cautioned not to be de-
asived by noamuces imitating Naval Balm
in Dame and appearance, hearing such
Imams as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam,
ete. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not
take imitation dealers may urge upon
you. For sale by all druggists or sea.
post-paid on reempt of pries (felk and 81
by addressing Fulford.& Co , Brookville
Take tare et Ione tlitabees.
Clothes which are well cared for will
last twice as long as those carelessly
treated, and with • liberal expeoditure
of time and • little display of taste can
be remodelled and made to do duty for
a lono time, Eternal vigilance is the
rice of success ter poor people in dress-
ing well, and it should be exercised, as
nothing pays better Garments can be
injurei as much by careless handling
when not worn as when in use. Dresses
thrower across a chair or hung in •
crowded wardrobe under other heavy
articles will be creased and injured -
taws, gloves and ribbons loomed into a
drawer with other articles ell not ap-
pear fresh and tart when worts
It is an excellent rule to carefully pot
away every article of apparel as soon as
taken off. Dresses should be shaken
and well brushed, and if hendsomely
and elaborately trimmed, should be
folded, every fold and plait in place, arid
Mid in • drawer ; this is very important
In order to keep dresses in shape, or if
preferred te hang them up, loops should
be sewed on tha back of the shoulder,
by which they may hang.
Cloaks. after being brushed, may be
1Sid in a long drawer, or bong by • loop
in the back of the neck. Shawls should
I be carefully folded in the origami creas-
es, wrapped in a paper or • square cloth,
before laying away in a drawer. Gloves
should be pulled out lengthwise, folded
in thin paper and laid in a small box
kept for the purpose ; lanes should be
smoothed out and placed where they
will kept clean and fresh. Veils, rib-
bons, mamas. silk handkerchiefs and silk
much e t :Jed n proper shape
and laid mate a a hi
Show, if thrown Depend in the duet,
will not litet as long or look sa well as
when stretehed out)°, the wrinkles, well
brushed and pet carefully away. Bon-
nets and hats are more easily spoiled by
want of oare than almost any article of
dress. They should not, therefore, be
allowed to lie about on tables or in dusty
places asprotected, but a• soon as takes
from the bead sheola be brusbed, the
trimmings •nd feathers straightened and
laid in boxes.
That is to my, your langs. Alen ail
your breed hing machinery. Very won•
derful machinery it ie. /hot only the
larger air passage', bnt the thouemeis of
tabee and cavities leading frum
When tbeee are eiDested and checked
with matter which might not to be there,
your lungs ca ,1 half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it onld, cough. croup. pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family id throet and nose end hood and
lung obetrnotions, all are bed. All
ought te be got rid of. There is just
one sure way to get rid of them. that
is take Itnechee's German Syrup, which
sny druggist will sell you at 75 cents •
bottle. Even if owerythreg Mee heel
galled yoo. you may depend %eon thm
rte path of duty it near y••t people
seek it star off. The way fe elife; it is
nnt hard to find (10 home and seek it,
you will not lark teachers
The laroset organ. atiPI one that plays
simmetr. ions pate on the health of the
budy 6 the -liver. If torpid or innetivo
e who,. system lertaiiines il I.. mood.
f ,
. Chasm's borer Care 54I SWOP Spartan,
14f L.41rOf and kidney reeraere. and is
gotaranteed tn cure. psi hook and
asediatie $1. Sold by droyagiats.
Otimisou whim:less is very simple
very sew ; very cheep. It emits itothieg
effect ; it is ao tax woo intim. the
gratefully received by polite peuple, and
it (retitle. die fiver as well at the re-
ceives*. It makes all withei the mime
its iefluotios iseptry aud better, and ii
smooths • many of it,. rougher path. id
people are (Alm uuca.•I loc want of
thouightfulneas, and they mantringes give
g.md 'drones, or fur the airsumpteen that
they •re eiroord, when they du not mean
to be *guilty of such an effease. Such
pereins are usually understood and et -
emed I,y their intimate acquaintance.,
but it is uoidurt taus to yield to the hello.
of *aro ppane141 re14.101.e1111. It often
criete. people whose respect is esteem..
mid it never eccomplisber any good. The
gravest europium. anout iticoolity often
euipiarys of society stud geod manners,
and they are *oily too 44ften Jest. The
true lady or geutieuran newer forget*
00111111011 politeness to all with +hum
they cease in mintsci, aud the &utast sign
id' Ger room! proteuder is displayed in
public incivility to Leber.. T3.1 *ermine
lady so* gentleman is always so well as-
sured of her or his pesitioin that they
dignify it by courtesy to all who merit it,
regardless of reinditiou or circummance,
repeate upon others the snubs he or she
leas received in the effort to client, in...,
social recognition. The true lady and
gent:imam are ever polite and csiertemet
to all when those admirable islities can
be exhibited, and when those attributes
are not exhibited on all proper occasions,
it is al•ays safe to assume that vulgarity
is masquerading iti the thin guiiiis of the
gentleness that titer marks the lady and
the gentleness.
A fatal attack of croup is a fttement
oacurrence among children. Every
household ahould should be guarded by
keeping Hegyarcl's Pectoral Balsam at
hand& It breaks up outdo, coughs.
croup, asthma and heellehleis is e tn.
markable manner;
vat its readers literature of lasting intt --
-est and value, it is fully and *beautifully
illustrated and has Already gained n
Brilliant !
Durable !
Economical !
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-•
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocicy colors. To be sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
Dyas for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
'Main and durable colors_ Ask
for the Diamoad and take no other.
A Dress Dyed FOR
A Coat Colored
1 10
Garments Remised mum
A Child can use them!
with CACS.; PS.
Charles Scribners -Ions the Publishers enable US
offcr SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the
Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890.
At Druggists sal Merehaats. Dys awe lhas.,
itentreal. P. Q.
1:1:7E, DOOR ani BLIND
Regent In Design SI A% /AM t MRS
Exo*liont In Ton.
MAKIN CANA04,014 spans the hest WSW State
!attuned*, et Odra duty sod *algid Is pub)
Solid In Construct:iota
Religion ea tbe Meta&
I beard once of • young person who
emit to live ia • house suppuesel to be •
thorooghly religious houm. She said
afterward that flout what she saw in
that heat. she was inclined to think
there was very little iu religion. She
asw disagreement and contention iirei
attire avid unkindness, which did rues*
to teed her toward infidelity. Lovers of
Christ. us there not for us a very Delman
lemma in thui How closely . all we do
and say is watched by the world, and it
they see in us exhibitions of temper,
auger, passion, unkindly feeling, Oen -
60110t1•11414111. etc., how greatly it will
tend to undo all the influence id our ,pro -
famines snd our efforts tor the cause of
Goa. One of the great wants of the age
is more of Christ in the homes. Let us
get so much of the religion of Jesus tired
we wilt everywhere exhibit the mind and
temper of Christ. Christ said, "It I he
lifted op I will draw all meu unto ale."
H• may be lifted up in our lives, and if
eo the drawing influence will be felt. It
smatters not how gifted the miuister or
leader or Christian worker if there he
exhibiticus in his life of thofe thiugs nut
in harmony with his teaching, it oeutra
blies hM beat effort.. Nothing ern take
the place at a consisteut life. Jesus is
saying today, "Return to thine own
home and show how great things Jesus
hath done unto thee." We can show by
mild Christien temper what he has done,
and the worid will be powerfully drawn
to him.
TOW beyeess Or Wane.
A curious device for testing the dry -
Dias of • wall is demeribed in the Weiner
for the purpoon cousists simply I small
sheets of geistine, which are made by
taking the sheet gelatine of commerce,
selecting the thinnest pieces soaking
them for • quarter of an hour in water
until they are quite soft, spreading them
out dat on a greased sheet uf glees, and
stretching them with the holier, until
the folds and creaaes ate siuoithed out
and uniform as poesible. Theisheets are
thee thoroughly dried in the air, the
edges which are rough and uneven, are
trimmed olf, and the whole cut into
pieces about two inches wide and four
inches loug, for use in testing. If kept
dat in a dry place the gelatine stripe are
very sensative to moist sir. If • wall is
suspected of being damp, a strip is moo-
ed slowly over it near its swim*, but
not touching it. If any damp spots
ALM, they are immediately shown by
the ourlinig of the gelatine as it peewee
near them. Althongh every one takes
some interest In whether his
house is dry or not, this simple test is
likely to be of more practical use to
freeiso painters and paper bengers than
to any one men Both of three, to avoid
disappointment and Isms, need to know
with certainty whether the walla sod
wiling' on which their art is to bo exer-
Meted are dry or not, as their papers and
colors will oiteu change on damp plaster-
ing. In the ease of • wall of masonry,
particularly, plastered on the brickwork,
it is difficult to tell by ordinary teepee -
thou whether the moisture ha. dried out
or not and the gelatine sheets may give
the destre-d information with south cer-
tainty and precision as to be of ;Jest
Meter. mad he rebel.
Per Cut Loss Expos
isms mums MINIT.TOMBY.
Widen In all kinds of
And builder'a materiel of every deseriptioa.
School Fftruiture a Specialty
"HE srorAck
drareered e, CatEYS. 81
OR tii..000,
THE coon BrsT FRiENr
Parties (behind te take wend from me
meet hese their orders tit oace. before lila ail
shipped for the season.
°oder. will he attended to if left at the
following store -keepers:
7 cm
Fall. Kee erre
tiVilitere •85•511.5
err la ell para. be
awl=gran ibe parr .•••• ere
en attired leveler*
la ear reallsy,414e very
lerelas-arebre wade la
reiblorleb all re etreoreer
Ile sr Mr rad frees arperee
Ire seer early and ertaL•
la terra soar iler
easy eel at yew bre mad err :3
rearbeall ern berme year err
See • parr
err leer ir eat rams
Yr ear le rid ler SOW with ibe
Or Now eali
. Der learrea.reel ear.
sorbs tbr reel .114
net IsOmeoles• ere rile G. rat are Me Oa -
TAWS Is 0111... Aassossa.
Scribllor's lagozille
For 1889.
Dyspepsia is (lomat et Ds* •rd ere 4
liver is misery. Indigestion • foe to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the meet eemplicated and wonderful
thinme its esistenor. It is nesely put oat
of order.
0: -essay food, tough food, sloppy fond,
bad einkery, istental worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and teeny other thieve
wharti might not to he, have made the
American people • nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's A .iguat Plswer has done
a wonderful work in reftwming this mid I
together* and slaking the A merman
people so healthy that they can enjoy I
heir meals and he 1.4poy.
itpiliqmpi her No happinows without •1
health. But Green's A (+goat rower I
bottle. "lemur live emits. newly
of Mate it the inod tweeter and enterpriamg
to pertoditele. while et all times pre5ereing
its high literary character. SOW sew readers
have been drawn to it during tt,e past stx
months by the lescremed excellence of l's
contents isotahly the Railway art klesi. aml it
closes its mound year with a new impetus
mid an assured suceees. The illestratians
will show norm new effects: ani nuthiug to
make Scribiarr's Megasher attractive and in -
tercet ing will be neglected.
tinned by several very striking papers: one
especially interesting by Ex•Postmaster-
General Themes L. James on -The Railway
Postal mervice.•
lel useel -The Master of Hallantree.- oil -
run through the greater part of the >ear.
Brom hs Arnernaber.
A CORREsPONDENCE and collection of
ntenuscnpi memoirs relating ot .1. F. Ilillet
and a famous group of modern FRENCH
PAINTERS wall furnish the substance or
several articles,
The brief end papers written lasd yeor by
Robert Long Stevenson. will be replaced by
equelly int ereeting coot ribut Imo be different
will write the drst of them fur the January
ton Mr_
Articles on A RT SI' NJ F:t 'TS will be a fea-
ture. Papers are arranged to appear be
Clarence C'ook, II. Illeshaehl. Austin Dob-
son, anti many others.
FISHING ARTICLES deacribIng sport in
the beet Sighing grounds 'soil appear. batmen
Wianinish, Hasa. sad Tongue are the subjects
/If imfrofed.
variety, tone him> upon all manner of subjects
travel. biographr, desert pi i, in, etc.. twill eg...
pear. too sot of the 4 on•entional commas -
Mare sort,
Among the moat Interesting in the 1,5t of
seimettle paper* for the >ear will be • re
nasekable article by Proleasor Job. Trow-
bridge. spun the nem recent developments
and uses of PHOTOGR 1, VII Y.
A riatill of articles which has proved of
special interest will he (volt 'nowt by a group
e f papers upon ELECTRICITY In its moot
recent app! seat tons, by eminent authorities :
• remarkable paper on DF:E1' MIN INO, and
other interesting papers.
river, Illsstral isms.
A UPECIAL orrvit to corer hot Terre
A yea• r's anhocriht tor ilefee and the numbers
for INK NI in
A year's soliaeripsion awl the somber.'
1113.411/ • years 13 refits sinwher.
743-746 Breediony N.
Onx.inet cit. Dixon. Out.
My wife suffered for flee pars with
that d iSt reed ng imam,. catarrh. Her
ease was one of the worst known in these
parts. She tried ail of the eatarrh reme-
die, I ever saw advertised. hut they were
of no use. I dnally procured a bottle of
Nasal Helm. She has used only une Alf
of it. and now feels like a new person I
fecl it my duty to *say that Nasal Balm
cannot be TOO 111OHLT recommended
fth catarrh trouble., and am pleased to
harm all such snlrerves know through its
v.. tit; will itteive inelant relief and
Fleeing awl
FLOUR and FEED !Moines, of Mr. R. Price.
on Kart street we are prepared to
In any quenti y a.ei on t b•01: of erm Hicks To NIT ALL
Mills hese been reeeutly improved. and we
arc able to turn ont a
which we gruariustect to give eatisfactiee.
Chopping done at In. per Melba. •
at the mill.
we keep rearming. on hard • full supply et ,DEA
filer us a call you will find no prompt eat • ,
0E0. BARRY, tiie leurnitnre Man. ia giving the heat of
valne in all lints of Yurniturc—front the timeliest chair
to the larr.xt r.nd best bed-roort rot, or parlor suite.
. In All its brawls,. %, promptly attcndorl
EMBAI,MIN0 FLUID always kept on band.
PICTURE FRAMING a rpeeialty.
WW1= POWD21=4