HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-15, Page 1IVROLE KL•MISF.It, n,1 GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1S$9. f D UeGILLIt` t'DDY. Pommel's. t ELM A YEAR IN ALV ANC► TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice della Itusacll. Wanted- Jas. mousy. -Feed Ynaporlum- Wm- Burrows. Commercial Advertiser- Advertiser. Detroit. BORN. Mt'araorw-On the lath of isa., the wife et Peter Murdeth, of a 4atMr. DIED- ' Jon:mole la Ashfleid• In, Jan. SIM. Same 31 Jokester, year& TOWN TOPICS. a Oder* newt" ee. felon' •sera, /a'/uatA Ac ll "real il." / Ooou Pliesaiy,-Tbe most useful ink yon can make is to give a Wirt Pte. Ap- ply to D. 11eUiillcuddy. agent Gode-rich. "GuntJttc-I1 ILLr7rTRArco That'• what Gen. Stewart bas been doing for )ears. and be bas views at his etuelki Met cannot be beat- en anywhere. Manitoba Linseed Cake. unrivalled LK cows. calv.w, horses and sheep. ..Crushed" Nutted" Meal. by the ton. et Burrow's Sed More, iiemllton•.$. The weather prophets have gone ou: of boalee.s. but F. 4 A. Protium" e.umtinue to turn out fashionable tailuriag at the old stand at lower rater. West styles dud best materiel. Go sad see them. The recent cold outage caused quite • de• mead for Frosttlla ard other apolian.-es fur nduc•Iag chaps, chilblains. tic_ and the run at Geo. Rhyne* people. drug store has been brisk. kverytbtag in the drug line can be found there. Tee Wmn^t's CleavrIA• TErrea.rci Can,. will met regularly for the tresume-Oen cd bestaes. every Tuesday afternoon at i*, o'clo.-k. in Enos thumb. Every woman in- terested In the work is t:erdiaUy invited to &*tend. It you want to get all prises and no blanks call on Seamier* R Sea. The are truing great bargains in wall paper. fa•r, ouds.' notions ted household neeessariea 1 f y ou wast earthing to their line Ball and sec prices. Taey are the cheapest house ender the sea Tan Poirr Orrice Areroisruerii doesn't worry It. R. Mallows, and the numerous sip ppoosdnttnents chat are wade with him for ex- t,tbitiuod of diasolytog .iews throughout the count show that one solitaryappoiut- meet woul not affect bon materially. Ha sten has daily appt.intsiest• with ladle,. gentle. thee and cblWren who want gist -class pha- Isgrwphe taken al kis studio. ' essele will .ave N.'• The wonderful healing and sonthing pro- perties of Lemaden t Wilson's Royal Glt oer- sted Balsam of Fir are the secret of success. Comets. Colds.. store Throat. Asthma. W he rp- Ing ( ougha.d incipient Consumption goletiy ▪ we way to its curative powem.. Nothing but Ds superiority over other remedies has created the demand for it frost all pans of the 1'rov- t•. e. wht. h tin eves extended to the Coded 8rales. why r Became every person who has coed 1t speaks well of it. Drua.ist. red t Price Vets. per Mottle.Gee BflIEFLETS. D'r. Geo. Purser, has reamed aim his recent indisposition. Matinee for ladies end ebi dren Satur- day a: 2 o'clock --Opera Howe. Wingham Tinea - Mr Morrish, of Gcdelleh, gat. vs a friendly call o0 Tuesday. Dr McDonagh will he in G.derioh for r•oo•oltation on the first Saturday of every month. Bliss Diary Salkeld, of fndeeich, is •ailing her sister, Mn R. K. Miller, at Si Helene. 1 be Huron spring assizes open in Goderich before Justice Street on Tues- day, March 19th. Capt. lid. McGregor and Mrs Mc- Gregor of Sarna, are visiting frieeda and relatives in town. Mr Alex McIntosh, of the Seek Ste Marie. visiting ►is mother in town, after an absence of five years. Forest Free Press -Mn H. Sheppard, of this town, leaves this week for Gods - rich, when she intends speeding a few weeks with friends. Mr John Carrla,formerly of Goderich, dipped and fell tbe other day, draining his spine so severely that he has hardly hew able to nose around. Thi &meter Times, a Government (man, gays :-Fred W. Johs•ton will be the next postmaster of God.rich, in- stead of Mr Resew as Maoaaead. t o'clock Saturday Zen Semon will hire • grand stow for the ladies sail children at the Opties Hoes, Dr M Niebolene, the Weet-et dentist. makes floe peseertioo of the lateral teeth a tapeltnty. Gas administered from 9a. m. ffor the paislem eztr..tios of teeth. We regret to learn that lir. James Reid, plasterer, has bin seventy .aid- ed with Meets for the past fuer weeks. His teeny friend" will hope to hear of his speedy resave r, Aston Free Press -Mr H. & Holmes, rt 0. T. B., is away on his holidays. Is vivid., friends is Stretford, Lea• dos slid Goderiah. Mr Ssttos reliev- isg ageet is (ilfisg the ..sassy. A matter of interest to Orgawt's* Organ Stedsats, and Teachers is • new palest ragas pedal tttaehment for Pianos aasefeetered by Mescal New - tombs & Co., 10'7 Ohsmh-St. TerOato. Particular, w appbsetioa Leap year will sot some apis ts.til eight can have elap.d--18211. Is or- der to maim* time see Map year Is shipped every two handrail yens, thee bal.sei.e things rep. Leap year cess lest skipped he 1801, mad will not be again .Mil 2001. Maumee fee ladies tail children Eater - day at 2 &dock -Open Hoose. 2 o'elosk Saturday nem Seises will wee a grand show for the ladies cad children at the Open Haase. Kntz church Band of Hope will meet en Saturday 16th, at 3 o'clock in the church. All aro invited to auras. Mr Bert Johnston, fnrwerly • coos - pulsator in Tit. thott*L Ake, has amour - ed a positiou in the office of the Strat- ford Herold. Now it . that the wise merchant sees plenty of printer's ink to notify the p.rb- liie of his clearing sale of winter got.da at cost, rather than carry them over. A crow was seen last week flying south ward. This indicates • late and back- ward spring, which is zeieratly the re suit, and is an old time prediction. T,.a* who prophesied mild weather all the winter season, are a little off at present. It is s self-evident fact that the "backbone of winter" Is nut yet broken. A farmer who never takes a news- paper shouldn't complain if his boys getting tired •.f the munotooy of home leave the farm to starve 10 one of the professions. Ask • farmer to furnish the onuroh with wood tree of ob,arge ! Ask the painter to paint it without receiyieg pal for it 1 Request the carpenter to shingle the roof and do it without pay ! "Ab seed !" say you, "they will never do it !" Of course they w.ao's. But these tame people expect the local papers to give uottces oaf entertainments, da, fur niob- ium. An exchange say's that a country editor received the following cheering note from • delinquent subscriber : ' I waut to pay for my subscription ; bot I'm a little short so I send you half a dozen eggs. If you will put them under a sea- ting ben they will hatch not enough chicken to pry for a year a subscrip- tion.' DIr J. A. McIntosh, formerly of God. - itch, Dues a prominent merchant of Port Arthur, arrived in Godertch on Thurs- day last week, on his return from Mon trial, whither he haat been attendieg the carnival, and has teen spending • pleas- ant time with relatives and old friends. He speaks well of his adopted ha.we and looks for a big boom at Port An hur in the near futon. New RUNNIER/4 FAD -' Enclosed find porno for one year's sohecripiun," is 1) e way a remittance would read if the new word "poen" .b,uld he generally adopt - s:1. It i• .imply a eonveniowrt contrac- tion of Post Office Money Order, the four initial letters making the word and and it is said to he already in exteosive sae among business hones east. Read- er, if your subscription hes expired, send on • •'pomr." 1Yallaeeborg Herald : -It is amusing at nomination meetings to hear men talk • boot "booming the town," men who never advertise in nor suMcribs for the town paper, support the Mechanics' in- stitute nor any other institution, never sobcribe a Dent for ramex, races, celebra- tions cr anything calculated to maks the town known. Plenty of mea are ready to eojey • "boom" at other people's ex- pecte. Coaascrto,i.-In the report of the aunty council meeting recently publish- ed in Two SiogAz, Mr. Kidd was credo• ed with having made the motion re- ferring to the iron bridge at Wingham. Mr. Kidd did not make the motion, neither did he second it. The motion was made by Mr. Dulm.ge, deputy -reeve of Mowick, oeoonded by Mr. Milne, neve of Gray. The credit due in coo - section with the matter bebop to Messrs. Dolmage and Milne. Blau Soctsre M[trtwo.-TDs an- n eal meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Goderieb breech, will be held in Komi church on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20th, at 7.30 o'clock, when the Rev J. S. Manly, permanent agent of the Society will deliver an il- lustrated lecture on "Babylon and Israel.'" A collection will be taken up in aid of the funds of the Society. A meeting of the Society will be held oe the previous evening in Victoria -et. laurels at 7 o'clock for the el.dien of allows and other business. 8. A. AsgivtnRaay.-The S•Ivatioo Army detsehmwt in God/irioh will e.10 - brat. their fourth anniversary in Gods- iek on Saturday Feb. 2201, Sunday, Feb. ?4th sod Monday, Feb. 25t Major Morris, Adjutant Cousins and Boy Beaten will lead on Faturday at 8 p.m. ; on Sunday then will be meet- ioas at 7 a.m. , 10.30 a in.. , 3 p.m., and 8 p.m.; on Monday reinforeements will arrive from Miteh.Il, Seefortb, Clinton sad elsewhere, and a banquet will be held in the bsrrask. from 6 30 to 7.30 p.m., after whit* the grand attest will be made from Victoria Hall. Silver collection Satsriy sight and Sanity. For particslen see posters. Ice CAturUVAL -At IM ice oarnivls) bold in the Palace rink os Tuesday weenies there woe a fairy seed atta.- d•ae., sod a number of Ise egctemn were pe meet FeUowiag rhes wars awarded : Ladies --IM liis Gram Caeseros, "Highland Lassie" 11d. bias May Fisher, "Highland Lsnb." Geed*. men- Tat. John Raid, "'easy I" 1d. Jots mwood OS..r of the Navy." Ocmis-tat Trask Hawker, "Thiele Sam ;' speei•1 W. "Gentle - nee, "Ositle- ee of Lehner- -Hard Task." -b. 1i±±, "8afler Lel" ?h. edges were Messrs P. P. Wilkinson, J. sad Harry Arsuld The tae risk is sow in fell worlds( order, sad Mr Arnold gives learns to .haters e'+ 7 ef.raoon. Spedal attention giros M lady skaters. Mr. E. E. Wade, of Bressels, is ebb- ing Mrs Andrew Waddell, South it. Ladies -take the children to see 7,er. 8/aus's wuuderful marionettes at di Opera House M.turday afternoon. Mr M. 0. Camrr.u, barruter,Toronto, is in town to argue the Platt v, G T R. case io•day. He ads we:cowed to Gide- ✓ ich by all his ..Id friends. The snow u en deep on poem parts of the Tat cooceasees, (:..derich township, that farmers on the lake shore road hate to come to town by the 4i1 euucrssaon ]Lt Axworthy, of Clrvelacd, was May- .• A T ON. C \-- - fog at the liritabf Lzchao Th uv �I1 M l 111 i(I c i gewt e- ►. d Liolies-otake the children to see Zara Mine host of the Brit iah Eichangs a deotratit.g ha dining room. Petty & Sheuuun are doing the work. (.,urge a taking true by the forelock, as it •ere. At the meeting of the managing board of Knox church on %ednosday et„ i[. the f•.11 .etug (nicer* sere eiected : Chairman, A. Saunders • secretary, H. I boraux ; trnsnjar, Ates. M•.rty,it ; 6uauual aecrctary and sollectur, George St.veu. Au effort will be made to pay Of the de ,t ou the church during the suit fuer. Messrs 1'. Kelly, of b lyib,lh Holmes. F. W..1.Lnum and Jus Beck, of (lode - rich, ha. au interview with the Minister of Customs today to ask ter an is crease in the duty un liner. The present du:y is fifty mous • barrel, sod the deleytatiuu contended that it was incongruous that there should be a difference in the duty on wheat and flour rr.lectively.-Turco. to Empire. IL1I)5$IITM AND SEED.. -The atten- tioti of our agnculturai readers is re- quested to the large advertisement of implements and tieln aid garden seeds, w hich appears to this ia*us over the sig- nature of Wm. Burrows, the Hamiloni- at geedsa•o. Mr Burrows is a • thoroughly competent dean in every !department which be handles, rind de- serves the patronage that his enterprise merits. thou $('noon DE•ATz -An intereet- iug debate was neld under the auspices of the High School Literary Society o0 Friday evening last. The subject was, "Itesolvd that Annexation would be benetirisl to Canada" The speakers on the affirmative were Messrs Harvey and Hyslop, and Mears McKee tie and Boyd upheld the negs•ive. The ci&r- ain, Mr A J. Moore gar, his J cI :10 in favor 4,1 the sth.uatire. A Piaci' or PAPER -The sonoonos- went has been made that a paper coffin has been placed on the market A mac may build his hoose of paper, est his dottier of paper dudes, buy his wife • paper piano and go to hu grave in a paper coffin. The cornu may be paid fur with pieces of paper and the death pub- lished un another piece ..f paper. There are few things more earful than paper, and every one should be a reg;: - lar subscriber to he local paper, and pay for it to advance with another pip.as of paper. TH6 WAr To Boor A Tow:r.-Godie rich has a Board of Trade --an astive lively institution, whose every taro -end there are many of them -is to the inmost interest of Goden.2h. They are et ntinuslly boosting the place, and striving to have Ooderich rook among the turanose towns in the Dominion. At • recent meeting of the Board a promo *Akio, was made to have the local papers publish • full description of the estown, its businesses, eta, in a well illustrated e dition, and be paid for the tame in the sum of $400. -Mitchell Advocate. Or INsuRturr To McatciAas.-S. P. Halls, B. A. Soieoes Moat., in Gods_ rich Hiatt School, has been appointed wormier cf a oommittee to arrange our- riculum tat the literary department for entrance examination to the Canadian Society of Musician& His associates are Dr Sippi, of London, and J. C. Morgan, M. a., Barrie. Mr Halls is s well- keown authority in musical circles, and hie selection to his preseet position is not cooly an appreciation of tis worth by the Canadian Society of Musicians, bat is • decided tribute to the musical fra- ternity of Godericb, whom he so well ✓ ep1-ss.uta. A Qcics Paororio_i. -W. P. McFar- lsie, who learned the telegraph besisees with Harry Armstrong, the old-time, r.. li•ble operator and agent of the G N. W. Telegraph in Ooderich, bas been promot- ed to the responsible position of Super- intesdeet r4 the Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Co., and .4 the Sioux City d Paste Railway Co, with head- quarters at M'ssoori V•Ilay, Iowa •Sq.irreily," as was his niekwams among the "Mays," took Horse. Graby'e ad Ass sal went west, and hat 1. He is edea • emelt shot, sad has wee several velusble trwphiM, imiladise the Baskin' and Merchants' prise, at Sioux City, Iowa Tn. unA Ream Oo -Daring the past week the Zara $emoa Novelty Co„ sampled the Grand Opens Hosea, and has gives interesting and swapsg foeaaoees to crowded •edimen. exhibitions of sleight -of -heel, veMirile- sm and sig on need w and - iteamaj nasi al Matrsmeeta, have all bees ...s..ptf...we,aal the msria.elN Derloewaess, where asbssM..s perform all the many 135%tses. in 155050110s with a trammed pmtsraa.es, f.el.diat; talking, walking. dewing and a.agfmg. ct troy merc.lees. hash crowing • large .timber of prime ere distrib.td aesssga the a.dilnn, whit& althoegh it any have M.desey to lames the profits, . everthdoa greatly advertise§ the per- forad•e5es, and e • sorel slsssest to the other attr•utions. There .111 be meths, this (Teidsy) crewing. e nd a settees 8•tenke •h. neon, i/ ado Thies he the evening perhrtllattsa. .'s wonderful marionettes sl the pera House Saturday aftern000. Duncan Morris, of Devil's Like, Dekote, te in town, the guest of his sis- ter, Mrs Megrims Stansuu. Dune looks at if the c,uutry agreed with biro. Sas Tug Polar -Why is a newspaper like • pretty girl 1 T.. be perfect it ,oast he the rwh.4iweut of many types, its Ginn is made up, tt is chased, though in• clotted to he giddy it enjoys a good press, the inure r..pid the batter, las a weak - atm fur gossip, ttik. a Bread deal, oma stand some praise, and is awful prued of • new dress It cannot he kelt in good now r without deft Please pay up. MONTREAL CAKNIeiL !mil -We have received a copy of the Carnival Number of- the Mont real Misr. It is $ superb number, a grand souvenir to send to distant friends sod well worth prrserv- itr;; in private Iihraries as a memento of ' the most extraordinary winter 111 the history of Canada We cannot describe the t.unther as it a ao elaborate. Au rifer has leen booted fn,w London. Euei.nd, fur fire thu.a' nd copies, while iu 'Toronto and New York it has cleated a tremendous furore. The last editiou is now being run of. The publishers B ead it to any aldrpse tor the alnall sots of thirty fire cents. "Ma/snoop Srrrauu " - Th• ques- tion, "it--solvd that. property qualifica- tion is the proper hes.. of the franchise as opposed to manhood sutfr-age," was debated to the Young Meat's Liberal rooms Monday evening last. In the atseuce of Mr J. T. Girruw, through 'Ilona, Mr H. 1. Strang occupied the chair The affirmative was placed in an able msn•.er by Dl.enars Foot mrd Rey- nolds, and tine negative was advocated by Messrs Blair and McGillicuddy. The pruceedirge throughout were of a highly interesting nature and some sharp pa!• %ogee were iudutged iu by rhe debaters The chairman after a careful summing up of the pros and toss gave his deo- won In favor oldie tiedattee. WHO Is Miff -One of the most inter- esting ceremonies that has talon place In St Thome for some time was the mar- riage, oat the evening of the 7th inst., of Mrs Kate Jane McLeod, seed 70, to Mr Thomas Gibson, .-f Gooench, aged 110 Iter W. H. W. Boyle performed :lie ceremony in the presence of a large member of invited, acd a still larger number of uniuvited guests. Mr Gib - *..n met his fate one d. y last week, when, in strolling down Stanley street, he ob served Mrs McLeod in the act "4 des- terousiy wielding an axe upon a ing of wood. He immediately propos.,d and the result was the ceremony of Int evert. ing. The wedding illothe talk of the town. -Toronto Empi GODatil'H CURLS= - Caprt'tg Tun PUBLIC .1anAL.-Eight of the Goderiob club (Dancey, Strachan, Humber, Dy - went, Welsh, McD Allan, McGregor and Dr Roes,) met an equal number o( players of the Guelph curling club, the spaotoca rink at Stratford, on Wed- nesday, and succeeded in winning the Jubilee Medal placed for competition be tween the two club*. by the Claudia, Branch of Royal Caledonian Society. The following is the result by rinks : /lilt )t0. 1. Capt. McGregor, D. Mcl.nghtio, C. A. Huber.C. Spalding, W. T. Dyfieent. A. Robertson. T. 11. Dancer, skip --01 A. Cosgletes, skip-! JUNK n.0.2. Dr. Roes. A. Bruce. �. McD. Allan, Oso. Howard, W. T Welsh, J. KmNle, D. C. Strschan,skip-1$ R. Mitchell, skip -Ir Sssiea Ova ELmrrat.• Ltowr Seavfcs. -Dr Beriberi and Messrs Cameron, Bell and Ford, of Mitchell, were in town on Monday, as a delega.ion from that town, to examine into ibe working tat the electric light service, et Ooderich. Mitchell purposes improving their pros- iest street and private lighting,and having heard that Ooderish possessed one of the best systems on the eootioent, the dela gatioe was sant to kink into and make eegniri.s regarding it. The deputation was taken in hand by Mayor Butler and other prominent residents, and shown through the waterworks and electric light works, sod expressed themselves well satisfied with the results of their trip in the shape of the infursu►tiou they were enabled to carry hots with them. They all expressed themselves as greatly sorprised at the progress Godal b had attained. to se a go-ahead town dor* recent years. Pami lbw AROUND. - Many of oar readers will remember a swamp sawed Aages Johtatoo who soros year4 ego "lectured" on phrenology to Galerigh. The editor of Tits Sovar at that thee took the rascal in heed, and sent kiss oat of Mum "with wives upon his wrists." We had hoped that after a term in dd?ancs the fellow would have endeavored to led an booed sed de- mot ♦cent life, but the following from the Empire goes to show that be is is still as great amens as ever, sad his progeny ere bearing the sone es well :- A Strathroy boy gassed Many Jobe- ston was feet to the reformatory by ▪ .gietrate Noble yesterday es a gliding sentenee of sit moatha to five years. He said his fatter bad married and atdo.sd fear wive& His mother wee til -teen', and the last wife he lied win a Mg, ht girt, who bad worked few him as an sweeties form.rty in his raow shim is Parkhill. Whoa hie fath- er, wheel ma was A rages Jebmatoe, was net wtrrkim; sea tats. he used to ills. •es a pbr solesist. Johnston M tiwft k..w. is Parkhill, Ansa Ord, flim t We do not bold eareelvea responsible for tbe opia s of our ('urrnsi-,ndruin. contribu- tors tf this department eutut condne ,hes salves to publicqurwtluoe. and be brief. Mr- bobs era Illie temisteeemees, 7u ibe &liver of Tim Satinet. DEAR Sift, -I believe 1 speak the s li''inaent of a large class of y..ur read- ers when 1 say that thew interesting letters have proved a source of great entertainment to us all, and that persuu- ally we feel under au obligattuu to the author, and shall regret very touch when they are brought to • clow. Fortunate ly the writer not only plraaeaaea the will- ingness to give, but he also bas the gift to describe in • most vigorous and graphic wanner the stirring events on which he was au prominent • figure; therefore instead of cryiui; Balt, we should like him to coutiuue hu interest- ing narrative until it assumes the Journ- al.. n* of a book, which he can finally leave behind him as a fitting wumulnent to lis pluck and ability as au old llurou pioneer. As the old settlers of flew town and the neighborhood oil 113 peemig away, the opportu.ri&ties for obtsu.tag i.for:u.tiuu regardl.g the county heif • century ago, will soca tiec..we rip -woody dilti.•ult, if not impossible, in view ..f •Inch w..ull it not be desirable to encourage as tar as You can, c.rrwp,nduucr of this macre, otherwise it may be tau late to obtain thee., precious bits of local nutury, which the future compiler would ounaider of such great value. The frequent and kindly •llu.ions to Little Ben are a just tribute to the mem- ory of a most worthy and conactentiow moan. It was my good fortune, over thirty jean ago, to be favored with his acq•laintancu, and wrl du I bring to rind the high esteem in which he was held as a citizen, while in matters of bu.inem he was looked upon as the very pink of honor. If I remember correctly, he roiled his days in • house opposite the o ffice of the Big Mill, and it is fresh in my memory today, the universal sorrow ex- p.essed by the mouraers, as in company with so many of them I had the honor of following him to his last resting place. When I read of the dangers and pri rations your worthy correspondent and his comrades underwent at that time, I am forced to the conclusion that the affair at Sarnia In '66, was after all but a little holiday jaunt, where the pleasing recollection of the good times we enjoy - / ed will tar outlive tho thought of any possible inc:nreoieoce we may have endured. Incidentally I might remark, what a pity that old historical dug -oat was not takers care cf, as it would have formed a most interesting commencement fear a local museum. In conclusion, allow me to express the opinion that while the 'gnat city dailies will continue to furnish the important tutelligeoce from the world at large, that we look more than ever to oar local sheet for what le going on immediately around as, and the paper that can •apply the largest amount of reliable home news is sure t to meet with a generous support. *J. J. WRIGHT. The Point Farm, 5th Feb., 1889. Tetbaes to tee freed. Baer Seautaw, Mies., Feb. 11, 1889. To the Editor of Tns SIGN at_ $u, -Please publish the following :- At a regular meeting of "Valle City Typographical Union No. 50," held at East Saginaw, Mich., on Senday, Feb. 10, 1889. the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, Valley City Typographical Unioo, No. 60, has been notified of the decease et Oaderiob, Ont., of Robert L. Walker, late a member of mid [inion, after weary months of mufering with that fell disease, consumption : therefore bit it Regula./, that we, members of Valley City Trpographtoal (inion, sincerely re- gret asd mourn the death of our late fellow -craftsman, thus cot off in early yeses of promising manhood, and who bad endeared himself to all who keel, him by many qualities of beset and mind ; and be it further Resulted, that we, the sweaters of this anion, attend our sympathies to the relatives of said deooased, cad that a copy of these reso- lutions be transmitted to them, under the seal of the iToice., and also be peb- liahed in Tui Hr'aote $sown, of Orel rieb, Ont., soil that these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the Uoioe mad the charter of this Uoioe be draped in mourniag for the period of thirty days. MATT BAanow, President. Question NaeLT, Secy. yy PARAMOUNT. .14.•our cwt oorrsepesdemt. Mr Bryan Doyle, who has been very i11, we aro pleased to hear is able to be w ooed again. Jew Pickering, jr., is able to be stowed again, after meting the big toe of kis right foot very badly with an axe while eioppiag- Miss Lizei. Murdock i. visiting M..dt aid relatives is Galt. Oer jovial engineer, Will Davis, has pet i• a saw estrum is his will, sad will so dealt Sera oat ice work in spring. Lanais somi.g is while the sleeghtag lasts, Mr Fahy Meioses is seals employed M elitism maker for 1880. a Tuley gave good astid.Mi- n ;est year. Miss B. Merdoeb is visiting Meade is esti wend Marsodi Trona our own curreapoudeut. f repar.iiona are being made for the entertainment in the church here on the er g ..f Tkursl,y the 21st suet. Thu entertunment to he.',lien by Mr SAlluws VIII be augmented t.y choice music, and as the Library Feud is expected to be aided every nue warts •u turn out to en- joy this popular .nartaiument. PR1wiNTAnoN - At eke Presbyterian church. Smith's Hail, Jan. Yit!i, the memhwrs of the church presented Mr Alex Young and wife, with two very handsome haircloth chairs as a small token of their high esteem In which they were held els, accompanied by the following address. Mr. an.1 Mrs. Young. Dealt ♦Nu Its rtu-r;:u Fa:Peng --Ws, the cougrege of S.uuh s Hill Presby. terau church, on the happy occasion of your marriage, trite the opt.ortunity of showing the high esteem, in which you are held by us, and also our appreciation of your many excellent and sterling quali- ties. You, Mr Young, have fur the past number of years occupied with credit and merit the ardtwus position of leader of the choir. Y.,ii have always been fatihlul in your attendance, sod done all iu your power to futthsr the interest and welf're of the choir. We sincerely trait that you will stall continue in the position. As a slight token of our regard sod of our appreciation of your valuable services, we bog you and Mrs Young will accept these two easy chain and table, with the earnest hope that you may long be spared to en- joy them. We also beg this you will accept our sincerest congratulations and hest wishes for a long and happy life. May you who have so often raised your voice here in praise of Ood be found singing praises in the Heavenly Obi/roes when, "Life's troubled dream is o'er." Signed ate behalf of congregation. Mia% afore, Met LINouTos, blow SALwwa. Air. Younz, in • few remarks, thanked the congregetrm for their very hand- some present, not heause of its intrinsic value, but for the good spirit in which it was given, hoping that the same kindly feeling may exist in the (inure as had been in the peat, LEEBU1N. Front our own correspondent. A. H. Clition anends.l the recent meeting of,the 4 /,nano Azncultural and Lrxperimeutal Union held in the lecture room of the Agricultural Cullege,Gueipt. This luion is oumpused of all the otioers and students past and present of the College. The Union meets annually for the purpose of hearing papers on subject. relating to agriculture. Atex was pleas- ed with the proceedings, and having the pleasure of meeting Mr F. 11. Lin- field, who we recently noted has re- turned to his studies at the Agricultural Farts. Miss Matteis Tobin is visiting her sister, Mn J. E (►'Connor, of Kingsbridge. Here we wish to correct an error nude by w in oor items of Leeburn,J•n. 25th, 18.89 We stated $ dancing party was given by Mr and Mrs J. K. (_'Condor and a larye party of young people fruss here drove up to atteod it. The party was a surprise one gotten up by the Lee - burn friends, and not by the hoot and hostess, as previously noted by us. We hope this explanation will clear up IMMO misunderstanding that oar report of the affair has caused. Mies Helen Dixon, former!" of Dna- bp, bat now • resident of Brntxbeld, was the genet of her aunt, Din Fred Hurtot, last week. Our townsman, A. Hoene, hail to keep hoose alone last week, and found kis bachelor experiences in the house- keeping lids of long ago useful again. Mrs Horton is visitor* friends at Pert Huron, Mich., tba past fortoight, Hillary Hotton was in Bruoefeid this week. The snow storm to everybody was a. surprise, and stopped trafli, • hetls. The attendants. at No 5, was only 7 tae day. John Chisholm, who had to go to Port Albert with • big grist during the tersest storm, had to abandon a portion of it on the return trip. At the end of the week he recovered it all safely stow- ed in the snow where he bad deposited it. [In some unsoc.untable way the re- mainder of our i.,eeborn and Donlan) oor- respoude.ee was mislaid this wee/L.-Zoo Sweet.) SHILPPABTON. Trent our owe Serres eMwt. Deanside tares hes a sew foreman in Mr G. McCann, of Commer cal so, who will swotsa fell management. as its pro- prietor will for a time devote his tines to a fast growing beainees in • local s�Ms� for the s•ie of organs and baron mgrs eery. DUNLOP. Prom mirrors oerveaseederM. Mies Minnie Dean, of Kingsbridge, is visiting rebate's hers this week. Oer fneimer townsmen, H. Finnan_ 'k11 SOW of Ooderich, gave our burg • vIs4 this week, being the guest of the WWI of L•a.downs fares. How Mr Hagvart rese.tly reeeived a "euafidsstiial" eireeler, from New York. addressed to "John HAggatrt, Pert►, Oat," offering to sell hies senntsrfrt Dotsinioo bills, and altsgiag that Mr Ragman's a•es/11 bad been suggeered to the writer se that of one "who cess 1. be Wilk spree sed tras1d"