HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-8, Page 8f 8 THE HURON UGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 8, 1889. rOIuNTY CURRENCY, Newsletters from Correspon- dents, and Other Items. • Weekly Ingest ..f the tummy gear. aers-• sd'wp t. sett Sem/en et "Tie sloe al..' Pita and P.1.1. Clipped amid 1'... demised from t.ery need.•. Mr. McKey,of Kincardine,is talking of rewottug his neuuw factory to W augham. The old brewery at Egmondville was burned on Thursday iieht of last week diphtheria is prevalent in Lucknow tied the Sentinel says 't appears to be gaming ground, Mrs. L. Thorne, of Los Angelos, Cal., is payit,g • visit to Mrs. T. Fletcher, Brussels, this week. Dr Horsey, of Ottawa, is to have char.'s of the practice of Dr Macdonald, 11'iup h:.w, during his absence to Ottawa. Mr 'P, R.y Tesdall, formerly of the \Vin,;ham Pharmacy. has secured • good position in Ltticelu, Neb., and has goue to take N. Mrs Smithers, mother of Mr (Jeor_e Smithen, of seafortli, died on Men day, having attained the good old age of 80 years and 6 months. We regret to learn that Rev. Nathan MI Patterson, of Hanover, O,.t., and formerly of Bayfield, broke his leg by slipping on the ice. The Baptists, Clinton, are etler.ng their eeurch property for sale es it is found tncenveuteut and too ueeall fur present requirements. Wm Robertson left 1Vingham, fur Toronto tut week, where he has Poen called to do seasonal work dunrg the sitting of the Local Legislature. Mrs R Mt. Mcllwain, wife t f the p:et- asetcr at the Nolo, and sister of Mn 1'. Cole, Huron street, Clinton. Las bevel seriously ill of brain Liver for several days. . 'Mr Raker, cashier in the Bank of Comtnette,$eafortn,accid,-nrally spreined his spine last week, by which he is laid -• vp-forrepair.--ei a trope to see him about in a short time. Mr George Lyons, Clinton, who nine weeks ego, received a very severe sprain by a leeway inn rail striking him, and who hal bee -u confined to the house ever since, is now able to be out again. A few days since Mr Jas Stevens, of the base line, H.Olett, slipped through the baro Ii.r r t•• the stable betenth, hav- ing one of his aria elnurt drawn out of its a ,cket, and otherwise injuring him so that he lots since been cuutined to the house. is The 'Boer day Mr John Campbell, horerian in the planing factory of Mr Thos. McKenzie, Clinton, had the end of his thumb taken • tiny one of the saws in the factory. This necessitated clos- ing down fora few days, but the factory u running again as usual. There were quite a numner of horses offered for sale at the Horse Fair Bros - eels, on Thursday of last week, ao.i a number of them were e • d. There was a mistaken idea among a good nasal who intended coming. that tl. • Fair was al- ways en the 1st Thursday id the month. It is the Thurada, before the let Friday. The 1V inghaw .I.lrtusee says : An old lady, e. 'h a decidedly French accent, came to town last week looking kr her daughter, who she says left her a short time res and who is not of sound mind. We rather think the old lady is on a long hurt, for if our memory serves as right she was around this we; cot the same enand last teat. On Thursday afternoon of last week James Burt, of Minto township, was brought before A, Hunter, .1 P, Brussels for hating in iii. possession the necessary wachiuery for the illicit manufacture of whiskey. Nothing was made of the charge. Cotlectur Cavan. of Stratford, ensu constable Clegg, of Corrie, made the arrest. Mr David 1). Spr••st, yourgeet son of (;roige Spr.,at, ,K'u1.,; of I; •rland farm, Tuykeesmith, passed away on Friday morning List at the early age of 22 years, with cu-nt.uwption. and although fre- quently a severe sutf.•rer he was always cheerful end hopeful. He was a most exemplary 'young man, and was • unit - venal fayesr.ie with all who knew him. Reeve Mc11rrchi,•, of Clinton, met with a b..d fall ..n Sunday week. Going into a ,'ark ro in for a drink of water het petted a cellar door by mis- take ter a pantry di er, and fell down the cellar, bruising bin self se severely that he has since been confined to the house, and breaking one of his ribs close to the beck bone. We hope his injuries may not prove in as;' way serious. Refer•n..e we last week made to the serious illne w in the fn nily of Mr James Dencau,of-rayton,I..rnierly of Goderich township. r 1 we are t 'ry sorry indeed to lean the woi more of the family have died. ..Ind others still hoovering between life and death Aad as death is, this care ••ecc"lis terribly so In hay - three deaths in a family, it, as massy weeks. Mrs RAM, reiict of the late Lkona'd Roan, died t: ('l,nten, on Tuesday last, at the age of 8b years. She has been in declining health ;or sonic time and her death was an. ertt-ely unexpected She was one of the p..rneer of the section, aid died on 'he t:(ith s'•niverssry of her marriage. Her children are Mrs T Cooper, Clir.'on, Mrs des Henderson, Kinct.rsline, and Mrs,-• .1. hn and James Roes. of Ci nt'.n. 'i ha earnttal .•-, We.laeeday everting last 'took et iteytiebd,nes the *went of the season we far. The c, somas were splen- did, and (by:. led a great amnuht of faller aid skisl as well as taste in their R,: The 1 raet-•a represented by the atealenee reeved him • r,whny to • prince. an . nns. of . he ladies teem a en••phe-de•e to a 'airy. Miss Hilda 111 •..►.honor • ho sae oreuod as a fairy r..,.,vr•t eh. •o se spin.' .:re ladies. soil Mr A 14 i, •h•, I..•presented an in- , e on et 'v' oe pr'ee among gentle. ' ,. • e effeir reA.ets great .01 «- pr'r•ors Meyer. Ed rile e, i • Please, who have been ' a It • efforts, alrhouvh the s,. • last them ie make ; 1 t CARLOW, hem our ow • Outcespsad/rat. It has been arranged to hold the dis- solving view entertainment in the church, here, on Thursday evening, the 21st sisal. The proceed* of the enter - !moment will be devoted towards • library for the Sal,bute school. SIEl'P latIN, From our own correspondent. The form of the Chief Magistrate and ruler of G.dench, in the per.ou of its worthy Mayor, was seen tramping in the deep snow of one of the vast forests here, not hopping over fell timbers or brush heaps armed with s Queen Aum kat in guest of rabbits, lost with a Dole be .k and pencil noting the mieasuremean of Nwlo•gs, made with tape and rule by Duilop's Lumber King, t.. wham he l.a. sold towards a mentos' sawlogs Perhaps at the next session of the town tethers he may tell them of tall ash and elm suitable for timbers for a new market house in l.edertch. Now that the town is lit up with electric light let one be seen ,Inmate in the distance from the new market house in Goderich, which will be amongst its iwiproteme,ts for lege. Let it be llodencli's new hobby to rock in oho silver cradle talk of nomina- tion day. DUNLOP. From our own correepoudent. Misses M and ti Allen were in Port Albert last week. Miss S. J Corbett spent ■ pleasant week in visiting frtet:as near Denwiller last week. A hay pressing machine on wheels, with four horses to draw it,•had-a---eitsle- difficulty in making its way to a farm in Leeburn on Saturday afternoon. The buyers were offering from $10 to 1.41i per , tots around here. its B. D. hiorrisrf Garbraid,has returned h use after au absence ot several no utl a t 11a business trip selling horses. ' DU,tor Ane.u..-Two lambs of 1S'S!' • were burn on the 4th of Feb in our burl while our knowing cousins in Leeburn haven't heard or seen one in their sheep- folds yet fur this year. Inestasten Is sometimes called the sincere form if flattery. This may acount for the num- ber of ttnitatiens of the original and on- ly poultice corn cure- Putnam'/ Painless Corn Extractor. All such foul to possess equal merit, s•,,when purchasing get the AUCTION SALES. All parties evities their sale hills prluted at inlet ulster will gems free mane Imeer,ed in lhds list up 10 the Ione of sale, Feria ,Nock and implements 11' 11 V•rcue, north half of lot 12 ails. 4, Ash field, 1Y D, en Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 1 o'clock. Johs Purvis, asctietievr. Farm stock and implements. Thus Morris, lot 2, con 4, Colborne, en Thurs- day. Feb 14, at 1 u'cluck, Julio Kuuz, •act loiterer, The vital statistics f .r F.ast 1t•awaiosh last year ate as fellows : 61 births, 13 learns esautl 22 deaths. AWA60cD FIRST SILVER MEDAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION,New ORLEANS, U.S..\., l $4-3, in competition with the pianoforte's of Europe and America. The nily U.S. international Medal ever award - id to a Canadian pianoforte ; also Medal end Diploma at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, Eng., lite, with the cuprcnte honor of supplying Iter Majesty} the Queen with a Newcombe grand ,elected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fol Illustrated Catalogue, prices and terms, Addtea Octav1 s Newcombe te Co., wAtKaOO.S. 507.100 CNURCI ST . TORONTO - -escrows no f,ete.p-wommewrustua Irdlrt ]EARS' MYRTLE CUT and 1'Lt'G SMO.K1NG TOBACCO FINER MAN EVER. SEE is. la In Bronze ea each Plus and Package. genuine. "Putnam s Safe, sure, tied !173L7 painless. All drugeists. il.w I. Slat. at Inter Lags. .. The hens must be assisted and enee ur- aged by being provided with everything that will make theta ler of really it is no part of their nett re tij lay ill cold weather. 11'armth r:a o •.,ndui„n of nature favorable for Fig-erudoaion, we must make their winter quarters warm, comfortable and healthy. . To insure warmth, the fowl home must be made sit as to protect the inmates from the cold and piercing wind and frost or winter. They must have warm fool at least once a day, a:id also the kind of food which produces warmth. Cleanli- ness about their roosts avid where they scratch should be observed very rigidly, allowing nothing in the way of hl' h to remain longer than a day, and et eryt ion: within the poultry house to remits wart) and snug, but pure air and plenty light and roomy qu.rters should n ver be overlooked as they are a'1 very essei- tial to their health. Plenty of go••d food, egg -shell material, pure water too drink, gravel and charcoal t, aid the griudu:g and digestive process. When these are provided you hare done your duty, and if your stock is healthy and young, they will respond to such treat- ment liberally. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Kornreich Priers. Gooratcn. Fele. 7th. 1949. Wheat , !t7 •• i Oa Fleur, newt. ...... ............ 2 int 'e 2 . (1 Outs.pbush ........ .••••••u.:in a d:D Paas Y buah •.............. ,, 0 S4 t• 0 nt Barley. Y hush 0 50 potatoes. bi bush 0 311 -e o .11 May. aeon 11 of...1yto Better M au Pa to o 29 K'ggs. flask sspaskad P ,,. li It ve 0 ) Cheese 0 lies 01.5 Ti w POs .................... 17 00 to I. W Bran ii ton l6me16m Chopped ytufr, 'met l 'L5 ,. I :10 Screenings, Ir cwt 0 M,) ' 0 00 tilWood es,,. Irn 4 COtol . 4 M 1,re•w yher.rued II kias.. ............. 7S " f ft 1st " 0 73 IV Out ;-' 6 Apples, A bsY. 1 00 " I M tush. t♦Selall.ss. Feb. & Floor. s6 50 to 6 M Fall Wheat new a.dtdd in to I m Spring Wheat 157 to 1st Rarley -... 0 i5 to 0 5.5 0vte 071 to 03n pias 0 :a; to 0 Sf Apples, twister, per. bbl I Ion to Potatoes 0 33 to n •3 Rutter ... 0 17 to 0 II rag• 0 1:. to 0 16 Hat 12 IM) to tats, (''.rlwo.ud 300 to 1 SI Reef 000 to 000 Wool _.. 11 Yeti to 0 16 Pork 630 to 6 70 LIVE STOCK lt.atreal e'arele Martel. Rtuines%has been pretty actio e•Ihe ll++rnapee t of good price. and large sales during Caen, week haring stimulated both buyers and sel- Ie•s. The on ply of cattle was large but was fully met with • good demand, and very few animal. were left over. Prices remained un- changed. errept that sheep were little easier. Thr re -erupts of lit, stuck for week ending Ft -beery 2I,d. IRIS, were as follows : Cattle. Sheep. Hoge. Calves. 105 25. 1 71 Left over from previous week i'l Total for week 1006 257 71 ton hand for sale 7e. Itec•ripta for last week . 716 IOP II 1R F:sported • via Portland per S. H. " Telmer. 210 little. We quote the following as being fair values Ksport good average. Ito tfr ; butchers' do. 31 to lie ; do. medium. 3 to lir ; do, calls. a. ►r ; M.mw, S to 5i,- . sheep. 3 to 31c ; lamb., 111250 to 311; canoes. OI to $5. Serge garbeta. Bneine.s doming tn. week has been fairly Seth.. there having been •fair attendanc.of buyers from across the line. It la eaps-ted that many of the Carnival visitors wi11 avail themselves of the chance of combining basd- eitn pleasure and that sale, of horses will be pretty free during the current week. Poise Sr. ('gamuts Rvenaroa. The re- reipta were lila herrea ; left over freta pre s- on, week, 22e total for week, 3y), ilklppl.d during week 2.11; sats four week b ; left fix ity.II. on hand for sale and shipmes., r; arrived ow Saturday for sale. 13. Rirwit.t.'■ 1101•1111 Kzcnavoa- Malin wee enemies. ranging from $11 to PIM each. Feer berms arrived amid three carloads am expected his week, I .Ni 3flet)ical. s Ilit. W. K. RO>ati, LICENTIATE 01 Royal College of 114detasa, Edtsburwb. U'n o ..n South side of HaaiItes.ot, Is7sonu IfiIt. MeLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR OKON, ('un'n,r See. otlasadreslden *truer Wresa soled door west of Vkturl Street 1731. URS. SHANNON a SHANNON, l'ayeleiane Surgeons. Aotx,u.-bers, Ra office at Pr. Sluenon s residence near the cool Oudenob ti. C. emee:ue, J. it. enaw- sow. 1751 Legal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 Kotke is beewhy given in pursuance of WO. Itea thirty -sic of Chapter one hundred and t -n of the Rebuked Submit." of (hearse. t*7 that allt•r,ditere and other plKe•rs.oeis having elaionsa,lainst the relate of Anthony Ivens, Late of the Township tuf Wawanash in the County of Huron. Yeoman. who oiled on or abut the 12th day of (.-tuber lISt. are hereby required to send by poet prepaid or otherwise delver to the undereigoed administrator of the sand deceased. at liuugaun,w P.O..Ob- t trio or to Messrs Darrow et I'roudfoot hie 8 elicitors. tioderi.•h. Ill, or betel*. 11.e 1st dal of Anti! IMtx, Il.eir Christian via ",,-e sial sur- mise!. uemnet, a Idr oses and description. the Iq 1 pa-ticuleo, of their claims, • sten-men! of their aarouat and the nature. of the .ecuri- tow ldf ethyl held by titan, and the 'aid .d` ndnistrator will after the I:al, day of April. Itetti,distribut• the assets of the said deceased among tier tartars entitled thereto, haying re- gard etgae.l only I -i claims of which no'i.e shall hair been ifi' .•n as above required. end the said a lmiiii,,rator will iw' Lr liable for the saw-,-' or nny part thereof to ally person of whore elute' note r shall not bare been re ceived by Mr.'s' the tome of such disir::.■- tiun. Listed the 5th day of Frhrusryt Balli. tl'ILLIAJI IS'F:Its ee- t Administrator. NOTICE IS HEREBY tI,1VEN that apps'-•--' •a will te--eae4etn t Legirtature of Ontario. at the next Session thereof, for an Aet authorising and empower- ing the lucorporat.•d Synod of the Diurese of iiuron to sell tort of lot number nine -teen. tale Iteny-e ('nneewsion, Township of Col. borne. is the County u1 Iluron, granted by the hate Thoma+ Davies l.uard to the rhurc•h Society of the Dorms of Huron "sur the. iter Of a chute!, of the United ('hunch of England and Ireland, to be erected upon the said par- cel er tract of land. and also as a site for a paraonuge house for the use of a elerlry n'att doing duty at the said church." And further to apply the proceeds of such sate together with certain other monies held by ties said Syrod. in trust for the erection eif the said church. toward* procuring another site en the neighhorhneet to two approved of by the lriwhop of the Diocese of Huron and towards the erection thereon of a church. CRCNYN t BETTS. Solicitors for the said Synod. Dated this WM of December. 188M 1136t. IN TUE Hh;H COU RI' OFJI'sTICE t NaScs RY Unrintox. STRUTHERS rt, WILSON. Pnrsurnt to a Judgment of (hi. Honorable Court. dated the 3rd Clay of July leek de- livered herein, the Crect,s.ers ofSubset W -i1- eon, bate i,f tb.• Town of Goderteh, in the TLA CASBuron, (irntieman, wbo died on or road Opetrw about the 10th des of February. Istat. are on County at Il or before the 00th 'lay of Felibrua'7.100111. to 1 send by pet prepaid to Mesar,. barrow .! Prom/foot. of the town of Goder.ch. Solicitors • for the Plaintiff herein. tynit varieties and surnuIwo. and •lisle w es baweriPt a, the nNF 'TE' Et full particulars of their claims. a statement of their account and the nature of the he- .-uritiee, .if angst held by them, or In default excluded 7 thereof they will he petrmpiersly c encl g Monday Feb. 11 (luta the benefits of Itit, gid Jiaigmeot. IEvery C reditr.r holding any security I/4 to 1 pr duce the same before ma at my Clumbsrw --- I se (coderich. aforesaid. on the lath doe of Fe ornery. Islay. at eleven o'clock ii. the fore. u.w.n - sit• i ng the t ime appointedfor adj ud icat ion on the claims. Dated at Choleric h, this Sit. day of Feb- matey. eb- nary. 1."80. ZERA SEMOrl 8. MAIJ'OMSON, 9l neater at (loelerIek. Wonder Worker and Ventri- uT1C1: -I't► CREDITORS. loquial Emperor, with his M tot the matter of '1' t'. snit f. ilarhottle of n'rnnbrer ,k. in the County of Honor, Is■el- arionette Minstrels and Novelty Company. 1n ELEGANT & ULU- 11 O I VIE PRESENTS to 0 Given Arty Each Night. .5drni+soul:. !t., 25_ t; it t reel' L -CONI Felt 7 1\ 0. 1,4111. Notice i. b•-r••by given that the above - mimed have sv.ornwl to s'0 tinder R. S. O., 1++:, e leent.•r 1J. for the general be'nedt of credit . Crest ,n are regnireil to Ole their claims with tis F Assigner. on or before the lath day of Marsh. A. 0. Peal. after which date the Assignee will pnsee•d to distribute oto, 'state, having regard only to the claims of winch lie shall have rreaky.d melee. listed thii 2bd day of Janaarr. A.D. 111.5. Assigner. Hamilton. PAIIICF:S,Mai.AIIAMS k MAtt HALT. Ye- Solicitors for Assignee. .■ v v 'vvlrrvr a IPL? ,1KFAST. "Be a thorough kuowledce of tiro net ural Isles which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. nod by a comet! application of the Ane prop.rtu-a of well-acl••eled ('ocoa. Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a ' delicately flavored beverage• which may save es many heavy doctors bills. It is be the Judie -tau• one of sit. h articles of diet that a eon.tirttion ma, be gradually ; , built up until oreng moor to resist every- ' ten terey to dies -ase. ilutndre'de of subtle mnaladiesare t'..,nn 'ingaround . ready to at -j tack where% er there is a crick point- We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeplee ourselves well fortified will. pure blood and a properly nourished frame. ---'•Cir,/ >4rruv foto=fife " Made simply with ioiling water or milk. Sold only in pee•kets by ggrrsee,o-ere. lahrlle d thus: JAMES; RPPS R Co.. Hommopathhe ('hem• Ists. London. England. 2t'b aoderich Steam Boiler Works Strayed Animals. ).71TR4YED, tr Ins -ow the pprambes of the undersigned N. bait' lag 13 west Wow/tomato. on or about the tnlsale of November. a white heifer calf. The owner is nryttetitod to prose property, pay •Lsryres and tree it awa). 21tet JICHN P, MAMA/I:OH. -- d Al ('Ti 11 ,ALE OF A VALUABLE FARM. Tr,rrr will iw. sti'd by Public Auction, at Martin's 11o4,r1, (iuderich, on Saturday, Feb. Isih, at 2 o'.•Ioi- , a,ne. Lot OM Mattund l'onceaaon, Oc.d•rich, the residence of the late A'itlam Edwards. The farm contains a large arch -,rd. good frame house, barn and stable, and only one mile from town. Terms made know on day of sale. JOHN KNOX, S eat. Asettsassr lbs I a 000 000 :a Mei of d air tient • oma. alAnY Chr9dal B1ackt; Ferry's Seeds Alan ufaerircrsand desires in Steam Boilers. Salt Pans. Tanks, Heaters, `mokestacls and all kinds of Sheet iron Work. improved Automatic ant -of► ('OH les En. gines. Upright and Horizontal Engines. Ma- tMuery and Cast legs of every description. Brass Fitting, Pipe and P.pe Fit:inge con- stantly on hand. On Hand for Sale Cheap, 1 3: ■.r. Seemed Nand Seller. it enpntle. 1 aee.ad•Uaad Seller nod /:solae. IS Ir. P.. in ant-rless I.adlO.n. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. Works t t•pp. 6;, T. R. Mall.■. TO. Repairs promptly altrn d d to. 8011 D.11 wtZi Mas M at dei. st'u the ewe& 111=14:11. R B EEO K M• 1 /liltPerak i'r1s111' I L ,er •ass .N.mlr&0O., .S. PEOPLE TALK ABOUT CHEAP r P.O. BOX 361 Teas and Groceries FINE TAILORING t 1 OENT1.EMEN,-I sill noir in a position to in- vite you to select your Suit or Overcoat, [rem several hundre.d new patterns. Titer' came re- cently -latest designs -striking figurers, quiet rotors,Plaidc,Strilte's,l'hecks and mixtures. Yon can the several hundred patterns in as lis:u1V half minutes, and you'll have all eney choice. Tfiiv're sure to please, and are mail' to measure with the best of care. Prices moderate. B. MacCarmac. OCL RIIIT OP 1 DET80IT PIPER. -IN 1plt.• TIIi:- DET80IT COMMERCIAL ADYERTISEE The hailing Fame,. raper of the• Country, made Its first ANNUAL AWARD OF PREMIUMS, u d has stone airs' away to its suarcru.•r • 5428.500 IN PREMIUMS Ati ru:.L. IN's: 18 1%77 .1 7.43-A-221.000 subscriber& •• p•:6 •-,(tu10 - t-7. 6,00 'geSA • tab..«30u0n at'to 1 •e.1. , .. I:.tapu-- tt Yte) l0156, ... .......7 z. ,1.1-3,h riherrt.ers. : • S. 5,..0 4. .. - 'M6 11000 -1.500 .,.... 11.f00-3.ow •illi .......... 4,,e0- 600 "1 .4 'f,ill/>---ft,uu • totX .....« 1ROA-1 lf,,w t " 1471..........111.010-13.6e0 214 00 "7 .•••• WWI, wog Ool. It bl, atom -i +.rr!L. as 'ri Our Twenty-sixth Amami Aware! of Premieres. of "'ret - - isle -MAA • Pod........... N a- asci • itw MJlaB--ta..i.e • l"d7 ........, 40.1,00-1.o,ov .. talacr 114,5•-hfikOO) 04 5,000 IN UASH! 100,000 mhaays, wS Ivawarlwd MAT Sat SKIT. SUI RI C,RIPTI()N 01.50 Ver Year, which inciutd.w parduratioe inMeewald of Sarin In Ora. Saapte Dopy and pe'asp okio costa► sag • part -al list of there who have received mem unto and se wtwnt we ref.•r . In be sent free to arm on r t the piMiah.•n We want an:Weal in every tows In the L'nued Stases amid Omaha, so who.ia & gu-'d oatmeal .a it II le paid. Addeese As to our reliability wo refer to say beak or tssoresa6Ms asomar. THE COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER., Detroit, Kicb. • Dentistry. Amusements. ',I NICHOLSON, L.D,s. DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth dour below the Peet Ottlee. We- r41,. UouEKi•m. JRtL17 1 ►R, E. RiCHARDSON, L D.S. 1J SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalized Air administered for palnlessextract nig of teeth. Special at•entiota hen to the preservation of t rte Natural given OY.k a-L'p stairs. Oeead' Opera House Bleek. Entrance ea West -St.. Uederirh. 2/p-ly Legal. (`tODERk7H MECHANICS' INSTI ..TTUTE LIBRARY AND itP.ADIN Itotdlal, aur. of knot street and square tet Stairs. Open from I to d p.m., sad from 7 to 10 p.m Aila►l-T 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Le'iliwq Daily, Weekly a.eI Illustrated Payers, afw'-et-lees, d•c. , oct Ftk. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY il.et semen's free use of Library and Beadle• Room. App cation for aestberahip received b Librarian. in moots. 8. MALCOSISON. GEO. STIVENo. Presefent, Beer. carr Go•l.•rich. March 12th. 833. L'DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR IA lister. Solicitor in High Court. Convey mincer. (loderich and Hayfield. Hat field of- Loans ant) insurance. 'Ice oven Thursdays from 10 to I. Money to Iwu at St per cent. :Itis!- - - -. - F R OODOOCK. C. HAYS, $oLll-'Irult, nec. L. let. Oioe corner of Soutar and Lt eat REAL ESTATE .txn streetGodr'ri.•h over telegrapoi inose. Pet i INSURANCE AGENT. tate street, eato letil! u O per (slat. sew 1 Lean. X-g•w-ia'ed with the nest corneae - 0 ARROW a PROUBli(►(TI, II.111 leean•t I'rivatei.apitalistsat Lowest Rates of T RIOTERS Atterne s, Solicitors, etc later. it. bk UederJ. T. Ostrow. S, Prowtftot, 17 r - Atrent for the ROYAL INSURANCE ('o.. CIA1J[E<tZOas•HJLT t CAME1t')N, of bngland. hal ing the largest surplus of As Siserbten. Solicitor* is Chaac-ret ere. en. ►err Liabilities of guy lire Itauranco i t Ce., in :I„. iabili. 3deriek. M. C. l sere•. Q.t'.; P. t nits M• hires on Eastaide H into■ -3t. Gewleric4 O. llusoree. C. C. Roes. 1.51- text door le lir. Rosa le 3mo. the People's Ir olurnn. TIOG LOST -A BLACK COCKER Spaniel with a little white ow bawl Lest on N eniesday Ion, IsforaWins to the recoverryy will be suitably rewarded se F. 1.1 t I till A 31. OIL .11R FOOT HAS VACANCIES Ftitt A YEW hCIMC Pl . PI LS. ORGAN, PiANO. SINGING THEORY. M -:an PITMAN'S SHORTHAYD BOOKS. - A limited number of •'T.acher." Manuals" can be obtained at half rata at Tian SIGNAL oilier. THE HURON nom. This well-known and popular hotel he been teatted and enlarged during the past season. sad is now second to none in quality of ae:- e0.,mo•lation for the travelling public. Good accommodation for transient guests. WM. CRAIG. 'the square, Goderich, Ont. Proprietor. For Sato or to Let. OR SALE. Lot ITS - of Dederick A 'e. soot PHILIP HOLT. L'OR RENT. LEASE OR SALE. - r That valuable property near Welk' slur. vey. and known as Lot 11 Con. C Uoderlch town..'umprising three acres of land. On the premises Is a neat cottage containing six looms, a good well and a bearing orchard. For further particular, apply nn premises to MRS. H. Klatt). se., or by letter to Golerich P. O. 16-3w. FORE TO RENT -ON A`, D AFTEtt kJ 1st of March next, that elyfslde Moline stand, at present occs led as a dots store Mr. Oen. ithyne+. will be open for I,Idi•. For further particulars apply to lt b BLAKE, owner. M. ANICE HOME AT A BARGAiN.- a acres of land with a select orchard of choir* apMea A comfortable house and stable, adjoinine Roderick. Apply to B. L. ROY Lk Gmlerich. 014 no. FOR SALE -LOTS 174 AND 228 tioderIch. Apply to M. C. CAMERON 1r1 -,t. SALE' I 1 S Yfsto 7aches iply toTOsi,aerWa AsaTdIf!ldRwAeUg. homes2• 17AppyFOR 4ALE CHEAP-LOTS 1st digeoent parts of poder,en frow p•sewsCLE RING . 0./1113141 1121TO11B7 HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR OF - Is the place to go with your money. I have I 1 BALK --The hour ha. nine reom,, al - Teas warranted the beet Is the market, so bath mows pantry. Herts. cellar. T ERC0.1 TS, yl Q n e I shed. hart crib soft ester. The garden Japan Black 35c per lb 1 tains all ilnds of fruit, Aire 11Mrd w! e I land In Manitoba for sale or In etchange f CLOTHS and TWEEDS, will be Bold at Coed end seder. to easel s Speedy Sale. ('aa sad era theta. T/ERMA OAR. H. DUNLOP, f1al% Nest deer to Metres, Bak Or 5 lbs. for $1.50. ' farm property.b W11. KNIGHT, Ooderieh ' 217atf --- FOR SALE. West half of lot let. Arthur Street. with Rummell hews. 1!t Ht, NI. NAElgin Street, St. Andrews Ward. at. ( ar of oHosea and Britannia Recd rreand half land. Several Mss in Reed's Survey, opposite sew now Grounds, els. : No. ii,94.11. Mt. K , M. fN K All too above at LOW RATER. AMb is Ottf DAVISON CROCKERY I -AT WZ307-0117B LK1 PRZOFB, General Groceries an heed at prices that (11111110t he slimmed, nothing Cul ant class sesw Grlea kept. Thanking all for past favomand ,&Inching a aUwe of e same• (roll's Woes, sort door to E. Devils/. 111114f1tf small Mick coltym thereon it story house eta Kenya Street, lot 1011 N*TOX, I- C. SEALER, t'lhitK Fla'i'r DIs'Isios COrRT. Ceotryaseer. Insursnce. Estate and (Immoral Agent. 3$er ey to Lend at Low Pelee and Cast. Farmers' Noire Discounted. Orirte•a-Next to Cornell's immure Store, Materiel,. 2136 -If F.J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND A('f IDENT LY- S f-RA''f'L' .1UENT, Representing North British k Mereaattle; hi%e•rpel. London R Globe: Norwich Union; North American life ; and Accident laser. aver of North A menet•. I.nw-t-st Itasca. Leases settled promptly. Money to Loan on Farm and Town Properly. Conveyancing done. Property valued, etc. OM. Cor. Northat. and Square, Goderich. 71. _ee500,000 TO LOAN, APPLY TO eee CAMERON RO,.r &CAMERON, Ood rich. trap ' IONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1. amount of Private Funds for levestasee ti lowest rates on arsttleoa Mortgagee ASO/ to OCLItlitw & PI!tOCUFOt,T J) RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT OnlyFYrettlaas Companies Repr arwfed - Money to lend on straight loss•, at tk 1 • !lowest rate of Interest going, in say way snit the oorrower. sir OFFiCIS - second door from Squirt West Street. Oodetieb. IN5-t f $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len, en farm and town property at tow rot interest. Mortgages perche sd. (o cow mission •barged agents for the Trost and 1 Company of Canada. the Canada Land Credit Company. the London Lena Compaay of Canada. interest. i, 611 and 7 per omit. N. B. itorrowers can obtain mosey Is day, If title sat lsfactor 1!f► DAVISON ,foSIMITON, lee . tedetisb Auctioneenng. - e TORN KNOX, GENERAL ACC - t TiONRRR and land Valuator. Goderleb Out. Haring had ronsiderahle experience 11 the suet loneering trade, he Is In a position discharge with thorough satisfaction all ear MImI0m entreated to him. Order's left d Martin's Hotel, or sent by man to my addre , Goder,eb P. 0.. carefully attended ta. JO K SOX Ouessg A■etIs.ear. 1081.1 Sufic BRAND TRUNK RAILW A t 0,0 Trains arrive awl depart at tiede•lek r lows Mall and BtpNOg•m l Mlxtod• ..•«•s• tf Mf1ited........ _ 'assn. ai •ad• • • Mixed ,e,...•e«.soar.«..'.'