The Huron Signal, 1889-2-8, Page 6THE ItMt( N IGNAT.. FRIDAY, FEB. 8, 1889. COUNTY 8. S. CONVENTION. I ' eauerium. lull,. Co deg ;q ti school 1••• •tt mid public worship. The oblige. I meeting. unit w3 mimes in near fruit, •••••••••••••41 MIA 11.0 vitimeh tv tier $ •re •„aat `-ei _Pi og• yl "tie affooff off gibe ger.r.„„4...a. aetast aihow I.164:11 11./1111( 1/• II se rk in that prop wesie Ilea echoed lu Ca.:. P...1.. a He a.11 le a askoote id worts Meese. ler sphere, het respect moat be istreuted I eve.. tinier wooled in the work, and the ' at ally future eteuveute.o. , I for autherity, and this will be gainsaid ; dream'. coll. thous bo &rioted to Ad.:rees by R••• J. U. Sochi Winn' The termites -nth annual vseetieg v much h paresits imastiug • au- ens. melee rt id Christen. work ham, on ' Time relation nue tu the Huron Sabbath Sinned Assceiation r• yti I Pereid• rbool I .isei that their elcidrou the presperity tel the distr." Politica is .11•• of dn. hasoltuanLe of religion. Wo- men aliou'd t be deb rred Ir..in Want' interested polities It i. a matter of great importance that honest taloa shou1,1 be in the (Awe' psi of the State. The subject has a perfect right 1.0 cote c•se the &mums of the htato or low dreitZIS ot the State. The true test of the pros fumy of the Mate is to he (Willa Its the grated types manhood found %heroin, also, the prosperity of the nation Can Lie measured Illy the pommel tescoem of da people. time • Sette true, loyal, honest men, and !maim; can hinder its success. The S. S. has become a noolitv social force or agency in developing Clittettan righieoat-Cu. So State can he truly pr....larvae, winch legaltra the liquor tretlic. The State eannut be totly pros- perour, Whets elections are came ei through bribery. The S. S. Is perform- ing a greed cod in preartog the youth for poeitt•tue honor and triot tit the Suit-. The address was lull to thought, and was reeeove.i. Address by 111r. Day, on •• A little chili, Its C:illute mid its cheracteri•tiew.' To be a successful teacher we mart un - &negated the different ctisrectrtisttcs of the child. TI10 child is a butidie ..f leer. ves. ttod bra viaceti the *or:yr at the apron., I. e., the c.mintelicentent of the l•fr. We inui.1 we, that the len. -osmium elven is pule. Tde chilciten aro very curious, and we should treat them accottlingli.. L"ght, life and epee ere three neva:nasty charsaeristics fur • teacher tie have, to toe a SOCCUIS in Ids +toil.. The 'wake, toted humid! a oinitel.te nailer 0t subject, int, sing has address with bright ritcy-eluat- rat ions. Rev. Mr. Lice sited- a farewell ad- , dress to the delegates ai.il triode, mak- ; ife mg reference to the great suc&ss A thee a Mr. Sioley sang • ado, and Mice Walk - A. er and Mr. Harland a duet during the %meninx. Fraternal greetings were received from the Eiecutme Breit County A.II- s-csatton. through It, President. Mr. Hosaie. The Secretary was instructed to hdoward the warmest 4r2wtioes 0f this the must successful conveutions ever have an immense stock of' Furni- (fiction by Rev. A. Stoat rt closed vise held in the county. West Wawauosh Council consusenced same/ el the I resbytertat. church. Clinton, usa Tuesday tuortittig, Jan. 29, a orator number than ',steal being present. Bev Jan. Lonnestman conducted a "erste, el song frees 10.en to 11, after which the president, Mr W. '"hrrted °", the ge""•1 "Pt"' betuf! iat as much, as poesib • the teacher and J. Clarke, opened the convent with scholar stem d grew up together reining -Onward Christian Soldiers.•' It A McKeinie, Godeitch, introduced prayer beim, tailored by Mr T.C.Ptckard. the temperance Rev Mr Craig. Chilton, gave e easy spoken to by Mr Clarke and Ittv Jas hearty welcome to the delegates, lemons: 1 tevingstutse. that all would enjoy themselves iii the home of the Clinton friends. rusetalv evrsixo. Verbal tepotta Of personal experience* The eve . seast..n opened at ;A:1 in Sabbath School work in the county with devotional elercioris The retinue were received (ruin W, .1. Clake. Mrs president mad', a few remarks, coliv.)- Murray, W. Grigg, Exeter ; Revs W. ing the unpleasant intermittent filet he Craig aud J. Loingstitue, Mrs Thomas esiteetted lessee! the county of liainn, remote in soother part of the Prevince. White, D. Tiplay. It Irwin, Clinton ; to W. Lome D. D. Weson.Seafrth ; Rev Mr Cmarke has beau an itidefetigable IL Simpson, Bruoetietd ; R. W. ‘Ielien- Sahlmoth School worker, acd the AlitoCI- The ore. ! Mellts ass I tiny, out Souse good 1,01Ute ye, Gederich ; K Tonimsehtl, Holiest ; stem will teal his loss keenly. ttes tresti ware brought out eel' refereoce to mi ne. C. S./udder, S. S. Nash, Crediten. ardent elect. Mr A H Meniemg, Mira/lug the sehelers to 0Ould ei Sale The principal thought in the 'Join:sacs :introduced. H a it,suizarai itt...4t. GI ups ei. being that parent. should see that the vse„rirk.inti resting in coimeucteas pan S. S. ..41.1 S'11°"' children go to church noire than they • wxbee•toey a rrnotooN I,i tile • 'Kuottv questioe Iltr• W slimed the S. S , thereby eticeursiging Craig. h't hut is the best method of the 100011010 their work of faith Soot promotion in the 8 S "hoot I A very its- labor et mve. Speak well ef the school. terosetioz mod probtah!• dement' was Toe subja•ct was further discussed by Rev. A Pettit.. The S. S. shoUld he r ii• 'ii parallel lines to the chooLlo, iii pet fect Lar y with the .loctriNee as taught in the church Every reltn!er should ba t.. 131100151111161 that the salvatioie of their wee. is auxoosisly look- ed for, sod tat tin' teaeleit as daily pray leg and *epee, mg Otani to Ile brought t • Christ. Tile pareni• .t". t. S . Outten, encoer wet,/ vie mitsperitil endeitt mod tom:herr. The church elsou1.1 supply oroul.t, cherry remmius. with deemestemes arouod visa wall& Toe litoroitu:e •Immmuld g The doentsaion WWI cutlet oil by Mr.. White and Messrs 1. Taylor 1.1oyil, do, cud that pastors should devote souse -r:ie address, rul•jrct, *•Light-beirers Zvi; 6, " Mistake* of 8 S. work, part of their sermon to the childien, as ',rid Fruit -hearers." trio t Oen tie by and know to &veld them. was intreduted the S. S. is a part of the church. 1' i' Rev Mn McMillan. Aeinirim, suit Mu nyayr. D. i..• wa.n. ti..afurtil, wins service must km made interesting, meet Jas Seen, Centel'. the termer e5.::.1k ism' sat that the fimecher camed etrc.t to ha then the chiteren will like to go to en "Liele-bea ,' sh wing It ma Clarion a success unless he makes Cinema/la pre church. The addresses a e, e very ire illustrated hit tevchings by aeras of MI- nainittOn. It la 0 III:rt ,L.1:1 to thick Vie tote. The Christiati ts like the tamp in can klo liUthi.W. If we are willing Om Irv, terve:mg and instructive. the house "Ye are the lights of the 1 time butte is won. Never try to be any - lancelets( AFTERIVUON. How may ue., i.d..;..31. IA true till, .j but sitipee and natund as pease, 1.1 In the afternoon the topic. esen. .s. °Pa. ogles in the world ! teel Is the great in 'teaching limat's word. A pother mis- t!' e t accomitiudeti an is training id S. S. teachers, s . a intro- duced by Rev C. Sfiteoler, We all ratted "training be hee-heeed- occupation we intend to follow, alio, we need training Ito Oast we can train our- selves. The true teacher will not be satisfied until he has evott the pupil to Christ. Ile must lea a life mmt trust std obedience to Christ, mud practice whet he teaches. The teacher must be an active thinker. the wind well develop through meditation stu ly of the word. We must be in living sympethy with the truth, and then Se shall re- usetnber it. Grasp the truth clearly,and review it over end over aeon _Ontsonal study of the Bible, rather tient the les- son. The teacher must he apt te teach. He should leaf.: to teach by teachisig. Inmate the best teachers, and try to et- • a house master. He prepares eur emir 1• by grace demi., and then .e id u• that not ,;1 01.1M for our S. S , Cie weere tonlerne ttudo,te,..4n. the. Ancld.tecno•Ap..om is not sulliziently dtotraied Are so Ohne to become lights to the to c.alto it look cheer -Fa n world. li so, there is piemity of week le The teacher mien live tip to his • rof:s mei tee in the world. if he inlet its be - di. Chsracteristies of the Iteht bearers -the tight must shiny te 'y and steed ily. We should let the light shine as openly and steadily in the Ist.uhe le the world as the church. Thu light 'should shine all the brighter in the done- ness. The distitietiou must be Ws 'neck- ed that the world will hay* tie trouble to know us as Christians. The teacher which war Mr) of the Largest and m Ci way eixperience the darkness of dutste eathusiestic in the bison: of the Asa.- titutent, in not seeing results in the metion. the hall hem.: 'Reran/ packed F.S. Let the light shine all the Twignt- tate eit-eita---The ringing of the child- er through such disappointtneut. We rots, which was under the able leaderehip should shine all the brighter as time of Mr.' Thos. tieekteett, jr, rellectal moves 4,11. 1). OA Le oi....oursged or great credit us heath leader aura clehken, eartieuLsrly in them dims (of Miss Migrate McMurray and !Master Fred Gilroy. Mr. Gray. 8eaforth, was the first ereaker, and said children should store up !Able truths in their mind, ter use in the coining days whet it is not so 2111) roe Hat'; should watch 'Kamm mg a gueeelle IU the Svhoo!. tech tile do toot spend the tittle It Iltusit etwies t•• th m childrete the levees should be interesting en,dnit if it is thoroughly etudied. The cowrention ad') turned to the Tea. n Hall for a sass' meet ..f the childree, eel them, if possible. We s dishear . nii if your li _lit is small. God success of it. The address was at ry le 1:::::ne• ut.', "fit ltlh:e 1r-4-a„*.11"rrl. tilts attwo rig' 11:m.ed paseionate love for the wore, to maeos a , , street lee and pointed. - „ ! W'hat should be nor object in shinior 1 The sinject was spoken to by i.ers . It stninki be v.) 4,,. rife our Father she 1 I. ton W. Craig. A • Ste"rt, 3' j art in heeren, and m,• I to eek the ;waive ii E Howell, W. H "Filo. J. P• Sunl'•""" of torn -When the weik is dene, we • Mr D. D. Wilson and Mr T, C. Pickard. ! shall have the eoleer pelted teem us as , hid cottsany and had leneusge. Prepare We should pray more for the gift of upon roe of old. • •He was a ournino l in youth to wren up to be useful in mitts. teaching. The teacher sheuld lean, to t 'Slid' Mitring light " Iwo ory and -other *Oen,a of labor. think optickly, so that we catie.,tippropri- I After singing by tine cheir, ' t' sec eel ' Bey. B. Clement, Eleter. it"se nee, Me w h at we hear to ourselveeatel he . part of the subject. "Free bearer.," tinreeker. said we ff.. to echool t a learn 1 wel We should always do rieht, think for tomatoes, ill studyine the 1 sh„ekt lint fait .11 0 i i duty to instruei se 1 P i CI a • eye a contince 1(ww"° helps f°r the thought' 11` t*‘" t" left alone to the teacher. The care of eating p Ants for the children. church Who are tine fruit bearers ? foie a shiwt time, espresiong his ersat tit - BOOTS & SHOES E. DOWNING'S. .111 We have wade extraurdlrarT prepai miens for a • rou•lart(idt sad waiter I rad*. We have an THE LATEST STYLES t:-.1 transfer it to others, n' was taken up by Mr Sc . 11v wet -hang truth fur the class, and not depend on the young ; iestruct. sh 011.1 not be 1 over us. His address was f31.1 of inter- Sebbath School. The lesson helot the young should be in the care of the 1 Mr. Day next addressed the children • lei 0 11 Crowd- semi: la low -pre ed gamic es well la In THE FINEST GOODS MANUFACTURED it We are Justly called thy lenders la ad W PRICES N. Iffrfe. aid variety of iro-its. Wee me a can and I will glen TO* bit The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes of every De- scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Lunt bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Westerl we es. bil * it, by E. DOWYING, rag too Crabb's 111.ick. ("or. Kest st. and Square. 'a- -Ia• at . D. CORDON, -is w. i, THE LEADThia Si a• . •• hs I) fir "They are all bought at claim prldsaf...e Toth. an,1 will tie sold at a 'mall advance en cast. h Id nid, be seen in the school. W... so can make ourselves do &northing. ": The Christian cinrot hear fruit ankle lith must be selbsaeriticine. cud he abides in the vine : it is only threugh it was worth conduit a lone eistence h tuay ne against the study, althoug foetuses. The principal point bone that teachers moat study ui•mre and cod( harder, in the preparation art the lesson. The presideut introduced Mr Day sec- retary of the Provineiet nsseciation to the conventien, who made in instructive address ..ti the topic under discussion. submitted his alined The treasurer report as follows : Expenditures, cash balance on hand, $32 8'2. ' 'I he nominating committee submitted the following report : President, A. H. Manning ; yice-presiAents, 1." Metcalf, lliyth ; H. 1. Strang, I I.lerteh ; ROW C. Stsebter, Crediton ; W. H. Kerr. Bros- Brussels. The study it the Bible is very may .j. much neglected,kiku thTe,,hmeine, and Criers- ' 2. That the hearty thanks of thk Grieve, Exeter. (lettere' secretares, awe in the coerce. . rpealo-r tetve a Association are due. and are hereby , balance on hand of $189'2'78, was- pre- sets ; W. Fetheringhrtu, Itrucetield ; W. C Smith, sod W. M. Gray, Seafort ; very interesfing address on Peleetine, tendered toner excellent Cor.;Y. sented and d. I Taylnr, mutate 11/4"eretati ; his native land, sheen's/ the fultihnent Treas., Al J. C. Steveneon, bmr Moved by Mr. 11 orerj. seconded by Christ &biding in us. that we can brim; see. forth fruit. Love is the crest attractive WED%LaDAY power of the Christiau. We should ee• bibit the fruits of the Spirit - 0%.. joy, TheC introittee Ittemlutions sub - peace, long-sufferine, gehtleness. follew , stained thief eleiwine repot : ing Christ, in his feibeeratice and een I 1 Toss this A•sociatien hears with 1 artless to us, ill ear conduct tmm the chil- regret of the early removal Item this ! 1 dren. Also bearing the feet of good- county art our ropular es • Neim tint avid seas meekness arid tetnperance. If we, former Secretary, Mr. W, .1. Clark. live in the spirit we in on a,l, tra r 1 our ap- the Spirit Both ef these addresses were it:art-cut:ion of his con.tare, earnest and were full of instructien, and were much 1 painsutking litamrs id the county S. S appreciated by the audience I Association work. We heartily rec • Address. "Systematic eongreeationsl t mewl hint to thee midence and fellew• Bible study." by Ror !Mr liewie, of ! shy of all S. S. werkers eherever he ' I FIT IR,1•TITITIR, .01 this twau for the last 40 years, and is 3 et • Any person venting a First -Class Job, come to me for it. si I am bound to get your trade if Qua = . con 7 sideration • .kau,cuittou in return. f"fteeing by the choir, and the bane- Met accerdinst to statute on Jan. 21st; preeete, Jae. .1.elttut "ma reeve ; Alex. St rot, deputy reeve ; Time. Todd. dohtt Bowers aid Jac. Gibson, c uitcillora. These haying taken the atm une y declarations. preceeded Lure now on hand, and carry more Undetaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SI ECiALTY. HEARSES SECOND TO NONE. busiuess Minutt a of fernier meeting PICTURE FRAMING AND GILDING DONE. were paseeci. • It K. Miller was re -appointed clerk at salary of 8120, and J O. Ward treas- urer at salary of Otte duties to 11.** same as heretofore The council apteeeted Jimhn %%dater emitter, the reeveappoint- ing Robert Murray. Moved by the reeve,seconded by Wns. Hewers, that the auditors be requested to make the ; det tiled statement m duplicate, and t m - tusk° then repett show the speciml rate Account. aa oltstineuislied trona the gen- eral atc•estit-m .it the tewnship. se as to show the standitott of such *tweed rate accemints as requited by Section 372 of the Mutecitaisl Act. Carried. I have floss- hasel a mar nf a Blind Shade Rollers at 15 Cents Each. NUN )(oar ;Olio ) ou want eh. at.1.:.1.1roti.,. COMM 01\TM. COME _ALI., al ...51&:"-Aeff1 if WAREROOMS :---Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. 11111"."1111111111"161_1AVIN;71:711: .1)1, put in Three a I 1 ruitsasuED 'lluryle6h:eibea telleZaties. •_ ere of thew the...le . bested 1:u v I, eat ur - filling (ha ars. and a tared a journej man gather. we are is a • ptialtion to do Settler . Wert than hereto- fore.Lady's& childreda ..itaiieseort-tutstainigurdualayl.e a app.:telt) on all days Rasura and c•iiisors - 4"rotond. 0 • W &tire te place un recu Wired by Mr • Gmbeion, sec -ended by Mr Td, that the clerk he imeructed to exetrine the admen of S. S. No. i 14. and report at next meeting. Carried. The treasurer's report for Dec show- • log balance and rfleeipts of y743t.77. and expenditure $55313 99. leaving a J. C. literenson, Chaco. treesurer. prephecy in both thz old and hew diligence and attention, which we con- N1r. Todd. that :heDun- - 1 til • meantime), be granted the iteme of the hall, Executive committee, Ree O. H. e man, Hensel' ; Rev .1. Sinipsoma. Brocorfield ; R. W. Mckenzie, Gederich ; Rev J. Smith, Clinton ; 1'. Meths, kip - pen. Tne report was unantutously adopted. "Reflex influence of S. S. welt," was intreduced by Rev J E Howell, who said that God is never it, debt to his creatures ; they derive the benefit through work for God of enlargement of sympathy for Christ and kits work. The worker, to be successful, must be will- ing to be as his lewd, who went about doing good, and soyerificing hiniself be there' geed. Synipathy taegets sym- The musical part of the pregrem was n. That ;his Aseecietien :les're to con- Ii,- arranging with caretaker. • Testaments. well performed by a uni clod!". which vey to the pe•ter and trietecs ef the Moved by the rears, seconded by Mr. was under the leadership of Mr Wm. Presbyterian Church their earmert Todd, that the clerk orepore a school 1- -- - - Kay, especially the duet by the Moises thenks. tor the tile «Tin' church duritig secnon map of the township as prey:tied ..1111.• Int West Street. two doors east of P.O.. Cede/Joh Rumball and the quartette by Miss the sessions (it the Convention. by section 11 . f the Public School Act. Wrilker,Meesrs Kay,Ilmland and Fwter. 4 hleved by Mr. It W. McKenzie, Rt.ti have stone completed by the time NIILLINERY Itecontled he Mr T. Mello, that the tne netinser starts work. Carried. 1 wEt.3.11sDAY atortT7i.:. del tet le ties Conventem desire to The clerk's and triasurree bonds were tin Wednesday morning a very pro- exprese then promo& t o the friends 111 at`CrIttftl satisfactmry. fitable consecration service was cots- Clinton, for their hoimealey. and to the Weed by Mr. Stuart. eteconded by mRs ALKET D ducted by Rev. J. 11. Simpimme, tom- choir, fur their exceilent services, • Mr. 'ftid, that the members of the I • ..! mencinst at 9 o'clock, after which the I A cordial invitetion was extended by council act as road cmainniissioners, at a President opened the conrenttere ' --------5 Grey, to hold the salary of 82 per day si hile engaged with Topic 4, "Is it an advantage to ON- I next meeting of this Assecistion in Sea- paw. Craned. niorize and rehearse script -sr.' ',SW WI I forth, which was uranoncusly accepted . Chas. Downie, ie., paid the sum of pathy, love bevets lova W Ili. succeeds the school l' was irtroduced by Lev D. Iii the a tern.* . . U. beet in the school 1 The plodder, the M. Ramsay. Londeshoro. 11.3 esol the i ellmlained the objects if the Promvinctal painstaking and persevenog teacher. echolar should memorise Scripture fetal ' Associatien, and the work that is bring He hunts up the scholars, and shows a literary print of view, but especially ' done, pleading for help boon this county. them that he has an fleetest in them. from • religiens sense. Faith, belie anii to enable It to carry on its work. The (The above paper will Le published in love is strengthened by haying the ' President !emanated Hewn Gray, Clens- ha.opened out a moat et traireive stock of Fall Millinery. in 'RIBBONS PLUSHES, SHAPES, M D U.Wilson $270 on the la'e treasurer's bond. The i and everything else pertaining t• the rule. treasurer was instructed to notify the I The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value, other bondsmen to make a further pay- • anent at once. The tenoning checks Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable were loaned : Home for InCtInablint. aotlilttdhLodnt I , art in thin section fed the oar rates. keep of Mrs. Welsh, $26 ; Ben. Farrier, ! sat i faction guaranteed. Works.151"8.urlornis.7)nrdels b2yd.. gravel. 11.52; Arch. Anderson, I bran urgeRr WtieghrrtIl k D7 MIIE1- Et A.1,3K1C1...D. The topic was spoken to by 1.4" for reference ta times of nee . m coin culvert. $2, draining, $2 : John Hick- I intestone, Mr Ori lw and Mn Irwin, who the truth, so as to) Intl! ri,iat id.)All to , Mr Livingstone, as the evening sass -on election vepenaer. $12 24 . R 11 And- tlt.'otn Bridgeman. Simpson, Fisher, and Liv- teacher should be careful to understand subject. which relented, through Rey, inghett . selecting jurors. $2 - clerk, made the following points : The teacher the children Itecitetten itself impresses , as fellows : err.'. salary, $65 ; Frank Jury. 11 yd.. must be consecrated. We cannot give the more deeply on the mind of he Your c:mimittee appointed to consider gravel, 77c. And - m,, the scholars, unless we hare first been achniara. ; the matter of the obligation resting upon The clerk was instruc'ed to meet with v rted Roe. Mr. Fisher. Helmesville, also this Association to ropey the •reounts the treasurer and have the drain ac - k th same sallied We should advanced to the Provincial Assoctatiots conies pat into proper *halo. C il then adjourned to meet on to the fountain for supplies. The clues - Orin was asked, "Should an uncon e spo e on e teacher he employed its the Sabbath not take the time needed for teaching by Mr 1). D for and in the ovine School 1" The answer was unanimously in the affirmative, Mr Day giving perso- nal testimony to the fact that he owed Ina conversion to the influence of the 8 S. Topic 3. "Order, and how to keep it," was sutrodeeed by Mr (lrigg, Exeter. Without order, there can be no success in the S 8 Be prompt yourself, and review your scholars to be the same Brine no lesson helps into the school. The tenon should not be disturbed by the secretary or librarian. Parents should oinestoom the children as to what they have learned in the school. Chil- dren should not be allowed to enter the school during prayer service. The tesoder should not have a substitute, esoept in extreme mews The Soperia- teodent should n• -t teach, and when he speaks, he should 'peek to the whole was ietrodueed by Rev. J Wilson,Exe- sehool. When he gives order" he should ter. The fiabinth School is a out of see that they are fulfilled. the church. The church has a claim Tem tote was spoken to by Meagre eponall that the ft can do. The S. T).y, I) Wilson, T C Pickard sad S. can familiarise those who attend it Revs Craig, Livingsteme, Howell. Fisher with Scripture. Take the Bible to and Stewart, the points made being that Nihon' always. and leave the lesson helps pownts shoeld teach their children order at hnme Make those attending thei in the home, thus making the teacher merely en assistant. The teacher should Ise reap, •sihle for order, having ramplete ecitilrol of his class, and not leave all to ic rehearsing lung passages of scripture; name 0 have a smaller number of verses reeited. lawn generally between this body ones but recited thoroughly. Endeavor to the Provincial Aaaoeistior,, beg leave to eat the scholar to understand the verses report as follows : they recite. Advantsgas of memerifing 1. The pledges made by Mr. Wilson Scripture in youth -it is much easier, the were made in brood faith, and witneut word stewed in the heart and mind of ' knowledge of the resoouticos passed by the young will:be • source of strength all , the Cenvention, when Mr. Wilson was through life. I absent. The topic was further discussed by 2 That the amount so pledged by Mr. Revs. Bumbler. Livinget not, Craig and ; and paid by him, let asenmed by Sampson, the one thought being that the this Association, and that an appeal be teacher should require a:acute.* and made at this evening meeting for ash - thoroughness in the recitation if verse*. scriptions from individuals and schools, Mrs. Murray mane some very practical to pay off this indebtedness. That these remarks with reference to studying the asnonnts be paid to the Treasurer, and lessons helps, making the Bible the book an account of the same submitted to the to study, and not the lessen help's. Topa 5, "rb. church's claims upon and obligations to its 8. departme.d." d the r3- Saturday, Februaty 111•11. nett convention. 3. That if any amount be enprovided for, the Executive he instructed to issue a printed appeal to the schools not soh scribing, asking that the sum oe made up. 4. That thamatter of this year's sub- scriptions to the Prow. Association be left in the hands of the Executive Com- mittee, with power, if the state of the fends permit it, to contribute a sem not school familiar with redschistn. The S. exemoding S. should teach the ehildrae the dose That the hearty thanks of this Cosmos - ti -int as teeght in the chat. The Host be given to Mr. Day, for his Fie- nd counsel deriag the present teacher should eneellrage the fldreo ••••• a ":4* ..""J" whid4H'' •61 aswpsalit, I-' R. K MILLUR, Clerk. The Pope, it is reported. never allows a fire in any of the eight rooms of the Vatican that he inhabits. These ron.ne are, with the exception of the library, small and low, and the Pope's habits are so simple that he does not require even • dining -room, but takes his meals either in his bedroom or in the library. Tb. I other day the bedroom was removed to a t higher floor, aq the room in which the Pope had hitherto slept was converted hint a private chapel. On one of the ' officials remarking that the upper rooms would he too hot fcr habitation during the summer months, the Pope quietly replied : "Then I shall have my bed put Sato the library." • Weiederted nab Produeer. This is the title given to Scott's Emul Mon of Cud Liver Oil by many thousands who have taken it. It not only gives flesh and strentrth by vitt.* of its own nutritons properties, but emotes an ap- petite for food. Use it, and try your weight Scott's limeleron is portrait, palatable. Sold by all druggists, at 50e. and $1. 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