HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-1, Page 7I.- .. MYrllr» i B URED I • every 08- ots, Lune Western lance as t. st. and Naware. • ER me for it. :eisany ca+�"t- Furni- I carry than 'ECIALTV. 3 DONE Estado. Montreal. pil ;JAVIN(; 11 YUH,.ISH iy shop is the stag Jae• pat in Thee e'en Oliver tames. we of them the cob-> Med Rochestert' Uttar C Ira, Med • lewrary ember. we are to settles to do reek than vee. Lady's t Children' laircattlog mode penalty on all day zcept eaturde Razors and round. CT, of P.O.. Goderich RY IIID in APES lel ue, at reasonab esetha britbe trammed. 6.1.31C11181...73. ANT 1 h▪ es pat dirge Ms NEWS OF THE WEEK Lft4Mt Intelligence from all Parts. erase Mem et Isle esS see Mehl. WA* Went the News l• a Illuvvy-MMr- maels• Nell d News Io sails ear Mo sew' Time. Nasatre Payer, of at Apullinaire.Lot- biniere, Quo , hanged him.elf to his barn ee &tardsy last iu • It of temporary iaaaty- &r lirchard Cartwright, who has been threatened with ao attack of malarial fever is much better, and the danger is believed to have been averted. Both of Mr R. Purtien'• children, • ittle boy of S and • girl .of 5 years, halm died from diphtheria at Chatham. Both arrots have been attached, rut are rrcovennd• The Hanover school beard has paid its principal $60, tilne st of sats incurred is a ease in which' he was sumwoonsed fur • refractory boy. The father the boy was nut gaud for the aceta Sir David Macpherson, who is at pro- test in hely, has hada severe attack of illness, but his many friends ttroufhout c'sueda will be glad to hear that he is ,w ouch batter, sod in • lair say 1.1 - wards complete rooueary. TM town of Brockville claims to have the largest eager ie America. His name is Daniel Derbyshire. He is 42 year@ old, stands 6 feet 7 inches is hie stockiest*, and weigh. 250 pounds. Mr J I McIntosh, fur some years the eldest /eiris4 .saretary of Hon T Pardee, Isle Oummieeioner of Crows Lands. will serge Hon J M Gibson, the new Proviu,rial Secretary, in the same capacity. Dr Goya* extracted a crochet needle fr. m the leg of Mum Mary Innes, of )Ice•, the ether day, which had been there for about • mouth. It entered on one side and was taken oat trots the other. The needle was over two inches lung. An inquest was oprss& -in M itresl yesterday on the body of Mies lloteeu- neau, who was killed in the railway ac- cident ou Tuesday near the city. The engineer whom careleseness caused the fatal collision has always been regarded as a reliable man. Mr. Tbm•s Henderson, of Naesag•- w•y, died soddenly lest Friday morn- ing. He had been in his usual gond health except complaining of rheumatics, and after ratios his breakfast was leav- ing the able and expired. Dr Castries Bas tell down cellar in New York on 1Thur•dey, and received fatal injuries. He was defendant in • breach of proviso suit for $10,000 brought bp Mies Bessie Hubbell. Mr Thomas Williams, of St Thoms,, atme uttered to give 61.000 as an so- vment fund fur • hospital in that city it her cit zee states that he Is willing subsuthe $1,000 also to build the ;artal. sin of Mr David Temple, West Ga- la, met with a senons accident one last week, while drawing saw lege of the bush, whereby he received • ore of the right leg • little above he ankle. John Newton, sr.. postmaster of Lime- ouse, aid the founder of several anofactorier industries here, died on he AS January. He had been • rest• act of E. riming township fur over rty yeses. The following new prat offices wen period in Ontario o• the let inst usdalee and Wellbrond, both in Alen- ia district : Hereon. Perth county, N. The name of F•rmerville, South , has been changed to Athens. By the Ramat. Tariff Hilt, which was on Tuesday, the tax on imported umber is reduced from $2 to $1 50 per huuscumen- nes feet, but in the e of un - nes which impose export duties on umbers the 5'2 rate will remain in force. The Berlin Pod announce, that the arriage of Princess Sophie of Prussia the Crown Prince of Greece will be lemnized in the spring at Athens ere would be • diflicu:ty attending the eligioer ceremoniesif the wedding took ace in Berlin, • Demme') $100,000. - The Grand rook railway has declined to accept the bus of $100,000 offend by the sot bur - oft of Gmdos. Ont., for the establish- e nt of car works in that city. The irks will be built at Stratford sad perated in connection with the machine hops recently erected there by the cont - r. On Satnnfay afternoon a son of Hon B Pardee, 12 years of age, while skst- g in front of McCraw's toboggan elide, n the hay shore, at Sarnia, was struck a toboggan sod run over, and one of • legs broken above the knee. He was onm removed to his father's residence, ere the limb was attended tot The Grand Jury, at Tororoto, have re- tied no hill in the cave of bigamy Ins Polly Braden which wag on the es list, Polly Budin will be re- amed w the woman who married man, Fred Berner, who committed ...kat Niagara Falls several weeks it -Mayor Cuff. of St. Catherine@ (the or of the Journal), was tam recipient the polies force the other day of an rem and • richly engraved silver -pitcher and goblet. Mr. Cuff ked the officers very kindly for their ifal gift. ort Arthur's mayor telegraphs Pr" - Molest that Western Algoma read• cladnea• the massage from the *benne intimates that Algoma will no long held back, that the development o - mineral resoureen will hare Governf tal moistener% and suggest railway as of the first impoviawea I Perszs 'EAS t Case Pr►d:� Corn Beal be s, best • hih e. a ushesfor 250 ., eta.. General r 10111', Fee • 'SON At•zi11 rosZC sae, Ooderlicil. S k, hal�r�s " "hards" about hed ttsek el what people all "bilioo► "and ti smile was impnesibts. Yet n may ".+wile and smile, and he a in Mill, still he was no vtllaie, hut a n, blunt, henget was, that needed d y surfs as Dr Piaree's 'Pleasant tire Pellets," which meter fail to biht.ase.ews and dimmed or torpid • ley dyspepsia and ebmwie enmtip•- druggists. Ot+o sley and Heeler, the evsageliels, are having marked seemed; in Detroit. Oethe 4th inst., there died at his home ie Darterd, county of Kett, John Bin., father of the Ontario deputy coka- mimlwter of agriculture, • native of G•ehgilphe►c1, Argyle•bire, Scotland, aged one buodred years and eight months A disastrous bre took plate at Pages cm Friday m.,ruioa, whereby James N'ifa•,u's oatmeal will was burned to the ground with all the machinery arid most of the contents. The bus is supported to have originated (r•uin • heated j .usual, end the iuflaosmable material made it impossible to save the building. The amount of insurance has sot been learn- ed, but will nut beano to cover the loss. The Hon Drury is very much pleased with the largely increased inter- est nterest everywhere dupieyed in the meet- ings of the Ferule's' Institutes. Intelli- gent I tract• throughout the Province are readily coming forward and taking au active part in toe deliberations. The result of thew meeting. will also be to largely popularise the Agricultural Col- lege, anti assure • fuller atteudanee of student., One day lately Mr Ams Bretz, of Ayr, was caught in the machinery at °oldie's mill aid squeezed II -rough • mace of about six inches. Young Mr Ouktie happened to be near at the time and the mill shat down at once ; other wife the unfortunate man might have been instantly killed. Na bones were broken, strange to say, but he was severely crushed about the chest. So tar he is doing:as well as might be II - peeled. A °instable passing Messrs. Radon A Orsoli's establiehmeut on SL Paul street, Mxitreal, thought he heard as of some one drilling the safe. He im- mediately ran to the Coolest Station and hurried back with two detectives and a few policemen. H. also notified Mr. Hodun at his resident's. When the donors were ripened and a thorcugh search made of the premises, two oats were hand playing with some tins, but there was au eiga el a awake. Vittii�eii iters are raised Is Rooth Es- sex Michael ° Fox lives at Onlidia, in South Essex. He is a farmer and 82 years of age, and was a noted azeman and hunter in his his younger days. There is fun and vita in the old boy yet. The other day he clime, • tall tree tc • height of 40 feet from the ground with the agility of • cat, and, standtog on • large extended limb, chopped toff the trunk with hie axe, and on his lofty perch exultingly watched the obstran- ated top fall crashing to the ground. Mr Fox hast lived • temperate life and believes in the universalist faith. The Brantford Expnsiter says: - Miles McKeown, a young lad, was mitt to prison some time ago at the re- quest of his father, but a petition was sent to the Government and he was re- leased. Since then ha has not been at home more than two nights in a week, He was found Tuesday morning by some off the employes of the furniture factory, lying outside the building, almost naked and nearly fr zen to death. He was taken home, where he now is, ant much the worse for his cold night's rest." Mr Gladstone, who is at SWIM in re - reply O. a correspondent who had called his attention to the fact that • branch of the Irish National I emtue bad been n ested after bill, writes : I have no con- nection of any sect wttb the League, mor have I any knowledge whatsoever upon the sobject. I suppose my name was chosen owing to ay efforts to free the Irish from the oppressive laws such as are absolutely certain to pet/duos objet Litigable ante on the part of some Irish- men, the fee/owes of which I only wAm- der at and feel thankful for. Wm Leathers Bright, eldest son of John Bright, is an M. P., a Liberal, and, unlike has father, a prosoenoed tome Ruler. "Will" Bright is a very clever. He recently made his first speech in the Homes It was • little one, but quite g ood. The young man has plenty of wit, es a reply he is credited with send- ing to his &thee will prove. Tribune Bright reproved the young man for something be had said in favour of Ireland, and the latter replied :-"My Dear Father, -Then are not the kind of lettere that should be addteas•d by one statesman to another." la Brief. Ye 1.:lh, Feint. Dyspen•ia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is • fen to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in eminence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American peropit, a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bumper and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy heir meals and be happy. Remember :-Nn happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your dreggi•t for • bottle. Seventy -lye ciente. eowly Recently William Keane, a deformed s.wsboy, die -I soddenly in • room in a room in North St. tools. He was 36 years old, and had sold papers contin- u ally for 25 years. Hie stand was for fifteen year@ in frost of the Southern Hotel. but for the last ten years be bad disposal of his wares in front of the Lindell Whoa be died his room was examined, sad the searchers were nor prised to Rad WOO and • eertitieste on the SafetyDeposit Company. The hoz Is the saety ,ssIw was opened yester- day, and street railway and railroad bonds naked at $01,000 were found His relatives Reed le abject misery, and saver knew be had any wealth. The featwee will be • godsend fon them Kamm never told aaybndy about his 1 lialisaal Pills are a mild purgative, settee nu the Srssineh, Lira and Bow- els, tfem`vieg all eobatrtesttssa 1m THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB 1, 1S'9. nag News rest Ras see, The great tat/seeat that was felt in the departure of Rev Alex MscLarblan and his young wife for Tames, Turkey in Ass, to carry on the work of the St Peal'. Institute there, will be remem bored in many choles, and the cable Message Best by that gentleman to T.. mato, • short time ago, to say that his wife dead, aroused wide-strsad and sin- ee►e sympathy. A letter has now been received by his brother, giving some particulars of the sad event, which was the result of fever awtsequeut on pre mature child -birth. It appears that Mr and Mrs MacLachlan returned to Tar- sus trout their tw.wutaiu retreat abut the middle of Outuber and at out011 c,.u- weuoed ate pleasing task of decorating and ...Ditty in order their mew home Mrs Ma.Lichlau had taken out many memensls of bur maiden life in the shape of fancy .ornamental articles, and with thews and what they were &b•e tip procure nu the stn t they were able to arrange a very nett and pretty residence. In a few weeks Mrs MacLachlan went to visit Mr sod Mrs Mo.utg.omery at Adana, and a day or two later Mr UscLachlau followed to spend Tbs iliseivingday with the party. On the evening of test day, however, their host was sTRIC•am WITH litART IrLaAMx, and in less than a week lie died Ott the evening of the funeral Mrs MrsL.ch- Ian was attacked by dysentery, which bre uitht ria a complication of tr. ople, and although attended with much mire and skill by Dr tJrshani, of Aleppo., the malady proved malal iu the curse tat • few days. While her friends sere all overcome with grief, she &lore remained calm and cheerful, and gave many aa- Iurances of an undimmed faith. Mr bfacletchisu writes : "I have not yet ventured to return to our desolate home in Tarsus • e In all probability I will return about the middle of January. • • • My future life will be a lour.)' on., but the same gracious and loving Head that has so wonderfully susta•aed me for the peat days will be an ever pre- sent help, std 1 g•• forward assured that H. will make plain tke both of duty and email, sae M it with tint earnest • t SCRIBN ER'S MACAZ!NE vats its readers literature cf lasting inter- est and value, it is fully an' :ic3u►burly 3io illustrated and has already rialyl:d a neve,; than >ruttionA circulation. 'cxcccding 125.O'. O- Copies ttoatl y. ." „es. sir .c ,,1 A it. 4 A Brilliant ! Durable Economical ! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inkri:.r materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success. use only the DIAMOND DYES fo' coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed ) ►ae A Coat Colored Garments Renewed )10 onlT(*NTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists sad M..vluu. Dy. heck fres. WELLS, RICHARDSON mf CQt, Montreal, P. Q. ems • rreatabie We. Few men hare accomplished the same amount .if work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold is Canada alone. We want every pers.ui troubled with Live" C..mplaint, .Dys- pepeia, Headache, Kidney or Uriny Troubles, to bar a bottle of Dr Chases Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and R, pe Book $1. Sold by all druegista Mothers who have delicate children can see them daily improve and gain in flesh and strength by giving that perfect food and medicine, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver (hl, with Hypr.phrsphites, Dr W A Hulbert, of Salisury,I11a,sey: "I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases tof scrofula and debility. Results most gratifying. My little patients take it with pleasure," Sold by all druggists b0c and $1 00. 4. TIE K;Y Ti WiLT3'.. "i PRiCE 25 CENTS rA NUMBER. .53O° A YEAkAl 63r.SPECi'AL ARRANGEMENT'S '"41,,A'' 'r 4 wl Charles Scribner Sons the Publirshcr's enable us to o{{cr SCRIBNERS MAGAZINE with the Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890. EWCOMBE PLANING MILL. ESTrtltlSit 0 II S PIANOFORTEucmu1kN & ROBINSON. !leigent In Design 1,•., rat Tt Matta •olld In Con$truo:SoiiA$g, DOOR and BLIND Exct Dont in Tone MOROUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE TME mit OAK IN CANADA, sad qml t• the batt VJsd Shits I atoms* at (whoa alp and *eights para 5 Rua w-IRRAMIll Iltr11111su n INTO Ili MAwM•T•all OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE ACO, 4MRR MUM STMT. MM. Per Cert. Liss Upsets Mrs S;ntt-Sidd,ms has been • beauti- ful woman aid is still such, note,th• ins the fact that the dewy freshness of her first youth hail pawed away. Her large, brilliant black eyes are wonderful, and will always give an appearance of youth to her face. Their fires wi l light her beauty so lone as she ham life. Ni - tire grace of exprewicn is her t.irthrigh'. She is en animated, natural talker, an' is easily drawn into interesting carer cation, which she is quite able tai conduct without any assutartos. As she walked leisurely into the parlor at the Albany Hotel, N Y , she was attired in • little plum -colored silk gown, with s cloak of the same material trimmed with gray fur, and a low English turban, which sat squarely down over her arched brows, and was as becoming as ever hat was to fair lady. Although in easy travelling matures, one could see that her taste in dress is for striking and odd elites. Us - der bee cloak she wore a red jacket. A great brooch of dead gold in an antique deign clasped her collar. She were several bracelets of serpentine design, and from her watch chain depended • group of curious trinkets and a red seal. A /roe elf Around each bottle of Dr Chase Liver Cure is a medical guide and reeeip book containing useful information, over 200 reoeipes, and pronounced by doctors and druegists as worth ten times the cwt of the meeltcino. Medicine and honk $1. Sold by all druggists To invigorate both the hotly and the brain, use the reliable tonic, Milburn'', Aromatic Quinine Wine. lm A Rcwaan-Of one dozen "Twain. iv" to any use winding the beat four lin- rhyme on "TSAaitar ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and llatL. Ask y aur druggest or addrees 107.1Re• WORM POWD•smc. Are pleasant to tans Contain their ewe Pur **Ina. la a ado, were., and eLerru►1 Mmwpwr et stow :a "°-s. aria tales During January a large number of accounts will be sent out, and to meet the demand we have ordered a large stock of account pap- ers, which we will print and pad in quantities to suit at reasonable rates at THE SIGNAL Steam Printing House, North-st., Goderich. 'nlncite cc. a s. *v^-tce: t' 2x Rowels. l:.idvvye nrci L '. , &rtfr-- ingtff psi'usllyv:.'reit>~alk«. ;tit system, ell U.o L'rpur.!::a and foul humors ef t).o aec'ctttus}p at 4:a an ... time Correct:nft Actdlty G` ' Womack., cur:t: , 'tliliot z iers. Dyr- ppeysia, liearla '!- e,, Di esu er ,e Boartbnrn. Lionrtivalicit, Lryneer of the Skirt. %'reps 'qtr :-t>A cl Vision. Jr..cme, dlc�e.t SiLot:m, Erysipolab, Bart luta, Fluttering o. the Re'i,rt, Nerv".. er.eec, and OW, era Debility ; all than awl many other similar Ccml'laint yie:d tho h�•�Iw influerro of L BLOOD ziz.r..1 8. T. mC utnS a CO.. 1!- txr--.:tor-..tri Scr!no's Magozille For 1889 The pub:iehers et Srrihxr's Magnetise aim rot mate H the most immense and euterpri•ing to periodicals. while at all time -s preserving Os high Ilterery rhos ;Agee, Zi on mew readers have been did wn to it during the past six mouths by toe increased excellence of Its content,(notaily the Railway articles). and it closes its second year with a mew Impetus and an assured suc,'e s. The illustrations will show some new effects- and nothing to make Scribner's Alugazfee attractive and in- teresting will be neglected. THE RAILROAD ARTICLES will be con tinned by several very striking ppa•per.: one especially lat.-restiag by Ee-Post-mae'.'r- General Phonies I. Jame, on -The Hallway Postal service," Illustrated MR ItORERT LOt'iri STEVENSON'S seri lel navel 'The Master of Railantrae," all- rw through the greater part of the year. Begun In .\'oeestoar, A CORRKQI'ONURN('E and collection of manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern rRVNCII PAINTERs will furnish the subsanee of several articles, Nlsulrnfen. The brief end tapers written last year by Hobert !urns Stevenson. w ill be replaced by equally interesting contributions be different fa,-nons authors, Mr Thomas Halley Aldrich will write the first of thein fur the January umber. Ifl oaf rafrtl Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be • (edi- tor*. Paerni are arranged to appear by ('laremee Cook. R H. Blashtcld, Austin Dob- son, and many others. Ili fast rwtr.l, FISHING ARTICLES devcrihine sport in the best •ehlng grounds w,ll appear. Salmon Winninish. Haas, and Tarpon are the entlyecta now arranged. The authors are well-known • Illwarrnled, ILLCi:TrtATED ARTICLE!' of great variety, tock: Lawn noon all manner of subject. travel, hiograpb). Amer iption. etc., will ap- place �aet of the oonventlonal common- slfaatrated. Among the most Interesting In the list of eslenUfic paper, for the )ear wilt be a re markatle article by Professor John Trow- bridge, umm the moat recent developments sad uses of PHOTIIORAI'tlY. Illustrated A clam of articles which has proved of special interest will he continued by a troop of paper. upon ELE(TRI('iTY In Its moat recent appticatloas, by eminent authorities- • remarkable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether intense leg papers. f ',stow Illusernffoa.. ASPRCiAI. OFFER to rover last year's .amber, which include all the RAILWAY ARTi('LES. as follow. A year's suharriptlor (IaRal and the nwwberp for Haat, li so A year's •ubanriptkon olaele and the number* for IMI, lamed in cloth, . . M M .1.m a years es react. ■ sembee. CHARLES StRIBAER'S SOPS, 743-743 /lroaduny N. F. 3READMAKER'S YEAST. BWRAD mab of this rase nr Eire Masa ma Onsrle y "s le amt es ladies hem willies •a h boll by Mem. qhs raw. ks.• and 7Cis.t "-- susf Pmc FIV, CSNTL Aiticrihe .ren a..r l!: it:JY.'. a.Nr. REMC`-Eu, WORMS C" ALL KINDS l '4 CHILDFF:fi OR t '•(.t.TS T'sJEFTAS SYflt:i-' pe.) •r.r:MOT HARM T: C r-IOS t - . r^7L IC*TiL CHiLo +: - DUNN'S t� s..KINC PO'IDER lliEC"AYSBEST iRIEYLL us.s7r .wen ..urtt.• I mei r as,eels, he EE 1 s w •r heehaws FR lj.M. w wa ia�. we eon hod frog iv ewe In w a.sa9Aim 'off e .lseeasa r. a as wend, , ail he us ,•.auto.e lbw ether Nett' wed wlsm we 1,-1 bwhet .sseem ww w w who WI tee Nr t, mon a. n yew become ewe w e $ we FIN1 Al,aura rte. ass , phew* 7 r gee ,� -.nasus.. we eel yFebN ren... ewe OM Mesh Ow sea. ti"end sew sells he eame beet. •S wen Ow emit a b /1wa ieewaibll reepent flea, alae se- f,ii,n�e no teaoroma nista ■rs`lea�.. ehreee .wwe a ere e he Mi i g Meet 'roll ."Aal la. !blas. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description. School Furniture a Specialty !t» WOOD. WOOD. Parties deeirtng to take word from me must leave their orders at once, before it is all snipped for the season. Orders will be attended to if left at the following store -keepers: O. H. OLD, P.. PRICE, JOHN ROB- ERTSON and JAMES LUBY. XAVI ER BiECHLER Mtn Falls Easter ye NASAL BALM Oew.%sst'eg, Dixon. r.0., lint. May tlth. ill7, My wife suffered for five years with that distressing disease, catarrh. Her case masons of the worst known in these parts. She tried a{44.f the catarrh reme- dies I ever saw srii rt ism,. but they were of so use. I finally procured • bottle of Nasal Halm. She has used only one half of it, and now feels like a new person. I feel it my duty to say that Nasal Balm cannot be Tot) HIGHLY recommended for catarrh troubles, and am pleased to hare all such sufferers know through its toes tley will receive instant relief aid DUPE CHAS. MCGILL Farmer. Fall Goods FARMERS' &RISTIIG fgf—IN-- H)111 dttrtl.I. and "f sorrier •t the .,GREAT YAR.IET'Y'- onrl.OlIt anA FBEU Pnsiuees..f Mr. It. Price. I�LbJ`jlArlJ- East street we arc• preemies! to EXCHANGE GRISTS —AND a"i'PI.T-- FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, in any quantl y and on the beet of er n Our well-known and popular Msncheater Mill. have been recently improver, and we are able to turn mit a FIRST-CLASS F LOUR which we guarantee to give satisfaction. HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR (IAT:t CASH STORE —AND AT— PRICES TO SUIT ILL —AT THE— TORONTO Choppieg done at Sc. per Imp lb..• at the mf14 AT OI'R GODERICH STORE we keep constantly on hand a full supply of FL(WR, FEED AND SEEDS. Ogre se • call-- you will find us prompt and reliable. A. B. CULLIB, T. S. YsOsel.b suet Manrheeter. P. ODEA 2151 - WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. O ,r— GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the hest of value in all lints of Furniture --from the smallest chair to the largest and beat boil -room stet., or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. --o -n 1::" 1\7- I T- L ITC - In all its brnnc'heft, promptly attended k 0 O- E3' EMBALMING FLUiD always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a spseialty. GIRO. BARRY, Hamilton-St.,A3odeeIek. 'h