HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-1, Page 6THE 111llioN EIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 1, 1889. h-- • • we ftlat• i• amiatee• Inteesses, 00kIrr.STI1 REOEIPTS. am Item IMMSeeme avid now lima: La abo pr000 Toor„..aai "num sum Et. ... . ...it ia o) less isi.portuit than In - 11 Yee wenn style us ela -Iiirintais el the (Mard,* i. D'Kellyvent 11o1 Beatala-Asinsimh. guerdi Well, 1 eisould say I did. I always wise ready to pettU ni) Met dollar ou the old boy, acid hie Meard is almost as wonderful es his. terniale left baatistr.--Detroit nee Previa fia..11.411. 1.• rrefy Wool iissOe ther• .111'd part teglar nig epillellel 11J- •C011.11•111tost •1141 by • tpuintity the meaning of • phrase may be entire y mis- -epressioted Nouns abd recta raoletire al, tariffs( •toirii 1 attention In Ilite geed. Coidrasia must st.toiely mark - 11.1 eJ, (while anthitheees demand the are.% imetweea Tim Weems OM& set of embhwits. T.. keep on &t- omtit', iiy• ow.0 elm precise noilasittig of the teat se the greet deceleration Should doubt arise as to the correiet tiesphasis of • 'anomie, • us -fel too, 14 as follows . It is a foot that ordieary owl serest ion, mem!, -mom the least 'disc died -iustiuctively speak with ex• promo ye argent eateot ; it is only wisest then come to render the thouvhts of others, or to reed from • printed page, that their habitual aud enconaciously se - /pored art lat.. them. Thus the pniper emphasis is the natural. Tele, there- fore, your doubtful pirmage ani impress the thought colloquially- as poi would ta k it to your friend *moss the table. You will thus ebtain, not always the pr oeir tone ;the aue dieriity might be elintiug , hut you twill invariably per- ceive the emend, and corect, acceut u•- .1 Rate of utterance must also be attended to. The gay, mirthful, the amusing should speed boulaiitiy along. conversational pee/sages should be st..ok e= • ,011 trippibt;ly on the toligi.e. Moldy re- -,r -jilt 1.4u.res • renew stetely. measured move - t mete- owe ournooth your fare lei leant. The reireesmt arid *Orme fel are Vatlier- llOw szteioth yours is! !slowly uttered In the retry whirlwind fece.derostion, blushes; dee-. ...it masted Intallh'll the *Peed is 111101, ihe utter- miueol • env, irrevular abrupt. Sarcasm 4. • ItAtime (ibri•intlet1y1 Youw is so ninth generally °intrusively tb• liberate. Tyro/ seinwehe- then tay brother Jambi's' • usually burn to learu g..sor hut grace - &abet' eionditeri-Aad yeses ia morn , ful, •pptopriate aud Voile!Iul actiou is smoother Cush falkernl-Liii. almost a special conies in itself. Iot the .meteor tie es sparing with issinds sit revue. , gesture as he can. A great elecationist Theto moo mooey-(MI a Stinathea is ' advises that no movement whatever he the num. ' used for he use of which the rie iter can- ner, Wan,' 114,4 goes tel1101T1999--The Mee • mit g' re reason ill writing. He state. who borruvrs r. from 70911. It :at his ce u method is to employ duiiisg A Lamm) 4: ,n --Tb. anneal filereit an early rehearsal Vvely gesture that S131- $100,0ilt) United State& bonds. - int...0 itself, and thereafter to thin thrill eryou. es m out Mita& yhire a I • di. is • , , , **taming !a -1.e for omen there hiyer oo for The lover .1 eWaje • cigar not clear necessity. -Casseil's liege Illiaelter. The rich man nes Ins mug at She barber's shop. The poor man tz.kes his thee*. • Protrudes.] itemise. awaited OW A luau- • At 1014-- -111411-1111Mr- hrn• Raw F Gensler. M. 1).. of L, Ont., revs regarding 13.8 B • "I have le ben nuoi tietsenes tor father ot a baby be /A 41. 't1 Ilea he become. the father ..f me be looks onto° amtemutterit. "Gemini - The man who elv.0.?.. says what he thinks is one of t ia this %Dell who could well lie disi..nwed wdh. 1bu't it 0 tu;;;,olur thing that when a Man is takesi in be is put out! It41 •-nitaiatahlo l. w to here •isit Meal mush /or bre.oct-d. That', what cause. tile etr in the ititchr!,. TbO/C 6 o gvoi eles! of , difference heswesn bov. amen a man knows and bow nu.. 41 be thinks he know& A book ••to eel poets" has arwereri, it is ea...d. We hope it 1, a wed filini pocketbook. youi.6 'iady echo effuses to los be. "411111 is vary urgratefol; .be topes how much die liralo Itisse‘l r..elt wire she was • baby. The *goo sews on buttons is tgater view one c‘luompeakseeven ianzuages. It unia..:y mete the man who walks brims every night more thou kis e --.r hire to do so. Underil..oce- tiering • girl ou the clank a woman with a hubby mars out more above in three months than C. %Minh., without one does to tWa yosr•-fitotc t.eurier. - - - - •-- netted lk. Chicago City Editor h41 re:. ren -I wee that in ur. a vaneuie roil refer to"t he coisl anti i.oer:velem neer." lionortro.- V.I. I always like to threw feel- ingluto aluit 1 .nt.. City Faitio•-Teisis capitol; but did yeti ewer we * I it er 'Cricket" with rernionef Reporter 1 &Wl know that I bare. City Editor - then. go and dad ciee, and, by Om oto , don't come back until you one [TLe reporter goes away. Two days later be r-turre..) sit y• E.1,!,.r-Helloei; got bark, hare y0111 Reporter- Ye... City Lditor-Wel:, did you dmd a remoras ful river: Reix.rter-I del. City Editor -What rirer is it I Reporter - The Ifississippi. City Editor -Why remorseful? Reporter -Because years ago it derided te run by Si. Louis. City Editor ispringing to kis teal-- Young man. take my seat. I resign. -.Irksome Ttaveler. Reed with Same --Ifilsons (me luta oat: - hell Cul • i.st r.i sed salt it ; Otos 1is about belt doe* add isone• milk and oath moil the ruts 1/1 very Wader ; not Gm It with a evoce, shake the pewireatly Instead ; like trout the tire, pot it is • .ad set cet tee ; make a mid muse of bet er and sugar rubbed to • means ; aid • (S11T05 quantity a fresh bar- rio. 01 peel tie , So&1.p.I Halibut --Bel two pound* mei • Deli 4 beh for use half hour, shred it, then wake • moos of one pint of milk, with use eeg beaten up ; let It , thee add two tablespoonfuls of cern sterch raised with old milk. When rei'ed, add a tablespoonful of batter. Me this ihnegh the tish. Put in smell spreadie.g cracker ',remit's on top mob little pieces of butter, and than broom it in the mar. Egg Salad -Cat in very thin shoes es 11'A -boiled egg'. Plmse in salad bowl • with one fouith of a cabbage shredded Cie. Mix well together, then pour over it the following dressing : "Three tab:* spot:idols melted butter, one teetnotm- fid peppor, fait to oration oni teaspcon- fel made mustard, oue-helf teacupful . sharp vineesr. Mix well through salad and owe, at once. I Jam Folding -Two teacupfuls floor In welch had neon well mixed two tea- simoufuls Lilted powder, piece ut butter I 911.001 an ege well mixed through dour. Melte into a dough with cold water. ! RAI into sheet and spread with a tea- cupful of any jam tie jelly; roll dough as you would rill jelly cake, pinch ends and lesion firmly together, place in well bat- tered steamer and steam one hoer. Serve w.th cream and sugar, or lettere Juice. I THE HOME CIRCLE. 1 limesomit lielit, add about ball 4th. Sponge Cake- Beet the yolks of three I whites beaten vrty huh', and one cup of suoar and bk.( a saltepounful of salt ; ' pour to the rest of the whites and • I tabespooeful of Imola juice. and lastly one cup of 11 ,ur ; beat all together j thorongbly and bake in a moderately hot I oi en. This makes small cakes baked in patty -pans, or a nibs bet in pan with iunnel throngh the middle. Tried sod sore No soda it: baking powder. 1 was doubtful at first about the rising, but they are light and nice. *teed your excelleot Burdock Compound ID pes.oize and in 4415 family since 1834. mid hold it No 1 on my bet of esteem remedlell. Your three hosy 13. never string, weaken or worry. 2 Mew be Care reader Feet. "What makes 3 cdi walk so lame reek ed the doorkeeper at p» ice headquatters to a rep. rico the other day. "Corns r "so,-. replied the *cribs ; "I never hut a corn oi 1,1.., but &l. --t every morning when I put on my al, os I suffer the most excruciating pains, *7 feet are so fearfully sore. I have tried every- thing to make the skin hard and get re- lief. hut nothing has Lad the least ef- fect." "I suffered from the same cemplaint,- replied the (Abner, -and my (ad mother gave Me • receipt that effected a perman- ent cure, en4 if sny belittle to you, here "Bathe your feet in about twa quarts of ice cold water, into which you have poured two tablespoonfuls of ammonia and one tablespoonful of bay rule, Si with with your feet immersed in the water for ten minutes, gently throwing the water over the limbs upward to dm knee*. Then rub dry with a coarse crssh tuwel, end all that tired feehog will soon leave ton. "If that doo't cure tender feet, then there is nothum that will. It is worth trying, at all events.- Knew Hier, CapL Billie Cron is • very efficient offi- cer and a very obeyer giothetnan. but he Is thin, very thin. Th. loilowing good joke is told on popular Capt. Billie: A few days ago he was si ming in a rear room in • doctor's office. In a front 1.13* the of - &'e boy was reading • dime novel, when an urckin made his appearanoe with • barbel 01 fruit, and insisted upou tee cake boy mak- ing • purchase. To get rid of Lb* young feint vender, the ofilos boy went to • case, opened the door, and exposed to view a skeleton. The fruit boy fled in terror, lose - Mg his basket behind hits. Capt. Billie Crim, bearing the eoramotion, went into tbe front office, and, Upon learning what had occurred, walked to the door and said wine urchin, who stood across ties street, crying bitterly: "Little boy, come owes and get your basket; nobody 11=11 hurt you." "No. 1 wool," sobbed the little fellow, "yea can't fool ma I know you, If you have o1.-'4(� your clothes 00. Dasinese Idea lime& Rosinets Ran (vainIS trYls4 to tete lelsoh) -At what hoar k that nob over, usually t Resume/ant Wititar-Ralf-prit 1, gals ' Business Man -Welk sea tame TR wait until lialf past L Restaurant Walber-Bettah not, nth; nuf- fin' lett then, san.-Philadelpida Record. A Geed barginatheme. Talking about faith cares, tbere W • man down in jersey who has • regular dinner made of wood and painted to repressot roast beet, corn, potatoes, eta Waco dinner it time names be sinlown and ads • Diming. Then be ormsomes the viands wit& Ins Drake's Maga:Ina Give Midges asuariblag Oro 04.An important point in managing chil- dren is to always have ready something hi, Nasal Beim as a positive cur, for for the title hands to do at those times Catarrh and Cold in the Head has ir- which come quite often on rainy and doced unprincipled parties to imitate it. other days whew tired of plThe public are cautioned not to be de - testily gaze thrugh the windo• or wan- ay, the list- ceived by nostrums imitating Natal Balm der aimlessly about, not knowing what o in name and appetrance, bearing such to do with themselves. Children at names as Nasal Cream, Nasal [Casson, ir such times are a great trial to the houseetc Asfor Nasal Balm and do not , and are quite likely to be scolded,though take imdation dealers may urge upon such a course is so unwise and unjust you. For sale by all drugeists or sew thet it can lead only to the worst results post-paid on receipt of price (Wit and 111 in the child's future. Cahn e - by addressing Fulfork& Cc , Brockville and r proving words, kindly .poen, kare no_ • Ont. - tf •••••••••• TIN Voloo of lioshik. W. sever 1...-. the raise of Wealth sa- we 1**. lust 14 Ouly when *I. in au know uttra du ire bests se prise it, sad etiody hue to take erre 01 *1. lee m- ask to, that seamed of living from eighty to case heedred yeses.** we to du, and dyiag of npe old age at List, we alio made to lemma\ end to suffer alasuat tottery day while we hew, mad ere earned oar bi Pewientalite diseases at every ng. Sawn mid maturity. 11 we amid bight now, and ON (Address in our Imam be meght the laws 4 their sod 1151.10 tv °bistros them, the gate au health sod longevity to this geeeration would be Ominous*, •hile to the succeed- ing ones it would be beyond all computa- tion. Otte difficulty is, there bee not iet came into tbe minds et • large proportion of people zany definite euueoptiou that these are such Gomm as laws of Malik, mid that every violation of them laws is sore to brow its penalty. Tbe last thin that iodividuals or oomauumbies 01doom 5(1045.14e tbe blame fur their ill -health upon their own shoulders, where it rightly belongs, This, 'ben, is Um first leesou to be taught aod lesa Doi -that all disease is the result 01 broke laws ; mid that notch of it might vastly be avoided by the ublielre•ona uf the haws of health ou the part uf Ws individual. Tbe nest 'Meg to be taught is the as. themselves -and with the lave, and tit *neater importance, the haler of obey- iog them. We kiicw • great deal inure 'ban we put tis preemie. BOOTS_Sc SHOES E. DOWNING'S. N] We bare made extraordinary preperatiuse Yee a a rousted OA sad enable Mille. We liana all THE LATEST STYLES Lime Water la Illeptberta. Lime water, says a inednal contempo- rary, is an admirable remedy in cases ot dipthette. Its local effect*. most see - tut in cleansiog and purifying the (s05.and its mode of appliCation the esoied imeginable. It requires oo spray -appeirs taus, ou douching, end no effort at gergl- init. It is suthcient to have the patient SIoWIy sirellow a teaspoonful or more every hour in order to get good results nt froits see. This fact is the greatest importance in training children, who ere too often ormelly tortured 111 the attempt to make looal applioatiuus to the throat. Lime -water ash be given seedy, sod is taken reliably by skinless. An early Cid to the head. the precursor of ear- clearing out of the bowels with calomel, disease is often due to reckless sitting or standing in draughta. A Dian, after heatieg hi/smelt in running to catch • train, elects to grow cool by travelling with his face towards the ful current of air from an open window, and very boon 1*4 eassomence. his fnends have to com- miserate with him upon • stiff neck or ear-acbe. Other and similar Dooms of danger to the ear are exposed to wet, damp feet, nezlect to change after ex- cessive perspiration, and cottiog the hair too short, or waahing it at bed A Great liallerer. That person who is afflicted with rheu- matism is • great sufferer and great!, to be itierd if they cannot procure Hag - yard's Yellow thl. This remedy is a cer- tain cure, not cnly for rheumttistis but for all external aches and internal pains. 2 The Chaldeans and the ancient Egypt- ians were the first to make instruments for the measurement of time Virtruvius ascribes the invention to Ctesibius of , Alexandria, who lived about 13 C 250. The instrument they invented was called • clepsydra, and the principle of it was the corstant dn. opine of water out of one veesel to another. minsgermia 1 eanterreille. Counterfe.ts are always dangerous, teore so that they always closely ini- tial TIIR ORIGINAL IN APPEAR...Nei AIRLI 'caws. The remarkable success achieved Hew 5*01* Wok. "1 wee always poor when1 was boarding." mid ,trnith "Row dad you make year stoney Odor rhea Jones "1 helms OD keep borrdor• sKrooK"-Do. too Conner. Whoa Obit Woods& Dr? Omidn Clerk -Om I 'bow Toe oar dam ewe today, Indy, ImAy-Yes; (with you would 'An. is. Wmalasila 11.1* Ws three masks ego. - carom with all bnght children and are usually very effective, bet words uttered in a sharp, scolding tone must in moet oases wort an injury to the child's dit- positom. It is all the more sad, because the matter could be so easily managed by a very little Monition on the moth- erpart. How often we hear mothers or older sisters say to some little child who is full of desire to do right 111i only know how, "Do get eomiithing to do ; how i lazy yoo ars; I never saw such • good- I for -nothing child. I am sure I don't know what is to bosom° of yen," and a great deal more of such talk, which, alas, most people have heard too often. The child at such tames is n•it in (suit. 11 15 the mother's duty to see that suita- ble work is always ready, and she should require the child to do a moderate task for which she should not be afraid to give a due 111110*04* of praise after tt is done, Always be careful to see that the child is not kept too long at one bulk as snob a coons would bs warm than idio- ms's. It is ;worthy of note that the work given to • child has great influence in moulding toe mind and taste. A child kept always at knitting stockings or cutting earpet rags will be very practical, per- haps too meek so. A wise nizither will haves variety 4 work, both useful and ornamental. Some parents think it Me- lees to tomb boys to sew or knit. It is not, however, for there ar• many titian ifs a 1,'s life when moth knowledge may be nodal I have often obeerved that may college boys amid mead their own dollies while they were (mite ep in their slaws. I think the sobjeet.shonlal he thneehtfelly emisidered by paresis, sett- ing to it that time should not hang op their ehildren's hands for want of imme- diate; to do. I.041., Illaateetir Sew. . "My son aged 111401541. was mired of as ereptive humour that enverod bead and foes with ewer, by two bottles of Bordoek Blood Bitters and Pills," testifies Mrs Mary Folioed, of Port 110P0, Oat. A entitle drop of nicotine applied to the eve of • cat will kill the animal in a few minutes. A small bird will dM from the dahaiation of a portion 1 nicotine vapor so small se to be inappreciable by s fine balance Rabbits, cats, and dogs die in frown twenty to thirty seconds with less than a drop on the tongue, so rapidly is it etnorbed, and so linden( are its effects; mad inan suffers severely with only the 25th of & grain. in low-wriced goo4e. as well 10 111 THE FINEST GOODS MANUFACTURED 1 Ws are Jesuit called the leaders ia LOW PRICES sty* sad variety of gout& thee me a canoed I will show you The Largest Stock of Bow's and Shoes of every De- scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Lum: bermens' Stockings, etc., to be round in Western Ontario. 111"The7 are all bombe at close prima fur cash. aria will tie weld at • anal advance so oast. E. DOWING, Crelitis Block. Coe. Zaol-01. sod Sonar*. sometimes in massive demos, followed op after • short interest by the administra- tion of lime -water and the use of a suit- able tooio and regimen, coostoutee a method which comes the nearest to being of the universal applicability. Celieemptlem Sorely Cared. To Tot Etirroit :-Please irsiesial your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above teamed disease. By its timely as. thousands of hopeless eases bare been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy foie to any of your readers who have con- sumption. if they will send me their Ex- press and P 0. address. Respectfully, Iht. T. A. Aux:vm. ly 3'7 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Wire noon • Chance. -- That is to say, your longs. Also ail your breathing machinery. Very won- derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes and mental leading from them. When these are slogged and chocked with matter which (tight not 10 14. there, your lungs carinct half do there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough. croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of tbe family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid a. There is just one sure way to get rid of thensthat is take Roschee's German Syrup, which aay druggist will sell you at 75 cents • bottle. Sven if everythng else has failed You. you msy depend uoon thlo for motain. slowly Work should not be demanded from a growing child immediately after food- Tbe *eta of digestion require • large sup- ply of blood. and en lone as theao acts am in progress the rest cif the system. arid the main in particular, wag be mesparatively bloodless, or it it be brought into play it divert* a certain quantity of the blood from its prover &Wootton, and interferes with the dee assimilation of the food. Woman shocld sepeoially note that the miner is objectionable. as causing • con- gestion of the blood, which even with- out this accessory, requires to be guard- ed against under certain conditions It is better to wear long stoek.nes, and to keep them in position by suspender*. Demi' a *mime Run no rise in baying medicine, bet try tne greet Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author a Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all dimmers of the Liver, Kid neys, Stomach and Bowel*. Soot by all drogeists. The distressing p5150051 50 often ob- served in young girls and women. is doe in. great measure to • lace of the red cerpuscles in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which produces these necessary little blood constituents, and the beet yet discovered is Johnson's Tonic Bitter& Price 50 omits, and III peebottle at Geole's drug store, Albite' block, Godsrich. Sole went. (111 Imo ow fear Geord. Mal allow a cola :n the head to slow- ly and surely ran into Catarrh, when yea bus be cored for She by wing Dr. Chaim s Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boleti awes ordinary catarrh; 2 tit 11 bones is gr&iiteed to cam choreic catarrh. Try 11. ly 25c sod sore ours Sold by sU drugglate ly Inquisitive Party -How is it that at 7051 _yosi havee't a tooth ia your Wid 7 "I geese it. herein, I was horn witboat teeth." - Linessin Math Jeareal. 3011711111. CLUILS1118, MEAUX. D. CORDON, DERMER IRa\TI'll-CTIR, Mae of this tows for the last le years. and is yet. Any person wanting a First -Class Job, come to me for it. I am bound to get your trade if Quality and Price is any con sideration. I have an immense stock of Furni- ture now on hand, and carry more Undetaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HEARSES SECOND TO NONE. PICTURE ORAMING AND GILDING DONE I have 00.1 011 hand • case of • vino of Blind Shade RoLlers at 15 Cents Each. Now is your nese af ou want cheap bl,nd rollers. OONIM 01\TM- COMM AIM._ WAREROOMS :---Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. 4.11 TIAVING IX FURNISH ,ay shoo la the West Alla pat In Uwe* 110111 Siorbor Moira. we of them tikes/biro,. swirl Itoce••tee 'Vain( b• ared • Joursey dealer. we are inettioa bide m•irik thee 'ere. Lady's & Children' daircetting made .paelaity Ott ell day ',wept dotarda Hewn and iroand. WavC. MEINTIC4-1-IT 1044 Wool Street. two doers mat ef P.O.. CholorioR FALL MILLINERY MRS. S ALKELD bag opened out • meet &nese:Ire stook of Fall Millinery. In RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SHAPES and even thing else pertaining te the rade. The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value, Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonab rates. PARKER DYZ WORKS, Toneerro. I ameba the eel, twat in this *reties *01tio bested Packer Dye Weeks. Toronto. orders solwited and oatictlon ratarameed. CATARRH, bid hi Mat MAY FUEL nTelM1 Dreepingatima Nagai gemogas EASY TO US . Win tfinth and exeswitve expeetamillaa osisoi kg Or tenth. add by Stumble. 51*51 pselsala as reselpt et prism SIM amit $1. AMEND FIPLIPORII & Os. Siedgv11116, Os& 11M-3na WILL cunt OR ROAM ilLIOU8NE84 DIZZINfil DV WPM. MOM ADMESTION. martini JAUNDICE. OF TNE HEART. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT SWUM. ENE STONACN, NE ART NUNN, OM MESS NE ADACNE. Or ?NE VON, T. MIMI( Pr"VallIti sa.1,11E11131.7:1- NEW ANNOUNCEMENT 1 13 44 Tbe emillernissied,, while Hor• king the peddle for their liberal patreenge besiessel e ups bin germ oaanneneetag osetuamil. beige to lintionnee *bat pa aegis kb mimes to Nom 'fermi rums • an aisles particularly to call attention to his SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS From 10 cts to 75 cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest Case Pry. pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beale' • Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best 6 American fine cut chewing Tobacco,fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. a 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushesfor 25ct Ilsesens, Own, Mood Comb. • No. I Cb000lMo Doom Goma& :I Grocones, Crockery, Glassware. Flour, Foek JOHN ROBERTSONt SSW 00111141101%TO o. Blake*, nook. t,be Square, Ooderioilse on 1#44, , suevidier"'weerisiii7WW •