HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-1, Page 4-r
uron tignal
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NORTH - STRZWit. OODIeltitert.
O • wide-awake local newspaper. devilled
• eeenty sews sad the diesessiamise el ma
el knowledge.
AT ITS WILK puornsie orrice:
RAMO ter ellemonerminu
a year; Ito. tee eta seethe; Ma, ter
mostlia. It the sulimortption hihrieW
sebeoriptios be c
ate ell a year.
and ether mesa advertisements,
fur era tasertiose until mete per li.e
each es=sst bessartisa. Measured by
Local bottom la asaparist type to per has.
Leon lieSteee in staksery mediae type to re
Bastane cords et six Lace and ander $3 per
Advershismaats at last. Fees& Strived,
Situations Vacant. lettestion Wasted and
ilitudnees Chanties Waii=oes exondiag
Item seapartel 111 per n
Bases ea ale and Farms on sate, set to
eased I Mies, Si toe Ant grouts. Ilk per nab.
asoesat smooth. Larger saris in proportion.
Any spootal sales. the object of which is to
premete the gasessiary benefit of say lade
"Meal or noisipas , to be considered an ad
venialness' and charred eccorgierir•
Them tenor win la all cams be strictly sa-
bered to.
Itsosolal rates ter larger advertienneata, cc
pilvertleemeao for extended periods made
Meows at the dim of pubileatioa.
J0111111111 DEPARTMENT.
A telly equipped Jobbing office is carried
se in connection with the ordinary newspaper
busineas, where areteeses work is turned out
at reasonable rates. Sverythlag In the print-
Aglae mstildcan be deuces Ms tormiless trona an
poster to • visiting card.
AU easumualeatleas lam be addressed to
Miter of Tan theict•
Telephose Candle. IL Cioderich Oat.
TRH SIGNAL and Weekly Globe $2.25
Tao Smote and Mail $2. 25.
Tae Stairee, Landow Ai/entreer and
picture $2.26.
Tus Siesta. and Empire $2 25.
Tot Sweet and Family Herald, $2.25
Ten Somee and Weakly Witness $2.25
For clubbing rates with other periodi-
cals apply at THE SION•L office.
Timms have taken • new whirl In
Haldiatand, and Usurper Montague has
had to retire fur the present from before
the parliamentary footlights. On Wed-
nesday last Mr. Coulter the Referee
candidate was elected by a majority of
39. This is the third contest Mr. Coul-
ter has had, and although twice elected
this will be his filet appearance in Par-
liement. His mei is something unique
in the tory of Conselein politios. Dr.
Montague was recently spoken of as a
Cabinet Mleiriter at an early day, bat if
ouch is to be the case he will have to
bunt for a hive as others have dune.
A Weed oe twit anent New Pabileatleas
That Nave feats S. Land
How 1 EsCAPED.
"How I Escaped," a novel edited by
Archibald Clatoring Gunter, author of
"Mr Barnes of New York," which had
a sale of 170,000 copies in America and
of "Mr Potter of Texas," which had a
D ale of 150,000 in America and 80,000 in
England, is sure to have a great demand
in Canada. The London Times says,
"Mr Gunter's books are more read than
perhaps those of any other hoop writer,"
J. Theo Itoloinaeo, Publisher, Montreal,
has Maned "How I Lumped," at 25 cents,
being just half the price ut the cheapest
American Edition. Of aurae every-
body will read it. Fur sale at all book-
As usual the copiously illustrated arti-
cle, of this Magazine are • very attrac-
tive feature. lii the present number
there are three :—"Flemish Pictures,"
by the Editor, giving an account with
pen and pencil of those quaint old con-
tinental cities, Antwerp, Mechlin, Ghent
and Bruges. The Rev theatre Bond M-
aumee his charming "Vagabond Vig-
nettes" of travel in Bible lands, the
present paper riving some graphic pa-
tellae of the Laud of the Pharaohs,"
"The greatness of Lunen'," by Dr Wm
Matthews, has • number of striking
illuetrations of the vast metropolis. Prof
Qold win Smith's Important paper toe"The
Doctrine of Historical Progress" will
be read with very great interest. Sena-
tor Macdonald begins his admirable so
count of Early neeeleyanisie sod Pres
byterianom in Toronto. Dr Stewart
contributes a thoughtful article oto "The
Position and Promects of Methodism
in Great Britain." A delightful story,
"Drury Miller's Dowry," by "Sao.
Holm,- ,who ie understood to be the
daughter of • Methodist minister, is be-
gun. The Rev W. S Blecioneck writes
well on the important subject of the
(lift of the Holy Spirit. Now is the , pointed to co-cperate with it, and that
Imall annual grant be made, it was
time to subscribe. Back numbers can a s
be supplied. Price, $2 • year; for
mmended that $10 be granted, end
aft months : 20 oases per number Wei that It. McLean and D. D. Wilson be
Briggs, Toronto. appointed ; that Hunter Bros. be paid
$200 for extra material and work ; that
A highly respectable resident of Clio th.. °Irder. f th. "'di" "-ad ("dads -
sooner haring been found to he correct
too was passing along Albert St.. on
he filet for reference ; that John Sunday evening, when some yeuthe
Leese pay to Mr On, reeve of Me-
ought to guy him, and shoo shield some
snow balls at him. He vigorously shop-•
ped the face of owe of the parties, the
boys etre glad to sneak off.
A special meeting of the Methodist
ashesters of Oederich District was held
a inter bees the essety sole
shoe mortifying to the Mike ef the pro-
nto, aimenessee Mem see Maimenegestese piny epee which She lease were made.
is ireaseem in aceordireee with the date* sod la
sweeter/ the immerse to peg the
sameaut to the=tim ; a
statement at the dick MOW
meets of the insist, traNNINIE for
1888 aecompaitied by • statesmen
of onleetioas from sesooseitkiet lands
between May 1.4, 181111, teed December
31st, 18811. and • letter from the tree -
serer whisk we behave to be eurrect,
and when ,the modems kayo examined
the same and serefied to leek correct-
ness, that they be printed is the
D. D. Wiloos, Annan
THIRD .*v—TtitineDAT
Otoessil meamed, the ward's in the
Moved by Mr IffeLean, seconded by
Mr. Bats, that this eimattil peasa
lees to require the width of all s
seed in the mosety after ons year from
this date to best the width of terse feet
ems inches spat bet eau reunion, with
the imemeties elites, as provided, by
none. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Wee, astounded by
Mr. Kollin*, that the warden and Were
mesinialise tbe Provincial Legialetere
taco sassed the Menicipal Act as to make
molt compulsory for initainpall aerials,
imeept counties and settee, to have the
&edit of antaisieol atosounts made sue
printed bootees. Dee. 16th and 94th
in each year, situ to make the Aueonal
year and on 16th Deceober in nob
year ; and to amend the ellsssee govern-
ing tb. appointment of auditors to meet
this change. Corned.
Moved by Mr. Dinette seconded by
Mr. Grahame that during this or any
other session of this enamel nu wombs,
be credited with the day's pay, with the
exception of the list and est day, who
does not at some time between 9 o'clock
a. as. and 6 o'cluek p. m present him-
self in the moaned room on say day the
council sits. Canted.
Moved by Mr. Milne. seconded by
Mr. Oliver, that the aunty clerk be in-
structed to procure a copy of the Hat ario
statutes for this year for each reeve and
deputy reeve in this evened, tee sante
to become Ole property of the rust sours
municipalities Carried.
Moved by Mr. lesith, seconded by
Mr. Beck, that this wooed grant the
sum of $10 to be expended undo the
direction of Mr. Adamson is lowers and
Planta to be placed around the Noun
home on county =my during the
seeming summer.
The report of the Finance Committee
was read ea follows :
Your enemittee beg leave to report
as follows : That the following accounts
be paid: Robt. Holmes, printing, $1.50;
F. S. Scott, care of lockup, $20; Wet.
Barker, support of indigents, $82.60;
Mrs Hugh Campbell, keep of Meese
'atheist, $66; township of Stephen,
keep of mane indigent. $53; E. Down-
ing, jail supplies, $8 30; Win. Clegg,
care tiorne lockup $20; Goderich Star,
$4.02; John Brethaur, ewe of Wroxe-
ter lockup, $20; James Davis. care of
Blyth lockup, $20; David Reid. drawing
wood, Ac., $25; McLean Bros. printing.
$6.60; G. N. Davis, hardware, $15 75;
Fraser & Porter, stationery, $6 60;
Alex Muerte jail supplies. Id 90; John
Walker, jail supplies, $2 50; W. J.
Paisley, care of Clinton lockup, $20;
Mary Ann Morgan, care of insane indi-
gent. $60; Brussels Peet printing, $4;
A. H. N. Jenkins, $1; 8. Gidley, burial
of Selina Morgan, $20; Chas. A. Nairn,
Curt House supplies, $19; James
Saunders & Soo, jail supplies, $8 20,
&leo repairing registry office, $1.50, al-
so Court House supplies, $57.28; D.
K. Strachan, repair, Court Home and
jail, $6 50; Orme* Yates, jail repairs,
$2.56; John Ferguson, care of Bayfield
lookup, $20; John Gill, care of Exeter
lockup, $20; C. Kilter, care of Crediton
lockup, $20; H. )(Grattan, $2.50;
East Huron teacher's institute, 025;
John Yule care of Goderich lockup $20;
White & Sons, printing $1; West Huron
teachers' association, $25; Exeter Adro
cafe, printing, $1; Thos. Nash, printing,
$1; E Losbyetare of Searorth lockup $20;
John Brophy, repelling furniture in
Court House, $2.50; James Jenkins, re-
pairs to jail, $7.26; D. K. Strachan,
$7 75; News Record, printing, $2 50;
1. G. Smoke, printing, $6 50; Hart A
Co. Prising. $37,43; Win. Turner's ac-
count for repairs oa bridge, $9 25; Geo
Pettypiece, care of Winghatu lockup
from July 1, 1888 to Jan. 1 1889, $20;
It. W McKenzie, Court House, $8 63;
Edward Beate livery hire, $10; Sala
Hendee/re and AL &sant, $3; D. Urqu-
hart, repairs to Rodgerville bridge, $6;
Fraser & Porter, stationery, $6,15;
HURON SIGNAL account $43.25; McLean
& Sea, repairs to bridges, Ac, $25 40;
A. Sproul, caretaker Dungannon lockup,
$20; application of T. M. Kay, fur re-
fund el county rate overcharged the
township of Ustionoe, $160, granted; ap-
plication for free pellet's license by
Isaac Reid, granted ; that free pedlees
license be granted James Johnston ; that
the motion of John Cox respecting
boundary appropriation be granted;
that the statement of liee.me inspector
for East Huron be printed in the
minutes; that the accounts, of
D. 14. Ma!lnck at entrance exams.
be Paid, $370,23; that the ac-
count of F. 0 Newlin, printer, be paid ;
that the account of J. E. Tom at en-
trance *lame, be paid ; that Wei Stew-
art be granted • free pedloes license
that no action he taken in the applies
Lion of South Huron Farmers' Institute
for county grant ; that the account of
A. B Cornell, for burial expenses of
Frederick C. Wilson, be not paid; that
the account of Dr Nichol be nut paid ;
that the account of George Tedfoed, for
are of county tools, $6, be paid, mid
that the clerk notify Tedeiril that in
future the county engineer shall take
care of the tools ; that John Ansley's
postage, Ac., $6.50 be paid ; on motion
of A. Smith to reset $20 fir flowers,
etc., around the Ceurt Home. that $10
be granted ; on the circular from the
Prisonet a' Aid A senciat ion, Toronto,
&Meng that a small committee be ap-
rich township, on amount of Mrs Mc-
Cann, the aura of $15, that W. B.
Fester pay $5, and that this ceuncil pay
$20 in full of settlement nt claim for
work done at floolmeeville bridge, and
that the offer of eattlesteet ie hereby
is Clinton, on Wednesday 23rd alto made without prejudice; your enuoiret-
when arrangements were made for posh- tee ting new tome made dering the year
ieg the College Federation tiehows. 1886 on first eartages fair the sem of
The •riereint to be raised by this district $15,200, the treasurer has laid before
I. $2.900, of which $2,000 has bees pro- youra Insem
t tageo t.r that
vided for. anteelt%."11: sash siertpge m anal^
Moved by Mr. keening, wooded by
Mr. Kelly, that the clause* reassumed-
ing the granting of pedlan' lianas to
Stewart, J Ammon and Reid, be referred
bask to the committee with instructress
to report a recommentiatiusi making it
obligotory open the loot einem:matey
to assume one-half of the expense of such
license, awl further to make it neceenry
that the said applicant shall, with his me
pliontoo to this alma!, egad • romp:o-
live favoring the granung of the Gagne
by the entente( the local municipality.
Tbe report se thus amended was then
Moved by Mr. Rollins, irconded by
Mr. Graham, that in the opinion of this
commit representation in county coma -
eel; is excessive; that such legislation
should be provided as to lessen noontime -
tattoo to one-third or use -fourth present
representation ; that this motion be re -
(erred to the Special committee to re-
port on at Jose session as to the best
means of attaining the muse. Carried.
Au application from the Pneueerie
Aid association was referred to the Fe
n once Cemmittee. A petition from Mr.
Baer sad others, of the township of
Colborne, in reference to a gully near
Holeteeville bridge, was referred to
Road and Brides Committee.
A circular from the county council of
Peterborough, requesting the cooperation
of this council in memorializing the
Legislature against transferring the eel -
!aeon of non-reaident taxes from the
county treasurer to the treasaren cf
townships and villages, 11110111sielleed to
the Special Committee.
Moved by Mr. Beck, seconded by
Mr. Pruudfout, that • committee
composed of Messrs Kelly, Wilson,
Rollins, Kaitio, Manning, Proud -
boat tied the warden, be appointed
to make enquiries as to the ion of a suit-
able building for a house of refuge In
this county, oast of site for same, and
also asontaln if any of the muoimpale
ties in the 0000ty are willing t, grant •
liberal am for the establishment of such
home of refine within its limite sod
also if say private persons are willing to
contribute, and if go what amount, and
report at the June meeting of the Coun-
cil. Referred to Special Committee.
Council then adjeurtod.
Council resumed, the warden in the
Moved by Mr. Rolling, seconded by
Mr. Beacom, that the motion referring
to pedlars.' licenses, passed yesterday, be
✓ a ended. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Manning. mcoedett by
Mr. Kelly, that clause 106 of the
Finance Committee's report be struck
our, and the following subetitutei there-
for : That it be obligatory upon the
local municipality to which an applicant
for -a free pedlar's license belongs to
assume one half the expense of such
ersoote and further that the applicant
shall, with the application send a re-
commendation trout the council of the
local municipality, setting forth that
the applicant is deserving of the same.
Carried on a diyiaiuo by a majority of
Moved in amendment to the amend-
ment, by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr.
Keine. that no license be granted to in-
digent pentium, but that each manicipal-
ity look atter their own poor. Carried
by a majority of 13.
Moved by Mr. Proudfoot, seconded
by Mr. Smith. that the advisability of
converting the petit jury room into •
canisters' room with an entrance from
the stain, at the mob end of the Cunt
House, be referred to the Jail and Court
House Committee. Carried.
Tee report of the Road and Bridge
Committee was read and laid on the
Moved by Mr. Beck, seconded by Mr.
Malloy. that the county road commis.
sooner get the Maitland brings at Gods -
rich re -floored with rock elm plank as
soon as practicable, if the comae:meaner
thinks it necessary. Carried.
The report of the Special Committee
was read as follows :
Tour oommittee recommend that the
petition of the inhabitants of the unin-
corporated village of Crediton he grant-
ed and that a police village be erected
with the following boundaries : North
half of lot 10 In 6th con. ; eta!h half of
lot 11 in 6th coo.; north half of the
north half of hot 10 in the 6th con.;
south half of lot 11 in the 6th coo.;
north half of north half of let 10 in the
7th con.; and lot 11 in the 7th eon.— All
in the township of Stephen That the
first election of trustee* be held on
Frelay, the 15th Feb., 1889, at 1 o'clock
p m., and that Charles Brown, of Credi•
ton, be returning officer. That the no
emeary bylaw be passed by the council
for this purpose.
Your committee recommend that the
petition from the county wooed of Ox-
ford, praying the legislative assembly to
(resat a law placing the appointment of
each enmity ultimo* as are paid by the
county in the county counciebe adopted
and signed by the warden and clerk
with the onnenclineeta noted, and for-
warded he Hun A. M. Rom for remota-
In regard to the petition from coun-
cil of the city of Ottawa, asking the
Legislature to abolish all exemptiene,
your committee recomemeod that the
words, "except municipal and anon
property and all places of worship" be
added to the petition and Mimed by the
warden and clerk and forwarded to Hes
A M. Rees for presentation.
We neranoeirld that the petition frost
the anent, enamel of Brea to Not Litt
Olsten of (Hearin. asking for a Illentee
in the Aewmalloset Act, so es to permit
vilieges gad townships he ,0111110111 the
sake of limale for taxes Ia the same mea-
ner as oveattes, antes and tow no d as
proses' be adopted. sad amuse and fur -
warded as regalia&
We reeememed that so adieu be
lobe. us the pontos of the aunty
amen of Osfunie asking fur lbs prohi-
bitive of the importation, manufacture
mod este of isteateatiaa liquor* as a
beverage in the Deminea.
That the Fondue sang for certain I
amendments to the Mosistpal Ad, so as
to more clearly degas the meaning of
the words, "Hawkers, mellows and petty
eltamees," sod to limbo more plain the
power of loony councils is mar.' to
the same, be adopted, and duly mimed
and forwarded for presentative.
We recommend that the new rules
governing theapplicationfrom students
desiring to at the agricultural col-
lege at Guelph he observed by the clerk,
sad that Mr W Benetton, f Hay, be
reousomeaded for the nest vacancy
therein from this county.
Your committ• economised the adop-
tem 1 tbe petition of county commit of
the county of Kent, asking that the
Municipal Act he se amended as to give
p(lWrr to the township ougocile to coo -
soon roads under the !coal improve -
meets system, and that the same be
segued and forwarded, as requested
On the letter of Jas. W. Sone the
chairman of the special committee of
the Bruce county council on Hesse of
Refuge. asking for • similar committee
from this council to co-operate with
them, we recommend that no action be
That no action be taken in the motion
of Mr Saunders, the amendment a Jae.
Johnston, and the amendment to the.
amendment of W. Proedfoot, dealing
with the surplus in the treasurer's hands
from the Canada Temperance Act en-
forcement fund.
We recommend that no action be
taken on the petition of the county
council of Peterborough, relating to the
sales of lands for taxes ; and of the aun-
ty council of Elgin, relating to the
appointment of officials paid by the
county, the same matter being other-
wise dealt with in this report
We recommend the &dope°of the
motion of Mr Beck, seconded by Mr
Pra.ndfoot, appointing • special sess-
meta to report upon certain mal be
connection with the cost of • Heves of
Refuge, upon the understanding that
the committee incur no expenses.
Respectfully_ submitted.
A. H. Messing chairman.
The Council wont into committee on
the whole, Mr. Griffis' in the chair, when
the report ea* amended by abolishing
all exemption from taxation, and the
report as thus amended was adopted.
The following report of ,he Jail and
Cot House Committee wee read:
gAll. AND coma Rocas toe-
1 Waimea visited the jail and found
it in rood order, and everything clan.
2 Recommending that the jailer be
supplied through the clerk with the
supplies asked for. Also that tenders
be asked for all supplies for just and
coon house, to take effect on and after
31st of March next, as we understand
this has not been dome for years. Also
that double windows be put on the win-
dows of the sheriffs and county attor-
ney's officee, and that the clerk lot a
new carpet for the court home stairs.
and suitable blinds for the court house
3 The vault at tee registry office is
far too small, and we recommend that
the county road °eternised:oiler be in-
structed to examine the same and re-
port to this council at the Jane meeting
the probable cost of an addition the
same size as the peacoat vault.
4. We recommend, in the event of
any vagrant being brought before the
mayor of Goderich, that with the may-
or's consent, the county clerk be In-
structed to issue the warden's order for
payment of railway fare to such vagrant's
home anywhere west of Toronto in this
Province, instead of committing him as
a vagrant to the jail, as we think the
county would save money by so doiaz.
5. Recommending that Mr, Proud -
foot's notion with respect to the cuppty-
ing of electric light and water to the
county buildings be granted. Mayor
Butler baa submitted • statement of
cost, eta. which we annex to ties report.
(The statement referred to offered to
apply two incandescent lamps fur hall
and stairway of court house, one are
lamp for court room, three or more
water tape for court house, one for the
registry office and two for the jail, all
put in and supplies furnished by the
town, for $200 per year.)
G. That no action be taken on the
motion to fit up the petit jury room as a
banisters' room.
icemen Shell,
The Council went into committee of
the whole. Mr. Strong in the chair, when
the report was amended by striking out
the clause referring to vagrants, end de
barring action upon potting electric
lights and water into the Court House.
The warden, clerk and Masao. Mann-
ing and Beck were appointed a mem-
mottos to report on the latter matter at
the June session. Mr. Proudfoot's
metope to fit up the petit jury room es •
barrister's room was amended and adopt-
ed, and the report as &bore amended
was then adopted.
The following report of the School
and Printing eummittee was read snit
adopted .
I. Recommending the adoption of
the report of Inspector Tens, and aloe
that a detailed limit table of the wore
for each class and set of examination
Papers be prepared jointly by the inspec-
tors each half year, to be printed at the
of the county.
. Recommending the Inspector to im-
press upon trustees that it ie their duty
to see that the law In reference to the
attendants* of ehildreu at the pablie
w heels is somplied with, and that w-
ent. who do sot seed their children ba
✓ ade to do on.
J. IReeniemendIng that all fete payable
far mamba founimations be paid forth-
with to the county treasurer by the ex-
aminer or party who iodate the seise.
4. Recommending that the tender of
F. (3. Inmate for ii.. snooty prating be
W. Peorotaroor,
The 'teeming report of the R ed and
Budge Committee was mei
Our Entire Stock of Winter Goods
10 per cent. below Cost Price for 30
days r
• P
Jerdaa's Meek, Gederick, Jan. 15th, NIL
,.., Jere' "ie. etheelete
1 Itmosninanding that me anion be
taken on the oorreeptoodemee relative to
the jam to the mill mood at Wuzettaite
2. That the bridges at Henfryn,
Rageryiee, Zetlead and the one be-
tween Hibbert and Usberce, be built of
timber as soon as possible, mended the
adjoining aunties pay our -hell the ci-
That the Wingbam bridge be bails
as woo as possible, 'run superstructure
and iron piles tot piers.
4. That the county road onamiesine
en's report be adopted and the bridge
pepsin resumer/oaten be carried cote
5. That the petition of David Baer
and others relative to a washout at
Hohneeville bridge be laid over until
the June session.
Joan Kai',
GENTLEMEN —I beg to submit for your
eostaideration my report of prisoners at
present confined in your county gaol.
There are et present teeny prisoners is
custody -19 males sad 1 female, Mary
Brady. . She came from the township of
McKillop, is 59 years old, and very
weakminded. She was committed lest
foe Km sixth time by Mayor Seeger. She
le perfectly destitute, and having no
friends that we know of, will have to be
clothed by the county when her senses.*
expires, which will be on the bib et May.
Of the 19 melee, 1, William Kelly, is in-
sane. His case is well known to the
county council. Another men, William
Koothaas is committed for obtaining
money under false prettiness, sad is
waiting trial. The nosiaiaing 17 are
vagrants all under asetesee as fellows:
Samuel Noble, Goderich, 3 menthe;
Ohs. Boyd, township of Peel, 3 menthe;
Thos Clark, London. 3 months; John
Ross, Toronto, 3 mouths ; Thos Griffin,
Hamilton, 3 mouths ; Robert Davis,
Toronto, 3 mouths ; Thomas %%entente,
Montreal, 3 months; William Smith,
Toronto, 3 months; nos Allan, Sher-
brooke. 3 months; John Morrow, God. -
rich. 3 mouths; George Washington,
Blyth, 3 months; John Brown. Brant-
ford, 2 months ; Micheal Sullivan, Hein -
Moo, 2 Enoch, ; Thus Dean. London, 2
smooths ; George Gerdes, Clinton. 3
soothe; and Robert Tinnier, Howlett,
6 soothe ; all committed by C. Sager,
Mayor of Cluderish. Theme are all able-
bodied men fit to do any kind of work,
with three exceptions, Robert Finisher
aged 87, Samuel Noble aged 67, and
John Morrow aged 67. I have been
u nder the necessity of getting two pairs
of brogans fur Kelly and Fletcher, and
have had owe pair repaired, the but for
which will beast in. I also got mate-
rial for three down towels which I had
made up by the prisoners. I would vs.
spat folly request that I toe supplied with
two tin bciee—osie for candles and the
other for barley.
Your obed't servant,
Wm. Dickson, Gaoler.
ROAD onininatinnelia [SPORT.
All of the contracts let during the
year have been satisfactorily completed.
We have erected five bridges; two of
them are of iron and of pretty large
dimensions, and three of wood. The
timber used in them is cedar. They are
all good substantial atreeteree. Ws have
made about the vestal repair. to the
bridges sod the aroseiree this year.
All the county bridges are In • very
good state of repair at this date, I be-
lieve. and are likely to reinain so daring
the present winter. The following
bridges are very much decayed and are
somewhat dangerous for heavy hods,
and I recommend that they be rebuilt
during the summer of 1889: let, the
H.nfryn bridge, situated an the devia-
tion boundary road between the coun-
ties of Huron and Perth; 2d, the bridge
over the north branch of the Maitland
river on the gravel road in Winches ;
3rd, Hall's bridge on the lake shore road
in the township of Gednich. I here-
with submit the number and &mama of
orders which I have issued since the let
of June, 1888, in payment for the im-
provements made to the ()Gouty bridges
approaches and buildings.
The following is the sepplementary re-
port for the month of January. On
January 16th I set tb. ouinetisaioner for
the aunty of Perth, mad the warders of
the Comity of Huron. We examined
the bridge over the feasible River, on the
county boundary line between the town-
ship of Hibbert and I *borne, and found
it very mach decayed and unsafe.
Would recommend that it be built as
soon as possible This bridge is 46 feet
long. I examinee the bridge on the
boisedary lie, between the towaabips of
Teekeremith and Hay, and found it to
be old and unmet. I would recommend
that it be rebuilt as early as possible.
This bridge ie 34 feet long. river Warren
creek. Also a email bridge at Zetland
e hrould be rebuilt. This bridge is abort
25 feet long. Yours r 'spent ol ly
Tone A sautT.
Road emiudesiosier.
Moved by Mr. Kidd, seenedoi by Mr.
Milne, that the report be amended `y
stalking out the china recommandine
the building of as iron bridge at Wm/t-
hem, and substituting therefor s wooden
bridge Carried by a majority of 18.
when the report se amtesded was then
The following hp-Istril Were read and
passed: TO •3poutt *sem y aeditcrsised
a board of &edit ; to regul it* the width
of sleigh runner., and to ossostieete the
village of Crediton • puha village.
Council thou sdjoureed to meet hie
Tuesday to June, at 3 m,uiock p.
• Jostles ants Leal Agate and .hes
Feu greens lie ray.
now soteiselsed celebrated case
has just concluded with the deliverance
of Jana Falcon bridge girls* the plane_
elf, J. S. Grant, postmaster of Brussels,
verdict for full costa. Tuesday's 'dubs*
ail".4Thiswas ail
oiit"lolatlisic,0: of libel simian
the defendant as publisher of the Bees-
on; Budget, iii which the alleged libel -
boos mairer appeared.
The action was tried at Occierich bee
tore Falcon bridge. J., and • jury, she
found • verdict fee the plaintiff for $1.
The question of 41Mle was jaftenvankl
argued in Tomato, d lodgment en
a"Faledoon"beredridge, J. The deOgsflog
- -
pleaded • justification, which hem hiss
negatived by the jury. At tbe trial be
conducted his owe defeeee--certausly
wish great ability—but act as certainly
with equal judgment. in at least one cc
two reopens. He was, of Goatee, snow-
ed greater latitude, in the exammatios
and cress -examination of witumees, in
addressing the jury, thee I would have
allowed to any cancel at the Bar. TM
necessary result of this wee that the
plaintiff was handled with great severity
in she witness box mad out of it. (noes -
lies. mora:d1 charactersuggettlaiiOadk gravely qinteaffectinguna
his eepon-
ed by acy aceetautive evidence, was un-
sparingly and unimereifully indulged in,
• Ce • The plantar has dearly bogged
his small verdict at the pries of meek
mental torture, and I feel booed to give
billiTherfaile tests
is another enosideration which I
think plass the propriety of this order
beyond ouutomerey. By this action the
plaintiff sought not only damages bat en
injunsitioo. An interim injunction was
granted, fax wallet and persistent defi-
ance of which the defendant undergoes'
inoprisounient in the common Jul far
days. That injunction vas made per-
petual by the judgment after the trial.
I think the plaintiff is on this grimed at-
tend to full costs,
Judgment will be mitered for she
plaintiff fur $1 damages, with full cons
cf sett and without any get -off by the
Osler, Q. 0., for the plaintiff.
Shepley for the defendant.
Tho ease from its commencement bad
every appearance of having beam • pre-
meditated attack oat the postmaster.
The papers containing the most villain-
ous attacks eia the plaintiff would have
ei some tart of it a statement to the ef-
fect that so iselies wee intended. Ttile
quite too eater rase exposed itself.
A properly condoned newspaper ser-
ves a useful purpose; it keeps the public
acquainted with inmate occurring from
tins te time, and, within proper limits,
deserves sad should us protected, but
increased power brings increased respon-
sibility, and we cannot Ignore the fast
that private citizens have rights that
mum be maintained, whether they be
postmasters, *doom =preheats or any-
one else. The editor who transcends
the bounds of clammy and the legitimate
range of newspaper criticism is not only
a disgrace to the profession but is not
tree to himself and will, sooner, or
later, get his deserts.
This came has already attracted • good
deal of attention. It wag an unprovok-
ed attack on • trusted official, where
everything that manes could suggest and
an inflamed imagination picture was
ground out weekly. Net only the post-
master bet everyone who had the user -
age to mono this self -constituted Dina -
tor, cam* in for weekly tirades of abuse,
u ntil the whole orasatunity was no edge
edNothhisinitisallt:odtiumweantheerebustre ualessomiiteareesiever;
distorted to suit the vilest mode se #511•0
minds change good to their own eat,'
et nasigeheteryof tilshiasnitt.7utihnhagvepaeopeeense
been cot short. The postmaster, after
many months of almost fiendish persecee
Lion. sod after due warning, ammeneed
an action for libel (a thoroughly ortho-
dox, but expensive, proceeding.) Al'
suet ateriatourondly byetS;istii:
The first resulted in 'Orme in the mese,"
but as the true character of the defend
sot downed upon the judicial weeds of
their Lordships each euessedieg genies
was imadveosts against defendant ie
any event."
Is as asehilits
the day. Ti
tees &meet
the aggregate
pushup. 4231 te
one minute en
sea denies to
railing doe age
affords a quasi
pliessious, 10
wswiedy fur
pane Sold I
W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, supplied is
Rev Mr Legate &bootee last Suede/
evening at Ethel.
Several leeteree by lobe B. Gone
have bees teanalated info the Tamil
lettatione, spoken by eu teen muillioe
people he Southern India sad Ceylon.
N 14. Riehmellione, f Gray, hes lased
his farm for • terms of flee yams to Yee,
Rees. Mr Itatemedene boomed* hold ins
so asinioat male of fares stock end mode -
waste iamb tine Is salty egret*
Dr Hasidic
lap et Otago'
to be the slue
demo who we
work is Irela
bad optimal n
of favourable
had written Li
of use of the
thst he was
Hostas Cash -
that the peopl
of religion.
Adapt you
family visits
the habits of
ly at enema
sky visits th
The oily visit
to rising till
Om break(
you are In too
foe it. If yei
eassot make
ii•lbf peel
simple cold,
time, may lee
Zemilsios of
cinch bet hot
thousands of
Milk Try II
10e and $1.
or toughs.
Turkish 1
J. \fi
Ste leap sin
41..A11,1 An ik
SI: C9.101
number I
sent out
large ate
era, whic
pad in qi
House, l