HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-1, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 1. I t 89. 3 RELIGIOUS NOTES. LaweMtaa r,...raps. Boleti.• se Chea. Yea Werk. The aerobes of the Bu•tbere thetas are iaoreasieg nearly four uses as fad as Lite siniatry, A Cedar Rapids, Iowa, elergy.ert n- amely Gook the for • test : Cam • mea with • family aunt fix ISO • meet!) and be • Christian r' The midge, who,60 yean ago, premis- ed the Brat sermon in Chicago, gull lives, e ad'he is still of the opintos that Obi- ugo is a good .ioeiosery posed. Canterbury, N. H., kas • meeker .harsh that was built in 1792 sad hos n ot been sMoild sire, time time. The shingles then pet OS the roof were heart pion and were fastened on with wooden res. When be lint became Prime Minister, Disraeli was advised by a /rand "al- ways to itpi tut ntoJeratd men to bis- hoprics." is- hoprica" "Moderate men I'd echoed the iunetrla.. statesman ;'•.h, I est ! Yoe went me to .ppoiet mea without o mvie- tiow I" Medical missionary in Chia find that a great many of the mon ignorant Poo - regard them as pouooers. 1V ben any of the natives show • desire to *moult the strangers, sums one is sure to dissuade them by sakiny the question : ••Du you want to get poisoned by the Jesus doctors r' Rev Dr Bolles, eft Nee plod', in his sermon lest Sondes, pre oenoed a new idea of religion. fie acid that bat • small part of • church Amid be used for purpose of worship. "I would make of it • east hive of human endeavor, in which there should be everything to e tu..:llate the iutellect, sods as libraries and industrial schools, where children could be taught the mechanical arta I would maks all thew things free, and let the church 611 itself." Bays an ioallieent government un- did of Japan : " °pantry is in • de- plorable state as feed religion is con - mimed. The people of the better classes are largely agnostics. They believe In no religion, and though the bulk of them are Domtoally Buddhists, they are really in6dela I believe that any religion is better than no religion, and there is at present room in Japan for all the work that bili the Buddhist* tied Christians stir dei w1Vas 1V We religiose bare deepentil the umpire and the assts *ogee teige111er, there may be trouble, but not b.��t We have new our preachers aM ha Christuw have their mi.ioner- ies. There is • vast Geld before us, and then is room for both to do good." - A teen Led • wIes•ti.g. A boon and a blessing to mankind 1s Hsgysrd's Yellow Oil. the great pain de- stroyer ♦stroyer and healing remedy for externs) and internal use. Yellow Oil cures all slopes and pains, rheumatic., lame back, sire throat, creep. deafness, cramps, contracted cord. and lameness. Protein it of your druagi•t. 2 Seams •r neente. Dafresny married bis waskerwo- man Gtetbe s wife was a women mediocre capacity. Emerson says : "It is not beauty that inspires the deepest passion. Therese Lammed, the last Same 01 Rousseau, ,meld not tell the time of day Racine had au illiterate wife, and was accustomed to boastfully declare that she would not red any ;,f his trage- dies. Heise said of a woman he loved "She bas read a lies of my ent- itles. and doss not eveo 'sew what a poet is." It is an of ,-noted saying of Dr John- ston that a moo in general 1. better pleas- ed when he has • good diner :to the table than when his mita talks Greek." "How many of the wise and learned," says Thackersy, "have married their cooks ! Did not Lord Elden, himself, tie most prudent of men, make • runs way match f Were not Achilles and Ajax both in love with their servant - maids. " Jean Paul Richter declared that hs would not lead a women into the matri- monial noon whom it would not delight to bear him read the learned reviews of Gottingen, or the universal German library, wises they needed his praise, though it might be in some degree szrg- g.rated. Seven hundred people sat up all Wight to see the beautiful Duchess of Hamil- ton get in her carriage, bet would one in • thousand loose a wink of sleep to get a g limpse of the learned wife of the pundit Yaiavalk•, who discoursed with the In- dian in Sanscrit on the vexed problems of life. John Start Mill regarded the insti- tution of marriage in is highest vim std aspect as a anion of two permits of cultivated faculties, identical in opisioe and purposes, bootees' whom there ex- ists that best Ned of equality, similarity of power with rseiprooal s.p.rinrity in them, so that one can enjoythe Isxery of looking up to He other and ens have alternately the pleasure M lead- ing and being led in the pati o; domino meat." Nle.eslaea. "My Miraenlous Our. was that I had suffered from kidney disease for about two years, was off walk ell beat time. A fri.od told geed 11.8.8, I tried it, and am happy Weal List 1 woe end by two bottles." Wm Tier. St Marys, Oat. Lome ago it was assayed that aeoff- akers newer suffered frogs saaswmptioe, and it is said the workers is Iebseen h Fonda did sot fake mow fever darks' the rested week. It .a well be that tobaene Site as a germiie, A Weneesed r m rv.aeeve. This it Ibe title gimes a 1.011'. std ,lar .1004 Liver Uel by deny oboe sad. who have dime it. It fief emir give• lead and strength by stetss elf its emu $ utritoas properties, het emotes AN ap- petite for food. Use k, sad try year weight Seett's Est.hh.s is peasely pa/dibble. Sold by ell dregg sa, at 69e. 'ted SI. ODDS AND ENDS. S•e•e• et all e.tads .1 •dares• le every body. The Bigger Half. -••Booby," said his mother, 'did you gine half a the orange to Fier little setter 1" "Oh, yes, eta, I game her more than that,"replied B,bby, with a generous sir "Did you, wd•ad, Bobby 1 Why, that was very nue of you." "lee, ea, I molted the Juice oat and gars her all the rest." Leah earl Ar r1. If you are troubled with • oold or eou,th, however light the attack, look out for it, d„ sot •lbw it to settle o0 the lands : break upp the Dough by lots - ming the to.stb phlegm with Hayyrd's Pommel Balsam. Y Dodd : "Mr Duppenheimer, you won't feel me pull the tooth The gas will weeks you ineensibes. You woe t as kw. wbs guing on." Doppsnbeimer "fah dolt eel Well, I dicks I pumas te- noned." o-norreer." Aeolis : "lid why not let me pull it today 1' Duppe•bel.er : "Well, I don' yeast know how .stet monish der wash in my puoket-beck " Severe Attach. Kiss Bella Elliot, of Pontypool, Ont , writes -"My brother and I were both taken ill with a severe attack of diar- rbwr, having tried other remedies, we tried Dr Fowler's Retract of Wild Straw- berry, which gave immediate relief." 2 "They have • larger es!. in my die trice," Bays a well knows druggist, "than any other pill on the market, and give tie beet satiafaction for sick headache, biloiousness, indigestion, eto , and when combined with Johnston's Tunic Bitters, Johnstone Tonic Liver Pills will per- form erform what no other medicine has done before for suffering humanity." Pills 25 cents per bottle. Bitten 50 cents and it per bottle. Sold by Goode, Druggist, Altaon block, Goderick, sole agent (cj Bat few peoele are swore that there M now living in Paris a granddaughter of the celebrated Mow de Steel. She is Mdlle. d'Hausseaville, a lady well known swung the poor of Paris for her charit- able enterprises. She has lately founded at Paris a home fur the Sisters of Mercy, when the government will presently ex- pel from the hospital of that lacy. Hay fever is a type of catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended ky an inflamed 000ditio• of the lining mem- branes of the nostril*, teardace. and throat, affecting the Iuags. An acrid mucosa u secreted,) he discharge is accent - naiad with • burning sensation. There are seven spasms of sneering, frequent attacks of beedache, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is a reme• dy that can be depended upon. 60ots. at di-ttlpltists ; by mail, registered, 60cta Y1v Brothers , Dragguts, Owego, ew A beautiful woman is a jewel ; a good woman is a treasure. "So said Saadi, the Persian poet, some 600 years ago. and tboarh we can't all be jewels, every wo- man be • treasure in the poet's sense. Peach -like cheeks may become wrinkled, brilliant eyes dim ; but tel goodness never grows old. A good heart and • gond tamper will keep a women lovable and attractive, if not besutdal, to the end of her days. New a BadeCa,aght C. he. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently stressing in a street oar, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, dash boy, bow d'ye oath that dweadful cold." "Aw, dash fellah, left my cane in the lower hall tother day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dweedful cold, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had geed Dr. Har- vey's arvey's Rid Pine Gum his add world not trouble him very much. For sale at .1 Wilson's preseriobon drag store, tt Uncle Cutty -"Which is de cheapest, de Byblister or de poor -bless plaster I" Druggist -"Int the same -twenty -6w11 mots spied." Code C. -"Wall, doc- tor. you better give me all two ; my old 'Oona' is berry low mid de remosu, an I want nm fur hab eb'ry comfortr" Expel the Worms by .,ins the safe sed reliable anthd.iatio Freeman's Wane Powders lm Little Charlie - Mamma, where do little fishes sleep. Ma.ntn•-in the bed of the river, dear. -Drake's Msgngice. Foe • patient suffering from rheuma- tism, free ventilation withmet draughte should be secured, and the temperature kept between sixty-eight and seventy. The peddled should be *lathed in flatted, and lie between woolen blankets. His savoring shooed be light, as .neeemeary weight will add to the pain in the inflam- ed ;data Milk with seiner water or Bate water per-emiseetly meets the re- quire.eaa as the principal articles of did durl.g the astive period of the dis- ease. Those who .re habituated to the see of obsidian should not be entirely derived of them. Vieteeia Carbolic San is • great aid to aster al medicine ie the treatment of .ssof.loea .ores, .leers sad abscesses of all kited.. 1. A popular belief exists to the sleet that the liver, Ming a heavy organ, Weds be prow epos the ether oh - n ominal elopers when a pesos lies cm the left aide. At say rate, mote par• asst probably seep u• the right side thee a the likes expesiemee sad Ness- vith's .knee. show. The author ie q.estt to believes also that the posture in sleep isles.. the •zteeeios of s broadtails He footed, for example. that is 736 eases reined to, •11 of whom had this disorder. 1a 177 it wee left-sided, 1a 71right-sided, and In 65 on bili ,Nee. He thinks that theprepositional** of IM Iwasaki, on the left sits was dee to the foot that there was • greeter expansion e1 this side dories sleep, and ensemlaene- ly, • greeter ligree. of sold air or the iaorbile partite, ening the disesaw messrera tytuy west. The follo.tag stoat 'usable( fragment of • letter Iruss a dying wife to lone but baud (says the Nashville aimed.) wsa fooled by biro some swaths alter her death between the leaves of • religww volume, whish she was very fund of perming. Thus letter, which .as moral le drat with teat 'narks, written bag be fore bar husband was aware that the g rasp of the fatal diatoms had settled un w the lovely (oris of he tints who died at the early age of oiitota re : Wass this shell read yuan eye, dear Gooey*, mese day whoa yew are 'amine owe/ the relics al the prat, I shall have peeved •way forever, Sufi the euld white stmts will be keeping iia lowly wand over the lips you have so often premed, and the sod will be growing greet, that shall hide forever trots you, tight the duet of one who has often w aded dues to your warm heart. Fur teeny long and sleepless nights when all beside my thoughts were at rest, I have wrestled with the ouosouwenees of ap- proaahiag death soul, at isst, it bas forged itself u0 my naiad ; •ud although to lou and to others it may now seem but ihe nervous imagining of a girl, yet, my deer limeys. it is so ' Macy were the nigra have I passed in the cud•• via to rea.o.ile myself to leaving you whom I love aft well, sed this bright world of sunshine and beauty ; and bard it is, indeed, to struggle on silent- ly and alone with the sure conviction, that I ase about to leave all forever, and go down tutu the dark valley ! But, I know in whom I have trusted, and, issuing no His mighty arm ; I fear no evil. Do not blame me for keeping .sen all this from you How could I subject you, of all others, to such sorrow ae I feel at parting, when tame will mom 'saki it apparent to you. I would have wished to live, if &01y to be az your aide when your tons will °ora and, pilbwing your bead ins my brat, wipe th, death damps from ycur brow, and tither your daperting spirit into It's Maker's pre- sence, embalmed in wt.matt'a holiest prayer.' But, it is not to be, and 1 salt mit. Tours is the privelege of watching, tbrougb the long mod dreary oughts, for the spirit's final flight, and of transfer - nog my stakicg bead. from your breast to tits Saviour's bosom ! And you shall share my last thought, and the last fatal pressure of the hand, and the last feeble Lias shall On yours, and even when bears aid trip elmS hnv. ailed se, y epee .w fast oe poen till gland by death ; and our spirits shall hold one last cum- muoion until gently fading from my Thew the last of earth you shall mingle with the first bright glimpses of the un fading gloves, of that batter world, where partings are unknown. Well do I know the spot, my dear George, where you will lay me ; often we stood by the plass and as we watched the mellow sun - met, as it glanced in quivering flushes through the leaves, and burnished gold, each perhaps has thought, that some day one of us would come alone, and, which- ever it might be, your name would be on the Mune. But we loved the spot, and I know you will love it none the lees, when Foo see the same quiet sunlight huger and play among the grass that grows over your Mary'. grave I know you will go there and my shirk will be with you then, and whisper among the waving branches 'I am not lost but goo. before t'' Cbr.ste Csogfm and sada And all disease, of the throat and lunge can be cured by the use of Scott's Emul- sion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod liver Oil and Hypopho.phites is their fulled form. See what W. & Muer, M. D., L R. C. P., eta, Truro, N. 8. says : "After three years' exper- ience I consider Soots'. Emulsion one of the very tett in the market. Very ex- cellent in throat affection.." 8uld by all druzgiata, 50c. and 111.00 wises. Wisdom is not the same with under- standing, talent, capacity, sense or pre - dance ; not the same with any one e- thos/ ; neither will all these together make it op. It is that exercise of reaaoa into which the heart enters -a ointment of the understanding rising out of the moral and spiritual nature. It is for this cause that • high order of wisdom - is still more rare lata' • high order of genies. When they teach the very higb- eg order they are offs ; for each implod- es the other, and Intentional greatness is matched with moral strength. Bet they hardly ever reach so high, itwmect se great Intellect. seeotdiag to the ways of Provldettce, almost always brings along with it gtet in6rteities- .r, at Meat, in- firmities which appear great, owing to the scale of operattoo, and it is eertaloly exposed to unusual temptations; for as power and pre-eminence lie before it, so ambition attends it, which, which, while tt determines the will. and strengthens the activities, inevitably weakens the the moral fabric. test gpeewdso. ken ao risk in buying .edi.i•e, bet try the gnat Kidney and liver meals - tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's ree.i Try Chase's Liver Cure for alt diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Streusels and Bowels. field by James W il•ce, druggist. Thomas Berridge, .1 Hamilton, a meseelar ynesg fellow, wagered that be e oeld saw a ,ori of wood in two hears, and be .eeosepluhed the feat. hewing a few minetes to spare. The wend was sawed on Rebates street, assn J.>.es,and quite • crowd withered aroesd Berridge. H. got 75 cents for the week. Te the redc■Y F.'••••doe. aN all Wiese el leap massa. or Nerve Toned, a Pine- sintifie Pea, Formulated by Pidgins* Austin, 11. D. of Boston, Maas., ewes Palmed w�o,, t , s Attache, Vertigo l& , ted all wading diseases el fife' hems sy.tem. Pho.phatine is not a MOdseia.. but • Nutriment, Meanie it oneitaine as Vegetable or Mineral Poiseee, Oplia/o 1Nj t Phos h se sed t#.sitf'hM'lsmat Beset in oar daily toed. AI�s is s.fgeiost to animism , Vie Dy sell it, 11.00 per beetle. Tawas • Oo. sole for the Deilet, SS .sent /Ireel last Tweets. ate HEALTH NOTES. A eb$ebof twseeessing Sows anion ringer. M erne moadoe. Recent expen.anta have changed the old %hooey .e W the best wethud. ul Inatn.s frost testes. A phystei.n fume .,sty dogs tutu • coediting' of o.w,pietety euep.uded autonaune. Twenty of these were treated by the amid method gradtal reeeseitalioo in • mid rem, bet fourteen peri•bed. Teot.ty .,.re .err treated in • ware room., aced eight died. The remising twenty were put tofu • hot barb and they all recovered. Moro Te.•N. Ray be Rupeesed, if you do not heed the wartime* cot na- ture and at once paattention to the su►u utaat►oe of your health. flow often we see a pence put off from day to day the purchase of a .tedioiiae which if pro- cured at the edge/ rt of • disease would have retuedied it almost isetsedutely Now if Johueton'e Tunic Liver Pella had beet teken when the first uuoaso,ess made «s •ppearanue the illness would base 10. "nipped i.i the bud.' Johu- son's Took Bitters and Liver Pols are decidedly the beet medicine on the mar- ket for general tonic and iuvyforaiing properties. Pills 26c. ner bottle. Balers 60 cent.. sod 11 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole agent. [bj The Csarina is affected with • kind id palsy, which ts t,ntwintt worse. She by Men subject to trembling ria uuce the Burks disaster. seta Meek A eat Mr Goode, druggist, is not a hook agent, but has the agency in Godench fix J..hu•tuu's Tonic Bitten, which he stn heartily recommend fur any com- plain to which • tonic medicine is bp plicable. This valuable medicine has berm with moat astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, stook - nese, irregulantton peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impovttnshweut of the blood, stomach and liver trouble*, lose of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every uoe is troubled with at s,.me part of the year. Don't forget the name Juhnstuo'e Tonic Bitten boa and 11 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion Wuok, Gelder' , slide agent. - 'a swim - Hull.,, Mesta. I Moroni sees ems moor. 4w. t .supy .o y. -is have been torr bey Margo. - Yee , 1 ha. • boss eco. tits tete • nee hoses. 1 live on tate • utters now. 1611..11 - is that et 1 It semat be • coo . a perurs►oe fox yea. - bu•ton P..L GODERICH BOILER HOSES 8ti B1& k, ,itaclanr. or all hinds of fTaTIME61, /Me1M, NewNT 1116 TgauKY BOILERS. 19:Agek O. p. B,. BOOM TOM( PROLRTIES FOR SALL. $100 AND IIPWARDB I have • large number of Nooses and Lees and Meant lames to the Mast desirable puts of cite Tows - FON nava CAS ie. Nus 1. the time w serum property before the Hit Rask. The C. P. H. is onreing sere, sed In a short time priors will have advaawd beyond the reach of teeny. Call and ser List and Prices before p.rchas- lag el.ewhere. R. RADCLIi'FE, Real estate and the/writ 1asn.w•ce Acwet, 001.v, West 1st.. bird door from Square, C. P. R rookie and Tel./graph Oaks. lt-tf. ICOURDO,CK PILLS A wag CUM( Foe.1LIOuuNe.S, CONSTIPATION. IMMOLATION, DIZZINLS$. SICK HLADACHL, sae Dsaaaets or Tut STOMACH. LIVEN AND DOWELS. TNtr •At 5ILD,TNO.Oe4N MOD MOOR In ACTION. AND rot. • TAWAatt AI. TO 5051S005 Moo* •trTtes is The T•LAT.cnr AND curt or temente AND OAST, NATE DISLA.LS. IPSO larikellielst Wald" =MI womb le Me wadi imore Oros beta piwwwrews..iaen woks rego* NINA. �i, me ��s. � Ilse ee .,a ..hri.�e'..se"iiai ern le rear •••• be wS t■.ei rhe Neste wtreeonTans «wese Wen mak ovliow' ms .s...iu « r ton M s gns.plew • •r nig��1s� � este 1rNM� A B Cooke, head master of the glomerate High School for the past six years, has accepted the position of classi- est master of Dundas High S,;boot. A W..derfut$Sr.as. The lamest ont;An, ant' one that pays a controlling part on the health of the hody is the liver If torpid or init.-Kiva the whole system heroines diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Core is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed t.. cure. Recipe book and medicine 11. Sold by all druggists- Largest ruggists. Ef VELOPES SALT PANS, 8MOK11 STACKS Mid all kiwis./ $hest Iron wort. STRAIN AS. WAITia sirs PITT4sid oeaetaatly on turd. Ila hand. ready for delivery : e se M.r. Sew Neel ne/ter, f om•Iea. 1 a ..r. asoma there !letter, is need order. Also a fa R.P. taste, nod Setter 9ee004 had. M tined C.dltes. Mall orders will receive prompt attenttee. Wettest t Opp. O. T. B. Mares. P.O. BOX 381 0adertoh Mie aims lelse. 10000 PRESENTS To MOT AITLT30 $ alta TRW Ler K V. will .end hoot/oils. ap- propriators -0! to each u.at.;,p't4, wtfr, ut..,titer w c,., k -.ane to • fart., -olio wall try the h[AiYagtit'S SAMAS ream t id the red circ:c /n.n the label cad send it in a letter .tatteS honest opinion ■her fairing!. Eimer • 5. lO se es 01..1 sue will secure the gig Any giver ,w «.rekee;o knows where to Art ft it asked by yon.-AI/re.a- CHCHCHILL t 00-.TogOIPTO LITTLL'S LIVING AGE. In UN THY. LIVING AGB enters upon ts forty.lxth year. Approved in the outset W Judge Story. l-hat.rellur Kent. I'reaidon Adams, htMerians ,sparks. Prescott, Ticknor. Bancroft, and many others, It has met with 000ntant commendation and emcees. A Wcitei a Ma4axtvg. it gluon mon than THREE AND *QUART RTHOUSAIC double oolumn octavo pages of reading mat ter yea,ly. It pressed. is as iaexpeosive SAM. considering 11s great Smoot of tsatter with freshers. swig to its weekly Issue. ea t with a oorpletesess nowhere else aitempted The best Bewye, Reviews, Criticisms. 1 Taloa Sketches ette es of Travel and Discovery red P. Biographical ir,,heeatsRetorted. and Political Information. from the entire f oemr thof e pees Foreign the Periedits! Literature. and wesza..r 1.1117ec wan-aas. ---C,PINIONB, 'DtleWefind the best productions of the *ref wrtte.ts upon all subjects ready to our 1Ms1.'- Philadelphia Inquirer. "The readers miss very little that is Intim, last in the periodical dotuals."-Beetoa Journal. -It may be truthfully and eordiaUy said that t never offers • dry or valorem page.' -New Tort Tribune. "it is edited with great skill and care. anti its weekly appearance gives It certain advan- tages over Its tblyrivals."- Alb.sy Argus. It fornttnes a complete compilation of u. Indispensable ltterattue."-Chicago EvealaR Journal. "for the amount of reading matter contain- ed the eubscrtplion is extremely low."-Chrla- Mian Advocate, Nashville. "In this weekly magazine the reader Sado all that is worth knowingin the Halm of car - rent Iitevatare."-Canada Presbyterian. To- ronto. "It is nulls/minable to all who would kap abreast of our manifold progress it is ab- solutely without a rival. --Montreal Gesetta, Published WCLLLT at SLAV • year./ne of pear.ge. 6► TO NEW SUBSCRiBERO for the year Meet reefitttsg before Jan. Ir. the 'mashers of 4488 issued after the receipt of thetr sub. teriptlo•s. w111 be sent gratia. BUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc., Etc., at THE SIGNAL PIMITlflgeorrcE Lar t IIroslatIob ill Veatain Optar:6 -: T EE :- Free Press LONDON. - CANADA. The ~Free Pre." is the telly Dewcyaper to the West remit Ing the Association Press De- spatches. 1t contain. ALL THE NEWS. by Cable, Teletraph. Telephone and Mail up to Dear of going to press. It gives in each issue sleiginal and valuable illustration. of tees and this',. and 1. the only newspaper in Canada employing its own sashes. The Weekly "Free Presse CM PER YEAR. POSTAGE FREX. Established Nearly Half a Cratere. "The Three Graces" and "By the Lakeside" TWO HA N D.40K E CH R0)OS Ales • bnautlfal illttstr.ted CHRISTMAS NUMBER optspridag 0 pages, given away FIS 10 every ..rscrtb- $8,000,0 lr PI IJUNS. comprising Nas and lits/& Articles. piers sway/reef, Agpewb. Thr wont liberal in. ducemeate ever ayered tee rannda to Agents. Bend for Agent's outfit end terms. 'THE FREE PRESS" Is the only tlerul•T sad Sven's* Paper Published ti WeNer■ bstarso. i1 Is forwarded on all early morning trains reaching all prose bet.,.. Toronto sad Windsor by 8a.m . and 1. the only paper ree retired at points Wee of London before this afternoon. The Lire Newgapne of the Meir, &Myer year. weaves free, cold by Arena everywhere. Address - MEE P1111 111111T166 Ct. LNroow, camas DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • >WI L D" ERHY CURES DOER lera Lel C's RAMPS IARRH(EA YSEHTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND nuxcs OF Tit /GNVEL$ rr is sus AND REL1A .L _ lrO* CHILDREN C1AOILT$. % L_ PRICES REASONA1lf MT 111L Club Rata for Twat Hoerr site Pugin LITii7Rg2"QRIC. [-Possessed of Tut Ltri!to Ant and one or ether.' our vivacious American monthlies. a subscriber will find plates:f in ront.aan.t y Me chole silwalWA."-Philadelphia Eventing. Bulletin." I Heechuss eta get heir BIII Heads, letter For 110.30, Tug Unica *Miami as! Dns of Au•d• ae., tet prigted at enis ogle! for vary the American $I monthlies ler Ifarysra Utile sites than Mer gener•ily p.7 for tM 11,rid'dof linear' will be Beat foe • year, p•par. and It bolus to advertise theirba•itas• l i or• tor/9.30. Tug i.,vnto Ao[ and Cali and tee samples and get prices. the. S rtolas or 3cribwer'a ldopasitte, k.4 CAN USE ANY WRITING INTI i EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. 80- Address, LITTELL * CO.,tBostas 3 0 MISS GRAHAM HAS OPENED OCT HER 1=w I5 A ? ' SI30777" a'- MIDD and ham the latest styles in SHAPES AND TRI 14INGB. A. usual her rates are most reasonable, and she invitee the (.snits of Goderich and vicinity to call and examine the styles and prig aisesbar its YiUlaery r».m ex t ►s Mears, atxl to tobwsoa tk 0.11 s. a