HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-2-1, Page 1'1:- • !EP, Mimosa MIEN '.11(Tis.ric-TVAX.% I ATE Oil Admix WIN miLiuk.11, LIMON, dlissa. an, Par tho N. Mt Al int 8, BAR I. °covey sySeM ot- "a1-1. thi. tad Won e ice. Ott Sea r, BAR bora A Iteet. 17 bet?. Holt. N. 1751- L ADC- dad:rice verience Menton in aU cos sos left at te.atril§ 'L KADIN ;quarts ler toll p.m BRARY lwatrated File. T *Lea. Reatio• waived In MO. secretary TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Netkoe-.I. P. Lola. Dairlost-r. ~ham. Pupils Weated-Mr. Toot. thecories-bilee Coakley. Mc (-.-Mr. de }'.,dry. Nam ?Isaias -kr. Reaspereer. Bailer Worko-Chrymait fitacg. Petrillo Notice- Rees Pries • Son. Welke te Cnitlitoes-T. J.v. Hilliard. Make to Creditors -D. Mickley. Horalltoo. Newcombe 1Planofortee-Newcouthe A! Co.. Tomato. BORN. McLean -1a Soaforth, oa the 171h His. t he wife of Mr. M. T. McLean of • sou. MARRIED. 131%•IITS- 111cDon•us-- At Doderich. ea the Mb of January, by the Hey. Dr, Ire. Mr. noses bears to Miss Jennie McDon- ald, both of Oaderieh. Mmivav- Rant Ursa -At the residence or the brides mother, West Wasanoeh. out the likls Wet., by the Rev. D. O. Camerae'. of Duaguation. Doe** X .to daughter of the late J DIED. waimsa- Coder,. is. oft Thursday. Jaa- uary Mb, Hobert L. Walker. ass of the Lets Robert Welke". aged Sly,.,, and IS months D000eir-la Gaierich township. on Thurs- day, January Slat. Edward Mama, aged 73 years. The funeral will take plata from his late resiticatie Baron Read, four miles tress Gods. net, on Saturday. Feb. 2, at $O sm. TOWN TOPICS. (MT 13 deecantne lob Usion lent laser - prompt ly ▪ rreipert y. sod. etc. O•dirlcb. 74 - 'PLY TO WS God fibs LA ItO I levemen. lire APIA AGENT pireseared aims st awl war a Solaro Kitt ety. at lel, I. in en est and Loss da Leaded ▪ Colsiesuf remit. Wielf Is ▪ ikidortet sege=oolde OMER mile se the int gado id emeloosP o Diens er al dap if Lu • ral s I la ef the other elle ed of try mad R?Lasi. • O 11.0“./ OWOr Aro is A Warren:was pr. tattle' notes, As' fara WU pros: R." The weather la ao wal affects the taking of pholosat Gee. Stevens studio. He can give you • tropical flow is rehearsal. A Goon PRESSMT.-1141 moo usseal gift. you can make is to give • Wirt Pen, Ap- ply to C. lick; illonft. mem ooderich. Manitoba Linseed Cake, unrivalled for mom calves, horses sad sheep. -crushed- veined- Meal. by I's* tea. at Borrow*, Seed Store. Harr, litoss-st. Puts. -This is the name of the best 5 cost cigar that is sold in Canada. Also creme de Is Creme le esat Wont Only at Wilson's Pros:xi pules drug Stare. All fresh goods FitorritAs -This is the season of the yaw to use rrestIna. It is something unique ia ',bacon se chapped hands sad faces Venetia art it sail all oilier dram sad abrades& at Moo. Myna,' drug store. The snow plow makes • clean sweep at thing, along the sidewelks, and when It °Mem to getting down to hard pan m.o.,* la =eta, TR • Pt -Wham get there every all the year rotted. Tee VVGDDX11 A .1 Tante:RANCE Onion will meet recularly for the transaction at beauties every i easday afteration at o'clock. in Rao: church_ Every woman in- terested in the work is cordially larded is attend. Snow has ccme. tad Farmers can sew carry home stowed la eafety. If you waist • Stra GUM cook Novo cheap call and see our C' Gurney Viiyh live of stoves ackanwl- !wed by all hi be the brat I. t *sods. The largest stock of plata sad fancy 'Miran In Tows. The cheapest home ander the sem. The MOM* who were prottheeylag that Cathode world have an Old Catetry wisteeM 11104 are • little take. aback by the beet that Ito seow bids hare te haag OD sad Ilefti with us as of yore. So likewise although R. R. Ealiesra has is.,. doing a big business with his dboolvtier views. hems be retied epos to geatintie turning out Ire -clam photos and sae memo inge eie usual. 'went* Will nen at.** The woederfed twain* sad sootlieg pro- perties of Luaseden& Wilson's Royal Olyeer- 'Hod Halaam of ffir are the secret or emcees. Coughs. Colds, bore Throat. Asthma. Wlero- MN Cough and toothiest Consumption quietly give way to Its curative powers. Nothing but Its superiority over other remedies has crested the demand for it trom all parts of the Pnev- Iii3e. which hes eves extended to the thdtrid States. Why t Derwitsio every versos Me beamed It neap miller It. Dreariness'' It Rue Mee. me Tema BRIEFLETS. Mr. G. Black was in town attending the funeral of his mother. Mr F. B. Cummer, late of Goderich, is now' on the Blyth Standard Staff. Wm. Lesham, of Saltford, is building as Orarnge Hall in connection with his hotel. Dr McDonagh will he in Ooderish for consultation on the first Saturday of every month. Miss A. Platt, who has been visiting friends and acquaintances in Washing- ton, Out,, retowned 'AMeeday last. Messrs J. Greens and J. Ryan, of Blyth, sold • couple of very line horses toMr A. M. Polley, of Ooderich, last week. Kennedy h On., of Gerolph, hays re - mita the contract to Apply the Moue for the new Government building at Ooderieb. Miss Knox recited in New York on the 25th, (Bare's assivenary), after which she will mil for Scotland where she notes& to remain for some time. There wes • Isere hornet of the Re- form Weston of Rest Heron in anod- es°, at the kneel Meeting of the AM, - Motion, held in Brussels on last Satur- day. As wee assouseed last week the Mim- eos Band to enneetten with Esin Oberst, met as Saturday lest. Over forty siiidren ewe preassot,aed all vest a very piessuit ttmos. The work dose by the Band Int year was very satishistery Indeed. Rev Jai Wakefield, formerly if Reellidit Methodist eherish, deliveved two Mining discover's, as minim work le that shenh lest Woodsy. The ea - mos Is the mwsiag was a partiesslarly Idleetive one, and drew a kW,. 38.1•010.• GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1889. VITAL STATISTICS. -There Were regis- tered by the Clerk of tioderich town - chips fur the year l8$d, 41.1 birth., 14 marriages and 29 deaths. Dr If Nicholson, the West -.t dentist, makes the preeervatios of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from I/ a. atfor the painless extraction of teeth. Little Tommy Magian, one of the two brothers sent from Goderich, to the Re- formatcry • few months ego, died in that institution lately from diphtheritic croup. Tbe meanest man op to date is Snit kins. He wild Jones bait an interest in • cow, and then refused to divide the milk, maintaining that Jones owned the front half. The Huronites that have bought land in the Sunny South intend to call their plantations the Heron plantation. It has three miles of • front upon the edge of the Tech. Bayou. Conductor McKnight, one of the most ()Witting men who ever ran on this sec- tion of the T R, was transfened to Lb. Wiarton branch yesterday, after being five years on this ran. Mr Wm Slat,r, of Guelph, has shipped two car loads of atone for the new poet offiee and custom house in Goderich, and Mr James Latelie is shoat to ship three. This is ritely4se dist of a bum eptlar.- liUsreury. Th. reams. warm winter weather was hard OD winter fruit in cellars. It is estimated that in New York alone M- OM bedyele of apples have been rained by rot. Pick your apples over if you wish to save them. A mattee of interest to Organists', Oman Students and Teachers is • new patent organ pedal attachment for Pianos saanubsettinel hy Meagre New- combe & Cu 107 Chen% St. Tcronto Part ic ultimo° application. A four horse load of young people en- joyed • drive to Goderech on Tuesday evening cf last west, wbere they accept ed the hospitality of Mr John Acheson, and managed to get Imes to town just in time for • seven o'clock breaktast.- Nay Era. Remember the open meeting of Royal Templar., in the Temperance ball Tees my mewed emu, 6th Feb. A good Tim has been provided. Rev A. liTliats, of Auburn, will give • tem- perio..oe address. Chain takes at 7.30 o'clock. Silver collection. The Globe says: M. 0.1,Catneren, • prominent Huron County Young Liberal and a son of M. C. Cameron, DAD pro- posed as a member of the Young Liberal tOlub, Toronto to the evident satisfaction J those present. Discussion of Macdon- aidls motion will take first Nam in next Mooday's proceedings. The Waterford Star takes objection to the system of auditing the municipal ac- counts in general use. It points to thc tollowing item in the audited accounts of • isuuntipality Si its own county: "To legal advice and sawing wood, $6," and asks in astonishment what cinseetion there can be between legal Avis). and sawing wood that they should be group- ed together. K sarioio TRAclt of TRIM. -The Brussels of Jan. 18th, gives • list of where the "old boys" of the last ten or fifteen years are, and how they are employed. Among the names we find Dr. 1'1, J. R. Holmes, Huron Comity Treasurer, Goderich, DAD, McDonald, Ciotti Co. Court Goderich, and D. Mc- Oilhcoddy, editor and proprietor of Goderich ADDRIBM ON .1 APALII„ — On Monday, February 4th, at 4 p.m., an address on Japan, its people and customs, will be delivered an North street Methodist oburch,by Mies Oartseell,the first female missionary to that °pantry. Mies Cart- o on is highly spoken of by the press, sod is not only • lofted speaker but in also thoroeghly conversant with the manners and cestonis of the people of Japan. The ladies are specially invited, and enthuse° will be welcomed. Admis- sion 100. Rots, Lander Welker, a former esm- *yes of Tun Sweet, died at the residesee of his uncle, Mr. John Walker, on Friday lest. For some time past he had worked is Regime City, Mid, and lest spring contracted consumption. He returned to Goderdoh for change of treatment, but the disease had made too great proven to be stayed and be finally neessebed. He was a good workmen and a gonna favorite with all with whom he same us contact. Hia fumesl took place on Saturday last to Maitland cemetery, where t he re- mains of his mother and tether (the lath Robert Walker, formerly librarian of Godersoh meehenies' institute) rest. Port Aarnre, Jan. 26. -At dominati- on antis, today the agreemest with Hominy. Bros. &0o. for the emetic* oaf a goer mill was ratified. • pablie meet - tag is being held this mei*" to disease Use matter, and leading eitisens will give a hoed guareatesing a Mess in ems the by-law is not pursed. Is this way week will be at Mee eamesemed on the arm time of the mill, slosh will beef SOO barrels asperity. ffselinge Bros. & Os., est $16.000, tea years' exemption, mil bay their ow. vita. Meows Hastings ih Meese here gold their interest is the Winsipeg mill of Manors Ogilvie for $60,000 and an at preset don( besieger W ylie weimiesioto asereheste at Win. Weep. Both gestlomme at* well end favorably km we in Godetieb. • • T. C Boolloe, wholesale dealer in house furuithings. fintutford, is the guest ol his brother-in-law, J. 11'. Yemen • Kane churchBird of Hope en- tortaiument will be held this eveniov. A good program has been prepared, and there should be • large turnout, Owns to the obeenor of the editor hi Toronto this week, aid pressure on our columns mused by the publioation of the county alerted pro. cot -dings, • large, aintouct of interesting local and other matter is unavoidably crowded out. Knox church Band of Hope will hold its regular meeting ou Friday, February let, al four o'clock in the afternoon, in the basement od Ike cherish to install the new officer*, practice for the even- ing entertainment arid receive tickets of admission. The Methodists of Listowel have ex- tended • call to Rev G. H. Coboledick, of Galt, to become their pastor next Jane. As this gentleman (a former limonite) was only transferred to Galt last year, it is not likely that the Lisle - wet people will secure him. The many friends in this vicinity of Mr James Duman, formerly of Gods. rich township, now of antrum, Welliug- toe County, will be sorry to learn that his entire family are ill with diphtheria, from which his oldert son, about II years of age, died • few days ago. --- Great excitement prevails in Brant- ford owing to the terrible explosion of Nitro-elyoerine in Buchman Hollow owe five miles from the city. Crowds visit tbe scene of the catastrophy daily. The people in this locality are requested to ietnember that Richerdemis dental rooms are in the Opera Block. Give him • call. Oarr. -Mrs. Sarah Black, an old resi- dent, was stricken down with paralysis on Monday last arid died on the sante day from the stroke. She had beeu failing for some months past, but seemed to be mending in health shortly before she was prostrated. Her funeral took place on Wedoesday last, and was largely attend- ed. Her death removes a well known figure from our midst. NEW BOONS AT 1111111ANICle litirri- TITS LIIRAZT. - John Holdeworth ; Voyage to the Cap.; A Sea Quin ; Around the Galley Fire, by Clark Rus- sell ,Three Western Tales, by Gustave Alward ; She, by flageard ;, by Balhuityn ; Robert Elemereas7nrcliehn Ward, preacher. A number of Dickies' and Scott's have been added, making the hot of their works complete. Nonica.-We will receive in a few days one of the largest and best stocks of note, letter and accouet papers, ruled and laureled, envelopes, (to, we have yet put on sale. We have a few thousand low priced envelopes on hand which we would like to clear out to make room. Our sample books are always open to the public, showing Oro quality of printing we do, and our prices are reasonable at Tao Sinseo steam printing house. Mr A. Haniaperger, piano tuner and repairer, who has been connected with A. & 8. Nordheimwr, Toronto, for the last six years, has severed his connec- tion with that firm. His numerous friends and customers her. will be glad to learn that he will continue to eisit Goderich regularly, before. Parties reqniring his services should leave orders at the British Riches's whore he may be sees all next week. Tao MoNTRRAL ClilLeTTAL SAIL -W. hear that, is great excitement In Mont- real over the publication of the Carnival namber of the Mentreal Star, one firm alone offering to buy and pay cash for one hundred thousend copies. The Carnival Star this year is said to bed sarpassing grandeur The public were prepared for something good, bet did not dream of such • galaxy of beautiful and thrilling things. The Star number is retailed at thirty-five omits. If people ioe't know how it can be produced for the money they must dud out for them- selves. We can't solve it. VICTORIA Sneer Cause. -The en- tertainment given by Mr gallows in this church en Tuesday evening, was set very lamely attended, no doubt, ea se- men* of the entertainment having beim given twice already within two menthe to lane surliness here. Hanover, the receipts were far more thes to cover the expenses. and those that were there enjoyed the entertainment. A new fes- ter. was the showing of photograph -of the mom, as obtained by the greet Lek talesonpe. We understand Mr gallows has had abundant encouragement this mums to justify and addition to his stook of slides which if as mooi as these he has airway obtained mil insure seems. DRAM OF Miss PLAIT. -The Stratford Herald aye: Miss Leonora Papa, of Inverness street, died on Sunday even- ing, 110th inst., of onneenoption, from wide\ she has been • great *alone for the peel eight or ten months, eid 27 yeses. Mies Pant was • sister -In-law of 0. T. R. Conductor W. R. Fitzgerald, and has lived with her sister is this eity to=years, both mains here frees on the enerrine of that, sinter to Mr. FitagerekL Kr. fflumel Pent, father of the demand. wes C«1 fee at Sea Franiseco, where he has been tvmr„ but was amble to reach fi aletra:trd'entil Wevisesday. Mies Pipet was as estimable young mosso mid hal a wide siren of friends and seqssint- mem wbese sympathy fele eel to the emourang owes. She was • semelatent member ef the Omani Mathodiet dmeh and mese a emistant attendant Ibsen Ieei 1,hie health permitted. TM ewe interred GedeedIL J D11100ILLICIIDOT. PtiaLumion. t $1.1111 • TZAR IN •DVANCIIL Mr. George Pries returned from Belleviile last week. Nance --Merchants and others damn 01111 of having their business placed '- momently iii the Godeilrie IUw4rufed for 18t* will please leave word at this office, as arrangement' are being made for pro - *redline with the work at once. STRANOIL CA -ll Or DR. JIMYLL 11111, Ma HTDIL -A large and fashionable audience was gatheied in the Grand Opera House, on Thursday evening of last week, to witness Kr Percy Herniae in his dramatis representations of Mr Louie Stevenson's well Lem° novel. Mr Hunting enacted the difficult role of tbe widely dissimilar characters of Dr Jekyll, and Mr Hyde, woh great his - ironic ability. The scenic effect was good, and his support fair- the part of Dr Lauyon being very pleasingly sus taioed. The strange weird nature of the plot is exceptionally and ' peeks well for the versatility of the wind of its author. To propound a new theory, or conceith a sensational plot is this latter part of the nineteenth century, is more difficult than It appears to the critical public, sod Rider Hag- gard, and R. Lome Stevenson, stand at the bead of the hat literati in novelistic success of this style Probably not e very member of the midterm:a of last week, who were awed by the uncanny satiny of Mr Hunting'. representatiun, (booed the deep moral lesson promo, - gated by this physchological study. It reveals to us a coufl.ct between the moral and intellectual part of man. At mid- dle aos, Dr Jekyll finds himself commit- ted to a profound duplicity of conduct. A life to the world of high respectabili- ty -an inner life of sin. He regards himself as • double defiler, not • hypo- crite, as be is thoroughly earnest in either the one or the other To part the evil from the good, in- to separate identities, become' his day dream, even as the search for the "Elixir Vita)" was that of Bulwer's ”Zanoni." This seemed to his mystic scientific mind • possible and highly de- sirable state of being. Scientific lore was brought to bear upon it, and • drug compounded, by which this extraneous evil was dethroned from the person of Jekyll, and placed in a second form, bearing the expression of the lower elements of his soul -So does all evil leave it. imprint of deformity and de- oay-a commingling of good with it, as is represented by human nature in gen- eral, is fair to tn, eyes of the world, but evil, pro- if simple, could never tail to draw forth any feelings but those of the deepest repugnance and horror. Dr Jekyll succeeded in possessing these dual natures, but there was one slight flaw apparently in the tranefor- mation--one nature was, as desired, wholly evil and satanic, but the other was not the purest good, the just and holy man- it was still the inectigruom compound of the old physician. "Knowledge is power," but science has its limit, it cannot produce what Christi- anity has given us, an ideal man, with- out blemish and without spot. Then comes the terrible awakening that he who had speed his time in making game of • theory,now in turn is made ita sport, and paatime, and in the fascination of playing with sin it overwhelms him. Now he loess hold of his original self, and be- comes incorporated with his worst self. Evil grasps bun firmly, and good eludes him ; each struggle grows fainter and !Sister, until he dies the embodiment of Satanic inflames. It was useless for week humanity to attempt to drih with the current ef evil -for as a bird flaps its wings and resists the wind to enable tt to soar aloft, so must each soul war against the solid pressure of sin that holds down our earth -born bodies.. Con- flict, not indulgence is the potent drug that separates the base from the pure. A dual nature is not obtainable by some. noe or compatible in a good life. DUNGANNON. An old pioneer of the township of Colborne, in the person of Mr Robert Wilson, known as Smithy Wilson, dor- parted this life on Tuesday, the 29th, aged 81 years. H. had been in Col- bert), township for upwards of thirty years. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the community. 'trees imether correseideat. Meeliee David Jardine and J ware recently elected to the eldership of the Presbyterian church here, and or- dained to that *thee on the 20th inst. The anneal tea -meeting of Erskise church, will be held about the middle of February ; delimit* intimation in the Met. Mr R. R. gallows, the phongraper of Goderich, will give his celebrated en- tertainment of dissolving •iews, in the Orange Hall, on the miming of the 22ad Pieb'y. neat. A great many new attrac- tions which he has added during the winter will be exhibited. A treat is is dote for those who attend. look foe I hills for partieulara Mrs W A Marren and daughter, of rheesalon, Algoma, visiting at her Old home in Breseals. Mr W W. Cowan, animator, of Stretford, was in Seeferth last week dentist dre moves on the Oesemereial sad 1Royel hotels. r; James tiny see of Mr Roderick , of )kKiiiop left Seeforth on Mendel for Stratfor , whore he expect - e" WWI • situation as mosstent-engin- eit the Grand Treek. He is on of war most tainsplery yews/ mos end win ass well wherever he gess. REMINISCENSES Fifty Years Ago in the Town of Ooderioh. Maud Lanes.. Me Way ammo -A Trip is an OM -The nerve or -Lamle See' --Meiriling OM into sae lolte-Tbe Illosese. No 16. Te the Editor of Tea Masai. nese have berstefore men- tioned our friend Ben's nervousness when headline money, and also that the officers had become liable for sundry ne- cessaries fur their men, for which liabili- ties they gays orders on Ben as our pay- master. Now, on our way from Wind- sor, then parties knowing that we were gone to Areherstburg for money, were all on the outlook f it us, and no sootier would Ben get rid of one or two of them than he would begin to count over the stock, find out Fount imaginary error and est so confused that is could not count half • hundred cortectly, and then he would come to Jobe Young or me to help him, until we fairly forced him to take out an huodred or two dol- lars at • tone and look the rest up until that was done; but notwithstanding eh that, Sir, I shall yet have to show you some instances of his nerve and fir -mu... in real danger, that very few could have exceeded. On our arrival at Mr *tut her- lesd's (who was • retired merchant tailor from Edinburgh) we were treated with the greatest kindnem, but with all his influence amongst his neighbors, be could neither get teamster nor farmer to hoop us homeward, either for love or money. The roads had become very bad, so our only amusement for several days was watching ,he myriads of fish rushing up the river, close to the side to get out of the current, when some of ea accidentally observed • large canoe lying at the bottom, and were told that we would have been welcome to it, but that it was useless being split in the bottom ; our circumstances had become so des- perate however, that we determioed to have a look at it,, but having all to do ourselves it cost some scheming and hard work too, be- fore we got it on shore. We foaled it to lb* • large, black walnut dug- out with a crack in the bottom some eight or ten feet long, and • full fourth of an inch wide; but Mr S. having plenty of pitch in his store, we let the canoe dry for a day or two while we collected such rags as we thought would suit in lieu of oakum, act to be got, and made a tolerably good job of the caulk- ing with several good costs of pitch on top of it. Having procured four or five paddles orsmall oars, and Mrs Suther- land having very kindly prepared us what she called • week's provisions of cooked meat. breed &c,.and well wee it for us that she was liberal in doing so for it turned out to be fully double the; time before we got home, we then start- ed for Sarnia, following the example of the fish in keeping close to land and resting occasionally by the way. But I most here mention that while we were at Mr Sutherland's we misrelates company of well -armed "Patriots" drilling daily right scram the river, and if me memory serves me rightly, a few weeks after we left ha plata the blackguards cisme over during the night and burned his house, store, aid several of the other houses in his little village, We stopped' a day in Sarnia settling up all claims merest our folks, and started early the following morning for Lake Huron and made an attempt to paddle up the rapids at Point Edward, but were beaten and had to return fur a rope when placing Ben in the canoe to keep it off the land the other four of us had a tough "tug of war" before we secoseded, when to our utter consternation we found • full quarter of a mile of ice between us and the land it having accumulated in a Mod or sort of bay near to Plyaipton. We continued on our course, however, until we_got a tails or two above the village of Errol, in the hope of getting around the Soo, but still unable to see the end of it we got frightened at our position in case • change of wind took plan and reale- ed, if possible, to get ashore with the poor folk's money either with or without the mime, With considerable difficulty and some danger too we seconded is getting it oat of the water, only to find, however, that the ice was all in pieces sisd an hooey-entobed and soft in the centre, (se the Doctor said just like the women's tea tarts with • spoonful of jelly in the middle) that we weld only stand on the edges which were pretty mlid, but sedated not let go our hold of domain lest we should suddenly go down and disappmr. We managed, hoverer, to get behove all right an there being lots of drift 'Maher tying shoed, we soon bed seek el *peen( Are *going that irsi for a tilaWkorgoe all or unable, ; bus the wit monism our friend the nester disappeared He had walked of without • word to any of es, our leg", • sot very big one, hewn, beeconee empty; bet when vre found that he wee rosily gone we sent off Young after hiss, for we weld sot think of letting the old mato, strong as he really wee, take seek • journey alone. So there was now only three of es to do the best we could fer earealves, our trope and the mosey. On the third evening I think, the he Meng moved shout • couple of rode hem the shore, as wee se we weld lannels net Mai, same twelve to Shoes feet bag by shoal Ones I. width hiss tree, se we were lahrtmed, was got somewhere near to Chatham and must have been • very large one) we started up the opening, and the water being quite smooth we got along famously, ay composition steering. sIter- 'lately but Bee by much the beet, jute as had been bred to it fools the cradle. On getting round Kettle Puna, we found that the wind had changed ahead of as and it soon came on • storm of rain and sleet tniesiug as it tell, but by Bon's advice -and he was much our senior - we persevered until we 'leered the month of the Stehle river, where we found the wind sod current to be much too strong for us, and in spite of our utmost exer- tions fast driving us oil to the lake, when to our utter astonishment and joy we descried • boat with live or six men in it polling down the river at their utmost speed to our reams. About • year before this period • Mr Wheeler - an Hibernian - bed established an ashtray and Deep factory on the flat in I ont of Mrs Crane's residence and back of the ocean [loose at the harbor, and he having collected a crew of fishermen for the spring fishing at the fiauble mouth they had (poly been there two days making ready for their work when not • little to their astonishment they saw our perilons.predicament and saved us. Had Ben been lees expert with the paddle or lees firm of the nerve we mould scarcely have awaited their arrival ler he was little else than one lump off*, his clothes included, having for • con- siderable time made so little outward movement in keeping the head of the canoe to the weather. We stopped two nights with our friends in their new shanty, when the weather becoming moderate and the ioe having moved Oat again we start- ed on our homeward voyage, but had only got • very few miles on our way when the variable wind sent the ice back upon us with every appearance of • more violent storm than the 'Inc we had just suffered from ; but we continued to push onewithB;inforestiled toat the asbomidh helm l sws were fairly it happened to be on the edge of a swamp. The signs of a fearful storm coming upon us were now so evi- dent that we landed all our traps, and by oar utmost exertions got the canoe raised about two feet above the water and made fast to a sapling. I had hoped, sir, to finish these remi- n iscences this week, but find it iropoesi- ble to do so satisfactorily, so pray excuse the mistake for one week more. . Tames KTDD. DUNGANNON, From our own correspeadeat. It is pleasing to be able to state that Messrs Anthony Black and Wm. Begley, who have been ill for some time, are able to be out, and are getting better. At the annual meeting of the Week Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Comm. pasty, referred to in our last, the follow- ing gentlemen were elected as directors K. Acheson, Goderich township, Alex. Stewart, W. Wawanosh, who is alett deputy -reeve of said township, and John Ballantyno, Huron township, Breen county. The IIDOADOT in which the bunter of the said Company was con- ducted by the directors, and the mosey - treasurer, (who compose the staff of of- ficials referred I. in last week's notice) during the year 1888, as also the full explanation of the seemingly but not well grounded objections and difficulties of the working and carrying on the in- stitution in its various departments, gave such general satisfaction to all concern- ed, that the company has rood newel to congratulate itself on the substantial pro - /rem which has been made during be past year, as the auditors' and also the directors' reports corroborate the fact that the West Wawanosh Matted Fire Insurance Company, nooks very highly amongst the existing Insurance com- panies is the Province of Oaten°, and it is therefore • safe, sound and as economical Company, well worthy of the patronage of all pen:otos hewing isolated and farm property to insure in. We are called upon to chronicle the death and burial Of Arnold Garvin, 8 years old son of Mt David Oirvin, of *Afield. He died on Thursday morn- ing of last week after a short Mame. His remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery on Saturday the 26th inst., being followed by • large concourse of relatives, friends and sympathising D eighbora We extend our sincere sym- pathy to the bereaved father, the more so, as he has been daring the last few years called upon to endure • series of deep afflictions. May be be sustained and comforted is his trial by Him who knows how to comfort sad *main under such trying afflictions. The annul Sabbath school ionisation, of the Demeanor)* and Nile eireeit will be held at Deammissoa on Teasley, Feb. 6th, UM, In the Methodist and Presbyteries tharelses here. A emcees - fel affair is astielpated, se there is an ensilest pageant prepared. There will be two esimiese-foresues, emniasseiag at 10 *Week a.m.,aftereens, 00111111140einiff at 1.46 sm. Further partiselare may he wen In pamphlets. We hare since cur lest been favor-. ed with • alight fall of MOROI° as to swim • little sleights', and which oar farmers are endeavoring to me to the best advantage is the way of misting prodees to market and melees to the Our eameill et Dengsano e nesidertee the on end seareity of sleighing. is Nettie/ • gond quantity el Inn, in het the greatest mambas of elly In this neighborhood es yes.