HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-1-11, Page 81000 lbs. -uF- 1 rw+ and tnsterie'• lemons Its value es a I literalistic Bet some will as "Oh I stover seed ie a expensive I eae'l ai.rd t, aueSalt7 bey .o amok." Well, really Rood thing. are Dewily tripwire, mad done up i. exceedingly *mall paresis as eel{ ; and se for the "aired," we moa ask ourselves eco we afford to .lti.M.ly nein oar (Gnu 1 Can we owe to raw w heat, which we positiveir must, if we do tet continue clover! If we can du this, thou we need sot sow clover but dntil w• make up our 'Mods to this, sow it we must. list souse will say we will sow timothy instead of clover, as it is w snook cheaper. So it i., but it would be • great blossom to the country if tim- othy seed was $10 per bushel and atoms . wed $9. But we eaauot sake that change. It would pay vastly better to pay even $10 for clover than to pay $11 for timothy and neatest clover. It sett be remembered • heavy crop a timothy hay taken off land suited for grata will •boon,* as much from the .oil Good No. 1 SnEter ISAAC N. CASSIDY'S CASH BTOR& HIGHEST PRICE C1VEN" Inse's< Blot, Next door to L Dolyltilil. Witt COM M UN IC A Ti() N S. mit crop of wheat yielding 30 bushels per acre, besides retuning almost moth we do sot bold ourselves respot.,'tae for the ing 4, the soil, in ret 4 any value. and opinions of our Correspondent. Conti -Mu- 11 also makes the soil sold and ammo - tors ti this department tweet .•..nflio them able for any crop that may follow. while wit ea to publicqueetiuw. and be brief. the very opposite may be said of clover Alban' a evernmeel ratresaae. Much of the failure of tall wheat of late years is owing to the diminution of the amount of clover sown, and without we turn right about fax it is hard to say whither we will drift. There are only three things that will enable us to in- crease the fertility of our soils and en- able us to raise our former crops of wheat da The first is elurer ! the second is 110151 ' ' and the third u CLOVER ! ! ! sed, we might add, less timothy. To the editor of Tun Eldiv . Ilse -net, Mich. 2d. Jan. DEAR Sia ---The post *oboe vacancy. must, I presume, be tilled, mid to the Government selecting • new P. M., for Oudericb, from just that class of men, who, ea bines pmt have helm active and able suppoort.ts of that policy and party who were most acceptable to the majority of the voters, ther. eau be Doo '-heeling" or "heelers" •boat it, provid- ed where the competency of the parties proposed is cut yaa..tlon.d. You Juwt•. sir, that it heti been the practice of our party for many years to itoore just such Mon as 1 have described, and for the Reform Government of Ontario, to select for the more lucrative otlioen their nes- rslati•es. So persistently hare our old principles of Reform Goveru+uent in this matter been abandoned that the fact is clearly established all over the province, that the way to a good fist "(- dice is through being an M.PP. The •onpatriouo, purely office seeking polite Man, lays his pians accordingly, and soon gets there, dickers with the Gov- ernment and, when the right time comes, secures the object in ••iew, which may be an offies just aims. • o several ar.uua you IS Goderich. Tile practice is a mart vicious one. iu many respects beside, those I mention, and particularly de- structive to the party whose leaden plume tbernselvaa on their parity. In the miectiou of either of the neck and neck racers, you mention. to fill the vs - mot office, there can be no injury tine to any individual, any party, or to the Public at large Either of thein eau perform the duties well and the Wails they may use to secure the position, will surely be honorable. Besides publish- ing this letter I ••s you to give it your keenest criticism, for the method iif till- ing public offices, is an ima rant puhuc question, and also • vital party question Fully recognized as such by the Con- servatives, to them it is the very soul of their statesmanship ; whereas the grasp ing by our members and party 4,44ore •,1 that which does not bek,cg to thaw, dis- courages the most able and deserving of the reform rank and file, to who.0 such favors rightly and professedly boost;. The result of su.La a .n .rteatlited policy. may appear Iter on-per!tapa at the very next campaign. But lit us hope Wit. Boemows. Goderich, Jas. 7, 1889, THE EDITOR'S TABLE. iehoele, which is extiNly how a En! should he Stolt fa every►od>f't1 kilobel• i Pruf.pk rr writes la "A Q••mr Ben le d $toss" of the evident* Otat elephauta uses ruamd over America. Mrs God- dard Orp.0 relates the romantic, Mai - dents belonging with the factum Roo stem diamond, "The Orloff." "Minty- M•lone's Santa Clem,'• b, M. E. M. Davis, is nae of the beet Chrfsttw sto- ries of tba seaoos There are poems by Mn Wituo-Stone, Mergers' 'tales*. Vieth Cleveland Lite, sod cdben. A very bright depart'out has been added to the mcues called "Men end Tbiugs" full of ouotnbuted soeedMM, reminiscences, desoriptioos and "sheet talks." Wide Awake is $9.40 a year. D. Luthrup Company, Bogue. "'FROM eat TO sLA." SWe have received from the pablicber, Wm. Bryse, of Toronto, • heodaomely bound and interesting volume, entitled .`From Sea to Sea,' being a deoonptfve wort of Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific. There aro numerous photo- graphs of the principal cities and busi- gees places of the Detention, and the letter press is of au exceedingly interest- iayl character. Address Wm. Bryce, publisher, Turooto. DUNLOP. From oar own eorreepwdemt. I'ttacosuat. -D. Cumming cad T. Tobin visited Blyth last week. Mr. John Gentles,of Kincardine,spenl Ins New Yeah here, Ills guest of Mr A A l l eu. Miss T. Young, of Goderich, was the guest of Min Susie McAllister fur several days lest week. Ths windmill erected several years ago by our architect was pulled down, Saturday of last week. As Boma was uncertain at Oases to run the saws for planing lumber, the architect has thought A weed w owe About Now r■blteesle.s steam the heat servant, and in course of ?far rave Come to 1•awd a few months the windmill plainmay • NEW VOL('ll,. see • taller chimney thou the Big MiII, The one hundred and eightieth volume of Goderich. Smoke, puff ! of LitteU'a Living Ayr opens with the Vtdrl, Viol, Viot !-goon Indeed as tint number of January. During the the expression of those who fought and long existence of this standard weekly gained the greeting of our now *hoot magazine its value hes constantly in- knows now as No, 9 8. Section, col. wowed, and it can hardly be dispensed borne, with Q H. Williams, teacher. with by the America* reader who soothe. As our pen from time to time hes notd to keep informed in the work of the beet the difficulties and troubles with the writers and thinkers of the day. The grand triumph connected with the grant - first n ber of the new year hes the fol- ing of the school we need only say wit lowin table of contents :-Style, by have won the day, and leaser, 7th. A. W r Paw, Fort niiAtly Retied ; The D. 1889, the school was duly opened. fu re of )'Iestminister Abbey. by Arch- seated in four rows, 7 deep of deehe d o /farrmr, ('ont.stpur.rry Reriew ; were 36 scholars in a neat, compote Irist Hou.eke.piag sod Irish Custo.s room, gazing on a blackboard running in the last Century, Bt s-ktroo.l ; The the hill length of the west end. four feet Beothuks of Newfoundland, by Lady wide. in the tents near it stands the Qlske, Ninetee,ak (''"'hurry ; Society I teacher's desk, and above the blackbosed Poets, Temple Bar ; My Rude to Sloe - hoot*, Blackwood s Nuopi:irie ; Wh,• is an eight-day clock. Two entrances on Wine i Murray ThC either Sade of the anteroom, and the y a Magazine ; e r- stove in the partition between cons, Spectator ; The flubmisaion f i the anteroom sod school -room - Great Britain to Queensland, Economia; ; the st.•redour opening in the an. The Training of Kings, spectator ; with i teroom Io poet yeah the Colborne choice poetry and miecell•uy. This the schools have sees thew who got the first weekly number of the new volume, first rc3imenta of education have made • is a rood 00. earth which 1c, begin a cub- 1 mark in out county and province, and in seription. For fifty-two, number of I souse of years those who were tint taught at No. 9 S. 8. Dunlop wont be behind in the record. LEE BURN. From oor cern oorreepoodeat. with The Lirisy Age for a year, both The Band ot Hope resumedits week - postpaid. Litten if Co., _Roston, are ly meetings after the holidays on Sstur- the publishers. day last, under the charge of its soperin- NAaria s FOR J•NtARY. tendent, Mies Meth Horton, starting the sixty-four large pages each (or more than 3,300 poem a year) the subscription price (g8) is low ; while for $10,30 the publishers offer to send any one of the American 51,00 monthlies or weeklies mole M. aiwsaeesast. We hope that the am. success, whish hes erowmed Us off wt. heretofore, may Mowed him la hos tae. ateativa AUBURN. rad/ oar own a„r,espoadeat. Look at your Zabel Mr sod Mn Smith and child, liuelph, have been visiting Rev J. R. Isaac der - leg the past week. Mr D. E. Macro paid a eying visit to Montano* oo Tuesday last. Mr Arthur Irwin has been engaged to leash in No 6, Hull.tt for the mowing .•r, at • sary of 5440. Mies E. A, PPal otter has been re-engaged as •mutant. The people here are moat elated at the election of the "Big Fellow" to the position of tuwoehip oouooillor to Kest W •wasush. The re electiva of Reeve Johnston i. W. Wawaaosh by • majority that practi- cally buried Mr Charlie Durgin, was hailed with delight by the readopts of Use township is Ibis vicinity. Mr M. Lockhart, who for the pert eighteen year"' has "taught the young ides how to shout," km retired from the use of the birch and blackboard, and u largely engaged in the mercantile busi- ness iu our village. A. Morton has returned home, atter a pleasant visit to the Quests City. Mrs C. M. Comedy has retoru.d from a visit to 1risads in Ingersoll, Braatford and vicinity. NILE. From oar owe oorrespo■denL Look at your label Samuel Mathew's youngest daughter hes the scarlet lever. The fever is not severe and the child is doing well. Mn Mathews underwent so op*mtsoo receet- Wilariiiimler smolt The Methodist pap suss Ultima spatial services at Nil.._ The meetings see well attended and are Rood. Rev H. Irwiu is leading them. Mr Hoary Mal- loy preached an earnest sermon at Nils oe Monday evening, The Lodge of L O. O. T., will bold its meeting each Wednesday, and promises to s000eed. There is considerable drunkenness around the Nile since the tavern opted. Of course all there is no limos*, no whiskey is sold at oar hot;.l. It's the strong smell d the whiskey sold there before the Scott Act was repo :d. that dose the mischief If whiskey was being Bold, the county Inspector would pay the tavern a visit, but with such law-abid- img citizens as unlicensed httolkeopers, the inspector's office is a sinecure. Th. Orook's Act is • beautiful Aa, and it is beautifully eoforoed at the Nile. Toros mo bad to be Darted home drunk, from the tavern two months ago, but, as we said, it was the Scott Act aroma that lingers about the place did the damage. What to the world do we need iwpeo- tur's for, under the Crock's Act 1 The election smoke is gradually dis- appearing. sod the fact Is revealed that 00 one snored here, is seriously wound- ed. Wears sorry so many whiskey moo succeeded. Still if the people demand them, the people pay the Lazes and ought to get their choice. Hugh Girvin is in, with an encourag- ing majunty, for tint deputy of Ash- field. In his histories) drama "C:,mmorin•," New Year with a Itbrsry n( 37 bio^ks, for the bast ; for surely our poor c. entry in llurper•s :feta:•tie for January, Gan. which shows the Band of Hope is doing is now at its darkest h••ur- out b tote Lew. Wallace hes made • permanent ad- well and in • prosperous state. the dawn of day \.,t Kett' 'u, .or Omen' (linen to our literature. Tire author H. W. Potter, of the sunny capital of can, or Independent, her Dominion Gov displays special skill in drawing con- G.,derieh township. Porter's Htll,:vuit- trasta. By them the several lines along .d friends here this week. Miss Clutton, now of Blear, Siaeoe county, spent Christmas with her pa- rents. She returned home Last week. Her brother, G. H. Clutton, now of Psrkdsle, lately annexed to Toronto, who was home for s few days' holidays, .nine with her to spend a few days with Dr W, H. Clutton before returning to his duties at+Parkdale. A blank is made among the young ernment-an everlasting contradiction to all her Pruviocisl Governments -the great parties, into which the people are divided, vis with each other as to which can role with the least regard fair prin ciple or political au rality The beat of what should be her population --the young, the vigorous, the ambitions - swarm into the States and add to the e rmines* and wealth of a similar, but kay Smith, and "Manufacturing indus- still seperate people. How coo it be which the acti to of the play moves com- bines naturally and lead up to the climax with cumulative effect. J. 1t Weguelin interprets the leading situations in his sympathetic drawings. ' Comm.du." does not m000police, however, the in- terest of this Number of Harpers. Many will turn at once to "Th. Clergy and the Times," by Archdeacon Mac - otherwise while the people keep their try is Ireland." by Mr Cummueioner are mune e" hlind Mao C•rthy, Dublin -Doth important eyes shot 1 for there a Mention must be made of the sue uncle, Jr %V lit Clutton. The an of hese ungliehedi •jss „ 0 11 M e 11 de the conditions shoes• intimated Hope here loses one of its best or en 1 no country an s wide u Porter andof the promising first instal - prosperous. Bran 11 tet M 00 a 13 N t Constance F Wwlson • m rhos that will not see, and see that cnntnbutions to current discussions.ass aloe_ ' workers knees 0 Ile 0 13 under I In a previous issue an item appeared in the Nile correspondence which gage the impression that the stage -route was more roundabout than formerly, and took in Benmiller in addition to former points touched at Wears informed on good authority that no change hes boa madeSoo the stage -route. -Eu. St NAL] THE MARKET' BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS GAM** Mires. GO.WCU. Jaa. tae. 1100. Wheat . Flour. • sort. t 7c, Y ol Oats, • bash ........... ........ a 20 10 032 Peas. i bosh 0 se A set folks here by the departure of Willie Barley., a 1001 "�� .. 0 net 0 Sir Linklater to re.sde at Edgar with his Haj. p toe ...................... u 00 telt M Better 51 toot ............. 01*te 0 t th world could be ' intetest in ' Isabel'• Story," by Annie i and members extorts. pion-• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••-• 17 00 0 17 M spent o Fenimore The annual congregational meeting of Clopped Stuff, g ewe............ 123 '• 130 Your truly, FINE TAILORING! QENTLI3ILs, —I ant now in aposition to in- vite you to select your Suit or Overcoat, from several hundred new pattern& They cause- cently—latest deigns—striking figures, quiet oolort,Plaids,Stripee,Check* and inixtures. You can see several hundred patterns in as many half minutes, and you'll have an easy choice. They're sure to please, and are made to measure with the beet of care. Prices moderate. B. MaCOorma.0 Election tl.ar'ds. 1 T9E ELECTORS 1 Or TNR TOWN OF OODEKICH. Liam s Awn Om-reesttu Please ammo ear slams thanks for the honor y.. save dome ase In electing tote Mayer of Tear towe- 1 will de my ►e.1 to resale Tier eo ppadence. end OGaleriab, Juice. K MIL ymar JOHN *CTLKR. "Jupiter Lights of the •zgnieite work- •• . k the L'reshyteriao church will be held on 8creeo:nos. la cwt. • .s A. K FRAMta. .. .. .....�....« 400 0 ...................... ... 4ol� 100 ed 9heeottlm.. • ............... e M • 7s 072" 471 100" 1M or Monday evening, the 14th inst., in the H{erns rhe Tal.s .r CNver es a Fetrlansoo bride by Graham R. 'Leeson, and of P manship in the "Ballad of the Bird Sunday school roues It u ex To the Editor of Tut SIGN •L. the delicate communion with the poet's that • deputation of the managing cum - Dentistry. NIOHOLSOY, L.D.S. M. DENTAL ROOMS. ile'htb deur below tkt. Post Oros.Gotiasuca. IMO ;t.. DR, E. RICHARIISON, L D.S. SI ROEON D[NTiOT. Des and Vitali/id Air admtsietered ter wareseaVactteg of teeth. Special at entioa Veva to the pro..rvatioa •t the Karnali 'JO/ee--t'p stairs. Grand Open House Stook. Loomsee on West-tiL. •:..terieh. *1054; (The following written by • prominent local spirit shown in the accompanying illus. sesd.men and agriculturist .ill prove .f in- oration. by F. S. Church. H. 1'. Wets serest to any of our readers amongst the agricultural community. Er•. Siert/i-1 We shall not attempt to estimate the vain of clover to us, es it is inestimable; Nor will we dare to compote the loss we have sustaiod by its partial failure this pmt few season& Clover hes been truthfully called the " great renovator of oar country," and it ie well worthy of that title. Its long, penetrating root reaches down into the subsoil, raising to the sextan much of the richness there contained which would otherwise be lost. Not only shim bat its broad, numerous leaves are continually drinking is from the atmosphere those elements that are so emwtial for its exutence,and pl■oiog them in such a form that they may be readily taken In by succeeding crops. From this it will be seen it dames nearly all its nutriment from si urted that would not be taken be any great extent by any other plant ; in fact it is the tteay.nter that oolleeta its richness from above .ad beneath, and dies that others may feast on the store it has provided. Perhaps the *most observer would hardly orodit the amount of fertilising qualities returned to the mil even by the bare roots themselves. A Rood set of olover roots hare been food to weigh upwards of three tans per acre and found to contain nitrogen, potash and phos- phoric. .cid worth at market vase nearly 10 00 onnsegoeotly leaving this large amount in the soil to he the diesel pre - fond for. the wheal that .Mould foie, of enures if the whole crop wee ploar►.d ander, the vspsp 4 the slower • ,p would be increased, but aot in the ease proportion ae the roots, .ad it .o doubt is more profitable to est the ervp for hat sed return the manure to the ▪ moo taptow under, ow else „ „dr pas- te„ . would •anent to the seismi or Mato years, it a not prodtaMe to leave a •boneoor sod man than one year, sa draw tint k beans W die sad simply line M N Bled N Mas e.ssel.t.d id its writes on "Th. Beaver,' Clarence Cook on "Russian Bronzes," W. W. Thomas. Jr., on "The Ancient City of Wi.by," and F. C. Beach, Pb. B., ex•Presideot of the Society 4 Amateur Photographers, New York City, on "Modern Amateur Photography." All four articles are folly illustrated. Protee/tor A. S. Hill, of Harvard, hes a capital essay on "Col- loquial English," and Charles Dodley Warner continues his studies of the West in "Comments on Kentucky." There is • literary ingot in each one of the editorial depsztmwts. WIDE AWAEE FOR 1889. The Jeno•ry number is the second beautiful holiday issue of Weide A crab for the season. It opens with a charm- ing social novelty for the winter even- ings, • violin recitation entitled "The Cricket Fiddler." The words for rem - tenon are by Clan Daly Bata, the mesio with each verse for the violin is by Johns Eichberg, and the funny little orchestral eriekeis are by L J. Bridg- man. The opening story, fell of the Christmas tide pint, is by Hezekiah Butterworth, entitled "Good Lock " Another Chri•tmes story "Seek a Little Thing" is by the popular English writer, L. R. Watford. Mn lassie Benton Frr moot, hes a eketoh of early California, sailed "My Grizzly Bear." The serial dories are very readable"Five Little Peppers Midway," by Margaret Sidney, ie fon a delicious home -tee and young life, while the Trowbridge serial, "The Advemtow 4 David Vase and Devid Crime," seism 'loaf in a jolly way ; Trowbeidge's New England families are the geminee people of the soil, and those ia thisei� are real Towhees.•'The d Millie= Tell" gins setae ex - reasons for eluting that pnpeMr episode of Swim history among lab- ials,. Mn Sallie Joy White tells in "Tire-Reilding" how the g is sr.1wg ht to bsild • Ire in the Btoetoa PeYle unities of the sister charge,Knox church, Goderich, may be present to consult over financial uoattee& Our thanks are doe to our o'd friend, H. G. Horton, for a beautiful calendar of 1889. Henry knows day and date ars weaselly wanted by the press. No 5 school re -opened atter the New Year on Thursday, the ard inst. Its toaster roll is reduced by the newly farm- ed school section in Dunlop. Mr Heth- erington, the veteran trustee of the sec- tion was re elected for another term on the 26th of Dec. The New Year's return brought forth a marked change on the eountenanem of the Bachelors. Why e, 1 Leapser hes vaniabed and three years more Tree- dum from hearing the question popped. Tb. first plowing for 1889, was done Jae. 7th on John Horton s farm, by Henry Horton. This is the earliest we have ever noted. Who will sow the tint grain if this spring weather coo- tie yes 1 The Misses Laughlin and Cantor. of Kingsbridge, were the guests oI Miss Foley for several day last week. Mr Jae. Foley spent hie New lairs holidays at Ksngsbridg., the reset of his sister, Mn J. O'Connor,. BLUEVALE Prom ear ewe eerresp.wdeat Does. -The amities caused quite a stir in tows os Monday last Messrs Dimeat, Gemmed and Creikahank, were the eo.ecillors elected, the reeve, (Mr Was. McPherson,) and the de.uty-reeve, (Mr Oen. Tbomp.on,) having Was re - sleeted. Dieter Mesmer, of Hamilton. paid as a lying visit last week, arriving nus New Tsar's Day and leaving as the day fol- lowing. Mr Wet. *Mowatt left on Ratsrday last for Blyth, where he has been •ppotnted priesipel of the yobbo aelinol. HL assay friends hen will be pleated to Domed Remote cwt CIINw t /soul 10re Floor Fall Wheat sew wad old Spring Whet Oats Barley Peas Potatoes Batter w„ Jaw R ... M a to OS 1 A MI110 •Mto 000 a12to Dar She People's Iolumn. Norm Tb. Council at ole Cerprwttea of, 'Me Combs .f Hares wW mesa is the Coati Tuesday th.�txsdaitm~t. tows PETERorADt ItsoN. Jas. 7th, 1N, *155-2 i■ 4 r44 Wool Port TENDERS FOR STONEWORK Tenders will be received up to Feb est. 1910. by the Trustees d K. 8. No. 3. A.blleld. for the .soaystia.and building of • None foundetiee soder ole school house s• Met section. Plans sad spec i0oit Das may be seen et tae reedswae of t be understood MOKOAN w •lTIN. decretery $. S. No. 2, 2101.11 Elated P. O. 0 el to 030 1 t 100 Moo aM 18 to 0 M 17 to 0 11 1 00 to 1400 00 to 40 O to 000 20 to 0M 30 to a 70 •rdIS THAi� MYRTLE CUT sod PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER. BEE 1a Breese osi each Plug and Pastas& 2173-1; WEST HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual fneetiaw of els West Huron Agricultural Society w JI be held in the ('oort House. Dederick', uu Wednesday. Jas. lith. at 1 p.m., for the election of arrers aid other basis/es. Mr W. IL Shaw. of Hamilton, of obs 1.4, Store Jennie!. will be preeent to ad- dress the o emeleg. H KAY DEN. 115• Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Wert Wawa - nosh Mutual Pin Insurance Company will be held at the Court Room. Duag•aaoa. es Tuesda the nod of January. A.D. laol, when the annual reporos will be Mid before the meninx, sad fee the electloa of throe di- rectors to 511 the vacancies incurred by the reoremeot of Meseta Jobs *1allantyne. fid ward Achison and Alex. Stewart. whose term of once as Directors will thea expire. an of whom are eligible for re-electwn. Hour of metering one o clock p.'. J. M. ROBERTS. De ageonon. tree. 27. USE 1131t. LOST. -ON THURSDAY. A BLACK lace scarf, hetweea *anal °Moe end Whitely's Most Market. !'trader wW tam leave it at Signal tyres, it rri HURON HOrEL, This well-kmwa and popular !Wei has heels refitted and emerged durit.g the past eases■. •tut u now second to ubr IR quality or he- oomu.alailun for the trrvt•Iltug petal.:. treed accumwodetwn for transient gamic WM. CRAW. The Square. Goderlelt. Ont. Promisee. During January a number of accounts williarre sent out, and to meet the demand we have ordered a large stock of account pap- ers, which we will print and pad in quantities to suit at reasonable rates at THE SIGNAL Steam Printing Houser North -.t., Ooderich. Straieti Animals. STRAYED. Came on the premise' d We tandoesltQnwd. N. half lust 15 v1 esw or �aasoown�t est Waw•ah. toe middle of November. a white bolter cm. The owner1e requested to peeve property. 5., chats•id taJOHN 19. MALLOIJOH. JReaicel. R. W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Rayl South old eFM et Pkr•M•e Fid1n R.. Southowh of Ma'Rtoa weft DR. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR OWN. Cormier ern. Mos sad Drees 41r..ca . •.se deer wort .1 tebrl Street IMO CAME ESTRAY -ON OR ABOUT the let of November a ewe sad two the Dab - crib r. Mesmerayed coo t. masted tremises o provides- ilertl tinyebarresiwaad M. BTRAUGHAl1 2115-/t Ls* Cow. a E.D. Col uoraa ESTRAY LAMB -CAME ON THE prermi.e. of the undersigned about the Us of mid November. a storing Iamb. The owner is requested to prove property, Oar ex - pewees• sod take It away. 1i. MITCHELL. tin4tLot gar Ind O s.. ILD. Odbets& For Sale or to Let. 111114. SHANNON t SHANNON, 1l PayMelaas Surgeons. Aceouc,an, as. orm at llv. tlhas.oae restdestoe sear tic sal Oodertnh O. C. ttaaxsos. J. R. aa - oat Legal. z (,DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR AA deter, Solicitor Is High Court. Cowwe .weer. Gwlerich sod lfty1kK Illag ld Cower weer. sl.w Thursdays from le to 1. J♦enwl to b sea of 64 per cwt. !1� C. HAYS, SOLICi rORt Ra R. O0.e. career of Ilgtlore acrd West street Dederick, ever talegrs►► ogee. Prt• rats toads se lead at d pew etwt. 2M► CARROW • PROUDFOOT, BAR T Rn1TER8 Ailaraeya. 8olieltore, .st Goderiel J. T. Gare. W. Ptosdteot. 1. A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN.- 0 sores of tad with • .Aron orchard of oboie. apples. A comfortable home and stables. •djet•lagt Goderich. Andy to B. L. (iodarMh. 1114 .o. �N, HOLT dt CAMERON, Barrfinet,. aeltdten lake. Cassese. M. CCassese. IX.; P. HaM. O. Csmmos. C l: Rose. 17u - 143OR SALE. -LOTS 174 AND 223 LL Goderlcb. Apply le M. C. CAMBRROX. HOU8E AND GROUNDS FOR BALL -That ea/viable hens and grooms at Wessel ooeupied by the mbe•'Iber Is of- fered Oar eek en n.■.onsW. terse Apply to M. 0. CAMERON. Auctioneertng. • TORNNITXKNOX seM4OsI�.NaRRtoAL AIAOdeli- v TIOvin 01 ,.. a. bit ezperimes l's ti ltr tint Hag head tls.oetb w ipso discharge with tore md'i•as entrusted to him. Or4srs left at Mani.'. Hotel. er sent by shall hem, oddersst% 4toder'ch P. 0.. oorefaUy ante 444 to JOHN KY4UX Cessty Aurtto•eer. Mot VOR SALE CHEAP -- 40 LOTS 1N JlL' difbv.at parts of Oodetios -from i naris 1e 7 sores In arta, sod 1 dwelllow homes. Ai - ply to THOR. WEATHER ALD. 2174-I; FARMS FOR SALE - THREE Farms for sale Ith ase., Oodertet Town- ship. about thaw maestros Oederlet. Alm • an wanted to chop cordwood. Apply as the premises to MKS H. MINCER. 73-5L N OISE AND TWO LOTS FOR SALE -Me house ism aloe reospe, f room, Monet1rSad bath ad stiiar.7emedow- Was aLI4gh.nds f1Also en settee of Sad 1a • er fa 'shams tar tans props:VA WY. E1fiOHT. Ord 21704 Amusements. C�`RoDWti t MaouaNler MST! lJI T11E LiBRA1T AXD RRADilt HOOM, cog. of bast street sod Square 4e.[ stain. Open from 1 to 0 p.m.,.ad tram 7 to 10 pot ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY Leading L5way, Weekly ani IAwtratd Papers, Sta.,ra.ses, 4e , ens Pits. MEM*ERBHIP TICKET. ONLY SSM. granttag tree use of Library cad Roadie • Room. Appneatloi tor,membership reoelved 12 Librartea. fa roo s. 4. MALCOMSON, GW. STiVENP, Presides'. Secretary G.derleb. Marsh IAh. 0011. FOR SALE -- LWest half of lel tis. Arthur fere* with sawn brink rortye t ltr•tt.niwo Lora. 141.1471411%. 114. 015. K* 4. Rtryet. 1t. Andrews Weed- of Hones _ Frsrot seeHonesw •sod �l si, tita. moor home ea Boas w ed half lend Several 1e. IR Reed's Burrs %•pends* nOq Sow G a a•.R. 14, �/ rat 1fA11 the .4...stLOW RATExI AP041 ta tlitf DAVIBOI1 ! JORNIITOX, Loans anus insurance. C, J. T. NAFTEL, LiPS, FIRS AND ACt'IDLXT I N- sf'kA -(`S A(1KYI, Representing North Broke k Mmea its.; Lis repot. Landes i Glebe; Norwle► Mew North Americas Life ; aod Accident law - wee of North Atner.a. Lowest lta'ee. Lass settled peemsly. Money to Lea ea Pars sad Tows Prs.ertsr. Cute;cacti* dose. Property valord, etc. Ogee-Oor. Neet►.L sed Square. Oederiek. 71- 65°L11 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT RCAMERtON, O.d Sob. 1700 MONEY TO LEND.- A LARGE •mount of Private Fends ger oIwv.stmti� lowest rates e'ntcw lileMO Bee App toGARiWW & PROUDi'U(/T R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL TN.8CRANCi, REAL ESTATE MID MONEY LOANING AGENT Ord! Parse-efea. ('eeepeeire ReprvseaS d d/ Mosey to Lead ea straight lows. at 4 ' lowest rate of iaterwt gusg• la say way suit tt. otrrower. 'OFFICE -Seemed deer from Square West Sorest, Oederi1M. 1106.44 $6100,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Tolstoi es farm and town proprty, •t low .at ist.e.a. Mortgages purchased. ko cos •sass charred agents for the Trust sod Lae.. Company of Canada. the Cued• Leaded Credit Company. the London Leas ('51.5.57 ot Canada. Interest. i. 54 and 7 per cost. N. B. - Harrowers can obtain 'nosey 1a day, if title estbferton. ttrJi DA Y113051 J; ONN _ �• ek Legal Notices. VOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN 11 that application win be cede to x45 Legislature of Oaterle, at tbe hest Basks thereof. for an AM est and rmpN7P Ing t he 1 ■rsraoswtod et►c Nooses e: Huron to w eaR lint ase ■ lobe Range ('esesselea, Towaship of borne. i• the essay of Mask theist* the late Thomas navies Lusa to tM oh Society of the Mosses of y�trs� •'y�ir the of a church of the Uait.d ChDiwruY et and Ireland. to be erected epee tho /tee eel er tract of 1•ed, sad also es a efts SI a f batiks w of • taws a appNr Iib. preenseds r< a hold a tagwlhK nd trite certain other seals hole he w amaOMa 8Tnod, le trust for *45 ereetlw M eburch, towards pro0trtsg; the .el.hborto.d M be allow= Bishop of the Moss sl cad the ereetla. thereon .f a vm�eel� CRONY/4 a a MsBoanb for sn 1-5. Dated • eta w Nhoer. t0551a travelling 'bulbs. 1.111.P6 GRAND THOME aA1LWAY- Tmlm arrive and depart at ff11111Msh er ad lows : d Amva au 11111 rted•sass •• .......... .........'�Ir.......».... p�5 ....... 40. •• •••••• 11,•••••• •• es •0 • .01 l'B *THA..R.��n,,...�B..tr)r01. �� l mea• eeoi t.w