HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-1-11, Page 73 3.7; flliillZwflder THIK HURON SE6QNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. s', 18$9 The address delivered by Dr Rand, of MoMater Halloo the sttd..ts el the Turoase Normal heel. is eue.eseie• with else stoma, salR•1am ea the 1104 ✓ lR elepS strew epee whiners w•dombI. I, the prise neonate of the shoots it ells days, the kas•Iits of right obar- aeler. Deveb*iag the nomad that "will is the ebief factor of passel ,hamster," 1)r Red soya ..incest sad hosmt ethyl in behalf of this tborottsb-going minis( of the sell will disclose to you whet as nowhere roe ago bait do by way of bslptee those coat - e mitted to your charge. Tb.t help .JI have bees feisty trios if it stimulates them to sett e1s.rl The teacher is first cud chi.Iy • *tinniest of hs purplyo eaerrs, and this au inspector and dtrecWm of their worst. It is seer to be forgoeia that it is'what we do by rid for ourselves tbat .ducats us, cad the teacher's duty is not discharged euleeet be senores real amenity, steal tassel and moral doing. ams the port of his pe pile. The ersslai of the wilt through mental wort is a greet oloportesity oven swains/ the Isobar. He meet 'mural inns as well as 'mstalils' abilities. The danger to be guarded insiast Is that the child will give assent, but toll not do. Obedience is the basis cf all ethical cul- ture, but it is to be remembered that as the child infolds he should peas from • .tate of depend.s's on the will of another to that d dependence on his own .ill. Education stay be very prey scally defined as wonting against the chaos sgsseoso of life. Will is echo cared and channel fumed by east, not by aegatueioa The eonseioa.eess of et - fort, tbe tatp.tting of ovsr.omiag s.ee- gy, develops the .ill and nouns for chancier. Hese the unspeakable .me - vies rendered by the Usher i• sttimelat• tag cbildree in the se of their own pow- ers, for it is this steady, eaeurgetie wee that develops the will -quality of mind. Through habit there mast be woven • planes which shall serve as the very web of ." Iseparably coane.ted with all right training of the will, is the resolution of the wprssaasy of suescienee. Cuessionee whet be ed.tuted, .treagtheoed sad eo- thrcnad as the supreme lord of coo - don. '.The edeoatton of the conscience is central is all ohereeter-.saking, suet at greater service is possible to you tban Gen be this rendered to the pupils them• Wyse and thereby to society. The pow- er to feel tsociety.d ewoliws ila view a right is ems to be sanely cherished. 'Fled out the right " 'Choose the right " •Do the right !' are the great imperatives of the soul sad amaaot safe - 1y be disregarded is the development of s Ilse. Commies* is the imperative sassy of the coal. °bodisee to the diaats of eoaeierles is the coaditiis of its breoiaing the coarolliag sorra in the life." Dr Rana:'s address closed with three trathfal words, fell tit essueragement for all tree t..rhen : "It is indeed a greet and high service to which yr.o are giving-yowselvea May 1 suggest that you Amid crake harscter first to your lives sad firt to ow teaching. In .order that your bode (iris .hall be first in all mealy sad ntaao ly v craw. Our diat tact I,. great - as a people is aur going to dmpad oar vast territory, memorial n- uns, miles of railways and /•.ala, eomsereial Rtes. or .sen the ice per foot of land in Termite, tit op - the surliest chances .1 our ma and amen There is no room is the world fur grander people than any which • Christ- ci.iltsatio. has yet peaseed, sad by sboeld w5 not ask tar greases tersest sad unwearied efforts in the king of such • people 1 fat it be our obligation to teach our Canadian s sod girls, both by example and pre- , that ooem.aee le • mored thing sad aueh mativ, in condor ; that moral w reigns both in the individual life d to society, and that its requirements disregarded today only to be repeat - with aveagiag smpbaais to -morrow. t us by .sample sod preempt teach em that a Canadian reverses@ truth speaks It ; that he ie busiest snort- , (,stns, and bnv.. sad that he mer bolds by his honor sad the fear of od. And that all this shall be true, sad, let es ea$asse the Tsai lives to r altars with the recital of the heroic s of those wbo have pee before as ; air deeds of courage, self-sa.rifi.s, triotism, sod beoe,oleno. ; their to resist the sed sad to mantels road. let us be enamored ourselves escallops, and let ser eyes rest on summits of eheu°ter, es exhibited in life of the Divies Doe who 'was flesh and dwelt among oa.' And 'ere clow is glory to our dust, S* near is (iod to man ; Stilus duty wh' Iow,Tbe'a most, The youth rsp ; I esti.' " Thou, that hath given so mueh to me five mo one 'Arne mere-• gromfel Sm. -().ergo Herbert. " Se never •mNed arose r No "hardly over" about it. Hs bad as attack of what people call "bilious- atlm,"arch to wile was impossible. Yet a moa say "ensile and cads, and be a "dine still, stili he was no villein, but . bleat, honest ass, that needed d eseli se Dr Pierre.'. "Pleasant Ihillses. " which never fail to sere bOlgelleleses sod diseased one torpid wee,.all ubronis eoaotipa- ties Of Poen Was some sot bask --the spokes word. the spent arrow, the pest Ise, the.eglessd epporteaity.-9aelite. The haat rog.lators ter the miTmes\ sod bowels, the beet sire for beiemenesa, siek headsets. laditioNee., sad ell ataa- t*uOs wising from a disordered liver, w wittiest ex Anew's Tows Liver Mkugssate let e s/sKiv.. *Ma, r bottle sole by Lasa Meek. Oede •l. fel The piety that do.. ant give, is piety that .a teat "posy.'- 10osgt'e1Mtalt. dist. Give Seams you love to es- es the lower peen funk its pdrfeme.--Ilppv- True Tess et Stows IbnioNatt News at a Motel Table Whim the Mar .is of Leese was ()or. seseresserol of gllaatda, .a Io.reetive sews took plass see day at the uld Fresh hotel w Qhebes where he stopp- ed. It was reported that the Marquis with the Presse Lusts, would dui* in the pubis room. Assts, .,roans and peo- wee. ,..stabled in a state if less expectation. The door wee lung and • lady in full ensue dress of pick .alio,; with a train, do- ssed* sparkltog on her bars use anal arse, entered and sweet to ►w seat. Nu use ucticed her ur her is.... A moment or two show a lady quietly utee.ed is a dark cloth Kowa and asp ail the site staff, stored and, with her competitor's, paired to . separate tabs.. The spectators ewe cad did her homer as .h, premed. They knew that the woman to that quiet brown sumo was the princes. They did mos k.ow ur can that Use other was the ode ora seisms fel shop -keeper iu Mo•trual. Ore woman knew the drew suable to a public table in a hotel, the other did not Go where you will you may detest al- most at s guises the woman to whom riob.•ars the be-all sad end-all of life, and to whom hear owu rialtos area mood ty. They weer jewels tied nob etaffs w the can, hotels and streets. It u .p- p.reut 4o the most easel observer that they have ow been long sough sous totaled to finery to hold it at Sts true value, or to know Thee to wear It. The *sorest parson who has meetly sowed wealth, naturally desires to leaks a show with it said parades at oe e nseitablo uoaa.ioo.. It is lake the So- 000•eioua vanity of a child and is cared by growth in Intelligens and taste. There are deeper halt., however, than • vulgar lore of finery. Even the wo- o ls who sway, ber stew alks or vel- vets through the train ..r hotel may have a kinder heart or wider sympathies than tbe betters bred ol..rv.n who !sib st bet. A W.miMenil Heb Pradseer. This is the title gives to Scott's Easel One t4 Cud Liver Uel by gooey thousands who have takes it. It out only gives flush and strength by virtue of its own outritoee propents's, bet crests an ap- petite for feud. Use it, and try your weight Soon's Eaaalsies is p.rfeetly p•I.taide. Sold by all druggist., at 50c. and 11. ole Werlas .mer.... toads. When reedio* r..rdia/ the'object of wornout Taals and methods of reeturstie.o are s.Kgeted. we feel like seyiog. "don't do 11. ' We do not accept the idea of as much worn oat land saws would claim. 1111 sty be said of • field that et is worn- out, .e should say let it go; don't spend any energies spun may sob field, but rattier work upon time 6e1ds that ars trot worwo@t; make them vastly better by the sbor sad espsaditon that would be required to restore a wornout field. A wearing oto say consist only of injedio- toes aropclsg or treatment and only re- quire* a ,haste of base. It most be re- menabered that Nature is a bountiful provider, and that the soil has locked w ithin its restos Osmosis of fertility w bioh, by a suitable application of meaa- onal suheas nes, may b. reed.red avail. able. &muse a .oil will net produce eartalu crops is no certain iodic tion of being ours o.t ; whit it may be largely ezhae» sed of all the prisipsl de.seos, it may be so .obal•need by the sheens of se elesest as to rendes it unsuitable for co-ppiai. This fact demonstrates the neemeity for individual expertise - tat ion. TEMPERANCE WORK. Steams frees All over twee.$.' the Cease. Martha's Vineyard Htrofd : The man w ho is well "opened" aboold either take the pledge or see the chiropodist. Seashell dobe are groat tactors in the work of temperance. Fur seven mouths In the year bemoan uriaaaations oompal tbo,asaods of yoaug soma to abstain from drink or take Um aoaaegueoee of heavy haus. "Doctor," said a wealthy patient, "I want jos to be thorough and strike at the root of the dismiss" "I will,* said the Sonar, tad brooked down the stick with a smash tea a disaster staadiag of Us sideboard. A delimitation from the temperance or ruination of Prises Edward Island, waited upon the Seperioteodeat of Edu- cation of that Province reosatly, sod urged that the use of a temperasoe text• book in the politico shook be aetbonaad. A Reams. men has bass in the habit of visiting to obliging d d ordering drinks by wink. Aenterpris- ing entemid tintype taker came along and photogrtpbed him in the act at taking a bowl. DruKeist sad si.tomer are both in jail. Alcohol applied to • thrifty harmed stemma will remove the boards from his fees, let the *tittle *ate his crops, kill the fruit trees. sow Me fields with thistles. mortgage his farm, subdue his reams, route ►a passion., bring want, sorrow and dist..s ea his tawny, .od topple hiss into a drunkard's grave. RATI Yor A HOT ro Stahl -The W oes most have boy., or it most .bat up shop. O.n•t you forni k It one 1 it 1. • great factory, ry, end sales. it esu get O0S 000 boys from ash esn.eation for nwsuitorild, some of theee (stones melt does out and eta operatives most be thrown on a °old world, sod the midis rw,usue .ill dwindle "Wanted -11.000,000 boys," M the settee. Os family esu of every Ave inset .uetfribos a boy to keep up the supply. Will you help T Whisk of year boys will it be 1 The Instant of Onto bad to have a trireme 1a11 of Tidy sssidets seek yew ; bet Um mieetsar et Aslerha deatn'ds • eity fell of boys soh year. Are yes a Whey 1 Have yea Sipes year shwa b keep ep the suppiy for this great pblis I..titesis then ie helplarg to pay wow taxes amid kbdly elestisg pp•abile ollsiels kir pee 1 Have Tei eostribat•d a boy 1 11 ant, some Mbar lamily has hid to ve mere this Its .hare. Are yes sa1W. setae to keep the dile. a fosse b grind op arse, sod Hide dig .-thing is heap O pl' 0006 ANO ENDS. ies.•..f WI &Sada el I.terees to Lowry body. Mrs Winks -What lave you got yew busbaod for a Obriatataas present 1 Mr. Minks --Oh. nnrn.tbto,l lriealy 1'wely ; • resat beg 1....do .,. Ruwere.t1d aid twenty -1s pots of Ibwen. I'm sure h. woe. 1 object so much to carrying 'em 11 and oat when he knows they're his ewe Her Majesty hoe been 'racio•@t) pleased 4o accept an •ogra.sne from Ib. portrait if 8,1 John MeedossM. the Premier of Canada, ,..toted by Mr A. S. Dickens Patterson, of Toronto. Oa of the scoot lamed buntswoine. it. England is Lady Neville, da.4bter of the Marquis 4,1 Ah.rg.v.uuy cin. 1. also au accomplished orackst player. Mary Fitstereld, now in prison •n Philadelphia f..r packing the pocket of n w.tl-to-do gentleman, is sou to a... Ilo o ldest sneak -thief in the Chita Hates. She M 50 years old, and slop ale wit 10 has been a tb•ef. She wee a rung lct ba. fore she was lt cad to tmtont r -an its* mot been out of gaol for sore than five months .t • time. A merchant conspires that people "some around be„iit.K for fairs, to, "Lurches, societies avid .11 sorts ..f por poses, as if the article' we sell did not wet mosey, and thus t't.y take these suds and sell them at 1.ors ie opp. Moon W .het we sell oureel re- " Them es wants, must ch..we. Them ss hes, mum Tomas Them is kenos wool blab. Thous ez guesses, will gab Them es borrows, wrote,. These e lends, speeds. 114em re gives, lives. Them es keeps dark, is .►cep. 1'14".0 et kin mar00% kin keep. Them ez .o.., bit.. Them ez het, gin.. nes ea ..1t..tn. Themes wilt, kin.-t;e...u.y Magasios. A noted K.otlrm.n, whins t4;.iu,t walk in Now York State, near the Cato hill., came to • cross -road, and not knowing which se to take to reach his d..tinstton, asked a yoeug ambit), who was lying bear the nrd.tde, just awakened from a deep, the road .. take. The boy, not k05.■nett .d n•.1 ca• lug who the gentleman wee, pointed w att his 4.e the directu.0 1., take. T' yr ttlowmn surprised at ouch layers, said : "lf you can give a lazier act that. that I will make you • present .of ti. dollars." The bay thought • momea.r and torn rolled "ver OW gild : "'PM • in me puobet, air.' .. Rautn ole IN res CoLuJioE. Ogee kat so may p • : i3 Cburcb-meraber• is Ib.m a. at pees.. A few rumples will show this. Y. r College in 179E had but lour ..r b. e midents who were Church-Iue.lb.rs ; to -day nearly oar half h.4.1 such me° berrshnp. Prio.4.0 in 1813 had Ind two or throe opsuly professing the ebonies faith ; to day about ur:e-ball, read ams, . them the beet senolars. In Woos,. College 147 out of .?o.$, and in Amherst 293 out of 332,are members . f Churches. Is many ulh.r oOUeKme, as proved by Dr Hodge. from whose carefully prepar tables these figures are takes., the pros- pects of religion --Archdeacon M.:Kay- Smith,in Harper's Magazine f. r J.uuary. The eras, for puttIug Iain' ratcbw .n odd planst is developing to such .n es teat that one lacy expect to see the fa.' Dines with watches Oh the tars of ther shoes or .n the backs (d thea gloves ... wherever obey can easily Las Sha time- pieces at a Ktaac... To • Riot wnv ;sr yesterday three' lading met sod took suets beside (one &homber. Ono bid a watch in the hand's t f her umbrella, •.n. had. watch in the catch or chop . f h.-. pncketbe.k, and the third carries a tin) watch lu a bracelet to her left arm. Thr last exempts ..f the erase, Shit of the bracelet, is a Viennese idea just Import- ed. The braoetot was .,f leather, and WWI ungoeetiooably the ugliest .•rnm- moot any lady woe on Broadway yester- day. se a Lan. Not c f the "dude" species. Not of the kind that steeds on street corners. Not of the king) that pride. bi®ee1f on being a "masher.' Not of the kind that .neon at the idea of perwnal purity. Not of the kind that sneers at the Church. N..t ..f the kind that tbiuks Christ .ts a mild sort of fools. Not of the kind that owes she tailor liveryssem, and everybody else. Not of the kind that is a a.nooimeer of whiskey. Nat of the "yee.yei' kind. Not of the kind that ealla mother "old weoat" mud father ' old man." Not of the ignorant infidel brood Not of the onward kind. Not of the iceboat variety riot of the "i can't" tribe. Not the kind that is better tegnaint.d with pool taw the fifth *Spier of Deut- eronomy. Not of the evading, soeffii.i ,Mtfllin1- through-life kind. "having no bope,sod without Ord it tba world." -1..,.ii-....i►11•. ese& in all ,r., a, ',roar err vino en ars .w .0...o. w err r ..06 r.enb &. moms itin orb � 1r mar nor*aretas.« t". Is Oa owe. end ib• ar..s.. MOM n • tee. 1 I -'AIN E S CELERY COMPOUND WRVS AT Tisa •A TIME •111 ' soma • THE NERVES, TME LIVER THE ROWELS, andtheKIDNEY$ • ' 'This embroil series gives k wee- 1 dotal power 1s cure all diseases. Why Are We sick'' • lecare we allow the serves 10 rose weeheeed sod irritated, and rhes pet moos se become claimed s'art poisonousboon art ts .rddoreSeed into the blood net should las impelled naturally. • 1 • 1 1 • • PAINE'S CELERr COMPOUND WILL CURE IIu•vewile. PILES, 00111TITATI.X. L1D)t=T COM- P1.AINTi. 51IP*ST IIISAsa•, ?BALI VSAZNSM,lUvMA- Tte>t 1STIALSIA. AND ALL 11m•oVs PISO13DLIth By quieting mod strengthening the serve._ , outcasts( free action of the liver, bowls, mad kid.eys, and r.smr- eg Cbmir power to throw off Mesas Why ,stir Mew Seim me Ashes 1 Why Isem &tad .eta Hew. Cese.,eae.l sub, Mabtseder.rDhsidere*ZNegee Way «dare srro«es se sok beadeeh -1 Why h•m sl -s keg ashy I Use Pami s Ce.eev Cosseeem sad agree hesly It i• ask ..Iedr .ysme. Me surety, lenses, r ell car. Sad y all Dregrias /tic. V AIL ,w. /., des. wraz. RICKARDSON t CO.,Pwptrrt , ■ °STRIA L. r. t; • Winn • • 1 • 1 • 1 • - DCS T.01 S. ANO REMOVES V.A2 M S C'F ALL KIWIS IN CH.LprfN OR ADULTS SWCLTAr, SYRUP AND CANNOT WARM THE MC!3T C�D4.)CATC CHILD EWOOMBE PIANOFORTES Elegant In Design Solid In Construction Excellent In Tons i11000UICED SY ARTISTE TO RE TIE F10E'f1 IAD( 1N CANADA, sod..l t• the ted U.Asd Rbltu I mstreneet., et (who duty sad Slight le pd0 Per Cent. Lossuu N MI 151010ltlRl MR1♦RRIYn MR Till $ANWASTIMISt OCTAVIUB NEWCOMBE £ CO. IST -1115 CUM STREET, MINTS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER iNFf.LCi,"54>S*FFIEYo Seribller' For 1889. The pob:iabers of -rit tyres Mega:_itt naim to ma• -t it the most pupiiar ant Cul.-. pons*& e ..: p,-riodlaxlik while at all tones pre.erring ..s hies literary character. SAW new renders Nave been drawn to it during the t.eet via months by the tecn•.s.d excellence of its ,ante.bb.taW Lbs Hallway snacks.. and It Maws au.10004 year with a new impetus end an assured &neer+& The IltustratM.a well .bow some new effects. •M n*thhst to make tirrlbwers M(tpa=int ettracti%e end la - tweeting will be bet;.ected. THE RAILROAD ARTICLES well be wee untied by .revs* very trtkiyieKf papers: sae sopecielly interesting by Mx- Postmawer- tteeeral Thornes L James as The Hallway Postal sere iw.- IUt•atret d Mft leoRrltT WulM 13TKVK% OMI .mi nal envoi "The Ms ter of Hellw•trae." .11 - rue through the greater part of Me year. .AL Beret* 1n \i.reeisber. A CORRROPONIIAN('E .ed 0011001loh M msnuscrtpt memoir* reis'tng to J. F. 411115* and a Tarsus group of wanders FRRNCH PAINTERS will furnish the wbdteaoe et several articles. Ill ,strafed. The brief each owners written last yesr by Robert Lou. ittevemon. will be replaced M equally tneernet1af contributively'', difilem * tamow anthers Mr Thomas Relief *Welch wall writ* the tlestof them for the Yuman urn boss. I l nt rated. Artlelerien £RT SUBJECTS will be • tea - tare. Clrence Cook, k:. H.BIaehMbd, Asst o DoPapers are retated to pear b - sea. said sway ethers. rminNO ARTiCLRS dessetblew It the bast loins'ro.ad• win anent. amlmus N'lnetwl.a, Ores, and Tarps are the wbjeete mw arranged. The autism are welLimewa .porl.n.e. lUteOMted. iLLUSTRtATED ARTICLES vid w. a1Iyvariety. mashies pll mYaM et .t, was, travel, itiscisanl place sort - filluh tell. -Antony' toe test interesting In the list d selsnillc papers for the year will b n ssarttablOaeitrUi k. by Prosser Jobe bridges sad os•so d P moo nasal VMOk*MY. davetgmaats 11l004rnteA A -e4sm .[ set w hes },wood of s �y ► ;y " I.y It. meet M wfi.si •utbo,uire' e DRIP MINING. amid Miss Pieserseeise. miuuA�� �irfiIrb the R�LWAY ART irLIMA as A yd. lMmhselptsr Ity 5l .d 15..mim M A > ltw elm►. and the erre tateteet r. Ts. s -7 SCRIBNER 3 MAGAZINE rte, W....� sa'q'R j AN I M P ORkA NT CLUB OFFE t .;.: am::alae► L, R�fijsyri :: r SCRIBNE5 9i .' MAGAZJNEY :1EtiC rs7.at7t la readers literature cf Iaatint; irate: -est and value. it is fully and bcauti f::liyc. , illustrated and has already gaissed n iron- than nationat circulation, exceeding* 12Z..CC. copies monthly'. it it. et. od. .c it A. A. PRICE 25 CENTS A NUMBEF . $3.°O A YEAR:* ' SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS with ennessrs Charles Scribner Sons the Publiahcrs enable us tp offer SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890. FALL GOODS NEW STY" LES OF Dress Goods, Dress Trim min gs SPECIAL -Tweed Dress Goods at 10 c., worth 15. A great bargain J. C. DETLOR & CO. PLANING MILL. ESTARLISNED 1556. BOOR/0 tt ROM -ISDN *aitt ra(Tt its9. SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers in all Iced. of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And bul:der's material of every descrtptloa. School Furniture a Specialty SIIt- . WOOD. WOOD. Parties desiring to take wood from me must leave their orders at once, before it is all shipped for the 5wsoe. Orders will be attended to if left at the following store -keepers: G. H. OLD, R PRi('E, JOHN ROB- ERTSON and JAMES LL'BY. XAVIER B€CHLER, Fans Reserve NASAL BALM OONAMst-CE, Dixon, r.O.. 1Ja1. May lith. ISM. My wife suffered for five yearn with that diettwsine dtseao.e, catarrh. Het case was one of the worst known la these parte. She tried all of Me catarrh reme- dies I ever mw advertised. bat they were of no One. I finally procured a bottle at Nasal Halm. She Ma 11954 only one halt ail. and now feels like • new person. 1 feel it my duty to say that Nast Realm cannot be T(N) HIGHLY rsasmmsuiatl for catarrh troubles. aid am pleased to have all suck sufferers know through Its use they will receive instant relief mud CURE CTAS. MC OU.L Farmer. FELLOW -OIL t-V.M 4? EvCRIE Po'gri1; s Arc ^ ..neat to 11k . Costain their own Par:s'1To. 1s • 5i. morn, m.1 seretal ias•ttoee N seri& CI -Udine or Adds Haring inn of Msensed sad ir. R. Inc..e. on Sat street we are prepared to EXCHANGE GRISTS -ane SCPPLT- FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS Is any geentl y and on the beet of eta Our wet4ksewn wad popular Mswheat's. Mills hare been reneaUy improved. and we ere .ole to tura wet • FIRST-CLASS FLOUR whteb we ItUssaate* to give satisfaction. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR OATS CaagatM d . par Melba. AT OUR OODERICH STORE we keep roomiest', ou head a tan supply of 'FLOUR. PEED AND SEEDS. MVO 1111• Mn -.yon win god am prompt sad A. R. CUL.LIS, T;•IN. 0oderiebasad Maaabsster. -GREAT VARIETY- -AND AT - PRICES TO SUIT ILL -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151- 3IANAGIEB WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. -^ n GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, i, giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite C4,11 and see his stock and get a bargain. OO laa•TDE RT.AK2I•TCC -, In all its branches, promptly attended k H' EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. 0110. BARRY, Mandlton-BR.Ood.Ttelt. •$.N • yawl ss 10515 a 5.105... CHARLES $CII/IIER'S Sits,, 743-745 Ikood•ea1, N. Y. Adierze in The Hon Sig. 5