HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-1-11, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. 11, 1889.
THE ARIZONA KICKER. '�•1.," ..i.i . 14.1, t" t`. tori:--
. ■ Deep.
Millessed Seems cheesed by Me Dairen
Vise iee•s.
We one the tdlowta,g trots the fait teed
The Arua,ua I:rime
IhrerawDw-Wee Ws lame we sumpssd
the egremittu.l dalpenees.t, selahl,abed Bre
wools •g'& W• brehlstad Ws tauter. es •s
experiment. mrd M WV eat • ttt•rery
t.edttoos frame Ike east, who was tam
footed mat pstdiess, bat who wee fertile of
The eltperh...t was • failure,
W. lire Wdduo ter Isaderfud • peewee
nest and la•Ue adieu, and we now bid fare.
well to •grtoatturw es • set Wag. We .hay
ors-/ atosally toter to the 'object is • r.ekhas,
ofihand way, taking cbaudrs ou result., but
the will Le .o 1wriher studied •tteptp•. W
orate the seedy plias get up sad kemp
themselves into fields of waving cora, and
we shan't clever the reeky killieire hereabout
with •ilevarde or patches of d.ramtive bsek-
wbat. (loud -by , Bodes .'u .t -goad -by, agri-
Novice To CONTt.nsaYome,-We outset
retort. n _.acted sisuueci sp . If not acmrs-
p•s: d t.' stamp we use them to light $h -
coffee fire. If stamp• are seat mi era thee
on cur lousiness lettere If , •. cuthor of
"Boren Bu ket& of Blood. or the Corkscrews
Revenge," w • 11 rend her a.lelren to this .Sc,
she wal hem r' aorectbing to her advantage.
We have re -reit -re • ekstci. ent.tled "Bob-
tailed Bob, or the tu,uberu of Br.bber't lldl,"
which we .Ill publish vie recc.pd of the au-
thor% check for $M. W. must room -Gutty
destine the eerier entitled "Iter Father
Boated He" and "An Advehtor. with be
discs in Preece" They seem to have an Ms -
moral tone.
Prim 0111.Y I VminiMNn.-*Mee r.:r Mat Maio
Col. itlrb..nka baa bid titre., rex!• of beauti-
ful picaet (.•1.e erect•••1 in front 4 bis wlobea
and the Gies' ,goose, 1111s reeeirr.l teras bra-
nds of whisky end I. new pier `ir a Ws
chronicle• :nos: improvements u w, Ie, s Uel
spirt, but simply that .maiden may ..sow
that the split of pros -Tin.: is net deed within
us. 1W.. art `Tie:1g r.bht to the front ea a
Aci'Iotsr -W.. 1t•47. 1 to tear•i t t Maj.
Jae leu.:, aro./ of tl,. puma r re,.i..,,nts t.• .air
bele city, kicked a' his •lop I'..t ...tur,:ay
and drove era big toe bac: roto bi. bn•1 by
biting" 11:0 corner stelae .4 U.0 .•se,• lfasonic
Tie melee a s es our .errand gels -eraser. We
sympathise with Lim in his chare tour of
trial, rho trust that be mar sort, rent pant
among 04 Would his 'reedlike. i : •..me
critical see Oral new daily bulio•tum from
this oilier.
Oo Hamm - A cerreepnadent w,:.... re to
expiail, the ,..ranine of the t" -m: -From
Alpha o. O:nz•�a" '. a• but du it. We
have bait paitae. en•.0;l. ! .r on. *acoria end
propose to let t. , en in,. ••''eb.lnr %1 r toe : er
hoard of AlpLa, see !:. • •v, and tor f •r old
Omer -a, .rev be be .1'.iu.-.1.'- De: :.-tt t re.
Ile Bid Tried It.
Uri. Ftt Nonillo fowl c,r••any to tea.
Little F.ta a:o4r11. bad bee•r t..le just how to
behave. etre a pe i brbe ere;ercrulad
him if he acted out has lest er the pro
sure. IIe dd vers well until he saw the
company t.0 Inning 'neat some jam tear was
served to small dishes. Then dz:•:i his roved
.eyes on a majestic •old luny ..t,.xaute to lime
he bawled u. the sweet tortes oft iuidboud:
"Did core caste tL. pit;P'-Detroit Free
B•mif reeiraewd Is Crltirbe .
Young Writer ice framed) —I .a', Ford,
have tots sew my book whirl ere i.ubl:,,:.ed
a little over a year aro?
P4.o1-Oa. yes: 1 bought it the first day it
came.wt. C'har.r•rt
Yo ng Water--ThankF red. !fed you
Anti it :nitro'. .r gt
Fred.- h'ru--er-to tail t ate ft :a : ' Mai icy,
I haven't bniete d it yet. -Harps• *A war.
mom A
1. -
The effect it has ea. tkeh.-Lila
A Compromise.
O'Roo.ey (ententes hardware eccer)-The
boS.ant me down •Etter • pane av glare, tit
be 1oorteea
Waggish Clerk -Well, Pat, I don't think i
can give you • tea by fourteen, but I tan let
you have • fourteen by tea, if you think you
can make that rho.
Pat (struck with • bright ta..t-tile Mons!
jilt give me was *v t►tm, sad PM turn
tb' sideways av it upside down, ka' 01 don't
blare the bot himself aid ever know tb' dif-
fsra.oe.-Tero*lo Orap
A halo C.aetngee.a
A Near York judge eays that If . man was
Mining 100 years be should consider Wm to
h. dead It would be a pretty .mfho mach -
Mon to arrive at, especially if the olantg
am was 6D year- o1.1 whim he dleappmreut-
1'torrlasown Herald.
A fin of Owed Weather.
• ire Allen► -tier. le an advertisement for
a teamli�i not lee than 400 pound& 1
w w ft Y Qa omdw.nted for a dime nauseam?
Mr. Serbs -Dano. May: a they want
him ID drive a east cart -r'° — '1 his Be
Leith aas.ya tor...
"Harry, yes ought net te throw away *fes
bread like Mist; yea may want it some day."
"We& weber, dpo.ld i stand any better
chance of geMlag tt then it 1 ate K sow r--
Ifew York Joann
A Wee terra.
It car a pretty mem wee who, whoa
earl to mepire a besellai between
two sobered alma, eaD.d We
gar as aoeo.ga of datrteem- lots f semi
Tile "neat Qati"
• hares 1. Dshees km elyp INA Ile meal
Are the ••lost ewe we hew Weed ..al ski.
▪ eethe-401n 0milim
ars Seise C. Mead nese, as wow.... net
Me were* Warm b.
A Widths, Eve., despatch rye : •
atealu•tmas orf delusion, reel or peetettJ-
ed, was bruaytbt to helm iu the t'r biota
Court to -day, when Mrs Hetes, C. Fteid
was triad as w her musty at tie s..Uafm-
nue ut Perry Wiodsur, • prominent so-
ciety man acid sr.ag•r cf • kaisers lean
and murtgoge eompasy here, w *hors
Mr. Feld temarisea that she is as•rrled.
Mrs Fold's mother testified that dur-
'.g last Jere and Jafy bee datytht.r had
*bees very .a.. sad soled very queerly.
8Ks thou maimed Quit she was euge.ded
w Mr Witadwr, &ad true day went to he
place of bestows and ou her retrain told
her ssothei that they were to be warned
that •fternoo..
'ea t`OSRS SOT " all LID
Sirs Feld dressed herself in • white
dress and stood ou the feria porch that
afterniem awaiting the oumug of the
groom Mt Winder did nut appear, of
averse, but •heconuaued 1) drugs het -
self in the mase fashion for two days,
and then her toucher west W bit Wu,d-
eor and asked bum tt he iatetad.d wedding
her widowed daughter. The g.ntl.mau
said he had no such totenuan. He aid-
ed that he had been remain', •noisy
mous letters •aid postal card• and •leu
little packages of dowers, arc., twin Mrs
Feld, containing allusions t„ comes
matters of which he bad uo knowledge,
and that hi wanted 11 stopped. It was
thee. that Airs Field's mother curctuded
that her daughter was Insane, mei going
home set• told her what Mr Wandwr
said, and advised her daughter t., dr..p
the matter. Mrs Field se stored to give
up the idea.
Nothing strange win noticed in her
manner from July until about six weeks
ago, when she again began to talk of
signs and manlfestatgens sod oonuect.d
Mr Windsor's name with them. Sl..
would watch the window for • passing
baggy, and on seeiug the one coul•:Il-
itig her supposed lover would say :
"flare is another sego. The mar•
nage will now so)m be consummated. -
B UT *HI wAITSD I:t C1teren AT ¥lDIcluRT.
About that time she also began to talk
of the Church std said she would nut
allow her lover to Dome between her and
her Gud, as she thought he wished to.
She would drew in her beet and go to
church at 10 or 11 o'clock at night and
sit there, and 00 returning bonne w•.uld
try • por:►on of the marriage cr.-
mony had been performed,
Last Sunday night she went to church
at,d sat some time. On returning she
said part of the mernaze ceremony had
been performed sial that in a few days it
would end. Last Wednesday hignt Ate
west again. She soon returned and s.id
that the matter would be settled ; lis
Leat night she made another trip. On
two different Sundays she dressed and
awaited her lover to be married.
Mr %Windsor, the plaintiff, said that he
met Mrs Field about two years ago in a
bustnese way. Shortly afterward he be-
gan to get anonymous postal cards and
lettere, which considerably annoyed
him. Finally he got letters and pack-
ages signed with Mn Field'. name. She
made allusions to things of which he had
no knowledge
Then little pill boxes with dowers and
poetry began te pour in and the rambl-
ing letters uncre•.ed. Mr Windsor says
he wrote to Ain Field to discontinue
this correspondence, and after her mother
had called on him her letters did stop.
About that time he was informed that
there was • blackmailing .chemo being
worked by Mrs Field and he was inked
It he was et gaged to her. He, of course,
said no. His idea was that the black
mailing theory was correct, and he took
precautions accordingly.
Some of Mn Field's letters and notes
were prrduced in court. Oue was •
card giving Mr Windsor free passage
over the "Second Street Railway," and
signed "Helen C. Field's Manager."
1 t:.tritertT ItI(TAk1N "IIAAIrEerATlolv%'
A letter written last spring mid that
sl e understood fmm ''manifestations"
that he was too ill to crows to hie olfiae,
but that if he would call oa her it would
be all right and she would waive fortnali-
tIr with pleasure.
About ten days .gra he received her
photograph, and three days ago be re-
turned it by request. He had not spok-
en to her since last summer, end he
Dever enticed her on the street. He
had never spoken to her of marriage.
Mn Helen C. Fuld, when put on the
stand, said the whole affair was • "mis-
take,' sod that she had mu.nderstood
the "signs."
The jury brought in a verdict of "not
Ahead of •It
L have used Haityard's Peelers! Bal-
sam in my family for years eni hats
found at ahead of any preparation of the
kind in curing colds, etc. I can
cially recommend It for children. Alex
Moffatt, Millbrook, Ont. 2
The Teketsaeae Ilse Brigade,
When a firs break• oat in nos of the
interior withdrew of Japan; if eke wind is
blowing, the town is practically gone.
The roofs are in many oases of thatch.
There are no fire departments to speak
of, outside of the large cities, and the
six little steam engines which form
Tukio's rue Department would not
weigh altogether more than two Ameri-
can steamers. The firemen of Ycko-
Kama wear bliss bats like batter howls.
Their pants atop joist above the knees,
and their blue cowrie have a round white
ring on the bek, inside of whit& is
misted i. /.nag letters -tit Yokohama
fire brigade.
Ray fever is a typo of est•rrh having
peewliar .yieptoms. It ie attended by am
inhumed ooaditien of the Wirer semi -
bermes of the boated., te.rd•eks and
throat, afeetin the WOOL As .arid
seueo.a t•.eeeetad,th• diaahuryteIs-I.oa-
0•.ted with • burning sensation. There
ere spasms of stemeleg, ":`:tack d bei/.L , wetiryyseaW
qa lily. Orem B.1. Is a reme-
dy theism be depeeded epos. 110.ta
M ifts ; b1 mail, registered. Mae.
glboroe Droll* , Ovale. ).w
Yank ly
tetdey. "1 wee .tr gpo..t pan, lee:
sight shore all the I..set kruk• sere ere
1 ; 1 was ailed W need orae that is real.)
sereable a„•1 • ci.euf.rt. 1 don t oar.
sheet .atuar my lee. es earn with • ler k.
or ahem{ Matin* • •end,' ful sod spews'
ly devised •po... ter R.,,uan putsch, '.r •
ear patent ba.•k••ctiun lurk fee guy sal-
ad, or shout s..tug the olives tied up
with ripe,.. s, or •b,•ut hav,uit sty napkin
changed four times during the rami 1
Ihisk tuts of th .au ladle are tir.wuse,but
I amu glad to bare a bene dish." "A
bone d..h ' " euh•.wl the benighted listen-
er. "Yea, dim.' yen knee, how in gest-
lend they •re always ,1IYisq you 10 •
wort of tnfurmsl way •n ultra plate, nut
changing ytsur platiebut lettiry/ you ba.•
tee., e1 ,.n;:u. At breakfast er lunch, to
be ours, It to 1141 w tul..t.u•I, it Ic there
regularly for y"air butter-tudead of the
little sn.f..d i'shue •et to - and fur auy
thing els.- you rant it (..r, and you al-
ways do waist it to te.x.e• your butts*
and p esti: skills. Frei always thought
that tit .rah .• nuke se meet fuss and
elsbersu..0 in our .well table .rnoge
tunes, that nothing oottspass..atmd for the
comfort the Eugh.h get out of the*�-
tr• plate. N. I foetid tut night that
the latest tip-top touch is thus somethiosg,
Duly of ester.. with • Y.ukee Improv.
merit. The buue dials s. sow launched
in America, but it is not annth.r rusted
plate, but • Lens uarruw di.h taking up
much lee* nom, and it i• for you to use
as a reoeplaele for whatever you don't
wast on yrerr plate. It t• • gloriosa
cum fort." -N. Y. Uraphic.
A *see res messes.
There have hers many remarkable
cores for deadness wds by the use of
Hagysrd's 1 eliow Otl, the great house-
hold remedy for pain, isduumatiou and
% ereneas. Yellow Oil curets Itheum•ti•es,
Sore Threat and Croup, sod is useful c.-
trrual.t and externally f..r all Vitus and
1s* U..e.w$4* s tetra
The :atmoet care ou the part of the
housewife is the price paid for the health
of the family. We have all heard the
awry of the t*char of the Urre.se bride
w ho eats hi. daughter • g.lden casket,
with the tnjunetsuo net to pee it to any
other hands, fur it held • charm which,
in her keeping. tumid be of ine•u,wble
value to her as the mistress of • house,
Nut only was .he to have the entire care
of it, but she was to take it every morn -
Mg to the cellar, the kitchen, and the
stable and to remain with it in each
place for three mwutes. After the lapse
of three years the father was to send the
key, that rho secret of the talisman
might be discovered. Directions were
fullowed,the key was sent and the casket
spewed, when it was found to contain an
old parchment, upon which win written,
"The eye of toe mistress is worth • hun-
dred pairs of servants' bands." The wise
father 3low that a practice of inspection,
followeu faithfully for a period of three
years, with such results as we may rea-
.eusbly believe followed, would be per-
petuated -chat the casket mud hidden
charm would have accomplished their
In the hands of every housewife is
e.,mmitted a casket far more precious
than the result of auy jewelers' skill.
Coeeen thieves are continually lurking
about that. threaten its safety, never ..
numerous.h in early winter. The casket
is the health of the family ; the danger
that threatens it, disease. Its preaerva-
ti0n depends on watchfulness burn of
B eat. her risme Who t o 1e 5* Chiefly Com-
muned at • Ileretu.a Weddlaa
Whet is i. (eebrouable perianth* •
.•urning we4Jtsw le u,. oepurneg et
miry time before 6 u'auck p.m. On welt
to imomiul the groom dues I.o* appear
Us steering drys. even though the bride
be to full dream totletta His proper
w»tume is a black truck coat (ur • cuta
way, in favor tit whish there Is • Nroug
isove,i.l.t jet now), light trousers, pa-
tebt bomber .hues, white ruse grain fuer
t. baud *s•rf. pearl gle.ea Nub pearl or
hlaek stitching and silk kat. The beet
leak and embers ate similarly attired.
bet wear either pearl or lavender gerves
with broad back stitching un the hark.
The bride ia in full dress white toilette
or travelling dress, according to prefer-
Gaslight is extremely becoming, and
therefore much need at day weddings.
meager.es tea sserRtt..
Counterfeits are always dtneer.,w,
more w that they always closely 1x1•
TATE T1. oIU01NAL 1s* •rraAnades a •!rn
Nall& 'Che remarkable success schussed
by Nall Balsa tie a maitre* cur, le
laat•rrb isnd Cold in the Head h.s it -
d-Wel--tanpriuctp1ed sanies b, imitate it.
The puhhe aro cautioned 0.0 to tae dr -
wired by nostrums* imitating Naval Balm
in name and appearance, hearing such
MUMPS as Nasal Cream, Neal Balton,
etc Ass ter Nasal Balas and du not
i oke limitation dealers 'nay urge upon
you. For sale by all druggi•ta •.r son•
roast -paid us receipt of prone (3Oeand 61
toy addressing Fulford & Co: , Brockvills
Ont. tf
Ttbe Cars of Bae.M.
At Moecuw and lit Petersbng the
street ems are similarly deMtr,cted to
Those in Paris, but are a little larger.
They •re almost as long as the pa..en-
+ter mach on a .leam road, have doable
decks or two storied, and aeoomod.te
over sixty p•.sengers without crowding,
A stairway wind• up at the rear of the
cars leading te the long sesta .bore, over
which is • wooden roof or canooy, and
the passengers have the privilege of a
suit in the breeze shove er in the en-
closure below, the latter bean* like the
interior of American street ears. Eight
heroes are used when there is .now
on the ground, fear of thea b.ioc hitch-
ed abreast. In the summer fuer horses,
two abreast do the pulling. Three men
run the car, • ootductur, • driver, and s
man who rides the off horse hitohed in
the rear. The driver rings a bell con-
tinuously, and when anyone mamma to
IMP the track in close proximity he
tines mon vigorously and rails in seven
different languages. The fare is usually
twenty kopeck*, which is about ten
cents. The street cars in Ramis are not
old institnt:one and mono' very liberally
lased. NOS Seib* 1*e/at.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is • fes to
good nature.
The human digestive app•rstes is one
of the moat oomplrcatec and wonderfel
things in existence. It u easily put out
d order.
Greasy Iliad, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, Tate hours,
irregular habits, and many other thine*
which ought not to be, have made the
American people • tati..n of dyspeptics.
But Greens August Flower hes dune
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
bunuem and making the American
Iftpel the Warms by usisg the este peou:a so healthy that they can enjoy
and reliable antheluituttc Freeman's heir meals and be happy.
Remember :-No happiness without
health. But Green's August Fustier
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your drug�iat tor •
bottle. Seventy -fire mum rawly
Worm Powders. 1,e
When • woman makes up her mind
not ti. be swindled- she won't be. A
Chicago paper tells this story of • sharp
housewife and the way .he outwitted a
cheating furniture concern. The firm in
question had a very elettast parlor set of
solid maho;tony and finest uphelatering.
It also had duplicates in veneered err d
and cheap plush in the stererouw. The
costly outfit, which was worth about
*200, was displayed in the window and
marked : "Thu ele;tant parlor suite
only *27." One day a mild, meeklook-
Ing woman came in, examined the furni-
ture and invested. She took a receipt
for h r money, left her address and et.
bowed out by the mill: g •*Iceman, who
assured her that "the things would be
sent right over." In due time the
wagon arrived at the young woman's
house and basked up in front of the
dnor "Hold o.," ri.l the purchaser,
' don't unload yt t" Then she climbed
on the van and mode • very special ex-
am Mafiosi of the local. At last she sold
to the driver an 1 his assistant : "I'll go
back with 7ue to the store. These are
not the good. I purchased," And back
she did go, despite entreaties, pm.td*.
and assurances that "everything was • 1
tight" When she walked in she vi•
n ot the valid mannered creature of kr o
hoop before "You','• tried to .wind •
sae," she cried. "I bright one set e 1
furniture and you have sent is. another.
Now I want what I have Paid you for.
How do I know 1 Because in every eri-
ca of that set yuo sold me i stuck a pin
while you were not looking. Now, I'm
going to pick out my property and we
that you take it ..ver. If you don't
there'll be trouble.- There was n0
trouble, and the little woman is again
kokiner for mom. sharp merchant with s
similar "bargain" on hand.
To Invigrrnte both the body and the
brain, see the reliable tuna, Mulburs's
Aromatic Quinine Wine. Ise
To ta. Mediae! Pressmen. tied all whom
It may eereee.
p�P� or Nerve Irma, • Pima -
C=, Poess Mild by Professor Amide.
based upon 8ekestilie
M. D. of ails.. Masa. , o.l.. MIL Pod s.-
woes EHe.dmthis
amid all die of y.' Immo
grabelt a `x fdMN,ybemuse- it Nablus
Vaipsesbie se Mass& Poiaoras, Opiadas
Naosstiaa, sod so Othond*nta, bra slag
ly tM Pbspbatio std Gortrie ghtmemts
head is our daily fend. A
in •mod to eoavisee. AU=
ail M. 01.00 per bottle. Low= &
Co. .ole ag.sts for e D.taimi•.,
b6 Front th
rost fairest Mast TuooaM,
Z Ictnris Carbnlie Salve is a crest aid
to interred medicine its etre treatment of
scrofulous sures, ulna» sod abeeesees of
all kinds. 1m
It ower
bid le 1101,
Nasal pasem.m
art extieerw caused by Cc
Well. Said by Derrgglets, or seat tie -paid es
readpt d price, flea and tit. Addams
FOLMOOD al Oa.. Sr..kvttt.. Oen.
ibilitllr/ w..a.
are p. oar* .. •rte... oat
rawllmalmoac ,. Mr-
Orr Ills&
aeal/Pip we .aary
re all of opal pip
Illea ralraos bora le -
play or
Mr.s .er a w� ` a~e/-
e/.ig...e st res
well i. sears .Y
Brea. isie Mb. pio PP bap
ore. am a see
x��WPC :Lim,.:pp plampa,Z
.M1owemrya a re no .w «
svw..�ii n i�afeese.
o i CFEPC1A,
/NOW 71104
JA:IR�� e13.
'rNE STo, ,
_ W Tiff�Sfan
T. MORN 1 £P. P-Pricame.
We have made eztretordfa•ry pep•reiloss ter • a roa•sg till a.d whiter treats. We y., i
1. low-prlood goods. m well es 1.
We amniotic called the ls.de.e 1.
style, mid variety of roe ts. Hits w • eaU sed 1 will show yeti
The Largest Stock of Boois and Shoes of every De-
scription. Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots. Lum-
berman' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western
rl.ley ars CI buurbt at clime pricer for cloth. end wall be sold *1 •.1na11 adraaee es cos.
tuba's Meek. (fie. iso et mod *liars.
Mao of this tows for the net M years, and U yet.
My person wanting a First -Class Job, come to me for it.
I am bound to get your trade if Quality and Price is any con-
I have an immense stock of Furni-
ture now on hand, and carry
more U ndetaki ng stock than
all others combined. -
i bare now on hand • is of • (MU of
Blind Shade Rollers at 16 Cents Each.
Now is your (line if Joe went cheep Wad rouses.
WAREROOMS :--Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal.
rt'Rl. U
say shop is the
seta. ?brew
w n1 YeNTh.
two of them toads
bested Roeheeter
fittiag hairs. mid
Barber, we ase slew
pssitse to delam5w
W o r h ail.a hereto•
loidy's k Childiw',
ii.irc.t titig made •
exceptmecialty ea MI dye
ai *cad. aiiwedlili
aViras zr KN'IC+=ip
nDlt West rarest, two doors era of P.O.. oal.aiah
bas opessJ outs meet sttsaestive steel of Fall Mlllisery. la
sad everyt►Ipr else pertaining to the rade.
The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value.
Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable
PARUR DTR WORKS, Tosotrrn.- i am atm the early t In this seethe fort the cels"
bated Parker use Werke, Tartrate. Orden solicited arm satirlmoues gsareateed.
1115 ha NIERS- BJ .X I.E
Tb •*lar geed, while thanking the public for their liberal pstrw.sge beetewed
et ooa sus Mase oomrvteaet.• bas,aess, Aero to aesonsoe that be Ism pet dews he
Rom Aterrom Prows
ma ',Miss pprt'celarty to can attend.. to he
From 10 ots to 75 cis per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prune
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 S [rubbing Brushesfor 25c.
tlnmema. Oramee Pared toady. A Na i Glossas Deeps ens., it... Gees.+(
Broceno Crickory, Glassware. Floor, Food
OeMttla lis eb tied. ma.
Blake•s nook the BCPIOnlespOdillb