HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-1-11, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, kRIDAY, JAN. 11. 1889. 7 811SPPARTON. Mies ft.U,. from near Enmesh, the seeeeseor to Mw Olen, mitered oe her delis, se [masher of the ki•i•ppartw school fir 1881. Thnr.d.7 of lent week. The btrtl, .•f 1180 was welous,ed by • dance et Js, Howarth's in eked' all ►ad a (toad thus. tad the Improv of • •awing be. on Friday were born teen by • donee at Peter Oran's itidy/.iiit,o.t which all were pleased to meet 0. and A. Oreaa meetly returned !rums the Murthwe.t • ed Michigan. Mothers who have d.iitwte children cos see them daily improve .ed gain 1n kph sad .treagtb ler giving 'h M perfect food sad modeles, biomes Emulsion .,f Cod Liver 011, with Hypp..pbu.pbttes, Dr W A Hulbert. of tlali. ry,hle.,says: I bare geed Scott's Emulsi•w in caves of baleful& sad debility. Rea.lta most g ratifying. My little patients take it with ple..ere. Scald by ell druggists bOa and $1 00. 4. GUIs. Astesues T Did you ever step over • broomstick 1 Reed then this labia Ones spoil • time • patriarch, being, fall o1 yeses' said sato ►r sun, "l+hu. •. foe thyself a wife, my Den. who Dever stsppeth over • broomstick." And shot Ow death of hie father, the eon rermesl- hsred the word and being desirotte of [•kung to himself • wife, said olio day, I appoint this broomstick to choose for me • ode" And, so eeyiag, he placed it os the ground before his home. The ironies of the town passed by cue by o0e ; some stunibled, some jumped over it. At last a certain young woman stooped nod put it in its piece agai Det the door. True to his proteins, the yowne man offered her kis hand, and rhe. Wag rudest atad a little inolised to sentitaast, ,seeped it forthwith. She became the wife of a wealthy sad eds. rated nisi, sad he the hot/band of .n elderly sad industrious woman. This fable tea.►se-whet 1 CONTLNUED SALE! Everybody retsarked how -AT- ebt•p goods were SAUNDERS 8z SON'S Daring the HOLIDAY BEASON. They wish to get rid of their Steck of FANCY GOODS I PLATED WARE! JEWELLERY ! NOTIONS &c., below the tat of March. mid will mill at LOWER PRICES [ben ever until all le disposed of. Call and See the ,Bargains. Th Chant Hunt* the 'enols hfua uoild!Jose.Id NOS1IM 1' ,teeaatsd &sopa es ma axed tuna pen mu .311 •sig P.M Puy q'4OOs ` H ` ersA `a'linbog 8m iaag •gtnlid ut 'sem Strum 'moo lain, 'sem .Iopo 113O49 tat w ed Iva pun s epnod leg3VB SAI 1 1S3M3N 3H1 r. iI a k 1, • !CURE FITS! When g II .sylr s 1s, - S 1l l�eMtt t�aseMKS* merely es I Cais :ss, e..... eliGA1. 001 EPILICIPSY or PALLING IIONNESIO, pirsm=.Wall= SOHO. les,�Mgea� rpSOHO...wl 1:111. sea. ltfPS fi'eateist CMPAICNE'S RESTAURANT ri WSr•'BT- whew 7m■ teas gas F1 MdnLemons, Oranges. Y ! a Dishes Animus tad a lip ani.. _1 of C811CI Alm 8MdoilCliiimat lassie .1 BALTIMORE OYSTERS Muse la an style► a i . P. tel lilies& R CAMPANOI. Met NO SAND! ND DIRT! WHERE SHALL I GO TO BUY MY FRUIT? Why I go where you �S' et=rest RAM INS, PEELS, and where they CLEAN ev- ery pound of FRUIT by Machinery. ITllIPAYY011! CHAS_ A_ NAIRN'S ZT TSE Cash Store TNePLIc TALK ABOUT CHEAP TEA BUT TRY C. H. OLD THF GROCER Ile has Yes t7•t le warn aged the best Is the market. of op a huskers of one gad two pounds each. Japan and Black at 400, lb. OR 2 lbs. FOR 75c. Crockery at Wholesale Prices GENERIL GROCERIES ea bead at prime that cannot helves!. Noth. last bat erst-elves Ureteric+ kept. Tb.mktag you for past favors and soliciting • ootuns&tt. a of t be same. G. The Crooer_ WlnB�, Liquors, Ito FOR SALE BY G. H. PARSONS 210 ALBWN BIdN'K, OODER1CH' CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! The aadersi ed bye to S.form 1be Tit; of Uoderirb. fiat ire Las I1 "based 11s Ulmer Market setreri7 carr oo billow; eta.- rsl.M. Hamllte.+t . opposite germ IAM where he hopes to .uerit •• mare se pulite p.t ra..se. FRESH AND SALT MALE ATS Hams, Sausage, Lard, &c. Poultry of all kinds in Season MIA CALL sO111,•rrEP.11 ISAAC COATS, miss it Hamilton Street. ?HB J. L CONVERSE UG Co A. W. i1MBBga & Bim.. PROPRIETOR&. MONTREAL. MIR TNM 11 AMMO Or TNM Mai* *TED "RED CAP' HUED Or •ANILE& BINDER TWINE Pronounoed, by praotioal oon- sumer., superior to anything in the Oanadian Market. WRITS FOR INFORMATION. pA� ��,�Names/Avers .4.0 of coftAM C'ALCINL1d LIFD PPLA COTTON spar ansd Warehouse :-! MONT W. C. SONltOLL. M...ssr. HMOs ALE & PORTER CEILING'S BAYARIiI (BOW G. H. PARSONS ttgl £[[tuff IWCO. 1110t►L1UCli MONDAY MORNING Bright and early, we commence our Grua Stock -taking Sale for 30 .lays. II -4 OFF i Is the rule on all our MANTLES, NEWMARKETS, etc., etc. This meatus $10.00 garineutt for $7.50, and iso on. The same reduction on all our Fleury Wool Goods, Knitted Shawls, etc., etc. ECONOMICAL BUYERS. Will do themselves an injustice if they fail to see our JANUARY BARGAINS. Interelsting to heads of families, where there are child- ren, are our REMNANT OFFERINGS During the flush of the season these small priced, big money's worth lots, are apt to be overlooked, but to many they present an opportunity to solve the problem of how to get wonderfully good-looking outfits for children, for little money. l)on't forget to see them. CROMPTON, I PPELDE & Oo (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) BRANTFORD. A. B. CORNELL. THE LEADING UN IDERTAIC The Best Hearses, and the Best Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, to Choose from in Goderich. CHARGES RR ASONABLE_ BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN Wiow Shades and Blind Rollers. CALL AND SEE THE (`aLKBRATEU RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES otinfT 114 TIM WORLD.) NEEDLES AND OIL FOR SALE_ MIA.MILT01'J STREET SELLINC OFF AT COST - Aurora Water White Coal Oil, only 22c. per gal. 50c. TEA at 30c. Potatoes, 30c. per bush. 16 lbs. Sugar for $1.00. 13 bars Soap for 25c. 3 Scrub Brushes, 25c. Apples, $1.00 per barrel. No. 1 Vinegar, 8c. quart. LANTERNS, LAMP GLASSES, SYRUP, MOLASSES, Pails, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, &c., AT COST. NI$ON STURDY, ON THE SQUARE, NEXT DOOR TO HURON HOTEL A GOOD ARTICLE ALWAYS BEARS EXAMINATION' HOLMES' FRAGRANT FROSTI LLA CURES CHAPPED HANDS, CHAFFING, ETC. vee SALE Hi GEO. RHYNAS i Chemist and Di, - Goderich. Goderich Foundry and Machina Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. �11e� 1,.t111k7N101 EXISTS! 1 1 lid ill. r11.4,44'• Tt.r IHC 1.1•a ttlf T,:r. ,, •. o... .. ./1/41411M.7, VI' Pl ... CL.T,r4T,;404144.as7.4r.V,itbC i F'AS"f STliFkit t;OLF.I.1CIt.Ctr WE IIAVI. ON BAND FUR SALT? 1 40 H.P. Boiler, 11 30 H.P. Boiler, - 1 15 H.P. Engine, 1 7 H.P. Engine, 1 3 H.P. Engine, - PRICE, 25 c. Gut anteed to Give Satisfaction Every Time A GOOD AS GOLDD The Subscriber is now showing a large stock of imported and Canadian Yarns from the best known makers ; also White, Cream, Blue, Scarlet, Cerese, and Grey Flannels, together with a full range of Men's, Women's, Youths' and Children's English Scotch and Canadian Underwear ; also White and Colored Blankets, Comforters, and all -wool Austrian Carriage Rugs. THE CORRECT THING IN NTD FINE HOSIERY GLOVES I AR URINAL Napery Department will be found Complete. STRICTLY ONTl1 PRIOR. ALEX. MUNRO, 10114- Drafter and Haberdasher. PATENTS CARBTL MK MU 8118 fSP18NN t S Obtained. sad as *whims is Ow V11._ 1�t 0*..e t. st MOD**J /PC: %►slra. M wv 41 b. U. a. Palest 01 - fie., w. esus .us )h�t`es�is I liens tame Vaud b'$"i'tOrS rRA, 1s' i ' Wad- " ap"ipA1 rigL t .rridoa TT RM�s,�ttx�tht OMB, flet sir..._ .sarfle le rerttwniae,snni.writse. O.ee.te• tieutt11ten aw..feel. oahtugv, n. e W0111 110 PRICES CONSISTENT TIN 005? II CHEAMet. Fmet aide A I■i Nlpi1A� '"' dollar Talfld="Ibliraruiserptirio eel Mlo ea'k, genes $000 MORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL GET YOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL Price $360.00 tt it .00 170.00 • 135.00 • 70.00 FLOUR MILLS BUILT 0A THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutlets, Prom Points, &c., al Low Figures. REPAIRS OF ALL MINDS_ CHRISTMAS HAS COME! And • Large Importation of ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL AND TOOTH BRUSHES, BATH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &c., &c. Have just been received by - GODERICH. MEDICAL HALL, ALSO A LOT' OV THE HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST PLUSH GOODS EVER SEEN IN uODERICH. ![Carl and see them before purchasing eisewhcre. KINDLY SELECT YOUR XMAS GROCERIES OUR ENORMOUS STOCK, a detailed list of which limited space precludes the pos- sibility of giving. We offer the Best Value in TRUE ESSENCES, ENGLISH PEELS, BEST MAKE OF FLOUR, NEWEST FRUITS, PUREST SUGARS, SWEETEST CANDIES FINEST VALENTLA, MUSCATEL AND SULTANA RAISINS, FINEST VOSLIZZA AND PATRAS CURRANTS, GENUINE BARBADOES MOLASSES, CHOICEST TEAS AND DELICIOUS COFFEES` Rees Price & Son Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. R. PROUDFOOT Would take thisalt to return thanks to his numerous testament and the Mensual Public for t mat very libers1 patronage in rice past. and would now et that h WINTER STOC$ OF DRY GOODS Is now complete : sed also that be battiest received. and Is still receiving • full mock of Fruits, Peels and Spices, Teas, Sugars, &c., just to suit the Festive Season. FAMILY FLOUR., CURED MEATS AND PROVISIONS COARSE Io.RAINS AND FEED OF ALL SINi and be Is determined to be undersold by none. Goods delivered free to •11 parts of the town. . Farmce 'rsl �Pt�� taken In exchange, for whit* R_PROTTDPOOT, . Conner of Hamilton and Vteteri• streets, O.d.ra.b. AT THE OLD RELIABLE STORE C. CRABS Sent hangs out with almost every ciao of floods needed Intim Dry Oaoda lino, and AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES My prelim ars too small to hold out the bait of diaemnnts for large purchases, But I take the lead in Woolen Dress Goods, I take the lead in Wool Cashmeres, t take the lead in Fine Cashmere and Wool Hosiery, take the lead in White and Unbleached Cotton, Y take the lead in White and Colored Shirts, lake the lead in Men's Woolen Shirts, 1 take the lead in Overcoats and Suits, and in all kinds of Tweeds and Dry (foods. GFROCERIE S- I have always taken the lead in Tees. In Coffee L only keep one kind, and that is the best --and only 25o. per lb., eq2a1 to any 40o. OoQbe in the market. Best Loma Red Cooking Raisins, Oo Ib Currants. 1o. Lemon and Orange Peels at Lowest Prima ' WAS_ I deoidedly take the lead Ont Nails - at present- from 8 inch rep, omly $215 per kag. GLASS, PAINTS and OILS et propos.- same Tow rates A tun supply of 0r0as-Cut haws Swot best >r oaels Axes of ad grader. leery desoriptlon of Hardware always on hand. "PrrAotEce Oook Stoves at wholesale pima d. ORA./313. !milt