HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-1-11, Page 3W - THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 11. 189. batt aid .rue have of .o ta.rtesby.erw I MISS PHELPS' ROMANCE. mutase. Kisumu, Dec. Yl& -A fatel weer - game a report.& iu wwneeuuu witb the M 1MNtvy Ww Hsu wsrd earls Ake.s Themes. Owe of ms R..«s. d the Shar'out Lake bows, at tot Lake- This sauroaag at few ' o'slo.k a mIU hand gulag to week saw tb reflection of fire to ow of the ven- dors. bud al•r.ied the lobate, .f the �., hotel. All 'soaped safely bet Joshes susses, formerly • minister to ib Pres- bytertan rhumb, aid .n appellee. ire. the Presbytery to the t;yuud sad As- sembly against hta senteom el depose - . tion. Mr Fraser was •'eu. om.d to Mae • heap bermeg is bis room, sad It ' IS supposed to hays imploded and set the `,• bed 'blase At all waits the ouidlegrs tk,a beim ie his rocs. Whoa the deer ism buret upset Mr Fraser was timed lying w tM tour in the midst of the Santos, dead. He had evidently bass !gbtoog the Drs •ud bets women. by the amok' Ow arm sad his fees was badly wombed. Mr Fewer nap • sou of tie late Rev Thus. Freer, lo" pears a man at Lanark. I• 1853 he grsdwted at Queen's University. He taught tb Hon, school. u Whitby and li•osnogse, and was then ordained • elerg ymsa of the Ptaabytenet Cboroh. !f' vu an chance of • cbureb •t Whitby sad of St Matthews church, Putut tit. tib•rl.s lu 1de9 b. was chaplet's of the Toth Higbladere of Matas!. Is the sev*stiss be came to the Ktni(ato• Pros- byter, .ad uflioiated in away place'. • was for • cuwiderabb tow in charts' of the sessions lot Gleaysl., Harrowsmitb and Wilton. He was afterwards sum awned bes.•re the Presbytery fur terma- gant*. sod deposed. limos that tilts, a victim to drink, he has drafted through the back country ss • mineralogist and • descriptive writer. He wse tby author of "Shealy Lie' sad "Tbrss Mouths Among dm Moot*.' The hotel was us - copied by C. N Purvis, who had no in- sursurs, and owned by the K. 'lied P. R. Co. The buUdi.g was iu.urel. sle A 1.ttteMs Msesvery. F I' Tonsils, of Noshing, Ont., says he has not only fuue•d B B -B. • sure cur. for Dyepopsaa. but he Klw found of to be the boat medictw for regulating and invigorating the system that be has ever taken. B 11 B. is the grist sys- tem regulator. 2 O. lovely .ad Ultutnuus old maid has beeow.. • tide. SJt. ss Elisabeth Stuart Phelps, the authoress of massy soul quisits religiose bouts. outs of width is the f..aws ''Clause Ajar." She •tau wrote "IL4 Maids' Paradise." at,d wt• regarded by hs Invade as ouobrmed by Mute. to *Smote bl...edues Meerut. had eart,aoly Dern optional over stow girlhood, bot else li•bltu$Jy declared that .bo would never wed. N.verthe- lem, she is the bride of the Rev. Herbert D. Ward. There is s little story to tell •host that Th. brd.iruow is the son of the Rev. Dr William Hayes Ward, editor of the ls•f.prtsd.ad. Last winter the wear Ward took up Miss 1'b0p. lame book earwlssly as ha stat in his sanctum and glowed at we of its page. He tma•dmtely beaus. interested and kept os readaug, to the seul.e of sure important donee, until the tints came fur bi,u 1. to soma. H. walked to Ow South Ferry with his mind still absorbed in whet be had read, acid he was so dis- trait with 1t that, io wanton the crowd .d street to get to the ferry outman, be allowed himself to bo row over by a h.•., truck and tory badly injured, stow .& hu ribs were broken, and fax • day n two his uta was oimaidered is danger. Th. driver who had run Ann down was wrested, but Dr. Ward dslared that no blame should be attached to htlw. "It was altogether my own fault," he said "My mind was .0 russod with sossthiug 'lee titan taking tars of my tidy jet thea oe it wouldn't have happened." When thee wawa of outing mew around Dr Ward was barely oostrale.eot•ud his saw tout him on a yachunt emit* aka; the Log lul•od Sound. They stopped at Olooseter, Masa, near whoosh place Miss Phelps hada .ommtsr rstd.eee and She aeighbo,beod of whish she had not Iwwg Wont *timid up immensely by her story of "Jack,' in which the people thereabout war. described and out alto gather agreeably Tb. Ward. visited Mier Phelps. getting as introdwctino through • o,mson fraud, •sod at the earnest desire of Dr Wart All through the past summer the Wards hong .boat Gloucester and it became appestat to observers that this was dna to the sea rather than to the father. Altboogb tbm former was hardly cbirty•6ve vosrs old and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ***we- lkin( like fifty, their rotations took art as ansistak•ble ..peer of courtship Tit* moult was • mtvrugge oerrmooy at Ow Philps se••kors coasts. East Gleu.Wrr.-Litten Boll's letter to Phil- adelphia Pro.. A Hressaa' Heroism. A Montreal despatch says : A fire br,k. out after 1 o'clock yesterday morn- ing to a barber .Sup on Nota Dame area wee, kept by G. Byrnes. Before the brigade arrived on the sees• the up- per purtl.ro in (root was ono roam of dams. On the saw selvage corps e- ntine the men wen informed that wise women 10d children were in the back part. They immediately ran upstairs through the donee smoke which prevail Aid, and whoa half way op bass burst out through uw of the doom, compelling all of the teen swept S•lragsw A.rtbur Briar. who was a frost, to retreat. A cry of honor Doer anis from the large assembled whim they saw the tea fall back and obliged to leave their oo.rtde to what they supposed a frightful death. Nothing daunted bowsaw, by the fiery toe, which wowed to bee him in, Briar colorised oe hie omens through the smoke and finally reached oma of the rooms, where he Lound three children nearly suffocated to death. Losing no time be snatched the three little ons up in has arms, and groping his way to the back door leading os to the gallery, kicked it td its hinges ted safely landed his charges ins the backyard. Like • re hehe returned to the burning Aalld- itu, and low aces. bronebt oat • wo- man overeromm by the amok.. Fix tba third tune this bravo fellow re-entered what sow seemed to onlooker* but • aeetbisg fiery forms.., and brought oei souther wawa almost .wfroa•ted. A bud cheer wont op when the crowd real- ized that be had Bred all the oeeep•ots Had hs boss • few ..ocnd. later 6ve horrible deaths would have been chroni- cled. All of those sweeed, atter receiv- ing gnat ears .ad .Ovation from the n.tghbon, happily resnverrd. Th. 6n men did yoemeo service, and their ef- fort. to onolw the lira to aw building were sseosslel. The dense. will be is the neighborhood of $1,000. 11 Mere Triable May be roommate& 1 you do not heed the warnings of all- ure and at ma pe attention to the maintenance at your health. How often we we • pore°. put off from day to day the purchase of a -odiouso which if pro- cured at the o•elart of a disease would have restudied it almost immediately Now if Jobastos's Tosia Liver Pills had boon taken when the Ent uneasiness made Its appssrin.s the illness would have been "nipped id the bad." John- son's Tonic Bitten sod Liver Pills are decidedly the bee medieiae on the mar- ket for gsa.rsl toris red invigorating properties Fills 96s per bottle. Bitten 50 lest. .aid a per bottle, soli by Ooed* tis draggle, Albite Meek, sols O. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. PlainBrod - Sr1d with bottom wa- ter half • sup of bedlam meal. said We wow •..oust .4 lour ; who. Doul odd two quarts •4 t•wr, twtotkirde of • asp of yeast ; inti with warns water, intik is homer, prw.ty sun ; sold it well, .ad sot to ries. Mu iia -Ow wart of warns milk, ewe taWaspr.w ti melted butter, ow egg. two a.00e•p uu..,1 yeast, lour to hake them • little thicker than griddle teaks ; bake au sutSu rasa. la • quick uvea. Rise Mutton. -Boil soft and dry o.o half nap rime, star w three •pouufele to/ auger. • pews of butter the esti of w egg and • little salt, ono pint of sweet s11k, ons cup of yea*, two quarts of lour. Let nae all night. 11 war is the musing add • little soda dissolved s .ilk sed bake a mean rings. Breakfast eggs with tetter. - Fry eight eggs lightly, then iu *author pas put two imams of butter, • pinch of salt and pepper. Hest over the fire sail It looks bleak, add two tablespuoutula of .ineesr ; tet it hull up ages sod pour over the eggs, which have been kept bot in • duh .w the range. The Shelley bun. -One cop of yeset, ow cup of sugar, ons cup of honor, three pupa of sweet milk ; mtz the taigbt ordure, leaving out tatter and sugar ; have • soft apougw. in the sornitt; add butter, sager and • plush of soda ; let it nue again moil very light ; !tumid el very lightly and put into tills. Let then stand until very Tight. Bake in a moderate oven till ins tope are brows ; while hot rub the tops with butter -this maks the cruet tender and smooth. Soots add Laglish curte r's, wine suet. Short biscuit. -Ove quart of fluor, a quarter of • pautd of butter, • little testing milk to melt the butter ; add retlit saoujh to make • stiff dough ; cut Tato small ,biscuits and bake iu a quick emu. Pareto. Bigelow's brown bread -Sig iron spoonfuls of rye, sit iron spoonfuls of Iodise meal (heaping), two twporous of salt, Dae teasguou of soda ; mit these thoroughly, vols .ad all. Add sus and ole -half sups of aulassse, and water enough to mix. Put • °over otter the seethes pot when it is baking. Indian rake. -t000 egg well beaten, OOS bud one -halt cups of sulk, one-half cup of whau sons, cess teaspoon of sada, equal parts doer and meal. Takes half so emir to bake. Rios Jsiks-Bawl a asp of rice soft ; soh is Ora ; add a pint of milk. and three eggs ; stir in d•tur tuI6xnt fat► • batter. Fry VII a well bested griddle., Rutter each one whoa h.,t bud apnnkle over sugar and osttforg. Tis .Naw of mesh Presence of mid is good In caw of accidents and wmwrsinstew, and shoo (espied with Haelyar'd's Yellow OiI will often saw. life. Yellow 011 toms all *odd injan/a, burns, weds, bruiser, frost bits, rheumatic sod neuralgic puns pass sad is to fact • handy ralahle sew- sisal rsisal sad. 2 ?M 0 wlaatea eratm ere e rearm as ears one Periods .r tagslset El etney. Few, wholes even, ars aware of lbs g�rweee dt•sgs through which the Eagii.h 15igtisgm has parsed iu .coos eve centur- ies. Following are spectates. of the Lord's Prayer, as Deed at various periods is English bistory : A. D. 1138 -Fader or beano, bale- weid. beta thi wow, omen thi kIw- neb, thi wills beobf ldoo in hoose Stead is srthe. The eurym dos bearer'. IN nus tkilk dews. And wore( oar denim as vi yorsifan ore detours. And I. as Dwight into temptation, bot delyvtx ea•► • *vel. Asses. A. D. 1300- Fodor are in hevess Hal.wyn bo thi musa,tbi kingdom Dome, obi wills be don. as in h sod ssrtb-Out arch* days bred give w to day.. And forgive our dens se we for- give our datouris And lead os sot is teeeptatios, hole d.lyv.or w of yvil. A, D. 1370-0en fader that art in bowies hallowid be thi nanes,thi kingdom Dom. to, be thi will. dose is orthe as in bees., gem to as this day oars breed oars other substance, forges. to w ler 4.ttie, led us sot into temptation ; but delyetsr se yveL Amens. A. D. 1561 -Oar father which art i1 bssam, .antited by tby .atm. La thy kinrdus ensue. Thy will be dos* se is bosom, in earth also. Clive se to day oar impenitentisl broad. And forgive os our dates ea we. forgive oar dater. And load w not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen. A. J. 1711-0.r father which art in homes, allowed b thy ISLES. Thy kisgdom ew.*. Thy will he dao* in eie as it is in holism. Olto w this day our dayty bread. And forgive as our debts as we forgive our debtors. Aad lead sabot into temptation, bat de- liver w from *vel. For thyme is the kingdom. sad Lb. power, sod glory for- ever. Amex -TM Academy. Moss to Ise Amebae. Through • mistaken notion of polite MIS, Ebony people indulge ton freely in the soli the words "iii .aid "stadium" to ooaiers•tion. The old etiquette whieb rwgar.d children Wwaye to my "Ys sir,- "No, ma'am," Ws to their parentsend elderly relatives its out of vogue Young people ora sow taught M reply, as- e o. Papa," bs wooed w a (� . syllable ibis ttsEbeas), "Yet, lent," "No, awls," sad the like Neither is it quite eaglet for grows people tow the word "plena" with math fregosney. "Will yam oblige ms "Will yob bre the kiMssee,• se a elrder *weirdest .he11d be eftsasr hand. tlrolhas fasters. "After s.Isriag wk► kid- ney demos, los of • aid pada In the heed soil dined -gid. I limed of B. 1g IL. bek awe bstllee Mid all happy to gap I lust te ay I Md as mei e. over." M- Rohs Is Jkssy, Nee ellbsey, N.8. s A lore... -Of on. doses "Teams ter" M elm sae wading the bbow at bodeo flires ea'Iesasuaure, the remarkable ow pm nor the Teeth and Beth. Ask pet &mpg ter address 1 c..erstdes Mrrly arm. To Tag Exult :-Plow inform your nsden that I hat* a positive moody for the above named disease By its dimly w thou .ods of hopeless sees have been permanent) sed. I mall be glad to send two bathirs of my remedy fres to any ofoar readers who have ens- s•sept . 11 they will .end EN their Is- preM ad 1'. O. address Resp.etlell , Da. T. A. SWAM ti 37 Yoates fit., 'rarest*, oat. Aasraosse tet. mases. De W. R. Feed lectured M St Luke'. hoopoe, New York. Ise£ Wednesday eight, and .Na Me q.ts::slid of polemist .aid the .atadotes, be told his etas to out this out and save it fur Totem odor - MINS P•.1.i.a.--jeitaaw.' A*ids - Ant kluges - Samos step sods, lose, water, &Jute' alkali. Fur nitric. acid give carbonate of magnesia or lies Oxalis acids- -Cerbu este of m.allellta or Inti. waIK. Carbolic avid -Oil of milk. Preemie geld-SiIaulast, dilute sin - most.. Alkalis, ammonia, lite., mash and sod•--Veiist•bls ends, lilted utls, lemus joie, vlsspr, dive '.1, castor nal. Anises - Hydrated sesgsiuzido ut iron. Mercury -Whit. of an egg. Ac .nits, belladonna, chloral digitalis, hellebore - Emetics sod purgatives, strew Dulles, friction sad artificial re- spiration if seosssary, Opium - Belldoona, atrosg oo6eo keep patiwt wowed. Nut vomit* or stryeb.ew-T.nniu from insoluble tooa.10 of strychutoe. Ethos inhaled fur spasms. Itch Mak A eat Mr Goals, etegagiut, is not a book moot, but has ohs sgency in Ooderich for Johnston'. Tonic Bitten, whish he can heartily reeosmend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine a ap• plisbl.. This valuable medicine bete been with snit sstoni.bieyly good re- sults in casae of general debility, wesk- nes, irregular:tis peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and fiver troubles, los of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that newly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Toole Bitters 30o. and $1 per bottle at Goode's drug *tore, Albion block, tauderich, sole seem awe notosos .1 tare l0.deno. D set find bait, that is, is the flew ly picking, telesft�h eel ease sadfee dieie -- RrssrW. et the tiny het it poiasaestly vows beauty. Abse /M nee* their is torte[. to .s.e s demise of tam to tell the world at 1•sgs Ili /he p.selrbwe of lc. owts*r. It asbsstbs aye onall r, h, - tow they timbal N the NIM end the dye grow estw.dy wMtiye has sea - Vaal Wise. 51.511. • Mere H..ars•ble Mil 1. Fouad at :eat, what the true piblis hes born kookiag for these many years .ad that is a modicum which although but lately Iutrudueod, has made fait itself • reputation .ecood to stone, the medicine is Jchnwn's Tunic Batters which in a"ujunctios with Johnson's Tome Liver Pule has performed wore awe wonderful cures impure or tin posanshed Wood sou becomes purified and enriched. Billiowties, iudiyteation, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, c.•n , soon disappear when treated Ay these smallest tunic medi- cine'. For Salo by Ind, druggist. Al- bion blink, Godes tot, al.els ages' . id Warmers into waded. The man who thought be cold in- enw the size of his ship and decrease the aro of his bor.'s ration and get e good amount of work. The ban who hind cheap help to nave $ few dollars in wages. The man who had to stop work in the field to cut stove wood. The man who coltivated ten acres with only manure enough for five The man who thongbt h. could spend the money that should have bought an overcoat for whisky bud get the neces- sary warmth out of it. Th. man who kept • sur dog worth 50 coats and had to pay ro for sheep killed by hon. Apeaegy Weave Tama set. Offense. A little girl who had • foolish habit of plain speaking was taken to the swing circle with her mother. On entanas the room,after.zcbsoging greetings with several matrons of her acquaintance, Meas Truthful walked up to another lady, and in the confident tone of ole who gives ottoman,* to . self-evident fact, ase said, loudly enough fcr emery ow pres- ent to hear :- "Why, MIs. Headley, bow homey you aro 1" While the victim was hiding her con- fusion as best alto might, and the rest wars trying bard to oonceal their amine - asset, the young lady herself was hastily takes from the room. Goss is ib hall she was dealt with sosewbt s.verely, sod nada to fool the osnrsiy of her unintentional rodeos... Than she was taken lack to apologize. Walking straight op to Mrs Headley, while all the ladies held their breath to listen, ahs .aid, with trembling toss and with the tears still upon beg shooks :- "Mrs. Handley, I'm sorry you're so homely 1 "-Youth's Companies. A weaww sor... 1 The heeratrapapia t tthhe MIO •t 1M heft M theiher. If teepid ate a.etive f e whsle sea's. bosom- 1ismeet Di. Arse Liver Ouse Is node Ise Levee sod ILidtesy dfs-ees, sad glt emlt.ed ke euro. rinbeak ted me/is /6. raid by an or alt 1 A Pr./utre w. Few -set hats .osomplieh.d the tame .meant of work and Wood is this world as the aolebr ai Dr Chase Over 500,000 of bis works have been sold is Canada alone Ws wast every person troubled with Liver Oostplsint, D7*. potpie', Headlight,. Kidney or Unity Troubles, to has . bottle of Dr Chases Liver Oar., it will ears you. Medicine and Ramapo Book SL fluid be all dreigi.ts C. P. R,. sooaa 1' OWN PROERTIEZ FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS i Aero a large sundae or Hooses tad Lola sad Vacant Loado is t►s most d.slr.We fare .t ttr Town- sea masa CHs•.'. Now is the time .o ..core property borne the Nits Rask. The C. P. ft. IS oostyytr sere. t ad le •.Ion time pries• will h....dvsaosd b. cod the reset a smar. Call .sod as Liat .ad Prices before purcha► lag elsewhere. R. RADC LIFFE, • Real rotate and (teasel lsprame AXuSI. Omts eel -Eft.. third doer freak tlwer•, C. P. R Ticket and Ttteleaggah Otis., dot 11. GODRRICK BOILER 10111 Chrystal 8ti Int*, M•atBnt *, PATRIOT ,s■ ase nOMfI•MIlkaM BOI LERS. SALT PANS, BMOS1 BTS nal .11 kinds of Sheet Iron week. STEAM ARE ',ATEA ries r TSMINS ouisea.tly on hand. Oa band. ready tar ddtsery : I M H.I. Mew Meal ae1Mr. t-.p/as. t Y H.P. Nomad 0a.d lefts, V emit seder. aAlsoll M.P. £.cane said s.Mee seamed, band. M Geed seudatbs. Mall orders will receive prompt animates. Weeks t soh. L. T. E. atatt•s. P.O. BOX 381 Otiarich May Nth. ttflt. A 1VNt CUM Poo .IL1OVSNf1a. CONSTIPATION. INDIia1TION, DIZZIN£11. 1100 N0ADACHC. as. saosause *e TN. •TONACN, LIMIER ANO 1015511. TMev *at 11114.O,TNOs.w044 AAO 11110.R 1111 ACTION. AND MAN A vALYAOIt Ala TO uaDoe• BLOOD 'wrest an TNI .IKT AN. cunt or CHNONIC ARD OS$TINATC Di•ZA•an. 10000 PRESENTS TV nen Ar:'LT6c. wino Tarr 1..taT- We mei! t e, d tarsus it an e- rrnt'ri.te 1 't w co* ,nutden, wife.. *1.t tv t.. rte -..u. to L tangly- what well try it.. finiw•gtz's Mega Preelu Cut the rr•i circle from the Ethel and send it in s kner stating hw•e.t oeit,L' atter Lor trot:. Fi:wer • 5,1Oo.:IQ cast site oil; severe the Kitt - Ant graver .v .flare knows sobers t% rat it tf for by you.-.fddrra- cert La L co. TORONTO TAILORING 1 H. AF!'NZPt bee just retur•ed from the 0meiern markets and has now ons hand • FIIIE ASSORM.ENT .1 the newest patterns in Fall and Winter Goods. together with the latest style is makes. Call and see them. IMO- MELT G. Tot DUNLAW. ENVELOFES Sive Them A Chance. That is to my, your lungs. Also e1 your breathing machinery. Very won- derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of bale tubba and cavities leading from them. When these are slogged and chocked with matter which ou•:ht not to tie there, your lungs anntt half d•, there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, encash, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any .tt the family of throat and none and head and long obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is kat ose sure way to get rid of them. that is take Rookie's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 73 cents a • bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. you may depend spot this for cartes. °oily Paste rfi bas s weareasf, "r is a very good promos, but it should he kept is nerve. A.so.ding to the etiquette of the best society knife and fork am left no the plate when passed for a ..mond supply. The spoon should bo allowed to rest in the eases" whet one drinks from a coffee or tea stip. . A geed unable to Woad • wedding mese two card. (Io arrive ma the day of the wedding), as* addressed to the parasite, the other to the newly welded air. No harm will costs to . girl from the eompanioa.klp of • ales sad good .hap- twos- her mother, If possible A t.+ y ..mea, "Tor six years 1 a•Gr.d with -y throes .std .slsegoi bsdle. I trey tory week ; I dototed leer years sad bad advise from three doetas ; they still I would have a undergo as spondee. 1 Wad D.D.S. astebd. One beetle eared etre M. A. 1146•1 •14 111SI.a, O.t ! What I wast is not to posses religion, but to have • retiei on that pommies me. -Charles Kiogaley. 11•Iirewo rends bumble, wee is their National Pills area add purgative, astern, is the $£°web. Uvea sad Dee - el, removing all ob.trsetaass la • MY 5 wear Run no nss in buying medicine, but try tte grit Kidney and Liver rigida- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kid nays, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. The distressing paleness so often ob- served to young girls and women. is dos in a grit measure to a loot of the red o*rpu.oles in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which produces thew necessary little blood constituents, and the best yet discovered is Johnson's Tonic Bitters. Price 50 *eats, and 51 par'bottle at Geodes. drag 'ton, Albion block. f oderich. Sole agent. (b] Lariat Sircalatiop IR Westin! ORtar:o Free Press LONDON. - CANADA. Tba "Flee Pan" is the oats •ew.paper in the Woe receiving the Association Pres De- spstebee. it emetatns AI.1. THE NEWS by (table. Tniea1.ph, Teleplos. and Mall ep te hoar of going be prem. it gives fa ear► lssee origins/ mem and ggn.e.. tad is the oalylwwgaper is caned& emMoyisg its.ws artiste EU? ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, - Etc.. Etc.. at IN THE SIGNAL • P111TINC' OFF,CE Merchants can est heir Bill Reads, Letter Heads. tic.. d.c. printed at ;hie office for very little more than they generally pa for the paper. and it helm to advertise theirlioetaes. Call stud see samples and get prices. LIT?BLL'S LIVING IGS. In Iso THS LIVING AGE enters epos lie forty-sixth year. Approved 1. the outset by Judge Story. Cbaoorlior Kees, Presidia Adams. historian. Sparks, Prescott. Ticknor, Bancroft. and maty liners, it las met with constant commendation sad mama L A W [cxLY M*oAZ1iR it giTIS minethat THREE AND A QUARTER TNOVSAK doable column octavo pages of reading mgt tar yam ly. It peossu as as l..zpeodvw form. considering Its great amount of matter with rtedine.s. owing to it. weakly tour. u • with . completenewwwker° else attempted The beat Km+ys. liavjew.. t'ritiriams. Tales. Sketches d Travel and Discovery 9cientillc. Biographical. Historical. test faters•ttsw, irons the entire Mos ti: Yo s the reiare Periodical Literature. and v51 z'.Nr LIMES WESTER& OPrN-IONs. "lit it w. And the hest productions of the best write' e upon all subjects ready to our Land.'-Pbiladetsbia Inquirer. "The leader. min. Tory tittle that is impor- tant in the periodical domain."-Boetoa Journal. "it may be truthfully sod eordl•lty maid that 1t never offers a dry or valwdam pegs." -New York Tribune. "It L edited with great skill tad one are its weekly appearance gives It certain adves- tyte. over its monthly rival.'- Albany Ar�� 1t furoi.nee a complete compilationd as lndlspeosbie Iitereture."-Chic cto Evening Journal. 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