The Huron Signal, 1889-1-4, Page 7, TILE Ill!1;ON SIGN IL, le.11t1AV..T,4N. t. 18$9- S NEWS OF THE WEEK• 1 silo w ki b. Mreer;d ng o hwere•Lot' EUROPEAN, thew. se far as eueld be seen. He killed Attob Paella has boom appointed Terk- ish Manaus( of /beano.. Iles.. at I1aeso,u Baal. pleetafwl end the Golf covered with The Rumina budget for 188!1 shows a rurpise mounts of two minim. roubles. Several shucks of eartbyuake were felt Friday in the easter, and south - seamen parts of Spain. From Stakim the Soutti•b Burdens have sailed fur Sea It le reported that Osman Dena i trying to oulNut forces at Hacdueb. The widow if Lawrence t Iliphant, wits leaves Ludo, suvu fur Syne. nomads iv .,side permanently is that .mushy with her relatives. Mears Sheehy and Ftoucsee, M. P P. have tepee auatlnuned to snsinr to the charge of inciting teswts to adopt a policy of Iauwidatioa The expedition to Thib.t, whish was organised by the late M. Prepevaleky, ped gut a number on board. (1n hie retirement from the poet of General Massager of lb. tjoebee Central Railway Mr J. lt. Woodward woe pre- sented with a handsome testimonial by lee admiral* at Sherbrooke, and was tabseyueetly eutertaiued as • o,mplh- taeetary banquet. several proenitoeet giatkr.n being present. S Thompson, the oldest Mame in Lr.odon and prub.nly the oldest it. Canada, died at the Old Men's Home, LosJou, Oot., ne Wednesday. He wee • native of Beifeet, Ireland. was 9.3 year* ,1 age, and was • Mason for 78 pier. Latterly he has hewn cared for by St Juhtt'a Lodge 309A, an . will be buried by them. Mr John Lowe, Deputy Minister to Ottawa from a trip to Manitoba, esti- mates that •brant 23 per omit. of the will start ort its Juuruey ou Meruh oast wheat crop was touched by fort, but. under the command of (Ail. Wttn11 notwithsiend,nt tins farmers have dune The Parts T.espa deems the report remarkably well and notes for agricul that the Tunisian Government will teal implement• har• ores mor shortly expel Italia. em lopes unl.s promptly met than ever bsfor., fully they bemuse Freuab or lissome sob• 0 per ceut...1 such note beim g retire! lie Tbs Vor1A German Guvtte repeiets die Cologne (lus•ite'a pus.uw'teeing' Sir R. D. Muter, tse British ambsasetlur at St. Petersburg, thus giving an vfli:tel stamp to the Cologne (male', asertiwa. Prof. ()effaces was examined is Bee he on Thursday in er aoeeteve with the dory of the late Emperor Frederick and ha whole carver. Hie trim* will begin at Leapsic about the middle of January. The Berlin Post says that all efforts have failed to obtain sews of the fate of the Gerona East African eutpsey's efal- ct•ls at the stations in Umpire and Kin goer, notably them at Kees and Mpw.pwa The Persian Government baa iwseed a decree rvetricting tavit•turn on the Ka- roo in below Asset, baiting the stay of torten, vessels to twenty four hours, prohibiting the sale or I.... cf land to !strutters. end forbidding the "entree. teen .4 work. with foreign repeal. The is regarded as especially aimed at hub trade. Tits London Tablet says : "Mr Gl•i- atone, in • litter t , the Marquis Dori s% says that the position of the Pope is importatmstenough to merit iaterr.otion by in times) arbitration After re- marking that he prompted the Alabama arbitration esbme, Mr (i!adstu•w add* that arbitration wend possibly unlock a difficult question, and the project has his full and warts sympathy. AMERICAN. Diphtheria ii raging with fe.rfnl re- sults in the country districts of Pens- syvans. The &mericao Government waste $2,• 000,0110 freer the Government .4 Hayti as indemnity fur the seizure of the "Hayman Republic.," At Newport, ft I., the funeral of Mrs T. T. Pituaan, widely known an "afar Eery Dean.. was held in Belmont Memorial Chapel at lalaud Cwuietery Friday aftersooe. Mn Persons, wife of one of the ex- ecuted anarchists, was announced to speak in Chicago on Wdeed•y even- ing, but the police took possession of the half and dispersed the audience. At • convention of thanlee-ia•1 pro. lemons held is New Turk on Thursday, the National Academy of Theology was (minded. The object of the academy is the prueeestion of theology as a 10311100e. On Wdeeedsy night a house in the eastern part of Harrieoebure a'arty. Va.. in which • ..umber of cue -wed peo- ple were holding a petty, was Mown up by dynamite and several of the ie - mates, it lewd, fatally wuund.d. The anneal mimeses of the American Society of Naturalists began on Thurs- day afternoon fn the physical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Uaiversity, Balti- more, Tao society embraces among its members tke moat distieggsished satu- ralista ie the eoantry. Governor Beaver, at Peassylvasia, has announced that the Mato debt hot been reduced daring the post year $1,- 118,530. O•e of the gs►versor's pet schemes is the total satingstehment of the state debt, and he is bending every energy to accumplisb this before his term expire*. The United States acthortties have ordered all the dives in the Vermflline Iron range district of Minnesota to he closed. Some of the dive keepers hare been arrested on a ebarge of selling lienor without a license, and worse shorge, ere pending. It appears that the melbas of the Wisconsin pineriee were resorted to to obtain recruits for the dives. United Sates Consul Hotchkiss at Ottawa, in a report to the Department of State at Washington in regard to the export duty on lumber, says that there ars do/bo, as to the constitutionality of the law, sad that *Sort* are being mad. to secure its repeal. It• .store.raent, he says, M very detrimmeaal to Wm in- terests .4 those manefattorers in North- ers Michigan who perches Canada.. timber limita with the intention of tow- ing the logs across pie gsire to prefer - uses to moving the mills Se a. CANADA. Mr Dickey's axeat majority is Cava - barked Coast?, N. S., i. 1007. 0. W. Colter was en Friday nominated by the Refetsso to represent them In the mune' 'antes' in llstdlrnt The Deputy Minister of Manse daisies the story which bee been eireu• listed to the •Weet that the Dominion 0overnen.ntpse+pn.se e•bddhd.t abs seal fisheries is tri ulna[ et At Law - It is ueder•en.wI le Winnipeg, that the Northers Panda • MaeltMa sail• troy, despite the Nesmt &sides d tho Ilalwtte Overt will prase 14 • Demise 1M soarer as the fasthewrieg seigisa of Tb. streasp ei the Aglsalltsel Mal Aste Amenities d a reed'* as Twaw- 1m instil desidd that, easing be lis eserine of feed and settle be many NM - wield be advisable to heti( • `- w bald IMA. A Mae to Deesetteeperre. Mrs Roheti Wiliam/on, of Glenda, Parry Sound, Out., says, "1 enutd not keep house without Hagyari'. Yellow Oil at hand. I have used it in my fami- ly for croup. sore throat, and • cut tout, and out highly recummennd it to every- b►dy. A de epeteb has been received at (k • taws from Lord Salisbury to the effect that the United States (internment has allowed 11000 indemnity to A. E Hath - way. a Canadian, who was arrested and imprisoned in Fort McKenner. Wyom- ing Temtory, in February, 1883, on a charge of &mortice from the United States army, which was found on invest -- NM I., be iwa rreoe, and he was re . He made application for indem- nity through the Dinerstein Government with the above rule "I never felt hotter in my life titan I (n have tie taking Burdock Blond Bit- ter. I had • *seers billions attack ; I could not set for record days, and wee nuable to work. One bottle cured me " John M. Richards, Sr., Tara. Out, Fur all billow troubles use B B. B. A bucket shop a'ndscted by Cherie* H. Wright, at Adelaide street, Toronto, was raided be the polio. recently, and and Wright. Edward K Driscoll, • tele graph operator, and R000ert a Barton ar- rested All the papers, documents, eta , that or old be found were taken to police beedq.artan along with the three prison - en. who after being searched were lock- ed up. but were shortly alter allowed to go upon each depositing $100 in sash as a g.arsntee that they wooed appear is the Pollee Court in the morning. • severe That. Frances S Smith, of Emsdale. Musko- ka, writes, "I was troubled with vomit - tog for two years, and I hale vomited O D oh.. et five tomes a day. (toe Crottle of Burdock Blood Bitters oared toe" The teems of east. Severe pains in the towle and stomach ate often speedily relsevd by the appli- eatioo of a has of hot self. A week so• lobo• of salt sod water is recommended by stied pdyeia•ns as a remedy for im- pMfewt digestion, and fur • cold in tee head it is • a..replete cure snuffed up from the bellow of the hand. We have known severe chronic cease rf catarrh entirely cured by penitent use of this wimple remedy Very night and moraine for several eoliths, when the best efforts „( the beet physicians failed to do any good. It should be seed milk -warm. A scud handful of rook salt added to the bath is the next 'beet thing after an "ocean dip," and a gargle of • weak so- lution is a good and ever -ready remedy for a sore throat. As a dentifrice malt sad water is very cleansing and alio hardens the gums. It will also prevent the hair from falling nit. When boil- ing a steak throw • little salt no the vela and the blare front the dripping fat will not anevy. A little in starch, boiled or raw. will prevent the irons from stick - ug. If the Irene are rough put • little salt oe s thick brown paper. lay • piety of thin muslin over tit and rub the iron over it till perfectly smooth. Ink wins are entirely removed by the immediate • ppli.adom of dryisalt before the ink has dried. When the oak b.eoeee diseolor- ed by sb.orkieg the ink, Week It off and apply more ; wet slightly. Continue thin till the ink is all removed. If new ealienee ase allowed to lie in strong salt water for an hour before the Brat wash- ing the adore are less likely fade Damp salt will reeNsve the diweoloration of imps and assess. mused by tea and are - less washes,. A te•epooe,fui of belt in e ach kern.., lamp makes the oil give a meek dearer, better light. Mases S..rersabse Rona Found at :ast, what the use public has hoist looking for these many years sad that is a mediates whisk although but lately istrad. eJ, has made for itself • reputation second to nose, the medicine is Jnhaeoe'a Tunic Bitters which I. atn'enchon with Johnson's Toole Liver Pitts has performed anew mist woederfnl owes impure or ta- pveriahed Mood sone been.• purified tied swished. Billioweneas, isdtg•aties, sick headache, liver eoeipleint, lamt.11r, weakest*. eta , noes ,disappear she. treated by theme eteell..t tonie thelia eines. For Sale by frond, druggist. bias blush, Oodsside sole agent. • WserliaM Oren. The lamed asMM, sad rune that p1aas a centralis` putt 11s tie health of the body i. the lest. 1R ow tensile* site* the SwholeWeggimm diseased,I,S'o illMade spookily for Liver Megases, and f0 meirs1=11.10 MI= sod Dr. r A 1krrRg fs•ape. "tee Mt ,as.. I metered with •y Mass'snd •alaq•1 tensile. i way sort week I 1 tl•Mored four yearn and had shield tress thee dossers ; they said I ovoid batt• t• .adorns an eperatien. I ttisd KILL lsot.sd. One Inds Bend NSA K. A. Brodsh, Refits., Oaf; • COUNTY CURRENCY. sass from all aver eseidea.ed free. Ka camases. It is mid the peat year's building «per atiuoa nn Wiisgbam aa•oeut to •b..et $32,000. The Dwyer firm. near Blyth, hes bee.. pureheeed by .1 H Grutuan. The prim, paid was E2,bt0. Last week the Henry Berms' farm, Grey, was sold to Thomas Maund- ers, of Ethel, for $3,300. Tender* are being received l..r the budding of the new Idethuatet church. Blyth, ora eyeing. Meer* Peter Moodie aid J• ho Zettle of Zurich, cut • green ►.emelt lug. IC t•ic!ies in diameter, in 53 w.x,oda, willa a lance tuotn saw. haat this who can Mr U... McNevght,:m, the wall -known hu,ider, Iiru.a..la. te engaged potting to the machinery :n Due flea mill at Kouthaapt. a Just now. He un derstasda the whole sap buss. A little soon .d hlr J. lin II Hmadfuo,: IN( the tops cut off two of his h"yen in the furniture (scurry, Sealoreh. on Yr. ray last. John Ilene., Brussels, bas come loser fr.,ei Sault Ste Merge, where be hos been (air upearJs of • year. Hu talks ..f try- ing British C..luwbte nest spring. Thomas H WI i , of Relgrave was . ne of tine successful •tretem.ls of the ()uteri,. veterinary who received a diel non from the• Agri cultural and Arts Aae,ciat,o,n, Torut.to James Dueiford, Brussels, has 'rages ed of the dray, boron, Ac., to Robert If ir.Herw,u who• triol p,sasau.n la., Monday. Mr Henders..s wile till th,- bill well. We bare quo! beard what Mr Danford intends doing He will, pr* • hab'y, take a trip tv the west where his brothers are. Mayor Inglis, tt Inghamo, has di.poee,l of Lbs last *4,500 true of cou.old.ted town debentures 4. Mr (1 A Stamsmn, of Torunh., at 103 1 16. This is a moat excellent and creditable es!e. Mr I) ' Sisal*, wife and daughter, are in Brussels, from Sacinawarie. Miph. U A thinks there a no p! !see (Me- tairie, Mars particularly a, he Cad dos n with the a ee fur snore toil., while in the laud of the free. He purpose* lauroca- ing out Into Manner agate before .ut.el East Huron Farmers' fel nate in Brussels ou Friday std Saturday, 11t11 and 12+h January. i'r,•f. Mins, s..d o, • cf the other Pr,leasurs, not yet meet will he In attend.nce. Vs. C. Haseiwr■,d has purchased th. hoes. and 1.3 un Huwick-st , 'sVrtitet, r. lately owned by Thomas lt.11at,tyse The price paid for the property was a moderate one, tba lot being eery elk ill. for betiding purpose', Mr James Watsoob hal on. removed Mei Varna a ora p,asosaion of the *oNOUNCE'0 6Y ARTISTS TOW TME MEM (arm on the un road, "sr tsfo-oh USE INCANADA,sedopal tsRekeit UAW Olats which he rchau.l l r.,m Mr* Jobs I mousse* steatite dilly sed %light is pl0 Puna. Ag he Mr i l carry hes ,gee • Pi/Imo Los m into farming he stil still carry oras lib bwinem of eolonsettug atoll fretmr... Mrs Touter has remured to Nguema. ilio MIN lssgRa OINNNATI V1111 Tit pw0aSlslttt Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness, None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND Dots for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Mamma and take no other. A Doss Dyed FORA Coat Coloed 10 ferments Renewed CENTS. A Child can use them? As rbtwtsm and M,wc•sar Dr, look o.. WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO. l iontr•al. P. 4 DESTROYS AN 7 r emowirs'M RMs or ALL WINOS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SIN LET AS SYRUP ANO CANNOT O1_lCATC CHHARM ILD E- EWCOMBE PIANOFORTES Elegant In Design Solid In Construction Excellent In Tons After fourteen reo.ntto' einem, borne with psee..1c. and Cl.r,•u'tn rwrgn• iv:, oCTArive NCWCOMDC • CO. the wife. f the ger 11141111111111111 ItIST,TWITS the Metbouat church, Vs rims ch etch, peeled le her real Stbe ass • quiet, tiuobatrwrve, tute!ligeur, nrduetrr us e ntomb, for twenty years the faithful helpmate of an itinerant w.ni.ter. The induction of Rev Thomas David- son Into the pastoral charge of the Presby. tenon «,ngregation Wet -meteor, took place on Monday last seek ut the presence of • large and deeply interested cesgrega ton A very sueoesstul and pesassut reception and social were lu,d iu the evening, and the new paster enters up'.0 hie labors in his bear field ut.uer Use moat au -p ens& Circa m.tancea. DUNN'S BAKIN POWDER THE GQQr'S BEST FRiEldfl Oe Christens afters...nu, at the ad- •• mooed age of 8o years, Mrs Tholes• scribllers MIIZfflO/UAgnew, sae, Marnucb, calmly •aid peace- fully departed ibis life. She and her husband were among the first settlers is this community, and were bkaaed with a long and peaceful companionship, but as •res, „imbibe,. og s-r:han'a .Vc;r,_far aim all earthly ties are bow severed, we Isiah tem...- It the malt winner sad enterprising the bereaved husband many blesatuga its heur�rrt baters.te ll s e. pr r ren during the remainder ..f his life. i,.ve ,ems drawn 4. it daring the past vii months In the Iwcreasrd ex,•ellesr-e of its For 1889. Deal yeriMse. ken no mi in buying medicine, hut try the toast Kidney and Liver regula- tor, mom.''. he Dr Chase, author of Chase's reosines. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver. Kidneys, Stomach and Bowel. Sold .by Jame* Wilmot, druggist, travelling Suttee. (ARANO TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart at Ooderbb as tel lows : A eines Mall sad Repress . . LSO a.m. PSSm. Silted .......... .. ... 11» met. Mixed .. ..........7.13 MailT.M.m. Mall ani Za s... ............... I sb p.m Wised ................. ........... ......l ea p.m tam • i.. moa .his la w.im.e Ire aft Oa ow a•. •• rel .. are via .lri.rw hi... •.. On la r b orrow Or �S piranamia.nO dews is rad ase alb be `~► Jr: eoLre asga- b e..rrrm ee,yraateutsUnueMT;he ,tatlwa3 artivi,•.i, and is crowi at. etivii d year with a new Imprtus and as assnrrd ,o•,•'.e. The ittmtr-„quos will show some row .-ire:K. and no:bing to make lteribner'• .Vngtr:iwe attain end in- tervening will be neati-.ted. Tint RAfLR0At• ARTICLES will he era tinned by several wen striktnat paper.: owe ,eapeetally i:,:erestinet by Li-Peel-master- (reneral Thum. 1- James on "The Railway l'ostaI service. - RI eatroleJ MR R4)r.Eirr u.l'IFt RTIEVTcNNOA tt noel tel novel -The Master of R.,lvtraq" w1l- rue through the greater part eat the year. B. gum in Vi,rvmbrr. A ('ORRE$PO'liENt'E sod oollertion of manuscript memoirs 'elating to J. F. Millet and a Mamma group of modern FRENCH PAINTZRS will Nurrlrb the substance of several snick., til a,wrare+. The lime? wed ampere wrinen last year by Robert loons Hteiesieon. will he metered by equally lnierMisg contributions by different tamnts author. Mr Thome. nalt•y Aldrich will write Heedful ar them fur tbn January amber. . Wrest mind Articleem ART St'AJLt'TP will he a fes- tive. Papers are arranged to appear by Ciatsams Cook. IL H. Blaebteld, Austin Deb - era. era. and mut, umbers. filed rot ed. rlP1iiNG ARTi(-I.KP describing sport M Rea twee Ilebing monads moll appear. fees. W tautasb, Ha., sad Tarpon aro the set(loe5s mew twanged. The authors are well kno tea. IIIrarrefnL ITutATEls ART1CLF.P of king upon W mbens.r of se it tom phi. dm.criptlon. rte.. nil •p- ef the eoaveetleaal eemmg,- tamp. sweet. illearroMd. IA races the moat intermitter" In the Bet et ssiewtlee papore Mr the year wile ha • re �/w•trticle by Prreotsereer Jetta Trow- msd twee a[ PiIOTIIOns R A eat T. developments Hfiref eded �/�•��eltaas *1 *Melee wbtteb Byer/ 1`el passes aapwa ELttT)t(C ITY by •i resat aa�pp,1b atte s , b' seism[ •ah• -hies ' •ite.v 1 wnGer att,•,tg pawn. aper eaiRP xlagllro. •al stMr I f Ifedrsf4we. A SPR( AL (writs to sever feet rears e.m *Nen feelsd• •S w RAILWAY ARTICIASS as as'beive: A yearlarierlditNe Chain and IS. sent A FrettebberMatt• MR sad the atm nmm�► brurd 1• sten. M N ewes • years O mean • a...ber usememeaummeggistammemsemme CHARLES SCRIMIER'S SONS, 742-7 44 INroadtar y, N. Y. a cWg oFFE6 AN IMPORTANT MAGAZINE CLUB OFFER ti) SCRIBNER'S MAGAZ!NE at!, .:.rte -"-`.�. y!;� ly• -r �I:liiT} �► a ;_Yf '!t-'. „Cid_ u!- Ives its readers literature cf lasting 'inti fli`�y-e:�t aod value, it is fully .:r..1 bcru: i{ tet y' -. • ^�•.' Illustrated and leas zirc:_c'y iii -,t -d a than R'•ational circulation. t`.cceding' 32;:. r.:C V topics ruonthly'. et at, et A A eh A. A. it ?RICE 25 CEIYJS'A NUMBER' O3 A YkAR-i'. SPECI4L ARRANGEM � z _WI(i1mcssrs. Charljt Scribncrs Sons the PVblishc:•s erzb!e us • tx, car SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890. FALL GOODS! IQ>DW EFT -VI -.1118 OB' Dress Goods, Dress Trimmin gs SPECIAL—Tweed Dress Goods at 10 c., worth 15. A great bargain J. C. DETLOR dz CO. PLANING MILS ESTAIILISMED BUCHANAN & ROBINSON, ASAL BALM OssAsxrCg. 1)iiM11s i•.0., (/at. May 11th, tie;. rrArrvAcrt nxa• My wife sneered for eve years with SASH, DOOR and BLIND. cm was oar of the worst known lo thefts digressing disease. catarrh.Her parte. She tried all of the ,atarrh reme• dice I ever saw advertised, but they were of no use. i finally procured a bottle of Nasal Balm. she has used only one half of It, and now feels like a sew person. I feel it my duty to say that Nasal Balm School Furniture a Specialty cannotor.,nbe Vito 'les, and\ recommendedpleaset for catarrh troubles, am parallel to M1 have all such sufferers know through its use 'bey will receive instant relief sad CURE . CHAS. MCGILL Ifameiti Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's materiel of every deseriptioa. WOOD. WOOD. Parties desiring to take wood from me mese leave their orders at mace, before it is all shipped for the season. Orders will be aiteaded to It left at the following store -keepers: G. H. OLD, B. PRICE, JOHN ROB- ERTSON and JAMES LUST'. XAVIER B/ECHLER, 17m e Falls k.•srve FAPIERS' (}BISTJ(1 'vo PG'A'D U8: Are plcaraettot. a. Contain the!. oma Prrsti:. Ia . tee, ern,. and c..oernsi devereyer et worse in Children or Advil!. Fall Goods —IN— Marlow 'rumbaed and t� GREAT �A ?LOUR and FEED Eestamsee Mr. R. Price. ea Eat street we are prepared to EXCHANGE GRISTB —Ain sePetr-- FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, is any mann y and on the best of t erre Oar well-known sad popular Wanchester Mills have been recently Improved, and we are able to torn oat a FIRST-CLASS FLOUR which we guarantee to give satisfaction. HIGHEST PRlCR PAID FOR OATS Cboppt•g dose at Sc. per 100 lbs - at the milL AT OUR GODKRiCH STORE we keep roestastly an band a full supply it FLOUR, FEED AND SEEDS. l Ire n a ca -you will find os prompt sad ee A. H. CULL'S, 77 rt. 0oderich and Ma•cheser. llthl P —AND AT. -- PRIM TO SUIT ILL S. P -AT THZ- iS TORONTO CASH STOREo P. ODEA 2151- MANAGRB WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. o---ter-•-- GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, in giving the beat of valve in all linen of Furniture--frcm the smallest chair to the largest and hest bed -room set, or parlor unite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. ---0--- 4--- TI ND�,RTAKThTG1 In all its branches, promptly attended k 0 Ur EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hantL PICTURE FRAMING a specialty GBO BARRY, Ramllton-Nt.tiodalorr AderIize in The Hoi Sial.