The Huron Signal, 1889-1-4, Page 6.11,1,•••••••••rr.- THE PunoN SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1888 A CIPASTURE IN ACr.'CIJ..-YlPlit. • lareidina Whiceasta Dade. eras Opposed sa. blades. Grata. Mr Hiram Nettle cno et Wiscousies isiedieg diervnien. has put hineeelf on record as be.m.c, cppolied to the general pewee 4 bri, nit trent Tl.Ia a a moque and sear. ring depart u re trim the autism. of agriculture socept t v it. tient* out wiun. farmers ly ed la other stows ;Net of tee idea the editor of The Bono New Yorker has sent the main manta cheesed by Mr Smith Lu a ne...her of cur neepoutients. Netahreeed r:L replies received is one from T. B Terry, Ohio, who comments actor .vhIst t. t itae Mi the points Mr. Maui, it male. et it fit or of his practice. Mr Smith ..at a: "lt. lobes three Doreen on a self binder tec. t1.4.111530 grain two horse* will cut with a sea relay refer. a Memo( one third SI the ...• Terry ...mites. '.No ea ram •sibe.0 th • (rah of this, as a ge cal mi.. T. heitiime apparatus un tioubeelly uses tie fully earetitini of the potter uc ere to run a Wilder." "Ilt•er g. .•• • ekes *hoe times as long to ory Se t. t la ft i. the gavel." say s Mr .. Mr. Terryeremites: • •7aking this is'int 1 etuT fully agree with ear isemisia eased as regards tete and lye. About twit y I litee,w nothing." Me Stultio 'if Won double the time to ealuse hem'. by need Lu the barn than it doe. to twitted Mine grain witu a horse feet.' Mr. Terry: 'Although ;Mat Mr. Smith MAO /11 tLi. point 6 row, tLere aro 'mine otbio teat s in the serer corium - thin to be theeebs of by weer farmers. such se this las, ee ef itgra... grain taking Imre stomv omen. To Mr. Smith It probably 1.1...eit t•d ..9 dlffereuee how much rooter is taken, t. he has several !urge silos and puts et ooitie in them. thus Intehhefe into uS t .i. felcrat for tub purpose* • year. This le ereelant management, but margufarmers Int • not got so far Were.; beet centrism perhaps fe161or egotism ; and all seen who inow • the :story- "Sr. Stealth is away ahead of most of us. end were 6 i be best for him nue rot be .7s.• bet err the rest of tes for souu • time y t." Mr Smith: 'leer, is no gain in thresh- ing ite eat:loose :n hound." To this :sat I ny renenti tbet in his own ex- merfeeee be hie. . beeth able to get ahrt.g nearly ne feet .... on louse grain. Another reeie tr fr. se Pro:ewer O. E. Norm -went Id easwim makes the ful- lowiag eteiteeseatt "lu answer to ties ettestien cenecnriing the adrieshillity of re. tinning t he pratire SI bintiimegetau. I mey rev I believe the adveritagos t•T yrartioe much more thati cennieri.n'sreeri 'iu disadrantages for this regio:. .Glf b ediug reaping ma- chine costs mon a 4 re «tires more timer than doom in Zienme. per or a mowing semehine. The.toe binding twine is ounsiiieraide. gr1171 aid yet ripened er whey, deo•p, or when there are eately Weed"' tel. e4 h :t. there limy be IMO* trouble le hating the Weaves dry out thoroughly In the crater. on the other Land, a w, i lair teed eelf binder will easee hes.. -w'.a re of grain than when thermal hi meted wi hero bind- _ ing by any sysoett Ste ehiter I art ac- quainted, thee re lug fully equaling the omit f the twine. In rev is practice we .save *tint found say seri- al' /arable in b*.eing the sheaves thor- ougely dry. In au of rainy weather I would prefer 1r- veto to.. grain in &boils of even bowel rather than in un- bouel isheaveg ie peel as relied to- genter. newt are elori• easily on 11%'7,0 .5 end pet in tack or Miro In Arse rig he bonnd sheaf Li deal ¼dlyt JtA. We have recently there bed el. eV/0 tiushels of oats on tin ' 'item ete ills. 7 gave 8011I0 per - • a tip hi -. Loh and noticed the an- ▪ -ertie rereer .n ceemiosial unbelted abet, or t.:te ieevitahro 'scattering 4. gave. I weidedly 7 • (rel. the bound sheaves, espe-ieLy i •e este QM to be rue throrteh a feed - Indus Lachine. • • Abraost to inertial prietiee ismeoeump- Ur" evader's .tt ;or "5 Wading eTaln, a face that will not stand bright daylight anti'l knowno braveli vf farJa "rtwk exixeure. A bit of anecdote is appro• v°7"1"rnin 50. 46 I W04141 "v° l' -`)P° prime. A certain favorite actress is forty of eel -et -mg or nem_ oe• m -rally toclicage years old and over. She makes up fairly the:: practice :teas thLe. fur "girlish roles on the stage, and her famous prattle of maturity" enables her tc enact the frivolous girl admirably. But at close sight ift the cold light of day she shows her age. A friend met her in d lain rimmed to the weather or be- Broadway, and her face was enwrapped some deeempoiad. Its beat nee Is for Ma*, bettgatne. although inferior for this rupee; te r fres, bat nevertheless quite extensivele r • ed. e.;•er undergeing fer- mentations:mg ; • ith hors.' manure, It is greet ••-mn-.4.1 but tho manure will never be as gooas that where straw, inferior Ley end immer barbeen used. OEMS TKOVONT, ilebeellielle of Geed Ideas Menus natty seasees. Learning makes& visa fit ouraway for Ideaself. To rule woad( le in reality the great et triumph. louver Is the law he who rejects it will find emeei lii. torineve Pursuit, not puesesseete is to us the greatest sources of onjeyoieut. All birds that ay have round their legs the bread of the Maude. Live as long as you may, the first twenty years is the lowest half of year life. We lose the peace of years when we hunt *her the rapture • f moments. Lemming is a Menace to us whets it degenerates into peiLeirtry. The soul aids the body, anti at certair moments raises it. It la only the bird which hews up its cage. Nothing is small, in feet ; aud en, who is subject to the profound and penetreting influence of nature knows this. Blessed be the hand that prepares a pleasure for a &odd, for there is no say- ing when and where it may bloom forth. Poverty in youth. when it succeed.. has this inagnitioeut proeerty about it, girt it turns the whole till towards effort, and the whole soul towards aspi- ration. The busier you are Lbe less mischief you will he apt to get into, the •weetti sill be your sleep, the brighter ALI! happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you. Feetidiousness is only mother nem, whim to look for truth save in the nar- row well of self will find their own image at the bottom, and mistake that fur what they are reeling. What precipice. are idleness ant. pleasure ! Do you illeow that to d' nothing is a melancholy resolution ; t. li•• in idleness on the peony of se. ciety ; to be uselese, that is t • be say, pernizious I This leads straight to the depth of wretchedness. Lean] from the earliest days to insure your priumples against the perils of nth cult.: you can no more exercises your reason if you lire its the constant dread of laughter, than you can enjoy your life if you are in the constant terror of at ath. The safest conservatism, which nee -e. motes lest it fall. 1 abhor ;it is the dry rot in the :then+, and my heart gees out to the nun whc has never tidensted it in his calculations Sent eons/real sin would bare left the Apeet!es in P.,ies tine. Brehm Ultima. "After suffering with dyspepaia, kid- ney disease, Item i.f appetite and pain iii the head until discouraged, I heard of B B. B., took two bottles and am happy to say I feel to say I feel as well as erer.•" Mrs Rufus E Merry, New AlLany, N.S. 2 The Mad liable of Settle: Ilse Fare. There is one freak of fashion deserving of suppression, although it has cotne int., considerable favor. That is the revival of thick and ample veils. These are not only made to cover the face, but they are swathed across the back of the head and around the neck in an inartistic manner. Besides, they suggest that the wearer has newelare ea rhe rem. See/duet Lees it 1jtt,. nemerIel rain* at the beet, nett would even be hurt- ful if spread n the land before it with • veil in the pew style. "Well, dear," said the possibly jealous actress, "what make.) you hide yourself behind a veil in that manner 1" "0, that is after the manner of She. the miraculous heroine of Rider Hag- gard's story.'• "And do you impersonate She before Where fallen e aver are alrundant and her second exposure to the pillar of fire," t here is • cineeenieut place near the stables was the placid out vicious question "or for storing it is quite a got d plan " l to gather theren up sed rise them afterward fer bud- ding in the Melte. Although compared Something like that question is always with their bunt there is not a large raised by a thick veiL Is the concealed atnottnt Pubstamort in them. whatever there is makes • eery superior fertilizer. m Way et Proserrlat ?ma The following r v.?, for preserving tg,ga hi given tnn i Leeeish ciehange On reuses -big the eggs ;rom the nest they are coated with butter in which 2 or 3 per cent of salicylic a. itl hies been dissolved, and then they are plated individnally in a box filled otth flee and absolutely dry hawdert Care must he taken that the ens de not touch each other, sod that they are completely enveloped in saw- dust, and should these precautions be strictly observed they will keep fresh for neveril tnemths, possibly fur more than • year. ----- - As lesperleas• erste mermen peere. Mr. J. J Thome. reports that an or- chard of Bartlett pears, in which the trees were sprayed with Paris green, ahows scarcely a defective specimen of fruit, while on another tree, forty rods distant,- which was not treated with the , nearly every pear is disfigured by poison, nearly worm in the core, and by the eureatin on the surface The Bartlett pear, from Its Partitiveand texture, is particularly liable to attache of the cur - cube Mena Werth, of feeelee. A flambee of wall known agricultnrisia :milled in Tb. Rural New Yorker re oently to the query. "Pall or spring plow- ing fee corn?" All advocated the plowing of sandy sot! and Armee dillerenee of opinion prevailed se to when stiop4w clay soft end tbnothy end, bet plowing was generally preferred. Sulphate of iron is reported as the most m= of all remedies in France against RenlbOVe the seeds when feeding pump- kins to cow'. They do harm by eyeing se • strong diuretic. A Vermont beekeeper semi that a solu- tion of ends and water to moos the Mat of remedies to apply wherever the bee er wasp Wareted its MenaIUgL the sting. • ...ee TEMPERAN7,E WORK. Mesa, front All Mew Ceesse .1114 lbw lasear. Let ut suppress tiro eyfita-ualle agency for the imematien and rein vi weir. Sueoltioi teeitud the ramparts of la and custom, the %radii is proof maned ail these weapons Witch we have towed etfeetual it other directions The strong arta of asap law 41.01e, CA's nisch it We must eve' this audios sail trade in M- ention... drinks, Oue ef the first literary owe in the hunted Siete. mei le a teuiperaiwe Ise- iCr,,, "There is cos thing a limb I wish you to de everywhere ; entreat every mother eerie to ;Live • drop of strung drink •o child. 1 Leto bed to SI for say Its all my day, to keep from illyihg a uruoltati, Weame I was fed slab spirits *ler a clieltL 1 thus "retorted AU Ilieptl.ter for it illy Wlther, poor fii w, d• d a drunkard." Mr Bright seed to be toed of sales -s - Settee tu the Highisinha tee •reasour he a.d Ws party wet. retortion,/ to their tea, atter a day of too e spurt to all es - °opt Mines& --anti he had a brace of bus salmon. By the netiseie. 011 • base a Ionisers, they paused • • retched looking smut seeping, witt. his Muds en Ma foe, and all in rag.. In answer to Mr Bright II IliqUiey, he told a piteous ta • of starvation at home. ot • sick child end tire hungry children The Tribute" out hts hand an hie pocket, leo unlucki- lt had nu change. "Neter Mind, take that,' he said, ("ferule a aolUitilt. will at lean wake • meet dinner fer you owe.' The sequel was as follows . -- After washing his hands Mr Bright was owing down to dimmer whoa a girl hap paned to be croas1148 to the larder with a fins fish. "Thai is my salmon," said Mr Br.ght. 'I know heti, for he aas booked on the outside. Where did you get it i" "Oh, from Sandy," said the sample Scotch lesate, and he is lit the tap. risen. r Bright, looking rather west and Mom, forced his way lute :he tap- room, where his lactuyinese friend sat with a number of enmity% tektite ht. "nip," and in trill glee reomutiurg him ad- venture. Nor .3A he a bit abashed et the stern facie of the Peewit's Tobin's*, but had baton a lung explanatory state. dimit, shoo the glance .I scorn whteti had Moon Mot Perliament • mid audience. scent over hire WIZ11..111. a word Mr. 3..elit relented te hi. Mace. Afterwera he ices Let sr lavish with his dole.' A yeune wan was rroeuey found in the Merle y, On a paps,us 11A Vs'., pocket area oritten : wasted D. net ask auminiet about me ; drink eta t'ai cacao. 1. it we die ;lot Ile 1.4." Within a week the wiener lir Lverpeol received toter 200 letters nom father. and mothers all miser Neeland trkine for • deecripti.ni �f that melee min lloW liairatIre is telt fact ! tVhat a story it tees et tenure desolated by strong drink ! A young luau in A'manauce County, .Notth Cotten*, who had been on Irotiken debauch for 1...131 days. wet.t henry and turned his horse Its Ilia hither • oonefieid. ilia Loiter iimeestrated with him, a -id told him to pet the horse and feed min at the barn Tee young * Weems:3 incensed, went into the house, pro:aired his shot -gun. anal shot his father thra.ugh the heart, killing him instsetly. N., wtrud.r ass insuy yes.ple are casting to drive the grog aloes out the ----- Daweerees t'suatertelts. C emterfeits are always tisneerotta. more so that they •Iwat. closely net Tart: Tillt it IN ArrItAilUSCS AND NI Ma The resew liable stem us achieved by Nasal Balm as a peewee cure for Catarrh and Celd in the Head has ir- Whistlinc ;pre are. epilog sip all slyer the country wite a piesniew IN arid stem - ',teeny that indicate an appellee:, ar d altegether unsutireated anieuut of pte- retail practice- ••••••••••••••• ELT Saver is estarrh--hiVitte peculiar symptoms. It is attended b" an Indianian ow.dition of the linnet mete - UNDERTAKER three, affecting the lungs. Au acrid brunet of the tear -ducts and inumbus issecreted,the discharge arum Di- mmed with a bunting woreation. There are severe spasms of ilitiooing, frequent attacks of eeolettee, watery and talent- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Raba is a reme- dy that ow le depended upon. bOote, at druggist* ; by ineil. regietered. tiOcts. Ely Brother., °sego. New Yurk.Ic E BOOTS & SHOES DOWNING'S. W. Mee wade es treordlc ary preparations fee a • renal,g fall and winter trade. We here all THE LATEST STYLES iii low•prissed goods, AA ea ie THE FINEST GOODS MANUFACTURED We are Jura'. tolled tire leadersa LOW PRICES style. arid variety of iroots. Give is. • call and I wt:1 show you The Largest Stock of Boois and Shoes of every De- scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Lunt- bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western Ontaria, 'They are as britibt at Moro prices (.0- risk, ant will be sold at • small advance en cost. E. DOWYING, erstere Week. Coe. LW -at- and preen - — - D. CORDON, REJ Man of this town for the last 10 years, and la yet. Amy person wanting a First -Class Job, ccme to me for it. i ant bound to get your trade if Quality and Price is any con- s;Jeration. &toed unprincipled pertain to imitate M. The public are cautioned ant to he Om waved hy nostrum. imitating Nam! Balm in name awl appearance, hearing such IMMO! as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, te. Ate lot Nasal Balm and do not tele imitatimi dealers may tom upon you. -10..r sale by all droggiste sew Jost -paid on receipt if price (5'tc and $1 by addreesiug Fulford & C.; , Bruckville Out. t f Me Meant Wbas Me *all. Clarence and Mande been out to he 1: torte hey had just gone througl. the formality of a supper after the pie She hid said she wasn't hungry, and he trusted her. tie thought large, dreamy th..ughts and pictures of his wash bill ; land- lady • wildly reproachful face sank like burning brands unto hie brain. Tee evening had been an eventful one for hon. FourL duare for a carridul age, dollars for theatre tickets, Lw.'.lase for the rows which she wore s' am:dully, and five dollars for the sup Per - They rose to leave the restaurant, and as they pawed through the .1..or he held her hand fur an instant and whispered earnest ly : "Maude, you are very dear tc me." .1.•••••••••• It is very lard to do Inteitoss ea her - rowed brains - Miltoraile• Jeurred And yet • New Jersey millionaire woo remarked 'litmus arc the cheapest thing in the market. A Prolltahle Lite. Few men have aicompirshed the same amount of week and geed in this world as the celebratel Dr Chase. Over 600,000 of his works have been meld to Carotid.. alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, 'hue pewits, Headache, Kidney or l'iiny Trouble'', to buy a betue of Dr Chases Laver Cure, it will cure you. Medico:0 and Receipt, Book $1. Sold by all druggists. "Ceurt the fresh air day and night, - says a medial exeliange Thai's geod entree for the ;orb., hut if u ate a Tering nein you had leiter c on the fresh ' To the 11.-dtrat Preseottom, sea alt warms II may roaren. l'hosphatine, .me N ee lerixt, a phase Elioniert hosed upon Seieetitic Fares, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D of Beaten, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Ha.adaruc, Ner- voes Attacks, Vertim. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases ef the human system. Phosphatine is not) Medecine. hit' a Nut rimmit, became it contains no Vootahle or Mineral Petrone, Opiates Nircetics, and no Stimulants, but 'imp! ly the l'hosphatie and Gartric Elements found in our daily foed. A single bottle is 'efficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.0J per bottle. Leuze & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front tatrert East Teronto. Mere Tremble May be ripened, S you do not heed the warnings of na- me and at :ince pay attention to the maintainance of your health, How often we see a person put off from day to day the purchase of a medicine which if pro- cured at the outatart of a disease would have remedied it almost immediately Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the tine uneasiness made its appearance the illness would hare been "nipped ie the bud." John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine on the mar ket fur general tonic and invigorating properties. Pills 25c. oer bottle. Bitters 50 cents and $1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, 'tole agent. I bi He =THINS, CLEANSING, NEAUSG. Is Cowes CATARRH, Cold le Neal, been in the NAY MIL had habit of playing from itch. ol, and he had been tely lucky in getting out of the i scrape. But hs was caught one day sad I brought before the teacher. "You are late. Where have you been ace young and beautiful, like that of the truant wondrously preserved She, or too old fur modem sightliness, like that creature's woolen - sum after the wrinkles of • thousand year' had suddenly appeared t -New York Letter, Coasasaptlem Sairrly (sued, To Ti Kniron :-Please inform your readers that I have • positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption, if they will send me their Ex- press and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Seectet. ly 37 Yong* 81., Toronto, Oat. A story is told of an cid clergyman who had the most unbounded faith in Watts' hymn book. He was fend of saying that he could never open to any page without finding an appropriate hymn. A mischievous son thought it would be a good joke to test his fathers faith. Flo he took an old song and past- ed it on one of the pages of the book, over a hymn so surely that it could not be detected. At church en Sabbath morning the minister happened to opts cm that very page and commenced to read, "Old (hums is Dead." There was a sensation in the audience, Ho looked at the choir and they look*/ at him, but seek wag hie faith in Watts' hytens that be undertook it again, eons- inencing with the MM. line. There was another sensation in the audisses. Lnokiag at it again, and then at the choir, said be 'Brethren, it is here Is the regular order in Wattshymn book and we will sing it anyhow," Ezpel the Worms by using the safe sad reliable anthelsitatie Fromm's Worm Powders. 15 Wee :e.siess "I've been sick." "You don't look sick." "Well. I'm better, but I've been sick, all the same." "You ga right home and get a note from your mother, or I will punish you severely." He went off and was gone about We minutes. It was pretty quick work, and when he handed the note to the teseher she thought the handwriting didn't look like his mother's, Rho kept her eyes as him as she opened the not., but he was as bland and as innocent as the best buy in the world. The note read "Miss Please excess John this aureola' fur heist late, eon be broke his leg. Mrs. la MOW. and NUM Petal. Dyspepsia is dreadfol. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to wed nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful thine* is esistecree. It is easily pet out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, sad sissy other thieve which ought not to he, have mode the American people • nation of dyspeptics. But Ors..'. August Plower has doom • wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the Assertion penia so healthy that they ma enjoy heir meats aged be happy. Itentemher happiness without health. But Orsee's August Plower brings health and happhimes, to the dyepeptits. Ask year dregegist for a bottle. Merwaysave teats. wetly IrWielee largwenverem Nasal manages EASY TO USE. Into lltit thrust end enewagre ezpeeteradms mused by Cie tattle mid by Dm:NW& or Not pre -paid ea receipt of price, ilet. and A•dress PlOLFORD • Os.. Illionikeitts, Owl. SWIMS oredi lea* wereeeer. oriel NOON wish esteraresstssmast. mire esa mew an Erse.atell llama I. sal sem yee bweees 51. se lee Woe As 5weele We... dna se Ws we boos ealea. Wisbeeews War ow as se • e 4I wire lestie el woe am aim eit "CV °snook*. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Thilcieles &lithe oleost amities id RIO Bowels. Kidney, and Liver, stma bevel( iprodualty arithOtd arstabiaies all the irepirrities and humane/ the eseretiostet at the ems Mae Oe.eeslb A4•11. Ihs etgansek =4•11,BLICIsinni=41,116 =Mal, Oriestieath=reigh of the Ma, Thrqpq., Vistas, Jet=olhet Shen the NOVVOIIIIMOOO,PlUtOrtNew ersi fti i aSan and =soy other elesilar OeinpleilVocigo ths ha Whoe* ad I. — a OIL Paressaaa eaussa, il''' t A • I have an immense stock of Furni- ture now on hand, and carry more Undetaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. HEARSES SECOND TO NONE. PICTURE FRAMING AND GILDING DONE. re • • eee on t ani • Ciel. of a irro*i of Bl.iad Shade nollors at 16 Cents Each. Now A your rime it yea want cheap Wad rollers. COME ONE- COMM WAREROOMS :--Betwecn P.O. and Bank of Montreal. MUM II.1AVING RE - A". lr I.' It NUMMI my Moe la the Was dYle, pet la These Sew Illorhert'5oftis. el them the cob wated Reeh••t•r rause Chairs. sad oral a ievrowyeria warier, we are ta• peddles to de NOW Weekthan hallo. ore. Lady's & (limner, liaireuttingmata .seetit .pecialt on ad Ramose aad ground. 111111MIMIMMII WW1..2C1NTICFIXT, M 1104.1 ni est Street. two doors east of P.O.. Iliediaileh • FALL MILLINERY! MRS. SALKELD has ooened out a most attractive stock of Fall Millinery. la RIBBONS, PLUS SHAPES, • and everyUling ere pertaining to the tale. The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value. Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable rates. PA MMUS DYE WORK*. Tonere) -al set also the array I. Me esities tor as ode. bested Miter nye Works. Toronto. °niers eutielted and asirahrfatmed. !heats her ThIlle NEW ANNOUNCEMENT 1 luin aims cemmenclao wows.. Wm to tillorloos thee be be. pele Ern The eadeestease. while thaskled die polite b. Meer lamest votresses bwl prises, te Roar Berrom Fzerass ma wishes eartecularis to call attssettee to hie SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS From 10 eta to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prun pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 S crubbing Brushesfor 25c. Lemma Orldiese, Mired Candy. • No. I Obooshie• DNS% Oa, sta. oiesenii Groceries, Crockery, Glassware. Floor, Food JOHN ROBERTSON 1111170071113111111101R TO 0. L. itdrzitriroom Blake's Bloek. the Square. GotIstiok. MD Marsh eat. MIL .